Mike Flynn Offers to Testify in Exchange for Immunity

What the fug is going on here?

President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn is reportedly willing to testify about Trump Team’s ties with Russia in exchange for immunity from prosecution.

Flynn, who served as an adviser to Trump’s campaign and resigned as national security adviser after just 24 days, has sent the request to the FBI and both the House and Senate intelligence committees, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

The agencies have not yet responded to his request.


Other urls found in this thread:



He'll just pull a Huma.

so this cock sucker really was a plant to try to take Trump down

Immunity for what, he didn't commit a crime. It sounds like total bullshit.

This feels like a happening but I don't know if it's a happening.


>Mike Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, has told the Federal Bureau of Investigation and congressional officials investigating the Trump campaign’s potential ties to Russia that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for a grant of immunity from prosecution, according to officials with knowledge of the matter.


Fuck off. Come back when this shit materializes. Reported for fake news.

Sounds like he's a traitor.

could also just be kikes, but I still am keeping an eye on Flynn, this is the second time he has become a problem.

Shut the fuck up nigger. It was Flynns son that was helping spread pizzagate info and this "interview"is nothing but hearsay from anonymous sources, per fucking usual. Come back when this fake news ceasts being fake.

Bitch it's everywhere right now.
Reported for d&c kike shilling

He's probably getting immunity since he got caught lobbying for Turkey or some shit like that. He'll go up, get his immunity, and talk about fuck all for a reasonable amount of time, and the media'll blow up about it.

inb4 he testifies that there were no connections

You got an actual fucking source to back this shit up beside some anonymous "officials with knowledge of the matter"? Didnt fucking think so nigger. And what the fuck am I d&cing? Anons from the WSJ? Throw your head through a loop and jump off a chair you braindead faggot.

I wonder if these are the same unnamed user sources that advised trump is ready to resign and later that impeachment is incoming….

What's the story behind that video?


fuck off nigger, you can't just throw it in the trash because his son mentioned pizzagate, he could still be a liability, doesn't matter who's side he is, or was, on. people can also get blackmailed you retard.

Probably the case. Most politicians would ask for political immunity regarding controversial topics.

Pretty much the backstory is a Kuwaiti woman filmed the African Maid at the window and didn't offer to help her. That's all I've found on it. Maybe she was afraid she'd fall too? Or maybe she doesn't like niggers.

Fuck off kike. Every fucking outlet is talking about it whether or not it's legit it's worth fucking reporting and OP is right for pirating it you fucking kike sonsofabitches will hang on the DotR

He is going to testify that he is the one who provided the info to Nunez. Him leaving the administration and then asking for immunity in exchange for the info is the only way the information he uncovered could get on the books. He is the source that Spicer can't disclose to the media. Cap it.

The fact of the matter in this case is that we don't know anything. Not only is this news from the (((Wall Street Journal))), the only information we have about the matter is that he wants immunity to testify. We don't know what information he has or how accurate it may be, if he even knows anything; he could very well be demanding immunity in order to lead them on a wild goose chase, ultimately saying he knows nothing because nothing happened, or he could have damning information that could be entirely fake and based on nothing but liberal neurosis and huge demand for anything even remotely damaging to the Trump administration in which case, Flynn getting immunity would be pointless, since lying to investigators voids your immunity.

Sorry for samefagging. All this is given that the 'anonymous sources' aren't just entirely made up bullshit in the first place. Could just be media trying to plant the fear of corruption in the minds of the goyim.

fake news

Oh, yeah. Because there is no way that would backfire with, you know, Trump as president and Sessions in charge of the DOJ. Youre right bruh. This is the end for sure.

Cry harder bitch faggot. You will never work for the New York Times.

They're also using Steele's published dossier of Trump Golden Shower fanfic as the supposed leading document to investigate Trump's ties to Russia archive.is/zyyUw

Which is it?

Anyway, it another episode of "sources say". Into the trash it goes.

Michael T. Flynn
June 2007 - July 2008 - Served as Director of intelligence of the United States Central Command
July 2008 - June 2009 - Director of intelligence of the Joint Staff
June 2009 - October 2010 - Director of intelligence of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan
September 2011 - Promoted to Lieutenant General and assigned to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
April 17, 2012 - Obama nominated Flynn to be the 18th director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
July 2012 - Flynn took command of the Defense Intelligence Agency
April 30, 2014 - Flynn announced his retirement
August 7, 2014 – Flynn retires

Flynn must have many crimes to seek immunity for, and a song of treason to sing about Obama

I wasn't implying that and you are being disingenuous, to suggest that there is nothing to worry about is being fucking retarded. Flynn was fired for a reason, you ever think maybe its because Trump figured out he might fuck him in the future?

web.archive.org/web/20170330233214/http://www. huffingtonpost.com/entry/michael-flynn-testimony_us_58dd889fe4b0e6ac7093b323

Fake news as usual.


