So not sure if any of you seen googles banner latley
This is sure to piss off some sand niggers for being placed next to a jew
Also poor christian girl shes about to get rapped by two niggers
So not sure if any of you seen googles banner latley
top fucking kek, this has potential
Can we just kill everyone at Google already?
Not a normal white man to be seen. They also put the mudslime next to the faggot. It was entirely intentional.
Came here to post this. Absolutely disgusting.
Are we missing anyone?
How much butt-hurt could we generate if we co-opted the Satanic hand-gesture (prominently featured in the background) for Kek and Nazism?
The nigger is a super-high IQ nigger with e= on his shirt. Obviously one of those high achieving ones going to college to get his life back on track.
What did Google mean by this?
[no normal white males intensifies]
Of course there is a jew front and center even though jews are a fucking tiny portion of the world population.
Agreed can't wait to see the maymays this creates
And a fucking homo. Meme it. Islam getting culturally enriched by culturally insensitive islamophobes.
What the meaning of "e=" in the dindu shirt?
I did my best
I just fucking love it, how those kikes are trying to push the muh diversity meme, while simultaneously practicing none of it on the inside.
Just another example of how the kikes operate.
You do realize, who runs jewgle, right?
They are finns
But how many are white and how many are "white"?
the only white males are gay and crippled. google is so fucking blatant with this bullshit
Higher quality version for edits
if I had the photoshop skill i'd put the wheelchair kid in one of these
The desturbing lack of asians shows googles innate lack of diversity and clear internalized white supremacy. ;^)
just stop using it.
Also where's all the bhuddists and hindus at? Google is clearly racist towards east asians.
Is it me or does it look like the Indian guy is trying to stop the black guy
blog. google/products/search/no-more-time-noodle-meet-winner-doodle-4-google-competition/
What are you talking about? Clearly the muslim girl and syrian looking boy are asians! The BBC told me so. Also, funny how they have the jew girl as snow white (I think the Christian girl is almost as white, but slightly less). Also, if they were going to do this just because, why have the girl in the wheel chair and guy with the cane? They don't help spell Google so they shouldn't be there. And the only white male is gay ad the white girl surrounded by african/rapefugee…perfect.
Also, I know it's just that 80s shit, but would those could as devil horns in the background?
Someone shop rubbing hands or a merchant into the background.
This banner is DA tier faggot shit.
You tell me these are just metal and rock symbols, but we know the truth.
I don't get why Google has his fucking arms cut off
That sodomite has clearly had his hand cut off for stealing, as according to the sharia law.
I can't figure out what the fuck it means. If it's a religious thing, then how is being in a wheelchair or being a tranny religious?
And what's the with dude with the cane. Is that like "being old" or something?
just being gay isn't diverse enough, ableist scum, you gotta be a double amputee too :^)
I think he's native american
Also why did they turn the hispanic guy into a fag?
His rapper name is "MC Squared"
They should of thought things through before putting two cripples and a jew next to the Muslim chick
Also that nigger is gonnna rape christian chan and the old man is trying to stop him
Don't you recognize the common Science Nigger, user? Though rarely found in the wild, they are quite common on TV and in movies.
This is what happens when you autistically insert your personality into out of context screencaps of anime girls. That expression never meant that. I wish that's what she was thinking, but a generic happy cat anime guguu face isn't anything close to that.
Holy shit there's a stunning lack of diversity in these images. There is no able-bodies white man represented here! This is horribly racist and othering to every straight white male.
Someone needs to get to Urban Dictionary and define GCOTTE as something something white power something.
Hmm no Asian. I also noticed that East Asians haven't been shilled to us nearly as much as other races. In fact it's almost nonexistent these days although there was some of it in the 80s and early 90s. Movies and stuff like Mr. Baseball and Shogun (depicting strong and healthy white men engaging in romantic relationships) have abruptly stopped soon after the early 90s (one notable exception being The Last Samurai). Instead they have focused on the negro and Middle Easterner alongside faggots and other shit. They also tend to "whitewash" Asian stuff. They probably fear the lightning of another Temujin rising up and destroying their multicultural society of brown goyim, who knows.
If diversity is so good then why does it has to be forced by the government, or constantly promoted with this activism.
