Poorly Executed Chemical False Flag Attack Hits Syria... Again!

Just in the nick of time! How about that?
archive.fo/TgTl9#selection-2985.0-2985.84 Oy Vey!


Western terror media and Al Nusra [Al Qaeda] terrorist actors, posing as humanitarian White Helmets on the ground in Syria, are at it again!

A new production has just been premiered for the global audience, and the agenda is pretty clear, i.e. Assad must go, and Trump should make that clear enough instead of allowing countries to just chart their own course for the future.

CNN reports:

“Dozens of people, including at least ten children, have been killed in what is suspected to be one of the deadliest chemical attacks in Syria in years, multiple activist groups say.

Airstrikes hit the rebel-held city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province on Tuesday morning, giving off a “poisonous gas,” according to Anas al-Diab, an activist with the Aleppo Media Center (AMC).

The attack, which has been blamed on the Syrian regime by activists and condemned by international leaders, has reportedly left hundreds injured.”

CNN itself is admitting that the event happened in the “rebel-held city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province,” and that’s a problem.

Another problem for CNN and the rest of the terror propaganda media, is that this latest production, like anything else they have produced and peddled in the past, is very poorly executed.

Jumping to conclusions; something is not adding up in Idlib chemical weapons attack.

At least 58 people were killed in a horrific gas attack in the Idlib Governorate this morning. However, even before investigations could be conducted and for evidence to emerge, Federica Mogherini, the Italian politician High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, condemned the Syrian government stating that the “Assad regime bears responsibility for ‘awful’ Syria ‘chemical’ attack.”

The immediate accusation from a high ranking EU official serves a dangerous precedent where public outcry can be made even before the truth surrounding the tragedy can emerge.

Israeli President, Benjamin Netanyahu, joined in on the condemnation, as did Amnesty International.

Within seconds of exposure to sarin (What? This again!?), the effects of the gas begin to target the muscle and nervous system. There is an almost immediate release of the bowels and the bladder, and vomiting is induced. When sarin is used in a concentrated area, it has the likelihood of killing thousands of people. Yet, such a dangerous gas, and the White Helmets are treating bodies with little concern to their exposed skin. This has to raise questions.

Meanwhile, pick up trucks have been photographed around bodies of those killed. Again, it must be questioned why there are people around sarin gas without any protective gear, and not affected at all when it can begin attacking the body within seconds? Also, the pick up trucks remain consistent to what local sources have said that many of those dead were kidnapped by Al-Qaeda terrorists from pro-government towns in rural Hama.

Also, what is brought into question is where the location of the hose is coming from in the below picture, a dugout carved into the rock. This also suggests that the location is at a White Helmets base where there are dug out hiding spots carved into the mountainside and where they have easy access to equipment, as highlighted by Twitter user Ian Grant.


Other urls found in this thread:


See a clear fucking pattern here anons?

Yaaaaawn… Try something new Schlomo.

Why would Assad use chemical weapons now of all times? It makes no sense.



Hey Moshe, watcha sliding?


Double niggers, they are trying to blame an attack that just happened on Assad again. Same as before. No sliding, it just happened today.
They are implying 100 dead and 400 wounded.

I know, I was pointing out the OP headlined it with FLASHBACK! indicating that link was old but in context with the repetition of events.


I blame OP's terrible formatting for the confusion.

Btw, the new meme is Chlorine gas, because it is conveniently hard to trace. And because it has industrial applications, Assad didn't need to destroy them back in 2013.

Yah, it's pointing out the same damn narrative they attempted to use before back in 2013 to try to Mossad the Assad.

Very clear this is another false flag by the same players.

Admission of misunderstanding dubs checked. I guess genuine disruption shills aren't aware we're back yet.


Can't figure out a better way to do it than as posted. Pardon the confusion. I think this is a pretty big deal considering the timing and all. Rex Tillerson and Sean Spicer both announced changes in the Syrian policy – going after the real terrorists ISIS/ISIL rather than trying to Mossad Assad, which you know the kikes didn't like. McCain (Mr. "bomb bomb bomb Iran") was infuriated over it the last couple days.

http:// www.strategic-culture.org/news/2016/04/28/seymour-hersh-hillary-approved-sending-libya-sarin-syrian-rebels.html

Same shit, different day.