He asks for immunity implying he has information on muh russia collusion, then BTFO out of Obama. I like it.

so confirmed kikes, and so you are right


Filtered for being a kike.

I can't tell if this is satire

these lead to 404s for me

do you have a link to this? for sharing purposes

What the fuck are you doing?

Anyone have the actual article?

links work for me, here, I'll give you and archive.is

Every time the media lies like this there's a certain percentage of the population who both believes it and never learns about the retraction, I think that's the game they're playing now. Neat strategy.


It might not have been Russia he was cooperating with?

So was pissgate. That didn't make it true.

I doubted Flynn would ever do such a thing. He is an honorable man. That being said it was buzzing like wildfire

Agreed but it was buzzing and worthy of reporting at minimal and the fact it turned out to be more kikery is a RedPill

that one works, thank you user

the shills almost got to me, for the first time ever, I thought this was going to be bad, and I never do.
They've really been upping their game lately, every fucking thread is filled with them now flooding trying to look like normal users, I think ever since the start of this shareblue mod cuckchan stuff. Its getting to me a little bit, I can't lie.

anyway… fake news, of course.


> according to officials with knowledge of the matter.

> He has made the offer to the FBI and the House and Senate intelligence committees through his lawyer but has so far found no takers, the officials said.

> Mr. Flynn’s attorney, Robert Kelner, declined to comment.

Its fucking nothing but more kike propaganda.


Haha, I bet they thought this was the one, Drumpf was finally finished.




Let's have a look, shall we?

Wait for it…

Waaaaait for it…

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait for it…


> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_America_(organization)

> The top donors, giving more than $1,000,000 each, were the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, Eric and Wendy Schmidt (former Google CEO), and the US Department of State.

> David G. Bradley, owner of the Atlantic Media Company
> David Brooks, columnist for The New York Times
> James Fallows, national correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly
> Reihan Salam, executive editor of National Review
> Anne-Marie Slaughter, president and CEO of New America
>Jonathan Soros, CEO of JS Capital Management

Off to a good start…


Thanks for finally seeing the light nigger. Just remember, "anonymous sources" and "officials say" is an obvious fake news bullshit when it comes out against the Trump admin as a rule of thumb, especially from such a CIAnigger asset like the WSJ.

as I said, the shills have been kinda getting to me lately, I shouldn't have doubted that it was fake news even in the slightest.


> twitter.com/shaneharris


How fucking retarded do you feel right now? You're acting like there's no reason to doubt what the MSM says despite what took place in the last two years.

Fuck user , does soros death tonight?




> twitter.com/joedefeo
His butt buddy?

Kek, the we will see the greatest happening of our time. An ideological civil war that spans the globe. Leftists skulls are going to be cracked.

I'm ded

God dammit.

Something is about to go down. Something that will be the biggest government cover up in American history


Looks like they're about to bag another one. They should have learned by now, but they don't. In addition, it could also involve classic Trump rusing and hyping to get the kike media's attention

The NYT leaking the identity of the "leaker" could've also been a ruse to catch leakers.



So this is what they wear to DC pizza parties? Holy fuck, my sides. Literal pedo bear is manifesting itself.

Flynn's son is a good man. We don't know the full story yet.

How plausible is this? Anyone?

If Obama's daily briefings are the source of Trump's wiretap claims then it's possible. Flynn was a 33 year intel officer who hated CIAniggers, he very easily could be the mastermind behind the plan.

> twitter.com/carolelee?lang=en

> everipedia.com/Carol_Lee/

it makes sense, you could even speculate that the nytimes was reporting the correct source, and trump got flynn to testify as the source to make nytimes look bad.

A cum guzzling, pillow biting furry. What a fucking surprise.

It's like watching North Koreans and their piss poor attempts at propaganda.

They went after Flynn HARD and successfully had him removed ASAP

The guy is not a shill, cmon Holla Forums use your head. Whatever he has to say is going to be good for us and Trump and I am placing bets that after all this Russia bullshit dust is cleared Flynn is going to be back on the Trump team and were going to see kvetching that we've never seen before.

