Holla Forums shittalks Stirner
Holla Forums shittalks Stirner
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Muke is your real name Johnny? :o
oh shit
Can confirm this is made up or at least referencing a different person
From "Max Stirner - His Life and His Works" By Mackay
You mean that Holla Forums is intellectually bankrupt and bases their ideology entirely on their sexual insecurities? I'm shocked, shocked I say!
Kek this will never not make me laugh. Stirner b t f o
Stop baiting Holla Forums
hahahahah top fucking cuck
it's fitting you libshits worship this cum guzzler
this is why you spergs are not only turbovirgins, but also nu-male cucks
Why don't you go up to a woman and ask her to be your property?
at least I find solace that you are evolutionary dead ends and won't get to spread your fun stuff
That was a beautiful tirade my dude. I tip my fedora to thee :'^)
chances are you own one
even this cuck stirner said that anarchy leads to statism, I don't even get why you support him
I support him because he will cuck the white race into extinction ofc
but then who will pay for the welfare you leech off of?
Why do Holla Forums users always say I leech of welfare when actually I leech off my parents?
this is about the extent of Holla Forums's economic literacy summed up into a post
Maggie already took away my free milk.
I literallly do not care about any other government program. If there is no free milk, the whole system can just crash and burn.
jesus fucking christ Holla Forums is fucking retarded
nice spooks nerd
Guys did you know that male and female "nature" will static for all eternity and in no way changes in even the slightest of ways when presented with different environmental selective pressures?
you have wheels in your head
r u callin me a robot
that's offensive
I'm calling you SPOOKED
which you are kiddo
For in-depth explanation of the societal effects of sexual selection I suggest redpill and PUA literature.
debunk socialism for me.
socialism punishes people who actually work, therefore nobody works
meant for
Socialism is allotment of those who work with the full economic value of their work, thus rewarding work.
heh, give up pinkos
Every time.
My post was satire, but I don't if yours is. I fucking hope so.
They built the world they deserve to control it .
of course not.
yes it does; people who don't work get welfare
people who get taxed 50% work less than people who get taxed 10%
seriously though, what's with the obsession with that doodle.
it's an ironic meme
"tax people 50%" - Karl Marx Das Kapital
Unlike those hard working bourgeoise, am I right fellow white man? :^🍀🍀🍀))
common property doesn't mean you own anything, it means mob rule
owning means of labour is achieved through private property akin to distributionism, not socialism
That isn't how socialism works, but there's actually empirical evidence to suggest higher income tax improves productivity and wealth redistribution increases consumption because the rich save at higher rates than the poor do(look up the Relevant Income Hypothesis).
You're probably baiting but I tried anyway.
so, the ones who work are rewarded?
B-but the boss had the idea and took all t-t-the r-risk :^(
Holla Forums pls.
don't see a problem with burgeois, only with the ones not loyal to the tribe, meaning jews :^)
human scum like you people don't create jobs or satisfy the free market, it's the people who manage to break profit who do it
ah, so old shitposting.
got it.
monoethnic states exist, too
no, it means nobody works and everyone is poor
ah right socialism is 100% taxes I forgot you people are insane
you own your own labor value, which you exchange for labor credits to buy other goods through an artificial market
"means of labor" is meaningless. private property is not labor value.
smh, this is disgusting. Nazism is a socialist ideology you fucking kike shill. Stop shilling your ideology of capitalist cuckoldry onto the white man smh fam
meaning money? :^)
please explain to me the difference between the behavior of the white bourgeoisie and the jewish bourgeoisie.
monoetnic states aren't a hivemind you moron, there can be plenty of disagreement among the same people
in a multiculti shithole ther is only the nigger party, the spic party, the dune coon party all fighting to usurp power
jews aren't white, they don't belong here
wtf i like nazism now
well I'm actually a pinochet type guy giving you lot free shit like heli rides :^)
nah jk fam maybe like minarchist ancap
socialism is fundamentally dysgenic
no, meaning shut-the-fuck-up-and-research-it-you-dumb-lazy-sack-of-shit
do tell
read stirner and you will find out that property rights are not real property and are just a fiefdom given to you by the state, or in the case of rapetown, society
This. The darkest person in Cameroon is still whiter than any Germanic person out there.
Can you explain to me the seeming overlap of Fashy and Ancap ideologies? I figured people who hate the government running things would detest authoritarians, but alas.
I think we should explain why the anarchists here tolerate the presence of leninists and tankies.
