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literally who
Did she even finish her lineup for the last kickstarter?
Also, what do you think they did with his body?
They harvested it for hormones and made a fortune selling estrogen pills.
You and I both know that's too good to be true. Besides, the damage is already done and she knows it. The amount of human cancer she funneled into the industry is astronomical, they'll do her "commentary" for her and they're probably never going away until "geek culture" finally stops being trendy again.
Not that I know of. She will never face any consequences for this though.
That's a big negative on that. She's spent probably the past six months doing nothing but "slut shaming" video game characters for what they wear.
So what are the chances that the one about the Chinese pirate captain will neglect to mention that she would put people to death for consensual sex, but violent rape was A-OK?
I know user. She's just moving on because there's nothing left to ruin anymore. She's like a cancer, she needs fresh cells to destroy.
She never liked games nor was interested in them, it was all McIntosh and since he is now out of the picture she is avoiding games all together.
Before she targeted video games she did videos about made up sexism in other fields (like lego and piracy sites).
It's absolutely hilarious watching some of her older stuff
It was like watching a parody that painfully ignores reality.
Of course not
you didn't link to the source of the text you fucking faggot. this kikestarter project isn't anything new
She is only restarting the scam
and considering how cucked history college students are, she will succeed again
I guess the funds started drying up and she had to come up with another crowdfunding scam. The most interesting part is that her puppet-master doesn't want his name on it.
You can be certain she'll be back
I'll only be satisfied once she's dead and gone
I'd settle for "discredited and disgraced" on the level Jack Thompson was. Of course, Bell Hooks and Gloria Steinem are still somehow considered relevant, despite their batshit views.
Bets on how many backers get their rewards this time around.
All my money on none.
Anita pls go
Sooo what happens to her unfulfilled kickstarter?
He speaks for us all you muh pr cuck.
There is no reason to even give this cunt attention in 2016.
Are you still under the impression that anyone here gives a shit about GG's public image? Please tell me you aren't this deluded.
Breast cancer or bust.
Just like all the other scamstarters, she'll walk away with the money.
Better, kickstarter goys called her "a hero".
Here I am wishing Turkey finished the job of killing Armenians.
Only thing Turkey did wrong was leaving her ancestors alive.
Fuck Armenia. Bunch of fucking old fat smelly gangster wannabes in adidas track suits with a shit load of gold chains and too much cologne.
An Armenian is just a jew who followed a gold coin into church.
I bet anyone that funded her that tries to sue gets dogpiled all the way up to Trudeau and the UN.
Can't wait for McIntosh to commit sudoku.
That is, unless the backers stop being self-flagellating douchebags for five minutes to sue her ass for not following through with her promises. There is court precedent that agrees that crowdfunded projects should produce the work in full or give the money back.
Oh, there's no doubt about that.
So she's outright admitting in the title that it's complete hogwash? The only two ways to "defy" well-known and heavily-verified historical record are to either challenge it with substantial evidence that can sway modern common consensus in favor of your proposed alteration(s), or to spout complete bullshit with confidence and charisma while hoping dumbasses believe it without checking it against facts and evidence.
Considering Anita's history and her wonderful little scams, combined with her utter disdain for wrongthink concepts like "facts", "evidence" and "common fucking sense", the latter option is the only one that appears remotely-possible to anyone with a functional sliver of brain matter still alive in their cranium.
Although, "Ordinary Women: Daring to Spread Complete Nonsense Ineffectually and In Spite of The Truth" isn't quite as catchy, I'd wager.
Also, bonus bullshit: The endless stream of the word "defiance" and all permutations/synonyms in the not-kikestarter page is hilarious, since it's a perfect window into identity-politics-obsessed progressive mindset. Just like the older and more-open Commies they look up to, their ideology only goes so far as "smash everything I don't like to pieces", with no further thought whatsoever, even things such as "who will rebuild all the shit I broke like a rabid chimp to make it how I want it" or "what happens when everything ever has been smashed except me and my friends, do we smash ourselves".
All they know how to do is seek, destroy, and repeat until their masters kill them off once they're no longer useful, as taught by their commie professors in the paid-attendance indoctrination camps colleges and universities. On the bright side though, this means that any failure in this process (cannot find target/cannot break target) causes their brains to suffer critical errors, which leads to anything from them fucking off elsewhere to the programming starting to crack and warp until it finally breaks, although this can also lead them to be even more determined to break whatever is giving them trouble.
That adds up to his depression.
Now that she left him, he has no one.
Where did it all go wrong for them?
FYI the literally who meme was started by ghazis to save Van Valkenburg from showing up in search engines.
no it's because she wanted to be the focus of attention.
Attention meant money you see.
Completely false.
She's a con man with no scruples, and I don't think about her or her idiotic projects often. I want her to stop creating divisions where there are none, and I honestly think she won't stop until she's dead or has enough money to buy a small country
Requesting Johnathan version of this
OK, I didn't give much of a shit about her anyway so good riddance.
Is that Anita's ass ?
Speaking of , are there any lewd pics of her ?
She did this bit to cash in on her "relevance" and it's not working because I completely forgot she existed.
You know, because I have a life.
But 2 years later you realize it's true.
That's what they told you, sure. But the attention didn't stop, but her name was saved: so which one of the two?
Yeah, good luck with that living in San Francisco.
Dear Sarkesian,
Please stay the fuck out of history, it's bad enough with all the afro-centrist revisionists already.
so you can pay 10000 dollars for the chance to actually MEET the scammer?
Yeah, she's not following through on that.
Mega Satan knows
That is incredibly sexist you fucking shitlord.
So she just keeps on jumping from project to project so she can sucker money out of people?
She's gotten so famous among landwhales and cum slurping cucks she doesn't even need FullMcIntosh to tell her what to think anymore. These retards will just eat up the same recycled retardation and think it's some grand insight into whatever she's decided to infect.
