Fuck it, Payday 2 thread

Update 100 removed mictrotransactions and utterly broke the game with the new skill system so its somewhat fun for the time being. Its worth a reinstall but dont give Overkill any money

Discuss overpowered builds, Incompetent jew developers, DLC piracy and bag tossing

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jewery aside. Payday 2 is some of the most fun I've ever had with a shotgun in a video game. Even if it's because they're broken

I want to hug Dozer.

You run a 1mb file and it unlocks all the DLC for you by changing the 0s to 1s.

modern programmers everybody, finding a way to take one line of code take up 1MB instead of only a handful of bytes

I bet you don't even use code switches. Yandev, is that you?

And i fucking love this.That game is now aiming to be fun instead of being a shitty treadmill.
Taking out the MTs was a late move, but it needed to be done since that shit already have fucktons of DLC to keep the income. Plus MTs on retail is a trashy move.

Leave it to a game with 7 sets of armor and shitloads of big guns to make sprinting around in a suit with pistol-shaped weapons the most fun and effective method.

stopped playing when the mirotransactions hit so plz elaborate on the new skills.

This, if you want me to reinstall 28GB on a whim and take the time to set back up all my essential mods (chromatic aberration removal, functional hitboxes for arms/legs, removed scope sway) I'm gonna need some fucking convincing.



Oh a bit more in depth too

You can imagine what kind of bullshit builds you can make with this. My current build does so much damage with my suppressed white streak, bulldozers go down before their visor is off

What's the state of modding?
Can I just drop my old mods back in and go or did they fuck everything up?

I know Hoxhud is broken for the time being, and I heard some people talking about having to fiddle with some of their mods to get them working but thats about the extent of what I know

Nothing of value was lost.

DLC unlocker still works, my own custom mods still work, guess I'll give this trainwreck another shot. 5 sentry turrets with AP ammo is fucking hilarious.

i doubt it, it looks like that 1mb file is actually done and didn't cost 2k a month to fund

Are the RNG unlockables still in?

Hoxhud works fine.

I've played around with turrets a bit. Rolling 6 is pretty silly at least on overkill and below.

i was doing the Hotline Miami heist and in the last phase of the second day, some dude set up two turrets on each little roof section thing. we had literally nothing to do; his turrets just gunned down absolutely everyone, even shields and dozers.

still can't get a group together to do the fucking all hotline miami 1 masks thing

Oh, there an achiebment or some shit with that? I've only done the ones with tangible rewards, like hoxout OK with suits, no skills, and specific weapons.
What's the HLM one like? I'd be up for it, probably, if you have two others.


you just do the hotline miami heist while wearing the HM1 DLC masks on any difficulty. it's piss-easy, it's just finding three other non-retards, who have the masks, and don't quit halfway through that's hard


I'd be up for that if there's another couple people here who'd wanna do it.

Same, if any user wants to go my steamid is themanwhoshilledtheworld


well let's do it right now then. my steamid is dasmark, and we can probably do it with just one random


OK friends I just reinstalled, anyone wants to play?

What does the meta look like these days?

Dodge grinder used to be my shit for overkill/DW difficulty loud because I like to shoot things. Is dodge grinder good again?

Can someone here give a link to the latest Pirate Perfection?

Seems they nerfed grinder (and dodge) so it's less blatantly OP, but it's still solid as fuck.

Why would you want such a bloated dumb cheat system instead of just a DLC unlocker?
If you do actually just want an unlocker, get BLT and the DLC unlocker .lua file.

mind giving a link to that then user?

I don't see how the microtransactions were what made people stop playing Payday 2, the game has significant problems and what might as well be microtransactions with it's DLC. The game is obviously pay to win.

The LUA hook from here:
And then just unzip this into /PAYDAY 2/mods/

Despite having that huge amount of DLC fuckery, the microtransaction was the last drop, since this is a retail game for starters and fortunately most of the playerbase wasnt a bunch of Gaben fuckbois/softkikes to accept or defend this kind of bullshit in their game.
Because this pushed beyond the limit of what the playerbase could tolerate, it was already dealing with the insane DLC abuse to "support" the game.
Never go full retard, user.

Favorite builds?
I've enjoyed running around like a spaz in a suit with akimbo compact-5s, low blow, and grinder.
I've started using my favorite, favorite build again since it's more viable after the skill revamp and balance changes. I run ballistic vest crook for the combination of mobility and new armor bonuses, with a sniper rifle/precision weapon. My favorite is the Lever Action since I have a fetish for it in every game that has it, but I enjoy using all the high caliber semi-auto battle rifles like the FAL, the M14, and the DMR G3. They have a whole new sharpshooter skill branch to support them, which is a sweet deal for me. Vector is better than Jacket's Piece now, but I don't mind as long as I have a bullet hose with my primary rifle. I always liked taking C4 and planting them inside doorframes, and now they're good enough that I don't feel guilty bringing them, since they're more effective and you can take 14 of them, and 6 of them can be breaching charges. Fire trap is a heavy investment, but I'll check it out soon, for the added area denial.