It is

Why is shill shit being allowed on 8ch

It won't matter, the Jews have set out with the intention of hobbling him and destroying his momentum. Flynn ran all the intel for JSOC for years, hard to imagine him fucking up this badly. He did say, btw, "interview" not "testify" bot the Jews are just gigging up every ounce of dirt they can.

BS. Trump could just pardon him. There would be no logical reason to testify against Trump, even if all this Russian nonsense were real.

Trump has all the momentum going for him. There is a massive concern troll campaign being waged on every conservative website that has comments and even that can't stop it. This era were in right now is the calm before the storm and shit is going to blow up hopefully very soon.

If you say so, OP.

Why the fuck do you think they put comment sections up? for people to concern troll. I have no idea how the Jews are doing to do this. Even if they get their pound of flesh, they've now completely taken all authority from the office.


Tel Aviv looks nice. So what happens with "Israel"? Do we take it and annex it or just let the muzzies sort it all out and leave them to their devices? I've always wanted to visit Jerusalem for the historical aspect. Also sage because this is fake news

bless you and other anons for pulling news clips from television to post here

Kill yourself, and do it it slowly.


Be careful what you wish for. This is going to blow up in the democrat's faces.


Probably depends on how nice the Israeli US congress plays with Trump but I think the safest play is to find an excuse to pull a lot of troops out of the middle East and whatever Russia / Iran / Syria is going to do is their business. Let them spend the money and resources while we make North America great again.

Hint: No one on this fucking planet except Saudi Arabia and other weak pozzed countries like Israel.








That still doesn't explain why the maid is hanging by one hand from the balcony when it's not even windy or wet. By default I just presume this is faked.






It's fake, you CIAniggers.

>“No, Michael Flynn has not offered to testify to [the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] in exchange for immunity,” Jack Langer, a spokesman for House intelligence committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), wrote in an email to The Huffington Post.








Oh, is that how it goes? I was picturing this:

I wonder if all this Fucking Nothing will make it to the history books as some sort of alleged "controversy", or if even libs will be laughing at this shit in ten years

Anchor this thread since it's not happening.

sharejew is not sending its best

Great shilling. You sure showed us. Trump is not only Hitler but a communist too! Does his magic ever end?

Good job, CIAnigger.

That's the same cuck who created this comic.

Don't respond to the shills, tard. Sage.

No. Flynn was a canary trap. And it worked. It looks like trump & co (flynn included) are still using flynn to draw attention to something, get eyes on, then flip the script and watch the (((narrative))) continue to fall apart. Flynn is a good man.

Fast forward to 5:00. Flynn was naming pedophiles, including Mike Pence's best friend. Look at how scared Jones gets. He keeps interrupting and tries to change the subject. That's a good sign that you are hearing the truth.

I dislike Pence. I don't care how much you guys meme him. Trump choosing him of all people was a mistake.

I remember this interview. It's interesting keeping tabs on Jonestein and watching him kvetch when someone tries to get non-kosher shit passed his filter. He recently did the same thing to Pieczenik when he brought up Israel and mossad and the origins of the neocohen.

damn it

I never liked Pence either. All of the GOP establishment are pedophiles. If Trump is assassinated, then it will be by Pence. All of this has happened before.

That's some next level intelligence work their user. We'll see how it all plays out if these reports of him testifying are accurate.

Trump was right to fire this snake and now he thinks he can strike a deal with Trump's enemies, probably so they won't leak his pedophile activities.


Pieczenik always names the jew trotskyists and fucking Jones always interrupts and rambles on and on.

he was right to fire this nigger

I've been saying this since day one despite all this "fag shocking" crap. Pence has WAY too many mannerisms and connections like that of the Bush's and Rick Perry for me to be comfortable with him close to Trump.

who are these semen demons and where can I get one?

he tweeted that Russia should hacker after she was already hacked

hack her*



This thread went shillblue pretty quick; must be soros connection.

In fairness a specific "person named X is a pedo" accusation made on InfoWars would get Jones sued, and he was getting pretty close to that.



Just filter and sage them man, the shills are usually pretty quick to respond and detect nowadays. The real meat of threads are usually about 20-30 posts in now.

Checked and noted, Jones knows pretty well how to keep his head afloat as the most recognizable voice in conspiracy talk radio.

Flynn did help collaborate with Russia against ISIS behind Obongo's back, according to Seymour Hersch.


He's got alimony to pay.

