Deus Ex’s lead identifies as male

Other urls found in this thread:


Wipe this meme of the face of the earth.


This article again?

I'm sure somewhere between finding out the illuminati is real and fighting off a horde of cyberzombies while coping with knowing his ex-girlfriend was using him all along, he had all the time in the world to ponder his "true" gender.

Yes. Well spotted my fellow ribbitor.

These faggots will latch onto any chance they get to talk about their current-day degeneracy

Who is the faggot in the first pic again?


my eyes

Kick SJWs out of gatekeeper roles and that shit will happen.


The brain is not software. It's hardware.

Here you go

Maybe you won't.

What did you expect?
For them to think their thoughts are as special as special snowflakes they are?

It is not like hormones are a thing or something.


Thought is a function of the mind, of which imprints upon the brain. Hence why we collapse quantum states in the brain: we are the observer of our own body. Which is also why defects in the brain change our decision making: it alters the information we receive.

But yes your conclusion is correct, there is no separation of "sex" and "gender".

Just because you don't believe in SJW bullcrap doesn't make you right in everything you think

The most I can concede with SJWs is that, conceivably, a guy could be born with the wiring of the female brain, which would presumably feel awful if the body is producing a guy's amount of testosterone.

But this person would also be mentally fucking ill. Why the fuck can't they recognize this? A quarter of our population is taking meds for mental illness, so why are trannies in such denial about it?

The cure to degeneracy.

It didn't even take the author 3 paragraphs to stop talking about the game entirely and start stroking his progressive dick gender-neutral reproductive organ



Spotted the 18th century atheist.

What's your point?
It documents what happened. It's history.


Hows your local kiddie fiddler doing?

Sure thing

I'm not Catholic, nice try.

Don't you have a Darwin statue to bow down to?

The values of western civilization were defined by the Romans long before Christianity. Christians had precisely jackshit to do with the rise of the Roman empire.


Like selling daughters into slavery.

Jesus said some alright stuff (excluding the untestable stuff regarding Jehovah), but the rest of the book is filled with immoral goat herder bullshit comparable to the Koran.

Like that killing your son is A-Okay if god wills it, because he totally took it back at the last second, yo.

is nothing sacred?

Good one.

Judging from the reaction to posting Bible.
Yeah nothing is.

If they are willing to take away God from people's lives and destroy Christianity in the west, then they are willing to take away your games.

1599 Geneva Bible is the best version but the KJV is the most accessible and the Orthodox Study Bible is the most accurate if you want to go down that road.


At least it gave us a good indie game.

Sure thing buddy.

What's your alternative?

Oh boy, I have the perfect game for you

A crumbling pale shadow of their former selfs who let their awful prudish ideology take control and consequetly fell.

You no longer need these outdated beliefs to guide you towards a suiting and morally upheld society.

wait are you one of those creationist retards?
on a fucking videogame board?
and you mock the intelligence of others

Either you know nothing of science (bonus points if you're the guy that claimed that special relativity is a Jewish conspiracy), or a very pitiful attempt at bait.

1/10 for getting a reply, though.

Oh boy, do I have news for you

Science is what you can observe and test.

Nobody has seen dogs turn into whales.
That's in the realm of faith, not science.

>>>/christian/ shitter please go


Are you literally retarded?

This is some elementary level sophistry you're spouting. Did you just google some "arguments" from your religious hugbox?

Doesn't look like one of the guys who made Deus Ex. I don't give a fuck what he says about Deus Ex.

Deus Ex HR was degenerate. In it anyway, had some potential. The wrong stuff edited out it could be great. Interesting for prosthetics as a fashion thing, social thing.

Get rid of psycheshit aug…
I think it's probably too far gone to be good. Will be trying to push stupidity, opposite of original.

HR looked good in some fake screenshots. Like everything blended in more. Preview/Trailer that started with the transport and finished with a box changing to a spiderbot felt impressive.

Work on large areas to explore. Showcase good design. Make everywhere feel secret. Lots of effects. Good textures, antishimering but no AA, everything wet or dirty, damp. Steam from ground vents.

None of this ex something pretentious shit. Use old augs. Defects altering vision periodically. Swap them at various markets.

Why are you good? Doesn't matter. You enjoy what you enjoy. Popeye motto.

No AA hints at very fluid and fast performance. Aiming crucial. Headshots.

Complex and specialised weapons.
Complex upgrade animations such as replacing internal workings and welding new ones on.

People tell you of problems because you fix them, or helped them in the past. Or come at you because you are not part of the problem.

Maybe that why you're very fucking good.

No swearing. Sparse humor more relatable frustration and character predictability "I wanted Orange, it gave ne Lemon-Lime".

Night mostly. Streets filled during the day. Curfews at night and such. Or just seems freer of stupidity at night. People more themselves.

Play to make character more able, as you do so more of the area is navigatable. Go to experiments and such. Stuff under the blanket of security. Kill or avoid security. Same old story, people trying for power fir themselves by the degradion and suffering of others, control maintained by diminishing and directing minds. More importantly few people saying no to this very venreble and being picked up, tracked etc. People benefiting seeking seperation from what they cause and erradication of them. Liking the notion they have done no wrong. Partially true, system they have set avoids blame. People just going along, claiming they didn't start it, just doing their job etc.

A mindfuck of how to fix it secondary to following extremely wrong developments to their sources. There deciding better actions.

HR was ironically part of the wrong of the first Deus Ex. Pathetic to see people try to set psychology as credible.

Part of todays problems. Sorted out by the first game perhaps.

Go to new wrongdoing that if done will be accepted as normal. Existant accepted wrongdoing having to be fixed later or part of new wrongdoing that will collapse when the source is made to.

Why is somewhat irrelevant next to it being done.

Don't need to find out why, just need to stop it.

See things workingbalong the way. It's not all a product of control kind of thing. Enjoy some variety. See some attempts at creativity. Personal taste. Solutions to lack, filling needs of immagination, connecting here to fantasy. Dreamlike places. And decay.

