More middle-aged men taking steroids to look younger
So I guess my question would be, why is society today so obsessed with youth?
Is it because we have become so individualistic and shallow at the same time, that we don't care anymore about experience and wisdom and instead want to live like people in their 20s forever?
Does it have to do with people not being married and searching out companionship and feeling like the only thing they can compete in is youth and good looks?
Societys obsession with youth
Other urls found in this thread:
Steroids are awesome
who the fuck doesn't want to have the knowledge and wisdom of old age but the body of a 20 year old?
TRT is awesome when you pair it up with physical exercise. Heart disease doesn't show up when you're constantly eating well and not being a lazy ass.
OP is a faggot, as usual. The article specifically says those old men don't want to compete with the youth, they want to operate and look better, which is perfectly fine, as long as it doesn't damage their kidneys and/or hormonal production (which comes from abuse of such practices).
Fuck off with kike news social commentary its all bullshit
but prescribing estrogen supplements to menopausal woman requires government funding.
fucking double standards
Because aging fucking sucks?
There is nothing good about age besides experience, and even that is a double-edged sword.
Experience is never bad. It's the scars you acquire during life that make you not get hurt by the same mistake again.
No it's because as we age we get slower, more fatigued, weaker and generally shittier. Having the mind of Nash but no energy sucks. Do you know how bad it would suck if you get scared shitless by your hallucinations but you don't have the energy to run away?
Dubs confirmed. Steroids make you feel incredible.
so much for being the redpilled board
Kill black niggers
This webm explains why OP. Just remember who the (((Madison Ave advertising guys))) were.
Anyone who knocks steroids hasn't used them.
Ignorance is bliss, the wiser you are the easier it is to spot the flaws of life.
Well, enjoy your balls shriveling and becoming cancerous.
The modern embrace of youth is due to a meme deliberately engineered by jews which started after WWII
Disregard this post, I suck cocks
yeah because everyone wants to have a failing body
Ok shill. Do some research and you might not sound like kike media's depiction of steroids so the enslaved don't use them.
Youth and experience are mutually exclusive. Furthermore valuing youth above experience, youth which is impossible for you to retain no matter how hard you want it, runs contrary to natural law and therefore contrary to fascism.
Quote in image is actually from Boyd Rice. Does anybody have a less memey version of this image?
The worst part about being a late virgin is that you are wasting your good years.
The only thing I'm afraid of becoming in my old age is thus guy. You're a faggot OP.
There has to be a better way to boost testosterone than injecting that shit.
Wew, lads
But sure, I'm the shill. Go ahead and inject those steroids brah, natty's for losers brah
Wisdom is a gift, but anyone would trade it for youth.
Captcha: t cyanid
Before I went bald, I thought I would never get another girl if I had no hair.
I was wrong, it made no difference at all.
In fact, I was more successful at attracting higher quality women, as I did not rely on looks as much as character.
Similarly, I thought as I got older, I would never again attract women in their prime.
Turns out I was wrong again.
I get more attention from women in their early 20s than ever before, and I am physically old enough to be their father.
Looking young or fit and healthy is useful for first impressions, and older guys that keep themselves in shape can attract high quality women of ANY age.
But it is not essential.
The most important thing is having a better character than any other man she has ever met, that is the hook that will catch you a keeper, and that is the advantage that most of us have.
Also, by no means am I implying that being a manwhore is a worthwhile pastime.
Natty isn't for losers, but how can you blame someone for wanting to achieve in 6 months the same gains and abilities that would take years to achieve naturally?
Natural has its merits, but I've known plenty of people who have done a few cycles and the negative effects are negligible.
If you want to look like an oiled up bodybuilding faggot and you stay on them for years, then I don't feel sorry for you when your balls shrivel up.
But doing a few cycles won't turn your balls to dust.
I can't blame them for wanting it. But I can fault them for giving in to that temptation.
quality advice in pol what is this
next you will tell us steroids are relatively harmless in moderation
Why? Because you believe natural is the only way, yet some people have a frame that only allows for minimum results without a supplement.
Some people can't achieve the results they want without a little bit of help. As long as it's done properly with proper cycles, the negative effects are minimal.
As long as you're not competing in professional sports, there is nothing wrong with it. Just because you can do it without steroids and probably have a proper frame that gains and loses weight and bulk without help, that doesn't mean everyone has to do it how you do it.
Because taking the easy route is simultaneously a symptom and a cause of degeneracy.
yeah I dunno about that
Because they feel safe around you because you are harmless. Do they actually want to fuck you though?