"The government" != authority as such
Make no mistake: Ancaps are just as authoritarian as Nazis. They're just a little more tactful and obfuscatory about it than Nazis. Though this is in part because ancaps have literally never done anything and don't have a history of horrid failure to weigh them down like the Nazis do.
because a lot of people now involved in anarchism are left wing activist people like trots or other marxists who converted en masse to anarchism after the left started to tank and marxism fell out of relevance
When was this?
It seems that they think one board = one hivemind, and that every leftist is a communist who likes Stirner.
don't know fam some time between the fall of the soviet onion and the start of the anti-globalisation movement
it also must be said that organisational anarchism has had leftist memers all along to some degree, I remember an interview with Garcia Oliver where he says "yes participation in the government doesn't make sense from an anarchist standpoint, but it does from a revolutionary syndicalist one"
that's why minarchism exists
private property is necessary to have people to want to work and not have stalinist shits take it all away
a state that provides only necessary services, such as an army, police, emergency services and road maintenance, among other things
essentially it revolves around purging public healthcare, public education, consumer protection shit, environment protection shit and other bureaucratic bullshit that drains money uselessly
mostly because fascists are violently against communism and for class cooperation
I just regard fascists as monoethnic socialists, they are too leftist for my tastes
essentially these ideologies are only specific to white people in high trust societies, which is why there are similar interests between the two
no, the point is that if you have a right to it, that is you're given it by somebody else, it's not really your property
it's your property if you can take it and have it for yourself
so what stops likeminded individuals forming an army by agreeing to contribute a percentage of their income to it? a total absence of an army guarantees a statist society will overrun me and my property, which we agree by law to defend
literally nothing, and nothing stops that now
it would just be people cooperating to expropriate some property for themselves
you're talking about statist societies but your society is no different, you just get the laws from society and not the state
it's a necessary sacrifice, hence the minarchism
essentially the same can be achieved by lowering taxes and stopping all the dindubux
I'd rather pay 10% for 50 years than pay 0% for 1 year, getting overrun by a leninigger and pay 100% for the rest of my days in a gulag
getting money just becomes another thing that you sacrifice yourself to, just going on and on about muh taxes
competition can only exist in a relation between people that doesn't satisfy everyone
if not money than what, fucking goats and sheep? back to natural economy until somebody reinvents the wheel again? capitalism has brought the western world out of poverty, because of competition and direct compensation for work, not because you waited for the crops to be good or else you die, or until somebody open
or until somebody opens up a marketplace in the center of the town so that people can go there to trade, essentially going back to the antiquity age
t. adam smiths
you wouldn't want to have to trade anything for anything else, what you'd want is a way of organising things where you get what you want for the least amount of effort, so you can cooperate with other people to produce things that you all need and so forth
wew lad your insecurities are showing
yeah nah mate if you spend a day hammering a nail in a steel door you're not entitled to compensation for an arbitrary day's work worth but to what that nailed steel door is worth on the market, which is fuckin nothing
you get nothing for being a retard
ah you mean a wage :^)
i realise that there's no point trying to talk to people who can literally only think in markets
There will never be a meme that triggers pol/ harder than Stirner. Who knew that all you needed was a downright dismissal of their bullshit by a guy who they find hard to argue with.
Like this.
I know what pol/ is implying but how is this cuckholdery in the traditional, pornographic or meme sense of the word? Besides, how does it rebut your broken, spooky ideology?
Its indicative of pol/'s entirely legacy. They literally have no counter argument that isn't wrapped up in some kind of ad-hominem. As long they keep screaming it long enough and loud enough they think they have protected themselves. They must secretly know how delusional they are and thats what makes them so scared not to swallow the "redpill".
In reality they are just swallowing the cum of the internet. And as it pours past their lips tears well in their eyes as they realize they enjoy their degraded, pointless existence.
a man who produces clean water, another one who produces food and another who produces housing all die on their own and can survive only a little longer when trading with one other person
when more people join a market, every member benefits
specialisation and division of labour is created by the market you fuckign nonce
the concept that everything is a spook is a spook
I prefer to follow ideologies that work
no, it's produced by the personal skills of the person
some people prosper, some have a tougher time in a market
when nobody knows how to make a lightbulb, the market demand doesn't create it - people do
But even in a market economy at the end of the day after the wages are paid for the work done there is still profit left over in the company.
Socalism says that this profit is created by the wokers who created the product through labour and management not by the board of directors who just own the company. So therefore workers should get to decide what to do with the money.
all the people who make bits of screws in factories were born to do that?
their skills somehow exist separately from everything they've experienced?
