Hey guys let's release the game early instead of finishing it so that way people can play it before EVO
SF will never ever truly die, SF to fighting games what Mario is to platformers.
No matter how shitty it gets it will keep selling.
-Let's release a game with a terrible netcode and no penalty system for rage quitting. We can implement some half-ass system once we make some money off of disc-locked content.
-Let's tell the fans we have a planned schedule concerning the missing and disc-locked content only to fuck it up within 3 months.
-Let's ruin characters like Boxer/Balrog*, Alex, and Guile, as we do little or nothing to balance this game (because EVERYONE loved Third Strike's balance, right?!). While we're at it, let's outsource our disc-locked characters like Ibuki to some artist.
*Not even Combofiend can explain why Capcom ruin Balrog/Boxer by getting rid of moves like his head-butt:
If your only answer is, "Wait and see," something seems fishy.
Except SFV sold like shit
I don't give a shit about SF.
Why would I?
The only good things ever emereged from it are comics and porn.
Because anyone who haven't bought in but wants to/might is waiting for the ultra edition.
Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha was the best of the post pixel SF games anyway.
That alone I would have dropped it on…if I didn't get it for PC.
Even so, when are companies going to stop releasing games with no fucking content? How many have to flop?
I am starting to wonder if all these games are just giant money laundering schemes.
Maybe its the change to Unreal 4? Still, I don't get why, especially why games take forever to make. Devs bitched about tech holding them back last gen, you'd think with more resources at their disposal they can make games quicker and more polished
Third Strike sold like shit than SFV did
How expensive it would be to release arcade-perfect (i.e. rom) version of 3rd strike on steam?
Why won't they do this for quick buck?
I know I would buy and play for a while?
That whole page is amazing.
There already is one, it's called FightCade, no one would pay for something they can get for free. And knowing Capcom, they would fuck up everything additional they add, like rollback netcode.
They could've been underfunded.
Her joints look all fucked up.
Yes, that's accurate to her in-game depiction. :^)
The 8 frames of lag is an intentional gameplay design.
It's meant to stop people from being defensive and make them keep attacking since the lag will stop you being able to block or counter as successfully and it's also meant to make the online and offline feel similar.
Now now, the grudge match between Viscant (?) and low tier dindu was also good if only for the trash talk and a tiny white boi schooling a niglet.
I want to think so, but we're talking about Capcom. People were lead to believe that after a developer of Tekken discussed why the newest game had more input lag, and it was to ease the transition from offline to online.
I seriously hope you aren't that stupid
pls no, I can fap 3 times in that time.
I don't know about gameplay design, but it was added to make online play easier to stomach so he's right about that.
As for how it affects the game, it punishes reactive players and makes it a more reads-based game. It's not necessarily good or bad, it's just a simple fact that this is how the developers approached the game.
But its the sexiest of the street fighters.
fightan is meant to be played on the couch or in the arcade together, with immediate access to the hardware
sf5 is officialy butchered tournament-wise to cater to casuals or autists with no friends
Was the game ever finished? Did they add the other charcaters and made the campaing dont suck?
Every fucking time.
I need influx of scrubs like to at least being able to hit anybody. Being flawlessly pummeled and then refused to play with aint helping anyone to git gud.
You read the newest comic series?
It's pretty great
yes I agree with that statement whole heartly
If you're too autistic for basic social interactions you should stick to the SP
This certainly USED to be true. But Arcades are all but dead in the west and players will either meet in tournaments or online. Guess which one is bigger?
It's sad but it's the direction modern fighting games are taking. We might see other games ignore this, but they are likely to suffer from netcode issues themselves I'd bet.
Here's hoping technology improves to the point where we can go back to lagless gameplay again.
Whoa there my normalfriends.
If I wanted basic social interactions I wouldn't be playing video games to begin with.
It certainly has the best nude mods.
Removing the buttslap was a sign that they had to pander to make up for the game being shit. EA panders all the time and look at their garbage.
This is why I have faith in KoFXIV. SNK have been very upfront about development and don't need to censor.
I don;t really care what happens to SF, I prefer SNK fighters and capcom's non-SF/Marvel fighters
Street fighter fans are the worst.