Fuckbois they were, but they couldn't swallow anymore.

Originally, when dodge was first a real viable thing, I loved going dodge + inspire + mosin nagant. Great fun, high damage, workan' that bolt action.
Then I made a fugiforcer shotgun dodge build and that was pretty fun too. Also ran full explosives dodge build and that was fun.
Once they nerfed the shit out of snipers and shotguns, and buffed the shit out of pistols, though, I made an inspire + silent killer + dodge build using GL40 main (only for shields) and deagle brand deagle as the real "main" weapon, since it was basically a sniper with none of the drawbacks of the sniper class. Currently using basically the same, but with grinder perk deck and the jericho 941 (which magically has deagle brand deagle damage despite being 9mm version). Also the katana is GOAT melee weapon, grorius nippon steel forded over a mirrion times.

When update 100 first hit, I tried to make a viable dodge + melee build, but I just couldn't get the healthpool stable enough (grinder doesn't proc often enough at close range to sustain health when going ham with katana, and psychopath doesn't work at all at range, so you get FUCKED by anybody up on a ledge of any kind).

I still hate what they did to Train. I want my masochist heist back.

we must kill the bat

I use Pirate Perfection just to give me a crap ton of new mods and stuff for masks and stuff so I can experiment. I also need the latest dll.

Does this also unlock the microtransaction skins?

pubs still freak out and kick on sight for using the DLC Unlocker it seems, dumbasses don't realize the CHEATER tag only applies to people using unpurchased DLC
or they're mad because they good goy'd $100+ for shit you can unlock for free with three lines of luascript :^)

We got anywhere to congregate? My timezones are shit so it's hard to catch people in the thread.

trying to bring some randoms to the Jew Store is pain. How the fuck do you get to infamy 2 and not know how to ECM rush?

They probably used cheats like I did


You can make your own lobby, if you'd like.
I kinda miss kicking people who bought keys for skins and watching them get discriminated against. That was fun.

Use the top of the black barrel in the center of the map as sort've a home base for that map. Nothing really can hit you on there if you're in the middle crouching and slowly collect while you can. Took like 3 tries to beat it on deathwish without all of these new perks.


Hit me up so I don't have to play with pubs anymore.

Instead of posting Steam IDs here, should someone make a Steam group or something ? It would be better to join a game quickly.
I want to try to play it again but I'm wondering if the community is worse than when I stopped playing, a couple of weeks after the GO-Bank Heist.

Also, if you don't feel like downloading 30Gb, the game is 28Gb but the download is compressed and is "only" 13.4Gb.


I didn't know this, thanks.

I'm okay with this

Im glad the meta got fucked just from the multitude of overpowered builds there are no I know the judge would probably do more damage but thats a fucking revolver not a shotgun

I just feel really bad if I'm on a dodge build without inspire, since then I end up getting instagibbed at some point if I get unlucky and can't repay the favour to whoever revived me.

I'll probably toss my leftover points at inspire as I hit 100

You have a point.

The Judge is a mini-revolver shotty just like irl, but its shells are too small if compared to a 12 gauge shells, its damage is huge bullshit for reasons while any other shotty should be doing a higher damage.


Literally retarded

my nigger

Its got ridiculously high concealment with shortbarrel+flip up sight AND can be suppressed.

I didnt even know this because I NEVER used suppressed weapons in Loud before the update but you can actually sneak up on enemies in loud and you shoot an enemy with a silenced weapons, the others wont react until they actually see you.

Which, by the way, makes unseen strike ridiculous.

sage for doublepost

Daily reminder you can stagger Dozers now for some reason.

That's pretty gay, user.

oh fuck :DDD

More payday? good, might as well respot.

i love spawning enemies during heists, makes things a lot more hectic

How did you get the safe simulator?

Jesus, the dodge/sonicfast/armor regen build is so fucking OP.

Pirate perfection

I'm fairly happy with this.

You can further increase the damage of weapons if you take ace the silenced weapons do more damage and equip some larger silencers.

I considered that, but that's too deep into the tree to warrant it, and I'm hitting pretty much every damage breakpoint I need. Raven is just above the 1 headshot per cloaker threshold, and bodies just about everything else.

PP exists for a reason. You can unlock every skill tier from the get go. Just fuck around, it's not like the community is less shit or the game became 10 times better because the skill tree overhaul.

They will never ever make that space payday 2 game

I stopped playing this a while ago when they actually started going after cheaters.

Does this still give you the big CHEATER sign in online play that everyone kicks you for?

Ya. It really showed how much of a jew overkill was when they went after people who used a dlc unlocker, but not those who actually cheated.

