Was the first one any good?
Styx 2
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I enjoyed the first one quite a bit, the environments were big and fun to explore and you were encouraged to not even knock out your enemies unlike most stealth games.
Got too caught up in the autism of trying to collect everything and dropped it well before finishing it, though.
Very good I'd say. The stealth could have been more in depth (visible/invisible system) but the game was great for stealth only approaches. Crank it up to highest difficulty and you can forget about combat, one mess up and you're dead.
Good story and twist as well. Excited for 2.
One of the more satisfying stealth games I've played recently.
I'm not big on stealth games but Styx was pretty fun
I'm no completionist, but I had a lot of fun 100%ing this one. It even has an entire sub-area, arguably harder than anything else in the game, which entire purpose is to give you one single collectible.
No. I remember trying to do some hiding from guards and sticking to many set points that I didn't want and not being able to grab ones I did while climbing (I think in a well?) at one point. Bad controls ruin an otherwise interesting game.
Yeah it was mighty fun. I hope this isn't just a level expansion pack though. I really like Styx's voice, who does it?
I wonder how many sequels they can churn out and whether or not they'll get to post Of Orcs And Men storylines. I want to see Ark again dammit.
First one was like one of those hidden gems you'd find in a bargain bin for a dollar.
Everything about it screams it's shit, but it's actually quite good for a small production, and the stealth is better than average in modern "stealth" games.
I'd argue against bad controls, the controls were normal but some of the prompts were a bit weird, especially the climbing/hanging/jumping ledges.
Probably one of the best stealth games released this generation. Or last generation, depending on your classification.
Now, that certainly doesn't mean much, and the game definitely suffers from a bit of modern game design, but overall I was really satisfied with it. I really need to finish it, I dropped it a few months ago to play Deus Ex instead and never got back to it.
Never completed the story, but I had fun with it. Gameplay was smooth and simple. Loved the main character.
I think I'll play it again soon and try to complete it this time.
I got it "free" with PS Plus back in the day. Might give it a go soon.
why is every dev blowing their load before e3?
Why do you think?
They are horny
Just like I did with MGR, except I put that one on normal because I'm hot garbage at getting cuhrayzee. It was one of the most fun games I've ever played but I just can't bring myself to start over again. I mean I will eventually, and I'll even finally get around to playing the Thief series because of how much I enjoyed Styx, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
How can you not beat it? I suck at CUHRAYZEE and I only have up on my third time through cause I was doing a damageless run on very hard and monsoons gas grenades explode for 0.02% damage. 30 attempts before he did it while I got a checkpoint meaning I had to redo the chapter if I wanted all damageless
Starting on the hardest is the best/worst possible way to start. Because once you are spotted you either run away and hide until they stop searching or you die. You can kinda do combat with them in lesser difficulties, but the full stealth is worth it.
"Prompts" is likely a better way to articulate my point. I had no problems with the regular sneaking controls.
I think I know what you are complaining about user, the game's controls got a bit too clunky when getting on and off ledges, right? I've had the problem, I found it fixed by rolling off a ledge instead of dropping off of it like normal. It's a bit of an annoying kink though.
I speedran Styx for a while. Rolling is to Styx what kicking is to Dark Messiah: The best feature.
The first one was superb. Easily worthy of being classed alongside Thief 1, 2, and 2X.
Its only major weak point, in my opinion, is that when you start out, the story and dialogue seem as though they're amateurish and incomplete. About halfway through the game some shit happens that I won't spoil here, and all the earlier stuff suddenly makes sense.
They better not but a focus on fighting.
I'd be extremely surprised if there was, since MoS was clearly designed with Goblin mode in mind (eg, combat isn't a real option).
Wasn't the final boss in the first game combat-oriented?
You had to kill the Styx clones but you could do it without raising an alarm. I wouldn't call it combat oriented although "absolutely no killing" stealth gamers might object to it nevermind that you create and kill your own clones throughout the course of the entire game, they are counted as creatures rather than people for the purpose of Mercy insignia, and most of them are just blank shells with little or no thought, and no personality.
The 1st game "Of Orcs and Men" was really shit but the setting was interesting. Humans and Elves are butt buddies with eachother and are bent on killing all the orcs and goblins.
I liked the first one but there was a lot of room for improvement. I'll probably buy the new one we'll see.
Fantastic game. It actually makes you fear the enemies as a stealth game should. My biggest complaint is that the later levels are all old levels but played through backwards with more enemies. They were so boring I ended up never finishing it. I'm hoping they have a bigger budget to make more unique levels in the sequel.
thats retarded
It looks like something from the Warcraft universe, cool.
Are you serious? You really had that much trouble with Goblin difficulty?
I really how they just pick you up and slaughter you effortlessly, the animation makes you really feel like a weak little shit.
Level design is open from what I've seen. Combat is pretty much a non-option. Spells are cool. I still couldn't get into it.
It has that problem most 3rd person stealth games have where you have to be hugging a wall to be considered hiding, rather than just standing behind it.
Yeah, it's especially good at that.
i enjoyed it
worth the price at least
nothing fucking incredible, but good
Not worth the time, it's trash compared to Thief 1 and 2.
Fortunnaly playing this doesn't mean you can't play thief 1 and 2.
I'm honestly not sure how someone could like Thief 1 and 2 and NOT like Styx.
They believe third person is not really stealth because you can see around corners easier.
Or at least that's the argument some random faggot gave in an earlier thread about Styx.
He then went on to praise Dishonored.
Does anyone have a high quality rip of the game's ost? It's great.
