SJW Tortured, Raped and Killed by Nigger
Hang him.
Maybe you didn't read carefully enough: she was a prime SJW, protesting for niglet homes aside from burning the coal. That nigger should receive a medal and be hanged afterwards.
Another link:fox5dc.com
No one will want a medal that was rewarded to a rapist/nigger but rope is perfectly reusable.
They'll never learn, will they? It's not even anger-inducing anymore, it's just sad. Our society is slipping away, not because of a forced invasion by barbarians, but because our own people let it happen. She probably orgasmed as he killed her, because he was "taking out decades of racial abuse and colonialism on an evil white oppressor." Sad.
Is giving him a big, sturdy necklace not enough?
I hope there is video just for the sake of redpilling. But the leftist got what it deserved, and I hope more meet similar fates.
This is not big news, just a random rape like so many others in the country, why do you chose promote exactly this crime?
look away, you don't want to be labeled a racist, do you?
this is just the lying media and state. we will come back to you and kill all whites.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting, Andrew
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Nah. He earned his 10 years in prison awaiting his hanging on death row
Last year there were several videos floating around a russian onion forum. Apparently some Ivans, by accident, hacked into several mudslime PCs in Germany for shits and giggles. Accidently they found on one of them several video clips of him and his mates raping and torturing german women, some of them minors.
I tried my best to get hold of the footage, but said Ivan wanted 3000$ worth of BC for the videos even when we tried to convince him that it will change political landscape. All he gave us was one clip as proof, where said mudslime and his cockroach companion were raping a teenager (16?17?) in what looked like a normal flat. The clip was 29 Minutes long and one could only watch via stream. When I couldn't download it, I tried to screen record withg my phone but he took it down already. The video was genuine and it left me uneasy for weeks. I'm used to gore but this shit was on a whole another level. My adrenaline still kicks in when I recall it.
Since then I have pretty much everything ready if shit like this happens again.
just to make you feel better, it wouldn't have changed anything. the germans don't want to be racist. that's it.
Give him a bucket of KFC and cable tv in his cell. She isn't smug anymore.
He gets a rope for his good deeds
And this is what you get for trying to give Mudslimes equality, you filthy whore. Glad you're dead now.
dubs failure.
I won't believe this before there is some form of proof. In fact I don't want to believe this, and until proof forces me to, I will remain in denial.
i love it
She was actually sort of cute. What a shame.
That said: burn coal, pay the toll. At least no one thought you were an evil racist as your world faded (ironically) to black. :^)
It's ok. There is a reason I havea video camera standing right next to my laptop ever since in case I need to record something quick. But navigating these russian onion boards is like sticking your dick into a snake pit. There are not only ivans talking and doing the hacking for lulz, but other things as well if you know what I mean. Every guy could be western LEA. Not gonna go and message random guys
Put a manhole cover around his neck then throw him into the sea. That can be his "medal".
hahah nice
Will her cucked father shake his hand?
Of course
In the end she was killed by what she loved, niggers.
Have some respect, you jackasses.
Mehiel was truly an example to follow, for all SJWs.
We can only hope many, many more SJWs are culturally enriched to her level.
I'm sure she wouldn't have had it any other way…right up to the point where he was biting through her collarbone.
The fuck is this shit? Is this shit real? What kind of a name is "It Happens" for a rape awareness campaign?
Sounds kinda like double profit here.
Sometimes I wish I knew ivanspeak because they got so much cool and free shit floating around, you can basically do whatever the fuck you want on Russian net that isn't directly affecting putin or his boys, what a hootenanny.
That said, the videos sound real and not fun to watch. I bet that this shit goes on in the thousands per day in Germany alone, tens of thousands between America and europe. That's ten of thousands of rapes and tortures between the grooming gangs and the amateur rape apes who roam the streets looming for girls. At those numbers we approach a situation where it's easy to see a third or more of girls hell maybe over half receiving their first sex at the hands of rape monkeys.
That has severe psychological consequences down the road, and I bet euro anons might not even see it in the girls they are with. First sex is binding for a chick, the one dude I know for sure was cucked into raising anothers son lost his opportunity to the guy who broke his girlfriends seal. He knew who the dude was and she looked funny whenever someone mentioned his name, but I didnt bring it up because the guy was so blindly in love with his kid. Now multiply that vulnerability (to another white guy) times twenty niggers.
At this point I get by it with depersonalization. They are broken objects to me, the victims, and to secure the future of the race we have to be able to cast them off too if need be, not just the invaders. What is left must be pure of mind and body, not just bloodline. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed, I suppose.
My version of a ready camera is a rifle and body armor btw. Similar idea different timelines.
user, I…
The destruction of d aisy was real, how is this anywhere outside the realm of possibility? Stop being so naive.
I was going to ask if that meant "black cock," but, after some reflection, decided you probably meant "bitcoin."
leftypol is never gonna change or wake up, don't even try to help them
they are all newfag redditors so they aren't aware of these things
I think it's new shareblue/ctr. We've been getting hit since the jsoc and a couple other threads, right around trump taking office really. Basic idea is to kind of agree with the point but then rapidly start implanting sick images and text into your head just to fuck with you.
Like different from Russia user, who was vague but insightful and very plausible, useful too, these jews will be personal blogposting, or just agreeing while saying things like "I bet she came like I would have". Other variations are "I'm gay/nigger/pedo" but…" and then on again right into disturbing shit.
Filter useless and disturbing shit immediately, the difference being that the stuff we are after leads to the enemies we already have out there. Sounds kind of vague but there were two candidates in this thread already that I filtered, you gotta kind of soldier on and pick out the good stuff like a detective making a crime board.
I needed the laugh that gave me. Typical nignog denialism at it's most fucking concentrated and very finest.
Rip in die, failed dubs.
It doesn't have to be real.
Here she is, goys. This was her greatest accomplishment.
Who is this dude and why does he look exactly like the guy that got killed in Syria yesterday?
he looks nothing like him, are you blind? or maybe non-white so every white looks the same to you
What is it? I've heard of it before..
Was it about the sharp guy?
He's just some liberal looney that got beat by his pet niggers
he was checking OP
not at all, she looks like she has downs syndrome ffs
Do those Libtard fucks ever learn to read a good comic from A Wyatt Mann?
I bet you could count the number of times this has happened in the US on one hand
This is the best thing I've heard all week.
best part is it happens every few days or so
So this is a celebration thread?
I don't know why you guys are getting angry over natural selection taking place. You burn the coal, you pay the toll
we're not angry
These are all shit
Reminds me of what the Romans did with the slave of one of the Roman Republic, who betrayed his master to the authorities: they rewarded him for doing great service for Rome, then threw him over a cliff to punish him for betraying his master.
The jew being rapped by the she-jew is my favorite. I remember these got meme'd up by some no name college after some no name rape. Lot's of virtue signaling was seen on twitter that day.
notice how there is not a single black man doing the raping in these pictures.
What were you expecting goy?
Also how could a manlet asian ass fuck a nigger that's a full foot taller than he is?
Do you anons think she regretted her liberal past before she died or do you think she stayed delusional until the end?
Good. They deserve every bit of suffering for being willful cattle.
Prolly blamed white people for the nigger that stabbed her to be honest.