A lack of character the further up the ladder. Follow money if trails fade. Sneak onto transports. Do dangerous things that feel dangerous. Feel what works. Get yourself into bad positions and remain in them. Get people out of them and feel the danger spike with an inability to control them as yourself.

Playing without needing an ending. Getting more interesting and rewarding as you go.

Hummens were munkees.

You're either with God or Lucifer.

You either have Christ or Antichrist in your heart.

The Religion of Atheism

In many practical aspects, atheism is a religion.

"How can you say that, Cowboy Bob? Atheism is a lack of belief in gods".

Yeah, sure. That's the cop-out redefinition, not the real definition. Except not all atheists got the memo, and some are confused.

As I was saying, in many practical aspects, atheism is a religion. It is a philosophy of life and conduct, and has many of the trappings of organized religion. Although atheists will tell you that they believe in "reason", they actually have a religion that is based on faith. A lot of it. I can't go there, Girlfriend.

In the United States, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that atheism is a religion
The US Supreme Court ruled that atheism is a religion.
Secular Humanism (a masque for atheism), received comments from the US Supreme Court that it is a religion (one of these groups wanted tax-exempt status as a religion)
Atheists adore their religious leaders like Richard "Daffy" Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Robespierre and others
They seek their own special pleadings in court to restrict the rights and beliefs of the majority (even back to the days of Madalyn Murray O'Hair getting prayer removed from schools; ironically, her son directs a Christian organization)
The dreadful philosophical writings of the aforementioned misotheist authors are freely quoted in lieu of actual thought, and seem revered as atheistic scriptures
Forums and other Internet gathering places are like anti-Christian fellowship arenas, fraught with self-congratulations on being non-thinkers and praising each other for trolling Christians
Enthusiastic atheistic thugs pa-TROLL the Internet, seeking to destroy the faith of Christians (which I suspect is an effort of ego-bolstering)
Since these kinds of Internet atheists are unskilled in logic, they attempt to destroy the writings of believers with ad hominem attacks, quote mining, selective citing, ridicule, intense mockery, red herrings, non sequiturs and other distractions (see my series on "Logic Lessons" linked in the right-hand column)
They hate God through a double standard: "How can you hate something that doesn't exist?" (a silly statement based on the Fallacy of Assertion), and yet, God conveniently exists when they want to use the Straw Man fallacies that they create based on their misunderstandings of reason, philosophy and the Bible
Demanding their own military chaplains
The "Freedom from Religion Foundation" was ruled a religion by the US Department of Justice, and Annie Laurie Gaylor is a minister
Do a search for atheist bumper stickers, calendars, coffee mugs, clothing and other paraphernalia and see how antagonistic the fundamentalist acolytes of atheism have become these days

Yes, atheism is a kind of religious cult. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, thinks like a duck.. It's a duck.


Seeing as god only talks shit about Lucifer while the latter is being the bigger man, I know where I stand.

Evolution is a hoax

1. It's not science. You cannot observe, test and repeat the ever-changing ideas that are little more than wild speculation.

2. It devalues real science. Chemistry, physics and biology don't have the same problems of legitimacy because they are real sciences, not philosophical wannabes trying to appear legit.

3. Complex engineering. Do you ever drive past a skyscraper and think to yourself 'Gee, I guess billions of years of random chance could have just as easily assembled all of that glass, steel and concrete as well as a team of engineers, architects, construction workers working from blueprints? Of course not! But that's what evolutionists would have you believe in when it comes to living organisms.

4. Genetics. The programming code of life, according to evolutionists, is just a series of biochemical accidents and mutations. If you believe this, I have a bridge in New York that's for sale. The infinitely complex engineering of this code means that it did not come about via 'natural selection,' aka random chance.

5. Mathematically Impossible. Basic probability tells you that the odds of a blob of primordial ooze morphing into a man, regardless of how much time has passed, are so remote that mathematicians regard it as impossible. Emile Borel and Fred Hoyle are just two mathematicians who reject evolution on statistical grounds.

6. Evolution is a religion. Yes, evolution is the faith of atheism because it replaces God with man. When you've conned yourself into believing that some kind of ancient slime morphed into progressively complex and directional life forms, you are in the realm of faith, not science.

Man I wish I was homeschooled as well

Also stop the creationism vs evolution bullshit already. No one gives a shit what you believe in, just how obnoxious you are about it.

Oh god, my thread turned into /r/atheism
what do I do??

report the shitposters and hope for the best

You suffer from cognitive dissonance.

Atheism is just not giving a fuck about religion and living your life without wasting energy on stupid shit such as religion.

You're an idiot for thinking otherwise.

The earth cannot possibly be billions or millions of years old.

1. Population: The rate of population growth has been steady for the time that we have records. The present six billion is the right number of people to have multiplied from the eight survivors of the universal flood about 4400 years ago. If man had been around for millions of years, the same growth rate would have produced 150,000 people per square inch of land surface.

2. The planets are losing heat. If they had been formed millions of years ago, they would have no internal heat left given the present rate of heat loss. If a hot cup of coffee were left standing for 400 years, it would have no internal heat left.

3. The planet Saturn is losing its rings. They are slowly moving away. If the planet were millions of years old, the material in the rings would have dissipated long ago.

4. The moon: Space dust accumulates on the surface of the moon at the rate of about one inch for every ten thousand years. Astronauts found an average of one-half inch, just about what you would expect in six thousand years. Also, the moon is very slowly moving away from the earth. If it were millions of years old, it would have had to start very close to the earth, causing ocean tides so severe it would have drowned every thing on land twice a day.

5. Comets: As comets travel through space they continually shed some of their material. Any comet more than 10,000 years old would have long since disintegrated into nothing.

6. Earth's magnetic field is getting weaker. At the rate of deterioration, no such field would exist if the earth were as old as evolutionists believe.

7. Earth's rotation is slowing at the rate of one thousandth of a second per day. At this rate a billion years ago it would have been spinning so fast that centrifugal force would have caused it to fly apart.

