Alt-Right BTFO!

Alt-Right BTFO!


Made me kek. Now fuck off back to leftypol nigger.

I'm glad someone has a sense of rationality here


Jesus Christ just stay on cuckchan or r/the_donald how the fuck have you not realised by now

sinead and matt are ok
red letter media is pretty funny tho 8/10



kek you're more of a retard than the guy who thinks this is Holla Forums, at least most radical leftists hate Israel so it makes some sense someone would make that mistake

so wait you like Weev and Baked Alaska and you still think we want you on Holla Forums? Please just stay on cuckchan where half the people who post there are still retarded enough to label themselves alt-right you dumb fuck>>962627

Trump was a mistake

Where's Cernobitch and Milo?
Good pic btw, fuck the alt kike.

they've both disassociated with the alt-right

Ramz Paul dropped the alt kike cause he cucked out and loves based niggers.

So that means they areā€¦ /ourjews/?

I don't get it.

Also how is this television and movies?

I don't think Trump has ever associated with the alt kike but he's in there.

just fuck off you retard, he regularly calls out "based minority" e-celebs. He dropped the alt-right label because it's being lead by disingenuous kike lovers (literally).
Weev is a full-on kike FBI paid opposition, Richard Spencer is the leader of most of the "alt right" and he's literally a homosexual and for the most part likes Jews

Holy denial batman

Holla Forums is not part of the Alt Right, by the way - they leech from us.
Now, The Alt Right and Alt Lite are Jewish attempts to make we, the true threat against the establishment, just another controlled opposition.
So far they haven't succeeded.

But really, OP, step up your game, your shilling has become boring.

When did he? The farthest Trump went was to post some memes from r/The_Donald, which is not Alt Right, but spergs.

mods ruined this board. Just accept we're Holla Forums now with a Hollywood theme and you'll be a lot happier, seriously. It's gonna be this way for a long time until it finally gets through to that dense as fuck BO how reddit this place has become but it will happen even if BO is adamant about embracing this faggy shit right now.

you literally said "I agree with everything in your post and your image" you dumb fuck. Holla Forums is autistic as fuck these days.

how is that supposed to be a bad thing, or even just worse than a board to actually discuss movies?

But people here hate the alt-right. Especially Holla Forums.

weev needs a more semitic nose

looks like a bunch of glow in the darks

it's not if you like that but the fact is most of the people who actually gave a shit about this board left. Some of the regular threads we used to have don't happen any more. We had an influx of a bunch of Holla Forums retards who were tangentially aware of our memes and spammed and continue to spam the fuck out of them. In general boards can't cross-meme and crossposters stick out a lot.


This is Holla Forums if it wasn't thread would be deleted and OP b&. Will probably get a sticky instead.

You're a failure!

what's he calling himself these days, a white nationalist? that would be even funnier tbh.

Ramz Paul dropped the alt right label in it's infancy and he's always been very milquetoast, after all he is a fucking boomer, he wants america to be white but he doesn't want to take the roas that will lead it there, and so he's a cuck.

I inb4'd you faggot.

Ah, the classic kike tactic. Once you find that calling people racist isn't effective just try to create a schism by claiming their shills, or not hardcore enough. Same thing happened a decade ago with Ron Paul.

Whatever Ramz. I'm still not donating to your patreon just because all your 'controversial' videos are behind a paywall now, but please do continue to fling shit at everyone while never earnestly refuting any arguments. Interesting how the only interviews Ramz has ever done were with Jew media personalities. Yet, he never publicly spoke with anyone on the right, even when we still considered him /ourguy/, and he would have been met on friendly terms.

he dropped it at heilgate

That doesn't even make sense. They constantly name the Jew.

Lol it's Holla Forums and reddit at the same time goys.

I can feel a tumor growing being my left eyeball

it's true he is mild in that he's not vindictive towards kikes, I agree. But I like him because he's at least leaning in the same direction as me just again, not as strongly to the point where he expresses hatred towards Jews. He still acknowledges to problem with Jews.

Yeah they moved to waifuist and bane, unless you're talking about the GoT general which has long been overdue to die.

If you lurked more, because you go to Holla Forums shitpost, then you would see that many people there would agree.
The Altright is full of kikes and controlled opposition.
Just look at Milo, or Richard Spencer's close circle.

Holla Forums is always right and we're the mechanisms of change, not those fakers.

Couldn't you be more disgusting than you already are?

Lol, go back to TRS you clown, eveyone in that image is either jewish or a fed, the only division that's created is between idiots and people who can see past their noses.

such as the GOT general with all of gifmaker's autism? good fucking riddance

are you that much of a dumbass that you think the massive influx of people to Holla Forums during the election were not primarily from reddit? How fucking dense can you be. We know this, factually, with infographics and statistics.

A decent time to drop it but my other point still stands.