You people literally are battered housewives.
It wasn't intentional and someone at Capcom who apologized about Ibuki also said they were going to look into the input delay issue.
Man I feel sorry for PS4 owners. They have no butt slap, no jiggle physics, 8 frames of input lag, no Alex model fix, no upcoming Ken model fix, no way to change the survival mode to be a single round to get all the colors easily unlocked in minutes, and no color editor to change any of the colors they don't like.
Also the PS4 only has like two good games. Bloodborne and another game but I forgot what it was.
Where is this at?
Bloodborne is literally Nightmare Creatures HD, so that's not really an accomplishment at all.
There's an upcoming Ken fix? Where?
It's a work in progress but it's being made by the same guy who did the Q mod and the Alex fix so I have high hopes for the finished version.
Got 4 malware alerts trying to enter the site, what gives?
False flag. It uses the generic zetaboard site that usually gets used to host fake download links that are actually malware. I'll just post the pictures instead.
Definitely seems unfinished even excluding the lack of animation, wonder what face they're basing it on.
Nog detected.
Probably an original face. I think the nose looks weird and the hair looks too angular but I'm still waiting for it to finish before I judge.
The entire genre is dominated by groids and steezers, I doubt the they require much intelligence
Nigger detected
I remember reading that ages ago, and god damnit it brings me back now. Elena freakishly tall and super optimistic, actually getting their research on Africa right, Makoto being a no-nonsense fighter and Ibuki just wants to be a student. Plus the artstyle is gorgeous.
Fuck someone post the entire thing already.
You need to reevaluate your life if removing as ass slap is worse than a game being an incomplete piece of shit full of disc-locked content, potential microtransactions, and a joke of an online mode, and shit balance.
Normally I don't support pirating, but Capcom deserves to lose money for this shitty game.
I thought the input lag was in both versions, as well as the legacy controller feature is fucked beyond repair? Anyway, It's a damn shame Capcom will probably drop their support for the PC version like NRS dropped the PC port, telling PC owners to go fuck themselves.
So…how's your PC port of MKX?
It's not just Capcom fanboys; it's the fighting game community. They don't want to call Capcom out on their bullshit because Capcom can take away fighting game tourneys/sponsorships from the fgc if it doesn't get enough asspats. The fighting game community doesn't want to lose its only opportunity to make a living out playing terrible fighting games, smoke weed, and act like a toxic manchild-faggot on a daily basis, so it takes whatever bullshit Capcom, NRS/Ed Boon, Arksys, and Bandai-Namco give it.
But that brown sugar is delicious, Mr. Dubsman.
It's 9 if you play on PS4. It's fucking unexcusable.
I'm sorry you're underaged, user.
You do realize that a big part of Holla Forums supports this game right? You guys are hypocrites.
Sure thing user. Come over to the Fightan general and drop that hot opinion on us. See what reaction you get.
fuck off
does that mean that Smash is the superior intellectual game because the top players are all white?
It hardly looks that way.
I don't get this, I thought the internet had advanced since the early 2000s?
I can even get 0ms ping on a source engine mod server and my internet is a piece of shit.
The only answer is casuals. It's done to "even it out". Early games didn't have this shit, quake 3(NOT quake live) is tight when playing on modern connections and still very playable on 56k. No lag compensation is best compensation.
It's subtle but it paves the way.
Tell me when you sell more copies then Pokken.
Kill yourself shill.
Nigga help me.
That Ken looks like poop though. A bit disappointing.
The original isn't that good but at least the textures aren't wax and has an expression.
Impossible, unless you're the server host in which case no shit there wouldn't be lag between you and the server. Internet is not instantaneous. Information still need to "physically" travel from the client to the server and back, so there is always going to be unavoidable latency when playing online.
You are right about one thing though - it is a change meant for casuals. Casuals care more about online, so put the input lag to make things more consistent between online while crippling offline play with that artificial restriction.
Fuck off faggot
Bottom of the OP, under tools.
I'll buy it when it's cheap since you can mod back in the ass slap and jiggle on the PC version apparently.
Then why are you complaining about not being able to play a competitive online game?
