The case against degeneracy faggots

There's a group of people who've been bugging me more and more lately, but only lately did I come to see the danger that they pose. They are in every thread, accusing this, that, and the other thing as degenerate (tm). I don't speak of mentally ill transsexuals wanting to use women's bathrooms or about some pozzed activist coming for HIV normalization, or about some TV show promoting race-mixing so mud babies can grow up with obese, White, single mothers. That is not the issue here, though the people I'm writing about will invariable claim that it is.

To these people pop up in every fucking thread, and their sole contribution seems to be lambasting other posters. Let's call them the degeneracy faggots.

The degeneracy faggot takes a valid argument ("X is degenerate") and applies it things with which hitherto nobody had had a problem. Not only that, but he tries to organize flash-in-the-pan witchhunt against everyone who disagrees.

These people are, simply put, mentally ill, and they need to be driven out or silenced, and I will attempt to show you why.

In life, as in many other things, there is an eternal struggle. It is laudable and necessary for us to fight against our enemies - those who would destroy the order of our societies and lives - but there is always a segment of the population that wants to "cheat" its way out of the struggle. Pertaining to life itself, this would be those who see its suffering and advocate suicide. In the struggle against the Jew and his Leftist thralls, these are those who imagine that we can get rid of everything degenerate (note how replacing "degenerate" with "problematic" would exactly characterize the Leftist). Such solutions are absolutist and superficially appealing, but they ironically lead to total defeat. They are cheating. What's more: they are surrended. Suicide tries to avail relief from suffering by obliterating experience, and thereby, it obliterates the very feeling of relief. The degeneracy faggot tries to eliminate degeneracy from human life but effectively eliminating human life. In thinking that he has the most principled opposition to degeneracy, actually has the least principled one.

Other urls found in this thread:

He has essentially grown tired of the tension inherent in human life and has come to hate human life itself as a result. If one particular degeneracy faggot hasn't, he soon will, or another degeneracy faggot will denounce him for being insufficiently neutoric. For most intents, these individuals are spiritually already dead.

They possess no initiative, no dynamism of spirit. His hatred for degeneracy has become a hatred for all forms of pleasure, and thereby, hatred for meaningul life itself - the ultimate form of degeneracy. He has become the embodiment of the enemy.

You must have noticed it as well. Nobody likes these people too much, but they're tolerated because you think that they "serve the cause". They do not. Apart from being wholly unproductive (they live exclusively to denounce), they are also alienating. More essentially, they are mirror images of the Leftists: whereas one seeks to destroy all meaning in life through hedonism, the other seeks to destroy it through guilt. They are almost identical in their psychology, as evidenced by their all-encompassing, neurotic hatred that seeks ever new things to destroy.

Being identical, they cannot be allowed to run wild, anymore than hedonist Leftists can. We've seen what the latter can do, but what of the former? For every hobby or taste you can imagine, one of them will come out of the woodwork to call it degenerate.

Pretty soon drinking will be degenerate too. Memes will be degenerate. I can already imagine the neurotics yearning for the day when they no longer have to tolerate kek. For now they are silent. If we endlessly indulge these people's neuroses, what will be the end result? The same death-instinct operates in them as in the Leftist, whose hatred for all life we obviously recognise. Consequently, the result will be the same as well: death.

How long will you tolerate these people? They will never stop, because they can't stop. It's only a matter of time before they declare fun per se degenerate, and after that, the White race. Whites aren't perfect, after all. Isn't it right to hate them because they're insufficiently upstanding (see MillenialCuck, degeneracy faggot extraordinnaire)?

Imagine if such people ran the world. What would be the point of living in it, even if we won? All forms of enjoyment would be outlawed, deemed not "productive" enough. If one of them claims that he would stop at some point, it wouldn't matter, as his even more neurotic successor would swiftly come out of the woodwork, ready to denounce him as degenerate and impose even stricted standards of behavior. No aspect of life, no matter how innocuous, would be safe from them, because, in a sense, the force animating them is inhuman. It is a cancer, always seeking to devour more, and by its very nature, it can never be satisfied. The degeneracy faggot needs the guilt; he needs the witchhunt. It doesn't matter how much evil he has rooted out, because there's still more. When one human host is consumed, the cancer metastasizes to another.

None of this is new. This is how Calvin's Geneva was described:

In medieval times, these people would form wandering cults, going from city to city, whipping themselves, thinking that it would avert God's wrath and cure the plague. In Geneva, they formed a joyless theocracy for a short while.

They're on the short end of the stick for now, but even so, they here, shitting up every goddamn thread with they shit nobody wants to hear. They're a small malignancy, but if not reined in, they will spread.

