Potential Happening : China to ban beards and veils in Muslim region
Potential Happening : China to ban beards and veils in Muslim region
jk libshits only cry when white people take such actions
In the muslim region. They should also ban food, and water in the muslim region as well.
I don't think they have such genetic stock to grow such facial hair. /ourpeople/ stand ready to take back the land which they unified. If you read Ancient Chinese Accounts you'll find many of the best generals and tacticians had "Jade" eyes. That is why commoners put such stones in the eyes of the statues they built for them.
So how do libtards rationalize this in their mind? Chinese people are very much not white no matter how you spin it, yet they also end up hating mudshits.
I'm eager to see the mental gymnastics for this one
i don't think progressives like china
which is funny when they stick up for tibet's right to be an ethnostate when violated by aggressive han chinese immigration
Free Tibet? I'll take two!
Intersectionality. The Muslims are more oppressed than the atheist Chinese 'fedoras'. There's some hidden Jew that looks at the racial demographics of every situation and tells liberals who his oppressed. That or the liberals themselves are racist and reluctant to admit it.
I doubt that calling them on this will have much an effect
They stick up for Tibetans until Tibetans speak up for Europeans.
Article 36 Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief.
No State organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion.
The State protects normal religious activities. No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the State.
Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination.
Feels bad man
They've done this before. China has little tolerance for mudslime antics.
Sure is cuckservative in here.
At least the people's DAILY doesn't use INAPPROPRIATE capitalization when ASSASSINATING citiZENs.
I hope chinks kill all those scum for tarnishing the White race through proxy, violent nigger Islamic scum.
So in other words believe what you want until we shoot you, harvest your organs, and charge your family for the bullet. nice.
This is why we need a global crusade to save these vestiges of humanity (if ever so distant) from the Mohammedan blasphemers and the yellow horde. those poor nearly white brethren yearn for freedom from this double edged hell they live inor kill them, suits me fine too
Stupid police and their grenade bait. Try a goat!
We should pay attention to this scenario here. The East Asians have IQs. They know what kind of threat a religion like Islam can pose to their order. It's not so much the relatively small ethnic groups that they're worried about. They're worried about a spread.
The problem can get out of control very quickly. They're trying to take a strong stance to demonstrate that thoughts of resistance are futile. I doubt that it will be that easy for them.
Just like Turks are in Europe and Albanians are White, no? Don't get involved Amerimomgrel.
The Chinese understand psychological warfare better than nearly anybody else.
It is nearly a pity that the Chinese have joined the "Community of Nations" and all that nonsense. Chairman Mao would have handled this more firmly. as it should be
Nope, not even close. Distant cousins perhaps. Therefore the "vestiges" of humanity as I said- along the lines of a Persian, or non-muddied Syrian- perhaps worthy of salvation -or not. Not my problem though, sure you Europoors will handle it quite nicely they the next you all are going to let in?. What interests me is how exactly did a Turkic people in that region survive the Mongolan horde or were they a later migration? Every -stan from the Caspian sea east has Asiatic features thanks to old Genghis killing the men and raping the women.
kek that picture, love that game
Do any Europeans banner under "white" they have a massive amount of different cultures, traditions and history that shit is an American meme perpetuated by LARPS, the German should be proud of being German, the French, French etc and still have respect for their fellow Europeans and expel the shitskin invaders.
first post
we back now?
yeah, one board at a time
I'm so jealous, part of me wants the jews to nuke them. They got Dell and HP shipping laptops with linux after Snowden, banned liberal crap like NYTimes, Bloomberg, The Economist, Facebook, banned Ghostbusters for superstitious nonsense, stole Google source code, threatened Soros. It's fuckin paradise. inb4 goon with dog pics.