Is anyone else watching the tucker Carlson show?

Is anyone else watching the tucker Carlson show?

They brought up the bell curve and quoted racial IQ statistics

I wanted to hurt that professor.



Truly interested times we are in lads

Fucking seriously?

Is the overton window going that far right?

Tucker carlson is my favorite.

any webms, mp4s, or even yt links?

Here is the whole show

Here you go mein fuhrur. Too long to mp4. Tucker calls out white genocide multiple times.

I fucking love Tucker. He's an admittedly former lolbergtarian but I'm quite sure he's been red pilled over the years

He's the same type as Molyneux and Cantwell.
Slowly coming to the realisation that Hoppe was right.

This fucking cunt




…so to speak

the Fuhrer speaks.

I'd say that Hoppe is right because he's still alive.

Holy shit, this is brutal. "Your writing is childlike"

That opening statement by the professor is another example of the very successful tactic of accusing the other side of doing what you are actually doing.

Totally random question, but are you from Louisiana? I know a white nationalist from there who loves that show and the lemon dude (I've never watched it though).

You know, one of these days I'm hoping that people like Tucker or Sean just finally snap, and I mean snap on these people. I want them to just flat out call them out on their bullshit, lay the fucking facts before their feet and shove their god damned faces into it before kicking them square in the metaphorical balls for good measure. I want these people to finally push their bullshit so far that there will be no backlash but the complete ideological evisceration of their world view. I hope that eventually these people just hit the threshold for what even the normalfags can stand so they will stand aside as we do what must be done. It is my greatest wish, and I hope to see it start being fulfilled before I die. I want my lawn filled to the brim with pikes of these peoples heads, and after the flesh decays I want to turn every single one of their skulls into some demeaning little trinket, like a snow-globe or something, with their names carved into their foreheads.

I really am loving how things have been lately, I wonder how far it will all go.




Wow, that bell curve guy is like the 3rd rail of racial train tracks. Tucker is like juggling chainsaws tonight. Fun to watch, but, man one 'slight'-slight and the blood is spread like a lawn sprinkler.
Tomorrow , this should cause a fun morning as his Opposition media host can't figure which was most horrible. They will be so exhausted in fake outrage that other stories will be delivered flat and doa.


hey look, this kike figured out how to redtext! your rabbi must be so proud.


Tucker is on fire here.

That weasel was being a snivelly little marxist shit. I just wish Tucker had done an explanation of white genocide…but many viewers will likely "google it" after this due to the number of times it was said and the recency effect.

It's amazing that the overton window has gone so far that it's even a topic.

I'd say Hoppe will always be right.

of course…
nice effort on the red text though, you shills are clearly evolving.

That would be the end of the show, only the mentally insane would come on for any additional ass kickings after that. But it would be great to watch

Tucker should've asked the "white guy" if he's white when he's advocating white genocide

In what respect user?
Genuine question, I have not read him.

I haven't read him neither, but pic related might be a good summary

thank you user


I had to close it about 10 minutes in, could not fucking stand to listen to that cuck "educator" anymore.

I posted this in a comment:


I love when he read out his paper and pointed out that all academic marxists write like malfunctioning random word generators, since their ideas are so abhorrent to people they have to cloak them in fucking nonsense that no one understands.

I wish Tucker would've asked the jew about the hooton plan

Tucker admits he read his books.

Holy fuck, this is impressive. He's avoiding every single fucking thing and trying to twist Tucker's argument into something else. It's like he opens his mouth and only white noise comes out, like a fucking stand ability.

Shit man, so am I. Former. I don't think many of us were born National Socialists…

Tucker himself is a direct sign of the window shifting. Remember, he replaced liberal Megyn Kelly.

Thanks, been looking for that ever since the original got shoahed.