Google has gone beyond promoting this stuff so much, its become ridiculous
Where is the straight white male? They couldn't even make the LGBTQBBQLMNOPQRSTUV guy white?
Alright, here's my take
Yes! Keep them coming
Breddy gud.
Where's the straight White man?
Under the bus.
but user musselmen are asians the government declared it so when they couldn't call a religion a race
the edits are limitless
Both of them were crippled by the Muslim girl
top kek
Working in order to pay the taxes that support diversity.
Genetic appropriation?
Why did they even call him asian? Wasn't he a nigger?
Because the artist is disabled at drawing. How to group hug photo poses work? Where do all the overlapping arms go?
Maybe that one on the far left could be salvaged.
She's probably hanging out with them because she looks better by comparison
(checked that id)
seriously guys, how long until they outlaw the terms Caucasoid negroid and mongoloid?
it's one of the many code names for muslims in the uk and europe, so is 'southerner' 'asian looking' 'foreign born', they for some fucked up reason consider the middle east part of the 'east' orient probably something left over from roman times when it was asian
Someone edit it for them to be all white with Crosses on their shirt.
Just be careful your gear doesn't snag on anyone being physically removed, if you don't want to go with them. No jewelry or loose straps or clothing.
delet this
second this
(holy get checked)
I will make them templars
just don't download it user, my bad for the bad image ctr and cointelpro poison the well across the internet
dog bless :::DDD
They know a good chunk of East Asia is racist and Europhilic as fuck and could give two shits about Muslims, kikes, or browns. What they fear is an alliance.
I know that, user. But wasn't the guy a nigger, so they should have called him black or african?
Or do they regard all mudslimes as asian regardless of whether they're from the middle east or not?
Fucken well played user
Is this a crippled pajeet or an old lady?
At first I thought it was supposed to be a "native" american, but the skin is probably to pale for that.
I think it's supposed to be a man with a bad hairpiece and sandals. I don't know about race, but it can't be a white man because it's a well known fact that older white men wouldn't touch a nigger.
notice that the only white girl is sandwiched between a loo and a du
Google hates the Chinese. They completely owned them and got source code.
Dats it mann. Someone tweet that shit to Jewggle. Pretty sure they have an account on there.
working on it
gee who is surprised these google kikes put the christian white girl between the nigger and the sandnigger?
fuck the heebs, diversity for israel now!
For all you epilepsy enthusiasts. Party hard!
Who would have thought?
Shouldn't you get rid of the hijab as well? A white girl with muslim attire doesn't bode well with me.
Bunp out of spite, this made my day 3000x worse than it already was.
Look at all the edits made
I'm sure it should make you feel better
It could be a Catholic thing.
Top fucking kek
Found the girl who drew it, and I bet you anons can correctly guess what she looks like without even watching the video.
I have a feeling she's not that popular
It's an injun, but added as a lazy afterthought because someone noticed at the last minute that they'd forgotten the natives.
Oh god guys we gotta make more edits
saved, great work user
You missed the neck on the middle guy. You also might want to smudge it a bit. One can tell it's edied pretty easily. I wonder if someone could bring it into PS or Sai, separate out the layers (i.e. neck, body, pants, feet, head hear) and change the color perfectly there.
But that's wrong.
inb4 she starts taking testosterone to make her realize her dreams of being the kind of white male she excluded from her drawing.
He's still working on it. He said so right in his post. Give him a chance.
Sub-humans use the argument that "we're all human". Not because they believe it, rather they think it will elevate them to human status.
ok i de-hijabbed the muzzie bitch. sloppy cross drawing. i'm tryin to rush it. but hey whatever.
Sounds about right. Why do people still use that fucked engine, again? Google can do absolutely nothing right. Hell, they even made YouTube a second-rate platform. I can't wait until the people who made this and animals depicted end up in image related.
still no blonde hair
Give that poor white boy an arm.
You left the black on the right of the christian girl with a black hand.
LOLOLOLOL, Nova Scotian weatherman fucked
How do we convince SJWs to tell Muslims they need to be more accepting of Jews?
Dats pretty raycist goym
This. Make the girl in the middle aryan.
It's Jeb
Frankie is a fucking legend. He even disagreed with gay marriage, I really hope he gets a weatherman job, kinda like how I want Yeb to work at a turtle sanctuary.