8. Petroleum in the ground is under tremendous pressure. The rocks that contain it are porous. If the oil had been there for millions of years the pressure would have dissipated long ago.

9. The oldest living plants, the bristlecone pine tree and the coral reefs only go back about 4500 years. If earth had existed for millions of years, why aren't there older plants still alive?

10. Ocean salt: Now at 3.8 percent, the salinity of the oceans would have been much greater. The present rate of increase points back to a beginning about six thousand years ago.

11. Evolutionists point to stalactites in caves as proof of an old earth, but there are stalactites in the basement of the Lincoln Memorial several feet long that have grown in less than 100 years.

The evidence continues to accumulate, exposing the evolutionist's erroneous assumptions. Yet, in blind faith, they cling to their absurd theories rather than accept the Biblical record of creation.

I'm torn between honestly refuting your bullshit and not giving you the benefit of an honest reply, since that would prove to /int/ that pretending to be retarded is enough to derail a thread.

Evolutionary theory doesn't turn dogs into whales or whatever retarded shit you're going to claim. It did not happen "by complete random." It was not the equivalent of a jet plane being created by a tornado. Evolution doesn't even ADDRESS where the first life came from. (That's abiogenesis, which has a logical explanation but is still only hypothetical). It's the only logical explanation for the fossil record, carbon dating, and the other dating techniques we have.

And before you even try, evolution is not JUST a theory. Like gravity and electrons, evolution is very much real to the extent that science can tell, and evolutionary theory merely explains it.

There's only one shitposter, though, and he doesn't seem very eufedoric.

Man was made in the image of God

If you believe your grandpa was a monkey that came from a rock, you suffer from a severe delusion.

A. Four Sons of Ham:
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Hittites,
Sidonians, Perizzites, Zemarites)

B. Five Sons of Shem:
1. Elam (Arabia)
2. Asshur (Assyria)
3. Lud (Lydians)
4. Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
5. Arphaxad (From which Abraham descended)

C. Japheth's Descendants (14 Nations came out of Japheth):
The immediate descendants of Japheth were seven in number, and are represented by the nations designated Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Mesech, and Tiras; or, roughly, the Armenians, Lydians, Medes, Greeks, Tibarenians, and Moschians, the last, Tiras, remaining still obscure. The sons of Gomer (Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah) were all settled in the West Asian tract; while the sons of Javan (Elisah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim or Rodanim) occupied the Mediterranean coast and the adjacent islands.

Seven Sons of Japheth
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance – French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)

Holy shit, this is too good

I'm convinced this guy's a shitposter, I've seen these same posts and same images before.

Daily reminder that this is the kind of stuff (((they))) left out in Console Deus Ex

Fossil record, DNA and Carbon-14 disprove evolution.

The only thing that keeps it afloat is government funding so that your children can be brainwashed into the Darwinian monkey cult.

It's almost as if they have an agenda!


Thank you for making a high quality version of that webm, the previous version was godawful.

It is more logical and reasonable to believe in God than not to.

Argument from Cause: This argument considers God the "First Cause." In other words, everything that exists must come from something else and that something else is what we call God. Philosophically, this argument is presented as:

- Everything that had a beginning had a cause.
- The universe had a beginning.
- Therefore, the universe had a cause.

The first aspect, that everything that had a beginning had a cause, is based on the principle of causality. Nothing cannot produce something. The second part, that the universe had a beginning, is supported by many lines of modern scientific evidence. These include the second law of thermodynamics (that the universe is running out of usable energy toward disorder), the expansion of the universe, the radiation echo of the initial explosion of the universe (often called the Big Bang), among others. The conclusion is that the universe had a cause.

Argument from Design: This argument proposes the following: Every design has a designer; the universe reveals complex design; therefore, the universe has a Designer. This design includes both natural and supernatural causes. Both the macro level (design found in the universe based on astronomy) and the micro level (design found at the cellular level) support the argument of highly designed and complicated forms of life that find no adequate explanation apart from an outside, powerful force capable of intelligent design. This Intelligent Designer opens the door for the existence of God.

Argument for Morality: This argument follows a more internal logic that suggests that:

- Every law has a lawgiver.
- There is an absolute moral law.
- Therefore, there must be an absolute Lawgiver.

Some question whether there is an absolute moral law. Yet as C.S. Lewis notes in Mere Christianity, "The moment you say that one set of moral ideas can be better than another, you are, in fact, measuring them both by a standard, saying that one of them conforms to that standard more nearly than the other. But the standard that measures two things is something different from either. You are, in fact, comparing them both with some Real Morality, admitting that there is such a thing as a real Right, independent of what people think, and that some people's ideas get nearer to that real Right than others. Or put it this way. If your moral ideas can be truer, and those of the Nazis less true, there must be something-some Real Morality-for them to be true about."

While postmodern philosophy attempts to deconstruct this argument by suggesting all absolutes of right and wrong regarding morality are relative, the existence of absolutes in the universe is undeniable. For example, two plus two cannot equal four and two plus two equal five at the same time under the same conditions. Likewise, many areas of morality suggest a universal sense of injustice regarding the wrongs of the world. Individuals may differ regarding exactly what is labeled justice and injustice, but every person has an innate sense of there being right and wrong. This morality has an origin and it is argued this original Lawgiver is God.

Ultimately, the Bible teaches that the fool says in his heart there is no God (Psalm 14:1). Those who are honest will admit there is "something" behind the design of the universe and human life even if people disagree on what the something is. While there are arguments for the existence of God, faith also plays a role. Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." God desires that we seek Him, and rewards those who do. He has provided many ways to understand Him, including the created world and His Word (Psalm 19). Ultimately, those who come to faith in Him must do so through His Son Jesus Christ in order to receive eternal life (John 3:16; Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:8-9).

In examining the existence of God, the first question that should be asked is: "Why does anything exist?" Subsequent questions are: Why are we here? Why is there something rather than nothing? In considering the question of God's existence, there are three popularly proposed answers as to why there is something rather than nothing: (1) The universe is all an illusion, nothing actually exists, (2) The universe has always existed, is self-existent (3) The universe was brought into existence by something/someone that is self-existent. Which is the most plausible solution?