It's almost like they design these things to provoke an argument about their legitimacy deliberately and since they have complete control over the media and policy it's just another way to identify or demoralize any sane person from getting a tertiary education.
There should be a way to troll these people back, have a bunch of white guys carry a mattress round all semester or something at a college that isn't retarded.
I'd say delusional till the end since libshits never treat non whites like they have control over their retarded actions so while some self preservation instinct may have kicked in, it'd have been suppressed by the conscious thought that it's not the nigger's fault that he's stabbing her to death.
Holy shit these cunts are irredeemable.
Ah my mistake.
There is a way to troll them. Use the GI Bill to pay for your college education, make ICE calls on all the college students with no green cards, have a GPA through the Jewish roof, and vote Trump. Keep your head down and when you graduate go on to open a successful business and be a boss.
Mate, he's using ancient chink martial arts and shit.
Burn the coal…
You're still conditioned to basically be a pussy and take it for years but I can't argue.
Jackie Chan kung fu shit? Who the fuck cares the subhuman things shitskins do, you literal faggot.
I think it happened like Yuri said, where they stay delusional no matter how much evidence is thrown into their faces into a boot is on their head. So possibly.
Why don't we just send him to californistan to rape more SJWs?
it would be ultimate justice since he is their creation/pet
cover of his new album no doubt
The nature of monsters is to destroy their creators.
Good point.
Underrated post
She got what she deserved as far as I am concerned, of course the nigger deserves to be beaten within an inch of his life and then hung.
lmfao they are pushing faggot shit even in their anti rape shit.
I wish I could of saved the whole collection. There are even more cringy ones.
It's shaped like a little blue pill…So fitting, it hurts.
There's no doubt in my mind she blamed everything but the problem as she died, if she was even thinking at all.
The next time that happens, absolutely tell us and tell quickly raise the money. In fact, try to find that Ivan and tell you'll have $3k in several hours.
Who could have forseen such events?
Yeah whats worse is there are girls who actually believe this propaganda. And kek look at the beta in the second pic ahahaha
That's my favorite. It reminds me of this female professor at my college. She's about 26 and eye fucks me every time I walk past her office. It's a look between "OY VEY I KNOW YOU'RE ONE OF THEM ALT-RIGHT GOYS" and "please place your dick inside me". It's a good look on her.
Holla Forums would likely fap to those images. They are subhumans that should be tortured for our enjoyment.
Thinking about the matter even further, what would really happen to the muds? Unless they were taken care of by vigilantes, they would probably walk free. Truly disgusting.
She probably deals with nu-males all day and is thirsty for an alpha as most are these days in western countries. But still a 26 year old female professor sounds ridiculous to me, I could not stand listing to some 26 year old girls options unless my cock was going in her cunt.
inb4 she starts reading kikebart to try to relate with you
A lot of PhD's (for example in sex studies at my University) take about 2 1/2 years to finish. It's fucking hilarious. I feel like I emit some sort of veteran musk that every communist on campus can fucking smell. It's almost like if you look a little strong and don't wear nigger clothes and blast Sabatan war music instead of chimp jungle beats they know….
Sabaton is cringy m8
Ffs it seems to be only getting worse.
Pretty much applies everywhere at this point, nigger culture is deemed as cool hence why
so many cucks adopt it. Even the females where I am do it. Its disgusting.
have you ever tried blasting Erika or Grun ISt Unser there?
Haha, I have a bunch of SS marching songs I got off of youtube. I'm gonna try and have Erica played at my graduation.
I do need some more "extreme" and "problematic" music
Is this satire?
Just play any RAC band, the antifa cucks will get the message real fucking quick.
Will do
Nah, play C Y B E R N ∆ Z I instead
Those thumb nails are fucking hilarious
Or maybe some Xurios?
It's a meme for a reason along with he a gud boi. Anyone have the webm collage?
Guardians of Europe
KEK Commando
O'Donnell Abú
Cyber Kampf
Galactic Lebensraun (Agrarian Hardvapor Remix)
These are my favorites from him.
formatting got fucked up because of vid
killed my sides
Is it happening now?
Sexual Karate.
Didn't you know that roving gangs of Asians rape black men by the thousands in prison, every day? That's why you don't see blacks play the same sports as Asians. The last time a black man attempted to enter international competitive Ping Pong he was gang-raped by everyone in the auditorium, including the Asian fans watching the ordeal - FOR DAYS!
They might not have long girthy penises - but when the male buttocks it repeatedly stabbed repeatedly, the negro anus tears like chopsticks being pushed through tissue paper.
The Negro fears the Ching Chong rape machine!
top fucking kek, pic #2 implying whites ever rape black females, pic #7 implying asians would ever rape a nigger. this is just ludicrous.
when did this bullshit campaign start?
Please feel free to kill yourself. That image shouldn't do anything but make you laugh at the retards that made it.
Not him but I see jews do this everywhere.
it makes me fucking sick
El Hadji Alpha Madiou Toure, and yet it's not satire
what fucking timeline is this?
what is RAC?
get out Holla Forums
The best fucking timeline ever
Perhaps, but I posted a farcical pic of yellow-on-black rape. The proper response is to laugh at that shit, not develop a conspiracy theory based on whatever sexual tingles it may have given him.
Sabaton has some great shit… which disappointed the fuck out of me when some anons pointed out that they're pro-zionist.
Toss in the apparent lacrosse reference the probability of the event is nil.
An arrest affidavit filed in D.C. Superior Court quotes an acquaintance of the suspect telling another person that the defendant “was trying to rob the woman, but was not trying to kill her.”
The knife slips from his hand and stuck in her neck
I accidently killed my mom this way.
I got off
The affidavit describes a gruesome scene inside the house. Mehiel had been stabbed in the neck and repeatedly in the body, and a detective wrote that the number of wounds and their severity “suggest some sort of torture had been done to the decedent.” Police also said the victim had defensive wounds on her left hand and palm indicating a struggle.
he stabbed her many times
she didn't want to give up her pin #?
Or he just became angry at her when she she said that she "knew" how he was oppressed and this made him the way he was for the 10th time?
her twitter
her site
remedy this ASAP. he is serious, and also never misses a chance to point out the repetitive absurdity of these situations ("white privilege," "he was turnin his life around," "future doctor," "innocent victims of relentless white racism," etc.)
I just wanted to check out for the next three days and play vidya and stop thinking about this shit. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of hating the world. I'm sick of whores and mudsharks and hipster faggots, kikes and niggers and spics and sandniggers, the destruction of my people and their willingness and enthusiasm for it… I fucking hate it all. I hate not wanting to contribe to society. I hate there being no right, sane society for me. I just want to plug my ears and play videogames for a while. I'm sick of this madness.
Yeah, he gets a necklace alright. Around his neck connected to a tree about 10 feet in the air. He can rape her in the afterlife to his heart's content for all I care. If niggers even have what you would call a soul enough to have a chance at that.
Good riddance to both. One less insane SJW around. One less nigger on the streets. I hope he gets the death penalty.
It's not right to be happy for the death of your own kind, user. The first thing I feel with each story like this is sorrow that another white woman was brainwashed and ruined and turned down this path. What a waste.
