Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game memory?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite video game memory?
Other urls found in this thread:
Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
Don't trust Homoko and his fag lies, I'm drunk I'm pissed and I want to strangle the fucking life out Justin Trudeau for no particular reason other than I hate his fucking face, oh man this is the fucking life lads.
Goddamn being an adult sucks.
Morning everyone~
I need a new video game so badly.
Reply to this post with a name and how that person will die. Any post ending in doubles comes true.
Anyone else got this fetish?
laughing octopus has been missing for awhiles now
I miss his nice ass
Whats got you down yakuza?
Seth Rogen. DUDE WEED.
No I don't, now get out
Hi everyone
Nothing just a nostalgia trip.
I just finished most of my finals yesterday. I enjoyed today by going to the arcade and playing for a few hours. I will probably do that again tomorrow on top of small studying for a history final. I was playing guilty gear xx core, but the kick button occasionally stopped working. I could still get though easily, but fighting a near the end zappa was annoying as hell. Looking foward to summer so I can finish up a lot of games and anime I had in mind.
I've been on vacation for the past few days.
Ocean water was amazing, waves were high and water was nice and clean.
Also I'm getting my PC in 2 days so I think its about time for a factory reset
ask /d/.
Ralph shill
I really wish I could get myself to sleep normal hours. Getting an income again is sorta important.
He shows up every 2 weeks or so. He was here last week.
I really hate ARPGs
that one faggot whos been shitposting in the overwatch thread for 10 consecutive days now
That's never fun.
Nice fetish. 10/10
How about Cortex Command?
I didn't see his ass then
I'm gonna jump off a bridge
Ahhh yeah I know how that goes. What gotta you trippin?
What anime you gonna watch?
I fucked up and now the audio jack for my speakers are stuck inside my PC and I lack the tools to get it out.
then I need to look through all my boxes to find my best friend's capture card so I can get my PS3 back.
I really don't have one now that I think of it.
Howdy 4am. Been awhile.
It's everybody's favorite. Kanji user.
I need real games! Vintage games!
I haven't been to a beach in years, sounds nice.
Just embrace being NEET
No really, does someone make a similar statement every day?
What's crackin' m8?
No it isn't. Fucking making me miss High School. Yeah I had fun back in high school, but I was also a libtard so no.
Not sure, just started thinking of HS for some reason. Could be the games I'm playing.
this guy
What you been up to?
I already tried bud
I'd kill to go through HS again. It was so comfy looking back.
ur mom lol
Hi, I still wanna die, I just need to get in the right situation to do it
Government won't give me autismbux. Maybe I could convince them this time now that I'm off my anti-depressants. Probably not.
no seriously, who?
Been living, work hasn't even gave me hours for 2 weeks. Looking for a new job or possibly gonna do odd jobs once again.
Other than that pretty good ritsu.
What about you?
Harsh. How about Terror from the Deep?
I'm glad I'm away from that shit. I am grateful for every minute out of there.
Downloaded Act 1 and Act 2 of The Protomen in super high quality .FLAC today. Not actually a huge fan of them now, but they make for good running music. Added a few of their songs to my running playlist.
In other news, making playlists on the FiiO X1 is a huge pain in the cunt and I wish it fucking wasn't.
Oh you've tried? How hard is it? What kinda stuff you gotta do?
I've always wanted to get in on that
ur mom lol
Situation? You mean conditioning yourself or a method? Why not helium?
It was except for that one time I woke up and walked down only to find 10 disembowled stingrays laying around
Granted being a libtard back then wasn't too bad
The left went to shit once Obongo got elected
I don't have enough money for helium
My local bridge is perfect, plus someone wanted to watch
I'm actually one of the few people who deosn't ride the "HS sucks" meme. It was a good old comfy time.
Um…user, I'm younger than you think.
Common Filth is an autistic zealot who could be funny if he stopped sperging out about Jeebus and the alt-right.
I have a kidney stone! Its awful.
Holy shit what.
Where they huge?
Homosexual penile asphyxiation.
Isnt it just a starhead screwdriver?
The Stand is always a good song to listen to.
I have not much of a clue. I finished Cobra, lupin part 2, and North star. I want to watch more older ones, maybe legends of galactic heroes or something like that. I don't really feel like continuing with patlabor right now after the relationship episode where that chick just stings ohta along.
Also going to play finish the single player for pokken and get to rank s+ in splatoon. It's going to be fun now that I'm going back home.
Damn, hope you get it outta you.
He also hates white people.
"Light Up The Night" is overplayed as fuck for Holla Forums, but it's good to listen to when you're running your ass off. Couldn't go for a run today because I fell over on my run yesterday and cut up/fucked up my knee a bit, so I took a day off. Should be all healed up by tomorrow.
FLAC files fry out my shitty garbage phone I use. Drives me crazy.
That money is only going to go to a nigress and her 8 spawn otherwise.
My HS years were pretty comfy. I spent half my day playing video games in computer classes the last two years.
dnd is Friday
Don't hope on that too much. Might come out to soon…
You didn't pass it yet?
Moderately sized.
Apparently kids like to go out at 3 AM and poke them with sharp sticks.
I fucking hate rays but nevertheless its hard to swim with dead ones in the water.
Holy shit user
I'm most likely the same age as you but even then I wasn't a retard
Old anime is nice and all but have you thought about filling your mouth with moe instead?
I'd rather it stay right where it is thank you.
Oh yeah, check out >>>/4am/
Pretty waifus as far as the eye can see
Pretty sure a larg amount of Holla Forums is on neetbux.
Its more a meme than anything tbh.
Be careful hurting knees, they can take a while to recover. Believe me, I know.
Shit why not just buy one at the dollarstore then?
I had a terrible time so I can't help but be on that train.
That's normal vintage you fuck.
Okay, how about Blood money? Too new or do I have to go older?
You could try working and not be a leech on society.
And I will still give them shit for it.
To tell you the truth, I was one of those "both sides sucks" libtards, but I was still a libtard.
first I gotta find a job and a dollar store.
then I gotta find out how to not be stupid and disarm the tower properly.
W-what happens if it comes out too soon? Does it shred his dick or something?
You die if you work! Dont you want to play vidya all day and be paid for it?
That entire album is top tier when your working out tbh famalam.
Keep Quiet is my personal fav.
CF dindu nuffin, he just tryn make white people great again.
Thats pretty sad, they look awesome.
And as far as I know I haven't passed it yet. Its really hard to tell because I piss all the time because of the pills I'm on and because I'm drinking a retarded amount each day.
I'm hoping it was so small I didn't even notice.
haet scrolling shooters
and I legitimately don't think PC had any good games in the 90s. Its all overblown because pc faggots want to pretend like they have old games too
I'm not very scared of the dark, I don't know why I had this feeling. Doesn't really matter though, I got to stay up and do some writing, play some vidya. Not a bad night to be kept up by sudden strange fears. Though I do have to go to work later, which is gonna fucking suck.
It wasn't severe, the pain is already going away after around 30 hours. I'll go for a light run tomorrow and not push myself too hard. If my leg explodes, I'll come back here and tell you how right you were.
Also, had a bit of a strange experience the other night.
I responded to both of these with laughter and assuming they were joking. It's a good defence mechanism. Before I lost weight, I don't think I would have gotten messages like this.
Hell see if the dollarstore is hiring and steal a screwdriver! 3 birds one stone.
I heard it might come out your peepee.
stealing is wrong user, if anything I should try pirating it.
You should check out Dirty Pair if you like 80s anime.
I unleashed my daemons last night do you're pretty much going to get raped by daemons each night now
I smoke outside in the pitch black all night long. 99% of the time I'm just fine and look at the stars and such but every once in a while I freak out and think somethings coming.
Can you spoonfeed me some good anime, /4am/?
Here are some I like:
I am gonna go full pleb and just tell you to watch Ghost In The Shell and Cowboy Bebop.
Ichigo mashimaro, yuru yuri, yuyushiki k-on
Good for ya! Always nice to get a bit of attention.
If nothing else if it hurts do some static stretching each day and start again with walks. Not doing anything long term is worse in my experience.
It always comes out your peepee. But im wondering if its like one of those fucked up hentais where it horribly, irreversibly stretches everything on the way out.
You could if you had a 3d printer. I mean maybe steal a 3d printer? Its not so bad if you only do it once.
They're fucking assholes.
They stay near the ocean at noon and attack people who try to swim.
Thats not how they work
Imagine a rock going through your peepee
Thats what it feels like
I remember one night I went to bed with a fever and I kept hyperventilating because I kept seeing shadow people and pictures of a giant black rock floating over New York
Clannad is hilarious
Have you tried Space Dandy?
I never know how to respond properly to attention. I tend to just… shrug it off or let it wash over me.
What about Black Lagoon?
If you like darker themed animes check out Elfen Lied as well
Cowboy Bebop is amazing. The ending just sucks.
That shit's gonna give me some nightmares.
you need to drink beach and top it off with some one piece you fucking entry level shitstain
Playing vidya all day does become excessively boring. Having absolutely nothing to do other than to entertain yourself inside your room feels pretty horrible to me.
I am not sure if you're fucking with me or not.
I'm tired of Poe's law.
Kino's Journey
Serial Experiments Lain
Black Lagoon
Have fun.
I kind of liked the ending.
I don't know, they did say it was pretty small.
Are the girls cute at least?
so episode 1?
anyways, here's a list of Anime I like, they might interest someone like you.
Record of Lodoss War
Cromartie High School
Urusei yatsura
Gundam: War in a pocket
Card Captor Sakura
Sally the Witch
Saint Seiya
Blue Blazes (It's live action but whatevs)
When I was 4 and my brother got Super Mario RPG for Christmas. It was also the first game I beat.
If the stone is too big then you have to get it surgically removed. If it was bad then it would tear up the passage between your kidney and your bladder.
The urethra is small as well.
>Implying they're the ones that would do the raping
Brigadoon. It's really interesting and has cool robots and dark themes. Also it's kinda fucking weird as shit.
I didn't even let it last long enough to see hallucinations, I only let myself feel something that intense for about a minute.
nigga, u fucking gay ?
thats literally the only anime i have ever watched and i couldnt stop watching it once i did
i caught the episode with killer mold, late one night on toonami and had to watch the rest.
Yes. Chicks I would consider way out of my league on my best days. One of them has a boyfriend, too, which makes it super fucking weird to me that she decided to "admit" attraction. The other one is kind of a flaky cunt and I have no idea why I keep her on my contact list.
Make flirty jokes to it. Like if she said she wants to sit on your face say something like "Play your cards right and i'll let you ;)"
Yeah thats like asking me to imagine fucking a radiator. I can't really correlate something so horrible. It sounds horrible though. Definitely do not want.
Yeah I really wish I didnt get the mental image. That one cant go away fast enough. Nice ID dubs
Should collect neetbux then and work under the table! Works out for everyone. Or study and train. Self improvement is always good
you're right it'll be me
There is a turn based mode.
how about Tomboy spats?
My nigga, Toys in the Attic is my favorite episode. Currently rewatching the series, trying to decide if it deserves a 10/10 like I gave it before.
Don't you dare, I'm saving myself for my waifu
What causes it? Too much sodium or just like not showering ever?
Linux processes cant rape people spider-bro.You need to upgrade your conjuration abilities to viruses.
I'll one up you. How about tomboy traps?
Maybe if you have a small benis :^)
3DPD, not even once.
You only said blood money, which is a shooter from the late 80s. Makes more sense in the context we were talking about.
Got any good ones? Also, when does k-on get good? I lost interest halfway through the first episode.
I'll check that show and your dubs. Though I have to say, the ending for cobra space adventure was more silly for me than I wanted to be. having hitler as the leader of the pirate guild made me laugh so hard. Having it be a plan to rebuild the third Reich just came out of left field
Less water and more salt
The real trick to get attention from women is to completely reject or sidestep their advances. If a chick comes onto you, say something like "I appreciate the sentiment". They'll be so confused as to why you didn't immediately fall onto your knees in worship that they'll redouble their efforts!
Basic Womenology 101.
One day, I will find my 2D waifu. Then I'll be happy.
I'm you're waifus now
it's shit
Why are you such a faggot, Boss?
youre taste a shit
I'm terrible with self-motivation for me to train. I dislike the idea of being a waste to society to begin.
Sounds similar to HL2: Wars.
I take back what I said then. You're still going to say no aren't you?
The year 1996 playing Shadowrun on Sega Channel. Took me 8 months to beat that game. This was before I had internet too so I had to memorize every area map, take notes on all the locations, mark out pathways through the mazey wilderness level, find out what all the unexplained things did by buying them and finding out. It was the first time I really got autistic about a video game. I didn't even know how cyberspace worked so I still enjoyed a second playthrough once I got older. I realized I wasted those 8 months collecting Nuyen when I could've been hacking Datafiles for big money and doing matrix runs for quick karma. Kids are fucking retards.
Sorry, you're not my type, I'm not a leg guy.
Also I'm not a fucking faggot
What is this? Online? Singleplayer? What.
I haven't been happier since I found Ritsu.
Everything I've heard about K-on sounds like it's the "bad kind" of slice-of-life, but I'll check it out. I've had an open mind ever since Nichijou turned out to be fucking great.
The mold episode was actually the one that made me decide I hated the show.
You might have a case of shit taste, fam.
Dystopia is better
and yet you have a waifus
You're setting yourself up for a lot of pain and delusions there. See
I remember me and my sister taking turns trying to beat Beastman in megaman battle network 3, we were young and had yet to git gud so it took a while. That's what we usually did with bosses until one of us beat them. Sephiroth, Psycho Mantis, The Death Egg, King of Sorrow, Etc.
We don't see each other very much since we're adults, she ended up becoming a doctor while I'm more or less a NEET scanning agdg threads trying to put my coding degree to use. I still really cherished those times.
Why does an Anime trigger you, user?
what are you, fucking tumblr?
Shit I fucked that question up on the final. I thought it was chloroform and a rope….
Oh. I should probably drink more water and less energy drinks/coffee then…I dont want one of those.
Seek to excel and become a better conjurer. Eventually you can get to imps and mobile minions who can go to the store for you and shit.
Fine fine just tomboys. Heres mine.
Honestly my mom handled a lot of it but we were missing school records of them babying me and shit and that was probably a big thing that hurt our case. There was going to a social services office, filling out a ton of shit online, waiting over a month for the state to humor you and saying you have a right to appeal it, being sent to a specialist to help determine your disability, and then where we left off was hiring some special lawyer who ended up pretending to forget about us because when I was asked the ultimate question the government wants to press you with, "what prevents you from earning a "livable wage", all I could come up with is a drooling idiot response of being constantly exhausted (because I'm too fucking retarded to remember anything and didn't want to play up shaming myself in front of my mom even if I could). Back then I intentionally reduced my hours to fit under some quota that in some convoluted way said "if you earn too much in such snd such ways in such and such timeframes and conditions you can get dropped from consideration". My mom had urged me to try and collect benefits in the first place in fear for my ensurance, getting of age where I can't be under her plan. We went to a different government office for different reasons and now I at least have that covered for whatever the hell reason. I just don't get any of it, in it all I ended up just staring ahead blankly, being reminded of key ideas and pathetically forgetting. I think if something happens to my mom it will really be time for me to kill myself since I can't even get retard money like other sad fucks on Holla Forums. I live with enough shame already, it's not like I want the government's money even if it would only go to shadier places anyway.
le rugrats meme
Theres no bad kind!
What do you even mean!
Yeah no.
Too new!
Why ? Go into details.
I just downloaded 323 images of my waifu in an hour. I need help downloading more.
Who's your waifu?
Fucking hell. How about Banjo-Kazooie?
Is it bulk download or you're scanning a booru or whatever? This is normal for a waifufag so embrace the autism you autistic fuck.
It's all about jeans. Your clothes change your mental place and can help motivate you. When you wanna get into doing shit, dress into actual clothes then try. Your mind figures you're getting dressed for something and switches gears.
delbooru. Or tumblr. No im not joking.
We all have those days.
yeah, it's fucking great. I've been spending all my free nightsp laying it ever since i found it a few days ago. Every match is so different, sometimes you have to hold a fucking point by spamming walls and turrest, then you're in almost WW1 type stalemate with big walls and artillery on all sides..
Online, multiplayer, very fun. Free. One plays as commander, the others fight as soldier who can construct tanks and artillery and shit, and then fuck enemy shit up. THere's an actual deep amount of strategy that comes down to it, and if your team are not faggits it's the best fuckign FPS ive ever played
Best meaning, most fun
Why don't you call her tomorrow user?
Damn that really fucking sucks. My insurance is running out soon too, my parents have been riding my ass about getting a job with benefits a lot lately.
Hopefully you can figure something out user.
Is Foxy Rena forever ingrained in 4am generals now?
Fine, be useless. Once I lvl my daemons up im gonna send them to your house and steal your sister.
at least you're shilling it correctly unlike that other guy in that other thread which get 404
good luck with that
All I have is business casual and a suit. Nothing more than jeans and dress shirts.
I'll lurk the thread then and judge it from there. It'll be nice to play something other than Planetside for once.
Yes. Thanks to the autism of one furfag.
Definitely losing control.
I switched my availability at work to 9am-8pm mondays through thurs to force myself to develop better sleeping habits and operate in farmer hours. In order to work out or teach myself a trade or god knows what at 5pm in the morning before making a breakfast and heading off to work.
But I'm still staying up late, I'm still jerking off to "I'm being iron maidened by a thousand dicks" tier rape porn, and my mobility is shit and I need to stretch for like 3 months straight before I can lift weights the way I want to.
Playing 3rd Strike as Hugo against an old college friend's Chun Li in an actual arcade. Comfy times.
You need to be more picky.
I only managed 250 last night
Our schedules usually don't match up, she tends to work night shifts while I work slave hours all day. But I think I'll give it a shot, thanks user.
Are there any other good recommendations for the vita?
I liked how the Halo 5 shill was so obvious about his shilling for it. It's like he's used to doing it for consoles and not having to be secretive.
That'd work. If nothing else im sure it'd get you into a work more mood.
Change is hard. You really gotta force it or fall prey to habit every time…
You still didn't answer my other question.
You can appreciate the art and not be a furfag you know.
take zyzzyquil. an hour before your bed time
What's the story behind the Halo 5 shill, I probably missed it when my PC died when it happened.
I didn't see that one
It made me realize that the extreme episodic format was just an excuse to add filler even though the main plot is shit anyway. Some random white-haired faggot has something against Spike and I'm supposed to care with absolutely no context at all. Also every character is obnoxious as fuck.
I did like the episode where the mother turned her sons into monkeys, though.
yeah im going to shill it a bit later, with a properly done expleneatory OP. Gonna post it tomorrow night, for maximum friday fun. He was the user that introduced me to the game
yeah, it will be up tomorrow afternoon.
They were all individual off pixiv. This isn't really anything new for me.
tumblr is surprisingly great for waifu material. that's the kind of autism it was designed for after all.
Like every day.
It's hard though. If there's even a single quality I like I will keep it even if the rest is shit.
No problem! My kid sis lives in another state and I know how bad it is when you miss them.
Text her if you don't think you'll be able to call her.
Eh when I first watched it I thought it started a bit slow but its hard to think of when it picks up now that I love it so much. Too biased. Maybe a few episodes in at worst. Probably by the time Yui gets her guitar.
Hey guys, how you feeling tonight?
C&C: Red Alert.
Should I try recommend you a good game from the 90s just to spite you because that's what I feel like I should do.
No. That's what I'm saying is all I wear. I'm wearing it right now.
I know but I still like calling anyone who does a furfag. I count as a furfag under my own judgement because of this.
hungry, wanting control and money.
I'm the opposite, I get bugged if theres big flaws. Gotta be perfect just like her.
Whats up plank?
I'm ok a bit bored though.
I'm sure there are some worse than you.
What about marijawana edibles?
I'm probably taking on too many things to teach myself too. In the list are:
At least I know how to brew beer.
I'm feeling like shit but Ritsu's resistance is turning that angst into fury.
Well as long as they're not shit and you can follow good artists so it works out pretty well. I get most of my waifu's pics from Danbooru/Gelbooru because I'm a lazy fuck.
Pretty great. I am on day 2 with no booze. No hangover and frequent Waifu dreams will come to me but only if I can stay away form the white mans devil brew.
I know by the end of the week I will get so depressed and/or anxious I will eventually slip back off the wagon.
Was talking about how Halo 5 is coming to PC specifically forge and multiplayer and how its gonna be great, like how Halo 1 & 2 played multiplayer, and not shit like 3's multi. And you have to pick up weapons off the map like old times and not have loadouts like reach. He was also dropping trailer tier webms for multiplayer levels. I thought it was pretty funny.
I think the Halo thread is still up, should check it out. It's interesting to see if nothing else. Game will prolly be shit tho, if the plot was any indication.
You're def not wrong. Theres often good art there
The only reason I have had one was for Venture Bros art and gifs. Some of em are talented fucks
Ok change of plans. Force yourself to work naked at home and make that your new working mindset. Would help when you find a woman, as it'd get you in the right mindset to work hard too.
C&C: Red Alert. is also freeware
so's all of them as well as dune up to red alert 2
Oh, and car repair.
What kind of electrician stuff are you interested in? Just for a job or more a hobby?
I'm craving more /burgers or that kid of rice I ate that had this good chicken sauce. I forget the name.
Drugs are for faggots who can't into magic
Oh, so nothing spectacular.
I want to go to sleep but have too much of a headache, might as well play EDF.
Nothing wrong with aiming high! The only trick is to keep up with everything and maybe time management if it becomes and issue. Why the woodworking and electrician stuff tho? wanna go into a trade?
you just got shit tastes
Nah, just blatant about it. With how secretive shills usually are it was a nice change of pace to see the guy bumble in and do it so obviously.
Me too hobo wizard, me too.
Yeah I'm a bit bored as well. Just got off skype with my friend that I hung out with today. She was crying earlier cause of family problems and she has no idea what she is doing with her life. I can relate I guess. Also she can't stop saying cummies.
I've already fallen into 2d waifu hell for that to happen.
What if it gets cold?
No wonder you don't like any games from the 90s. You don't like strategy games do you?
Do you tend to drink a lot?
I like the ones who act like they lurk but really don't. It's REALLY easy to tell them apart.
Just a hobby for now. Its sort of like Golden Boy: I want to be as self sufficient as possible and have as many skills under my belt as possible. Though I think once I find my true love, I'll find a job.
After getting those under my belt, I'd like to learn some programming for the sake of designing my own arcade games. I think that's my biggest dream. Learn how to build a cabinet, learn how to make my own PCB, Design a mock up of my dream Beat Em Up, design beat em up and either try and make it sell big or keep it as a conversation piece in my living room.
EDF is amazing. That's one game I can pick up any time and have fun with it. It's fun with friends as well.
Does she want your cummies?
I said I didn't like any PC games from the 90s. And generally no. I prefer action in my games.
Fuck off you smug bastard
Ahh fuck it, prolly not gonna post again tonight
See ya tomorrow maybe
These past two or three months I've been drinking almost every day. Even when I plan to take a day off I live with enablers that practically pour it down my throat. Even earlier tonight I avoided them when they invited me to try some fancy beer someone brought. Hey, I ain't complainin, but I need to discipline myself better.
I recommend getting into battle robots, there a handful of tourneys across the states. I think the most common weight class is like 5lbs, pretty tiny things. Lots of fun to design and build and will give you a good outlet for the electrician stuff.
Next time I get a job I'm going to dig up the old designs I made for one and actually get around to building it.
Cya user
I think deep down she wants everybody's cummies, she is starved for cock since she only see's her bf once a month. She suggested that we should cuddle since "we are both starved for attention". I couldn't tell if she was serious or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was. She craves so much damn attention.
Who's your waifu, you faggot
Alright, just wish I'd have done something with my life by now.
Quake. You cannot do bad with Quake.
Alternatively, Symphony of the Night.
Actually I'll throw in Need For Speed: Underground while I'm at it.
Me too. Only thing I have going for me is that I go to community college. No idea if that will lead me to a job though. Everything is uncertain. I've never even had a job before and I'm about to be 22. How old are you anyway?
You should go for it.
Cuddles will lead to sex.
Unless you are friends with the bf. Ohhhh yeah I remember you talking about her before. Bang her then tell the bf, you'll be doing him a favor.
But I might try out a castlevania game although an older one than you suggested. Thanks sort of
'least you got something, I'm still a neet.
I'd say go for it, but I've had attention starved girls before, and it usually took a turn for the worst. Either they flipflop on wanting to see me, or they realize I get emotionally attached and try and sucker me into sticking my neck out for them.
Watch yourself.
Funny. I bought a book on robotics off the swap meet. I should give it a good read.
I'm gonna go crash. Thanks, guys.
Yeah that's a bad habit dude. The best way to avoid things like that is to just not have it in your house. Most times I don't have beers in my house so there's no way I can drink it. If it's available, you're more likely to drink it that's for sure.
Digging deeper into patheticness yet staying at exactly the same unmoved place, heart hurting by constant jabs of what isn't real and how I can't have what is, trying to make myself feel good only for my efforts to crash and burn, staring into space as I wonder why life had to wake me up again. until 4am rols around.
You asked.
Its a simple hobby to get into really. Seems a lot more complicated than it is.
Cya user!
today's my lucky day
I'm not a 2D anime fox girl so I somehow doubt that.
They keep a bar stocked in the kitchen so every time I got to get a drink or a meal it's there going "drink me!"
you could be a 3d fox girl and suck my dick though
Theres literally nothing better than random left overs you weren't expecting.
Why not bring a weeks worth of food and drink into the basement?
What about a prostitute?
You could just have a blanket around you or turn up the heat.
Yeah they usually dont understand chan culture oftentimes. I like how the fallout salt party seems to have scared a lot of shills off from here from what i've seen.
Ahh ok, I think I gotcha. So be like a mans man for when you find a girl you love and start a family. Be the self suficient dad instead of a lot of the useless types we have nowadays.
Yeah I dunno if I feel that way about her. I feel that would just make drama in my life and make shit more complicated. That and she's pretty fucking crazy.
Try Shadow Dancer for Sega Genesis. A difficult AKUSHUN GEMU with 1 hit death and 4 difficulty levels incase the default easiest one is too easy.
Congratulations Ritsu. You managed to pull me out of my depression only to turn it into anger.
Well you haven't looked have you? I still wouldn't tell you fags.
Still a qt.
Stop wolf.
Then the blanket will just irritate my skin. It would get really fucking annoying.
I'm not that lowly.
I don't eat rotten food UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE!
no you stop
Is this the race mixer?
And you might not feel that way about her, but your dick does.
I don't feel like getting a genesis emulator
Just doing my duty to 4am
Its "best by" date not "rotten by"
The pizza slice has been consuimed and I now feel empiter inside
Even though I don't care about alcoholism in my family this shit always manages to get me sad.
Theres nothing wrong with fucking whores. You're just getting more bang for your buck considering how expensive and unappreciative most women are. Hell you spring for a hot escort and fuck any type of woman you want.
You must have fragile skin for a blanket to irritate it. Its not like its gotta be a quilt or a bear blanket. Just a regular comforter or a regular sheet.
So lets say theres a half eaten pie in the garbage, but its right on the top of the garbage and its on a plate so it hasnt touched any of the other garbage. Is it wrong to eat it?
I follow the same method with condoms. Still dont have kids.
Yeah but you're a fat faggot who doesn't shower for weeks at a time so I think I'll pass.
I'm too lazy to care if they're samples or not.
I'm not fat
The best by date thing?
No one wants to see an 8 year old alcoholic. Already she's lost control and she hasnt even had a chance. It's truly heartbreaking.
How could she be anyones waifu when she's already broken herself?
So wait, if Spider-bro showered you would fuck him?
I thought you were? Like to the point your dick was almost an innie?
Yea. Its all just marketers trying to get you to buy new products anyway.
Just get Gens+ you nintenyearold fgt
Sorry, I don't like dehydrated foodlike substances that's moist for some reason on the outside but dry on the inside. Life is shitty enough without torturing myself like that.
Yes because the bad air carries pestilence.
I'm chubby
I didn't know your duty was to anger others out of shit.
I still don't want to fuck someone I don't really care all that much about.
This is not false.
You should care. Fox grils are supposed to look as beautiful as you can in ultra high resolution and shit.
Bone her at your own peril. She sounds like bad news, so if you act on it, you'd better be ready for the consequences.
Exactly. I want to be so OP in every aspect of my life, that I can either brofist God or shoryuken him in the face.
But now that you think of it, a wife and kid sounds amazing. Be so resourceful, all the wife needs to be is a stay at home wife, and the children be masters of their own destinies by age 15 or so. Teach them a martial art or something, get one working as an engineer and the other as a (non degenerate) entertainer.
Okay, goodnight for reals, guys.
You're still a fat fuck if you're chubby.
Same thing.
that's why the portable stove or thos e mini ovens are better.
microwave can be used if you quickly want some of those mini mac and cheese packets.
No not race mixer, but this girl also is cool with mixing races. You're thinking of aspergers girl who I met in college. This is a friend from high school. Let's just call her cummies.
I can't see myself doing anything sexual with her. I don't know, it's weird. Maybe I tend to think of her as a sister or something and that provides a mental block. Things can always change though. She said she's going to break up with her bf, but knowing how women are who knows if that's true.
Pretty sure condoms can go bad, stop that.
Theres a reason Arino barely challenges games on the genesis you know!
I'll bring people in 4am out of depression no matter what it takes
chubby is chubby
fat is fat
there's a difference because I say so shut up
Sees frightening digits and goes into cardiac arrest
6/9/2016 5:20am
Gonna make cake tonight/tomorrow
I have rage. I feel like I must cream but have no mouth. I've got this burning like my veins are filled with nothing but gasoline. I've lost control of my life and I want to take it bake.
A shit reason
Even if it causes them to lose all respect for you?
Then by that logic what I said still stands. Chubby is still fat.
I think most women say they are "cool" with racemixing but wouldn't actually do it. Blame the (((media)))
Stop it with the sister stuff. Thats just a self imposed friendzone crap.
What flavor?
Whatever it takes!
Disgusting tbh fam
Yeah but logging into Pixiv requires slightly more effort than normal.
K friends, gonna go night night. I will dream of sweaty waifu.
What bad air? The plate protects it! It's barely even garbage tbh.
Hoe chubby? Like Jonah hill chubby or Channing Tatum chubby?
Wait, so your problem is not that hes a dude but that you dont care about him?
I suggest a sweater for the cold that you can snuggle your legs into and sit with your knees to your chin while you work.
Try hunting too. Men need to be able to hunt
I doubt it. I havent gotten anyone pregnant yet. Well not with condoms on anyway.
I've always called him bro, even when people were hating on him. He can be annoying and way too lewd about stuff but he's largely alright.
It probably is self imposed but I don't care. Maybe it's for the better because like I said I don't think I like her that way. I'd rather cuddle with weeb girl but that bitch probably don't text me back.
So what should I eat before I go to bed? I only got snacks with me since I ate all my real food because I leave on friday. I got nerds, some cookies, a peanut bar, some chocolate, stale pretzels, some cereal, and poptarts. Not healthy whatsoever, but it's all I got.
Nite yaku. May sweaty purple mcnuggies come to you in your dreams
Night yakuza~
Any kind of fancy frosting or anything?
the foul air eminating from the garbage below! cast by demons no doubt!
Poptarts would be the most filling. And not too bad if you got a toaster.
She still flakin?
hard to tell, think I weigh less then jonah hill but that's hard to guess too
Chocolate ganache
If they're so low tier demons they're trying to sabotage pie they must have no doubt been daemons summoned by homospider.
Should work out to become Builtfat like Tatum then you can get the girls!
You do realize that I have lost all respect for you? If there was any to begin with.
Night Yaku. Marie best girl.
This is true.
Because sex is just meaningless if there's no connection. Why bone someone to begin with if I do not love them? I have masturbation if I want to get off.
If he's not qt then bust and since most 3d can be qt then it's certainly bust.
This is starting to be a little gay.
I have no clue what that means.
girls are yucky
Me, sacrificed to create the destroyer of existence.
Yeah, not sure I can push it more without looking like a creep to be honest. Not sure what to do on that front. Perhaps let it sit for a bit and see what happens.
run to the gas station and buy me some mac and cheese.
Do it user. Go out there and gain that control back.
So i've had this nuke in MGSV for a week now and im honestly surprised considering the other one I got was stolen from me within hours of getting it. I cant wait to have placeable mines and lure in disarmament people to their deaths
Don't shit on one of my favorite sitting positions. Shit is max comfy during winter. Just need to have a modicum of flexibility.
Not really required. Sex feels good, dont need to be in love for it to be good. That's not to say go full degenerate and fuck all the things but love is def not required. It definitely makes it better supposedly. I've never been in love
Plenty of qt's in the world. Look at Putins secretary. Shes a grade A qt.
Didn't you say you were Pans? Pans likes girls too ya know.
Don't know who that is.
Guess I'll go with that.
Trip as in road trip.
I agree. Your chocolate ganache could do with more mushrooms.
Maybe for the best.
Shame though.
That looks pretty delicious.
You are just now playing mgsv?
There are plenty of anime fox girls in the sea that don't need me to log into Pixiv.
I'm allowed to joke, ya'know
Nah. I just never stopped. I love the gameplay. It disappoints me how shitty MGO3 is though. And how they havent ported the MGO3 clothing to the base game as a lot of it would be amazing for the DD soldiers.
I don't think you're joking.
I thought jokes were supposed to be, you know, funny.
Driving back home for the summer. I'm not coming back to the dorm so I need to get rid of the stuff that can perish.
Kind of expected it to be quite honest. Girls are flaky as hell unless maybe you see them in class or at work. That's the only way you can really get to know them I guess, and probably your only chance to get at them.
I liked the gameplay a lot, it sucks that the story, missions and online play are all garbage though.
Thats why I'm much happier with mah waifu. Shes always there when I need her.
that's the joke
that's where you thought wrong
So are fat fucks and most men.
Just letting you know. You also have shit taste in vidya if you don't like strategy and missing out a lot of good PC games during the 90s.
Sounds like you're trying to encourage me like Wolf does. Still it would be pretty hard to do on my shitty office chair.
To me there's no need for it. I never ended up in a situation I could have fugged someone except maybe my ex but I didn't know at the time. I already have muh wifi and I have no desire to fug so I'm just sticking to myself. Like I could fug someone but I certainly wouldn't go out of my for it that's for certain.
She is a qt.
That's why you check boorus and make sure you save the full size.
Your jokes are pretty shit then.
k dem
Name them.
