’Assad must go’ no more: US gov’t shifts priorities in Syria
’Assad must go’ no more: US gov’t shifts priorities in Syria
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Trump is a isreal shill shill BTFO
Hahaha CIA niggers destroyed.
TOWqaeda dildo shipments not good enough.
since 2011
israel have said assad must go, so they can grab their reich there
Best news this year imo kikes are going to be spending a century (if they last that long) stuck next to a heavily armed, veteran army that just had its country destroyed by kike proxies lmao
I can't even imagine the internal kvetching going on right now. I can't wait for them to fully realize Trump is not their friend.
Between this and the Israeli Kike getting busted for all those bomb threats been a pretty good week.
Has "fucking off forever" crossed anyone's mind?
They just announced new settlements. I saw it literally in the article in the OP. Pic related. What a cohencidence.
Looks like they want that "immediate crisis" Trump warned them about after all.
This is how you deal with kikes. Give with one hand, take with another.
what's the meaning of this meme. I see it everywhere.
This was already posted this morning but for some reason no one gives a shit. This is huge and should get a sticky. I wonder if Trump is still openly showing support for Israel because he is trying to get them to do what he wants via congress and when Trump doesn't get what he wants he slowly starts indirectly pulling away from Israel.
The end of this road is probably the military bases being abandoned around Iran. I bet if they don't raise the debt ceiling there are going to be similar surprises.
Or don't give at all.
Just attach her to a drone.
Nigger detected.
That pisses off leftists just as much, you lala homofaggot. Could you go one autistic day without backseat driving?
Argument D&C incoming to derail thread. Has anyone that actually posts here ever used the phrase "lala homofaggot"?
How have you not? You sound like some tumblrette queer boy.
Trump can pick out a winner from a loser. He knows NATO is a mess and Israel is a big, fat mistake. It's time America sided with the big guys of the world, instead of the CIA. God bless, Trump.
ps can't derail a celebration thread
I just hope it goes hard against CIANigger IS now.
Exactly the pic I was thinking of. I fucking love you guys.
Assad will rise.
As much as I love his normal bantz, I'd love to see stuff like this actually coming from him.
Trips confirm. If dubs, Assad is the Man to Come.
hoping its someone cooler still.
I really hope there is Trump-centric chain email like that out there in the wild.
Good. Hopefully the US helps to crush the terrorists and cianiggers so hezbollah can pick a fight will pissrael again. They're far better equipped compared to '06 and battle hardened. Take it all the way south to tel aviv you inbred retards.
why would they getting rid of them. seems pointless.
Wouldn't even be mad tbh.
Thank god.
That destroys any "greater israel" plans too and means a blow to zionist subversion.
BUT I will say from syrians I know that Assad was a tyrant, regardless of whether he is the "lesser evil" in this case. Assad the person may be ok, but the regime likes to flex and exploit it's muscle.
Woke was an alt-rock term in the 90's. Niggers stole it.
Damn it I wanted the west to kill the Jews once and for all and just for keks nuke Israel so their history and homeland will be lost forever
Lucky for us it is not our problem.
Goddamn it user.
lads, I have some good Assad memes somewhere but my picture folder has become too large and unwieldy. I have to get my shit together. here's this instead
I don't think so Moshe.
nope, fuck off kikes
Don't forget, the quicker they can get this wrapped up, the quicker we can start the push to SEND REFUGEES BACK! The kikes were banking on a Clinton win to continue the war and make the refugees permanent citizens but if the civil war is settled, there is no reason for them not to go home. Eurofags, keep this in your minds.
They are wiping out the farmers of S Africa so the continent starves and they will use this as another excuse to flood us with "refugees".
Most 'refugees' aren't from Syria at all.
Re-posting in this thread as well
Holy fucking shit, a anti-government rebel sympathizer in Aleppo just went full SJW
Jesus fucking Christ, mudslimes even have to be extremists when it comes to being cucks.
The fuck?
Good luck, Assad!
They will just crank up the level of "sad, hungry baby nigger commercials." As long as we keep winning, they won't have the political power by then to force us to accept millions of africans who literally just slit their own providers throats.
They especially need to go back
wtf I love Muslims now.
Just call me Mohamed, I'll be at my prayer mat.
sjws and their degeneracy are a contagion
Many of the "Syrian" refugees get fake Syrian IDs from Jordan or in Syria by the rebels/Nusra
Oyyy veyyy
might just be mental illness without any sjw intention beyond the guy going nuts. This is just too insane.
Glass the region and pick thru the remains.
All Emperor's beside the Golden Don are false idols.
Globalism is dead, Americanism is born.
I guess he realized he was boned.
now it is here
Russia has said no and directly told Israel, Turkey, Golf States and US have no say in Syrian matters. