Guccifer 2.0

New leak: guccifer 2.0, clinton foundation hacked

In brief, the leaks are internal DNC/CF documents proving that the Democratic party passed the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP, aka the bank bailouts) in exchange for campaign contributions. As shown in pic related, they even did a cost/benefit analysis of the deal. The specific file is "Tarp Recipients (1).xls" in the Donor Research Folder.

It proves beyond ALL doubts that the Democrats absolutely support big banks, even going to using taxpayer money to bail them out of their own stupidity.

archive of the hacked files:!Fp4xmADa

Other urls found in this thread:

NYT, /r/politics, etc. etc. are all saying it's a combination of publicly available information and misreported stuff (e.g. "Pay To Play" is a government form, or something)

Everyone here says, "no shit." Everyone everywhere else says, "well, they are still better than Trump."

shit tier damage control honestly

you're a fucking retard if you think Trump is better.

First Labor was thrown under the bus for the big banks (free trade), and I did not say anything as I wasn't a Union member and Republicans were worse.

Then blacks were thrown under the bus for the private prisons (the drug war), and I did not say anything as I wasn't black and Republicans were worse.

Then Progressives were thrown under the bus for the military-industrial complex (Snowden's exile, SOPA, PIPA, TPP, etc), and I did not say anything as I wasn't Progressive and Republicans were worse.

Then moderate reformists were thrown under the bus for the big banks too (guccifer 2), and I did not say anything as I wasn't a reformist and Republicans were worse.

When the Republicans came for me, I was thrown under the bus for some larger compromise. The remaining Democrats were hemmed into a handful of hard blue states and forgotten. Their base now completely dismantled, the Republicans took over the national government.

Truly these are the end times.

I don't know who I hate more, cosmopolitan homeowners or bankers.

I don't think you guys understand the implication here. This doesn't just fuck Hilary, this fucks every Democrat who voted for the TARP. The FBI now has carte blanche to investigate them for bribery, because that is what this is. If they don't, well Congress is Republican and has the votes to go right up to the top (be it either Obama or Hilary). There is no turning back now. Either Trump wins and the party cleans house or Hilary wins and the GOP go in for the final kill. Even if Hilary isn't Impeached over this and the FBI is able to escape Congress's wrath, the 2020 elections are lost and that means a GOP one party state.

I'm not one to defend Trump, he is a filthy porky and he is everything I loathe about democracy, but goddamn I do not see any other out for the Democrats. It's either loose now or loose everything over the next four years.

Goddamn. Every day I lament the fact that I am too poor to leave the country.

Good. Let it burn.

Fool, we got thrown under the bus a long goddamned time ago.

It makes me want to weep that it actually works, retards don't even care to look into things.


Hilary is FUCKED even if she does win. Congress has everything they need now.

Lol. "It's publicly reported information!" everytime. It's not even an excuse.

I'm aware. But those retards are a minority, especially in swing states. There's not enough of them to prevent the entire Rust Belt flipping. Hell, at this point I reckon Illinois will flip (they elected Rauner, after all).

lol no

Yeah there is zero chance. You'd only be arrested if you were a whistleblower.

Actually, I think they did arrest the guy in charge of some tiny local bank.


What else needs to be said?


Yeah, but normies hang out there & think they're being informed by doing so.

The bankers themselves won't go to jail. Legislators will.

Hear me out: this is not a righteous crusade. Comey would do so in order to gain favor with the Republicans in Congress. He nukes the remaining legislative opposition while they take care of President Hilary. In 2021, Rubio writes him an Amnesty and a fat bonus day one. The Republicans would finally assume total control, and thus meaning Porky only has to fund one party. America returns to what it was in the late nineteenth century: a one party Republican capitalist state.

If you Holla Forumstards are done astroturfing:

In case the conspiracy isn't obvious: Porky baited Democrats into wiping his ass, eight years later he turns on them and completely crushes them and their party in order to cut his lobbying costs. End result is Porky's wet dream, a return to a pre-Trustbuster economy (ie monopolies everywhere). It's a brilliant scheme.

Lol there is literally nothing in here to indicate that it's fake other than the author thinking it's too incredulous that there is a folder named Pay to Play, even though other CTR shills running damage control already insisted that's a generic form name.

t. didn't even bother to read the motherboard article

I don't click on vice links, but motherboard's whole gimmick is that they hire people who know next to nothing about technology to report on it.