Something similar to this happened near me years ago. A girl came home from school and found Tyrone ransacking the house, he killed her and left. The police found him because he was texting the mother from her daughter's phone, which he stole.
then why are they just sitting there and taking it? and
what the fuck is that supposed to mean? yeah if happened what is it trying to say?
I don't know what's funnier, this or the time that SPLCuck was murdered by his pet nigger.
and if we're done digging up her sjwisms for irony's sake, dumping time?
only stupid trash gets to this level. this kind of blindness is what let the monarchist conspirators inside nazi germany fuck everything up
kek, I wish this were true.
I know this feel.
do we call these people cucks?
how about quisling? or is that tapping anti-natsoc rhetoric?
I get what you're saying. But she was begging for this to happen to her.
sjw moths? useful idiot suicides? ape tamers? red riding hoods?
'drinking the kool-aid' needs a shorter name
corrina mehiel
Remembering Corrina Mehiel
We hope people who love Corrina will find comfort in visiting her profile to remember and celebrate her life.
What's really funny there my fellow meme-oid, is that all the women in those pictures aren't even 'white'. They're all kikes. Every. Single. One.
The one that makes it very apparent, The retarded looking one, the most retarded looking one, the one with the shitty blue filter with that hideous autistic moon face that I see most dumb bitches have. When I say that, I mean seriously stupid fucking bitches, like beaner bitches have that weird ass duplo block shape for a fucking skull/face but that Maria Penis bitch looks like she smells, her face is flat, retarded ass kike sniffing device she calls a nose, and looks like she not only doesn't wipe too good, but has poor vaginal hygiene. Something of which I'm sure All 5 of them have in common.
Just a bunch of dumb kike bitches fucking niggers, what a Meme!™ Meme!™ brought to you by Schlomo and friends.
Does the Kool-aid man have a well-known slogan? (I know he busts through a wall, but I forget if he says anything.)
He goes OH YEAH
You let your daughter fuck a non white? Shame
Good. Now execute the nigger too
No, I'm just partially related to a couple by no fault of my own.
racemixers… when will they learn?
What did Tay think of feminists?
My blonde cousin has a niglet. The thing is only four and already acts like a violent nigger.
my mom decided to race mix after she had me. Never really had much contact with her to begin with since she essentially left me with my grandparents for a nigger.
I hope you did the right thing and call her a nigger lover and make fun of her every time you talk to her.
That's gotta be a giant suppository redpill.
Someone zoom in on the nog's face
I haven't talked to her in years. She lives about 100 miles away and I haven't even seen her since she had the kid. Just heard from my aunt that the kid is a terror. I think she works as a stripper too kek, so she's the whole coalburner package.
How horrifying.
yes pls
Natural selection is a bitch
I wonder if it was good Kool-Aid. Like the kind with extra sugar in it.
This would be good. How about the Red Kool-Aid man is Holla Forums and, if it can be done correctly, a purple one is the black guy? After all, it plays off of the purple drink thing. Maybe Sunny-D can make an appearance too (Nordic?).
For the purple drink you'd want it to have some generic ass label. The type you'd find bought for with food stamps.
Nigger, you put da sugar in yo self smdh fambalam
I like this meme.
Her greatest accomplishment is being the example to Whites of what not to do.
Not white. No fucks given.
It's actually good.
I have a pic, but can't post it here, even if censored, cause it's technically CP.
You have pics? Tell me more user-kun, where do you live? ;^)
shit, man.
i'm sorry.
I think he's referring to when someone posted it her a while ago and got b8.
The perfect crime.
o i am laffin
hmm, where have i heard about a fake rape involving lacrosse before? are the jews trying to meme? are they laughing among themselves at the hypothetical goyim who would fall for that hoax and this one?
coalburning dubs
nothing of value was lost, he still needs to be brought to the tree for being a nigger
Disgusting. Why didn't he shoot the children?
It's like poetry, they rhyme
Better that he didn't. More footsoldiers for the eventual race war.
I genuinely feel sorry for you user.
Thanks I guess. Not much I can do but steer clear.
Where do I live ? sorry FBI, but I live hundreds of thousands miles up north of you (or south, if you're not a flat earther), so I'm outside of your jurisdiction. What I can tell you is that the country that I live was also directly involved in this, and they arrested the guy who was directly involved.
I'm just messing with you, however, be careful. You state it in such a manner such that it sounds not as if you saw it on an imageboard, but rather as if you have it saved on your computer. Even if censored, it'd probably be treated the same as regular CP and you'd be v&. To come across CP on an imageboard is one thing, to claim you have it saved is another. Although, an interesting notion is that just viewing it ever technically means that, at some point, you were in possession of it (for those few seconds it was in your RAM). As always, law with respect to data is interesting.
Some college kids made it.
The others
Ah no worries mate, I posted the pic itself in a forum full of police officers, even federal police with an account with my name on it. I'm actually a reference in "deep web" BS over there, so they come to me when they need something.
No wonder they hate us so much: they are projecting their own self-loathing. Some people find it easier to just blame others for their misery than to choose happiness for themselves.
Who the fuck rapes someone on the top bunk?
Which is more unlikely: that an Asian with the physical prowess and homosexual tendencies was in a situation where he could even get away with this, or that an Asian would not find niggers way too disgusting to even touch?
kool-aid is, in this case, a poison manufactured by jews and idiots drink.
i'd prefer him as the joyful idiot that appears every time another idiot drinks 'the kool-aid'
i haven't heard much in the way of useful idiot blacks who get themselves killed by altruism, and they already have a meme for nigger stupidity (ShitTyroneComics )
Punishment, not reward. These things are basically Orks: the more riled up you allow them to get, the more insane nigger-rage they attain, and eventually they just overrun and overwhelm
Look closer. It's an arab. They don't have standards.
There's a webm collage? I would be interested.
after some thought, it seems kinda sinister to even feign jubilation at white sjw deaths
but sick sad memes have to be born
- kool-aid man strikes again!
- if you see this image while scrolling this thread you have been visited by the kool-aid man, the antidote to the (((kool-aid)) will come to you but only if you post OHHHH YEAHHHHH
Modern Frankensteins.
I want everyone to know how right this is. Look how the SJW cucks of Haiti and numerous others that advocated for nigger freedom were "spared". Protip: They weren't
Jesus, imagine if that's it. Imagine if he actually tries explaining that in court, fuck
$5000 for a free vasectomy would be a much cheaper solution to niggers. Any nigger with enough self control to not take a free 5K would be probably a half decent nigger. still needs to go back to africa
There have always been traitors throughout history. Only problem lately is that many have become too complacent, brainwashed and disconnected (the irony) to care. So it's fertile ground for the traitors to multiply.
he dindu nuffin!
Can you imagine the kind of world we'd be living in if Africa, Europe, the Americas, and East Asia were all predominantly NatSoc? Goddamn, it's beautiful.
So long as everybody stays where they are, yes, it would be.
It's just a result of them being deeply confused as a result of postmodernist society. They're not all unsalvageable. I used to be a massive leftycuck that was told to shill Holla Forums for example but I found what a lot of you guys said very agreeable and just making plain sense.
At least it's starting to change.