It's not that easy, though. You and I both know you can't just start injecting Deca and turn into Hogan.
You are taking into account that even steroids don't do anything unless you are actually working out, right?
Sounds like you're jealous and just too much of a pussy to take them yourself.
One thing is taking roids because you're deffective or old. Another is taking roids because you're an impatient cheating faggot who has no honor or self respect about your own potential.
So I take it you don't take any supplements, no protein powders, no creatine… not even caffeine, because that is a performance booster.
If I were jealous, wouldn't I just take steroids? There is nothing stopping me from doing so, your attempted insult is illogical. And not once did I imply that steroids magically give you muscles without working out, so your attempted argument failed as well. Sad.
So you admit that you have to work hard on steroids, too, then. I'm glad you're not denying that even with steroids, it's not easy. That's good.
Only caffeine via real tea or black coffee, I'm a student and lab assistant, I sadly need that boost. But yes, natty all the way.
kill yourself.
Congrats. Not many of us can afford to consume extra protein in proper amounts naturally without supplements. Good for you.
But I don't really believe that you don't take supplements of some kind if you work out like you imply. And that would make you a cheating faggot, too.
They're cutting corners and boosting performance. Get fucked, nigger. :^)
I'm 38 now, I did a few cycles when I was 19-21. I'm pretty much at my natural physical limit right now. I can tell who's on steroids and who isn't pretty easily. I'd say at least 50% or more of the dudes at my gym are on the sauce.
I don't think you realize how pathetic most people's natural potential actually is. Most people could work out religiously for years and still end up looking like they never even go to the gym.
Because "liberated Western woman" doesn't need anything but a dildo. She can take care of herself, has her apartment, and rides the cock carousel 'til she can't compete with the younger chicks, then finds a beta.
So what are these men to do, who are mostly lower or middle class, who don't have the sheer power of money to just woo women to fuck for the opportunity at a life of luxury and experiences (and these men don't even want those gold diggers, they just want to fuck bunnies)?
I'll tell you what they do, they try to prolong their shelf-life competing on Tinder and online dating sites and the rest of our modern "sexual marketplace of hookup culture" where nobody wants anything other than a transient fuck, by using the most powerful weapon: sheer physiological lust.
To quote all women - young and old - in their unanimous unspoken opinion: "abs are like unicorns." And "no man gets a 6pack just to fuck one girl." THIS is the lingo of modernity, in a hookup culture where everyone is otherwise equal and can take care of themselves, but man and woman both get lonely and want to fuck.
It is the core of why Houellebecq is the most popular novelist in France, much to the chagrin of the establishment, because he shows this cold reality that destroys the hopes and system of people just getting married and letting people profit off of lawyers: it demoralizes a lot of men when they see this reality, how they see they can't compete with a lot of other men in a world where it's just men as dildos as all that remains, because even with the hardest diets and drugs and all of that (not only are the drugs hurtful to their bodies, but most are priced out of anabolics and the support drugs), they're still either going to be inferior to many, and/or they don't care to go through all of that for something that isn't terribly special (which is why a lot of Europeans laugh at how prostitution is illegal in the US).
So these 30, 40, 50-something men are all jumping on this hot trend! TRT! Or just going straight to steroids. You aren't stupid, you can google and find out how much traffic steroid forums and discussion boards are getting. Why, even /fit/ here and cuckchan have a lot of traffic about "gear."
The bottom-line crux of it is that nobody wants to be lonely and isolated, and the system we have in place now makes it quite easy for a woman who is even average or below average to "cure her loneliness twitch for the touch of another human being, to be close and accepted in the ultimate physical embrace."
But the average man? He is GATED out of that, because there is no reason for a 4, 5, 6, or 7 woman to be anything less than one of the fucks on Mr 8, 9, and 10 with abs rotation.
Now, listen before us as I get quoted by people spouting:
To these men who still make these absurd efforts wasting their time, to them I say this: whatever you want to tell yourself to delude yourself into believing "the dream" that keeps the machines running, that one day, you'll "become" great enough to overcome the reality that women who wanted you with nothing when you were a young man with nothing, to suddenly want you when you're older with something, be it muscles, or money, or whatever you've acquired, it is a transient reality based on superficial bases, which will one day fade, and then you'll be in divorce court if you're unlucky getting reamed, or maybe at the end of a rape allegation, or sexual harassment charge, etc.