No, they won't.

It only leaked a few hours ago and that is their standard/boilerplate response.

Good fucking Christ. Gulags when?

So you don't know what you're talking about and decided to talk about it anyways.

>>>Holla Forums

No, I read the article and reported back that their whole proof that it was fake was:
They didn't want it to be true.
There was a denial from the Clinton Foundation.

read the fucking vice article faggot

The article is thus: a denial from the clinton foundation, a reference to dailycaller, and accusations that guccifer2 is russia

at any rate the files are out there, and are doing damage to the democrats' brand. It'll be up to the FBI and the House Oversight committee to determine if these are legitimate or not but the court of public opinion will have already decided



Who do they work for again? Oh right. Enjoy the coverup.

That's because these "leaks" are old DNC leaks.

The GOP works for the banks. The Democrats do as well, but ultimately the bourgeoisie want a single party to run the country and right now the GOP have a slam dunk means of completely eviscerating their only rivals. It's not going to get covered up, but it'll take a month or two to get going. If Hilary wins, Congress can now roast her over this directly.

so now it's not fake, just "old"?

pick a story

lol no

It's fake because he took old DNC leaks and are claiming they're new Clinton Foundation information.

why not? One party means less money blown on lobbying. Porkies want to return to the Republican-dominated Gilded Age.

you're playing with words, in which case the leaks are real and provide proof that the Democrats are engaged in a pay-to-play scheme. Glad that you agree.

How about you contribute a little more to the conversation than "lolno"?

this post really palmered my luckeys

I would point out to you the origin of the "pay to play" phrase, but it looks like your pals already dismissed that as CTR shilling upthread.

The_Donald banning users skeptical of the leak

and? We already know Holla Forumsfags are stupid, hypocritical and reactionary. The guccifer 2 leak reaction is nothing new.

But that doesn't change the fact that there is now hard evidence of Democrats taking bribes.

Because multiple parties act as a safety valve through which popular pressure can be redirected and ventilated and porky isn't a monolithic bloc they have competing interests and factions ex. Dems green energy Reps coal.

They aren't that smart. Again, look at history. Porky wants to be a monolithic bloc as monolithic blocs have the highest ROI. And Porky WAS a pure monolithic bloc until the trustbusting of the early twentieth century. It is what they naturally aspire to be and what they naturally excel at.


trustbusting was a measure to keep capitalism functional without resorting to "leftist" measures like nationalization and collectivization.

lol, no. People have already scammed the credit cards leaked to buy Steam games, this is legit.

Those are either CTR or completely dedicated Hillary worshippers. Either way, fuck 'em.

That's revisionist history. Porkies hated it and it ultimately led to the demise of their original monopolies. They evolved to survive, but they fought it hard and never EVER supported it. They want those monopolies back, a new era of completely and fully unchecked greed. The GOP are willing to provide it while the Democrats (who got to power by championing leftist compromise) have made themselves obsolete as their base has eroded away. And thanks to the NSA and gun control, the threat of militant labor is gone.

Why have 4/5ths of a came when you can have 9/10ths? Remember that we are dealing with bourgeoisie scum here.


The fuck are you talking about? There are more guns here than people.

The moment people try to organize they can be arrested or otherwise circumvented. This is exactly, -exactly- what happened with Seattle's OWS outlet. The local police somehow knew when and where all the protests and sit ins would be, and this directly affected the performance of the movement.



OWS didn't get violent.

Fuck off. Anything that's a delusional argument or insanely pro-porky/Clinton is likely CTR. especially on reddit.

No, I get it. You want to ignore the evidence at the top of the thread, for some reason. We already know the major parties are corrupted by corporate donations. This is a great layout of the donations made.


yes, but my point stands

What evidence? The jerking off about normies and boomers and CTR shills?

you'd like that, wouldn't you

CCV code is here:

\Philadelphia\Beer Garden Event
Credit Card Authorization - DPVA

also Holla Forums is hacking into nancy pelosi's various email accounts at the moment

I was talking about /r/politics. I don't bother with the Trump subreddit; only occasionally when i want a laugh because those fuckers are funny.

Many citations needed. How are these documents fake?

The leak itself, the financials reported. The only one bitching about normies, boomers & CTR here is you.

What does it matter if I still get left with blue balls?

lmao, I guess I should check out Holla Forumss thread, too. Those scamps.