Also, way to answer the questions faggot. I can tell its the same Nazbol because pic related seems to be your thing
no, it's paid by what people want to give for a product
then why didn't they organize earlier, without being managed? some people are better at organizing, therefore they deserve money for being the leaders
hierarchy is essential to any society
Even if he's silly fetish wise, his ideas are important.
I don't see eye to eye with stirner, but only to a degree,
I'm more neo-stirner to be honest. .Holla Forums influenced that.
no, they learned to do it, and the demand compensated to effort
there weren't any questions, only 2deep4u drivel
they learned to do it because of the market user, the market is what creates the division of labour and is why we have factories and not artisans
Reading is hard, especially when you are a nazi
the fuck is that even supposed to say
there was a demand for tractors in the antiquity, but no farmer bothered to invent a motour to increase efficiency
that's why hierarchy is important; the intellectual class bothers with research and innovation, by being funded by their rich family who can afford it because of property rights
There cannot be a demand for something that does not exist.
what's the hierarchy important for, society?
if i need to make bits of pins all day and never actually experience what society has to offer then why should i care? intellectualism is a specialisation, it's another part of the division of labour that does nothing but hinder the individual's satisfaction by limiting them to a certain role or set of activities
Or state-sponsored research, that invented most modern technology like satellites, microprocessors, the internet, rocketry, and nuclear reactors.
otherwise you get north korea with only the bureaucracy/army and citizen class, or somalia with the whatever class that may as well die 2 days from now from a pirate raid
and intellectualism is a hobby, not a job
publishing papers for the schlomo institute to support multiculti drivel isn't a job
nah I'll pass
aristocrat-only academia worked fine for the enlightenment era
Not really, only if the company decides it wants to give the workers more money. Rise in profits doesn't automatically equal rise in worker pay. It's at will of the people managing the budget.
because we went from feudalism straight to capitalism and people were convinced that it's the way to go, they were satisfied by at least some freedom to begin with
just pulling claims out of your ass isn't an argument, sorry
societies have existed without hierarchies or with a minimum but due to material inequality and scarcity hierarchies have formed
i'm not going to respond anymore to be honest because everything you say is a meme and i don't care enough about you agreeing with me to keep trying
read faggot
Why should it? The workers do their job, they don't know how to run a company.
Pay is stipulated in the contract, which you sign willingly before working, and you can negotiate it up.
Scarcity is subjective and depends on the living standards of every person.
Hierarchy also implies you can go up or down the hierarchy - you can't do it in the USSR or North Korea.
Anarchism is irrelevant, because it doesn't last.
No it doesn't
Yeah, just read his last few posts and I'm out too. Srsly, this Holla Forumsyp forces me to go full anti-fa mode whenever I read anything that he spews.
Have a nice day, comr8s.
No wonder his entire philosophy is 'whatever I don't like doesn't exist, feels > reals!' and why Marx didn't even bother to waste time publishing The German Ideology and all the other worthless German idealists he BTFO in it.
whatever you and all the other methheads do before getting arrested is irrelevant, cuck
then the point is moot
if you can't achieve above average wealth for above average skills and above average effort, then you won't work
and when the hierarchy is immobile for everyone, nobody will bother
creationism tier
don't you have a wife to beat back at your trailer?
you are literally just spewing unintelligible garbage at this point
Yeah, they have to negotiate is, that's the problem. The workers should be able to democratically chose if they can afford to put their kid through collage or pay the CEO a 100x more than everyone else. Since the CEO didn't do 100x more work.
I meant scarcity like not having enough food.
lol no en.wikipedia.org
tell me more about leftist intellectuals
most of your lot can't be bothered with anything beyond DUDE WEED LMAO
Yep, that's Stirner (and all 19th century neo-Hegelians) alright.
Eh, workers provided the labour, the capitalists created the ideas and blueprints for our world.
Food is pretty cheap. Maybe you should try not blowing all your money on drugs and video games before starving to death.
You can choose to spend money to buy company stocks. You aren't entitled to the profits. I assume you imply every CEO gets paid 100x times the median wage - it's not the case. It's only the case in government-mandated monopolies in the US, where small businesses drown in regulations before surviving enough to break a profit.
t. middle class basement dweller
lacan's a shyster and a fraud
Most poor people are born in poor families, so the only person you have to blame for living in poverty, most of the time, is your parents. If you can't support yourself, don't bring another life into suffering - it's called responsibility.
What a surprise.