I won't say it isn't tempting, but I get a special kind of glee out of breaking the game on their own terms.

I really have to wonder if stealth in this game is shit or Im just shit at it.

Its both isnt it


Capt from PP found out how stealth works, just block the eye level areas with shit and the AI cant see you. Thats it.

Yeah i used to do that too.
Speed/Dodge build with 2 turrets and mines. I can't recall if i had the perk which gives more. Maps like bank heists were fun, where if you placed them right they wouldn't come farther into the building than a few meters and they lasted until a good while. And the mines helped to defend point of entries and kind of gave away if an assault was coming from that specific direction. Once the defense was set up, i'd just run and gun like crazy.
I still fondly remember doing target damage on mall crashers in under a min.

Does PP still work for generating the microtransaction drops?
If so, does it pull that cheater tag bullshit or is it actually just a normal item?
Can you sell it?
hand rubbing intensifies

Current version has the safe generator, but everything is saved locally so you cant just uncrate Midas and spam the marketplace unfortunately.

At least OVK did something right for once.

Also Cheater only triggers if you use the Midas touch (kek) or unlock DLC you dont own, even then if you are using the Midas people will just comment on it.

Also dropping loot bags doesnt trigger Cheater either.

these tutorial heists are so easy to break

Why is payday 2 one of the only half decent FPS stealth games?

choose two

Stealth and payday 2

Name 5 better fps stealth games besides thief.

Choose one

This game is so hilariously broken now and I love it

Dodge has always been broken since you almost never get hit and if you do you're fast enough to get to cover. People who wear armor are stupid niggers.

I choose


Surely other people use the unlockers

What about the unlockers?


(still no fucking gaems)


Why did somebody draw that?



Neat, I appreciate them taking the time to add free DLC to the game. I just wish they'd stop accusing me of cheating :^)



anyone got a working dlc unlocker?

PiratePerfection works, and comes with a bunch of other shit such as skin unlockers and the ability to shit on people that actually support overkill


>I bought the "DLC" just because I wanted it in my library and I forgot about the DLC unlocker so I just kept buying
Most cucked shit I ever did.

Honestly the game was fun for awhile but waiting for drills seriously gets fucking annoying to the point where I honestly can't play it anymore. At all. The new DLCs push the engine too far trying to do shit that should just be in a new game. I'm not an advocate for some open world autism but really they need to make a new game or SOMETHING to let us think out of the box instead of being forced into the same core objectives with every heist.

Maybe it's just me, idk. And pistols need to be nerfed.

Pistols are fine, it's the light/medium rifles that need a buff. Everything in the game can wreck face except for light/medium rifles and light SMGs. You can rebalance the weapons yourself with LUA scripts, though, and there's even two different major overhaul mods that do exactly that.

Also from what I can tell, a lot of heists had drill timers reduced by a fuckload; Hoxton Breakout is lightning fast now because the drills on that map only take around one minute. To be honest my least favorite part about the game is ferrying bags, I'm okay with "defend this drill point".

They already accidentally leaked that they're making Payday 3 in the same announcement where they removed microtransactions

I've actually been having a ton of fun with my sanic LMG build. I seriously can't believe they managed to make the game good again.

The whole mechanical model needs a redo. When suits/pistols are near-invincible compared to ceramic-plate armor and LMGs, someone's fucked up. Hell, most of the weaponry in the game is superfluous given their damage output to concealment ratio.

As for drills, that's part of what ruins Death Wish for me, that you can't use shaped charges on safes. It's the only difficulty with any challenging enemies, but specifically disabling a specific feature that required (dunno if it's the case anymore) a hefty skill point investment it pure bullshit.

Also surprised that they didn't import more heists from the first game. We got Slaughterhouse and First World Bank, but they never got around to Heat Street or the informant pickup or the heist in the skyscraper.

Both suit dodge and akimbo pistols got nerfed hard, and they added two more PD1 heists (as paid DLC, not that it affects me)

Death Wish was always boring for me because it just bloated enemy HP and changed mechanics around to make the game more tedious. Yeah, the GenSec Elites are neat but they're gated behind the shittiest difficulty setting. It's the awkward situation where Overkill is just easy enough to be too easy, everything beneath it is fucking boring, and the only difficulty above it (Death Wish) makes the game harder in all the wrong ways.

that works too
yeah, but my problem is that at it's core every heist feels the same. I'm fine with waiting for drills and shit like that but when it's like that for almost every heist, then the game just feels repetitive after my ~160 hours of playtime. It just doesn't feel very fast paced, it's a big waiting game. There's nothing objectively wrong with that, mind you, but personally a game can't carry itself for me on just survival/stealth heists with goofy builds.

Yeah, the game has some awful weapon balancing issues atm. And don't get me started on the APCs or whatever.
Fuck, I'd kill for a remake of that except more true to the movie it was based off of.