If only this would happen more often to Leftists.
except that's impossible since niggers aren't even capable of running a government let alone a NatSoc one
a 9mm bullet costs less than a dollar, and works great to the back of the head. One problems solved, one bullet at a time.
I'll drink to that. This post made my weekend.
I have noticed that both Corinna Mehiel and Zaida Catalán (beheaded united nations feminist) are tree huggers.
the love to nature is something very nordic and i believe that is why the communist jews are using it for their infestation attempt of europe, using what aryans stand for to pull followers (in the beginning without telling their real agenda).
The nordic and all other whites should come together and reclaim the love to nature and animal as their agenda, as it has been before 1945.
fucking checked my dude.
I suppose you're right, even if your story is bogus. In a way I can see it myself from my extremely commie mother who's hitting 60 soon and catch her saying sometimes that it was all a mistake.
In a way I am like her. A traditional rebel to the system. Except I finally realized the system is the kikes. So from a funky teen who believed in peace and love I've turned into a man who smiles in the concept of annihilating certain (((groups of people))).
that dude looks like a 50 year old version of naruto
Is that their version of "It's happening!"?
Fight the power, I guess? lol
Remember back in school they would push all that leftycuck shit on us universally and without question? It's not hard to wonder why or believe that not everyone has waken up yet. They're already doubling down hard, trying to censor everything, which history shows never truly works, so rebels like you will keep popping up more and more questioning the narrative they force fed the masses and look into the ones they keep trying to hide.
Am I reading OP's American Thinker article right? The last line reveals that the negroid "said he didn't do it."
Wow. Amazing. Nobody could have predicted he would say something like that.
This enrages me to no end. See that pregnant pause before she says she's an artist? Even SHE doesnt even fucking believe that she's an artist. Her art project is what friends of mine do once a season. On a weekend! SHE PAID MONEY TO GET AN EDUCATION TO DO THIS AND HALF-HEARTEDLY SHRUG AND SAY "I'm an artist?"
Good riddance to useless rubbish.
RIP Lil' Chirper
A quick search of Google indicates her surname, Mehiel, is Algerian. Probably more of a Jewess than a shiksa SJW.
Either way, I'd just tell her not to let the crypt door hit her in the ass…
But he says he dindu nuffin.
So what did his mama say?
Does not compute.
She wouldn't have had white babies anyway. She wouldn't have supported our cause at any point in her life, only opposed it.
Her value is negative. It is good that she is dead. Hang the nigger too and have a 2 for 1 special.
as sad as it may seem, its better this way.
Her ghost twitter makes me sad. She lived her life deceived and I'm sure was politically and in many other ways an insufferable in person, but I still feel bad as fuck for her. To live and die deceived like that at the hands of some random nigger. Fuck, American blacks are so awful it's almost hard to believe.
She probably went out muttering the same shit that leftist faggot Sean Smith was crying as the sandniggers burned him alive in Benghazi.
"B-b-b-but I defended you on the internet!"
Can't make this shit up.
I remember. In a way it was cool to live under sunshine and rainbows. But the world ain't this way and I've reached the parent tier. Eventually you get to see things in a different perspective.
A true 'liberal' is the prime fighter of such practices. All those sjws and useful idiot kike-bots lately are the exact opposite of liberal and after slowly being exposed, they suffer politically and occasionally pay the (ultimate) toll of torture and death.
That's why they are resorting to the most disgusting of all commie practices; put children into it. Even teens rebel, force something on them they 'll do the opposite. But a
Can't wait for 2 options
1. Race War
2. All Mussies, Nigs, and Spics Rape and Kill all remaining people that will tolerate their shit. Leaving us to Race War their shit up with no backlash.
She lived an easy life it seems doing very poor artwork for more than a little social mobility. It's possible her liberalism was the thoughtless striver kind (I know what people in high places think and think of people who don't think these things) mixed in with, well a lifetime of media and academia affirmation of these "good" thoughts. It's possible she never really thought about them at all, merely experienced them collectively within her social sphere, undulating with the roiling waves of mass shitliberalism with nary a care in the world. Making piles of clothes a thesis of sorts. Riding around on bikes in trendy gentrified faggot haunts with other TV babies. What such a person "thinks" at any time is bewildering to me, what they "though" at a traumatic end of their life moment is equally bewildering.
In a sense, if she thought anything in those final moments, it might have really been the first time she thought anything in her life. Still feel bad for her though, deceived in life and all that.
Where is that video from? As a Southerner…TOPFUCKINGKEK
I have little sympathy for self-deception, especially considering she pushed this shit on others.
get with the program
truly a haunting concept to ponder, made even more so by the fact that these vast swaths compromise >95 percent of "people". The remaining percentage comprised of 99.9999% willful and knowledgeable "people" who orchestrate the majorities thoughts and us. That we can fight such a vast and horrific machine in a battle that we have all been birthed into that has been going on since the dawn of civilization is remarkable and truly inspiring.
I love you guys, your very existence defies all despair and our continuous measured victories illuminate the darkest reaches of this world, warming this Holla Forumsacks heart and soul.
This. THIS. And so much THIS.
that was a good get
what does he say at the very end fam?
They're playing checkers. "Kang muh-ee"
Southern translation - King me!
Fucking niggers. It is not ok to kill our retards although she looks like she has a bit Asian admixture.
BabyHee is real.
This. Just because I'm not going to miss her doesn't mean we should celebrate jigaboo monkeyshines of any strip taking place on our cities, from stealing grape soda to gangraping tinder sluts. No difference. Zero tolerance.
Uncle Ruckus
She would have come out blaming "toxic masculinity". Believe me I've seen a case like this where the bitch actually survived.
l can't see his eyes, how did you know that's an asian?
it will always be this way as long as the (((media))) is able to push it brainwashing
Interestingly, rape is the one thing they conspicuously left out in their description, you know it happened in spades while they deliberately avoided mentioning it. I'd wager was drawn out. I wonder if her rigamortis cast face was contorted with trauma, fear & pain.
Yes, the media must be destroyed
New copypasta detected
we can only hope, that her last few moments of life felt like an agony beyond our imaging. such should be the price for all race traitors. even this dindu betrayed his own kind. he should feel much pain before his death.
That's a post-wall spic. Stop being degenerate.
Her final thought: Holla Forums was right again!
I feel like Koolaid man and Moonman would be buddies
kek, pure poetry.
This photo truly exemplifies her life. Please take a look at that bicycle. THINK
The seat and handlebars are made of wood, the wheels are cheap particle board, the peddles are broken, the chain has been derailed just like her life was by Jew media and yet she is standing next to a piece of junk with a smug smile on her face.
A show, and no go. She was stolen from us fam, by her deluded hippie parents, a socially inept education system, and a political process that aggrandizes itself at the expense of the deluded citizens it has created.
why dis bitch want me to move in less she want my dick? Its meat or beat bitch
I literally can't even. Is this what it looks like being mentally arrested?
Truly the saddest words of tongue or pen. Or type.
ldi Amin
Her skin color was light, but she was not white.
