He's on our side right? I thought he was but this brain thing he's doing i really am not sure… i guess all billionaires are compromised
He's on our side right...
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It is pretty hilarious that one minute he says he's conerned about Ai.T then the next minutes he wants to hook people's brains up to computers.
I guess that's the whole point these days. Be total hypocrites and then ask for you to like and respect them, causing cognitive dissonance.
Deep state tool
Forgetting someone?
Elon Musk is a con-artist.
he's a moron
captcha BOG jpk
If he actually succeeds in colonizing Mars, it will give redpilled Whites somewhere to flee to when the West becomes overrun by niggers.
Business is a cut throat world and they survived and thrived in it so don't trust any of them including Trump. Not saying he isn't doing some good but just always be on your toes.
Thunderf00t made a bunch of videos pointing out the problems with the hyperloop.
He has always been a beta cuck
This. He is a clever liar who has out-Jewed the Jew. In this respect, maybe he's on our side, but seriously do not believe anything he says or claims to be capable of.
I'm convinced he just wants to have a conversation in front of a giant globe with the new director of FEMA about the merits of not containing it.
Talulah? fucking seriously that's her name?
jesus christ.
Implying he isn't out for #1.
This tech is coming whether you like it or not. If you were a billionaire, wouldn't you want to be the first to uncover this tech so that you could have power over it? It's one big cocksucking power grab at this point.
Elon Musk is an African-American welfare nigger.
The correct term is AA
Wow there are a lot of shitty one liner OPs today.
You're a moron. Lurk more.
Suckstart a shotgun you piece of dog shit.
Goddamn it I want cuckchan to go.
she was on Westworld. Entire time everyone just referred to her as "elon musk's wife" which triggered much sjws
that's pretty much all proof you need that this guy is not a genius
Elon is a freak. A colleague of a friend of mine was invited to a job interview with him personally. Beforehand she was briefed by some assistant to not wear a certain color and to not speak a certain way (I don't remember exactly but something along those lines). I just thought what a crazy in the head faggot, totally out of touch with the real world.
Why live tbh
He does have interesting projects, but it's pretty obvious he's developed a serious god complex.
Being that rich does that to you, especially in this day and age, when money and pussy appear to be everything the average male is programmed to crave.
I'm not convinced most of his businesses will actually bear fruit, but then again, money is thrown at any hype nowadays, be it billion dollar sports industries, diversity training or zionism.
The only thing Musk has going for him is a massive cult of personality that's propped up exceedingly well by the MSM. Especially the tech media which is probably one of most pozzed sections there is.
Musk is autistic useful idiot. He has good ideas, but he doesn't see the greater picture what those ideas will cause.
In a sense, he's much like Nikola Tesla. Except, he's also lucky to not deal with people who would exploit him.
Musk is a complete fraud. Half a billion in taxpayer cash from king nigger.
No you retard, you have it exactly backwards.
Musk is an Edison. Musk has very few new ideas, and simply repackages old ideas in new packages. He is a salesman, not an inventor or scientist. The very fact that he named his car line Tesla is quite telling. His electric cars are the same electric cars we've been using forever, wrapped up in a modern shell. Just like Edison exploited Tesla, so too does Musk. Tesla had a vision for electric cars of the future, and Musk's bullshit does not represent that vision. Musk simply exploited Tesla's name.
Musk is a con man.
fucking jews
musk once said that he was afraid of the dark as a child, but was able to rationalize the fear away because darkness is just an absence of photons. that basically told me all i needed to know about the guy: he's your average fedora tipper faggot with a modicum of business know-how that got lucky with a tech startup and transitioned from there to fund a fake empire fueled by government subsidies, which, by the way, still hasn't made electric vehicles anything but a status symbol for the average person. fuck that guy
Are you still mad he blew up your chosen satellite?
He is with us.
How can anyone ever say a Technocrate is on our side??