Taken from reddit, ban me.

So what's the narrative this time? Assad gassing more civilians?



Is it suddenly 2013 again?

This is so fake its not funny.

just check this timeline twitter.com/partisangirl

Didn't they just bomb Syrian civilians like a week ago?

I've nothing to add but simply bump. I've been watching coverage of this and it seems like pure shite.

The "chemical attack" thing goes 15 years back. They used it Libya to kill Qaddafi and they used it in Iraq to kill Saddam. They even attempted to stage a chemical attack in Ukraine. It's like the CIA has no fantasy at all.

fortunately the unstumpable trump wont stand on a podium and cry about muh chemical weapons like king nigger did.

Saddam didn't gas the Kurds?


You are making shit up OP, Sarin is formulated to be very short duration. Quick kill, high casualties initially, and then the area is rendered safe within an hour.

Your trips confirm he didn't. They never found the "chemical weapons" in Iraq, as you remember.



very interesting user

Pretty much THIS.

Don't have cable TV anymore so I can only imagine the amount of lying to push the narrative against Assad again.

Low energy. Sad.

The lack of discussion on this is sad. It's being said it is now a chlorine gas attack, chlorine based chemical attacks have been a common tactic of ISIS.

There's a lack of discussion because many anons think this website's compromised after yesterday's hack and they fled to a bunker.

Note that chlorine, as far as I could find, does not constrict the pupils, while sarin does.
The "doctor" in one of the videos mentioned everybody brought in had constricted pupils.
Either I am wrong about the effects of chlorine gas, or the scripts don't match up.

I'm sure all the other Holla Forums's are freaking out over Trump's statements just like they did with Iran.

All terrorism is Jewish psyop.
Including the examples that meets use to attack Muslims.

He ho I see a desperate kike or two.

- how normies presumably think Assad thinks, and I guess Trump, the neo-cons seem to have gotten to him on this. I'm just afraid that Trump being a decisive person, if he's decided to take out Assad, that he actually will …

They're doing it here to.

You don't think it's a little concerning at least? The way I see Trump is someone that says what he means, and someone that does what he thinks, on the other hand I guess he's just saying what's expected …

She wrote an article on infowars. If you hate infowars, it's SyrianGirlPartisan.


Can you be sure the doctor was telling the truth?

That's not how Americans think though. They see a great battle playing out of good and evil, and Assad finally showed how evil he was because he couldn't resist using poison gas as he laughed madly as the innocents die.

Basically Hitler 2.0.



Bump. Why isn't this stickied?
The audacity of this fucking story tellers, I swear…

Trumps response is embarrassing even the hotpockets.

Mods are in the gas chamber.


That was before he was asked to surrender weapons, prior to the 1991 Gulf war the US had no issue whatsoever with Saddam having chemical weapons and even provided them to him, the issue was that there were allegations of him having WMDs after this which turned out to be false.

Also the Kurds were fighting for Iran during the Iran-Iraq war and even in videos showing supposed victims of chemical attacks, Iranian troops are clearly visible.

Look, you got the entire U.S. State department and the media telling you Assad launched a chemical attack. What is he supposed to say? Let's wait and see? You think the media and establishment are against Trump now? Has anyone forgotten Iran? According to Holla Forums we were already supposed to marching across their borders by now and yet here we are. I get not liking the public statement, I don't like it either, but I seriously cannot imagine him saying anything else given the situation. Unlike us he can't just assume everything is a mossad led falseflag.

Fight it.

It's your duty to inform Trump.

Tweet him.

Snailmail him.

Go to his rallies.

If his supporters tell him the truth he'll change his mind, he's done it before.

 . .

Because there is an ethnic cleansing going on in other threads. They are busy.


"Victim" of the gas attacks opens her eyes.

Any chemfags here that can confirm this?

lying has been a common tactic of kikes

Anti-Assad "reporter" tweeted about chemical attack BEFORE it happened





This was a "Moderate Rebel" incident again.

MSM propaganda narratives are being used to sway the public's hearts.

White Helmets immediately being on scene without proper safety equipment should be a major Red Flag.

