Here is a challenge for any association of Pol progammers. Hack popular games like Battlefields 1 or Destiny 2 (just examples), remove and replace all the "Diversity" that has been put in them.
Is that way too complicated?
Here is a challenge for any association of Pol progammers. Hack popular games like Battlefields 1 or Destiny 2 (just examples), remove and replace all the "Diversity" that has been put in them.
Is that way too complicated?
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I'm shocked.
Will get right on it. Maybe I can digitize the niggers out of disney movies for you too?
Just after I finish deleting all non-white facebook accounts.
you do understand the video game industry is bigger than movie and that it takes entire studios and a lifetime of man hours? And if you somehow managed to do it, you'd get hit with a DMCA the minute you tried to distribute it? After doing all that. For free.
captcha g new rb
Stellaris had a mod that changed the human faction into all Europeans. When the cucked Swedish developer found out, they banished it from their mods page and twisted themselves into pretzels to virtue signal about how they detest racism etc. and so forth.
Seriously though, OP…
Yeah, a user mod is the only way this is somewhat feasible, like others have pointed out "hacking" the game so that every user only sees Aryans is almost impossible unless we have a Holla Forumsack on the inside.
However a mod would be a nice thing for people who want to play games without the poz. I've considered doing it for my copies of KOTOR and SWBF2
Or you could always just quit playing the interactive jew.
Op's intense maggotry aside, let's take a practical look at the idea.
1. Would it be far off to say that the top 10 or 20 games in the Anglosphere take up 90 percent of the eyeball time each year?
2. Would it be possible then to do user mods for just these top games and potentially put a major dent in diversity time on screen per eyeball-hour?
3. Would these mods, once completed, be easy to distribute by said team and hard to prevent use of by the jew?
4. And would the cost outlay of a dedicated team to mod these ten or twenty games be something doable by a modest crowdfunding?
If the answer to all four is yes, then OP's dicksuckotry is decreased by an order of magnitude, and we might have something here. Get ready for more shills incoming on this thread, because putting brown in front of white eyeballs is one of the biggest and most important moves the jew will make in our lifetimes I would know, grew up in Miami and it's a struggle every day to feel white even though I am.
Pic related.
Some modders do that stuff. Even in niche games, it creates huge shitstorms and eventually the developers end up censoring stuff.
One recent example: in Stellaris, a space game where the human race is multiculti, a mod to make all humans white was made. It was promptly censored by the devs and derided by game journalists. What the media conveniently forgot to mention is the existence of a "blacks only" mod as well as a "pick a single race for humanity" mod.
When people pointed this out, the media and devs argued some of the comments to the white only mods were racist therefore the mod needed to be censored.
So there you have it. Even if you make a completely optional mod coexisting with other similar mods, you will be targeted for thoughtcrime by association.
The modding itself wouldn't be too hard. You can either replace nigs with Aryan models that already exist in game or just do a pallette swap if the facial features aren't too distinct. Or if you're an artfag you can just design your own character models. Might have to change some dialogue if any of the characters speak in Ebonics.
For distribution, I'm sure Holla Forums would be a good place to share links, maybe reddit or voat as well even though they're all normalfaggots. I doubt you could get them on official mod pages, though it's worth a shot.
Humor me, I might be a richfag. Would this allow you to bleach your online in-game experience as well? Also, got a dollar amount for say, ten of these games being thusly modded by a freelancer?
Cheating in games is possible, but what you're asking to do is changing files on everyone's installation on their personal computer so that graphics don't render non-whites, yes? This isn't possible.
The way I understand it, most games host their textures/models locally on your machine, so your online experience should be fine since you're just putting a different image in an existing game file.
Most of the cost will come from buying the game itself. At $60 a game, that's $600 for ten. If you want to create wholly unique models to replace the nogs that will take up quite some time/money but it's trivial to replace them with already created content if some is available.
Is it worth our time to create racist mods for popular games. I don't mean mods like the Moon Man mod for Doom which intend to only shock but mods with themes that are played completely straight.
Ok, so let's say a friend of a friend has a background in making money in a less than wholesome way that leaves him with large amounts of free cash, lots of it in bitcoin. And let's say this person wants to make the mods happen soon, like in a month or two.
1. Could it be done remote for cheap? Like, China or India freelance computer jockeys doing this?
2. If america, what's the most it would cost to just have a third party do it?
3. Let's say this person wants to go maximum impact, like "pre existing content" but in an organized format, like calling the mod "color-correct" and having an option to make everyone from their respective countries the right racial avatar, or just bleach everything white, what could this friend of mine get for say 10 grand? How many games?
It's already happening for free. Just flag down one of the people who's made a whites only mod and ask for a quote.
Triple As will probably cost more due to the layers of bullshit you'll need to cut through, and online might not be possible depending on the drm involved. I'd say set aside $100 per game, and it could probably be done, if it's something retardedly simple like most paradox stuff it would probably only take like ten bucks.
1. I wouldn't outsource it. Shitty streets, shitty mods.
2. If by third party you mean non Holla Forums or Holla Forums source I'd say your chances of convincing anybody to do it will be low. I'm no expert though.
3. Not sure what you mean by "preexisting" content. 10k is way more than you'll need for this.
Here's the best way to do it. Come up with a concrete list of games you want modded and post it on here and Holla Forums to generate some interest. Get a discord or IRC chat together so people can collaborate. Purchase games for modders if nobody wants to shell out shekels for them. You'd be done in no time.
Anyone can do it for free, it's as hard as photoshopping.
Any modder would do it for 50 bucks.
10 grand? All of them.
Now there's the hard part - getting you mod from being shut down on the major platforms. For that matter I suggest making mods under the pretense of something neutral - for instance removing niggers from BF1 should be "Immersive historically accurate overhaul" and you'd need to make some minor changes to other factions to hide the fact that the mode is done solely to remove the niggers.
Another thing to keep in mind is that most normies won't download a mod that just replaces niggers, since they are too indoctrinated to care. So if we want to cater to the gaming community at large we will have to do it subtly.
For example, mod a fantasy game so all the swords turn into lightsabers. An easy mod that will be very popular. Just don't mention the fact that you've unpozzed the game as well and they will eat it up.
Sauce? Seems like a spooky vidya.
What you are asking for is called a MOD, you retard, and it's optional.
You can't even hack online games in that way.
It's called modding leftyshit