Just a reminder it has been 15 years this month since a good Pokemon game has been released.
Just a reminder it has been 15 years this month since a good Pokemon game has been released
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If Pokemon ended with Gen 2, would you be OK with that Holla Forums? That would mean none of the spin offs, sequels, or remakes will have happened. Pic unrelated.
Holla Forums isn't one person
2 half-assed regions doesn't make a good game.
Yeah, that'd be fine.
The scale, amount of narrative change and overall amount of new content that wasn't shit pretty much solidly justifies Gen 2.
Every time I look at future generations of Pokemon my first question is "why" and my second is "didn't we make better changes from game to game solely on gameboy color?", because for a series of rpg's they really do half ass every single sequel they do.
That long huh?
But Gen 2 Kanto is a shadow of it's former self and Johto suffered because of it. Adding to the fact that Gen 2 Pokemon were overshadowed by Gen 1 Pokemon.
Fucking get out my face OP
X/Y were fine.
That would be wonderful
Step up, nigga.
So you don't play any of the Pokemon games? Because nothing youbsaid is true.
You mean like in Gen 1, Champ in making?
This tbh
Gen 2>5>1>3>4>6
Well, nobody's going to agree with that.
If we're gonna count HGSS as gen 4, and FRLG as gen 3, then
If we're gonna count HGSS as gen 4, and FRLG as gen 3, then
The remakes don't add enough to make it worth it. Gen III removed more features than it added, and Gen IV just barely added back all the shit that was removed before. But then by Gen V the game became short and extremely linear.
I like IV, and V to a lesser degree, but I could live without them.
And the only spinoff worth playing is Snap anyway.
But neither Kanto nor Johto is the whole game. Combined, they make up a hell of a lot more than most other entries in the series. Kanto is obviously just a postgame quest, but it means a lot to get to go and see how the world you had already grown familiar with has changed in the last three years. It makes the games actually feels connected and shows a sense of evolution. That and the other connections between I and II allow the emotional capital built by the first game to carry over to the second. Then in Gen III everything is almost entirely unrelated and all that investment built up in the players over the first two games is wasted.
And I wouldn't at all say the Gen II mons were overshadowed. They were added onto the Gen I cast, like an expansion, but they were given equal if not slightly more focus than the Gen I characters. It worked largely because you could still get all the old ones while also getting a bunch of new ones. In Gen III, they don't give you a whole set of new ones, and they don't let you get all the old ones. They give you a random mishmash of old and new, fucking up the pokedex and making you wonder why, if you can get Tentacool, why can't you get all these other Gen I pokemon? Gen IV does the same and it's still annoying there. Gen V had an acceptable solution by giving you an entire new pokedex until postgame. But all along they never should have changed what Gen II did. But with Gen III's solution they could jew you into buying remakes of the best selling games of all time, which were only like five years old at the time, (meaning practically everyone interested already owned them). Then you had to buy two gamecube games and a special gamecube gba link cable (oh yeah, and a gamecube). Gen III was just the ultimate jewry. At least IV is helped a little in that regard by having online.
Yeah its exactly the same.
I would've missed it, but have had fonder memories of it rather than now where I remember what it became.
Also Gen 3 was the worst generation. The best thing it added to the game was abilities, but it ruined a lot of other things and retread a lot of already covered ground.
Some new shit is okay.
thread over
can we at least agree gen 4 was the worst?
it didn't even list all the new pokemon introduced like leafeon and glaceon in the pokedex, and came up with convuluted means of evolving (pokemon must be a female and know [insert move here] while evolving at night through using a [insert stone here]
I don't mind the weird evolving methods, but I just couldn't stand the glacial battle speed.
Still the best pokegirl
I liked the gen 3 games though
also D/P is where they really started to go overboard with the legendaries. I know R/S had like 10 registeel, regirock, regice, latios, latias, kyogre, groudon, rayzuaza, deoxys, and jirachi but D/P had
mesprit, uxie, azelf, dialga, palkia, giratina, cressalia, heatran, regigigas, shaymin, phione, manaphy, darkrai, arceus the last 5 being like mew where you had to go to fucking events to legally get them
Incoming TRUE best pokegirl
Take those rose tinted glasses off m8, the pokemon games always gave a player ample opportunity to breeze through.
Come on a journey with me, anons.
Please don't joke about this, it's very serious.
Why i agree, this IS very serious.
If it makes you feel any better, XY has 3 regular ass legends and 3 event ones.