There's a reason why porn is at big as it is today: not only is it preferable to watch a perfect 10 get fucked instantly than haggle with a 5 over some dates and games and timewasting in a time which few of us have spare time (CERTAINLY NOT FOR THE MODERN FEMINIST CUNT!), but because they're not special anymore, they've fucked a dozen men, starting with the man who broke her seal, afterwhich he left her or she left him, and she was destined for a life of having absolutely NOTHING special to give to some so-called "man she loves."
And with that said, who can even begin to question why women en-masse, with women's lib, this bastion of modern sluts and whores, unanimously said "I'd prefer being more submissive to a boss for a paycheck than my so-called soulmate, my husband."
Women don't even feel like that anymore. At best, a husband is a financial move for most women. Look around. They get married in their late to mid 20's after their looks tank and they have a shitload of student loan debt, to the loser who was denied through highschool that girl. The guy who got that girl through highschool is onto fucking her younger sister, while that older sister texts him from the wedding "my wedding is at 4pm if you can get here before noon while I'm still single for one more go!" to which he says "is your sister going to be there?"
Beans, chicken, rice, and nuts are good cheap protein in my city. I'd do tuna and other canned fish but they're no good due to mercury.
People fear growing older because they fear the approaching of death. People will do anything to deny their mortality.
Can you quote where you think I claimed otherwise?
Mercury in tuna is overblown tbqh. Yeah it's in there, but you must consider how much heavy metal exposure used to occur but no longer does. If you eat a lot of tuna you'll still be in much better shape than the average man a few decades ago, and the overwhelming majority of people back then still lived long enough that cancer or heart attacks killed them first.
The halflife of tuna in the body is longer than you think. And just one can in one day doesn't cut it.
Show me where I claimed you said it. I just wanted to clarify that you had an understanding that you must also work on steroids. Because from your post here
You sound as if you were implying that you could sit on your ass with steroids and do nothing and see results. "Easy route" is still a hard route.
Also, I claimed you did know that it's still not easy with steroids, never claimed you didn't.
Here, I say you know it's not easy.
Where do I even buy steroids if I want some?
6.5g per cup? With all those carbs?
I hope people don't listen to you.
This. People want everything now and not tmr, they also cannot graps the concept of limit and the impossible.
Granted I do boxing and weights… So no, they shouldn't.
Just ask Jamal, user.
Blow it out your ass. Steroids objectively make it easier to build muscle mass, if they didn't then there wouldn't be a point to them. To suggest that pointing this out "implies" that I think steroids magically give you muscles is moronic. The only reason you're suggesting I "implied" it is because you're upset I implied you're engaging in degenerate behavior.
The halflife of tuna in my body is about 18 hours, since I shit it out the next morning after I eat it for lunch. You probably mean the half-life of tuna-borne mercury, which is pretty much for life since it's bioaccumulative in fat which incidentally is how tuna end up with so much mercury in the first place. Predators eating predators eating predators causes a concentration of mercury.
But even at a can of tuna a day, your heavy metal exposure won't come close to comparing to somebody living a few decades ago when heavy metals were still everywhere. There are better things to worry about.
There are better ways of obtaining both simple carbs and protein. Rice is pretty useless by itself when there are many other things available to eat naturally that give better protein and better carbs.
I'm not saying to avoid carbs, but there are better carb sources than rice, too. Pretty useless unless you're that poor.
The mercury that accumulates fucks with the chemical gradients in the brain breh. For me a biophysicist the brain is pretty important, more than easy gains.
Not going to lie it seems tempting but it's not worth it.
Yeah but I don't take them because I don't believe in injecting shit into my body. However, I won't judge anyone who does want to see a boost and doesn't mind doing it.
Personally, if I were to do any of it, it would be HGH. But I hear it's really expensive and still not totally perfect yet.
You have to workout anyway so you might as well actually do it and live healthy, and demostrate your will. Steroids are great for looks but not great functionally or in a war situation. You'd be better off being lean and muscular, tough as leather and hard as Krupp. :^)
Dubs don't lie. Pictures of the best soldiers show they're more sinewy and lean. You need to move quickly with equipment, so lunkers tire first. It's the lean guys who thrive in war situations.
I ride the bus m8, me a 28 yr old fit neckbeard. LEL.
It's not like anyone can live humanity behind while living off rations, either. They're bound to get lean.
Fix'd that for ya
We've been searching for the fountain of youth since the Stone age. What's so new about this?
I'm starting to think TRT is my only option.
Been really efeminate, submissive, weak, depressed, unable to focus, barely interested in sex, hairline/bangs gone at 20, literally can count my chest hairs, never had a proper beard and I'm only 23.