She became irrelevant over a year ago. Her "announcing" her irrelevance is itself irrelevant.
Didnt she get fat as fuck ?
I kind of want some thick Anita porn right now tbh.
I have no words to describe how angry this makes me. First it was that communist of a candidate, sparking a liberal meme in this fucking town, now this shit. Someone burn this city to the ground and salt the earth it once stood on already.
God only knows I'm not the only sane person stranded in this modern-day Sodom, but it sure as hell feels like it…
Maybe no
She's literally begging for money to complete a project, does a shitty job that doesn't require that amount of money, only finishes 1/4 of it, keeps the rest of the money and then jumps on to another "cause".
Are people retarded?
She's not even just a SJW cunt she's a full-on pyramid deal scammer.
She won't be anywhere near as effective now that she's not with McIntosh anymore, at least. He was the diseased brains behind Tropes Vs. Women and Sarkeesian was just the mouthpiece.
Yes. SJWs are without a doubt that retarded. Her little project on whining about shit is years overdue and like you said not even close to finished. Was there some big backlash from the backers? None that I heard of in any case. They didn't give her money to actually do something. They gave her money so they could feel like they were making a difference in the world. God only knows how they think "sexism in video games" is a world altering problem, but whatever. It's the exact same with this project.
Holy shit is this real?
I started reading and thought it was a joke image about kickstarters at first but then I saw it was Feminists frequency. I can't even be mad at Anita, if people are actually willing to pay money to this shit then I would want to scam them too even if I damage some poor hobby in the process.
It's all the fucking San Fran refugees fleeing the drought and rampant poverty their idiotic policies caused. They're trying to turn this city into a new San Francisco.
I gotta agree with the quads.
She'll be back in games or keep trying to fucking mention it.
If this new project fails, she's just going to say "Gamergate sabotaged me" and "Gamergate spread lies about me" when she left a trail of her bullshit behind and the truth revealed she is a lying Armenian jew cunt and her friends and the lugenpresse swept it all under the rug.
She loves the spotlight and the victim bucks, so she's going to keep doing what she's been doing while trying to get into other fields too.
man i hope someone donates 10k and gets turned down
Why are you doing here if you dont think most people are retarded?
Of course they're fucking retarded.
The fact she ever gained any traction at all proves they are.
She's a competent businesswoman, I guess.
I wonder if they're enjoying those DVDs they payed for.
The only way to really make it gone is to forget its name.
Forget the name of the thing you most despise and it shall no longer exist.
We can only move forward from here.
Yes. But it wasn't always 'this' bad. Ironically, the price of knowledge includes knowing how to throw away knowledge and become retarded.
i don't believe you're a gamergater at fucking all
Cunt is gone.
Games industry is still shit
Cant get any worse right?
It always can.
There are still problems in the industry, Anita was just one of them
Leave it to some random cunty bitch to feel the need to get in the way of pure camaraderie and joy. Of course her retort is "I bet they don't even get laid!". She wouldn't know a good time if it got lodged in her snatch.
If i had made that kind of money and attention doing absolutely nothing i would've thought that right now it's a good time to leave too , but i wouldn't have stayed gone because apparently this industry is a very properous proving ground filled with all kinds of retards that are willing to just throw their money away on nothing at all ; be it the consumer base,developers or publishers.
And to imagine that 10-15 years ago all that Jack Thompson ever needed to succeed in his goal was a pair of tits and a "muh misogyny" instead of "think of the children" narrative
Fucking amazing really
you know what happens to those that don't learn from history right?
Hard to feel good about this. The damage she's done to Vidya is far too great and will stick around for a long time. Ever her getting gang raped to death by trannies wouldn't be enough to atone for the shit she's done.
I fucking love Anita, and here's why:
Its obvious Anita was just out there to make money and was never a real feminist or progressive, she saw an opportunity to commentate for retards and it worked. I actually have respect for her, because its impressive how manipulative she was, if you pay attention to interviews with her its easy to tell she doesn't give a fuck about feminism. She never believed a word of what she ever said, and it seems like so many people bought into it.
I interpret her leaving game commentary to focus more on general moderate feminism as her wanting to fall back to a more obscure/general face. She dropped McIntosh because she realized he was a cringeworthy cuck faggot
Death would be a sweet release, she should be given the treatment she so much preaches,
seal her vagina, give her a dick, mutilate her breasts, dress her like a man and throw her into the street, she also should be denied any forms of sexual pleasure, for all the evils she spreads against men i am sure she loves dick with passion.
Don't kid yourself. She's a feminist because she ascribes to their ways and uses their jargon. The whole movement is poison.
That would be the very least that could be done to make up for what she's done. Rob her of the joy she's robbed from so many.
bout time
Rating the girls in that picture from best to worst: far left, middle, left, right, sheeeiiiit, far right. Polite sage for not vidya.
You say that, but look at her and then look at the average "progressive" tumblr landwhale leftist that subscribes to her, its obvious she's not one of them, she was a moderate with an edge she exploited. I don't think we hated Anita as much as we hate her lasting effects on gaming "culture" and her fans
I think calling this thing we have today "feminism" is like calling Cell android 17.
You're probably kinda technically correct but the intention of the new creature is different.
Doesn't matter.
I've got to hand it to her for running this scam for so long. I don't think her sugar daddy Mac will defend her though when some hardline femen-tier loon remembers that she gave a thousand dollars for a DVD box set of feminist commentary on video games and decides to get a crooked lawyer and sue.
For the love of god why? Wtf is wrong with people? People work day in and day out actually being productive members of society and they don't make near that in 4 years of working their ass off
How is that any better ?
How much do you think Hitler would make if he crowdfunded "expelling the jews from germany" back then?
He tried that and got WW2
The real question is how much would you make today
6 million of course.
Probably not much, given the fact you don't have a bunch of people that got their senses warped to believe to be "on the right side of the history" when defending that.
