President Park Arrested

Are the Gooks actually doing it? Are they actually completely overthrowing the secret society that ruled their country?

Other urls found in this thread:


Cool stuff. But still, it's not like there's a single Worst Korean president who hasn't had a rough time by the end of their careers. Wasn't one outright executed in the '80s?

Could someone post the entire list of gookanon screencaps? It would help a partially informed user.

They arrested her even though she is the first woman president and enforced jew-beloved Keynenomics? They must have found a Bill Clinton in that country and can't wait to send South Korea into a death spiral.

I hope gookanon stays safe, there will probably be forced riots from her supporters.




They can do this meanwhile Hillary still isn't in jail yet.

Great news, tell me when she has been executed.

This shit is fucking insane

White people aren't a hivemind race like asians, torfag. Trump hasn't even been in office 100 days, she and the rest of her pedophile cabal will suffer in due time but not soon enough.

While I rather live in a septic tank than worst Korea, they have executed quite a few of their presidents for corruption etcetera. This could be a harbinger for future happenings outside of gookland.

Take a long hard look user. This is what you ALWAYS get with women in government.


There's still hope for worst Korea. Now, if only they'd stop playing video games and start chopping off heads…

Found some more
I really should start to sort all my files out

Are you the user who makes these?

Can we summon Gook user?

Is he on Holla Forums giving updates?

The Torah is the best selling book there.

I think that guy upgraded my ram once.

If they were a hivemind they wouldn't rebel against their queen. I'm angry because after countless leaks there isn't a massive riot in DC and capitals across the western world yet but a small leak and the Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, and gooks all riot to their parliament and get concessions.

Also why is the fuck is this stickied?

If they were a hivemind they wouldn't rebel against their queen. I'm angry because after countless leaks there isn't a massive riot in DC and capitals across the western world yet but a small leak and the Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, and gooks all riot to their parliament and get concessions.

Also why is the fuck is this stickied?

He pops up occasionally. Some enterprising anons should lurk the #Gamergate threads, or >>>/gghq/ and look for him, and let him know to come here instead.

Wow. Okay then.
It's stickied because this is an actual current event in the political world, bot-san.

Because it's related to a satanist coven controlling South Korea, you retarded cuckchan refugee.

merkel and hillary cunton did speeches in the university that churned out Park.

Pay attention to the pizzagate threads nigger.

Wake me when they admit the sewol ferry disaster was an occult sacrifice.

Man remember Habbo Hotel? That was a good raid.

This is ALL worth reading:

It's even more bizarre for people who are got into real world politics and activism.
I just wanted to see the funny cat memes.

nothing will be gained from this. she already stepped down. the society still stands.

found the kike shill

exactly the response i expected. get off the bandwagon. if someone's dog attacks someone, you can blame the dog, but the real problem is that which trained it.

They arrested some of the 8-goddess CEOs as well, and I think they also arrested the cult leader? This is not business as usual in South Korea.

Nigger they arrested the Heir of Samsung.

It's happening.

Death to every secret society.

that was a while ago and he still gets to run it from jail. Koreans have no souls.

That would include most of Holla Forums to a point as well.

nah i bet (know) there's secret societies doing good in the world. going unheard keeps them from being infiltrated by the people who want to destroy.


People being too stupid to know we are here does not mean secret.

Are the going to search for all the women and behead them publicly?

Except us of course

What "good" is there to do except fixing the demographics? Do you (know) of any doing that? Serious question, everything else "humanitarian" is outright communist or just jerking yourself off.

yes, they are pushing society in a good direction and changing the opinions of the masses. slowly but surely, my friend.

Where the fuck do I sign up then

Like who?

Besides Kekites I can't think of a single one.

You best start believing in secret societies. You're in one.

If you knew it wouldn't be a secret, dumbass.

There are multiple sects of Holla Forumsacks, just have to know how to find them.



gookluminati btfo

Come on user you can tell me.

I'm completely trustworthy

Ey hol up hol up
You mean that there is some all female Korean illuminati cult runnin thangs?

A shadow government was literally controlling south Korea, and people insist to believe that something like that could never happen in America.