I have been working full time for a couple years at an labour intense job which somehow made things worse.
fuck these old faggots who barely work out.
Excuse my double posting autism, but aren't MREs high calorie and protein high? I've heard horror stories about the constipation and gas they cause without consuming a diahrreahtic, or however it's spelt.
Signal/noise is out of whack. It's hard to do research when half of the world tells you a drop of it is going to kill you and your whole family, and the other half tells you it's the elixir of life itself and don't worry bro nothing bad long term could possibly happen i've been taking the stuff for all of 2 years and a half.
As someone with no scientifical background it'd take me weeks of work to wade through the misinformation until I could have an informed opinion. If there were more actual middle-aged people speaking about this and not just juiced up twenty years olds, it would help.
dairy, red meat and lots of physical exertion.
If eating healthy doesn't genuinely work then sure cycle some roids.
Yeah, if you sit around on your ass eating 3 MREs a day you'll get fat. They are designed to fuel an active lifestyle.
retarded millenial
roids are cheap and completely safe with only benefits
Dude. A diuretic does not help with constipation, it promotes urination and dehydrates the body.
you ruin your endocrine system taking roids
you should be taking test in your 40s not for youth, but because you physically feel like shit in your 40s, your body stops readily producing testoterone
if you want to feel "young" join a band or something
Well god thing I'm not a doctor then and never ate an MRE.
yes, I'll admit I'm not doing enough naturally.
I've started working out, but if things don't change by 27 I'll start really considering it.
a natural drop in test is my theory to why musicians kill themselves at 27.
essential Holla Forums reading:
a lot of white people dont grow that much body hair user
eat some protein and lift
if you want to be a man stop watching asian cartoons u fucking degenerate
Get a blood test and see if your test levels are low.
Your testosterone levels drop as you age. A small boost is a good thing for your health. This article is bullshit, it should be talking about "Why does shaving your body hair,make you a faggot?" or "Why pedophiles want all women shaved!"
Protein doesn't make your hormones, you need saturated fat, preferably right before bed. Most testosterone is made while you sleep. Bacon before bed, exercise in the morning. This also works for women, my wife lost an inch around her belly and gained a cup size by adding more bacon before bed.
impressive projection, would've been accurate 6 years ago.
(mostly) nofap for a year, no anime, tv, or vidya.
[spoiler]the queer thoughts stopped after giving up porn and anime[/spoiler\
I was thinking more in terms military rationing in general, not current US military MREs. In a conventional war, supply lines might either be cut off or unreliable, so soldiers sometimes had either to scavenge for food, to "live off the enemy", or just starve a little bit until new supplies arrived. Whatever is left is rationed.
But now that I think of it, this is certainly not the case anymore with the US military. Not at least since "asymmetric" warfare (i.e. against third world shitholes) began to be dominant form of warfare. When you said "lean people", the image that came to my mind was of someone either fighting in WWII.
Can't really tell about MREs, never had one. By the way, I think the word you're looking for is 'laxative'.
dude, these test companies are selling a product, it's like those people who sell vitamins, the western diet has more than enough of every kind of vitamin, there is absolutely no need to take supplements unless you are in a third world shit hole living on rice 24/7…same with testosterone. just go the fucking gym and work out, or get into combat sports and do hard sparing once or twice a week, you'll slowly dig yourself out of the hole wacking off to cartoons put you in
wow ok you may have low test after all, if you can go that long without wacking off lol
b-b-but I was told eating at before bed is bad for you
Too true, test production is also linked to cholesterol as well.
he needs to eat and lift period, hes fucking 23, he doesnt need to make his body dependent on exogenous testosterone when his body is perfectly capable of it
if you look at the better protein powders (not the ones filled with sugar for people who pretend to be healthy) they actually have a shitload of cholesterol, and these people that think they are healthy always give me shit about using those powders, but it's like who's in better shape me or you? fat fucks and femmy men wanna critique my cholesterol intake? fuck outta here
Nah, man I genuinely went full retard, I forgot diuretics work by dehydrating, which is why crap like soda makes you piss a lot.
The old men were supposed to have fought wars for their peoples.
They didn't and now they fool themselves into thinking it's youth they miss.
They didn't live, that's the problem.
The want for youth is ancient btw OP, the fountain of youth is no recent legend.
Yeah, but coffee can give you the shits. I think that works by dumping more fluid into your bowels.
Steroids can be good. The issues are when you go off of them and the ramifications the years after. If one was able to maintain years and years of controlled use at middle age it is highly beneficial.