Well Hitler did get a lot of money his way from the "good guys" before the war.
Nice try.
People like this live off of attention and outrage, and do everything they can to fuel controversy. Every little criticism and insult is just more money in their pockets.
Besides, Anita is a face, a scapegoat. The people that fund her and write the shit she says are the ones you really should be going after. My protip is to quit falling for this shit.
Hopefully she will not be able to lie and spew bullshit while pretending to be academic and have every journo & san fran shitter eat it up. She won't be taken seriously as easily.
The title pisses me off, why would we want to hear something about ordinary women? Do we hear stuff about ordinary men throughout history? No we don't, we know how some people lived but the people worth hearing about centuries and millenniums after their death are by definition not ordinary.
It would be like having a show on Napoleon and calling it "an ordinary man, just as good and talented as each and every one of you".
It was largely because a few individuals like Tim Schafer (who used the money people donated to him to make Psychonauts 2) donated large amounts to the projects, not so much a case of many people donating small amounts and the project flourishing by sheer popularity
Gamergate wins again.
Journos on suicide watch.
im probably hushing it but what the hell i will probably never be able to use it otherwise
Anita defends that all women should be protected from the danger of the men, to be in safe spaces, to be adored and freed from all responsibility and declared that can do no wrong.
She calls it feminism but its actually the patriarchy
She is getting played like a goddamn fiddle
I've never seen a more obvious money embezzling scheme.
We already have enough idiots trying to rewrite history to fit how they think it should be. I guess one more idiot can't hurt but it sure as hell doesn't help.
Fucking bad enough she shits on my hobby now she has to go shit on something I deeply care about.
Gotta pay the bills somehow.
History is written by the victor.
Reminder that this is what they mean when they say "right side of history".
Yep, ultimate goal of feminazi's will be to write man out of history and glorify women who never existed.
Damn I would play a game where you get to play as that.
Especially if the head, the bird and the baby bird were all separate characters that would banter among themselves.
What's with all the facemasks?
Good news, though honestly I'd almost forgotten she even existed at this point. She really hasn't influenced the industry that much and has pretty much faded into obscurity.
Wish I had that one pic laying about that showed that she only managed to increase the sales of some indieshit game by 1 in an entire month vs. the average for that game.
Who is dumb enough to pay this cunt 210000? After she failed to deliver on her original promise.
But they say in war, there are no victors.
So who wrote history?
Tumblr users who are blinded by their desperate need to bring all other women down to their same ugly level.
Only the losers say that
That's bullshit. There's always a victor in war. It's the one who sent their men off to die for them. Merely a statistic as they claim victory and write history.
I need to tap into this tard-money.
but she isnt dead
Just claim to be doing something to help women in videogames/workplace, do a half assed job, then embezzle the money and start over. They'll not even notice you didn't finish your first job.
And while you're doing it, identify as a woman and wear a pink wig or something. They'll never listen to a white male.
You people are fucking idiots.
Fuck off fag, go to Holla Forums and /tg/ and see how that worked out.
You do know about the current trend to wipe out the evil white man out of history books, right?
Replacing him with shitskins and wymyn who dont need no man.
Landwhales and their enablers are pushing like crazy to rewrite history in their image.
Facts and evidence mean shit for them as long as it doesn't comfort to their worldvierw.
If she just spind it the right way, she'll be hailed as the second coming for them.
bon voyage vidya goblin
What shakes is she holding?
i dont like the implication that it wont be with her body
Oh she's gonna shake something all right.
yeah, after the damages have been done to vidya.
Nintendo will still be shit, and there might not be awesome niche games to come for a long, long time in the west.
If meme magic is real, I hope games will go into a better direction.
Please kek let vidya be great again.
That's how personal lubricant is sold in Japan.
Incidentally, and I just learned this, but the brand on the bottle is written ペペ, which translates to Pepe.
the damages have been doing before anita jumped on the bandwagon
This. I want to believe she will be held to account by actual academics but I'm not optimistic. It's impossible to be in a world where David Starkey manages to be controversial.
Umm Cell Is Android 21 though
I remember that LEGO one. While I knew in advance her series was criticized for not being fully accurate, I did watch some of them (but with little knowledge of those subjects she covered).
I was a fan of LEGO and knew a bit about it/it's history, so I watched the LEGO video, and was fully convinced that she didn't know shit about it. And anything that wasn't a lie was just a half-truth or straight not mention years of research done by LEGO into how and why girls play with LEGO differently than boys.
It's always made me wonder, what if there was a day where there was genuine 100% confirmed evidence/s that she scammed people of their money.
Would gaming website apologize for supporting her? Would crowdfunding sites distance themselves from her? Would there be any apology from anyone over it?
They would never bring it up, they would pretend it never happened and call you a shitlord if you do.
Fuck off goon.
I know that meme!
You faggots probably think more about her than her actual fanbase.
She has a fanbase?
Who the hell do you think is donating all that money.
da chosen people
What if it's all a big scheme to launder her Temple's dirty money ?
then shes a cannibal
That can't be real ….can it?
Bullshit, stop giving her attention OP.
Inb4 some retards mistakes my post for a "ignore it and it will go away" post
This reminds me, I kinda want to buy an onahole of some sort, what would be a good choice?
How long until the history community is declared a sexist misogynistic patriarchy?
> help i'm being attacked simply for being a strong proud womyn!
Throat-pussy model.
After all, the gaming industry and community has been pozzed enough, GG was crushed by their own "PR" and now white male protagonists have become a tiny minority in their own gaming worlds.
Of course, whenever you hear of the Sark, remember that she has a (white male) handler who's really in charge.
It already is, facts are also problematic these days. Welcome to the new age
This man has it right
This man is a blatant liar
Anita is brilliant. She got everybody on her side, raked in boatloads of cash, and then waited the perfect time to cut and run to the next scam in a way that makes all the faggots you scammed the first time forget that you even scanned them.