Miscegenation will be the inevitable death of our races if we continue down that path.
holy shit these are fucking great
make it a honorary rope
My (much younger) cousin wore a hijab in high school. Her parents said it was just a phase. Turns out it wasn't the hijab, it was the coal. And she didn't get over it. She's in her 40's now.
race traiting bitch
Eritrea probably is now
The bike makes me think of some smarmy social worker painting a favela neon pink so that no one will notice the murders and rapes. Also the favela was created by the same social worker, who does not see themselves in a negative light, but are beaming with pride awaiting some sort of award for lazy shitty art that masks a broken society now thrown up on an altaer as a sacrifice for the manic activists narcissism and foolishness.
That's really fucked up. I'm sorry.
Fuck man that sucks. Trauma is fuel for great people, I guess use it since you got no other choice.
Add another white kill to the global jew death toll.
Fuck them for all they have done to demoralise, divide and destroy our people.
Their day is coming soon lads.
Burn the coal, pay the toll. But she's paid her toll. A shame it ended that way for her, but now that coward needs to pay his toll. He should be put down like the animal he is.
they make it sound like it happens all of a sudden without warning. Like when you accidentally trip and stumble on a rock, or like when you go to take a drink and some of it spills a little on you. Jesus christ muh generation is pozzed as fuck.
She died by being done by what she loved, a nigger.
Shit you not. 400+ lb homo middle school teacher of "Social Science" (not what it used to be evidently,) opts to teach on ancient Egypt; but what does he "teach"? Abomination fucking ONLY focuses on "female roles" and something about discrimination. This is not a joke.
The fact that you are celebrating the death of your volk shows you are an edgy, small minded faggot. You should take pity on these race traitors, they have been brainwashed by the kikes lies.
no pity for the enemy, and
The optimist in me wants to think she was part Finngolian
Alright, fair enough. She looked a lot whiter in the OP's pic. But the general idea that all whites who have drank the marxist kool aid are lost causes is wrong in my opinion. Sure there are the die hard commies who need to be gassed, but a lot of these women's minds have simply been poisoned by our degenerate society and (((them))). We need to do our part to guide the salvageable ones back to their natural state if possible.
Don't be sad, she choose her fate and got brutally enriched for it. Just another victim to the multikulti machine.
Oh god, I remember when this retarded fur-thing was spammed in Holla Forums years ago. What the fuck was it?
Gave me chills. Some of you guys have a macabre way with words.
White Women only understand one thing in this world>>9615591
Go ahead and post video of yourself showing blacks, mexicans and asians that you're the man on the block. I'll be waiting.
lol, that piece of genetic trash was nowhere close to being my volk. even at my most subverted I would never have done or stated anything close to what she did, and I know plenty of men and women that grew up in the same progressive liberal hellhole I did. None of them would ever do what she did.
this antiwhite slut knew exactly what she was doing, she spent her life rallying against the "cis white patriarchy" knowing full well that she was harming and attacking innocent people that had never done wrong, but she didn't care as long as she got her virtue signaling points. and satiated her fetish for black Dick. like a lot of liberal scum she enjoyed the controversy and danger she felt by attacking her own society, thinking only of herself and the high it gave her.
perhaps if she hadn't spent a good chunk of her life disparaging against white men, one of the might of been there to save her. instead she got exactly what she deserved.
I sleep better at night knowing that this scum met a gruesome yet just fate and can no longer spread her disgusting mind virus. I only hope that all the other men and women like her get the same.
making an excuse for her is no better than making an excuse for the subhuman ape "he's just like a child, he doesn't understand what he's doing!"
1990 - Their day is coming
2000 - Their day is coming
2010 - Their day is coming
2017 - Their day is coming
I agree they aren't all lost causes. But we're fighting for the masses of normalfags and the 3% or whatever at the extreme left just aren't important except that we defeat them. We don't need their men at all, as for the women, there are much more than just commies that can't be guided back, though they can be forced back if the need is great enough.
Yeah well, look at orcbrands face.
- Depressed
- Unmotivated
- Timid
- Lost
- Cofused
Lead by example, or gtfo.
Well aren't you just a bundle of fucking joy?
I guess you're right though. We should just give up instead.
Are you a kike, or just a demoralizing black-pilled faggot?
demoralisation, you'll pick at anything
And you're a crybaby bitch. So what else is knew. Just an emotional female minded bitch. Now, you're going to response back with whatever you believe to 'wity' in order to larp like you're strong. But it's all fantasy inside your head. It's pathetic.
That 2nd picture always makes me extremely happy.
So did OP, thanks OP
Here's another pathetic white female from Ohio drawing herself getting raped and murdered at the museum. youtube.com
actually I think the "mix it up" girl from the video is still alive and it was just an other coal burning that got murdered, but its been a pol meme for so long we just don't care anymore.
common filth, please go!
Are you Anglo-Saxon? I'm doing a study on Anglo-Saxons and how they're emotionally inferior to the their White counterparts.
I have come to the understanding viturally every bad aspect of Whites is really just an Anglo-Saxon trait that isnt being proprerly Identified.
Anglo-Saxon Characteristics
- Misery
- Depression
- Hyper Sensitivity
- Child Like Emotional Outlooks
- Fragile
Was she being racist towards him?
top, lel
I'm doing a study on how faggots who can't even write English think their opinion has any gravity whatsoever.
Would you like to contribute?
For an SJW "artist" that is really good
leftists always project, and apparently can't spell
from reading through all of your posts, you seem to have a very specific theme you're pushing... (why do you leftycucks hate white women so much?)
mfw that's ever been a thing
we can read I'Ds here Shlomo.
they hate themselves, and try to spread their disease to others
He's trying to push the
Our biggest weakness was always tolerance of shitskins, kikes and traitors.. so essentially, people like you.
I stand corrected on her race. And while I agree with you to an extent, the constant male vs female d/c ultimately hurts whites in the long run. While I am not advocating infantilizing women or white knighting, you have to realize that women are too weak to know any better. They are herd creatures practically incapable of thinking for themselves. In an ideal society we would have a natsoc white ethnostate with traditional moral values and nuclear families. A lot of these girls are naive and are simply brainwashed. Women are basically children, you don't blame or malice children for being fucking stupid right? Of course many of these people have passed the point of no return but I feel it is harmful to write all of them off as lost causes. We need our women, we need to teach them and break their conditioning. We need them to want to have white families and help combat white genocide. Sure a coalburner should be shamed and shunned, damaged goods and whores are not ideal mates but to simply say they deserve death is too extreme. We cannot simply abandon our people because they have been led astray. The divide and conquer and infighting among whites is partly why we have arrived at where we are in the first place. We all make mistakes, 99% of us were blue pilled in our younger years. It is our duty to save the white race and undo the kike brainwashing wherever possible. People can be redeemed.
True, but the majority of the left have been indoctrinated with their believes in the (((educational system))) They go along with what is socially acceptable. We are shifting the overton window and making ideas that would have had no chance of mainstream appeal even a few years ago the norm now. Weaponized autism and memes are winning the culture war. The 3% too far gone extremists need to be defeated, no doubt. But if even 3% of the others can be shown the error in their ways and decide to have white children instead of becoming a bitter cat lady then it is a net positive.
Agreed, user.
Also, pic related is Corrina's third most recent tweet. If only someone had got red pills to her.
Holla Forums didn't exist in any of these years.
There's better argument for Germanics / Nordics considering how they're ending up right now. At least the UK has BREXIT but you're just a faggot shill, 397f7c.
