Why are Trumpeteers so class-cucked?
Why my dudes
Because biting the bullet acknowledging capitalism a shit would destroy their world view.
Makes it a lot harder to scapegoat minorities.
If a tree falls in a forest, why was it capitalism's fault?
I snickered about this as well today when I was listening to Michael Savage on the radio. I wish I had the transcript but it was something like:
I really wish I had the transcript because it was just comical how he literally described it perfectly and then totally misses the solution.
Massive deforestation caused by needless expansion?
If he ever turns commie in my lifetime I will totally lose my shit.
You do know that if you compare the real world against Utopia, the real world's always going to fail right?
because they care more about ethnic solidarity than economic conditions
Except there's no possible comparison because we all know the imagined communist alternative is basically Utopia (however you or any other communist envisions it), and we can't bring up any real world communist regime because no TRUE communist would…
nationalism trumps multiculturalism everytime, fair and simple
people are naturally racist you hippie faggot
t. stormfag academy of feels > reals
Most of the new ethnonationalist movements in Western countries explicitly ignore economics beyond "bring muh jerbs back", it will just magically work because of the glory of the Aryan race. The entire thing is founded on feels
No shit; the "turd position" is basically one big "to be decided" on the topic of economics, which just allows capitalism to fill the vacuum.
They don't like communism or capitalism but they can't bring themselves to acknowledge that alternatives to both are either conceptually impossible, or Porky wearing some muh traditionalism mask.
Maybe you could, I don't know, make NationaI Socialism legal?
You set up a controlled opposition and now you're getting it. Whatd you expect?
But that wasn't True Communism™, so why is it relevant if Capitalist USA attempts to undermine State Capitalist USSR muh porky infighting etc :^)
t. doesn't have black friends or goes out of his mother's basement at all.
Because the USSR was founded with the intent of using state capitalism as a transitional path to socialism, which the capitalist west - turd position included in this, by definition - couldn't abide.
Muh nation and muh white race are both multicultural ideas.
They're the worst sort of multiculturalism, too, the sort that takes a diverse range of talents, traditions and ideas, and smears them all over with a shitty, bland conformity where everyone must wear lederhosen or blue jeans, eat burgers or schnitzel, drive a Ford or a Volvo, choose between one clownish accent or another, and be Evangelical or Lutheran.
Ah yes, that's why the US allied with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to crush the USSR, and the Cold War was a threeway showdown between the US, the Volksreich, and the Greater East Asian Commonwealth
And they say Holla Forumsyps are idealists with no appreciation for material relations.
what are you a creationist?
Actual biologists - not the cherry picked library quotes on stormchan - would beg to differ.
I'll wait for a better response.
Is that the sort of equivocation the CPUSA used to justify why the US should stay neutral when the Nazi-USSR were allied, and why the US needed to intervene to stop the Nazis when the Nazi-USSR alliance collapsed?
I'll wait for anything Watson ever actually published on the matter.
He discovered DNA for christ's sake.
Holla Forums "logic" ladies and gents
confirmed for not comprehending the scientific method
FDR had already met secretly with Churchill in 1940 to assure him that he was doing everything on his end to ensure American entry into the war.
And given that it's well known FDR spent the first half of WW2 chomping at the bit to intervene against major isolationist sentiment in the United States, selectively interpreted the Neutrality Acts to favour the UK/France and Nationalist China, its clear he probably would've intervened regardless, and that Hitler just gave him an earlier opportunity to do so.
You don't even have to be a NEETsoc that thinks Hitler did nothing wrong to know this shit