Fucking this. I might be mad if he actually does go after Assad with military force, but I doubt it will happen. Of course he will condemn the attacks verbally, anyone thinking he would immediately say it's a false flag is just delusional.

The main reason I voted for him was the SCOTUS position, and Trump knocked it out of the park with Gorsuch. Everything else is icing on the cake.

it always comes down to israel in the end

"You don't handle sarin-saturated bodies *without gloves* - unless you're a Syrian rebel trying to pull off yet another hoax."






it's Twitter it doesn't matter

This better not be a, "its so terrible there goy, you better bring these people into your own country because it was YOU who should feel guilty for starting the conflict in their country".

Fucking Tucker doing his best to extinguish this bullshit.

I've been angry all day about Trump's 360.
This video and that senator admitting that all of this is about stopping Iran for Israel's sake just made me angrier.
Is 2017 going to be another 2015? Why has KEK forsaking us?

This kike needs to be gassed
Also the ironic part is that Jordan is one of the major state sponsors of Wahhabism and actively rewards people who attack Jews, they were also where Al-Zarqawi came from who is largely responsible for starting the sectarian war in Iraq

2003 with the way things are going
sage for doublepost



Can't Mossad the Assad

This whole botched operation reeks of deep state kikery. (((They))) are getting desperate.

Bump. The shills are sliding important threads.



This come on mods, don't let the shills slide. Its time for pol to fight.

Another Bump so mods can sticky.

Christ, they don't even bother changing up the script.

It makes you wonder, is the CIA always behind this?

Probably, they have a media warfare department.

And a proposed
department that never got out of concept.

Don't forget Corey Booker saying the government needed to start designing their own "fancy memes" to combat us.

There is already a sticky on this subject to continue the last sticky


there's already a sticky on this topic

Damn, her holding those fucking pictures reminds me of somebody, I can't recall the name though. Anybody recognize this guy?

I've been railing against NeoCons all day and I've had more and more normies come to the "No war" side on Faceberg. Tell everyone you know not to get involved and that this is Iraq 2.0. I waa surprisee how many normalfags dont care and dont want to get involved. Only the super emotional fags and neo cons want this. I think we actually did a great job memeing America First, even better than Trump.

I was 10 years old when they invaded Iraq under false pretenses. I was too young to do anything about it or even to understand what was going on.

Now im a full grown man, and im watching them do the exact same shit again. Only this time, they will be fucking my children's future, not just mine.

Fucking kikes

They would have to do a massive false flag to get people to actually rally behind it, the support is tired and gone.

The minute "Israel" came out of that guy's mouth, you can hear Tucker go "aaahh". I may have to start watching him.

Trump says there is value in being erratic and keeping people you negotiate with guessing.
In before Trump keeps talking about how all options are on the table with respect to Syria (Russia, Iran), then suddenly makes a "concession" in order to get something else he wants.

fuck this gay earth

Welp. Trump's one of them. Well there goes that. I sure feel silly now.


don't worry user. Nobody except baby boomers (53-71 in 2017) actually gives a flying fuck about this so they won't be able to rally any military age men for a proper invasion. Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z all have fuck all loyalty to boomers.

Prepare for some "beach boy" style photos to tug at normalfag heartstrings.

Brit Am Files Syrian Leak.zip 460.5 MB
https ://archive.org/details/BritAmFilesSyrianLeak

explain a little, don't just post a link

Reminder that UK company BRITAM DEFENCE
Tried to organise the previous chemical
False flag in Syria, using a few chemical artillery
Shells found in Libya. They were going to use Russian speaking Ukrainians to carry it out.
By the way, Michael Wilkes, the head of
BRITAM DEFENCE was involved in the suppression
Of the 2008 child abuse scandal on the island
Of Jersey.

just had to post this interview that tucker was having just as the attack happened it ends as the news breaks

If chemicals in a bomb directly kill an innocent baby, that's a HORRIBLE WAR CRIME OMG.

If the chemicals in the bomb detonate and create heat that collapses a hospital full of innocent babies, that's a peacekeeping mission :^)

Sure he did, he didn't make them though. Reagan sold them to Iraq for the Iran-Iraq war. Iranian babies don't count, you see.