I'll bet they're using this testimony as an excuse to get a whole bunch of shit on the record.
They couldn't just come out and say it, so they manufactured the whole Flynn scandal to reach this conclusion.
I don't believe there is anything that goes on in DC that isn't part of Trump's plan, or hasn't been foreseen and adjusted for.



no but seriously
he can't keep getting away with it
I'm a former White Manlet, but as much as I love seeing him cash and earn we can't let him get ahold of the radioactive carrier pigeons.

I don't see any articles saying that he isn't going to testify?

Sometimes I doubt Trump and think maybe he's made a mistake, but so far he has been proven right. He's getting a rep like Holla Forums and you know what they say about Holla Forums.

I think that Flynn actually hates Obama with a passion for how KangJig treated him, Obongo basically destroyed his career. He would want immunity from spilling state secrets, can't charge him for violating shit, so he can unload; even if some of the information comes from Russia, if it shows CIA/Obongo supporting terrorists, he could exact revenge.

tl;dr- Flynn has motive and means to fuck O'nigga.

once you're here you're forever?


We do know what they say about Holla Forums.


Sounds about right.

is….is this a real board somewhere?
I wanna go and shill
there was a thread on halfchan about memeing the west as toxic for Muslim Women and that we make them whores

and like, I REALLY want this to take off.

He played us like a damn fiddle!

she lived. aluminum panel was the perfect landing pad.

and it was just a muslim who hates nigger maids.

They're probably just tapping the reportedly 48 million fake accounts that are used to astroturf twitter and make it's stock prices go up.

Good insight. It would also explain why the alphabet agencies aren't jumping this opportunity for them.

I wonder if, that it came out Twitter knowingly permitted fake accounts and bots on their site to increase the value of their stock, they could face criminal charges.

If they can't then we need to pass the Anti-Jewery act of 2017 that forbids such practices.

Sure they could. Not hearing much out of Trump's SEC though. Not seeing too many jews get frog-marched out of hedge fund buildings.

When in doubt, it's always kikes.

I think it's a bit too early for any major cases like that to go down.

Imagine if that news broke though
The Treasury Department had warrants for most of Wall Street and the boards of major tech companies

just how fucked would this world get, yaknow?


Trump mentioned, continually I might add, his adherence to the element of surprise and confusing your opponents prognostication. When he makes major moves, don't expect them to be telegraphed, expect a lightning bolt from the blue; a blitzkrieg, if you will.

First we have to frog march the beaners out, because that's the liberal's big support base right now. We get rid of them fucking brownskins fucks then we can move on to the next target.
(random moon photo not related)


pjmedia.com article that seems to follow it for a bit:
Pic related

WSJ article:

Flynn's attorney's statement:
HuffPo when they reached out to all parties involved in the statement by Flynn's attorney:

Trump storming Wall Street with a column of Tiger Tanks

Bro, that stock hasn't done shit in 2 years… Not sure why people are buying into the snapchat shit after what twitter has been through.

I love that he kind of warned us about that. He said that he might even say the opposite of what he's going to do, just to confuse the enemy. That's honesty and integrety to his people while not ruling out any action when it comes to dealing with the enemy.

We all know they don't care about the stock as much as controlling people's minds. It probably started as a stock price enhancing thing and then they said "fuck it, give the bots to the liberals". hehe.

"No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution.”

You're being given fair warning. That cocksucker david brock is going to have another heart attack when Flynn starts spilling the beans.

Agreed. Mike "Israel should dictate US foreign policy" Pence was a bad choice, not that there were many good choices available.

the memes are pretty dank though and I've seen leftists get SERIOUSLY triggered over that fag camp bill

Fuck they're like second worst to the jews

He obviously wanted someone like Ted Cruz but at the same time, someone who was more or less too stupid to do anything crazy or scheme behind his back. He had very few viable choices.

Nothing these fags do surprises me anymore.

I mean he could have chosen Ted Cruz.

Some dude on twitter is claiming some special knowledge of anti-flynn twitter bots.


I'm going out on a limb here, but my hunch is that this isn't going to have anything to do with Trump. Flynn is going to testify about the US involvement in the creation and support of ISIS.

To your point. I don't think the "MUH RUSHANZ!" story is what got Flynn. Nobody in DC would have a job if speaking with/accepting money from foreign governments was taken seriously. Somebody had some bigly leverage on him.


This is about to get good.

Watching them tear out their hair in frustration as they can corral fewer and fewer normalfags into their playpen even as they crank the sophistication of their tools up higher and higher is hilarious to me. These idiots keep doubling down on the stuff that lost them the election.

Fuck off kike.

Leddit cucks trying to meme it not being a false flag: reddit.com/r/news/comments/62hrlm/

Holy shit.

They're using their same old tired tricks, but the ROI is steadily declining. The real info war is being won by anons and that's the important war, because it's what controls the normy's minds. Pretty soon, the liberals will be all that remains of the corrupt populace that is holding on to the only ideology that supports their terrible rational. We are winning and their death throes are our entertainment.

They already leaked who gave him the information. There's a thread on it. Some Cohen kike gave Nunes the details in the surveillance and the nyt leaked his name.

No honor amongst Heebs.

I want you to write that sentence again only without sounding like such a colossal faggot. Cuckchan and shillbots at the same time. This is a nightmare.

Yeah, it isn't the Nunes stuff or MUH RUSHINS! Something else entirely that is going to catch the clinton crime family completely off guard.

w ww.reddit.com/r/news/comments/62hrlm/

I know, I was thinking the same thing as I was typing it, but after two bottles of wine it was the best I could do.

Micro is on our side. He's an awesome guy

I hear he's also a big guy.

It was a smart move that he avoided Cruze with his wife being a former (((Goldman Sachs))) board member and all.


www .americanthinker.com/articles/2015/03/obamas_generals.html

but the 60 brazilian!


Thats like whats his name.. Trumps top campaign manager for the longest time that he "fired", guy then got a job at cnn and fed Trump as much info as he could gather

Bullshit. He should have picked Jeff Sessions.

She didn't fly so good.

This is my guess. They give him immunity, then he tells them there is jack shit to tell. But he still has immunity.

I got the same feeling. Ultimately, I think these are right.

Sometimes I really believe the cringe
meme. Entrapment is the only way to catch rats like the kikes. Even the fact Trump has made everyone consider him a retarded moron is part of it.


How he didn't pick Gowdy is BEYOND me.

Corey Lewandowski



who are these faggots? are they half as gay as you?

This time they have surely stumped the Trump.

Just think - 4 years of laughing our asses off at leftist morons who are going to believe every single one of these. And then waiting for them to cross the Rubicon so we can finally start bayoneting them in the streets. What a great timeline.

All blackpilling, demoralization, and concerned kikery is shill activity. One of the strategies is to pump out fake news like this for the purpose of decimating them, non-stop, to imageboards and cuckservative blogs under the guise of a concerned poster or writer, or like this blatant retard

I'm not even laughing anymore. The thirst of some people is plain depressing.

Shame there isn't evidence.

yeah im worried at a 0.00000000001% rate, the opposite always transpires. You are the one BTFO friendo

Here's what's going to come out:

- Trump was colluding with Russia to win the election
- Obama knew about it, and let him win the election anyway
- They BTFO out of Trump and everyone associated with him is forever tainted
-The entire GOP is tainted

-2018 and 2020 elections go entirely to the Democrats.

-2020 America has a one party state. Not Republicans

Trump was an establishment plant all along.

No! Tell me more! I have no difficulty whatsoever believing a word that you're telling us and I'd like to hear this in the most intricate detail you can confabulate.


Feels good.

this is depressing levels of shilling, you guys don't even try anymore. I actually believe you guys are just actually retarded.

He wanted Sessions for another role and Sessions himself turned down the role.

Gowdy didn't back him originally and many people here and otherwise were worried about the people who backed him in the past. And while Pence did not back Trump either, his endorsement of Cruz was so weak, even Trump laughed at it and bragged about it since he praised the fuck out of Trump in it which was more than what Gowdy did. In the end, there were few people that would have worked and would have been the kind of person Trump would want under him (essentially someone he can control or think circles around). Gowdy is too smart and Sessions had too much baggage. I don't like Pence but I can see why he picked him.

It's good that Trump is the nominee
His campaign is laughable
He will drop out of the general election
The most "reliable" polls show Trump losing big
This is going to be the biggest landslide in history.
The electoral college won't vote Trump.
The recount will change everything
He will be killed in a week.
They're going to impeach him.
He's going to resign. This is how far down the pathetic trail of denial you are.
You will keep clutching at evermore pathetic straws because, a pathetic individual begets pathetic fantasies.

It's even a sticky you monumental faggot, you deserve to be docked a days shekels for being this bad at your job.

ok, I'm done trolling. Jeez, lighten up faggots.

but on the reals, the internet is blowing up with this shit. Flynn didn't even ask for immunity. Supposedly his attorney has spoken to the Senate Intel Committee or something.

Personally, I think it's going to be a huge nothing and blow up in the faces of the fake news. WSJ was the first to break the story.