Shamfur dispray, user

Guys, I know that the mandella effect is probably a psyop, but this is literally not the same timeline I used to live in a few years ago. There is no way this shit could have possibly happened in my past life. Like, not even just the fact that the jews are being exposed but that their plans are being stopped and even potentially reversed. The white race is going to make it.

Also it is spelled dilemna god dammit.

I don't think they deny it anymore thanks to the leaks and the shadow government might as well be hiding in plain sight. The special interests, corporations, MIC, etc. It was always there.

Yep. And K-pop is literally a gigantic money laundering/sex trafficing scheme, to the surprise of absolutely fucking nobody.

jesus christ making me feel slightly old now.

J-Pop is better anyways.


korea is doomed

Fuck this gook.

we care why? closer to glassing NK eh nah so fuck off soldier !! not good for moral we all want to obliterate NK decisively yesterday. Oppose us DIE is the answer.To many weak fucks in our gov only want us to strike when its good for israel when if we strike they should be first on the list.NO MO SHLOMO!!

Death to freemasonry

Can't even ball masses of units in broodwar. Poor coreans.

This has been a 10/10 happening to follow, can't wait to see how the trial goes.

I wish that I could turn back time…

What is the name of the fucking cult?

Nice symbolism faggot. You do know putting a gun to your head is what jewish slave goyim do right? I see you are very bold. Its like you care enough not to do anything except end your existence if the real cult the outer portico is exposed.

chinks have no Idea just like nagasaki what they 4 billion few strategic nukes their whole existence is gone …Like without insect no welfare for africa roaches or mudslimes meaning get off our white asses you are an impediment to progress like a fucking plague to humanity.Every last shitskin must die their dna is proven to be a trash heap whites rise to the top.NO MERCY!!


at least it went out with a good raid

this user appears to have severe autism

lol nah bitch nose the first one going faggot

I have autism? You are beta orbiting a topic and using club penguin as an in because you caught up on the knowyourmeme wiki page. How much of a kikeling do you have to be to celebrate something you most likely had nothing to do with? Bang Bang right? Just cult your way through life you do not have to answer I am profane right?

you basically used tor to blog post absolutely nothing kys JEW

Get your shit together biff.

Nine Goddesses.

its together and ready to kill every last one of you insects along with all the jews.No more placating NK if we strike first won't even have a chance of retaliating and china sticks their insect beaks in will get glassed.No more letting these chinks think they dictate a GD thing.Shoulda glassed em all right in ww2 but no jews had their communism in place you fucking faggot.

I gotta celebrate the uniformity of autism tor posters across this site display, its almost like they all come from the same place :^)

yea we will celebrate the death of billions of chinks too you fucking dog and cat bolling insects. Tor in this post are fucking chinks.

I wonder why there seems to be next to 0 coverage of this in the MSM.

Gotta make sure to keep the goyim from doing this in every country they control.

Oy vey goy, we cant have you getting any ideas now can we?

i have only but one friend.


Adam Curtis' All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace suggests that Korea was an experiment like the Congo in how to divide and control a nation. South Korea became the globalist dystopian testing grounds.

Wouldn't that imply that the Globalists failed and lost control of an entire country?


Chaos seeps through every little crack in society. Every breath, every heartbeat, all infused with it. It is what makes us so hard to control, because in the end, all it takes is the right string being struck for an uprising.

Merkel as well as Clinton have ties to them.
What the fuck do you think why this shit is being kept under the lid as much as possible.
If people would realize that they can actually go out and strike for a week to force a govermental change, the EU would be already dismanteld.

Could this shit be in any way supported by Best Korea?
These society demoralization tactics remind me of the Western MSM on steroids. Hijacking the sexuality narrative, but as asians can't do anything right, they sperg out on this feminism crap.
When men are completely effeminated and subdued by marxist women leaders, norks "merge" the countries and take control.

And nobody wields chaos better than us.


Here, I uploaded my folder on it.
Its still growing.[Shitstorm_of_south_Korea_-_8_goddess_Cabal_-_told_by_a_korean].7z

I get the feeling immunity and corrupt enforcement is the hindrance there.


In fact this seems more and more like the jews teaching us their satanism while indoctrinating the shitskins with christianity.

Master-slave morality..

Not sure what to think of it.

No we need transparency, not death.