In terms of what each generation brought to the series gameplay wise;
>gen two fixes gen one, removes a few lesser features such as the safari zone and good level scaling. :^)
>Gen 5 gives us some niche battle mechanics with no really standout ones that change the game, backwards compatible if a little hard to use, drops a fuck ton of features, contests, bases, following mons and more, introduces really shit ones in their place, musicals, that movie shit, etc. First time since gen 3 where no battle frontier was present, has variety of facilities instead (subway, white tree/black city, PWT) overall not as cool. Peak cartoony:My moms animal design ratio. Event legends no longer have events and are merely gifts, this is super lame. Battle engine isn't ass slow anymore, compfaggotry explodes in popularity thanks to various simulators (not technically a part of the game but it's relevant). First gen where they abandonned any notion that the game wasn't just a cakewalk, the handholding "kids have the attention span of a gnat so we have to blast them right through the game" mentality sets in.
>Gen 6 brings the cartoony:my moms animal ratio back in line with gen 4, brings some interesting mechanical changes that ultimately don't radically change anything. Drops a bunch of features from gen 5 and brings almost nothing in return, customisation is a fucking sales point and not something that should be a bare minimum. (Hilariously, customisation is removed in ORAS). Compafaggotry reaches new heights in multiple communities thanks to getting into it via the games themselves being made incredibly easy, this is a good thing tbqh. Non-pokemon (human characters) designs take a turn for the absurd. Can't stress that gen 6 despite fairy/megas does not bring anything new to the table gameplay wise. The "kids have the attention span of a gnat so we have to blast them right through the game" mentality reaches its peak(?hopefully?) and the games feel ridiculously easy despite being no easier than any of the others.
wew got carried away.
Kris really is perfect. At least she got one game. ;_;
Kris is dead, long live Totodile
It's an ok starter. I never bothered with it because I like the other two better.
Here's another fag who settled for that cheap chikorita SLUT.
but it's only been 8 years since the best one, user
pokemon sage looks pretty rad
There is a big difference between optionally talking to NPC's to find out weaknesses, then fetching the pokemon you need from nearby and mandatory NPC conversations telling you exactly where to go to get the counter for the gym, or worse, actually literally giving you the counter.
One rewards a player for putting in a little effort. The other makes the player seem dumb if they don't fetch the fighting types. Not only that, but gen 5's normal gym didn't have rollout, a move that nobody was prepared for and nobody knew what it did, off the back of a bug forest.
Face it, kid, the later gens were just a lot more hand-holdy.
Rolllut's not even the only hard thing about that miltank. STAB stomp does a lot of damage, and with attract, milk drink and high defense it's pretty hard to kill.
Oh, and the ghost gym also had hypnosis and dream eater on a pokemon that was faster than nearly anything the player could have at that point.
Gen IV was the one that re-added all the features Gen III removed. Its pokedex is just as retarded as Gen III but at least it has online so you don't have to rebuy games everyone already owned. Even if they did still try to sell those games again. It also has a much better map simply due to the fact that you don't spend half the game running away from Tentacools and Wingulls. And some might say the story is retarded, but it was Gen III that started the escalation, and if they're gonna go retarded with it, might as well go full retard and make it fun.
Gen IV is objectively better than Gen III. Hell, it's better than all the ones after it too. The only thing V has going for it is that it doesn't have a retarded mishmash pokedex like III and IV do.
gen 3 was pretty great mate
black and white was probably the worst of most.
while x and y was mainly to switch to 3d models and shit and had pretty much a lack of an post game but also brought in less autistic way to get online battle pokemon.
sun and moon seem to be shaping UP to be ok but its nintendo so i won't hold my breath or anything they still got plenty of time to fuck up like they normally do
I sure do like not having all those features from Gen II. I'm really glad Gen III got rid of so many things from the previous games!
It was pretty strange how IV had both a Sinnoh and National Pokedex, the latter of which needed you to have seen every pokemon in the former - meaning that, because you can encounter either Dialga or Palkia but not both, a character in the game has to literally show you a fucking picture of it to 'complete' your dex.
I'll give you that the games are way more advanced technically, anybody that disagrees with that is retarded, but for a game that used to have such an enjoyable single player it's completely pointless.
You go from Gen 1 and 2, where you're center of your own story, becoming a pokemon master because of things YOU do, to games where the main focus of the story is that you're somehow the prophecy child, and despite there being much, much stronger trainers than you, you're still the best to stop the legendary pokemon for the game.
Why? Why the fuck would someone do that?
In Gen 1 the only actually strong legendary pokemon is given to you after the end of the game, and you it's a prize for beating the elite 4, the strongest fucking people in the game. You have the legendary birds, but they're barely any stronger than many other pokemon you can get, and even then you have to work your way trough them (apart from zapdos which is piss easy but at least is blocked until you get surf).