The idea that reality is an illusion is primarily a tenet among Eastern religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism. The "reality is an illusion" option was disproved by the philosopher Rene Descartes who argued that if he is thinking, then he must "be," "I think, therefore I am." In other words, "I think, therefore I cannot be an illusion." Illusions require something that is experiencing the illusion. If nothing exists, neither does the illusion. Philosophically, doubting your existence actually proves your existence. "Reality is an illusion" is a self-defeating argument.

There are then only two choices—an eternal universe or an eternal Creator. Something exists. Something cannot come from nothing. Therefore, something has always existed. If the existence of God is denied, an eternal universe is the only other option. To date, all key scientific and philosophical evidence points to the universe having had a beginning. Whatever has a beginning has a cause, and if the universe had a beginning, it had a cause. The fact that the universe had a beginning and is not eternal is demonstrated by evidence such as the second law of thermodynamics, the radiation echo of the big bang, the fact that the universe is expanding, and Einstein's theory of relativity.

Further, how could an impersonal, purposeless, meaningless, and amoral universe result in beings who are full of personality and obsessed with purpose, meaning, and morals. Only mind can create mind. Non-life cannot produce life. Unconsciousness cannot produce consciousness. The only logical and reasonable conclusion is that an eternal Creator is the one who is responsible for the creation of the universe. The concept of an eternal universe has been philosophically and scientifically disproven. Therefore, an eternal Creator exists.

With the clear evidence for the existence of God in mind, why are there so many atheists, and are there any grounds for atheism? No, there are not. The essential claim of atheism, "there is no god," is an invalid philosophical statement. Denying the existence of something cannot be proven. In order for it to be proven that God does not exist, someone would have to be in every location in the universe at the same time. In other words, to disprove the existence of God, one would have to be God. The need for an eternal and self-existent Creator can be proven. Atheism cannot be proven.

Another crucial issue to consider is the fact that the acceptance or rejection of the existence of God has more implications for life, action, and morality than any other issue. If atheism is wrong, it will result in unpleasant (to say the least) consequences. With this in view, atheists should produce conclusive and undeniable evidence for the non-existence of God. Atheism cannot accomplish this, and therefore, all atheists can do is hope that they are correct. Eternity is a very long time to be wrong.

So, does belief in the existence of God have intellectual warrant? Absolutely. While atheists claim that belief in the existence of God is a psychological crutch, it is in fact atheism that abandons reality in order to fulfill a psychological need. If there is no God, there is no morality, no accountability, and therefore no judgment. If God does not exist, we can do whatever we want, whenever we want, to whomever we want, with no eternal consequences. That is the true motivation behind atheism.

In opposition to atheism is the God of the Bible who affirms His existence and declares judgment on those who know within themselves the truth that He exists but suppress that truth (Romans 1:18-21). It is the fool who says in his heart "there is no God" (Psalm 14:1). Denying the existence of God is foolish—philosophically, scientifically, and most importantly, eternally!

In looking for "conclusive proof" of God, one must first consider what type of evidence counts. For example, we cannot see the wind, yet we know it exists because we feel it, hear it, and see its effect. Likewise, no one has touched the sun, yet we know it exists because we can see its impact in our world and beyond. In the same way, we can speak of evidence for God from the basis of the things God has made and the ways God has worked in the universe as well as in our individual lives.

One logical way in which we can provide "proof" for God's existence is through the natural universe. The universe is either an illusion, is eternal, or had a beginning. Since we would normally reject that all existence is an illusion, and scientific evidence points toward a beginning of all space, matter, time, and energy, it is most likely that all created things had a beginning. Something that has a beginning requires a cause. This First Cause can be defined as God. The best evidence or proof points toward His existence.

A second way to speak of proof for God's existence is found in the complexity of design throughout creation. From the complexity of the stars in the sky to the vast number of advanced parts within even the tiniest cell, the evidence points toward intentional design rather than random events evolving toward today's observable universe. In philosophy, this is described as the argument from design or the teleological argument for God's existence.

A third way to discuss proof of God is found in the universal sense of morality. In other words, every person adheres to some system of right and wrong, even though people vary greatly in what is accepted as right or wrong. This universal sense of right and wrong points toward an outside, objective source of morality. This is often called the moral argument for God's existence.

Yet another way to speak of evidence for God is to appeal to the vast number of unexplained occurrences of miracles and the supernatural. Are all of these events explainable by natural causes? If not, then the existence of a supernatural being is at least possible.

More specific to the God of the Bible are the many predictions made regarding the Jewish Messiah in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ (see this article for more). Though predicted hundreds of years before His coming, they describe His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), His town of birth (Bethlehem; Micah 5:2), His Jewish tribe (Judah), and many other areas, including His suffering (Isaiah 53; Psalm 22). Though one could argue for a few seemingly "random" connections, the number of accurate predictions and level of detail make it so improbable as to be considered statistically impossible for one man to coincidentally meet them all. Fulfilled biblical prophecy points toward a God who is sovereign and omnipotent.

While some would reject these arguments as conclusive proof of God, the evidence for an eternal, all-powerful Creator God is strong. Further, the evidence for the God of the Bible and Jesus the Messiah include great detail worthy of further study for those investigating the claims of Christianity.

Most creationists seem to draw their arguments from the exact same pool of copypasta or something. I remember seeing a bunch of this back on half/sci/ shortly after its creation. Those were some fun times, lel

that's where gays come from

He is, but hes still funny to laugh at
Plus I have no doubt that there are people lurking this board that actually believe in his rethoric, so might as well educate them.

Ad hominem.

Still no argument.

well it was a shit thread to begin with , so i can't complain with the direction it went

Dude take your meds you off-topic shitpostino

Nothing wrong with non LGBT faggots


I'd really enjoy seeing if you can actually think for yourself and come up with a response that a toddler couldn't disprove.