There is the revelation that there was apparently a plot for war in 2017 to unite the Koreas, with possible collaborators in the North. Naturally, a side benefit to the Megalians would be the deaths of a lot of men in the war.

Holla Forums, on every imageboard out there, is the exact opposite of a secret society. There a no standards for entry (besides a computer and internet). No strict codes of conduct, no oaths of loyalty. Every comment is free to view and openly debated. Anyone can come and go here as they please. This shit could not be more different.

Worst Korea is fucked.

Certainly Park and the ruling party here are corrupt and bumblingly incompetent, but the opposition are delusional and dangerous.

They will destroy the US/Korea alliance and South Korea will be Finlandized. China and North Korea will use Moon Jae-in and the Korean Democratic Party to destroy what freedom of movement South Korea has internationally and ultimately both Koreas will be absorbed into China. Screencap this because it will happen and probably in our lifetimes.

Make no mistake, (they)) are probably still in charge.

Is it even possible for a woman to get the death penalty?

I can not believe they are doing this to Park, both her mother and father were assassinated serving South Korea when she was a small girl. WOW!!! this is incredible. This is how the NSA and the CIA destabilize governments and ownership interests in global corporations. It's unfuckingbeleiveable how EVIL the (((USA))) is.

We're a secret society of chaos god worshipers. What other place in the world has as many contridictions as us?

And the best is of course J-Rock.

Park's mother was assassinated in the National Theater of Korea, Seoul, by Mun Se-gwang, a Japanese-born Korean, a sympathizer of North Korea and a member of the Chongryon, on 15 August 1974. Park was regarded as First Lady until the assassination of Park Chung-hee, her father, by his own intelligence chief, Kim Jae-gyu, on 26 October 1979.

And they do this to her over a childhood friendship she formed. Unfuckingbeleiveable

She wasnt an SJW, she was an Asian matriarch and there is a big difference. Her rival, Mun Chae In, is a globalist and basically is the Korean version of John Kerry.

im not sure what this all means but its not a victory against SJWs, this is a victory for SJWs.

shamanism isnt even abnormal in S Korea. Their version of thanksgiving is basically a shamanistic ritual.

Willing to put my cash on China. Best K is already a puppet, Worst K utterly femmed/demoralized - femm = anti USA, meaning expulsion of US forces from WK clay.
Have K's shell each other for a few days after US withdrawal -> Chinese stroll in to Normalize the situation; now in control of two vassals - unification optional.
This shit is easier than Prince diff Civ..

Wasn't she the one who implemented retarded policies like fingerprinting everyone and other things to stop wrongthink?
I don't know if we have been rused so far, it's a possibility, but I always thought that President Park was just helping the dystopification of worst Korea.

You're talking to shills

Listen, fag - this is how every IC operates. Judging from how pathetic this "woman" and her "operation" is, it's a new player (China) testing their capabilities. Gotta give the Am spooks more cred than this..

I'm being passive agressive

yes, I know I'm a faggot

I have zero idea what you are referring to about fingerprinting and wrong think. South Korea has long since operated using real ID, even for internet account and it comes from it's historical legacy. The Hopae IS system dates to 1413.

You sound like a (((KIKE))) with your inflammatory nonsensical scare mongering comment

Yeah, they have had mandatory internet ids since the early 2000s though, and go figure it was initially started to combat internet bullying.

i dont know if there is really a good guy in any of this, but she is not the globalist candidate. She is the nationalist and maybe even a bit of a fascist. She is pro Japan/USA, the other guy and party is pro China. Koreans are forever trying to find a balance between radical marxism and all out fascism, its just a country of extremes.

koreans are kind of fucked either way, and fuck me if I can find out what the fuck is actually going on there. i just know we are being fed some bullshit by the media. If this was about anything it would probably be the missile shield.

primarily this ouster started under Obama, that being said. I don't think it is very good policy for the region, peace, the people, or the citizens of the US. If you name ends in stein, child, or soros, then it's probally very very good for you.

this must be the shill trying to impersonate gook user util he appeared and rekt the shill in a debate, fun times
i think it was the last big korea thread we had here
the shill arguments where like this one
"park its a right wing hardcore nationalist, everything she does is for the good of the people, all this mess its fault of the commies, everyone its a commie except park!! and if you say the opposite you are a loonie"