Correct. This is exactly what Marx meant when he quoted "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
finally something we agree on
psychological egoism is objectively true tho
yes, let me introduce you to my most well-established and peer reviewed chiropractor and most well-established and peer reviewed reflexologist as well.
psychological egoism is objectively unfalsifiable.
haha poltergeist! xD
dude EPIC lmao. x–dDD
So what's good in this idea? Is the people who don't work prospering good? lmao
There, I'm a snek. I hate both, but I hate commies more. Socialism only worked in white, high trust societies, so Nazi is superior to the other.
Well then, you should be an anti-natalist in Africa and India for shitting out ragheads and shitskins with no use. Estrogen in the soil and the water to make them fags and infertile, kind of like they do to whites in the west.
you seem to be getting flustered.
tbh i advocate a 2 child policy worldwide if we ever get to socialism
it will disproportionately affect third worlders as a side effect but who gives a shit, we need to stop the population growth for ecological reasons
Top jej. Nazi Germany was one of the most capitalist societies ever, and sucked mad penis before it started imperialiing neighboring states and their economies. So no, it didn't work at all, and Hitler oversaw over 7 major near-crashes that were barely sustained by utilizing his puppet states as economic buffers.
hehe xd u mad bro lol :-PP
I was being ironic.
The theory died with the death of the USSR. Get over it.
[flustering intensifies]
Fukuyamaists and other end of history cucks are no longer in a position to say this considering liberal democracy never managed to solidly replace anything, and the dialectic marches on.
haha nice argument bro i'm btfo! x-DD
All organisms from insects up to mammals behave altruistically because it benefits them.
but they are acting egoistically because altruism is pleasurable xD
no, because it increases the likelihood of them passing down their genes
Marx and Kropotkin made the same arguments with similar, much more concise and cogent arguments almost 2 centuries earlier in Grundrisse and Mutual Aid (respectively). I wouldn't bother with a dunce like Darwin who reduces everything to chemical reactions, like the analytical meme he is.
dude you win i'm ownd. xd
Ok, so not "solidly" replaced. But how 'bout "tenuously"?
How do you think altruism evolved to be pleasurable in the first place? I'm aware of gene selection.
what the fuck are you talking about
jesus christ i mourn for whatever education system produced the likes of you.
And even if it wasn't solidly replaced by liberal democracy, the fact that it was replaced in the first place by something else can't be tossed aside. The soviets fucked up brah. That style of communism/socialism/what-have-you, is dead.
he meant dawkins
everyone except deluded tankies agrees with that second statement
hahaha lol
and he STILL doesn't know how genetics works
Do worrying about Stirner's manliness kinda miss the point of his philosophy?
Your plan is to act in a weak manner that makes women hold you in contempt? Have fun LARPing.
On what grounds do you dismiss alchemy?
Not even tenuously; the marriage between capitalism and liberal democracy had always been two steps away from a divorce, and we are nearing this deadlock very soon. Look at Singapore and China: they are our future if we maintain a capitalist a system. They give the blueprints for a capitalism that does not need parliamentary democracy (or democracy of any kind) nor permissive liberalism in civil life. And the transition will be seamless, with maybe a few small civil wars and popular outbursts before we get there. That is, unless a popular discontent actually emerges, and I see it coming neither from the contemporary new centre-left, nor the mild conservative liberal or rising far right side (the later two being quite content with the prospect of an increasingly authoritarian curbing of civil liberty to uphold the well-being of national economies). A radical left will rise in all of this, and only time will tell what it will look like precisely.
Yes, Grundrisse and Mutual Aid were released mid-19th century.
Yes, Darwin is an analytical philosopher as opposed to a continental philosopher.
No doubt.
Once again: no doubt. Stalinist communism is pretty dead alright.
Enlighten me about the relevance of human genetics versus the material conditions they face and which is more relevant to respective behaviorisms, o wise meme Stirnerite.
Fug me.
Here's your last (You) bro. Cherish it, good sir. *tip*
Darwin's not a philosopher he's a fucking scientist.
fucking christ the illiteracy in this board is terminal
What the fuck do you think humans are? We cannot act without genes that encode structures that give us the ability to think. You think impoverished people get more violent by coincidence? You think there is nothing encoded to get people to act differently in adverse conditions?
excellent taste
I meant Dawkins this whole time. My phone's keyboard has been autocorrecting that to Darwin 3 times now.
6 replies, all of them reddit-tier. that was some premium butthurt
Social creatures.