In gold and silver you get a way to get to get one of the legendaries after you, by yourself, managed to beat team rocket. It's something you earned. And even then, both Lugia and Ho Oh are pretty shitty legendaries.
But then, from Ruby and Sapphire onwards, you're the complete and absolute center of the story, everything around you happens because you are there. You have characters you've never met before talking around you, spouting dumb exposition. You're just like a camera on legs, looking over as other people do things and you get to feel cool because you catch a legendary.
It's so dumb, and I hate it, I fucking hate it so much. I just want to be a pokemon master, I want to feel like I'm actually controlling what's happening and not just along for the ride. I want to be a person in a world that exists without me, not the centerpiece to some amazing events that have never happened before.
And sure, I'm probably a giant faggot for over analizing these games so much, but I loved this shit. They had such a nice charm to them, that all of a sudden just disappeared like it had never been there.
And god, I hate the dialogue. I've been replaying Crystal lately and I can't believe how much the dialogue in a kid's game from 2001 can be so much better than the newer titles. Before it was just some kind of backdrop, just to connect together places or give you some exposure. Now it's just so dumb and patronizing.
And can we talk about the TRUE end of G/S/C, where after going through a completely optional area, one of the hardest in the game, you get to face Red. Your character. The person you made into the legend he is in the game you're playing, and you have to beat him. That is so much fucking genius that I can hardly believe it was thought of by the same people that currently make the Pokemon games. That is the biggest fucking most satisfying game end that jerks off the player that I can think of. I love it.
Even just considering the newest games as expansions on the originals, Generation 2 and Generation 4 are the only ones that actually expanded upon what was already built, taking pokemon that used to be completely pointless in previous games and giving them new life by adding evolutions that actually fit quite well.
And what do you get in the newer games instead of that? You get mega evolutions, possibly the biggest fuck you to people that wanted a return to form, one of the dumbest additions I think I have ever seen to a game. All of these could've been just normal evolutions, pokemon like Heracross and Pinsir have needed one for so long, but no, instead you're gonna get this overpowered form that looks cool.
I just want a return to form, I don't even care about the designs of the pokemon, I just want to be the center of my own adventure, not some magical faggot.
I loved pokemon, and what it turned out just kills me inside. If that's the curse of autism then I'll bear my cross.
I would, Gen 2 was the last truly good Pokemon.
There are only so many designs before they all become uninspired.
Gardevoir a qt
That's fine. I just wanted to vent. Replaying the old games has made me really frustrated to know what happened to the series and that people actually like it better as it is or just don't care.
It's Fallout all over again…
Cross gen evos are cancer. Megas are much better.
I will agree with you on one thing, pokemon singleplayer hasn't been good since I was 6.
You're free to have your own opinion. I just personally feel like taking the previous generation, making pokemon that were previously pointless usable, and kind of bridging the two worked incredibly well and really felt in tune with the world.
Some pokemon can't evolve because an item, or the technology to make them evolve isn't available in the region where they can be found. It's cool, and it makes sense.
The megaevolution stones just seem like a weird magic gimmick, that is activated trough a highly technological instrument, that somehow, against everything that has ever been thought possible in the pokemon universe up until that point, can make a pokemon evolve for just a certain period of time.
Just the idea of megaevolutions sounds really dumb to me, not sure if I'm the only one.
wow its megas
cross gen evos make a pokemon into a new pokemon that's usually worse design wise.
Literally just the visuals for day-and-night, calendar, and backwards compatibility. Yeah, backwards compatibility was pretty big deal and is only missing due to jewing, but the way people exaggerate the flaws of the Gen 3 is fucking ridiculous.
I mean you don't see people excessively complaining about Kanto being a fucking ghost-region and the level scaling being shit in Gen II.
>caring this much about story in a Pokemon game
"lol autism"
Megas restrict you from having more than one in your team, and seeing the way they're adding them there's going to be a lot of restricted pokemon you will never get to use. It's kinda stupid.
Not to mention they decided to add megas to pokemon that were already incredibly powerful by themselves, which breaks the game even further. It could've been done right, but the way it was done here wasn't the right way. It really just feels like an attempt on "how to make the player feel cool". It's low effort, it's bad game design.
Also I really wouldn't complain about the designs of Magmortar and Lickilicky if you're going to praise megaevolutions. Because Megaevolution designs are probably some of the few absolutely atrocious designs that have been made in the newest pokemon games. They look out of place and straight out of an edgy anime.
It's not about story though. It's about how the game feels and how you progress through the world.
It's important. The point I'm trying to make is that the story was barebones, and that's why it's so good. There are events that happen, but the only thread that connects them is you, trying to journey to become better.