Ever since Napoleon, at the very least, Jewish bankers kept winning the wars by funding both sides, no matter who actually won on the battlefield.
Thus, it's reasonable to assume that Jewish Bankers wrote the history books (or rather, a subsidiary of them).
Almost like it was a post error or something.
How new are you
I was being ironically stupid!
Shit, that reminds me of some game where apparently the protagonist's equipment all had the digitized personalities of his former comrades on it or something. Anyone know the name?
This. These cucks still aren't aware of it.
Did the math
And the winnnnnnner iiiiiiiissssss…
Fremfeq with 118'100$s!
2nd place goes to us for not throwing away our money like the other idiots who'd fail a darwinism test
he means after he absorbed 17. They is a scene where he uses 17's voice to try and coerce 18 to got Penis Vored
It nearly worked
I was only saying this to someone the other day when they asked if she was ever going to fuck off.
She's damaged the industry way beyond what anyone else has done and the industry will probably never recover from it and even if it does it will take ages
People weren't supposed to know about him in the first place. The puppetmaster is still there, giving orders to his obedient woman slave.
wew lad
Wouldve happened regardless, there was already a push going. After she first got funded and disappeared off the radar with the money she already had a internet defense force.
The only surefire way to defeat Ramsay is with the superior plot armor and assured victories of Danaerys Targaryen.
Eh. She'll have a harder time of it on her own without Mcintosh writing for her. As well as the fact that shes trying to wade into a medium that gets attacked by feminists constantly. If shes going for big Movies she's going into the big pool, and without her added support and master from the shadows. I see her stressing out and becoming a failure in it tbh.
Social Signalling morons. Well that or She's lying about the numbers in the same way you put your own money in the tip jar as it incentivizes others to donate because "someone else did too".
Well, what do you think not giving attention to something does? Its the same result as your spoilered section. Or are you just admitting things will get worse as you ignore it but everyone should and just accept things will be horrible forever?
By that logic hes in a very dangerous position as he can be kicked out by her and no one would be any the wiser.
It will get better, but only if the video game industry crashes. Unfortunately, all the commies in or governments and corporations won't allow the beauty that is Capitalism do it's job of taking out the trash.
No, everything these days needs to be bailed out or subsidized.
I don't get it. I read OP's post but I'm not seeing any of what he wrote written on the archive he linked. How is she "finally gone" ? All it's saying is that she's working on something else, but that doesn't mean at all she's going to stop commenting on games.
Where has she announced her "departure" ?
Actually she wasn't. It became obvious after a while that her crowdfund would fail. However, all of a sudden, Tim Schafer and the guy who made that cards against humanity (Max temkin ?) literally gave her around 30K. Then a politician women gave her around 20K. So that was enough.
It varies between situations, some require attention and some are just useless bullshitting.
I'm going off the assumption that she's dumb as a brick and can't do anything without his guidance, though.
bravo goobergators, you ran another woman out of the video game industry
No doubt she found some other betafag to do her bidding…
find whomever sells tomax brand in your country and buy one of those.
sage for offtopic.
One of my guesses:
This guy Josh, John, whatever, was the actual person playing video games and writing commentary for her to act out and be the public figure for in their video game related YouTube videos.
They've split up, for whatever reason. She does not actually play the video games, thus will stop making video game related YouTube videos. Just as she was before when she was blogging on television shows, books, and movies.
And no. Apparently, her followers will preorder YouTube videos, raising $150,000, that will never come. And they will preorder even more videos, raising $200,000.
Well, I guess that makes her exactly like all the other cultural marxists out there now.
She did a good job in waking the video game community up to the insanity of SJWism. Maybe she'll piss some historians off to the point that they start going to town on all of this revisionist history WE WUZ bullshit. Godspeed, you insufferable cunt.
Too many people still believe her bullshit. The way I see it, for every person she wakes up, there's still hundreds of other's buying into it.
No she didn't, all she did was indoctrinate more people to their church.
Instead of dying out she became more powerful and made big connections.
I told you all it would just pass on.
The watering hole was drying up because too many people were coming to take a drink from it.
Expect the rest of the leeches to run off.
Unfortunately, the only ones that can be blamed are the video game players themselves. Letting this shit happen in the first place.
I would have to guess that perhaps after a couple years of getting shit on, even a good number of the white-knights have started to go away.
After all, there's only so much a person can take of being told that they're constantly shit and everything they like is constantly shit.
These are all in very general terms though.
As for Anita herself? Honestly, how could you not admire such an empire built upon a simple stupid little con?
Like, consider that "career" in where it started to what it became and where she went.
All because she wanted to make easy money up front by slapping together some videos that amounted to re-purposing the highlighted notes in her feminist studies books to footage and images of video games she lifted off the internet.
No fucking research really required at all, either.
Who gave her money after to failed to deliver on her kickstarter videogame crap? Why isn't she banned from these crowdfunding websites for failing to deliver on her product?
you mean we LEVELED UP
Thankfully their ally Gawker hasn't been as fortunate and the their last day in court with the Hulkster is tomorrow.
Will Anita, McIntosh, and co eventually have their own moment of sheer stupidity that is going to fuck them over?
Don't you watch portlandia nigger?
be realistic user, those people wouldn't been indoctrinated anyway. If not by anita then surely by someone else. It was an inevitably, but also a way to justify piracy.
Yeah she might be gone but the damage is done and there are a thousand others just like her still around.
lel she still hasnt even finished the videos her retarded kikestarter supporters paid her to do and theyre already giving her more for the next.
A bitch then.
We alraedy knew this m8
source please homeboy?
Who was she, anyway?
Its the end of one user.
Something better will be built from our ashes. Have no fear, SJW will die off and never be heard of until the end of the next era.
Sup newfag. You still mad about polite saging?
Dumbasses like this are what got her where she is now
No fucking way in hell that I'll ever click the link but is left supposed to be Murasaki Shikibu or Sei Shonagon ? Not like either of them could possibly stand as a shining example of what a Woman ought to be, or even a women who defied history or some shit, but I doubt it's not an entry level Japanese female writer. It'd be really funny if it was Murasaki though.
They said this day would never come.
I can only assume this means that her usual funding sources are drying up now. Also, I doubt she'll be able to peddle her bullshit as effectively in a field that's more academic and rigorous, like history. Regardless:
Oh boy, she's left my interest in video games to fuck up my interest in history.
Kill me
Hope the Don winning will finally give them the message to fuck off, but I suspect that they'll try to hang on as much and as hard as they can before hitting total irrelevancy. Might even try to suck off Trudeau since they're both Canadian when it happens, possibly complete with an SJW/hipster exodus over there.
The rage and despair will be delicious, in any case.
So you never did answer my question.
Do you think this board would be better if it picked up the habits of /a/ and /jp/
When did you say you found imageboards? on r/4chan in 2014 right?
polite sage
So do you think Holla Forums would be better with /a/ and /jp/ board culture?
What to you was the better board pre-2012 4chaim, or post-2012 4chins?
Honestly, I'm glad to hear it, but we all know the damage has been done. She left much later than she should have.
as much as I'd like to engage with a newfag, all I can offer you is this polite sage
Has she planned on shipping those DVDs she promised for those backer tiers?
Reminder that she wants this shit in classrooms
So do you think Holla Forums would be better with /a/ and /jp/ board culture?
Why do you find answering a question so hard?
She was a prostitute that was kidnapped by a pirate raid. The pirate captain rapemarried her. A few years later. he died and she inherited the fleet. A few years after that, the UK and Chinese governments offered amnesty to pirates if they retired, which she took advantage of. She bought a casino with her treasure and spent the next 30 years as its manager until she died.
She had an interesting life, but I wouldn't call her a model example of an important woman in history. Her entire life was based on prostitution, piracy, and gambling. Then again, Anita's also covering Rosa Luxembourg who, while influential, was also a violent asshole.
What was her name, exactly?
gg no re you ugly hag!
Ching Shih.
Here's her Wikipedia page:
She already fucking won shitheads.
The entire fucking western entertainment industry has been reshaped to her liking, and you fucks pretend "she's gone"; like we don't have to deal with her shit anymore.
Her shit is FUCKING EVERYWHERE NOW. It perpetuates itself. She doesn't need to be here anymore.
She really hurt you, huh.
Wow holy fuck, you give her so much power its ridiculous.
No she has not shaped the entire industry to her liking, she has always been a small miniscule problem.
Remember when she went to the U.N remember what happened?
[Spoiler]Samething that happened when Hermoine went fucking nothing[/spoiler]
She really hurt anyone that considers vidya their hobby
It matters little, the damage has already been done.
It's gotten a hell of a lot harder for people with non-feminist worldviews to step foot into the industry. It's still very much a who-knows-who industry, and you know that a lot of feminists will flat-out refuse to have any degree of association, professional or otherwise, with non-feminists. And they're perfectly okay with intentionally casting out people with "bad" viewpoints, because that's just how the industry works. So people with the "wrong" viewpoints are told they have two choices: To either remain silent on their views, or change their views to "acceptable" ones. When Gamergate rolled around, these views were pushed even harder.
Nowadays, wrongthinking indie devs have a much harder uphill climb in order to wedge into the industry. It's still possible, though, thanks to gamers who actually want to play fun games. So you should be extra-appreciative of devs like that who are just starting out.
You dumbasses really want to imply were not gonna deal with anymore feminist bullshit from game devs anymore, just to push your "literally who? Xddddd" maymay?
I would say that this current trend of forced diversity in video games came about because of her. It made every developer paranoid of backlash.
I don't care if they do faggot.
Most those games fail to sell and are only kickstarted because other trust fund babies donate.
Its a ring of trust fund babies, their parents will die, they will slowly spend away their income and lose relevancy.
Yes the shit is unbearable but it I take heart in knowing that its already starting to crumble.
They had a "diveristy class" in London the other day white men were not allowed to attend.
Even fucking niggers were pointing out how hypocritical it is.
Liberalism always end up turning in on itself.
How did she win when western entertainment was already run by kikes and cucks? She is and was nothing more than a tool to profit off of liberal retardation for money and spread propaganda to help dislodge western civilization.
These people were already fucked in the head.
Newfaggot please.
You seem to think this only happens to indie games or shit projects.
Don't you remember what just happened with Uncharted 4?
Yeah I don't see how this is worth celebrating over. We didn't kick her out at any point, if anything we gave her momentum. Now she's done shitting up the place and is moving on.
It's like celebrating that the Deerclops is moving on after it just wrecked your base.
Sony is run by a clique of kikes millennial, Naughty Dog is dead.
You mean an always casual game that has never done anything unique or fun and has always been a shit-tier game?
Oh boy man sure is a fucking loss.
God I really wish someone would behead this fat ugly cunt.
You give her more power by overestimating her effect.
I hope to live long enough to be able to see it.
Well I'm pretty pissed off that she isn't laying face down in a ditch somewhere, because that's what she deserves and what should happen.
I bet your co-workers bully you.
Except for 2 minor issues:
But their influence hopefully will slowly wane, regardless.
She's just a poor womyn though, she didn do nuffin, just needs dem money for those programs.
I think it is as well.
You can only do so much before someone gets bored of it.
Social Justice has to be like anything else and when you've done it for too long you become disillusioned or at least incredibly bored of it.
Semi Relevant trips
Funnily enough Hitler got the funding by basically doing a kickstarter for the Volkswagen Beetle With the additional incentives being traveling the new Autobahn to vacation spots
I remember from near the start of GG while we were still on halfchan I think that someone found that before she showed up to scam gaming she was guilty of a previous attempt of scamming people. Sadly don't have any source for it.
Yeah, I remember that.
I won't call it a "win" until all these virtue-signaling sjw leftist tranny faggot nigger feminist freaks are dead
It will end friend. Look at how many things went right this year. Victory is stable, and people are starting to see through their wafer thin facade.
Barring a major rightward shift of the general population in worldviews, the most SJWs have any decent chance of accomplishing is for devs with any semblance of talent using "diverse" characters to create worlds that would be much harder, if not impossible to do in more generic settings. But this will generally be accepted, as the characters aren't just there for the sole sake of diversity. At this point, social justice's niche in the industry would basically be eradicated, and they'd end up bleeding money, and by extension influence, horribly fast. If that all makes any sense.
Things are looking up in vidya for the first time in a decade or so.
You know I think the only reason anyone ever cared about these gibbering retards is that they are literally incapable of producing a game that isn't shit by 99% of gamer's standards.
And their only success story was clinging onto a furry weeaboo power of friendship RPG about killing god with the power of friendship and trying really hard like every jrpg and claiming it was about diversity
What makes it even worse is that the developer who made that game browses this board The Cathedral of Mysoginy
It comes in ripples. The early adopters are getting bored of their ideology (they're still hanging on tight to it, but are starting to feel disenfranchised, others become even more extreme), new ones are getting in, late adopters are starting to hop on the bandwagon (mainstream media, normalfags who consume it). The problem with late adopters is that they're bigger in numbers, but their convictions are weaker, so they'll give it up easily for the next trend.
Fund it
we were always going to win eventually since we actually care about games and they only cared insofar as it was a fad
That'd be a fucking idiotic move. It'd also reinforce their 'we need safe spaces from violent men' rhetoric.
Pretty much.
Why would you need to meet her in person to JFK her?
That is the exact opposite of meeting her in person.
Go home Anita your drunk.
Anita go away you're boring.
I don't know. I guess I should feel happy she won't be around to declare more shit sexist, but the damage she's done won't be fixed in a long time.
Nowadays all it takes is some bitch (Or a faggot pretending to be a bitch) with a bunch of twitter followers to declare the most innocuous shit in your game sexist and her virtue signalling morons will ruin everything.
Which one of you heretics did this?
They're acceptable in Japanese fashion.
Even without her influence video games were already getting shitty with the economy's teetering around 08 and casuals latching onto them.
News flash faggot. Feminism hasn't changed. It's been this way the entire fucking time. Go take a look at all the famous second wave feminists and their man hating. Look at the first wavers and their desire to ban things men enjoy.
Feminists warp history and you fucking know this. You also know they're in charge, so why the fuck are you believing a group not to lie to you about themselves when they lie to you about everything else?
YOU are the cancer enabling feminism, you're a useful idiot unable to understand that feminism isn't political, it's female nature given political power. It's what is at the heart of every woman when they're allowed to run riot instead of held back by a strong father figure. This is what healthy cultures understand and what kills weak cultures.
Did she drop apple boy? Did he died?
What's with McIntosh's permanent sadface? Everytime I see him I feel like asking him about his life problems and offering my shoulder for him to cry on.
9/11 mindfucked him.
| \ |Д`) People are celebrating ? |⊂ That means I have an excuse to dance now ! | ♪ ☆ ♪ / \ RANTA TAN ヽ(´Д`;)ノ RANTA TAN ( へ) RANTA RANTA く TAN ♪ ☆ ♪ / \ RANTA RANTA ヽ(;´Д`)ノ RANTA TAN (へ ) RANTA TANTA > TAN
Anita thread?
nice dance pal
Constantly fighting for a lie must leave people intensely depressed, no matter how much they convince themselves they're happier for it.
That really her?
post that .mpg/.rmvb nigga
what a disgusting pizza
Probably not.
Even then the dudes dick is small as shit why the fuck does her face look like that?
Not all pussies are gaping endless holes. Who knows.
I'm looking forward to seeing her run with the money.
This is correct and I can vouch for it because of XX chromosomes.
However, feminism is still an unprecedented step, because it means they are doing it just to men and not to each other.
Doubt it. Nose isn't hooked enough.
Nigga, he has a 5 inch dick with a stomach only 4 inches are going in there.
A two fingers are about the same girth and length.
No, fuck you guys, you're not rebels. At best you are spiteful, contrarian hipsters who circlejerk each other at exclusive events.
You don't fight for real change, you just sit around and piss and moan about imagined slights and injustices in order to feel more special and deserving compared to all your witless peers in these self-manufactured Oppression Olympics. None of you faggots have the balls both literally and metaphorically to actually go out there and fight actual injustices because doing so would actually be dangerous, time-consuming, and require actual effort so you force and guilt-trip bigger and more influential people to do it for you. The only "battleground" you faggots have ever seen are preaching to the choir at your college campuses where nobody is going to seriously oppose you.
You will never quarrel with actual racists or misogynists outside of a controlled space. You will never protest for women's rights in places where they actually do treat women like objects and mutilate their genitals to keep them from sleeping around. You will never riot or fight like all those leftist idols from the past that you look up to because none of you pussies want to get hurt or arrested for your "cause" because you're afraid your perfect and unblemished records will get a black mark. At best you are a shallow counter-culture; you have no vision for the the future - no real ideals, no good ideas on how to fix the problems that you present or at least not fairly for the rest of us outside your little clique. You are the kinds of faggots that just want to have something to fight against because it makes you feel like revolutionaries like good ol' Che, no matter how mundane your "oppressors" are.
You are not fighters, revolutionaries or civil rights advocates; you are bored children, lazy wannabes, and cowardly pseudo-intellectuals. By all means, go spend $1500 USD to circlejerk at your little event to feel like you've accomplished something, that this somehow "stuck it to the man" or "smashed the patriarchy" as you pay a con artist to tell you soothing lies to feel better about your useless selves.