Sauce/Pics of them leaking Payday 3?


gotchu fam, it's in the statement detailing that Starbreeze is now independent from 505 Games they released when they tried shifting the blame for microtransactions onto them for PR reasons

Yeah, the heist objectives are pretty samey. It's comparable to Killing Floor in that if you don't like the core gameplay loop, you're just fucked. Hopefully for Payday 3 they actually make a real crime simulator with proper planning, consequences, escape sequences, etc.


While we're dreaming, I'd love to see a coordinator role where one player has a technical overview of the heist and can disable alarms/actually do the hacking/drive the getaway vehicle. At the very least some random chucklefuck player could probably do the work faster than Bain could.

I just dont know, played it the other day and the Fugitive tree is not as fun now.
I remember being able to empty a pistol magazine in a few seconds and reload in the blink of an eye, but when I replayed it everything to be slower and I double checked and had all the necessary fugitive skills.
So, was Fugitive nerfed or not.

Also, how do i change between primary and secondary deployables, which button is it (because I cant seem to switch between shaped charges and sentry guns).

After reading that I'm hopeful. Syndicate and Riddick was pretty dope.

X is the button to switch deployables

There are some talented dudes behind the jewery. Their original concepts are always fantastic despite the sometimes awful execution. Syndicate was a very pretty game minus the "next gen" camera effects with at least some life being put in the cyberpunk fps genre.

Lol I haven't seen hope like that in years. Well I hate to break the news but payday 3 will most likely suck ass. It's the only logical conclusion for how Jewish the kike devs are.

I'll be the one laughing when it happens, alongside DMC5 being good, Atlus snapping out of their faggotry by returning to proper SMT form, Denuvo dropping off the market, and Xenoverse 2 being the best Dragon Ball game of all time

Wait, so how much is the jewery from Starbreeze and how much is it from Overkill?

About 50-50

Starbreeze is pretty damn jewish, but Amir at Overkill acts like he's swedish John Romero and everything he touches is gold.

We don't know for sure but given Overkill's reaction to the backlash, I'd wager about 50/50

Not my place to say, if the product has bullshit in it, I usually stay away from it regardless and get more cautious with the parties involved with future projects of theirs.

Nah, anyone can use shaped charges now

If more people would think like you user…we would have nice things.

Oh I'm hardly a role model for that shit. I'm still a pretty big buyfag, especially when it comes to anything that involves kojima. The only difference between me and the average casual is that I'll only buy games that are
Which means plenty of trash AAAshit like Siege are still fair game for me.

So much for that


I did, doesn't work with BLT.

Tell me Holla Forums, how would you make a heist game.

No fucking DLC

This right here. Plus not appealing to SJWs like Overjew. So female heisters that people actually want to play as and they're good looking and not ugly fat landwhales who can't heist in real life since they're not in shape.

Also, fuck Reddit.

I've actually thought about this for some time, though my ideas for it are pretty unorganized.

I'd make it much less action-oriented and push the stealth/crowd-control element much further, to something like the stealth in the Diamond Store; a lot of planning and setup, making sure everything is in place before rushing in a grabbing everything as fast as possible. Execution would be absolutely key, and the alarm going off should be avoided at all costs, rather than an inevitability.

Any police presence at all would have a large impact, and Swat teams would actually function and use proper tactics. Weapon handling would be similar to Insurgency or Red Orchestra, meaning you have to be decisive in your actions. If a heist goes bad, it will end almost immediately rather than the last stand siege deal that usually happens in Payday.

Equipment would go back to the Payday 1 style; no RPG-like elements, just pick out your guns and go. the crew's members and their loadout, clothing, equipment and weapons would be dependent on the nature of the heist and the locale.

And finally, I would have heists that are designed for different amounts of players, some heists for solo play, and some for up to 10 players.

An example heist I've thought of takes place on a bullet train in Japan, where your trying to get a briefcase off this guy. Your crew must board the correct train, find the target, take his briefcase, and get off at the next station. If you dont get the briefcase in time, you'll have to get off at the next station which will have been completely occupied by SWAT. And to make things interesting, only one member of the crew can actually speak Japanese.

I would actually make that game if I had talent.

I've been thinking about this for months now

How does it sound?

And what would be a good engine to make it on?

I would just default to Unreal; it seems to be the best engine for making FPS.

Apparently they are actually finally working on that

They said they were working on it almost a year ago.

I barely played PD1 what was the mask system and I didn't play Golden Grin.

My ideas are all over the place. but here I go.

What do you guys think?