Checked, oh holy one.

So you prefer leftist propaganda and common core?
Homeschooling doesn't mean it has to be christian either.

Provide links, sources, evidence, proof, documentaries.

Shitpost and personal attacks.

If you can't back up your position, you've lost.

Evolution is a myth, it is a worldview/religion started by occultists



Shit, that came off more salty than I meant. Feels bad learning a science that a big chunk of the population thinks is satanic or whatever.

What a surprise…

He is risen!



Wtf is going on with this thread?

wasn't implying that. all i said was, scientifically speaking, gays exist because

Not that you're going to read it, but here's a page dedicated to refuting your very first anti-science link:


So I see this turned into a copypasta dump thread.

Come to think of it, deus ex always managed to get to the top in every top 10 PC games list.

Nowadays the people running those blogs won't think twice to condemn it because it goes against their beliefs.

It's become a good old-fashioned christians vs atheists thread.
I have actually made popcorn.

Eh, hasn't been the first time shit like this has happened.

You mean a christian dumping his copy pasta while people barely reply to him

You're implying they won't just go "it's an excellent story that gives insight to what the world might be like if what conspiracy theories were true!"

The theory of evolution does not explain the origin of life, it only explains biodiversity.

The origin of life may well have been caused by Madoka Kaname or some other magical girl…or god, I suppose…but there is no evidence to support that hypothesis.

Hello Mr Snowflake, hows that artificial bubble, hopefully theres enough microbes to your liking.
Are you going to tell me how private clinics with farmaceutics created by private companies create autism in children by non obligated vaccination against virulent diseases from the past that no longer exist, which is one of the few good things of loving in a civilized western society?

Sometimes I wonder if they're shitposting or genuinely believe the bullshit they're vomiting.

Either way it's entertaining.

Ive yet to find one that thinks the Earth is flat.
Im still hopeful it will hallen someday.

I still think nothing can beat that "timecube" shit that claimed the Earth was split into four day cycles or some bizarre shit.

I want to go back to the Bearenstein universe

Fair enough, I'm still entertained.

I was homeschooled for three years, not to promote a thought bubble, but because kids were stabbing each other and making babies in my local middle schools. Plus it allowed me to move through material at a much faster pace.

Ahh, the memories

Nope, as another user mentioned, that's the subject of abiogenesis, not evolution.

But it works.
Just look at our current society.



That is another way of saying what I just said.


I'd like to take that back. The study of Madoka would be much more interesting than abiogenesis.

So that's why they delayed Adam's suicide, they wanted to wait until he was a tranny first.

We had fist fights in my middle school for fun nigger.
There was an 18 year old there and an 11 year old impregnated a 13 year old girl
You stay away from the trash and move on.
Fucking hell, I had acne and glasses and I was only verbally bullied untill I kicked the guy in the teeth.

Get a thicker skin.

Normalfags will be manipulated no matter what you do.
Only way you can make it better is by manipulating them yourself, becoming the jew.

But that's wrong.
Without public schools it would be impossible to control people like that.
You need time and you need start early to brainwash people.
You need a place where you can shield them from the influence from their parents.

Are you implying parents don't brainwash children when homeschooling?
What about the whole "masturbation being evil" and the "video games are the devil" spiel?

Sorry, I misread the second half of your post and lumped you in with the IDers. Apologies.

But for how long?
I'm not weeb enough to comment, really.

I was never bullied. You're missing the point.
Why should I have spent my time at a daycare facility for middle-school aged street trash? So I could work remedial problems because that's the pace the rest of the class was at (except they weren't even that far along, really), while the teacher spent all her time yelling herself hoarse trying to get the babbies to behave?
Where's the plus here?

Top kek

Why can buttholes be pleasured? I will believe in anything that can give me a proper explanation.

Congratz, I guess?

No, but parents don't plan to create a mindless slave society and don't have control over more than their own children.

They better fucking deliver


In the cases I mentioned the parents themselves are brainwashed by whatever their theology is.

What exactly do you mean by "mindless slave" society?

I'm more concerned about why you had that image saved at all.

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with quantum mechanics.


Guess I believe in SCP bullshit, now.

Tell me how theological indoctrination is worse than state propaganda even when homeschooled children, on average, outperform those in public schools.

anyone got that image of Denton frowning via photoshop stretching? it would be really appropriate.

gman is that you?

Who is this guy?

Has this fuckhead confused the terms transhuman and transsexual?


Transhuman or trans-human is the concept of an intermediary form between human and posthuman. In other words, a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans. (like being a cyborg or genetically enhanced)

Transsexual people experience a gender identity that is inconsistent with, or not culturally associated with, their assigned sex, and desire to permanently transition to the gender with which they identify, usually seeking medical assistance.

Why is it that even the power to access the internet and it's incredible wealth of knowledge, people can still be stupid.

There aren't enough reaction images in the world to describe what I'm feeling.

Transhumanism is not completely unrelated though.
If you start replacing the body with machines, gender obviously becomes less and less of an issue and you can finally become genderless when you cease existing and get replaced by a machine.

The worse part really is how he completely misunderstands the theme of all previous Deus Ex games.
Tech progress is lauded by default and the games served as a reminder of the way it can be abused and how transhumanism can pull us down instead of elevating us.
See Gunther or drug dependency and the whole Icarus symbolism.

No, it's clear in the article that he knows the difference.

It's more that he's wistfully asking why, in a series that attempts to tackle difficult questions about technology and the role it can play in either fulfilling the dream of empowering populist idealism or enabling and enshrining top-down corporate and government control, both at a societal and personal level, why, oh why, does it not spend more time asking whether Adam Jensen still wants his penis?

Accepting that we know so little about the universe as of now, that it is impossible to claim that any existence of a deity or an afterlife is determinable.

In most cases I see that SJW take fashion preference (e.g a tomboy, which is not a gender, but a girl that prefers masculine clothing), subculture, personality, and romantic preferences consider it as 'gender', then take the concept further to the (extreme) body modification or the mutilating surgery.


As for the topic, I think I read some bullshit like that before, and they keep trying to push it and bring it up. It's kind of retarded really, as if gaming journalism hasn't nuked their credibility enough already- still I think they have too much.

Why did he capitalize those words? Its the first sentence of the article so its not like he used it to keep readers focused.

(((adam koebel)))

w e w



Pure >>>coincidence

you people have no fucking imagination

You deserve the derail you got.

Loli cyborg master race. I just have to live long enough.

but rarely some people are born with mental or physical defects.
This OBVIOUSLY means gender doesn't exist shitlord like OMG


what's wrong with this?

The belief your belief or lack of belief can be reduced down to an overly long explanation in an old ass maymay so I can construct a strawman argument and propose that my religion out of thousands is the true one

is that an attack at evolution?
Have you never heard of the concept of genetics?

nice false dillema fallacy

Do a search for christian/sonic/football bumper stickers, calendars, coffee mugs, clothing and other paraphernalia and see how antagonistic the fundamentalist acolytes of islamic/undertale/rugby have become these days

or a duck billed platypus.

where the fuck are your maths and sources?
When it comes to "disproving" evolution or needing to back up your points you faggots always always seem to fail.
You're spouting crap with no evidence behind it.
for example:
at what rate?

top fucking kek

If you believe people believe your grandpa was a monkey that came from a rock, you suffer from a severe delusion.

this tune played against evolution has been used against gravity, the solar system and fucking anything that goes against the bible.
Furthermore science is about your results being falsifiable, you're MEANT to subject it to criticism.

4. Genetics. The programming code of life, according to evolutionists, is just a series of biochemical accidents and mutations. If you believe this, I have a bridge in New York that's for sale.
how do you equate a programming code to a bridge. a computer would be more apt.
And what is complexity? Snowflakes are super fucking complex but we didn't make them. But we can if we want.
We can make complex things using simple engineering, so what? What's that compared a swirling galaxy.

so…it's not mathematically impossible then retard

that's a joke right?
you've made so many fucking claims without evidence, you should kill yourself


thread deleted?


check em

You are argueing with a schizo, guy has shitposted here before and from what ive heard he is kind of infamous on the /christian/ board for his bullshit too. Do not go into a discussion with a mentally ill person, this only reinforces their beliefs.

technology and freedom
once we get a better energy source and enerygy storage and getting the fuck away from this planet and build my robot waifu.
fuck humans and fuck this planet.

Get smitten

Isaac would have gone nowhere but to heaven if he'd been sacrificed to God by His own request, in my opinion.

god gave us free will after all and punch him and his traitor angel on the face.

were the fuck did the niggers, abbos and murika indians come from?

There are only two kinds of autists who get angry whenever christianity is mentioned
edgy teenagers and young adults who haven’t got a clue about christianity, but want to jump on the bandwagon anyway. teenagers who are in their 'everyone but me are dumb sheep' phase makes up for the majority of these people
and hedonists and degenerates who feel that their perversions are threatened, or simply wish for the fall of western civilization. liberals, communists, pedophiles, alcoholics, drug abusers, and etc all fit into this category

What morality is left after Christianity is gone, but the one dictated to you by your jewish owners through all modern media?

Christianity is what made the west great, now look. Christianity is on the decline and so are our countries, this is not a coincidence. A group is stronger than a load of individuals.

Worst liru

How is it better?

smh tbh fam



Anyone care to explain?

White ingenuity is what made the West great. Your preferred brand of sky-daddy is irrelevant. If you want to stop the decline of the West, you need nationalism, not religion.


That's nice but who are you quoting?

So Satanism?

You're not even trying anymore.

Literally any thread about faggotry + this thread. Are you serious?

I bet you kiss girls, faggot

Every problem on earth is easier solved than space colonization.

Both SJWs and Nazis hate kikes but they also hate each other

Maybe you should stop thinking that the world is so simple.

Man, still the same self awareness as your average Holla Forumsirgin.

That was actually pretty funny.

The Catholic Church has been the greatest patron of the arts and science throughout history. The greatest scientists in history have nearly entirely been fervent Catholics. All this knowledge was a few searches away, yet you decided to come here and spit your bile all over our monitors. Disgusting.

I don't think it is on a global scale. It's a different story in places like Croatia or Scandinavian countries, but I remember reading from more than a few places that Christianity is currently growing substantially in sub-Saharan Africa and central Asia, to the point where Christianity is still growing worldwide despite the (unfortunate) increase in popularity of secularism in the west.

Regardless, I do know that Christianity is still the second fastest growing religion behind Islam and is still the most popular by a margin of more than 0.5 billion, so we're good for a while yet.

Atheism is right, ultimately, morality, and ideas are all social constructs, chemicals in the brain.

They serve no purpose.

We can do whatever we want and you faggots can't stop me.

Yeah, we were so advanced in 400ad weren't we?

I don't want to live near white people who think ass fucking while high on meth is ok.

Islam is only growing so fast because muslims have more kids than Christians.


Atheism is wrong. It's a nihilistic death cult.

C.S. Lewis already proved there was an objective morality and objective truth.

Try reading a book once in your life.

Any thread about faggotry is met with "degenerates", etc. Maybe try to actually answer my question, yeah?

Simple: There is a third option, and if you weren't an autistic child, you wouldn't be stuck in that black and white mindset.

Pretending to be a fallacious christcuck in order to generate more hate against christcucks isn't going to work here. This is not your target audience.

uh huh, okay, go back to believing in santa claus okay faggot?

Make it a png


How? Because I hurt your feelings?



That's because the globalist faggots in the Chatholic church is recruiting poorer and poorer people without basic education so they can start draining the poor and rich for money as they have done since day 1.

Don't worry though, they'll squirt out a few cents on every dollar so it looks like they're something more than taking the money of the weakest and dumbest in societies all over the world.

It's a global corporation who makes billions by selling promises of a better life AFTER you're dead, and they're not taxed. Damn, I wish I would have thought of that :^)

Always beware the false retard

That's more black and white thinking.