It's cool and there's very few games that actually do it.
A lot of mega pokemon really do look like digimon.
I mean, mega beedrill for a start.
The point of megas is to be able to use anything as your ace, ideally everything gets one eventually.
The designs of them range from godawful (sharpedo, salamence) to fuggin great (beedrill, mawile) with everything inbetween. You don't need to use them 90% of the time as they come with the tradeoff of not being able to use an item. In fact there exist megas worse than the base form because of this. Which is retarded.
Cross gen evos often lump cancerous designs on things you liked and there's no real going back. Eviolite helps, but at the same time, eviolite results in chansey and dusclops being superior to their evolved forms, which is retarded for the same reason as some megas being worse than the base form.
I will say the "able to use anything as your ace" goal could have been achieved better and in a more uniform (not reliant on goyfreak making new designs), but I am happy with megas.
Blastoise is the OG digimon. It's mega even follows the same philosophy. "more gun"
I guess that's fair enough. I still feel like the idea of mega evolutions just don't fit with the game at all and would've liked a little more reasoning behind them, you're supposed to suspend your disbelief way too much, even for such a dumb game.
I also personally feel like all the megaevolutions look awful, they don't try to make something new like most normal evolutions but just take what is already there and make it bigger and betterer. It's such a bad philosophy that I just can't agree with it.
Again, by question has to be, why not normal evolutions. Having an ace doesn't work with the game, you're supposed to use it such as one, switching out pokemon and using all of them. Having one single pokemon that can be stronger than everything else because you have the magic power just reinforces the incredibly bad idea of using one single pokemon through the whole game that so many kids follow now.
Have you seen a kid that has never played the originals playing the game right now? Their team will be composed of their starter at incredibly high levels, and all the legendaries they can catch.
It's so against what the intial point of the game was that it's almost disgusting to me.
I just don't like it. They leave a sour taste in my mouth, trying to change up a well enstablished series the worst way.
Nah. Platinum is still the best. It's the only one that had acceptable AI difficulty whatsoever.
Every game other than that one has been easy as piss, and also, Platinum is STILL the game that has the most shit to do after beating the story.
Outside legendaries that's how it's always been. Starter level 90, first route shitmons level 10. Maybe something else. Maybe.
You're a bit delusional if you think that isn't how it's always been. Also;
This is why all the gym leaders and your rivals have had aces since forever right?
I always tried to have well-rounded teams.
I was going to include a picture of someone shrugging, but I don't care enough to look for it, so consider this a verbal shrug.
I played the games since they were out. It wasn't like that, none of my friends had their team done that way and they actually knew what they were doing.
Then again, sure, might have been just my experience, but in the newer game it really feels like they're enforcing this, they're just going along with it instead of discouraging it entirely. It's pretty meh
Also I wouldn't consider those pokemon Aces. They're just higher level pokemon, and they can switch them in at any time, even before they're starting to get fucked. At that point it's more about how you play the game, you have people that level up one pokemon slightly more, and others that keep them all at the same level, but even with 3 levels more than the other pokemon in yours or theirs team it can hardly called an "ace".
So do I user. Counter shrug.
Hardly, between the exp share and giving out more pokemon for free (kids love them fuckin gift pokemon) your average retarded 10 year old will have a more diverse team than the average retarded 10 year old in 1997.
Starter/Kanto Starter/Lucario/Lapras/First route shitmon/First route shitmon Or a fossil even?
Starter/Lapras (under levelled as it came that way to begin with)/x4 shitmon for HMs or some shit, or not even that, fly/cut charizard reks.
Also you literally just described an ace. Well done.
A pokemon that's a few levels higher than the rest isn't an "ace" unless you're autistic and keep your party the same level.
While handing off the EXP share the way it works now from the start is a shit idea, one thing that I am kind of glad about it is stated in that sentence. In order to prevent over leveling, I swapped out between 3 different base teams, with those teams themselves getting some tinkering as the game progressed. It let me use pokemon that I wouldn't really use because they would otherwise be a complete waste of time and resources, and it still kept the game at a level of difficulty that I wouldn't consider insultingly easy.
In fact, I sometimes feel like that might have been the real intent behind this, but then I remember what company we're talking about here.
If you use it the most, guess what buddy.
Never underestimate the incompetence of gamefreak. Shame, all their not pokemon games are generally pretty nice.
We're operating with different definitions here.
Best pokemon experience I've ever had.
out of topic but i recently downloaded X and was wondering one of you hackermen could pass me a 6IV ditto
This was harder than I thought it would be.
Would you smooch a Zebstrika?
I'd teach a Zebstrika to smooch little girls.
no, but i'd smooch a psychic boy
Platnium and HGSS are among the best pokemon games.