The mask system for Payday: The Heist was relatively simple. You got a couple masks at the beginning, and some others at certain holidays and at certain milestones. You get these masks, but each character gets a different mask depending on which character you pick, which all follow a similar theme. For example, the Halloween mask were a set of masks that had a theme of Halloween. Dallas, the leader, gets the only Hollywood-backed monster mask, Frankenstein's monster. Hoxton wore a Jack o' Lantern, Wolf wore a demon mask, and Chains wore a skull. Another, BEEF, was based around average video games. Dallas got a Homefront mask (American, and in a leadership position), Hoxton a Battlefield-styled mask (slightly average), Wolf a Metro 2033 mask (showing he's unhinged) and Chains a Jurassic Park: The Game mask (to show he kills good).

Preplanning in Goldne Grin is more extensive than in any other heist in the game. In it, almost every facet of the heist can be upgraded. You can make the blimp move faster, the drill drill faster, the vault be more openable, have one of the numbers to the vault be easy to find, and/or disable metal detectors. You can drop as many ammo bags around the map as you can afford. All this is only limited by your amount of favors, so you have to ration it out accordingly. However, on reflection, I'd also add the preplanning from Big Bank as well, due to the variety of escapes. There should be more entrances and exits, and also ways to access the loot.

Thanks, dude.

Research on what scares people or some shit.
Have a vote system, host decide, what job people play, etc..
No fun.
That would be a drag for people have to change a character because it fucks with how the game is played.
Sounds dumb.
Also make it to where if your gun uses special snowflake ammo like 9x39 you need to bring your own ammo.
Also not fun but can still be an option to choose.

I thought it was more complex than that I was wondering what you needed to do to unlock certain masks but I can look that up myself I just like people here better than a wikia page.

Also have languages, race, age, and gender have effect. If you're speaking Russian or Portuguese, and other places seen as bandit countries people will be more afraid. Women will be more scared. Old people will either be afraid, sometimes have a heart attack, or fight back because old people do fight back.

M8 git gud, its not that hard if you know what youre doing.

Regards 1600h played, never cheated, completed all heists on DW before thanatos and grinder update when it was still hard.

And ofc i have all achievments, but thats a given.

Because Dozer is soft, and needs lots of love.

I want to cuddle with Dozer like one would do with a giant, stuffed Teddy Bear.

Gotcha again, mu'ffugga.

On review, there should either be more masks based around player accomplishment, or allow group-related masks to be unlocked at a later date through other means…

Just watched the Biker trailer

Ron perlman.

Fuckin what

But user, would you marry?

shit dude, now i want myself a life sized dozer plushie

Here's Chains in Captain America: Civil War.

bumping with retard

Can a kind user post caps of the new models? I wanna see how bad they are

It's pretty much just tumblr whining.

The tiara looks awful.

Jacket actually looks better now

He looks a bit more worn down, like someone who's actually fought in Hawaii

Who the fuck are these people ?

Dallas Wolf Chains Houston
Wick Hoxton Clover Dragan
Jacket Bonnie Sokol Jiro
Bodhi Jimmy Sydney Rust

Nice worldbuilding, Overkill

In a heartbeat, church bells ringing, an infant cries.


Meet the New Payday Gang! :^)

tbh I dont think Vlad would give you that big of a cut for the nuke.

why did they have to fucking add him.

Why settle for anything but the real deal?




Are you implying you're planning to have kids?
What would they even look like? Would they be born in a tiny bomb suit?

At least he doesn't look like Wojak anymore.


Well, marriage shouldn't exactly lead away from the idea of having children. Would it?
Of course they wouldn't be born into a suit, numbnuts. That's for their coming of age.

If it was raised shekelkin would it be a bomb mitzvah?


I'd heavily copy Fragile Alliance from the Kane and Lynch series. I'd make the shooting, movement and cover system better than it however.

The others that have commented have great ideas, too.

Where do you think we are?

I'm just thinking about what having sex with a bomb suit would be like.
Rather hot, probably. I mean that literally, bomb suits are really warm to be inside.

I haven't played the game in 2 years and everything I think up of it, that would supposedly improve the game would probably turn out horrible.

Because there the interactions with the environment mattered the most.

I'd probably try to integrate loud/stealth. Some missions may be designed around loud being a distraction to hold the cops attention, or backup, while someone or some team still infiltrates security (to cut out the time that otherwise would've been spent drilling).

Would try to balance out the payouts so people would really have to think about the profitability of a heist. So you'd think about the ammo spent if you went loud, or the amount of gadgets used; and you really wouldn't be bringing in "high level" or expensive equipment if you were really just robbing a small jewelry store or some other starter map.

I'd loosen the player cap to a higher number, but the drawback behind bringing in too many people is less cash to go between.

That more depends on where you live.

Nothing comfier than getting warm.

It's such shit.
I know the game isn't supposed to be realistic but how the fuck would you run a gang of 12 heisters and stay under the radar ? And why is there tumblrinas in a gang of professional thieves ?

And why the fuck is there the guy from point break and the guy from hellboy ?

Wait Keanu Reeves was in point break and also in john wick, doesn't that just ruin the lore a little ?
I'm sorry for the triple post.


Monaco is a better game than Payday.

