Welp, guess I have to start from scratch. I never knew I had such bad taste. So far I'm down to the Beach boys & Michael Jackson. Are there any other Holla Forums approved musicians or do I have to listen Exclusively to Mongolian Throat Singing & 1990s Yugoslav War music?
Holla Forums Approved Music/Musicians
What the fuck are you talking about ? Who gives a crap what the musicians think personally.
If you like the music just listen to it you autist
You say that as if its a bad thing
Just listen to music by dead people, at least they aren't spouting shit on twitter.
Any music that is not a traditional form of music is subversion and jewish
I can't separate the artist from the music. I've tried. I use to like the talking heads, Phil collans, etc, but they're such virtue signalling fagots I can't even see what I use to like about their music. I'm realizing more & more that most musicians are just attention whores.
Frank Zappa is the only Holla Forums approved musician.
stop posting this jew shite
It's not shit you degenerate faggot. I dare you to post something better.
Beethoven only.
Yeah fuck Brahms, Dvorak, Mahler, Sibelius, Bruckner. Fucking idiot.
Chopin? Mozart? Schubert? Franz Liszt?
hahaha my sides faggot do you even know what ars subtilior is; isorhythmic motet?; are you schooled in the ways of the virelai? stupid faggot; open wide for a spoon fool of musical red pills from daadddy
I'm guessing your tin ear has also failed to notice the franco-flemish school:
The true European musical tradition has its embers in polyphony before the year 1400.
fuck forgot to break links forgive me
Why are you not posting symphonies? Post a symphony thats better then any of Mahler's.
https :// www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJo7I1tS_vc
https :// youtu.be/hsUNHTozqgU
All composers who ever wrote in sonata form were musical illiterates who pandered to plebs, and should have been gassed before they could pollute the air with their melodramatic bullshit.
Please undo the damage this romantische shill has done to your psyche by listening to the following:
h ttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gesualdo+illumina
user the damage is already done. All the links you posted sound like nails on a chalk board to me.
ht tps ://ww w.you tub DOTe.c om/watch?v=qs9lR O9WT8.g
You just need to develop a broader and more inclusive ear there goy. I mean guy. Don't you know that there is music that not only transcends polyphony, but also homophony? True aficionados of the classical art music genres all agree that atonal music is the pinnacle of harmonic genius. If you simply took the time to torture, I mean, train, your ear, than surely you would come to agree with 99% of college educated musicologists. I just happen to have a sample of this beautiful music on hand right now, and I can easily sell it to you for a good price, chattle, I mean friend. Here, have a sample listen to the GERMAN composer Arnold Schoenberg, a true and masterful genius.
by clicking the embed you agree to pay $600 to the Rabbi David Newmann 501c3 nonprofit "all for Israel" fund, subject to change. Also, your sanity and soul are forfeit to the demon lord moloch.