Many things wrong with this chart.
It was edit 2 times.
The original only goes as farther as Traditionalist, the Hoppe addition was done by a bitter Libertarian (Hoppe is still a good author though, the bitter Libertarian who edited it that's in the wrong, because Traditionalists already assume Monarchy - and "Modern" society is unsalvageable by definition, you have to backtrack)
And then the final edit was of a Holla Forumsack who saw the graph being edit by a retard, but found Hoppe's addition to be good (again, Hoppe is good), but decided that still, he couldn't allow the graph to be subverted.

Now the graph is a mess.
Polite sage.

(id heil'd)
"One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one." —Savitri Devi
Come on, it's a few posts above
Also checking

Tucker called out the facts on this guy. A couple other stations had had him on and didn't even question him. They are very slippery.

It's a nice quote, but it's not really a literal truth. In practical terms one is not a National Socialist if one does not know the tenants of National Socialism, and fights against anybody who does.

You shouldn't watch the mainstream media in order to acquire information about the world.
You should watch the mainstream media in order to keep an eye on what the masses are being fed.

exactly, the NY Times is like the old Soviet paper Pravda, you don't read it to find out what's actually happening, you read it to find out what the government wants you to think is happening.


Habitually subjecting yourself to enemy propaganda, even with the full awareness that it's enemy propaganda, can have deleterious effects on the psyche.

Communists must be physically removed if we are to be able to have anything resembling a libertarian social order. Is a very basic summary.

That was the best 8 minutes of video I have seen in years.

That's straight out of Mein Kampf's "on debatting Jews".
Why is the kike still alive?

I haven't been this erect in years.

The ovens are still warming up.

How bluepilled are you still? Every white person is born a National Socialist, and then that natural thought is brainwashed out of them.

Reminder to law enforcement and especially Europol that this is just a Taiwanese bonsai forum and all posts are just role playing.


Oh dear god. I've seen a lot of fucked up porn, but I've never seen a rape that brutal before.

That's poetic. I prefer pragmatic, but I respect your viewpoint.

I think we've blown it off of its track and it's just flying off into space at this point.

Read his past articles. He constantly refers to himself as the "Farthest right person he knows"

It's not like Fox Jews doesn't have fucking AnCaps working there. What else could he be? :^)


I'm pretty sure Tucker is our guy, and barely even hiding it anymore. He's certainly not an ancap, since he advocates for government regulation in industry when necessary to protect the interests of American workers.

webm's related. This is the kind of populist rhetoric you'll never hear from an ancap, and coming from somebody who self-describes as "far right"? He's a fascist at least, possibly even a National Socialist. I'm certain of it.

Whatever he is it sure is fun to watch him give his guests just enough rope to ha-implode their own argument in a shower of salty sparks.

He's a national protectionist at this point I think, which is a component of what we are. No idea how he is on HBD.

Haha is this guy a jew? I want to like this guy but I can't tell if he's a shitlib or not.

He's a Civic Nationalist.

Well he's bringing up The Bell Curve….

The only question I have is what he thinks of the jews, but we'll never get that answer from him as long as he's working for Fox. If he is jew-wise, he'll keep it quiet and I can't blame him for that.

Oh, but you can.

Just bringing up The Bell Curve doesn't mean you agree with it. I've never seen him argue in favor of HBD, implicitly or other wise, though I've seen him pull the Sargonian-esque cultural lolberg "Let's not disparage any race" card before.

I don't think it's something people bring up unless they agree with it. I also think it's something most people aren't aware of in the first place, unless they're researching the general subject. Researching that subject at all implies something in itself.

don't make excuses user. your webm-fu is weak. do you even lift?

Holy fuck that was an absolute beatdown.

Well done, lad.

That spic NEEDS TO FUCKIN DIE! People like him need to be made an example of. Holy fuck I had to stop a few minute in because of the rage.

Gonna continue watching though.

My guess is freemason tricks or he's an anarchist.

I laughed at that shit. That is the response of someone who doesnt have anything to back up his words. That spic needs to be lynched then beaten into a pulp

The only way Leftists can argue is by moving goalposts, accuse others of being unintelligent, and fuck around with semantics. That's another reason why their direction action applies less to politicians, bankers, elites and more to your average day citizens and objective, transparent journalists who actually challenge their ideas. If the left's ideas are so cutting edge and just then engaging in a civil debate would be sufficient to win people's minds.