If young folks are reading this (teens/early 20s) work out and work out hard. I spent my 20s imbibing in the decadence of the 90s and early 00s and didn't start lifting until I was 29. Lift heavy, don't fall into the drinking culture, and (pure broscience) I surmise you will be at an advantage of higher average testosterone in your 30s comparable to the average. I always regret having to use the first few years of my 30s getting awoke when I could have been in my late teens and gotten xbawks yuge by now.
the acid in coffee makes your bowels contract so you shit, that's all, it doesn't add water to your shit
Why are coffee shits so liquid then? Because the shit comes out before it's 'done'?
Got any papers I can read? I believe you, but my autism must be fed now.
i'm also in my 30s, and i would say to young kids get into combat sports, do boxing or mma. that kind of competition does more for you than just lifting heavy stuff will you. in nyc the biggest dudes are ll the gay neighborhoods. having big muscles doesn't give you heart, balls, or whatever you want to call it. even tho i'm a gym rat i can't read /fit/ because it's all a bunch of gender queer kids who think they can lift the gay away…no, you'll just end up a "muscle bottom". steroids don't cure gay anymore than electroshocks do.
I'll be happy when this war is over. A dirty esoteric war with your own people cheering for your destruction. This war is a pit of blackness that I wouldn't wish on any generation.
i don't know man, just google it, or try, you know, actually drinking some coffee and see what happens…
Eat more fiber.
when i drink coffee my shits are the same, i don't know what's wrong with you lol
I drink it black and also drink tea, I've never gotten the shits…
oh shit, maybe this guy is putting milk in his coffee and he's lactose intolerant and that's what's fucking him up…
Wew I bet being lactose intolerant as a white person sucks. So many delicious dishes are denied.
/fit/ is some of the gayest shit I have ever seen.
I agree with you. The point I was poorly making was that aesthetics are harder to achieve when you are some skinny fat 29 year old and your lifting time is delegated to after a draining day at work with the plethora of other responsibilities one has. Definitely take up anything combat related, confidence alone is worth it and that is something lacking in a lot of youth.
It is amazing how much career men let themselves go or go to the drink. You can be the king of doughy, middle-aged mountain by utilizing some grit and not succumbing to the trappings of "I'm tired, muh career" there is a pervasive attitude that a regular work day garners some extended sedentary free time everyday. It's bullshit. You need to get after it, all the time.
My shits are just fine, provided I'm not chugging coffee.
No, only black coffee, and I process milk just fine anyway.
if you had high test you wouldn't want to sit around watching cartoons for asian girls all day
i don't know, at least in nyc all the careerist people are ridiculously driven overachievers who go nuts at the gym after working all day and love it all…
one regret I have is not joining the military, my fitness is ok and i have decent self-discipline (other than a soft spot for shitposting) but I'd like to know how to fight in a team with firearms etc. but the thought of dying some retarded oil war or some bullshit nation building crap turned me off, probably good thing that i didn't since after the iraq war started they did that "stoploss" bullshit where they could call you back for up to 8 years or something, but still i think doing a couple years could have been useful
Only if they fear death, the great unknown for many.
I am experienced enough to know how women behave, and what their behavior means.
I am a National Socialist RWDS advocate who will happily kill for my family or my nation without a shred of remorse if it is ever required.
I am probably the least "harmless" person most women I know have ever met, and that is a part of the attraction.
I remember reading a quote from a woman, an author I think, that the type of man women want is a "heart connected killer"
Meaning a loving family man who has a psychopathic axe murderer within that he can call upon when required to defend those he loves in this dangerous world.
A man in touch with, and in control of, his wild nature, a "dangerous" man with a good heart.
This is where so many girls go wrong and end up with hood rats and gangsters.
But those guys only fulfill half of the equation, so it inevitably ends in tears.
This should be good news for any younger anons here.
Cultivate your character, become strong in every way, and it is guaranteed that you will attract quality women no matter your age, your wealth, or how many steroids you take.
Couldn't agree more user.
Ride the tiger… Just a little longer now til we kill it.
Nice digits
A dirty esoteric war with your own people cheering for your destruction.
Only a creature as corrupt and base as the jew could even contemplate, let alone create such a situation.
Us or them.
There is no middle ground.
Anyone eating carbs who isn't eating oats and splitpeas is not white.
Vanity and because getting old sucks.
People are weak so they accept the narcissistic projection of a few psycopaths as being the norm. Unquestioning, unthinking cattle. It's also a trap to make people miserable and cut them off from their knowledgeable elders who could curb stomp this Jew agenda.