Man, does this shit make my blood boil.
Anita, pls
eyebrows don't seem to match either
I want to make passionate love to her.
if anyone has a spare 10k, you now what to do
why are you posting this here, send this to their fartbook/twatter/whatever network smth smh tbh fam
More people oppose fur to leather because fur often requires the fur of multiple animals for a small piece of fur meanwhile, we produce leather out of cows which are already killed by the boatload every minute.
Chinchilla fur takes roughly 1000-2000 chinchillas.
I hunt animals regularly from bird, to deer, to small game.
However its startlingly the idiocy of killing an entire population so some nigger can have a pimp coat.
From the idiocy of your first pick I'm sure the rest of your post is equally retarded.
She'll be back once this money well dries up. The only way she'll truly be gone is if she gets completely discredited or dies.
A, STFU cunt
B, you're wrong.
Women always play this same bullshit game. It's "Women VS everything else" in public and then "woman vs everything else" in private. The moment you attack 1 woman they will all rally around her to defend her because they might be next, so they have to build a shield around her, so they will be protected in the same way. But they shield this other woman out of pure self interest knowing that people won't hurt women and people won't outcast themselves from women as a group (MGTOW are the exception and fucking rare).
They cannot break this female circle jerk because it protects them, but they will back stab every chance they get while within the circle jerk. This is why feminists keep attacking each other through purity testing and why "White feminists" is a thing.
Feminism is not new, it's the same shit and you're a dumb cunt for not understanding this. There is not a single thing new in feminism, it's just that the men are so weak in our society due to the government taking over that they can't stop female nature.
Nigger he's mad at the XOXO people. Then again his post makes a lot of sense if you apply it to people here too, the only difference is that our contrarian faggots have some level of legitimacy.
Still, in this pathetic world, just the ability to identify real problems and create real solutions is a fucking gift, having the nuts to fight a revolution not required.
Regardless, I'll still bitch and moan and I will probably die whining.
Hipsters always fag.
You're wrong.
Women go at each other all the time because they're closer targets. You only have to look at the high school life of the average female; Social disgrace is not a problem because men care, it's a problem because women remember forever and will slash your tires and vandalize your house for years.
A group of women cooperating enough to not collapse in on itself is extremely rare. No matter how many favors you do a girl, she can turn on you. That circlejerk shield is a stupid move for any female to make, because it empowers that person to turn around and ruin your life.
Like, shit. I lived through this. Yes, I know more about it than you do.
Actually they are revolutionaries and on 2 different fronts.
1, they're victorious revolutionaries. They changed Western culture into what it is now. They are part of that group and performed a successful revolution.
2, they're leftists so they will continue to cause revolutions until everything collapses into a communist shit hole and collapses further from there. i.e. Bernie Sanders. Who is the next step to communism because communism is the end goal of socialism and they have successfully made socialism take over the Western world.
You also don't know shit about real rebels. People marching on the streets is not rebelling against society, it is expressing who is in charge. The women's civil rights movement is the same as the black civil rights movement. Those people were in charge and entirely safe. The reason you know this is because they're not fucking dead. Do you know what happens to people who actually openly revolt against the people in charge? They die. The government doesn't give a fuck and we saw it in the recent government building stand off. The leader was shot to death on camera. He actually did lead a revolt and the government put him down like a dog. Under suspicious circumstances and no one even remembers any more.
If the government wants you dead, you will be dead. If you're in public marching against the government and the military doesn't kill you then you're too small time to matter or you're an approved part of the governments plan and they're happy to let you procreed.
I don't know, I think she'll be back once her money dries up or when vidya enters a new approach.
Or someone else will take over for her as being 'That fucking con artist'
You are so unbelievably fatalistic.
I think you want to believe that is the case because you want it to be doom and gloom.
You like masturbating with your tears, which is cool just don't try to convince people that a group who has not accomplished a single goddamn thing is shaping or whole society and is not just a blip.
Why is there no porn of Lain… anywhere?
i still think that we should do a "Holla Forums sings" of embed related and send it to her
So you're not only a stupid cunt, but a stupid cunt who can't read.
Women will protect the group, while attacking the group from inside it. We see this over and over and over. It's why any attack on A woman is an attack on ALL women. I explained this perfectly in that women protect their group because it protects them from outsiders but also protects them from the group because they all require that group. The problem is they just can't help but ruin it with the petty backstabbing until it falls apart. But that doesn't mean they aren't protecting the group, it just means they're too shitty to behave in a decent way.
Lain doesn't tolerate this shit.
Of course, the democrats have achieved nothing. They aren't flooding America with illegal Mexicans to vote for them. They haven't taken over academia and they sure as fuck don't have a socialist black president pushing affirmative action and quoting feminist statistics to justify it.
It's almost as if the US government had a communist infiltration plot that succeeded and now we're seeing it pay off for them. Who would have guessed that?
I don't know where you've been but Illegals have been coming in onstopped under both republican and democratic administration.
Dems are the ones who figured out to get their votes.
Illegals are being solved, never have you had a period in history when this has not been the case.
Whether with slaves in ancient Rome or illegals here.
Over-educated morons that are millennials will lose all relevancy as they sink to poverty levels from having paid all their income to loans eventually defaulting ruining their credit.
Soon it will be considered a plus to go to a trade school or sales vocation then a degree.
Meanwhile every game is now full of niggers and cunts. Even sequels to established games are having their long term characters replaced with niggers and cunts. You sure called it schlomo.
You mean games that no one would be wanting to play anyway?
The same games that often undersell like a motherfucker?
Oh horror, they are forcing diversity into games I wouldn't play anyways and going broke because of it.
lol just read the rest of it. Get a job you fucking nigger.
ayy lmao that reminds me of frat meetings
I have one, its in finances actually.