This tbh.
I started using that picker a while ago but I started picking pokemon with respect to their appearance in porn or how they'd look if I drew smut of them, so I stopped because I couldn't choose anymore.
the artist drew him like that, what you want me to do
The lack of this is why the industry went to shit for RPGs. Even things you'd think of to bitch about first are caused by the design philosophy of starting at 'The world is for the game and the game is for the player!' instead of 'The game is for the world and the player is a faggot who needs to git gud or git out!'.
I mean shit, we reached a point where even MMOs and games that naturally would never make sense to have a single le chosen one to base their stories around ended up doing it anyway. That's how bad shit got. Fuck the world.
Pokemon hasn't changed in any significant way. Stop being faggots.
Reported for not even trying.
OP, why are you such a fag.
Gen 2 was still the peak of Pokemon and the series will probably never be good again after X/Y.
I enjoy the idea of giving something for fully evolved pokemon that are just shit to allow them to be competitive and not forgotten (so I think beedrill is perfect for this), but other than that, I agree with you completely and would prefer just standard evolutions when possible.
Again, that was just a case of bad design. If mega-evolutions existed back then, you know lickilick, Tangrowth, and Weavile would have been megaevolutions.
Best mega goes to Manectric. Disappointed that this thing isn't just a proper evolution.
I agree, slapping a mega evolution on a underpowered but widely loved pokemon is a great idea. But does it actually fix the problem? It makes new problems of its own, especially as more things come out. Was Gengar really that underpowered before he could Mega? Did Mewtwo really need one, let alone two? Why didn't they just fix the pokemon in other ways like changing their stats or movepools between versions?
The real problem with pokemon isn't that some pokemon are underpowered, its that there are too many pokemon that can do the same fundamental thing. How many mono-electric do we have? Hell, there's now three fire/fighting starters, enough for a physical, special and a third one. And I'd bet that out of those three there's still one that is just considered the best because of movepool/stats.
They needed to be making their pokemon more diverse by gen 3, not retreading ground.
It really is such a crime that Kris wasn't in HG/SS
Was there even a reason that she got replaced?
Better question:is there a romhack or something that puts her back in?
True, I really hate how it has been handled, but what is done is done.
The question now is how does Gamefreak go about to fix the series now? Any ideas?
Gamefreak doesn't want to fix the series. It wants to continue being a cash cow for Nintendo. So instead of fixing it, they will likely add another gimmick that will make the fanbase go crazy like fusing with your pokemon.
But to fix pokemon? Make a pokemon MMO.
How would that fix anything? Unless you mean to change the movepool, stats, typing, etc on certain pokemon int this transition, I don't see that really changing anything.
You are my nigga OP, 2nd gen 4 lyfe
There is no way that pokemon will ever have an environment where everything is equal and competitive viable, even among fully evolved pokemon without mega evolutions. There are too many similar-but-better options.
If you really wanted to fix pokemon you would have to chop out a lot of fat and replace the pokemon with unexplored type combinations like ice/poison, electric/rock etc.
However making a pokemon MMO would change how the game is played, even competitively.
Forgot to mention you get an Onix trade in the first city and there's a route with Geodudes in the fucking grass.
You also get a trade Machop in Goldenrod
Could you even get a Drowzee by that point?
Drowzee is just outside Goldenrod, route 34.
I'll have to go replay.
I'd also like to reiterate, the point was never 'it used to be so hard'. It's 'Now the game tells you directly what to do'.
Jesus no often I see someone with taste that great. Manectric is best puppy.
nice bait you tasteless faggot. i fell for it
I'm going to bump this just to spite you
pokemon was shit before gen 3. the only reason you think you had fun with crystal is because your childhood was miserable and it offered a small reprieve from daily ass rapes by your uncle
I'd say it was the opposite, Pokemon after gen 3 was the only bad thing in my life when the highlight of it was getting raped by my uncle.
i cant do anything right
How many magikarp did you catch with this low quality bait?
It's still a slow, unplayable 30 FPS mess. They barely fixed half the crap wrong with DP
No, literally the mechanics for day and night and other time related events, such as specific things happening on days of the week. You couldn't get fucking Espion and Umbrion because of this shit.
And even longer since gold/silver
Im not gonna say the other gens are shit. They weren't as good but they improved the mechanics and had some good mons. However, any other gen's legendaries will surpass these two
*no other gen's legendaries
my bad. Lugia>ho-oh
There is less usage than in Gen II, but it still exists.
This is true.
That's an outright lie. Time-based evolution still works in RSE and was only removed in FRLG since it's a Gen 1 remake.