It's around 30 bucks on G2A but seriously don't get it just for the ass slap. Wait until it's a full game at the very least. They've already confirmed arcade mode will be released down the line and the game can only get cheaper over time.
Seriously, don't do it.
Damn, it only has the instructions made for the beta in mind. Too bad.
it's the truth, but it only happens for brief periods
I'll try to get a screenshot with lower ping, I would think by "0ms" it actually means 0.9ms, 0.5ms etc
server=Rain's neotokyo server
It must suck to play a shitty game for a living (Even Daigo is having a hard time trying to enjoy SFV).
Full game is the same as the beta so that's probably why they didn't bother to update it. Also the reason it's so easy to bring beta files (like the jiggle) back into the main game.
Question: are you the one running the server? If not, what is the IP?
The specified directory in readme isn't the same. Some folders are missing.
Unless I have to make them myself, I don't know.
You could always do what I did;
Editing them again is just a matter of repeating the last 3 steps (just quickly uninstall and reinstall the mod after saving the new colors). Also you don't need to restart the game to see the changes, just go back out into the main menu and reenter training mode.
The PC version will be auto upgraded to the inevitable Super version.
Sure, but it's never worth buying early. Trust me, I bought it for 30 bucks too and I still don't think it was completely worth it. Just wait, it'll be cheaper AND complete.
according to console
but you can't miss it, there's only 10 servers on the whole game.
Nope I'm not running it, but I can bet it's close. down to 3ms now, though there's a lot of jitter because of my shitty internet at peak times.
Still, back in the day 100ms used to be considered pretty good. Now it's basically unplayable on modern games. shit netcode everywhere.
Thanks for the idea, I'll try it out.
It must be really fucking close.
Like same ISP close.
Good luck, just remember to run the mod manager as administrator.
It worked. Thanks, mane, I appreciate the help.
You're welcome mang.
Any of you faggots read the new Street fighter Unlimited series? I will storytime it here if enough of you faggots want to see it.
Nope, the PC version is selling just as well as the console version so they wont drop support.
Which this is probably the first time a major fighting game is getting half it's sales from PC.
I think you mean "let's take SF4, replace its gimmick that people bitched about with the exact same thing under a different name, and stuff the roster with characters nobody cares about".
I'm pretty sure he was saying that removing the ass slap was a sign of all that other shit. Capcom going "oh shit, the game is terrible. Quick, pander to somebody."
Why does Genzoman's art look so fucking awkward?
Everyone that deviates is low tier. Defense sucks, why did you do this Woshige?
This game is so boring to watch. At least Nash can zone.
nope, according to server owner it might be in london(unsure because it's rented I guess)
that's over 100 miles, my hops were similar to yours TTL 119. I was expecting the same town.
but still quite jittery. CSS on ukcs is unplayable for half the day. for 10 minutes a day the connection gives me god mode, then returns to crap again.
How's Zangief in this game? All I care about in this series are the grapplers.
As in stabbed with a knife? How do you stab an intellectual property?
Bottom tier.
Sorry. The best grappler in game is Mika and she's El Fuerte tier.
Alex is your best bet.
So… Makoto is a fucking bitch. WHO KNEW?!?!
It's always been awkward. The guy still uses the same colors and poses in every picture. Genzoman has been getting worse for years, but companies like Blizzard and Capcom still pay him for shitty art (because their audiences' art standards are very low).
No one knew this game was going to be that much of a piece of shit even if you followed it since day one. Nobody would care about the ass-slap if the game was, you know, actually good and complete.
Alex is shit tier, and Guile isn't much better.
Like said, Alex is your best bet, but he still sucks.
Has crapcom released a balance update yet?
No. No word on anything like that either. Just words from Capcom that they are listening.
I don't think we'll see a major balance patch or retooling until after December.
They said they wanted to wait for the meta to evolve which I think is a reasonable idea. Unfortunately they decided they would only put out a balance patch when a year passes so that Gief players have to eat shit for a year
The game doesnt have much depth to evolve to begin with. It's not like in SF4 where there's many options to make someone play a character differently, and FADC really changed how one plays the game or uses EX moves. In SF5, they put a lock down on many kinds of moves, and it's essentially turned into a light version of Marvel.
mfw SFV is something Capcom pulled out from its ass
Wasn't going to buy SFV anyways, but is it too much to ask for another Final Fight game?