Yeah thanks bud.

The bombsuit makes for a very comfortable and warm experience.


Payday 2 already has a large problem with hosts kicking players for increased loot so I've heard, and there aren't any rewards for doing it as is. Incentivize that behavior, and the game's going to garner a bad reputation, and die quicker than Evolve or Battleborn.

I kinda miss the Astronaut from Hell look they had in Payday 1

Clover was Dallas's protege, Bonnie was someone Hox used to know who was brought in to dig up info on the rat.

Sydnie, however, is basically just a mary sue. Basically she was a fangirl of the payday gang who hit the same heist the payday gang was hitting, and rather than shooting her like they should've they were like "YOURE SO COOL JOIN US" becuase Tumblr-pandering

The Bodhi in Payday 2 is from the 2015 remake (Which was shit). Also its fucking weird now that the Wolf pack DLC is in Payday 2 since the disguise was "Bodhi's Pool Repair" which was only supposed to be a reference to Point Break, now theres a real Bodhi in the crew.

Don't forget the safe house's dry cleaner place has Bodhi's name on it

I miss everything from Payday 1.

Honestly the biggest problem with stealth is that the game gives you every reason not to do it.

I mean Shadow Raid is good for some quick money, but 9/10 the preferable option is going loud, ESPECIALLY with the powercreep from DLC after DLC. Despite requiring MUCH more work and being a single fuckup away from having to restart what can be up to a 20 minute heist, the rewards are the same either way. GO bank was probably what cemented this feeling for me since its easy as fuck to do loud and gives the same rewards, meanwhile stealth requires a coordinated strike to take out all the cameras, followed by tedious waiting with semi-involved activity followed by having to dodge a laser followed by the alarm going off anyway after a set amount of time. I mean just look at the perks and skills.Only one of ghost's skill trees are actually stealth related, and only 1 out of 16 perk decks are useful at all in stealth (And its DLC to boot).

Who else would you want to talk to but the owner himself?

wow m8 thx

I'll never know why people find this game hard on dw, after 900+ hours dw+ is the only real hard part anymore 12k hp dozers that sprint, no I frames, increased spawn rate, and not even that can touch my build

Overall is this game worth the reinstall.

yes. The new skilltree layouts make for some very interesting builds to say the least.

Since this is a build thread i might aswell leak my build that i haven't shown anyone besides some of my irl fags. Have fun 1 shotting skulldozers through the armor, and yes it does take infamy 5.

Christ almighty that skin looks like pure visual shit

How is Ron's performance anyway? Is it half-assed or did he actually put some effort into his lines?

His lines are above average actually.

i got it from a free key and its stat boosted its worth like 7 bucks



overkill ruined him by making him a generic chad and getting rid of wojack
he seriously looked like feels guy before the update

nighty night dozah

Here's a quick edit for that picture, user.
Nighty night, Dozah!


I don't know, user.
seems to sum it up well.
While on the other hand, young Jacket makes him seem like an 80's anomaly within Payday's timeline.


What did the all the models look like before and what the fuck did they do to Dragan he looks some fat Asiatic down-syndrome boy.

they had a case of Sameface.

Fuck outta here faggot

hey nerds, humble codes for anyone who has the game already

Thanks user


Or, you can just use DLC Unlocker.

So, is anybody here remotely interested in Payday: Ebul Nahzees Edition? Will it have just as much DLC as Payday 2?twice as much?


cant wait for the 50 ww2 heists they dont deliver.


Thank you for being ambiguous what the fuck is this.

Raid: World War II, a cooperative multiplayer first-person shooter set during World War I where players work together to take down hordes of Axis forces while stealing valuable loot to further the Ally Cause.

Remember Lion Game Lion, that croatian DLC factory for Overkill? That's their first game, Raid: World War 2.

It's not so confusing, once you understand the concept of love.

That makes sense why there is a Croat in the game, a country most people don't know or give a shit about. I main Dragan though, za Poglavnika i dom spremni.

With a few exceptions, stealth is pretty easy. The penalty for dead civvies is pretty low (lower with the skill that chops the cost) and they don't have any pagers. Long as you have a body bag asset, you can pretty easily knock off the few key guards/civvies and make a beeline to the loot and back.

Just went to reinstall. 30 gigs. Fuck me, it can't be worth it anymore. Pub scrubs galore towards the end of my "career". It has to be a shitload worse now.

Never asked why, and they actually are making the game easier and easier almost every perkdeck regens hp, they lowered cop spawn rates, overdrill is a joke now, they've toned down the game quite a bit.

Its literally a WWII skin of Payday.


In hindsight, the name Pay-day was a red herring.

Anybody playing this?