The only thing I'm worried about is the "what if".

What if there is actually something to the news or reports? I'll have to peel the Trump sticker off the back of my car. Fuck.

What I see is both HIM and Manifort both worked for top DNC leading men( Obama, Podesta ) before 'seeing the light' and pro-Trump, Both rapidly dismissed, overnight after strong loyal backed by Trump hours before. Like a NSA 'leaker' gave Trump real intel. My take DNC paid/lead Russia influence and did not have enough believe that Russia double crossed them and sold them out.

no no no no, you don't get to pull the
you are a nigger

ironically being a faggot is still being a faggot

t. pic related



ops. here you go

Mike Flynn is going to redpill the entire world on exactly how Isis was created. Earlier this month Pelosi came out and repetead the same old tired
line. Obongo fucking skedaddled off to a non extradition territory with a large elite presence alone. Nunez came out and told everyone Obama did in fact du sometin, and now Flynn is going to bring the whole thing down on the democrats heads. If everyone thinks he's going to be talking about muh russia, he's going to have every eye in the country focused on him at the exact moment he drops the bomb. Get ready anons, happenings inbound.

Do they let you fags drink on the job now?

0 shiet wazzap

How can you leave me just sitting here with this erection you gave me. How am I supposed to leave my desk now without flipping it over or clotheslining everyone in the immediate vicinity?

I am a fucking nigger, aren't I?

… stop being a reactionary. Holla Forums is easier to trigger than fucking shitlibs.

and they bit. too easy.

Really, ain't shit going to happen with Flynn. He has nothing incriminating to say, so they're not going to ask him to talk.
The whole public letter from his attorney was some type of power play. I'm trying to make sense of it. It's not asking for immunity, and if they were asking for immunity, it wouldn't have been a public statement like that, it would have been behind closed doors.

Leftards sure let Saudi Arabia get away with a lot of shit despite all they do. Look at their laws alone.

Spokesman for the House intelligence committee Says Flynn did not ask for Immunity.


but he may have spoken with the FBI or Senate Intel Committee. That's just one committee saying that they weren't asked.

Me too user.

Shamefur dispray, I at least hope they're paying you fucks at minimum wage, Last crew got $12.25/hr or some horeshit

This is like watching a liberals house burn, I can't bring myself to alert the authorities and can only bask in the beauty of the destruction.
You are the burning house and we are all enjoying watching you crumble.

Flynn's back story and departure from Obama was manufactured to add the view Flynn has an axe to grind, too republican like thinker, etc,etc.. What if he and Dr. Farkus are both 'deep state' agents. Obama may think that his plant 'Flynn' so guides to immunity-up like all other Clinton stooges via media 'suggestions'

I can't even begin to tell you guys how angry it makes me that our parents, and grandparents allowed it to get this bad. There is no excuse.

For this quality of service? Probably paid pennies, like that one kike at CTR who's name escapes me. Got paid practically nothing when compared to his fellow cuckshed'ers.

They never learn.

Oh fuck.

torcancer digits are always void as they contain way too much kike faggotry




Pence was a mistake

Ya cause they totally knew Trump was going to win. Not everything is a triple layered conspiracy. Pence and Mattis are neocons, Flynn was one of us and hopefully will be back on team Trump.

Pence was part of the deal for Trump to get positive coverage on FOX. He and Mattis are not on our side.



The russia thing was a farce from the beginning, have you all forgotten?
It's just an agenda by the left.

You can't be this fucking retarded can you? So much salt, hot damn it feels great.

Take your autistic sloped ass forehead back to le reddit.

Reminder that Flynn's son got in trouble for tweeting about pizzagate…


[spoilers]Sins of the father, sins of the son?[/spoiler]

[spoiler*] damn autocorrect

forgive my autism, but your id seems to be telling me of some 4d underwater reverse backgammon moves to be played on the 7th of december



holy shit.
thats gotta be it.
fucking christ, shit is about to get very out of hand for the spooks.
i cant wait

under appreciated digits and post. This man's meme'ing needs more attention fam, step it up boys.

all those confirmed kills. well done user

Dubs of truth.

fucking everything is 14.88 at shartmart.

Even KEK has doubts about Trump's Golden Path; even gods can be wrong, though.

Every noose Trump has placed around his own neck has been used by his opponents to hang themselves. Let's see.

>Flynn must have many crimes to seek immunity for, and a song of treason to sing about Obama

Haven't read the whole thread, has it been confirmed or is it bs?

