We're Back in action
We're Back in action
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No we're not.
Fuck. That was stupid.
Damn hackers
Russia hacked the site to stifle any conspiracy theories against their FSB false flag attack in St. Petersburg yesterday.
The timing of the attack at mid-day to minimize casualties instead of at rush hour for maximum casualties and the fact that a second more powerful bomb was so quickly found and disarmed by the government to make them look like heroes are two relevant facts. This false flag attack was to pull the national attention away from the recent anti-government protests across the country.
That the government so quickly pinned the attack on a Muslim extremist is no surprise. They did the same thing after their false flag 1999 Moscow Apartment Bombing attacks and more recently after the assassination of Boris Nemtsov.
Anyone think it may have been pedophiles?
you're lucky the report function is still broken
Shine on you crazy diamond
It had to be either a state's intel agency or assmad degenerates/marxists
Do we know who was responsible for the hack?
Best April's Fools ever
At least 6 stickies are very old and were pruned long ago, should be unstickied.
it was the jews
Someone seems to have admitted to it on the h8chan twatter page.
no, it was me, the hacker known as 4chan!
Honestly I'm pissed off at Jim for allowing this to happen. There's a current thread on /sudo/ where he says the site failing (multiple times, not counting this time) was because of literal data mining he was doing.
He promised to delete the datamining and make everything open source, but I feel like I've lost a lot of trust for this site.
Still one of the best webms made on/pol/.
shitpost testing
It was a false flag. I saw posts on Craigslist looking for crisis actors.
So what did we miss these last few days? St Petersburg Bombing, Susan Rice, what else?
there was a Spicer press briefing yesterday
Having to get my news from fucking T_D rends my soul in two. The level of muh based gays, just a plant bro, the left is the real facists xp is off the charts.
Time to check dubs and beat kikes with clubs.
Another gas attack in Syria. They're trying to pin it on Assad again.
Why would you do that to yourself, they gave that rice-farming cuck with a stick a stickied AMA right after he shit-talked the same people who sent him thousands of dollars
Even if Holla Forums didn't do it, can we still wipe that board from existence?
It astounds me that we didn't crush that abortion of a board the moment it came into existence. The time we spent arguing with those autists could have been used for shitposting, memeing, or hell even a cause.
I thought "hey couldn't be that bad!" and wanted to keep up to date. While I am informed of recent events I am filled with all sorts of recent despair over the idea that these people will flip to the left in a few years times and cause everything to fuck up again.
So alphabet agencies, did you guys did you have to explain to your bosses that you were unable to shitpos- I mean conduct surveillance on extremist websites for a few days or did you claim you hacked the hacker known as Holla Forums to get some time off work?
It must have been awkward for a few days over at the CIA and FBI divisions.
The arguing makes you stronger. Would our rhetoric or anti-shill defenses be any good if we spent our time hermetically sealed from the enemy? Observing the leftist thoughtstream from their own croudsourced think tanks lets us get out in front of their new contentions before they're formally deployed as well.
C'mon user.
Also, we're under heavy attack because of the SCOTUS appointment.
(((they))) are furious that Merrick Garland didn't get appointed, so that Israel could have a majority Jewish Supreme Court. Now we're appointing Chad Thunderdick to the supreme court and they are ripping apart their ass holes in an attempt to shit everywhere to stop it from happening.
Speaking of Holla Forums, I got a hearty kek from pic related when it was posted
Good to be back.
It'll take some time to catch back up to speed with current events. But we have the autism to do that and then some. I think the hacking unintentionally culled the shitty 4chan shitposters and left many dedicated posters to come back. Aside from that, many posters spread out to spread redpills ahoy until this particular watering hole became functional again. Kikes beware, you're in for a scare.
The SCOTUS appointment is a red herring. Obama's NSC Advisor SUSAN RICE is the one who illegally unmasked and disseminated Flynn's info. That's the story they're trying to suppress.
Trump made a tweet about Autism awareness day.
checking digits on doublechan is moronic when the posts go in a sequential number, go back to cuckchan faggot
Your dubs and your post pretty much explain part of it there. Kikes have been more and more frantic lately. They must be in quite the desperate panic with how much they are trying to shill up the board.
get fucked kike
Nigger, our religion is getting and checking dubs.