In portuguese, payday sounds exactly like the expression "I farted" or "peidei"

Well that's certainly gonna bloat the player count for a while.

someone figure out how to fix this shit

try using blt cse

repackage your DLC unlocker into a BLT mod you lazy fuck

it worked, thanks, here's cheesecake in return

I had a heart attack when I saw the announcement "PAYDAY 2 FREE TO PLAY"

I laughed my ass off. They couldn't have possibly worded it in a more trolly way.

Did Update 100 really fix that much that people didn't instantly go full retard upon announcement?

They trashed all microtransactions from here on out. That's probably why.

between what said and them giving the game's skill system a pretty actually okay rework, most of the normalfags forgave them


why did I even think going to reddit was a good idea.

Also bump.

They actually think that DW was hard

Even if you're only playing on Overkill you should be fucking XXV-100 by now.

Is it worth downloading for the free week?

I would not recommend playing pubs whenever the game is free, unless you have friends or are fine playing it solo.

I'll be honest, I'm only II-100 at 500 hours, but I've already beaten about half the heists on death wish.

I been getting more and more into it. If anyone wants people to play with post your Steam name

>all these hosts allowing

Does anyone remember the average damage for rifles before the weapon revamp? For example, did the Eagle Heavy rifle always do 80 damage? They all feel a lot stronger but I may just be going senile.

they look good m8

It's a good feel.

Payday 2 players by mains

Either fresh install newbies or extremely bland people. Never talks ever. usually sticks to Overkill because he knows he's not too great at the game.
Either total bros, or retards who think they're bros but are actually faggots who can't tell they're massive faggots and think everyone loves them. Most of that time they're alright.
Furfags, often times own the COP to their own regret, usually assholes, can at the same time can be likable and be one of your best friends if you click, and occasionally The Heist veterans. Usually great at the game.
Always autistic no matter what. The only difference is the type of autism. Either they're dood memes XD autism that are horrible to play with, or they have thousands of hours and know everything about the game that are like the awkward kid at the back of that class who gets picked on but is actually pretty alright. Usually loves to talk on both side of the spectrum, and talks about almost anything. Either they're shit or the best players you will see.
Edgelords who think the all black suit and shirt is the coolest thing ever. They also never talk, but when they do they're bound to say something retarded. Usually only to chime into something and say some Reddit tier leftist political opinion, even if what everyone else is talking about has nothing to do with politics. Obviously bad at the game.
People who like to pretend they're Payday The Heist veterans but only have around 10 hours in The Heist. They usually blame everyone else for when they fuck up. They mostly play stealth and usually think they're stealth masters because they can use a stealth judge, or use a cool build they found from a steam guide that they will claim to have came up with themselves. Ironically they're usually shit at stealth. They're shit at loud too.
Attention whores. Always play dodge, and goes down every two seconds. Another popular choice for furfags. Always shit at the game.
Pretty alright, secretly degenerate. You usually only find this out after you get to know them and in some strange way you find out about it. Their usually still alright because they keep it to themselves and understand nobody wants to know about their autism. They usually play shooter-ASSFAGGOTS hybrids like CSGO and Overwatch, so you often have to drag them away from their addiction to play with you. Usually good players.
This all depends on one crucial factor. If they're wearing an animal or Hotline Miami mask, or not. If they wear A Hotline Miami related mask they're hands down the nicest people you will ever play with. If they wear any other masks they're Redditfags who spend more time talking about the game on Reddit than actually playing it. May not be they best, but they can hold their own. The personality will determine if you kick them or not.


Usually alright to play with. About the least common main you can find. Usually capable of holding their own.
Either Russian wannabes, or pretty bland people in general with one outstanding quirk, for better or for worse, usually worse. Generally okay at the game. Hates losing
Closet weebs. If you ask them about anime they will give the routine "I think I watched one of them Cowboy Bebops one time, but I don't really like anime." But if you start talking about anime they usually open up and can name a whole bunch of anime they like. They usually have alright taste in anime. They always play full out medic Inspire builds. Usually shit. If they're not they're great supports
That one new player who thinks he's the best player in the lobby. They're the kind of people that play Dark Souls because "LOL IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD XD" and usually apply that logic to Deathwish and think because they completed a few DW heists that they most likely got carried on they're fantastic at the game. Usually wears a DW mask they obviously cheated in and brag about how good they are at DW while only playing Overkill. Always has a low kill count either from awful weapons he picks, or shit aim. Always goes down constantly.
The person who takes nothing seriously and thinks he's le ebin trole, will often times ruin lobbies if he gets bored half way through. Likes to kick at the end of every heist. Always connects to random stealth lobbies to ruin them. sometimes underage and may run a Youtube channel where they try to be an eceleb. Also DUDE DRUGS LMAO. Usually bad at the game.
Subculture wannabes. They're usually posers to whatever subculture they choose to be a part of. They also usually assocate themselves with a whole bunch of subcultures because they're special snowflakes and are in 500 steam groups surrounding the subcultures they are a part of. The kind of people who claim to be metalheads but only really listen to Metallica, except they do this with a whole bunch of things. They usually always have something to complain about, and they never shut the fuck up about it. More and more are popping up thanks to the recent sale the Sydney pack has gotten so this is bound to change. Usually shit at the game.
These people don't exist because the pack is so new. So far the people that play him are either fans of other things (((Perlman))) is in, or just like his voice. I can't really say if they're good or bad players because so far the only people who play him are the type of people who buy a DLC at launch.