No they don't. The judges are part of the very same elite. All what is happening is that this woman didn't behave the way someone wanted and so they did the old blackmail game. Now she is being replaced by someone who does behave. The same happened in Germany were a key minister was suddenly in the focus after by accident they found cp of young boys on his pc. It's just how the politician caste gets rid of undesirables or rebels. In fact alot of binding agreements are held together with mutual blackmailing 'I have the video of you raping a girl and you have the phone recording of me selling government secrets. If you betray me I will leak your shit and we both go to prison for ever.' it's cold war's MAD

Please Lord, let us find more about the links between Choi and Merkel\Clinton.

I don't celebrate corruption or the consequences of it.
I celebrate God's justice.

You know (((why)))

eh, i mean read closer. i didnt say everything she did was for the good of the people. south korean poitics are hardcore, both parties punish the other and then they punish regions that dont vote for them. She is the anti nationalist candidate though, her opponent is a globalist guy.

This might be the beginning of a drawdown of the US military and a closer relationship with china.

last I checked Korea is number 43 on the worldwide corruption index. It's due to a lot of reasons, but at it's heart it people want money, wealth, power, fame, financial security mostly…… so I'll do this, if you do that…. but not for free.

Clinton arrest when?

They generally do when they date a nigger


South Korea is now 52 so it's considered worse now than a couple years ago

Though she holds responsibility of allowing such bizarre corruption to be brought onto her office and the country, the which shows the reason of all of it portrays her as a naive person who lived through the trauma and being abused and controlled by some ultra Christian cult.

Why am I not surprised? Put that shit after Somalia.

Yeah, President Park's dad was assassinated in 1979


It involves no shaman and its more of a confucian tradition

you might want to do some more research on that. im not flat out saying its a shaman ritual, but there are elements of shamanism that would take place for some families

It seems the shill's argument always falls back on direct comparisons to Park's main political rival whenever he's backed into a corner. It's like he expects people to just ignore the fact that she's thoroughly, categorically fucking corrupt all the implications.

He's easily shot down each and every time, and eventually fucks off, but sure as shit comes back in every new gook thread – drone'ishly spouting off the same formulaic, easily refuted arguments, rinse and repeat.

It's a very strange form of shilling, I don't think he's getting paid much tbqh.

Requesting the source of the music.

your taking an objective opinon and try8ing to make it pro park. thats not what im saying at all, im saying she was the non globalist candidate, she was aso the pro us candidate that would have favored continuing the us military presence. argue all you want, time will most likely show you want hiim talking about

whats your deal anyway? instead of just calling me a shill why not give your opinion too. usa has been importing nothing but degeneracy into s korea for the past 8 years so the country is in a weird place choosing china or the usa as its major partner.

Is that supposed to be a joke?

It's the same argument as "we're sorry to lose Obama; look how bad McCain and Romney are".

It's perception of corruption. High corruption and low perception of corruption means Sweden is totally fucked.

Pic related.

you are making a mistake if you are trying to equate korean politicss with american politics, they are just two different worlds.

korean right wing is corrupt too, they are just stuck in all out war in their country and have been for a while. park is right wing, just research her dad

I know so.
I do this with my family every deathday of our grandparents, great grandparents, and great great grandparents.
If offering food for the dead is shamanistic then all religion is shamanistic.

ok then research the menaing of the word shamanistic and whether or not that would involve offering shit to dead people and asking for their protection and believing its possible to come into contact with them. go ahead and say its just a tradition if you want, but by definition its a shamanistic practice. you seem to understand your holiday but not what the word shamanistic means.

thats the deal with park too, she was using some witchdocotor to communicate with her mother and father.

Yeah thats the part we dont believe in, hence not shamanistic
Thats the raison d'etre for all shamans: communicating with the dead

And that witch doctor Park hung around with is a mix of all major religion + korean shaman syncretism, nothing more.

It's literally LARPing.

I think Goblins are behind the removal of Park from political power.

Koreans like money, and Louis Vuitton

I feel like this is a Jewish smear campaign.

Reminder the CEO of Samsung said something about the Jews and then was arrested like a year later.