Why do Stirnerfags post here? He falls into the right-wing spectrum. Not all anarchism is left-wing.
Why do Stirnerfags post here? He falls into the right-wing spectrum. Not all anarchism is left-wing
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Rude sage for this lazy thread.
You probably have a meme understanding of leftism and anarchism.
"That society which Communism wants to found seems to stand nearest to coalition."
This is true but there is no right-wing anarchism.
He would place into ultra-anarchism in pic related.
is this a trole or a real belief?
wtf this is the most retarded chart i've seen
Proudhon and his work were explicitly anti-capitalist.
Shit, you're a fucking dumb-ass
I literally almost lol'd at this bullshit but also too fucking tired. smh
Stirner doesn't falls into ANY spectrum. Spectrums are spooks. smh.
Anarchy in production caused by the fact that SNLT is constantly changing is not solves by Mutualism. The only solution is a post-keyensian economy to lead us into the glorious age of hyper computing.
Every day I smh @ everything my comrade
I'm not defending mutualism.
I'm just saying that it isn't rightist
*Anarchism isn't left-wing at all
tankie, please
u mad??? :DDDDDDDDDD
:'( yeaaaa
He's the epitome of the left user.
same feeling.
I'm tired of these gay graphs made by dumbasses
I think Holla Forums is beginning to feel the same way.
Still lot's of neo-nazies, but most posters just want pragmatism and free thinking.
This is what libertarians actually believe.
More like meme understanding of political philosophy in general.
this poster knows what's up. my property / 10
No1 cares