Ahh ok, gotcha.
I have infinite heaven installed which lets you replace everything while also allowing tanks and helicopters to be in worldspace with side ops. It makes up for it a bit.
You are right that the side ops and story leaves a lot to be desired tho. I wish it had side ops on par with Peacewalker
I blame british humor for this. This is why american humor is better.
He wants you to wear sweaters and improve yourself aswell? That seems nice of him. He usually just wants to hump things legs.
>my ex
If you were dating her then why not fuck her? Seems like a wasted opportunity
The qtest.
Doom, Doom 2, Quake, Fallout 2, Fallout tactics. Just to name a few.
You're waifu a shit and K-On a shit.
some people just don't have tastes
What do you mean by replace everything?
Your drawings are shit too btw.
On a wider cultural level humor is dead, just like most everything else in our society.
that's the point
Command & Conquer
Age of Empires 2
Warcraft 2
Neverwinter Nights
System Shock
Just a few.
Sounds really fucking gay, like some faggotboy would do.
Because I was both oblivious at the time and we never found a good place. He was really really obvious now I think about in hindsight.
On the topic of American humor, anyone else watched Laurel and hardy? Most of their stuff is black and white, but the movies are in sound and have color to them.
I meant like you can redo any side op you've done before, as well as force subsistence on any mission, side op or freeroam.
The mod also lets you increase enemy spawns and patrols in the map, to help everything feel alive. So far its made the game more fun for me, as well as the everyone is S++ mod which has inspired me to collect soldiers and play a bit more.
Only good game there is AoE2
Sounds kinda neat. Might give it a pirate and replay it.
you could at least name them probably
That's gay, fam.
> He
Sounds right up your alley then! But no, its more comfy than gay. Just get one of those big sweaters with the front pocket, you tuck your legs in and work or play games for max comfort
Yours is just poor! Should aim to be like blackadder, not Big bang theory!
agreed. Most humor often relies on making light of dark themes. Current political climate tries to stop that so it doesnt get far imo.
It can be pretty fun. If you plan to replay, get the increased difficulty mod imo, for that original mgs feeling with enemies able to see you from far unless camo'd.
How subversive. You must be a Jew.
Link both those mods
And thanks that does sound fun. I forgot how fucking stupid the game was about being able to crawl right up to a guy without him noticing.
mine is refined by my own tastes
I'm uncut though
george soros
kek bless me with dubs
may he die this year
Time for Unicorn Gundam. Are you a bad enough dude to watch it?
Ded Thred. Later fags. Have fun looking at spider dicks.
I forget the name of the other one, but this ones infinite heaven
It's easy to install with MGSVs mod installer snakebite. Which is on nexus too.
Why's your penis on your chest in that pic?
Did shadman make this for you?
I can't disagree.
Sounds like something I can do on the couch but not on my office chair. At that point I may as well play vidya from my bed since I can easily do that.
Threads dont need to have a thousand people responding at once to be good ya know. Everything is what you make of it.
shizunanon did, it's nice
Are you a chubby monkey? Cause if knees to chin is hard to do, indian pose is also comfy to do inside a sweater
I dunno, its hard to work a mouse and keyboard while laying down.
Whos the other person supposed to be?
Later user~
Ultima 4 looks kinda neat. I think it was 4, whichever one that introduced the virtues. But the rest look meh
I can lift my knees up to my chin, it's more the issue that it's awkward as shit on my shit office chair. It's more like a stool than an actual chair and it's uncomfortable as shit. I just end up sliding down my chair instead of sitting up straight half the time. Bad for my back but it's more comfy to sit in.
I have a pretty fine set up to do anything from bed. I would be posting in bed if I'm feeling lazy enough.
I'm pretty sure it's 4.
You need to play more 90s PC vidya mate. And get into strategy games to cleanse your shit taste.
Back from my shower. You nigs still awake?
I have an entire world of vintage console games that I need to go through first and I don't like any of the genres that are prominent on PC during the era. Just seems like a waste of time.
ded thred
It's always a ded thread my friend.
Who's touch?
Eh, everyone does that myself included. Its pretty comfy, especially when you're especially tired or bored.
Should get a new chair imo, or even just one of those lawnchairs. They can be comfyish.
What kinda setup? For console vidya or PC?
Could always play emulators and play the older games if you dont like older pc games. Like N64 stuff. Majoras mask is the shit
a guy on the discord
Thats basically all I do.
We need fresh blood.
I've been looking into buying a $100 leather chair with armrests. Would certainly be better than this piece of crap.
For PC. The only console I own now is a Sega Megadrive with no cables, controllers or games. Just the console itself.
muh nigger
leather isn't the best materiel to have for long sitting even fake leather does the same
you want something which breaths so that the sweat doesn't build up on it so bad, so a cotton or a velvet would be better
Jesus. Oftentimes seems people spend more time on the other clients than the thread itself.
Cool it Satan, I aint down with sacrificing newfags and babies yet.
What kinda older games do you play? I've been looking for some to pique my interest again in some of the older systems.
That's the type I got from my aunt. It's pretty comfy, I recommend the type.
Hmm so im guessing a tv itself connected to a HDMI? My cousin does that too and it works pretty well for Starcraft and shit for him. What's your setup?
I see you too are a man of culture.They really need to make a remake of Majoras Mask, though im afraid they might fuck it up somehow
Not true. I spend hours lately on my leather chair. Its comfy. Course I got a pretty big ass from squats so maybe thats why
they're all for different things so that it's fine enough that people overlap
you need to show me that fat ass so that we can find out for sure
They technically did do a remake of majoras mask for the 3ds didn't they?
I honestly think thats why the threads been slowing down more and more lately.
I rarely sweat unless the heat's enough to melt my PC fans. If that's the case I can easily turn on a fan and cool myself down before I do.
Cytube's the only one I like out of that bunch because it serves a purpose.
I used to own one, best chair I ever had. Would recommend again.