I ask you: shut the shit down on these faggot, or in a year, you won't be able to post so much as a fucking Pepe without one of them calling you a degenerate pagan LARPer who doesn't worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (though likely not, because that'll be degenerate too).

The dosis decides wether the poison is deadly.
None of these things are truly degenerate, except for homosexuality, which is a mental illness. But if you do them too often, they make YOU degenerate. There is nothing else to it.

Homosexuality is degenerate because it generates no humans to continue the race. 'Degenerate' is a literal and clear term. Faggotry is the jewish (((culture))) created to rope in homosexual allies.

Moderation is key, shills don't realize it. Faggotry on the other hand is intolerable, because even small amounts rot one to the core.

It is shareblue.

That's a perfectly fair point and that's not what I'm arguing against. Obviously I don't recommend shitting yourself on the floor as you're wasted every Friday, but there's a certain kind of people seem to hate enjoyment in and of itself.

More from the source (and it's "The School Of Christ" by G. R. Taylor):

Tell me you don't recognize a certain kind of poster here. We're already being caricatured as a parody of SJWs and in that case of those people, it's true.

Moreover, they're blackmailing everybody else here with their horseshit about everything under the sun being degenerate, and people are falling for it because "we're against degeneracy, after all". We are, but that doesn't mean we have to indulge the mentally ill who want to send everyone who had fun that one time to the gas chamber.

You do realize a lot of shit like "the electric jew" or "the alcoholic jew" are just jokes, right?


Why are you defending the way the cultural revolution has changed our societies?

That's what it is about, people are so grown up inside this type of sexualised society, with having bad vices is a must unless you wanna be lame, that they don't see the prison for the bars.

There used to be a time when relationships was about raising a family. What's so wrong with seeing white people wanting to raise families? That's the problem, everyone becomes mentally ill morons who fucks and sucks their way through the 20's and ends up either lonely physically or in their hearts, leading to less kids, less stable families and those who are born are fucked up because their parents have no good moral ground to stand on.

Look, we are facing genocide here. That's the cold truth.

Shit thread.

Fapping, porn, heavy drinking and weeabooism is degenerate, so is sloth, excessive gaming, junk food, drugs and anything that enslaves/weaken you. no amount of leftist logic will change that.
Kys kike.

the important part is determining what is degenerate in excess and establishing limits so that people wont fall into degenerate behavior

I tend to agree with you, but I wonder where to draw the line. That is always the problem that we run into.

Too lenient and you're basically just a racist liberal. Too harsh and you're a lunatic who hates life itself for its imperfections.

I know exactly the sort of person you're talking about, but I also know very well the opposite type that thinks yelling at black people on the internet absolves them of their binge drinking, porn watching, drug using lifestyle.

For some types of degeneracy I think we need to take an absolutely hard stance on and just call degeneracy for what it is. On others I'm willing to give out advice from my own life and make suggestions, almost as an user friend.

I also forgot to add that "degeneracy faggotry" is often just a Holla Forums form of virtue signalling. They believe that living a virtuous life consists of nothing more than publicly and loudly denouncing "degeneracy" so that everyone around him will think him 'virtuous'.

But pedophlia is perfectly normal







I think that due to Holla Forums and imageboard's general nature too much noise is made about denouncing the evil and the degenerate rather than admiring and striving toward ideals.
A lack of positive reinforcement vs negative. Due to this, a man is considered good equitably to the destruction he causes rather than the creation he begets.

Lookin' at you, MGTOWs

i want to kill you, where do you live?

if you're actually from moose jaw SK, i should call the police there

The electric jew isn't.

Goebbels wrote about this:

Anime IS degenerate
Parties ARE degenerate.
Drinking IS degenerate.

As a soldier of your race your whole free time should consist of training your mind and body, organizing your community and then fighting the jew online for recreation.

You are one of the few the whole destiny of world relies upon and there is nothing to flee. Every second of you engaging in degenerate activities the Jew gains ground somewhere.

Apparently I'm too sleepy to formulate sentences properly, but you get the point.

I can see the argument in this because in a lot of cases it is but there are some decent animes that convey good ideas and not strictly up skirt shots and kiddy porn, I've watched a couple but am not a huge fan in the slightest of anime I find most of it boring.
I disagree in a case by case basis. Families get together and parties and the biggest separator and destroyer of the family unite throughout the western world in every demographic from gook to nigger the family is what creates culturally hegemony for the country and having get together, drinking, having a good times strengthens the community and family because we are social creatures, we aren't all LARPs.
Again I agree to an extent - I don't drink at all because it tastes bad, is literally poison and I don't want my judgement and intellect altered in anyway by it but it's again a social thing especially for westerners.

* Families get together and have parites and the biggest separator and destroyer. . .is the lack of social interaction.