So it seems all of the DLC weapons are worthless and it's better to stick with those from the base game/free community additions.


There's one fatal flaw in your

You're forgetting that literally everybody in this thread uses the DLC unlocker. I main Rust now that he's out because I like his first person viewmodel. Calling every single special a "bitch ass x" constantly is hilarious because it triggers any thin-skinned pubbies. It'll get old eventually but for now I don't care

The only objective "meta" upgrades you get from the DLC are the Gage Mod Courier, the Ninja pack (for the katana if you're running a melee build) and a select few perk decks.

Except CAR-4, still, right?

Yeah but most people who play Payday don't use the DLC unlocker because most a OVKbots.

Seems weapon choice is almost purely based on personal preference now, except for DLC weapons which had been nerfed into the ground after the damage adjustments.

Actually, anyone up for some right now? In MAYDAY2 chat right now.

CAR-4 was dethroned by the weapon rebalance. It's mediocre at best now. Hell, all of the light/medium ARs are bad. M308 has taken its rightful place as the king of that weapon class.

Which one is it, I'm using real weapon names mod.

post the mask you used the most
i got mine from preordering


I use rust because I like his shotgun, his arm models, and his voice kinda.

I just like running around as a coked-up retard

can confirm. Play Houston and am pretty fucking autistic.
I did only pick him because he loudly yells "SHIT" at things during stealth, though.

They really ended up removing the micro transactions, even after the main dev being adamant about it staying and banning everyone who disagreed from his twitter? kek

I like Houstan because he seems like the most Operator of the crew.
I bought Rust and Sokol lately so I have been using them. Sokols Nicknames are pretty fun and it gives me an excuse to use the VAL and AKs more often (tfw no Makarov stealth pistol)
Rust I got cause Ron Perlman is fucking awesome and I want the color scheme to make Slades mask from Teen Titans.
Dragan I find boring. Clover and Bonnie can be fun. Sydney has the most annoying voice and does not say or do anything that Punkish other then wearing tats and a mowhawk. Jiro has the cool gimmick of only talking Japanese which is fun.
Fuck Bodhi for being in that piece of shit Point Break remake. Give me Swayze or give me death.

Perfect description, user.



Always looking to play Payday with folks.
Add me on steam at PillarOfWamuu

fn fal and vector is king

Sentry guns got AP rounds which fucking decimate anything you come across to the point its entirely laughable even on deathwish

Even Dozers and Shields don't stand a chance against them

Only downside to new sentries is you can't reload them, you have to pick them up and drop them again, and they take a shitload of ammo to drop

its actually a percentage so what most people do is carry Grenade Launchers and other weapons with a low ammo pool so the little ammo box pick ups reload enough ammo to place more

Main or secondary?

No matter what, I always seem to fall back to it despite a plethora of other choices on hand.

It just feels right.

Both. whatever has low ammo pools. Also it takes ammo separately from your primary and main weapons.

the fbi files listed it as my golden hoxton mask, but use either one of these the most, depending on the character i get

I don't think I ever would have expected this.

One of the two masks I mainly use.

And the other one.

I swear playing this game single player is impossible

The AI is so buttfuck stupid it borders on self abusive

It's kinda the point because they want you to play with others.

On the other hand, solo is much easier for doing stealth stuff like Shadow Raid or Car Shop.

Technology retard here, how do I screencap this game and any other game unless this game has in-built screenshot. My mask is the Biker with apricot-bubblegum-purple pearlescent neon.

alt+print screen

you can then paste it

Or alternatively use steam screenshot feature. Default button is F12.

My masks.

Dragan is accurate except I don't play CS: GO anymore. Also middle-eastern character when.

Jesus christ this is broken

I encountered a Rust player and he was a fucking faggot. The other ones are sort of faggy and play him because he's cool but this guy.

Only if they introduce a Terrorist perk deck with it

Got to keep it realistic :^)

Eh, these are pretty inaccurate.
People I've played with usually don't act like any of these.

I'm going to do it. I SWEAR I'M GOING TO DO IT.
I'm going to willingly buy all the DLC. Bully, pls.


you have been brainwashed by the digital jew

I play Houston because he's the biggest fuckup of the crew. Also his pager messages are the best

Hes known to be the most professional. Hell the guy is straight edge so he can go heisting on a seconds notice.

also dat theme song

Anyone try out berzerker/frenzy? It makes my AA-12 godly.