Ouch you really got me there?

Another link too

My God..

I'm not sure if these are from the Clinton Foundation, but even if they're just from the DNC, they're not fake.

And the DNC/Clinton Foundation seemed to be intertwined at this point. Same donors, same end goals.

link to evidence of someone successfully using the credit card number. no way am i using that myself.

They are clearly not fake. Again, all the credit cards Holla Forums found worked. Right now, there's idiots gaining access to all of Pelosi's emails. It is 100% real and no amount of denial can change that.

I reckon CF and the Democrats will change their tune in ~48 hours or so, once decisionmakers are actually notified of this and concoct a plan to deal with it. Until then it'll either be continued denials or "no comments".

It is. Following the original DNCleaks, most of the DNC staff was replaced with CF employees.

First they're "public" already, now they're just "fake".

If you believe they're not from the Clinton Foundation, say that. Don't say they're "fake".

check the Holla Forums thread

who here /clinton/?

No one.

Perhaps this guy, though

Can't tell if trolling.

Yeah, it's shit. Pay To Play is oppo research on Republicans supposedly doing it and most of the stuff that's been leaked so far are just DNC/DCCC documents, which really just says that one is Bilderberging the other.

I love the "HEY GUYS LOOK AT THIS PARTICULAR NON-SCANDAL AND HOW MUCH OF A SCANDAL IT ISN'T SEE THERE'S NOTHING HERE" distraction tactic so much, it's like if your parents told you to clean your room and you kept pointing aggressively at the parts that didn't need cleaning.

return to /r/politics

go back to kc spic

what a great way to start the day

It did in some places, like Oakland.

Unfortunately the rest didn't.


yeah these well known shill sites are really to be trusted

OP is a stupid middle class boy.
Dem rules for banks?
That's called Capitalism you dumb ass.

We ask only one thing to Hillary:


Where would you go? I ask because I actually do have enough money to leave.

3/4 of the issues you mentioned were ALL on the dems.


yes it's a mystery why people would do this. surely our top sekrit site is unbeknownst to the shills.

i wish guccifer would release the names of employees of online reputation management corporations.
imagine we tell their families and friends what they are doing so the shills are forced to stop it or risk being beaten up wherever they go.
instant explosion in public knowledge, capitalism instantly discarded, alt-right ridiculed, end of global terrorism, fracking-related earthquakes, pollution, dying bees and the patent system.

Yeah, I know about CTR. One of their favorite phrases is, "Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill, huh?" - all while being complete shills.

When they're blatantly shilling here they get banned. Mainly because all they do is shitpost & go in circles, logically. Actual discussion is preferred. That dickface really derailed conversation earlier.

The amount of times I wished they were right in front of me.

Someone shared a while back, I think on reddit actually, some list/website where you can look people up who work for CTR, etc. If anyone knows or remembers that, share it.

From the comments on gucci's blog.

Go to France, that's where the left is still somewhat militant. Or if you're feeling adventurous go to Greece, some people there are forced to live outside of the system so there is self-organization on the level of everyday life.

Someone on 4pol claims to have bought bitcoins with the credit card number and he transferred some to another user in the thread. Not seen anything concrete yet though.

what did she mean by this?

It seems like the media weren't prepared for this and are running scared because they don't ultimately know what will be in the leak. Everyone seems to be running a different story: it's fake, it's all publicly available, it's not from the CF, etc.

It seems like they're firing with all barrels in the hope that something sticks come the ultimate release of the rest of the documents just to say "See! X was right about the leaks all along!"

Underrated post.

What would happen under a one-party system is that people would end up focusing more on individual candidates again. This is dangerous.

fuck me sideways good post

>calling out shit-tier logic means you're COINTEL SJW SRS CTR

Nothin'll happen =(


At least let me hope

I think it's just standard FUD

If there wasn't some potentially undesired outcome from the possession of this knowledge then they wouldn't have tried to keep it secret in the first place.

The bourgeois apparatus might not publicly show it, but I'm sure knives will be finding backs after it's all said and done.

The worthless Democratic running for my state's House seat certainly isn't green energy.


So when nothing at all happens, will you guys start claiming it was because of a media coverup?

Because the media never does that & our government doesn't give a free pass to the powerful.

what do you mean? The House Oversight committee has an open investigation against her. She can't win.

new leak: 1403 new emails