10/10 post

Take a note from >>9621953:

The Jew gains even more ground if I burn myself out and become disillusioned and spent in a few weeks or months, to say nothing of alienating everyone I come into contact with.

Caught you in the act, didn't I? And now you lash out. Unlike many of here (sadly), I don't give a shit about your superficial adoption of our lingo. You do not belong here, or anywhere else that is life-affirming, for that matter.

Tell me: can you even give a reasoned account of the malign Jewish influence on the White race, or is "kike" just a word you picked up and noticed that people react to it? I know about the Jewish facilitation of the vodka industry in Poland, about the Jewish roots and control of the porn industry, about the Jewish psychologists' delegitimization of traditional families. About Jewish tricks throughout the Roman Empire 2000 years ago. I know it all (and a lot of it from Holla Forums), and I still don't want your kind around.

Then virtue signalling about degeneracy must be degenerate as well, since that has thoroughly enslaved you. Who's even in the driver's seat in your head? You or your magic degeneracy Geiger counter?

At least you just stuck to your guns and didn't lie.

Since we're on the topic: the degeneracy faggot and his lies.

Insofar as a degeneracy faggot can't stop himself and responds, he will invariable lie to defend his "position" (neurosis). His lies will fall into the following schemas:

1. Accusation: Why do you complain? You must be a degenerate!
2. Blackmail of the community: Don't listen to him? What are you guys, degenerates as well?
3. Blending in: Come on, I'm just like you. I just have standards. It's not so bad.

How Jewish, in all three cases. Instead of honest argument, he slithers like a rainworm, trying to cow the unaware by superficially adopting our arguments, yet robbing them of all content. His use of "degenerate" and "kike" devolves into magic words that he himself doesn't understand. When caught, he retreats and tries to make himself seem like just any ordinary guy. He just has standards, fellow Holla Forumslack! He just has standards! But watch him come back the next day for his new witchhunt.

That's an important question, but the degeneracy faggot isn't asking it at all. He hates life a priori, because it's imperfect. He isn't willing to tolerate any slack and demands superhuman effort from everybody at absolutely any moment (ironically, his only contribution consists of shitposting online about degeneracy).

Don't think that they're some sort of Aryan god-warrior that stands head and shoulders above us. Their precious degeneracy is all they have, it's all they are. I don't even hate them as people. They're just vehicles for a meme that slowly destroys its hosts. The meme is I-hate-life-itself and it can take many forms ("I hate degeneracy", "I hate racism/sexism/ableism","I hate sin"), but it's always the same meme. Don't be bullshitted by its socially acceptable disguise. We're against the degeneracy of the modern world here, so the the meme worms its way in here with that. In other places, it makes its host give hour-long sermons on new sins it has discovered among the people, or what horrible forms of discrimination or micro-aggression must be eliminated.

I'm not an anti-racist (because I know that the nigger is unfit to create or maintain civilization), but I can see how the same people have hollowed out and discredited that movement. Hell, in that sense, they're our greatest ally! Were it not for the retards constantly accusing White people of having privilege and engaging in unconscious micro-aggressions against the precious POC, alienated White people wouldn't be flocking to our side.

Given what they do to any group to which they belong, I'm saying it's best to have them in the enemy's camp, or at least not in ours.

Thing is, we've been raised in a society where the word "degenerate" was not even a part of peoples vocabulary. To the liberal, every kind of behavior is on the table as long as it doesnt infringe others rights.

If we wish to escape from this trap we must hold ourselves to a higher spiritual standard, theres nothing else worth considering. Sure its a process and people will work toward it to varying degrees, but that doesnt mean making excuses for "lesser" degeneracies.

Whats needed is to couple forgiveness with stringent rejection of degeneracy. Love the sinner hat the sin, basically.

life is sourced from our Sun
the Eternal Sun
we do not need to ban drinking to get rid of degenerate drunks
we do not need to ban weed to get rid of the ritual abuse of drugs such as cocaine or pharmaceutical ones such as ritalin

we do not need to ban anime to get rid of weabo addictions
we do not need to ban vidya to get rid of lazy gaming addiction

extremism is good, i will remind you of that, in the case of fighting the enemy
but that extremism must be directed at the enemy, the invaders, the jews, the banks, the bureaucrats
Not the runaway partying and hedonism

When people are given the chance to live life they will naturally do less to run away from it
banning things only causes psychosocial diseases where "taboos" and "guilty causing things" become sought to relieve stress - perpetuating stress and self hate

thank you OP

Wow, that's a lot of psychobabble and projecting for a degenerate. Seriously man, stop fapping. It's not good for you.

Yeah, that's what you'd like, wouldn't you? As Goebbels said: you are psychologically weak and spiritually infirm and it's you who needs to be told that, not the other way around.