Sandniggers all look alike as far as I'm concerned.
before you were pushing the "all white women are sluts" angle, and now you randomly bring up this Anglo-Saxon = jew puppet Bs angle that has nothing to do with the thread.
as I said before Shlomo, your extremely obvious and we can read the IDs. go home
Her ghost social media twitter page is saddening in a very modern way
Damn, that is eerily prophetic.
umm ok
you should really learn from the words of((( your people))) Shlomo, don't worry you'll get better someday. but for now, shoo shoo globalist jew!
In the context of a Holla Forums analysis of her Tweets…. eerily prophetic is the right description.
Stop speaking English, faggot.
You can't save women because there are way too many men who have become effeminate and/or have put 'vagina' on a pedestal, treating that shit like it has magical powers.
As long as that is around, no other problem can be solved.
why do you always short-circuit like this?
It never has and never will.
Whoa there, it's not right to kill animals for doing what animals do.
Dicks out for Harambe. Never forget.
you're not very good at spotting Anglos than, because that's not what I am.
but keep trying, I'm sure you'll make enough shekels tonight for a bit of matzoh
You're saying generally that people are victims of indoctrination (true), diminishing their responsibility yet somehow they will be responsible enough to redeem themselves. I think sticking with indoctrination is the easy choice people make, and many are by nature going to be irredeemable leftists. We have been breeding parasites for nearly 100 years, and accelerating that in the last 50.
I really only care about getting people on our side, by force or guile or reasoned arguments, so that we can survive. I don't care about their redemption unless they are already people I think are decent. I don't care whether coalburners are hung from lampposts, sent to africa, or given to more desperate men who don't care to boost our numbers, as long as we do what is most effective in the long run.
Win, and they will fall in line. Wait for them come to our side, and they will drag us down. This goes double for the women.
Pretty sad how the leaks revealed how expendable Hillary and Co. thought cucks like them are. This is the real price of being a cuck. The ones wise enough and malicious enough to use them will until they outlived their usefulness. Useful idiots. Poor things.
White women voted mostly for Trump so they're fine for the most part as it is. He's more or less correct about his sentiment towards traitors. Her actions probably not only got herself raped, mangled, and killed but other whites as well. He's made it clear that he himself is one of the ones that are salvageable until the one in OP like Yuri said, these sorts like the murdered dead rotting SJW are never able to be saved to begin with. There's nothing you can do to deprogram the demoralisation except for a boot to the head in their final moments.
Maybe you're not wrong either. It's true about the large scale indoctrination that exists in education in popular culture makes it hard for many to resist but most of the pozzed masses never ever go far as she did and nothing can ever erase what she did. Not to others and not to herself. She's gone, gone forever. Poisoned and mortally wounded by her own arrow.
Ha ha ha!
I guess it's the Heil Mary form of D&C.
tfw germanic/nordic…
your not very good at what you do. and what you do is not very nice…
Women gravitate towards the alpha males, and are very social creatures. We can meme having a big healthy white family as being a sign of social status similar to marriage. Sure women will use their beta orbiters as fall backs but if society changes women will change with it. If we can eliminate jewish subversion of society it can be fixed.
Be the change you want to see in the world user.
I kek'd
some of the stats on that were fucky, and the sources for the threads here were clickbait or jewesses. Could be true but I wouldn't bet anything on it.
You've were outed a while ago. Give it up already Goldberg
The niggers are ugly but the girls are on the birth controls so their instinct is switched off. I wonder what she was thinking before the moment that she was murdered?
I forgot to add the picture.
I am already fam, but like says this thing is much bigger than me and you. I agree with your viewpoints, so how can we possibly win if the main fighters are disabled, the reproduction is crippled and the young ones are polluted?
To change women we need to change society and to change society we need to defeat the jewish subversion and to defeat that we need to change the men before there are no men left. I can only hope the few bits I do will be enough, but the enemy has the entire system in his arsenal.
I improved on your design a little.
eh, usually birth-control causes women to be more attracted to men/mates with genetic material most similar to their own ( in the mouse trials it caused a significant uptick in inbreeding). I have a somewhat anecdotal story about a girl I knew in college that after starting birth-control, she started having really vivid sex dreams about her brother and her cousin. this stopped once she got off the birth-control. ( years later when I shadowed with a fertility specialist I heard quite a few similar stories. female brain chemistry is super wacky)
The commie fears the Fin
This, also if she went on living she would have done more harm to the white race, it's better for every one except then niggers she died, I don't want mixed nigglets from her race traitor womb.
What is going on?
That's a Interesting post. There are side effects that caused Nausea, Weight gains ,Sore or swollen breasts, small amounts of blood, or spotting, between periods, Lighter periods, Mood changes (biploar?), high blood pressure and heart diseases.
He was checking OP's digits you fucking faggots.
Kek'd audibly
The sad truth is most people have given up the idea of personal responsibility and critical thought nowadays. The npc meme is pretty accurate. They absolutely take the easy way out, the comforting lies over the hard truths. Perhaps this woman was a bad example but I constantly see this meme that all coalburners and whores need to be killed, when in reality they are a symptom of the jewish disease on society.
I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of winning as many over back to our side as possible, that is why I advocate teaching and redpilling anyone who may be receptive to the truth. We win by uniting whites as an ethnic group as much as possible. We cannot wait for them to redeem themselves, but if we can lead them to the truth that is one less person to stand in the way of what has to be done. If they can redeem themselves from their past choices I don't think it is too late for them, people can change.
Yes, this women was a bad example. And Yuri's comments about subversion are quite true, there will always be the fanatics and true believers. But we all ended up here didn't we? Most of us went through this indoctrination system, and even if we accepted it at face value most of us probably knew something wasn't quite right with what we were taught about equality and the holohoax. Most people just want to have an easy life and don't like to think about things because they feel powerless to change anything. But I feel like we are at a critical moment in our history at this point, people are more receptive to the truth about jews and cultural marxism than ever before. If we can all do our part to redpill as many people as possible through memes/infographs/conversation we can push it past the tipping point. We can normalize these ideas and make them less taboo, we are already doing it. There will always be lost causes but we are so close now, we need as many whites on our side and exposed to the truth as possible. Every one of us can and does make a difference by caring enough about our race to fight for them, even if we have to drag them kicking and screaming towards the truth.
correct, those are all fairly common symptoms. Although in general most women only experience one or two of those if they experience any at all. And as time goes by and their body adjusts to the dosage side effects usually disappear, although sometimes different formulations can be prescribed if symptoms are irregular or uncomfortable.
another problem a lot of women forget is that it's potentially deadly to smoke while taking any form of birth control. one of my classmates died from mixing birth-control and regular smoking, and perhaps worse I've seen quite a few women that ended up disabled in terrible ways after surviving blood clots and strokes from smoking/birth control related injuries.
We are all just drops of water but together we form a river. It is much bigger than any individual but that is the mindset that causes so many people to give up on life. We are changing men every day that we fight against the jews and cultural marxism. Our ideology is our weapon, and every mind we can convert is another person who will stand against the genocide of our people. Remember the system cannot exist without us. Life is a struggle and everyday we have to keep fighting, despite the demoralization. We have to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
I see they didn't read the warning on the birth controls.