Nor can we act without language, which structures our being as we exit the Real and operate on the ontological planes of the Symbolic and Imaginary. Our poverty, for example, is a condition mirrored by the existence and knowledge of adequacy and abundance. Our behavior and way of dealing with this (very simplified) duality is encoded in language, as it is the framework through which we encapsulate our understanding. Genetics as deciding factor, as with all biological determinism, cannot ever hope to explain the truly mediating forces that impact our lives, which are largely social and stemming from preexisting and superimposing material conditions.
jesus christ kill yourself
literally the spookiest most pseudoscientific bullshit since mind-body dualism or new age mysticism.
Why do you commie collectivist fucks like Stirner? He in no way reflects the left.
He's an Individualist Anarchist which is much closer aligned to something like McAncapLand than it is your Marxists bullshit.
He belongs to you as much as he belongs to Holla Forums in the sense that he belongs to neither of you.
Stop culturally appropriating our philosophers. :^)
I wish I had an ideology where anytime I got upset at something I could say "lol it isnt real who cares xDDD" instead of being a rational human being.
Velocious does an amazing job at exposing how retarded and petty this board is.
"Oh my god guys the board that's our philosophical antithesis is talking shit about somebody we like. Quick, get a thread about it to the front page."
Thank you for progressively inoculating the entire rest of the site to your ideology by keeping your highschool histrionics in plain view.
Not sure if you're joking or not, but
t. member of a board that goes and tattles to itself whenever we mention them
Are you unironically taking meme jpegs at face value or are you this disingenuous enough to use it while pretending it devalues anything else in my posts.
I've never bothered to imagine what an analytical Stirnernite would look like, but I guess this is it?
Oh, it's (You).
You wish. I'm a fa/tg/uy.
My shitty phone has some problems.
Just waiting for the glorious tears of you all.
two can play at that game
Your posts are so fucking stupid that I cannot actually tell what you legitimately believe. Regardless, retards on this board will take it seriously.
I can call it "bullshit" if you're so triggered by "spook".
not incompatible with biological determinism.
I just don't take it seriously is all (just like I don't take any 19th century neo-Hegelian or German idealist seriously).
Enlighten me.
Structuralism is naturally incompatible with biological determinism because structuralism places primacy on the social and rigidly incorporates linguistics (hi Lacan and psychoanalysis) and a materialist outlook.
hmm let me see, psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience so psychoanalytic linguistics is probably also a pseudoscience.
between biological creatures
possessed by biological creatures
inhabited by biological creatues
Structuralism is also traditionally continental, placing ontologies such as power not as a reflection of biological assets, but as an institution that relies on social reification to function. This is very unlike logical positivist tripe like biological determinism, which seeks to bring everything back to chemical reactions, when psychoanalysis manages to properly lay this category within the ontology of the Real, which through inaccessibility is a category very non-impactful compared to the influencable Imaginary and Symbolic.
Where the fuck is this reified social structure? locate it. where is it? is it somewhere outside the brains of the creatures participating in it?
Great post man. Have another (You).
how many freaking continental memes do you have?
it's like you've been browsing /lit/ and letting them indoctrinate you for months.
Within the hegemony of power and its coordinates of institutional mechanisms, birthed by extension of the material conditions which served as impulses on our being as social creatures.
Quite a few.
Scientism is a form of logical positivism and is the bedrock of the analytical tradition of ""empiricism"".
Sorry I don't consider meme replies worth any time, buddy.
I've never been to /lit/ once.
Alright, and through what mechanism does it affect human behavior?
Its own. This is the mechanical working of reification.
You're mixing things up, buddy. Scientism is defined as scientific determinism (the placing of primacy on the natural sciences, and is a monism).
I don't think you know what you're talking about. Just a hunch, though.
who cares if mammals behave altruistically because of genes or because of social behaviour or a combination thereof?
it's both evolution and thus darwinism in a broader sense.
the troll is probably getting paid by some american religious organization to pretend he doesn't get it, as according to wikipedia this phenomenon is unique to USA:
just ban him.
That it is a combination is a banality; there is no taking seriously individuals that unironically believe in both genetic determinism and social determinism, for the two are in a mediated relation.
What's interesting is determining which of the two is most inducive to human behavior and adaptability, and how and where the two do and do not influence one another.
I can make a prediction now. You will never manage to explain what this sentence means.
No, I'm quoting you. I'm implying you said it.
'Reification' can be substituted with 'objectification', but functions within the coordinates of social hegemony and its corresponding institutes of power. To speak of the mechanical workings of reification is to speak of the discoursive relationship between those occupants and propagators of these institutes and their need to uphold them, as well as the subjects of their rule and the influence drawn upon them.