Here you go nigger, just type 0 $, give a temporary email (or one intended for spam) and download in flac.
How am I so retarded, I've been looking for good versions of the music for so long.
It wasn't too bad. It had a lot of problems that made it painfully mediocre and bland.
I liked the concept for the combat system but it had so many flaws. That one chapter where you play as Arkhail for a bit in an arena fight just highlights everything wrong with it. Ark's just not worth using in rage mode because he dies too fast and if styx is around he'll always go and attack him for whatever reason. It's just best to keep him in defense mode, preferably with all the health regen abilities on him and have styx kill everything and hope Ark doesn't die before Styx kills enemies.
We're so used to people nickel and diming us it comes as a surprise to have someone just be proud of their work and putting it out for free.
There should be a list or a chart of based devs/musicians making their work downloadable.
It's ok.
Not good or great because there is a lot of issue (it's a budget game) with it, like animations, controls, IA.
Nothing deal breaking but it's definitively flawed. If you can get past those flaws it's still a nice stealth game.
To be fair Thief isn't too hot in that department either, especially Thief 1 with its weird movement bindings.
Degenerate trash.
on a more serious note, looking to pick this up seeing as I played Dishonored to satisfy my stealth cravings and found it an utter cancerous disappointment
People who have issues with third person are missing the point.
Stealth games need a level of awareness that isn't traditionally available in other games.
A lot of games take the easy way out by giving a means of seeing through walls, highlighting enemies, etc.
One of the reasons thief 1 and 2 were so good was because they took the first person perspective, which restricts awareness, and then more than made up for it with the directional sound engine, which was a perfect setup that gave you more than enough awareness in a believable way that hinged entirely on the players shoulders to manage.
It effectively let you see through walls to notice guards, but it wasn't obnoxious like arkham's detective vision.
Third person is fine, it covers the issue of awareness. Just not as elegantly as thief.
If they really wanted to bitch at styx, they should bitch at amber vision.
I'll do you one better.
Styx AND Dishonored are both shit.
But unfortunately playing this does mean you are spending your time on an inferior game when you could be playing better.
And what do you think is better? I don't buy the claim that you think Thief 1 and 2 are good because if you did, you'd think Styx is good too.
Are you some kind of little MGS shit or something?
It had problems, but I enjoyed it since I got it for cheap. Played on Goblin mode. Some of the levels did not feel as "tall" as was advertised, and I despised having to replay levels after the halfway point. Did like the design of Styx and the elves, though.
Thief 1 and 2 you illiterate faggot.
Kill yourself, dipshit.
Not stealth games.
Learn to read, weeaboo:
And fuck off back to whatever crappy forum you crawled out of.
What? Are you just throwing out random words now in your retardedness?
Kill yourself, dipshit.
the autism every time that genre is brought up.
It's about on par with dishonoured.
The Splinter Cell games are better.
They are stealth cinematics.
Yes, and the trailer for it is also one of my favorite game trailers.
Personally I blame MGS for that contextual wall hugging shit that basically ruined the stealth genre.
I hate how you are either crouching and glued to a wall otherwise you aren't in stealth according in recent games.
Styx had one and a half offense, you aren't stealthed if you aren't crouching but you aren't necessarily visible if you aren't glued to a wall, just hiding behind it works. I guess it's because Styx himself is small.
I dunno, crawling below desks/altars also served the purpose of hiding. Iirc there is a button to go slower, so you could sneak around standing up too.
I remember in the tutorial theres a part where you literally cannot get past it unless you hug the wall. I was trying to see if I could just crouch walk behind it, but no.
I think I know which part you're talking about, it's the part where you have to go out into the balcony where there are three guards standing, one looking out onto the balcony and the other two inside, kind of like what pic related is trying to show
I've played every Splinter Cell including the trash that was Conviction except for Double Agent. Is it any good?
Sage for not Styx.
To be fair, there's a part right before that that's supposed to introduce combat mechanics where you HAVE to kill the guard otherwise you can't proceed. I mean, it makes sense being the tutorial and all, but it still pisses me off that you can't get the nonlethal bonus on the first stage because of it. But yeah, the tutorial forces you to use the mechanics it's trying to teach you, it's justifiable imo.
Doubles agent has two versions, I hear the ps2 version didn't suck as much, but I've only played the pc version. Which was below average at best. Buggy, easy as shit on the highest difficulty and short.
You can, that guy doesn't count. You can tell what stops you from the no kill bonus by looking at the pause menu after you've finished a level once.
I might give this game another shot? Would it be better with a gamepad since it's in 3rd person?
I tried it. My biggest gripes were shit optimization and bad save system. I liked the protagonist tho, he's pretty cool
I got it without hype & high expectation and I enjoyed it for what it is.
If it indicates anything, I don't really play stealth games, but I got no alerts for all levels (Insignia of Shadow) and collected all the little coins scattered around.
(Embedded is my own video & I don't monetize)
Wat, I could've sworn it did. Well, time to start the game up again.
Fuck off with your meme opinion faggot
Shadwen, Path of Shadows new Styx, new Dishonored… Well, at least the genre is not dead, for better or worse.
How's shadwen anyways?
I only played the demo at the moment, and it was interesting. The game have a rewind time mechanic, and you have a magical rope, like the bandit girl from Trine.
You are really overpowered, but the thing is, you need to make the girl also reach the end of the level. But she works well for a companion in general.
You can finish levels without killing anyone or killing everything, but, if you are seen once, you are dead meat, and if you allow a guard reach the alarm, it's also game over. Try the demo if you don't want to get the whole game.
OK. But is the art bad?