You don't need to worship a magical sky daddy in order to understand that "ass fucking while high on meth" is extremely harmful to your society.

Now, if you're arguing that religion could be useful in instilling nationalism in a population, I won't disagree, but the optimal situation is nationalism, not nationalism plus religion.


Nationalism is Biblical.

See: Tower of Babel.

Devil wants a multicultural, one-world totalitarian state with no family identities or ethnic heritage.

Nationalism is just extreme in-group preference which existed long before any religion, or even written language.



See: Tower of Babel and Nimrod.

Don't you? We're all seeing the effects of a lack of faith in God in the West, and we see them every day. The EUSSR comes to mind, but the SCOTUS and POTUS have been behaving the same way.

Well, in the kingdom of God there would be no borders or languages, but on the Earth the borders are necessary, for the practical purposes I guess.

Then it's not worship you dense fuck

Yeah, cause having the whole world follow one mindset, one set of rules and one failth is as nationalist and culture preserving as it gets.

Bullshit. Abrahemism is inherently multicultural. Tower of Babel fell because god was a jealous ass, stomping his fat baby feet. Have you even read the bible?

Those are all values maintained in the West by Christianity alone. Cultural Christians can't exist without Christianity to inspire them.

"By their fruits you shall know them"

inb4 505700 is a pozzed Holla Forums falseflager, shitposting on Holla Forums to make the average christian look like a retard.

Yes you can worship something by "accident".

Whatever your drive/passion is in life, that's your object of "worship".

You give all your attention to it, you live for it, etc. Hence where the term idolatry comes from.

No such thing.

Both Marxists/Commies and Stormcucks are retarded. Two sides of the same Darwinian coin.

the romans and the greeks made real progress until they decided to adopt a retarded backwards desert religion because jews wouldn't stop rebelling. then they got rid of public bathing because muh prudish religion, which lead to diseases and stinkiness being worse. then a bunch of barbarians beat the shit out of the romans and fucked their wives and Europe became fully retarded and 50% hun. meanwhile middle eastern and Arab cultures were discovering algebra, actually bathing, having actual empires, beating the shit out of the retarded christians despite their belief in the same god because they were smelling up Jerusalem, and the big nosed Jews were really bothered by it. chinkadinks were discovering gunpowder while Europe built funny looking buildings for reading a storybook written in Latin. then the European backwaters finally realized that they didn't have enough money to buy shiny bath technology from the Ottomans, so they decided to steal from even more retarded backwards cultures that they thought were Asian but were actually a buncha random naked people on some other islands. then they found a civilization that managed to built a big city on a swamp and got butthurt that it existed so they destroyed it with the help of thousands of local subhumans. then they found more advanced civilizations and destroyed them because "muh gold". after destroying the only civilizations in the Americas, they proceeded to claim everyone there was backwards and took a lot of gold to buy baths so they could finally wash their ass after a thousand years.

I'd rather call them the violent. The current Holla Forums modus operandi is really not any different from a madman's filled with incoherent rage.

He is not, he is a schizo and tards are enabling him by responding to his ramblings.

Secularism is a byproduct of high intelligence. South America and Sub-Saharan Africa have significant christian populations, yet they're still rolling around in mud huts and raping infants to cure AIDS.

You could make the argument that the recipe for success is white+religion, but I would argue that the most cucked, sentimental race traitors are christian.

That's using a spider man comic as evidence of spider man's existence, user.


Sounds very self-hating to me.

My grandparents nor my mom weren't religious at all. My mom taught to me to be an all-around good person without the means of religion. Hell, I can't even watch gore because she taught me to not be violent. That might make me kind of a pussy but I'm happy I can't watch people suffer and/or die.

Yeah because the Middle Age was a fucking great time for innovation, wasn't it?

Religion only fucks up everything it touches, it's just made to control simple minded people, and you're actually retarded if you really believe in any religion.

You're not supposed to hate yourself.

You're supposed to acknowledge that you're a sinner, a fallen creature due to Adam's action in the garden.

Your body is a temple and a Christian should keep his temple clean and holy, so God can dwell within you (holy spirit).

Atheists are nihilists and have no reason to live, they are the suicidalists and defeatists.

Christians have everything to live for, they have a hope, joy and bliss.



You're the guy in the bottom right.

As far as I know Boko Haram is one of the bloodiest groups there and they're self-professed Muslims.

Home of great heresy, like the Santeria and the mixing of various indigenous religions with Christianity to the point where no sane European would call them Christian. There's orthodox believers but they're not enough.

You have?

I don't believe you.

I'm all for christianity, but if my body is a temple, then it's one of those temples in thailand where they let monkeys shit all over the place.

That's not my image, Jim.

Where do you live? Let me guess, a historically Christian country.

I bet you're shaking right now

Yeah, I know. As far as I know there are more converts to Christianity than there are to Islam, but the birth rates in Islamic countries tend to be so high that Islam's growing faster at the minute.

North Africa apparently saw a couple million Muslims convert to Christianity last year, which is interesting.

It's true that Catholicism is the most widely practiced in Africa (and the world). I think the number of African Catholics has gone from something like 9 million to 330+ million over the past century.

I'd imagine non-insignificant parts of the growth of Christianity are due to Orthodoxy and Protestantism as well, though much moreso the latter than the former. I know Protestantism, particularly Pentecostalism, has grown more in South Africa.

Are you more intelligent than all of the people in , then?

Someone better be screencap this.

He's a retard who thinks all religions are the same.

He probably doesn't even know the definition of religion.

Religion = worldview, your presuppositions on the origins and meaning of life.

Everyone has a religion/worldview.

Atheists believe in monkey fairy tales and billions of years, that's their religion.

I've seen plenty of bitches gain fuck loads of weight though.

I may be sort of nihilistic, but I live my life in joy, hope and without stress everyday and never have I thought that suicide was an option in my life. Never knew I was christian :^)

You seem to make the very mistake you call out, with the meaning you seem to give 'mentally ill'. Mental illness is a biological object itself as well, so calling a problem with the brain a mental illness doesn't mean it is 'just a delusion', separate from physical reality.