Yeah, TV connected via HDMI. All I need to do is turn it around and I can watch/play shit on it from bed. It's what I do since I have not TV to watch so I just watch animu or whatever's on cytube/youtube.
I believe there is for the 3DS.
>big ass
I know this feel. Squats are pretty great.
well your body is sweating all the time even when it's colder so you'll still get a build up but you'll just get it slower
Eh, if you say so.
3 date rule.
Did they? I never played 3ds so I wouldnt know. I was hoping it'd be for PC. Course that has a snowballs chance in hell of happening.
Hmm you would have more experience with this than me tbh. I've only gone to the cytube every once in a while. Has the other clients had a pronounced effect?
It's essentially why I only go there sometimes. As I can watch what everyone is watching or see what other people listen to and maybe branch out. Course i've never been an IRC person or skyper unless it was vidya related so eh.
What happened to it? Rip?
Must be a bitch and a half to operate a keyboard while on bed tho? I tried myself but my elbows always got in the way
>Squats are great
Definitely right there. Its pretty useful to sit comfortably in uncomfortable places. Like when using the bus yiu can sit on the edge or windows or other shit and angle all the weight to the window and still be comfy.
Not true again. I got a leather one and rarely sweat unless its over 30 degrees and close to 40. Then you can just use a fan.
It's either a leather chair with armrests or another stool-like chair like the one I have for the same price range. I think I'm going to take my bets with the leather.
The base of it eventually broke and snapped. I was in it at the time. kek. It was already a four year old chair so I wasn't entirely surprised for a $80 chair.
Not really. I would take a picture of my set up but it's a complete mess right now. I'm planning to clean it up during the weekend.
>squatting is useful
It's why i started to squat, didn't mean I was so reliant on a seat and it was nice to squat after taking a long walk.
I know so since I overlap
take me out to the cinema then faggit
you're just being a poop
anything is better then a stool
Heh, musta been a good shock. Im guessing it was like when you lean back on a chair too far and down you go.
Shit, I remember we used to have threads like that where we would take pics of our setup at home and share it. Wonder why we stopped showing our workstations.
>Nice to squat
Eh, I hate the feeling, especially on the knees, I just find the result useful. But eh, to each their own, if you like the feeling that's definitely good as it does a lot!
Eh, the rare times I go to cytube you're always afk. I think you "overlap" as in you're there but not really there.
Sure! We'll go see angry birds!
The truth isnt always nice. But its still the truth!
getting fucked on jameson
watching tenchi
and trying not to think about tomorows exam
im so fucked
I happened to fall into the chair rather than normally sitting down. I'm really not surprised it broke with it's plastic base.
My guess is that everyone's already seen each others. Mine's not super impressive anyway other than the couch I have facing towards my computer if I happened to want to sit down on it instead of my shitty chair and my daki.
It feel relieving as a stretching exercise and hear the cracking of your knees.
Of who?
waifu, obviously.
maybe I would be so afk if you weren't such a poop, taking me out to see angry birds get some class
And who is that?
Video related.
How prepped are you for tomorrows exam and whats the exam on?
I don't see how a couch could work with a pc really. Unless the monitor was huge huge. And then, I dunno, it'd be like uncanny valley to me, too off to be enjoyable.
Now a lazyman chair, i'd be willing to make that work with PC.
Oh. You do it without weight im guessing? I thought you meant plated Squats. Yeah weightless can be a good stretching exercise, especially the day after when sore
Wow, you're already turning out to be a shit tier waifu. What could be better than animated movies?
this is why you're a poop
i missed 3 weeks of lectures somehow and have just caught up
the exams on biology, diseases and stuff mostly
i reckon ill be good but theres allways captain doubt setting sail with me
thank god i passed the last exam and hav done the prep tests
god i hate tests
cant help but procrastinate and now its late as fuck and ill have to buy some no doz
I have that too but since I work so while on my chair so much I rarely use it. I'm pretty used to watching shit on my TV so I'm pretty fine with it.
I probably should've specified. My bad.
You're a Rei tier waifu tbh. You need to embrace the greatness that is western animation and pixar movies you.
Eh so long as you studied for it you should be good! Just make sure to get some sleep before the exam. Lack of sleep is what always gets people, fucks with the memory.
Could always try working on your lazyman while on PC!
What do you work on?
More my fault tbh. I always assume exercises come with weight attached due to my own biases.
How do I know this fox slut you keep posting isn't her?
cheers mang
yer the exam isnt till 12 so i got plenty of time to sleep and i hav studied so i probs gon be alright
but damn if im not gona be fucked by the way uni set questions these days
i almost wish i was black so i could get away with a shitting mark
I'll embrace you under the sliver moonlight faggit
Yeah I had the same issues with my tests. You'd think professors would test you on your knowledge not on understanding them when they try to be obtuse as fuck to try to confuse you.
Thats gay as fuck bud. Embracing and hand holding is like 5th date minimum.
Well that's up to you to believe.
You take that back. She's a qt.
Just a uni student so take that as you will. As well as programming.
we'll rub feet too
Alright thats it for me this mornin. Im gonna go play some vidya. It's been fun as always guys!
Ah right, I remember you mentioned this when we talked about your Windows server setup and wanting a Raid O setup.
I always wear steel toe boots.
All fox girls are foxsluts, without exception.
nice dubs
and yer the fuckign master/phd cunts like to fuck with students i reckon. they phrase questions in a way that is the same as the subject but just different enough to seem like their fucking with you since the words have nothing to do with the lectures. makes me almost believe Holla Forums and them saying all uni is pozzed in the neghole like crazy.
then again the commies at uni more or less convince me never to go near them ever
That's incredibly rude.
not while our belly buttons rubbing
Those aren't foxsluts, don't worry. Those are just animals who walk upright and mimic humans. Fucking them would make you a furfag, and we all know better than to be a furfag.
That's fine with me.
well i hope you all have a great rest of your night/day
and might catch ya tomorrow