Over 9,000 hours in Paint. Someone needs to make a better Omar Mateen edit. Remind these people what Muslims are really like. Which is to say, absolutely bro-tier on the faggot question.
Oh, it's just a brainwashed child.
You could tell that the author is tumblr just by looking at the artstyle. Honestly apart from the obvious tumblr trash, it isn't that bad for someone her age
You can then look at the author and see WHY she's tumblr. Poor kid probably found the damn place while looking for drawing tips. And stayed because it made her feel "accepted". At this point there is no going back for her, and there really isn't a way to save someone like her, so she will keep getting more and more brainwashed until she's the next Tigglypuff, or becomes a tranny and hangs herself. It's sad, really.
fuck I laughed
It's his specialized wanking glove.
Niggers and SJW niggerlovers don't believe in science, though.
Everytime I keep reading that
I keep forgetting that most of our enemies are brainwashed pawns while the ones pulling the strings are using them as canon fodder
Hell I hate antifa but its further proof that they are just the useful idiots for Sorros and others on top using them as canon fodder
They think they're doing the right thing but they can't see they're creating terror and fear to everyone who isn't a "Nazi,white supremacist, republican" while calling them those names
Are you telling me gender isn't a social construct?
What countries have this banner btw?
Here is what we have in Russia right now.
It's about 145th birthday of this guy.
The us defiantly
Besides that shitskins in the back, that's way better. Why can't I live in Bulgaria/Ukraine/Russia? Feels bad family.
I cant use gimp-fu could someone finish this by erasing the masonic hand signs
For me, the dead giveaways were the trying-to-be-anime-but-still-not-anime eyes, the blush-y cheeks, the voluminous wavy hair, and of course the Jewy looking red noses on over half the people. It almost felt too easy, really.
why are the mods always acting like faggots.
I always wondered if the mods on 8/pol/ are cucked like 4chan
I think you need to get your eyes checked bro, considering the token Jewish smack dab in the middle. The cripple is just a cripple.
also, that's not how you sage, retard
it wasn't this bad awhile ago. i have to wonder if something has changed
Really? So the "Ashkenazi Chief Rabbinate of Israel" Rabbi David Lau is trying to disguise himself as an Aryan? Really bro?
I called them genestealers for a reason.
will based autistic ginger girl save the race?
obviously, that have to pretend to be white to tell white people what to do
Okay fine; it just came across saying that blue eyed Jews don't actually exist in nature when they do; a common belief among naive Holla Forumsocks.
Okay, so then explain to me people such as (((Ben Shapiro))) or (((Sarah Silvermen))) both Ashkenazi-Sephardi mixes disguise themselves as being white with blue colored contacts then? I mean Ben Shapiro of all people would want to get on that disguise considering he wants to infiltrate politics; why not him?
but in reality I'm just kidding. i don't know if they do or not
Fine, I can't really tell if ones kidding or not, I'm not exactly full Autist but I know people who make those kind of arguments over Holla Forums all the time so its hard for me to tell especially when we communicate online.
I bet these fuckers pretended and OBTAINED to have at least one mod here
That dindu in the red shirt can easily be turned into a Turkroach.
Why tho
god damn it
I'm here to witness it, well done user.
Why did this thread get anchored, I'm triggering so many silicon valley cucks with these shoops.
there may be other places where a thread like this doesn't get bumplocked
Not necessarily. Like in the your pic, its usually a small slip up or them getting too comfortable and cracking a joke. Then its a slow painful process of isolationism and berating. Its more like a heroin addiction, they have to hit rock bottom before they realize what they're in is unhealthy.
That's some progressive stack!
Martin Schulz is not a Kike, just a (((Cuck))). Though even this is not enough for (((them))).
fucking seriously
Nobody actually knows where the heart symbol is from. The best guess is it's the fruiting body of a flower that was used as a contraceptive in antiquity.
In mathematics, lower case e is traditionally used to refer to the base of a natural logarithm. In the equation by Einstein (E=mc^2) the letter E denotes energy.
The statement "e=" on the nigger's t-shirt doesn't mean anything because the right half of the equation is missing. The artist has just picked some symbols at random without understanding their meaning.
On the off-chance anyone here is still making edits or just wants the original drawing in good quality, I found a pretty nice image on the official contest page