(I like Zizek's theory of interpassivity here, as it provides a very concise and proper explanation that links subject and rule, filling up the questioned void between these influences ontologically, see: lacan.com
Not making any effort to understand anything outside of your logical positivist bubble is perhaps not so much indicative of my perhaps poor skills in pedagogy, but simply a showcase of your ignorance and inability to look beyond rigid natural scientific monism.
This is what a non-argument looks like.
Prediction fulfilled.
I can tell I'm talking to a very enlightened individual here.
Have you ever considered the fact that people constantly accuse you of logical fallacies is because of the fact that each of your posts contains on average about twelve of them?
*tips Sokal paper*
I've ran out, o Rational sire of Logic and Reason. My folder of analytical memes is barely two dozen jpegs large, I'm afraid.
that bottom fallacy is actually appeal to nature, not naturalistic
shame. I was expecting to go all night.
Is this for real? Name one thing that has advanced the human cause that came from continental philosophy.
name one thing that has advanced the human cause that came from analytical philosophy.
I think his point is both branches of philosophy are equally useless.
The personal is political
t.New Left :^)
I like how Holla Forums talk shit like they majored in that subject, but in reality they don't even know what they're talking about.
Classic Holla Forums
I really think the only reason Lacanian psychoanalysis is used is because psychology is hopelessly bourgeois and thus it's the best alternative we have which isn't saying much.
Why am I not surprised
Why are these fags so obssesed with cuckolding? They're never getting a gf anyways so they shouldn't worry about it.
Because they can't find decent arguments so they find vague reasons to relate someones lifestyle towards a fetish they hate.
Idealism is a mistake, but there is nothing but idealism so meontology of Buddhism is the only awnser.
My gf just laughed at your post.
Tell me, how does it feel?
It feels good. I love being humiliated.
You're not even joking are you?
Like a 2/10 slut is begging for attention.
Would you even believe him if he said he was being sarcastic? Sounds like you've already made up your mind.
Post her tits, or not real
Yeah, no.
Tell her she's sleeping with a poser and is more than welcome to come taste The Other Red Meat.
The fuck are you on about, lad?
So she's a pillow then.
His "gf" laughed at the other users post when in reality she should have been either in labor popping out more inevitable cannon-fodder for the fatherland or making him food.
Anyway, girl on the right is is a qt but I wouldn't hesitate to put an after-sex bullet through her skull.
Wouldn't know fam, I'm not actually
Just some user that values nationalist men and women.
I don't know what you people think you're proving with comments like that. All it does is demonstrate how sub-human you really are.
Classic Bolshevik. Pic related.
They should have bombed Germany into an extension of the Baltic Sea after they were done raping.
Nice to see that Holla Forums's only argument against Stirner is, "B-but, Stirner w-was a cuck!" You guys are pathetic.
We're going to kill your pathetic excuses you call men and use your women as practice girls. Deal with it faggot.
Try it.
Get out of your cave, remember to tell your parents before you leave the house, and have a good go at it.
This thread is a le spook ;^)
What is it with you people and "purity"? It's like OCD mental illness reasoning applied to society.
Speaking off Marie…
Hmmm…I wonder who benefited more from their relationship.
Really makes you think…
Neither Holla Forums nor Holla Forums understands stirner.
Stirner is cute. But no more than the kid that says everything is an illusion. Stirner is a meme. Leave him as a meme.
That's exactly why Holla Forums is attacking him so hard and why Holla Forums is defending him tough.
Memes and OC are tought to be the life of boards, so retards think than killing memes= killing boards.
That's a very good idea. We should all scam rich lonely grills out of money and start co-ops.
That doesn't really fit what Holla Forums's version of cuckold means
Turd Reich:
Now, where are these practice girls my fellow user spoke of? I'm backed up with about 2 days of edging and need a bulls-eye.
I just use Tinder. Conservacuck grills are easy.
You edge too my nigga?
Yup, anything possible to get a nice load. Seems to be the only thing that works for me, and maybe a supplement or two.
Plus it feels fucking amazing.
Yeah, I remeber when I started my loads got massive and I was popping stiffies all the time.
You do anything else?
Indifferent, since you offer no proofs. Moderately annoyed because that seems to be a bad habit of yours.
Hush, it was real in his mind.
I actually own a slave its pretty fun
I guess they're not legally my property but they consider themselves my property
its good to have a living fucktoy kept around the house tbh
As far as doing anything else right now, no, but I'm always open to suggestions and experimenting. I heard prostate stimulation is pretty based, but I don't trust myself enough to go digging up there just yet.