No wonder they try so hard to break the family unit into just individuals. Also no wonder people who are alone (the definition of living as individuals) are the first ones who get depressed.
Did she accidentally meme her own death with that tweet?
Why can't niggers into names?
I think they have problem with vocal names.
Could you elaborate on that? Maybe it's the language barrier, but I don't get it.
Are you saying they have trouble with pronounciation and forming certain sounds?
Most browsers also use a disk cache. If the sector doesn't get overwritten you'll still have the stuff on your hard disk years later.
I wonder what went through her head when this was happening. Do you think she realized her mistake or did she blame white males until the very end?
I wouldn't put it higher than surprised.
Is it possible to search for her image on tinder? Don't know how that place works.
The horror needs to get to the indoctrinated White females who make up the majority of the "left," and realize the (((media))) reporting this made it a point to avoid the subject. The crime scene must have been horrific instead of the jewish pushed bbc rape fantasy, don't want the conned females waking up from their jew indoctrinated stupor.
My whole family are white guilt traitors, just discussed the holocaust over dinner and 2 of them broke down lol :(
Summers an older thing than that.
t. Holla Forums
I'm actually quite surprised nobody uses summer here.
Because they're all cancerfags circa 2014 tbh
Because you're talking about how you were shifted to closer to our way of thinking, I'll point out where you're wrong here. This is what 'liberals' always were. This is not actually a change. You may perceive it to be a change, but in reality the mask is just off now. If you actually look at the free speech movement it's really just a bunch of commies and jews. They knew what they were wanting to say was subversive garbage, but they used the Anglo-Saxon value of free speech as a weapon against us. They would have otherwise been disallowed from spreading their subversive and traitorous ideas.
Pic unrelated, but an user requested it a couple of weeks ago. I was going to post the
image, but didn't find it. Hope that one user sees it.
Yep, they have diffucult with understanding the complicated languages. Look at the nigger language and they are shit. The picture is related.
And nothing of value was lost.
That's actually sad. But I think you're right. Most people here say GG got them involved.
feels bad man
At least I can claim old faggotry on one board.
Funny no one is mentioning that according to her, her mother "required" her to read Hillary's book. This chick didn't even have a chance. This isn't a girl who chose socjus, she was born and raised in it. Not saying there's no personal accountability here but it's sort of like Plato's cave. She most likely had no influence in her life that didn't reinforce this world view. That's a hard spell to break alone.
Reemergence of the represeed.
Female college students expressing their deepest fantasies through the vehicle of "rape awareness."
When men want an adrenaline rush they drive at 140mph down the freeway, or they start fisticuffs with another group of laws, or they jump from a high place wearing a parachute. Sometimes they are killed, older men will sometimes warn them but, having been there in their youth ultimately understand that it is something you just have to grow out of, when some are inevitability killed their friends and family say "he died doing what he loved."
When a woman wants an adrenaline rush, she goes looking for stranger sex, if she really wants it to be special she will engineer a situation where she can claim she was "raped", if her fantasy partner is a black man, even better, another taboo crossed, so thrilling. Older women understand the game but as they NEVER GROW UP they play along and when it all goes wrong and the rape/murder fantasy becomes reality, they rage as a collective against " toxic masculinity."
Be aware, this urge is in ALL WOMEN, only firm patriarchal structures kept it in check.
Thread on 4chan pol points out the disinterested father's twitter account after her death, just two tweets about his murdered daughter then a flood of non stop tweets attacking Trump; who gives a shit about your just murdered daughter when there's "drump" to rage against.
As a former scifag I can confirm this. In studies of human attractiveness women on the pill were usually used as a test group to simulate pregnancy. They were far more likely to select mates with HLA alleles similar (similar as in the same family similar) to their own compared to ones not on the pill which would select mates with different HLA alleles.
It seems to be a way to prevent inbreeding (and works surprisingly well in small populations)
He b gud boi, he dindu nuffin! Waz goin to turn hiz life arund, goin to uni 'n sheiit!
In an ideal world women wouldn't be selecting shit, they are not competent for the job.
There is a reason that a suitor had to get the father's permission in every fucking society since the beginning of time.
Marriage never was about "love" until Hollywood promoted the meme.
I would bet my house that he blames Trump for her death too. People like this are empty shells just going about the motions of being human. The literal walking dead.
Of course he does, that is why misses the point.
He cares about his dead daughter but blaming himself and her mother for feeding her dangerous indoctrination which ultimately cost her her life is not an option the ego can allow.
So he has become a crusader against a proxy villain.
You see this all the time in the parents of drug death teenagers. They can't handle the fact that they were too liberal, didn't provide adequate supervision, or set limits which were too loose, leading to the death of their child, so they become virulent campaigners against the drug blamed for the death, the person who supplied the drug, the paw which is not strict enough etc.
Check out the parents of British teenager Leah Betts. She took an E tablet at a birthday party then, due to misinformation, believed that to stay safe she ought to constantly drink water. Whether this advice was legitimate government trolling or misinterpretation of sound advice for ravers who do become dehydrated through exertion, it killed sedentary Leah after she drank 7 liters of water in the space of a couple of hours.
The parents became anti-ecstasy crusaders.
This leftist is acting out the same way, instead of identifying the true cause of his daughter's death (misinformation), he is attacking the ostensible causes of nigger criminality, which all stem back to "bad treatment by White males."
You can see that his daughter already had this mindset, her recent activism against lead paint, why lead paint? Because it is one of the environmental factors that the left is attempting to use to explain low Black IQs and by extension, Black failure to adapt to modern society.
The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
Dubs confirm. Tell everyone hw dindu nuffin.. and hang him.
They talk like Star Wars aliens.
The thing that is keeping me sane through this thread is the idea that this woman is no different than a mink that got too close to a foxhole, or a sheep that dog nabbed by a dog. However unnatural the world of man, the world which we and our ancestors find ourselves in, it is and what completely natural for that feral dindu to do what he did. The animals that survive are ones that keep themselves safe. You can increase your chances of staying safe drastically and instantly by virtue of staying with your own/ staying out of danger. We didn't have a hand in creating the ideas that made her and make others unsafe. All we can do is keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, never shrug off the dangers that we know happen every day, and educate others with facts and stats as often and as persuasively as we can.
Holy shit, a thought just occurred to me. Thought experiment time, Holla Forums.
Imagine for a moment that Jamal didn't "muh dick" her to death. And consider all the crap that we've dug up and seen about this woman. How many of you think that if she had survived the attack that she'd have reported this to the police? Everything that we've seen so far portrays leftism so profound as to be considered mental illness or retardation. Do you think she would have wised up? Or would she have just internalized the experience, a "punishment" befitting one with white privilege, and a "grace" in not reporting the crime to exemplify how "good" she is.
Fucking hell, that thought bothers me.
How come I never read about gay feminine nigger raping and chimping out? Does being a fag make them passive and submissive enough to where their dindu instincts are put in check? Do faggots have higher estrogen and lower testosterone? Or are gay niggers the same but it's rarely reported because no one cares about faggot men?
I feel exactly the same. Sometimes have to check out from Holla Forums for a couple days because reality gets too heavy for me.