Trump can order to deny him the immunity but it will make the claims look geniune so he will propably let him to testify if he answer the questions in public first before it gain him the immunity but hey I am not political tactican so I would be wrong.

I like to know too.

you worthless fucking scum. his LAWYER released a statement saying no sane person would testify without immunity, the house intelligence committee has said they have received nothing from flynn regarding this. its a gigantic lie by msm

Thank you for confirming this as a fake new.

You really should stop and consider what you are doing with your life right now. Could you be spending your time doing something more meaningful and fulfilling? Stop and question your beliefs and if they stand up to what you can plainly see with your own two eyes.

If you ask yourself all of the above and still want to post here then I would suggest killing yourself. Not saying this out of hate but I truly believe your life will be nothing but nonstop failure and misery for all your days. Watching somebody suffer so tremendously everyday is burdensome on my soul and I will help you with the task if needed.


Well if that happen then what are democrats going to do? I mean if it is proven to be a lie and it will ruin democrats.

The comments under the tweet were sperging out saying "HURR YOU ONLY NEED IMMUNITY IF YOU'RE GUILTY ;^))))" but in reality no one in their right mind would testify before a hostile committee like this without blanket immunity even if they're totally clean (which Flynn is). Trump wants Flynn on the record obviously, otherwise why bring attention to it with the tweet?

I have hope that a Σόλων will appear and reverse a moral decline.

Pence is a traitorous kike plant.

Mixed feelings about mattis he is somewhat of a line rider his feelings for Israel are what make him questionable.

How did he get the vice president?

In other news, this story was top on Breitbart a few hours back. Now it's completely shoahed. The fucking kikes should admit they were rused instead of just pretending it didn't happen.

jews first


Where did the post go? MODS pls.

What did he mean by this?


Democrats are trying to persecute him to shut him up so Trump suggested that he should get one in case. Democrats doesn't like to be wrong.

Obviously they didn't want Trump to win, but now that he has they are pulling out every dirty trick they can to deligitimize his Presidency. This of course includes a full-on assault by the MSM critical of everything the Trump Administration does, which means that most normies who watch the news are soured on Trump.

As an example, in the latest version of Time Magazine called "Is Truth Dead?" the publisher of the magazine accuses Trump of being dishonest and a liar. In my life I have never seen a time when the entire MSM is turning against the President who has just been elected. We need to all recognize what is happening here.

But back to this topic, (((they))) are trying to mire the Trump Administration in so much controversy that it cannot get anything done for the country. What we are witnessing is the bringing down of a President who has just been elected. This is a very bad thing.

When elections don't matter anymore only gunplay does.

The Donald is immune to truth serum, there is a rumour around the FBI memorabilia exhibit that whenever Donald tweets, an old disconnected polygraph machine can be heard scratching away.

The reason why the "Truth is Dead" is because of what you just wrote, you're simply over zealous to the point you believe this bullshit wholeheartly.

Sounds like the known traitor is going to try and "testify" with some made up shit.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Maybe if you keep watching and listening to liberal angled MSM which completely silences and keeps quiet the disgruntled dems who are still wounded from the DNC debacle. But as every other tactic on their belt, this too will backfire. This is likely in response to Trump tweeting about the clintons and russia. (((They're))) trying to up the ante by really hammering home this russia narrative. All they are doing is blowing so much hot air that people get sick and tired of (((them))) and the lugenpresse. People will continue seeing this time and time again that they get tired of seeing it. They won't care anymore. Only the most fanatical of liberals and dems will follow this drooling, and those are the ones that need to be purged. It's again playing right again into Trump's favor because the media and kikes can't let go of a failed tactic. Definition of insanity.

Also, seems the weekend shilling has been really ramping up early these past couple of days. The kikes must be kvetching hard on their end. But the harder they kvetch, the more we are winning.

This, I can't really talk politics with older members of the family because they follow the news as gospel and go on tangents about how Trump is evil scum and will not hear a word otherwise.

They won't care.
You could paste every billbord in major lib cities that Shillary sold uranium to Russia with sources, and they'll still claim that she's kosher to the bone.
You can't win with logic or arguments against them anymore.
Only a good old beatdown to their core will work.

I think we are seeing the end of the ruse of democracy the next step for them is to take power by force with their mentally ill and 3rd world mobs.

Daily reminder not to get emotionally invested in "belief". In the Bill Clinton era, all Clinton loyalists denied the Monica Lewinsky story. Why? They didn't want it to be true. They were 100% sure it was false. Then Monica whipped out the dress with presidential DNA.