You'd think, but all it takes is a string of RL events and the right spin for trump normalfags to start questioning even the mods who keep anyone from directly naming the jew. I've seen it too, comment threads inside HAPPENING threads full of Very Bad Goyim, probably some of ours mixed in, that start to link things that would never make it to the front page. I think the biggest issue right now is discrediting the soft heads like PJW or Cerno leading them into stasis and half-assed conclusions. Whenever something big happens, those spiritual/actual jews are right there spinning something that superficially sounds rebellious, but really it's just neoconservatism for the 18-35ers
You aren't from around here are you?
Why did reddit have to come back so fast?
Who are you calling reddit?
you niggers don't know about the dubble dubs? what about the triple dubbles? dubs are plebian
Jesus Christ these 4 days felt like a month.
They mean it when they say "you're here forever".
Are you a wizard?
As much as some people like to meme, having a T_D sleeper account could or can be very useful in the future especially considering that they're large, easily led and need to get a bit brighter.
Reminder that they killed Scalia so that Merrick could get the seat, and it didn't happen. CIA is in panic mode, reminder that Rat King Chuck Schumer is responsible for numerous high crimes of treason, and his days are numbered. Trying to dismantle Trump's cabinet is part of this story, they aren't unconnected.
Heresy of the foreign posters.
Heresy of the interchanging integer checker.
Yeah, and it looks like Holla Forums decided to jump in as well.
Praise Kek!
And now to plot our revengeā¦
Fucking wizards man.
Fucking this.
same guy, told you, checking dubs is plebian. that's a real get m80s
checked, and I love what recovery tier they're in. what was it, /fur/, /pone/, some other degeneracy and them? even sissified /cuteboys/ get way more respect ;^)
I'd like to see the entirety of Holla Forums #jumpagainsttrump, But I just have to remind them of this.
A faggot who thinks Holla Forums is a hivemind.
Why does Holla Forums even exist? Haven't we raided them into oblivion, ravaged their catalog, and salted the land so nothing intelligent can ever grow there again?
I love how these cunts STILL haven't figured out that talking condescendingly to the goyim never gets them anywhere.
Holla Forums is a containment board for their marxist fantasies and swallowing and blubbering about (((socialism))). Sure, goons and kikes will hole up in that board, but if they unironically admire socialism, they're grabbing themselves a copy of the kike strategy booklet issued 6 million years ago.
Ok/pol/ this weekend was a nightmare. We simply cannot allow this to happen again. Half chan is shittier than I could even believe I go to half chan front page is actual muh dik posts in CY +2!! Other posts are obvious share blue and other kikery D&C posts and the level of faggotry there had them responding and eating their time arguing with such scum. In short it is unacceptable for full chan to be down we must have backups and backups stationed for such times.
I am developer analyst mostly C# currently but Java as well I will dedicate as much of my time as I can to making an encrypted P2P message board. However I am only one man with full time job plus family. Anyone here know of any projects underway to this end? It must be done this must not happen again!
We have to do that immediately once their board is back up. Prepare your gore folders, faggots.
I've been going through their entire catalog for the last hour, the best thing is they hardly fight back at all. It's like they know their BTFO forever. There's a bunch of sobbing threads saying they should expatriate to reddit TOP KEK they're getting deported from 8ch
u w0t?
Glad to be back. Was hopping between 4chan and voat during these times, trying to keep up to date with happenings. And before anyone lambasts me for going to cuck chan, it was mostly to see what the whole thing about april third was. As you can expect, it was a whole lot of nothing. But, I did notice something funny that happened when Gook Moot pulled his april fools day japes. For those who didn't know, a quick summery.
Any way, it was strange that day. There were some nice gets surprisingly, the 10000 get was "Can't stump, won't stump" and there might have actually been some decent discussion. If you can ignore the porn, it might be a good fall back in case everything goes to shit again. I know, I know, it's cuck chan, but in might be a necessary evil to go there
I found that shit hilarious, and an answer to your question user, maybe. Just Gook Moot sells data of halfchan users.
that sounds glorious. who knew the key to defeating shills would come in the form of pastel-colored horse pussy?
Some of these were genuinely funny too.
So just none of the ones you posted?
Humanized /mlp/ a qt.
It was fun to observe. I'm happy that cuckchan still has some dedicated anons there. Despite of all the shilling, some of them keep dropping redpills.
underrated, I see what you did there that made me kek when I realized what I said. have a (you) m8
I found the lefties, they're fleeing to getchan and bunkerchan now. Getchan is a megashithole and the mods seem like they're asleep it's kind of fun to smash them as they flee in terror
Rumor is one of them from Holla Forums is behind it.
==Do I have to use tor now?== Does 8 really store everyone's posts/ips?