The (((media))) completely ignores any crime committed within the gay community, only crimes they can paint as pointed AT the gays are covered. Talk to an ER doc in any city with lots of fags, they beat and rape the shit out of eachother. Literally.
This negro deserves a beautiful Winnie Mandela Necklace for all the good he's done.
My guess is she would publicly forgive the nigger because her social circle would reward her so greatly for healing and strengthening the bond between human and nigger society. Internally, she might harbor the trauma and secretly hate niggers, but she's still not going to abandon the comfort of her entire support network who are doing all kind of mental gymnastics to excuse the nigger.
right, but if you take care of the jews and let them run around they are going to breed and raise more of them like self-replicating killer drones
they absolutely need to be dealt with too
But for SJW coal burners doesn't getting raped and killed by a pavement ape qualify as dying what you loved doing?
they are technically correct, they didn't do nothing
Just another day for Ethiopian/African Slaves in Kuwait, typical. Arabs are scum, I remember my Kuwaiti roommates could hardly function without their slaves.
(btw sheboon survived the fall)
Daily reminder that political indoctrination can be de-programmed but race is permanent.
All you faggots celebrating the deaths of white women are shills or cucks.
hahaha, oh wow
Can't. Stop. Looping.
Agreed, user. We cannot hate our people for the shit world they grew up in. It is our duty to reshape the world and offer them the red pill. If they reject it, then…. (pic related)
it's not only vasectomies you must perform, but tubal ligation or complete hysterectomy of all available niggresses
one unsnipped male escaping and your thousands of vasectomies are for naught
and a bullet would be much cheaper
in fact, the ideal would be a stealth virus making the next generation sterile
Whats the context? Regretted suicide attempt? The person recording isnt helping, did they push her out or something?
if some chink tries to sneak out of an iphone factory at midnight to fuck her bf and twists her ankle the press goes nuts and tries to assassinate the character of america's most successful company, meanwhile our "allies" in saudi arabia, kuwaitt and the uae practice literal slavery where people are worked to death and killed and you never hear anything about it, but you will hear about american slavery 150 years ago every day
that's what "pocs" in the united states who are counting down the days till whites go extinct don't seem to get, it was europeans who ended slavery, once we're gone do you think the muslims and jews aren't going to go back to enslaving africans? do you think the chinese, who have no concept of human rights, are going to step in to stop it? whites invented freedom and when we're gone freedom goes with us
Have you ever been so gay and Muslim that you threw yourself out the window?
Found one source. You guys aren't going to believe this one.
THIS is why those turds aren't heading for the arabic countries. They're afraid of the rape, beatings, and murder THEY'LL receive. They'd much rather be the pitcher than the catcher.
That's the fucking plot to Utopia, barring the fact that they were avoiding targeting gypsies for some fucking reason.
Good. There is a congoid colander which strains all the garbage from our race.
(((Mehiel))), good riddance kikess
I am weary of suggestions of easy scientific solutions that can go out of control. Such a virus could mutate to affect other primates perhaps, namely us. You don't take the time to do something with care, it could come back to bite you in the ass. Same with nanobots and other like methods,
link to fathers twitter?
proof? Not saying your overall theory isn't sound
hehehehe that's a good Friday story.
Her last moments… delicious. I bet she was spewing all sorts of shit like, 'I vote for Obama, twice'.
Save that screen and send it to dozens of similar cunts with, 'you next whitebread'. Tyrone type account as a bonus.
Dude, there's dozens of these going on, EVERYDAY. The stats are fucking crazy. That's why you had the right idea. Get it, make it public. PUT IT IN NORMIE FACES NOW. We need a 10/10 happening to FORCE a change.
Do you think farm animals care when the farm is sold to a less reputable farmer? Yeah they may care on an instinctual level when you start abusing them, but they won't mount a revolution to take over the farm.
waste of a perfectly good manhole.
I say we start using a golden rope for these animals that kill SJW's
symbolic gesture and what-not.
I wonder what she was thinking at the very end?
Probably her privilege.
We should honestly start trying to hijack as many mainstream icons as we can for WN memes. Food icons in particular are so well-known that the brand recognition makes them powerful symbols and references. The Kool Aid Man has just as much potential as Moonman did when we took him over.
Wendy could also be a pretty convincing WN symbol, with her youthful appearance, pale skin, red hair, and blue eyes. She would be a natural fit for lederhosen or a dirndl dress, and you could put her in an SS uniform as well.
What sort of question is that? Of course it's the latter. Fucking white males REEE and all that shit.
I'd say no hands.
It might be interesting to see what, if anything, happens when they finally finish that 'male pill' that's undergoing clinical trials right now.
I suspect it will have far less of an effect on men than the pill has on women, in terms of brain chemistry and instinct.
I don't know if there's something wrong with my eyes or not, but it seemed almost as if she was falling through the air slower than gravity is supposed to cause someone to.
We have a lot of LARPers who don't understand what the fourteen words really mean.
You see this all the time whenever somebody brings up abortion. It's always justified because it's killing niggers.
Yeah, it is. But not only is it not killing enough to stop our demographic replacement, but it's killing white infants, too. A million nigger deaths don't make up for even a couple dozen white deaths.
People who hate nonwhites more than they love their own folk are not redpilled and are not White Nationalists.
These are the alt-kikes. The don't seem to realize that you can just kill the niglets without using abortions. Bullets tend to do the job.
She was falling at 3/5ths the speed of an actual person.
Was she? Why?
Fuck you, Carlos.
That's rhodesia.
If she were to survive, given enough time maybe, she "might" have become redpilled.
until a boot was on her head.
Life and death situations forcefully brings out self preservation in cushioned westerners.
That article is lying.
He actually said "I dindu nuffin"
The thing is there will be so many broken by the time anything 'happens' those broken women may be the only breeding stock of any number. So you likely have to look at them as future slaves to the soldiers whom fought as payment for their service just to ensure enough white kids are born. Most white men are not that crass and are going to fuck shit up if they don't accept such broken women are actually broken and will damage their own children if left to their own devices so must be treated as property and kept on a short and hard leash. If they are not this shit is going to echo for generations, never mind the risk of alien DNA being subtly injected into our populations already.
Checked and 10/10. Know there is an user out there willing to buy you a drink over this post
This is so very true. Did you know (((they))) created us? Maybe not directly, and certainly not on purpose, but they are 100% the reason we exist now. Considering (((their))) worst boogie men the evil Nazi's look in horror upon a man whom saw the world as we here do and banned him from being an National Socialist for being too extreme, there is something poetic about all of this. Creating their own greatest arch nemesis hell bent on 'the happenings' or bust is pretty damned lulzy.
Niggers are going to fucking eat our liberal traitors for us too. While their spic invader army runs back home because they were are cowards in the first place whom refused to fix their own nations, so clearly are never going to go toe to toe for the protection of our own elites.
Happy times, they are a coming.
Are you blind? Thats the same fucking person.
That Kevin Sutherland incident was amazing.
Did you know they put out a mix tape?
muslim world
She retweeted this, lads.
I can't….I can't believe the ironing. The foreshadowing is incredible, INCREDIBLE. I don't even know what to do except applaud existence for this God-tier writing.
guy getting raped by professor