Sinead McCarthy chimpout recording?

Anyone got the recording of this crazy bitch's chimpout over the phone? Its been scrubbed from youtube, and the dubstep remix is gone from soundcloud.

Pretty amazing that they were able to scrub it all. I checked my links and all gone.

Why did she chimp out? I've heard it a few times but couldn't last long enough to figure out what the problem was.

Because of shperecucks like OP insulting one of the few strong white women remaining

It was some e-drama where I believe the antagonist made a comment implying her child should be taken away by CPS. I erroneously listened to it on a slow weekend while cleaning and my ears never recovered.

Clyp .it/24ise1uv

It was Evalions ex-bf. The whole thing is pretty gay.

Nobody honestly believes the Earth is round, do they?

Did he really go to prison for incest?

No idea. I know of only 3 things in regards to the world of Sinead and anything she is connected to:
I. Flat earth
II. That audio clip
III. E-celeb ergo cancer

That audio clip is the most effort I have ever invested into her aside from things I've read in passing on here. You'll have to gumshoe that info yourself and face yourself in the mirror and convince yourself you didn't waste your time.


Just made one of the entire clip. I was going to clip the crazy part, but thanks for saving me the effort

dumb psychotic bitch, and she says she never fucked niggers LOL bullshit

Some others.

Oh and remember, Sinead does the voice for the non-existent celebrity V.K.Clark, and many other imaginary girls.

Part 2.
Never finished it but you get the idea.
Mccarthy is a trained voice actor, these "new kids on the block" never appear on video, because they don't exist.

Yes, Varg is aligned with these Kosher shills.
Hard to believe (because of his image, the exact reason he was recruited) but true.
V.K Clark's "WW2 books" and Varg's "MYFAROG" share publisher.
The MYFAROG acronym looks reminiscent of "MGTOW" because the Kosher right who employs Varg and writes his material, also created and run MGTOW to serve as a D&C weapon.

Which one? A small centralized one I suppose, not some self-publishing platform?

That sounds a bit tenuous.

Clark's been around much longer than Sinead, and has posted videos of herself talking which you can probably find if you dig around.

Are you that retard who thinks that spic Queeny Cameron is credible?

Createspace? That's Amazon's self publishing platform.

do you think she's Bombard as well? the voice sounds like her to me, and there is zero content in it.

no one has found one yet, at least not here. Not exactly a productive use of time though.

i disagree with varg on a lot of things, but if you actually watch his videos he continually calls out jews being behind everything antiwhite if youre paying attention. He just cant openly shit on kikes because his government is actively watching him. His hosue was already raided at least once that i know of. He has a family to protect.

top kek. nice bait.

the earth is pear shaped, according to nig degrasse tyson.

what the fuck is even going on

Seek help.