If fetal hormones development messes up and a female brain grows inside a male body, that may be classified as a mental illness, but that doesn't prevent the best treatment option to potentially be changing the body to match the brain.

On the other hand the reality could also be that the portion of the brain that governs personal identity somehow wrongly flags the person as the wrong gender. In that case, it would also be a mental illness, but the sensible option would be to convince it otherwise.

In practice, it has been found that people diagnosed with gender disphoria have a statistically significant difference from the general population in certain neurological properties, being somewhere between the sexes on average. And also, that talk therapy suffices for some people but not for others, and that for those others plastic surgery, hormone replacement, and changing the gender society treats them as tends to help.

That is all it is. The semantics of 'mental illness' matter little,and not being a self-righteous asshole is just common sense regardless.

The problems are that tumblr's gender fashion culture demands the same privileges as are granted the mentally ill, that some conservatives don't like playing along, and that SJW culture has made it one of their darlings, stereotyping and displaying it as much as Feminism or Gay Pride Parades, spreading misinformation about what it actually is to people with disphoria, allies and enemies alike.

What does that even mean?

Why are you describing Catholicism?

Yeah, because God forbid that anyone fucking puts effort into their arguments anymore.

How is any of that Catholicism?


Roman Catholicism is crypto-paganism, yes.

Christianity married the world thanks to Constantine, and that came with alot of compromises and corruption.

The Bible calls us to not be part of the world.

Satan is the prince/god of this world and he controls it through occult societies.

I think most of those great scientists, philosophers, theologians and writers were "christian" in the same way modern politicians are "christian". As a defensive maneuver of convenience in a time where you could be killed for being a non-believer, or today where an atheist immediately forfeits 100% of the christian vote, because much like women with "muh hole", christians are all about "muh god" when it comes to voting, while atheists care about the policies.

If we're going to no true scotsman christians, I think it's safe to say that everyone but the Westboro Baptist Church would fall into that not a real christian category, as they all pick and choose what to believe, and discard all of the teachings that make them feel "icky".

That's because…

Santa Claus, the spirit of the darkest days of the year is real.

We just celebrate it with a guy dressing up pretending to be him, to spread cheer and joy during a time that's really dark and grim.

That's modern society for you. A lonely and materialistic navel-gazing life.

Some atheist please tell me the propability of a person existing. Show me some sort of theory that explain how it's random when you can't even mathematically count all the potential cases of you not existing, yet again, your father, mother, their folks, human life or life itself. How is all this random when the propability is so ridiculously small, it's nearly mathematically impossible to happen.

Oh yeah you're right! I actually don't have any common sense or empathy because I'm not a christian so I'd better go and rape and murder people and justify it with satanism or just convert to islam.

I think I'm retarded

It's not random, you faggot.

I think we're done here

Because worshiping a revered religious figure is completely unheard of.

Ooooh it's you again. The entirety of orthodoxy disagrees with you.


I-It's just a coincidence!

Then please tell me why there's still atheists running around?

I've heard this often said, but I've never seen any kind of evidence to suggest that it's actually ever been the case.

Every time I've looked into the beliefs of a scientist who was also a Christian they had typically held their religious beliefs for a substantial amount of time before they became scientists. In the case of quantum physicists like Heisenberg and Heller, it's actually what lead them to pursue a scientific career.

We can't prove it either way, but if we're bringing absolute proof to the table as a requirement of a valid argument, the entirety of religion gets thrown out right off the bat as unverifiable fiction.

For the first time in years I've actually laughed out loud at a post on an imageboard. You truly have no self awareness.

can xir be able to have a robo-vagina and robo-tits? if not then this games for shitlords

will Deus Ex ever start having real level design again? i tried HR but the levels were apparently designed by a retard who couldn't get the idea that open level design means more than one ways and the occasional vent.

its all true
the English didn't even start to standardize their language until the 16th century, they used to write and speak solely in phonetic shitposts that couldn't be understood by the other English 4 villages over. the horrible accents you hear in the UK are what remains of that period.

christfag logic
how come it basically turned Europe into a backwater full of petty warlords? christians couldn't even agree which christianity was right, the Pope decided to LARP as a western Roman emperor and sent a bunch of crusaders to sack Constantinople, a christian city that still had some level of civilization left. the Romans realized that religion was just a good way to copy a superior culture like the Greeks, and then they fucked up and decided to copy a bunch of retards who never had a country before. then they ran Europe into the ground for hundreds of years until the Europeans decided to fight countries that had nothing beyond the tribal level. then they found some civilizations that could actually stand a chance against the technology that they copied from the Romans and the Chinese, so they decided to recruit huge deluges of natives to conquer them. this was all while the civilizations they met were suffering from diseases brewed in Europe for centuries due to nobody taking a fucking bath for centuries. then they enslaved their "allies" as thanks for helping them so they could mine gold faster to get a bath in every European home because muh prudish christianity. then they realized they could build empires by taking huge swathes of land from more people who only had sticks to defend themselves with. once the stink died down in Europe, people could actually start to think and use what remained of Roman standards for civilization, plus all the gold and other resources they stole to make empires based on the Romans.



I don't even get the point of this post. What is the chance that an all powerful being exists that fits the description of the Christian bible?

This paragraph alone contains so much bullshit I don't even know where to start.
Semiramis has nothing to do with Osiris, and you sound like you've drank Hislop's kool-aid like the good goy you are.

She's in heaven bodily, why would you ever call her dead?

You can thank this asshole for that. Descartesian Dualism is the foundation for thinking like "I am an x trapped in a y's body."

Yes, this guy from that funny Internet meme you all laughed at is a real person and is partially responsible for today's culture raping.

Explain the Virgin of Guadalupe.

Are you done having a seizure yet?

You didn't answer the question. How can you think that people in heaven can hear prayers and consider yourselves christian in any way? You're basically a shintoist.