So I don't have any "belief" about this Russia affair.

My faith in Trump won't diminish if some Russian dealings come out. I just don't care. It is very common for our politicians to be somewhat co-opted by foreign countries. I just want to see Trump bring the hammer down on national media, but I don't expect to see it. Declare martial law, round the fuckers up, execute the leaders, seize all assets, send the lesser media whores to hard labor. I know, fantasy.

Realistically I want Trump to stay strong and not waver if some Russian meetings come out. I never heard of this weird law before, and there is nothing morally wrong with Trump or Flynn meeting with Russian officials to explain their platform or hear Russia's viewpoints.


pessimistic optimism is a bad habit m8
should be your inspiration man

It's still at the top of Drudge.


that's because half the people here have liberal-tier amygdalas and are in denial about it

Because drudge is a faggot kike who latched on to the burgerouning wave of trump enthusiasm during mid primary season and kept at it because he likes the money he gets from ad views. It's all about money with these fucking kikes, the Tyler's over at zerohedge are doing the same shit and it's infuriating that we, user, are fast becoming the 6th estate against these faggot fifth columnists who claim to be real reporters/journalists and then reveal their janusesque love of shekels just like the rest of the pozzed out weimerican media. The powder keg is just begging to be lit, can't you feel the grain of rope in your hands already? Shadilay, motherfuckers.

More stuff coming out
Sorry, on mobile
https:// www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/mar/31/michael-flynn-new-evidence-spy-chiefs-had-concerns-about-russian-ties

Supposedly the Senate denied Flynn's request for immunity too.

Witnessed, supposedly jack shit they already denied he even asked what the fuck kind of game is this

This is a fire that needs starting.

The Senate can't give immunity from criminal charges can it? That's the FBI's role or Grand Jury

That's my understanding as well.

That still reads like a witch hunt. I don't understand how the media is still able to insinuate these connections as malicious when the IC has already ruled out collusion, that kind of reporting is borderline slander.


So its absolutely nothing and the left is just Trumping up this nonsense to push an agenda.

I don't think we can be so sure of that. Don't forget who we are dealing with. The question is will he continue to stand by the president when Jews threaten his family in private? There are many who would choose family over community.

Dunno how it works
http:// thehill.com/policy/national-security/326694-senate-intel-panel-declines-flynn-immunity-offer-at-this-time

Trump can pardon him even if he was fucking around in Turkey or whatever.

Isn't Flynn's son literally one of us? IIRC he tweeted about pizzagate and whatnot.

niggers the WSJ is just throwing around the word "immunity" because it implies the presumption of criminal offense. All Flynn asked for was a fair hearing concerning classified information in an hostile "witch-hunt" environment. He never asked for immunity nor was anything ever implied to be untowards or criminal. This is just a boyman headline that the establishment is using to rile up anti trump sentiments by making it look like his administration is shrouded with injustice.



i stopped reading the wsj after they made a big front page story out of that stupid pewdiepie video…it's sad because wsj was the last "ok" paper in the united states, i'm debating getting an ft subscription, these days i just skim (((bloomberg))), the owner aside, they're the only place that still reports business news without a bunch of hyperbolic clickbait bullshit

There's shit reporting all over the place. The Rolling Stone, the ones who made the whole UVA false rape scandal explode to push a narrative, they even put out some objective reporting every now and then.

the demokikes are out for his blood, so I can't blame him for preemptively shielding himself against their fuckery. they'd absolutely nail him on even the slightest technicality.

be careful user, I believe Flynn is just playing these idiots and will likely best case start some mudslinging while the eyes of the world are on him, pertaining to the CIA and the Deep State, worst case drop the ball on maniford that being said it is important to remember Flynn was on the turkroaches payroll and is playing the game for them they are allied with Russia for some weird reason atm so I don't think we have much to fear still don't trust him.

The moron dems must have figured out letting General Flynn speak freely was a bad, bad idea.


Satan is right. Satan knows evil faggots when he sees em, and Pence is an evil faggot cuckservative who worships kikes. Fuck him.

wait… so, worst case; He has something to say, but want immunity.

and the kikes that want Trump's head on a pike turn down the offer???

Looks like Donald is winning another chess game, tbh.

We all disliked him. We only started liking him appearing in memes about electrocution and hopes of electrocuting literal faggots.

Would someone be so kind and post the cap where neo-conservatives were angry at Trump for not resigning as he "promised" in a "private meeting"? Many keks were had.



Starting to think Trump is not only a time traveler but that he has done this more than once.

u r a fag