Lol what crawled up your pussy?

not denying that I'm saying OP is most likely from Holla Forums and it's pretty baseless to say otherwise. Holla Forums's opposition to Jews isn't racial, the picture looks Holla Forums judging by how it characterizes the Jew as a malevolent creature.
Or it could be Holla Forums imitating Holla Forums but either way it's 100% correct so who cares?

I suppose you're right in that sense, plebbitors have shat up Holla Forums severely which is why it's a chore to browse now but I'd say most of them have fucked off by now.

well, technically he's also not a boomer, he's gen x and he made a couple of vids against "boomer conservativism"

that's the one regular thread that hasn't disappeared, seemed strong as ever when reddit-season started back up 6 months ago for the new season. And no I'm not one of those faggots, what little I've seen of the show was enough to let me know how awful it is without the fucking Maisie autist spamming any thread relating to an actress' career on here.

you realize GoT threads only died down because the season ended, right? Every reddit thread we had 2 years ago we have x10 here, every good thread like the TGWTG threads can't be sustained with the amount of spam from Holla Forums, waifus, etc. That push it down the catalog.

Ramz solution to the Jewish problem is to cozy up to them and hope they give us permission to have a White society pretty much. He's maybe a thin layer above Sargon, but doesn't acknowledge the female problem and thinks we're going to find Aryan princesses in wheat fields. He throws shade on the right far more these days than he does toward the establishment and his criticisms don't make sense. He'll whine about Richard Spencer for jokingly throwing a seig heil, but he'll hang out with a guy who used to literally dress like a nazi, and was the epitome of what he calls a "14/88", like Harold Covington. He's in this for the bux and the prospect of a political career that's never going to happen.

OP is not from Holla Forums.
He first came here from the Holla Forums Reddit's recruitment, but he used 4chan before.
After coming here, he spread using Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /a/, Holla Forums and Holla Forums - the most popular boards.

If you search enough, you can find him shitposting in these places.
In the beginning he was a hardcore leftist, but with time he softened it and is now shitposting both against Holla Forums and Holla Forums, pretending to be various persons arguing.

In the end, the guy really is a no-life loser whose only joy is to attention whore on imageboards.
He also destroyed Holla Forums, by the way, and got banned from 4chan.

And Holla Forums too, maybe he goes to /waifuist/ as well

are you guessing or are you a faggot janitor abusing your power building up opinions from post history? if it's the second you might as well post his history for everyone to see if you're going to ruin anonymity anyway. Serious I'd rather you be open about being a cunt so at least we know whose anonymity has been tarnished.

Poor you.

I'm not even the guy he outed but if he's gonna be a cunt and do this he should post a screencap.

You realize Ramz isn't really anti-jew, and claims to have been raised by a Jewish step-father, right?

Why can't the Holla Forums do anything other than edit right memes? Why can't they make oc?

can you verify this? Find it hard to believe I'm not aware of it, pretty sure I've seen all his videos that weren't taken down prior to 2015 and have been 100% up to date since then.
Also ramzpaul's opinion is basically self-determination for Jews is fine but none of our business and he doesn't support Israel or Palestine, he just wants a nation for European-Americans and to let other races decide their own destinies.

They didn't make enoch fat and slovenly enough

It is in one of his videos, but I can't remember which. I'm not autistic enough to scour for it.

The problem is while Israel is an ethno-state, it isn't just Jewish nationalism. It survives solely thanks to parasitism. Cutting aid would be one thing, but it isn't going to happen. Jews are so entrenched in our culture and politics that meeting them head-on as an issue has become essential. There is no self-determination while Jews control our finance, our education, and our media. Ramz is really bi-polar when it comes to how much he blames the Jews, some days he really pussy-foots around the Jewish problem, other days he blames them directly. This is also true for him when it comes to whether or not political violence is necessary. When I look at him I see a very confused old man who wants to be hardcore, but can't get over the instilled boomerism.

Also the present political struggle for nationalism is unique to Whites, kikes or otherwise aren't in any danger of survival. Appealing to them is completely pointless. I don't give a shit about the self-determination of other peoples necessarily, and they don't care about ours. I care about the future and prosperity of White Western people, who just so happen to be the only people that need any convincing, as people of any other race are no stranger to the idea of racial identity politics, they're just taking advantage of our weakness. While the mantra of "nationalism for all people" is generally agreeable, it's low energy.

I doubt leftypol would know any of these people.

Why would Holla Forums edit a Jew and not (((porky))) behind the crowd. I can tell you're not from here just by your inability to comprehend subtlety, plebbitor.

>Why would Holla Forums edit a Jew and not (((porky)))

Uh, I practically coined the term 'plebbitor'


Also, I fail to see the fallacies in OP's pic. So far it looks pretty accurate to me. Since you feel the need to call it a 'kike tactic', why don't you enlighten us on how the people represented in the pic is incorrect.

I independently came up with it and I didn't notice anyone else say it before you