Im finding that doing reverse kegels helps me last longer, which usually coincides with bigger loads.
How does one do a reverse kegel?
it's like a mall goth version of de sade
Take a piss and force your stream out.. That's the muscle you flex for a reverse kegel. Flex and hold for 5 seconds maybe 100 times throughout the day. It's best to do when you're doing inactive stuff.
You can do them while fucking ot edging and it helps relax so you don't cum early.
Projecting your insecurity's mutch?
Cognitive dissonance much?
It's like saying "the universe is all a simulation anyway" to reason away your own failure.
Keep beleaving in your marriage tho, the whole concept itself is alllreayd hallowed out of any meaning since its existance.
kek, dare to touch the sacred and the possessed will spurge out in rage. God forbid if marriage isnt taken seriouse anymore and celebrities play around it like a spectacle. (Wich it is)
says the one who faps to anime
the degenerate cannot be proud even when he tries
You are still responding without any content, is the emotions being triggerd or something? :^)
touch their 2d, and the spectacle drags them down to the level of a molybot.
it's not an argument, it's a note of your irony
Political questions are, fundamentally, moral questions. It is thus nearly impossible to discuss political matters with someone who rejects morality for narrow self interest. QED Stirner-spewers should leave all political boards.
So she's not real then. Good to know.
Of course she's realdoll
Dubs confirm.
The funny part is that these commies are supposed stirner fags and use morality to justify their beliefs half the time
No, the funny part is that you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Who said it wasn't?
Stirner BTFO
So you oppose capitalism merely because of some emotional urge and not because of moral concerns?
Not him but i oppose capitalism because it goes against my interests. A trend in my profession is big capital directly or indirectly grabbing independents workers by the balls. At some we're not going to work as we please, but some rich fuck will dictate what we can and can't do, and fuck any concern that's not profit.
Its to the benefit of me and my property.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What does that even mean?
This. Marriage should have no legal meaning.
Do you think if you bitch about it enough that somebody's going to suddenly care?
I guess she's not real then.
You need to stop projecting, it's not healthy.
Nice strawman you got there. To bad no one said that.
Kamaraden plz, we both know what Nazi is all about.
Then what did you say?
If everybody defend their interests. The rich's one is to make me his servant, mine is to not become his servant.
It's almost like people have opposite interests depending on what position they have in society.
It's almot like they will clash at some point…
If only there was an ideology taking that into account…
So Marxism is just a less autistic Objectivism that realized that self interest can be pursued outside of the bounds of the NAP and the capitalist system?
Screencapped for a collage im working on.
Her entire argument comes down to emotion. Bullshit.
How does it feel knowing that my gf gets turned on at the idea of burning Nazis alive?
Like asking you if any of her friends are single.
I think so
Do they also enjoy Facists being killed?
>There are people that believe that your labor isn't only as valuable as it's products
The first time we met was when the Dallas shooting was happening and we were watching the news and bonded over the glorious righteous pig slaying.
top kek
I never said that. I'm just saying that you're saying that I'm a virgin because you you have a low IQ and can't think of anything else to say. I knew your IQ was low, but this is surprising. Have you been tested. I'm guessing your IQ is around 80-85.
This is some textbook faggotry.
yes I get that, but what I don't understand s why you think that is a valid argument
thats not how it works
What was specific the tool used, conventional professional diagnostics become inaccurate above 130 or so.
Also was that full scale or a sub-score composite.
post a screenshot of the results.
top fucking kek.
m8, I guarantee you, I am better than you in literally every possible way. I'm definitely more well-read than you, smarter than you, am more well-adjusted than you, better looking than you, and have a better relationship than any you could ever hope to have.
You are nothing to me. You're a pathetic, sexually insecure manchild who has merely found a community of likeminded losers to spread your ressentiment with and displace all your personal shortcomings onto a conspiracy against you. Meanwhile, people like me will laugh at you from the right side of history.
Even if your fundamentally incorrect beliefs were to become popular, it wouldn't matter to me. I've already won. I am an Ubermensch, and you cannot touch me.
Seriously though. Why do you fags get so butt hurt every time we hurt your fee fees? You guys seriously made a thread because we made fun of a low IQ philosopher you like. You don't see us making threads over some banter. This isn't something that people who get laid do.
High IQ =/= equal autism. Doctors who say that all smart scientists had autism are just preventing parents from smothering their autistic kids.
WAIS. Whatever edition was in use when I was in HS. And how am I supposed to post a screen cap of pencil and paper test?
You got mad because we made fun of a guy you like. You are not smart and well, adjusted.