Where's Karin X Ibuki ?!?
The last time I played a game so in need of fan-modding to make it playable was Skyrim because it was rushed to meet the 11-11-11 release date.Same thing happening again?
rip best girls.
Not even Capcom remembers you two anymore.
>you'll never play as Zombie Belgar as a secret character
A man can dream.
Maki was in SFAlpha 3 Max Upper
I don't even know what that game is.
SFAlpha 3 Max Upper is the "improved" console port of SFA3 with more characters added like Ingrid and Yun (yes sf3 yun).
dat's mfw Capcom will never make another sprite based SF. Zero 4 and 4th Strike? Never….
I just want good sprites art with good games. Then again, I could just shut up and play retro games.
Time to get a PS2/PS3 emu and download fightan game ROMs
This is true. At the very least this artificially-imposed lag will help make my reads-game godlike for whenever that lagless time comes.
The only people trying to do just that is Lab Zero, and 8ch is one person seem to be grasping at straws for reasons to hate them.
they censored skullgirls just in time for their SJW game kickstarter to virtue signal
they don't give a fuck about SG, why should we
What about the 4 dozen other sprites with pantyshots in them?
so they're hypocrites?
what about their lead animator hanging out with flynt and doing a panel with him
what about her deleting some tweets aswell
I guess that makes her some kind of pansy I guess.
At least she works out. Though she looked better as a chublord.
Kill yourself, fat people are disgusting
Nah fam
I suppose you give a fuck about SF V for taking out the butt slap, and you also hate SNK for not giving you the exposed bra on yuri/king on kof XIV, you will never ever even try to play these games because of that, i am sure, because you stick to your words and are not an hypocrite right?
The only thing you can give shit them for is for "muh pantyshot"
is ryu supposed to have a scar in his chest like that?
V is a pile of shit as far as being playable upon release. At least for me and my pc. Severe optimization issues and obviously bad net shit.
It's still fun to watch tourney play of. It doesn't really seem as exciting as IV, you don't see too much unexpected stuff, but USF4's meta seemed pretty crazy and there was a huge cast.
Honestly I'm not even upset about the flop, it's done a lot of good in its own way.
The thing is, it could flop, and it's still going to be more popular than GG, BB, Smash 4, and likely Tekken because Capcom can sponsor big events and get big twitch and yt eyes on it.
They're just as into cultivating the scene of Street Fighter. This keeps casuals droppin the dosh on copies throughout the games lifespan and their plans for V are just a way to maximize the profits with even less effort.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard the only things they're correcting currently are glitches, bugs, and major imbalances? And this is always online why?
Video games, and this extends to media in general, is becoming so bad I feel like I have to shut out ninety percent of it. I don't get how anything finds support anymore. Even anime is getting crippled.
Maybe I'm just depressed and tired.
More popular than those things, sure, but nowhere near the giant outnumbering SF has had for years, it's more popular than the rest still, sure, and may stay that way for a long time, but tons of people have jumped ship, and things that were never as popular, like KoF have had a huge resurgance in popularity because of it.
Capcom will always be trying to milk its cash cows, and casuals will always be there to soak it up. But after V the playing field has been evened out a ton, SF is done being the 'end all be all' of fighting games, and is just 'the pretty popular one now'
KOFXIV has a lot of hype right now sure, but I still gotta be pretty skeptic about it winning over a lot of people right off the bat. I am really excited for it though tbh.
I guess I'm more disappointed that Capcom could've easily rode sf4 for another year and dropped sfv after evo. Some more costume packs probably would've justified whatever the costs involved.
I heard Capcom might be able to re-negotiate some terms with Disney to possibly do some stuff with Marvel again.
It does seem like they're done experimenting. It feels like up until 2003 or so Capcom had this constant deluge of fighting game releases that were all pretty much awesome.
They just ripped her from capcom vs SNK. CVS3 never ever.