What's the best flag out of all of them?
Communist flags
Black Anarcho-Syndicalism/Shoryukenism
i actually like how the wpk included the paintbrush to symbolize the artists
if only the country wasn't shit
Do YOUR flags have machetes on them? Didn't think so.
ah yes who could forget the time those anarchists gassed and incinerated millions of jews
If i was his mum i would have slapped the shit out of his brain
Here's more.
video source: youtube.com
Was always fond of the DDR flag
Does you mom know you're visiting a site like this?
First bunch of flags are meh
2nd bunch are shit.
This is the shiftiest one though. Also, most anarcho-syndicalists don't know what syndicalism is. For blacks to have unions, they need to have actual jobs instead relying on gibsmedats.
The best flags are the cyber-nihilist and nihilist communist flags ;^)
Pic related looks heroic as fuck. Both sides of WW2 had perfected the hero and villain aesthetics respectively.
Soviet heraldry were pretty dank tbh
I genuilny dont know if WW2 colored post-war Storytelling that way or if the nazis just made themselves look as evil as fucking poosible
/thirdpostion/ists love mixing fascist symbols with Soviet heraldry
definitely not that one
fucking ugly as shit
I bet you nerds aren't into pirate utopias
If we're going on pure aesthetic and not necessarily the party attached to the flag/symbol
What do you guys think?
Not even a tankie but you can't beat the classics.
too much solid red.
a lot of these are gr8 en.wikipedia.org
I also have to agree with that the heraldry were the bee's knees
damn, that's fucking hardcore. who is that??
I can post the commie flags from the original Victoria later on if you'd all like
Do it
isn't angola classcucked?
Alright, it'll have to wait til I get home. I should say the quality… varies. Also Paradox didn't even bother to make flags for all the nations (or even use the correct ones for that matter)
But as a preview, here's the monarchist flag for the CSA.
someone should make a vaporwave image using that