He things that if we incorporate the advanced programs we can have more control over it. He is afraid of AI that is at near or above human intelligence and that we will have no way of comprehending them. His brain link is to make us the central core directing a hybrid human/ai that would be superior to or at least peers with an advanced pure ai. He is also deeply afraid of AI being owned and controlled by megacorps or alphabet agencies and would prefer the ai tech being open source and available to all that's why he created openai.com
He fucking blue up one of his rockets just to keep zuckerberg from giving internet to a billion affricans, he was almost killed by niggers as a child, he speaks out against race mixing and importing shitskins to replace native populations in a way that flies under the radar, he is one of us but must be careful; the world of the elites is not forgiving to people who are red pilled, just look at what happened to palmer luckey.
Your such a fucking fagot kike shill, I hope you die of aids soon.
Here is one example of him being a "welfare nigger"
SpaceX gets $33m for development of the raptor engine from the air force. Ohh big bad spacex suckling on the government teet right? We'll there's more, in order to get the $33m they spend $67m of internal funds. So what they are still taking government funds. But then look at the same announcement ATK is given $47m to develop there rocket engine but must only spend $31m of internal funds. So atk is given substantially more and required to spend less than half of what spacex is required to spend. But all the shills will kvetch about is how much Elon is a welfare nigger, they don't even care that all his competitors do the same fucking thing often times far more egregiously. Your such a fucking fagot. If you want to end corporate welfare then do so, its fucking retarded and shilly to point out only one company (or owner) and ignore the rest.
He paid back that loan with interest ahead of schedule.
Meanwhile the government gave $79.68 billion it gave to General Motors, Chrysler, Ally Financial, Chrysler Financial and automotive suppliers and lost $9.26 billion to kikes in the process. Yet you kvetch about Elon taking out an interest bearing over categorized loan that was available to any company developing electric cars.
What electric cars? The EV1? Electric golf carts? That's all that was on the market before Tesla. And the EV1 was shut down with extreme prejudice by oil jews. Everyone was too afraid to use lithium in electric cars before Tesla proved it could be done safely. Your a fucking shill and your shilling is weak.
and me
You’re a retard, basically. What the fuck led you to believe he was on our side?
didn't he suck obama's pecker for huge gubment handouts?
i always thought he was corporate welfare scum. am i wrong?
Did that loan repayment go back to taxpayers, you faggot, or did the government loan out stolen money and then gobble up your gaylord Elon's repayment to subsidize other nigger programz?
gets don't lie, glad you're with us Vince
he is a joke tbh using recycled 1950's soviet rocket designs but like apple he is fed tech from the governments to help develop them and come up with toys for the consumers
anything he develops you can be sure that the feds have or had before he did
also he is an insult to the real Tesla, selling people electricity for their cars that kill them.
Tesla would have given us all free unlimited energy.
Bob Page Confirmed.
I bet you think battery powered cars are green (clean) energy as well? Where would you ever get an idea so stupid? A guy who takes money from the government to start a company to put millions of people out of jobs lead America down a path disadvantaging us in comparison to countries like China and India who have no clean energy laws? Their only law is commerce Are you special?
Teslas are very expensive and dangerous cars. They have tendencies to spontaneously combust because when you sit in that tesla, you are literally sitting over a huge battery. It can overheat, shortcircuit or melt at any point for a lot of reasons. Where does all the stored energy go then? That ball of fire you see in your last pic. I have heard rumors of Tesla spontaneous combustions being actively suppressed by testers. Every time you want to buy a Tesla, imagine sitting on a pedestal made of triple A batteries connected to each other and running and think if you'd feel safe driving that.
This is a lefty pol thread wtf is it doing here? Musk takes and took government money. He wants to rid the world of gasoline power so he can pollute landfills with batteries. I want to punch who ever wrote this OP in the face. It appears that 90 percent of you useful idiots agree.
why is this in /pol? how is this politically incorrect? Had to ruin my Friday didn't you moron!
Any private company that takes government money is trash. Batteries are a horrible solution to gasoline. We can;t recycle batteries cheaply or properly. The energy wastes itself, leaks if you will, and you still have to burn a shitload of coal to charge the batteries. Cronies must die!