The market solves itself, did Dragon Age Inquisition do well?
No, because other then a few faggots on Twitter no one is going to buy it for faggot relationships.
Nigga do you lack actual problems in your life to the point you need to make up your own?
As I pointed out both the republicans and democrats were taken over by communists. They believe in equality and other bollocks, hence my point stands just fine.
Wew stay of Holla Forums they are making you retarded.
The irony with Jack Thompson was that Jack Thompson not only got disbarred for his antics, he got disbarred and then still came back to bitch when GTAIV released and told the media he was with some Speshul Task Farce with the FBI or some shit and made shit about GTAIV having made up sex scenes in strip clubs.
The only difference between his muh secks rants and Anita was that after he was disbarred the gaming press just stopped talking about him but when Anita came around the press were either replaced or became faggots who got paid to talk about video games but hate video games and the people (or the caricatures) who played them
It's weird people keep forgetting that she's pro-segregation and most of her rhetoric is complaining about the way (virtual) women look. I know "slut shaming" is okay when they do it but damn
Reverse image search and mild internet detective work reveals it's from Denki-gai no Honya-san.
Now suck my dick.
Why are people acting like this is a victory? The great nosed sark never cared about vidya, she wanted money and McIntosh convinced her there was money in bitching about vidya. Now that she's broken up with him she's wandering off to go try her luck elsewhere, but we're still stuck with her fans who have been far more damaging than Anita herself.
Do you not understand this? They made the illegals the "workers" and they're pushing their shit because it turns out the actual working class doesn't fucking like commies. This means they replace the working class with a class who will like commies.
Who make failures of games and have become so rabid their supporters have gone to critize them.
Visit the cancerous steam forums sometimes.
2 years ago
Things do in fact change with time. Including public opinion, at one period in time Hippies were the SJW of the time, now they are despised almost universally.
I live in a hippie town, which was hippe central for years.
Even ex-hippies hate hippies now.
No it means they are finding a way to keep our produce industry running.
They passed minimum wage to get votes without realizing it would eventually make some industries unworkable.
You sound like a boomer screaming about socialism and communism while cashing in their social security check.
So they will pass wage laws to get votes but they won't import people who will never even be tempted to vote against them. Oh ho ho
No that is democrats realizing shit they could get more votes.
However there are 11 million illegals in the country, out of 316 million LEGAL americans.
If you are honestly suggesting that somehow someway in the next 10 years illegals are going to somehow become such a large number where they will be actually effect general elections especially when the only states that allow them to vote are around cali and texas.
So to summarize your argument.
Your are legitimately retarded.
And you're still wrong.
What you see as a 'group' is literally just the gender divide. Not all women are in a coalition, they're just on the other side of a fence from you. Women do not make alliances with each other under almost any circumstance, it only looks like that from the outside.
There was never any trust, never a circlejerk, never a group. It's just women tending to make 'friends' with other women so they can have a friendship with no sexual tension, at best.
Do you even understand the demographic shift going on? It's almost like you have no idea about the actual population shift happening.
Right, women don't play the vagina card and back each other up on it. Doesn't happen ever.
Not necessarily. They just talk general bullshit that covers small details which don't focus on any one person. I suspect that they'll fade into obscurity as more and more people catch on to their bullshit.
You're not looking hard enough.
That's not an argument.
Yes we can track illegals because immigration laws are not enforced, government has a pretty good idea of who is illegal and what businesses are hiring illegals.
You just sound like the typical condescending 18 year old with more spirit then logic.
Are you fucking retarded? It is entirely an argument to say that they're importing illegals to replace whites who won't push the direction they want to push. You're one step away from saying race is a social construct as if we don't have overwhelming evidence that some groups will vote for some parties 90% of the time and so if that party wishes to keep milking the cow they can use those people to make it happen.
Right okay, we can totally track something which is untraceable by the nature of the thing. Is that why we know where every single enemy spy is in the Western world right now?
Wew where do I even start.
If they are importing illegals to replace the population then they are doing a piss poor job of it.
20 years importing and only 11 million, not only that one of the main runners for president is running on removing illegals from office.
Funny, from the way you say it, it sounds like you think illegals being bad is some secret when even most liberals view it as a negative.
You seem to think Mexicans, Chileans, and Argentinians want to live here, they don't they prefer working in this country then shipping money down south where it has much more purchasing power then it does here.
I know illegals who make 10-12 dollars an hour baking, they all have upper middle class houses with pools down south.
They like their current situation, which is America is the place you go to work then retire, its why the keep their family down their most the time and why many leave after a certain amount of time.
Yes we can track down illegals very easily, in almost every industry there is government inspections, they know how many people work someplace and how many people are using social security numbers that don't belong to them.
They just don't enforce shit.
Also only a few states allow illegals to vote, so you are discussing an 11 million group which represents 3.4% of the population.
You mean Trump who has torn the entire political system apart and been condemned by the entire system? The guy pointing out they're replacing whites with Mexicans on mass.. Yes, of course Trump was all part of their plan, they totally knew he would run and what his policies would be!
You're so retarded I can't even be bothered any more. You seem to think we can magically know where all the illegals are because they absolutely must report to the government at all times or else they er.. might do something illegal?
I award you the goodest goyim of the month award
This is the opposite of what I said, you either cannot read or are desperate to make an argument so you resort to strawman.
I'm going to declare myself the winner now that you are running away.
Then argue with facts and logic not ad hom, are all of the Holla Forumsacks so new they don't remember their logical fallacies?
And the goobers actually thought she lost all credibility by now kek
History is still less vulnerable than videogames was, I want to cling to some hope mang.
I'd like to see them try to pull this shit again after November
back to >>>/anita/ with you
I always thought she was his puppet.
Guess who ran off with the money though
She won't last long without his protection
u wot m8?