What, about Stirner? I'm not even an egoist, but your reasons for making fun of him are as silly as ever. And again are just indicative of your sexual insecurity.
So, no scan. It's in the report doofus.
High IQ =/= equal autism.
the thing is you clearly have autism, not a high intelligence
So silly that you guys got mad enough to make
Who the fuck keeps papers from highschool?
Holla Forums is comparatively better than Holla Forums, but you guys hardly set the bar high. I still make fun of/am critical of Holla Forums.
A faggot who keeps harping about his super high iq?
I hope so…
Never fear comrade, if things don't go well then the worst case scenario is in 100 years from now, we'll all be dead and forgotten! We have nothing to live for but the chance at revenge, and nothing to lose but our chains.
So what does that make Holla Forums given how they respond to criticisms of Daddy Trump?
Betas. They've established Trump as their alpha and will fight to the death to protect him and his honor, even though he married his daughter off to a kike and would otherwise be a degenerate according to them.
I bet you take Myers Briggs test seriously too.
Pfft, you think shit like "logical consistency" bothers Holla Forumsyps? Most of them didn't even bother to find out that the majority of the posters here have no fondness for Stirner beyond shitposting memes; they just got assblasted over hearing that all of their beliefs weren't self-evident laws of nature and reflexively retaliated without looking first.
No, just trying to explain what they were. They wouldn't be fascists or lolberts if they weren't motivated solely by feels.
Obsessing and bragging about IQ is about the most fedora-tier thing you can do. It's telling when someone is so insecure that they have to cling to some external statistic that lets them think they're better than everyone else in order to get by. The fedoras who think they're misunderstood geniuses are the fucking worst.
wow. Stirner was a cuck this whole time, and all it took for Holla Forums to figure that out was to actually READ A FUCKING BOOK. I bet they wish they did that sooner, huh?
oh well, it's not like even being a literal cuckold is a meaningful insult, It's being a figurative cuckold that is. Holla Forums has grown so attached to their insult because it bothers them so much, and they assume other people must also be bothered by it. in reality, no one gives a shit.
Is 160 IQ the stormcuck version of the 12 inch cock bragged about by edgy teenagers?
When your entire ideology is a coverlet for your insecurities, I suppose you can't expect much.
Egoists are minimum wage workers, chan visitors, russel group rejects and pokemon go players.
What's it called when you get off to a woman committing adultery without the humiliation or nonconsensual aspect and the appeal comes not from emasculation but rather from getting really aroused by women acting slutty?
Kind of but not really. It's more like you really want something you can feel proud about but at the same time being so insecure that instead of actually exhibiting the assumed quality, you point to some external source of validation in order to reassure yourself that you are, in fact, smarter than everyone because you don't yourself think that you can actually demonstrate intelligence through your words and actions. I know because that describes me during my chuuni phase perfectly.
why are you even here
still cuckolding.
but you can call yourself polyamoros or a swinger if it makes you feel better.
I came here to laugh at you.
totes jelly
Well, looks like we have an expert over here.
If both partners are fucking people on the side, is it double cuckolding?
If your dad fucks your mom is he cucking himself?
Am i handcucked when i masturbate?
If we have a man who changes his external appearance to match that of another man and then he goes on to fuck his own wife (who at the time believes she is being unfaithful) can it be said that there was an act of cucking going on, even though the active partner, the penetrator, was the husband of the woman?
Inasfar as identity is the intimate knowledge of one's inner life, and inasfar as God is eternal and omniscient and the master of reality, is God not then made the ultimate, eternal cuck by our many acts of fornication? Perhaps it was this unconscious realization that lead the framers of Abrahamic religion to grudgingly tolerate sex only as a necessity for the sake of survival, never to be enjoyed and always to be atoned for in a period of shame. Perhaps this is, likewise, why sex is unconsciously understood as an act of power - in performing it, we are imposing upon God the knowledge that that which he holds dear through his vicarious knowledge of our dearness is being fornicated upon by a being separate from himself, an act of cucking. Unable to have desires or form as an infinite and self-sufficient being, His likeness is that of a bound man, forced to watch as the object of his affections is repeatedly violated by someone who, by very virtue of his limitations (our finite nature in the case of humanity), holds a special power that He shall never have.
Good enough for what?
Probably not since I don't own the means of production,but I also don't buy into that game to begin with. I am good enough for me, however. I'm also good enough for the people around me I care about. If adhering to some arbitrary hierarchy is your standard of "good enough", then I guess I'll continue to be bad in your eyes.