If the left's ideas are so cutting edge and just then engaging in a civil debate would be sufficient to win people's minds. That's why they have to result to violence to silence opposition.*

Oh shit, it was THAT faggot? I've seen that rotten nu-face pop up on twitter before and there's hardly been a guy more worthy of Holla Forumss imaginations. Thank you, Tucker.

He's a kike, not a spic. Maher is a Jewish name.

Euthanize him.

Your dubs speak the truth. Either way, the kike needs to die. Can we agree to that?

Oh, absolutely. Just know your enemy. He masquerades as white, too. And again, pic related.

Much like Tim Wise. Hes white when calling for white genocide but is a kike when he is attacked.

I hate these filthy sub humans.

but he was being ironic about that. if you used google you would know that white genocide is not real.

He was trying to perform a struggle session on Tucker. Notice how he kept talking over him with his ridiculous accusations and browbeating him when he tried to make him source them. (((Maher))) knew exactly what he was doing. He's not ar stupid as you think.

More likely than not he's just used to dealing with impressionable college students who trust the position of authority he has.

this chart is retarded.

that image sucks, too much going on, poor choice of quotes, and usually people who haven't read Hoppe mischaracterise him on the aristocracy - monarchy front.

Read your fucking Hoppe the first 1/3 of A Short History of Man is a real simple intro into economics and origins of communism and property

can't argue with those dubs

I just used google, and white genocide is real.

A jew shill like yourself wrote it, note the repetive punctuation.


I will pay out 15BTC to anyone who correctly guesses this kike's date of death to the nearest hour, payable immediate on confirmation via blockchain. Winner takes all; closest guess takes it.

but are a shill, thanks for confirming

assassination markets when?

I don't understand this world anymore. What the hell is going on?

I know Peyton Manning is actually a pretty classy guy in a game full of nigger thugs.
Every year, Manning used to hand write a letter to every quarterback in the Negro Football League, was the first one who called whenever anyone on or near his team had family issues. I don't think he's a Jew, but if he is, he's at least a gentleman by all accounts. Also seems politically incorrect.
Also, he's not a dumb nigger athlete who will be broke soon. He actually invested much of his money.

Better version

It's actually a pretty common power technique in conversation; always talk about what you want to talk about, no matter what the question is.

Questions, obviously, are very dangerous.

Politicians do it all the time.

It only works if you can control the conversation. He just came off as a spaz repeating a script. A prime example of how to execute this technique is President Trump. He always manages to talk about what he wants to talk about and then links it back to the question:

Just did the same.
Found pic related.

Adblock helps with that filth.

It's not an ad, that's the banner that jewgle periodically changes during holidays and other dates.
I'm guessing they changed it for April Fool's day and everyone realizes they were being trolled this whole time and accepts multiculturalism for the joke that it is.


The last thing you see before you get Tucked

Look at this smug looking motherfucker. He don't watch fox news. Nigger I don't watch fox news, I watch


Look at this smug looking motherfucker. He don't watch fox news. Nigger I don't watch fox news, I watch Tucker.


Wow, l forgot about that moron. But it's all coming back to me. Man that guy is a retard. And to think this guy is put on the pedestal as a figure of academic success.


l forgot to mention too, that that guy writes shit about Venezuela being a model for success like Bernie did. And Venezuela is in fucking shambles.

If you're gonna LARP atleast be accurate.

I don't even want to hear your excuse you faggot

Tucker Carlson is great.

tonight holy shit tucker.

Can't cuck the tuck

tucker is a retard. at least he tried hard.

Please reup/repost.

Tucker has 4 white children, and therefore may be hiding hsi power level.
Stickman has a hapa kid, and is openly in favor of white genocide.

I watch him pretty much every night.
Hardly a night goes by where he does not BTFO some ridiculous ass hole on his show congressman included.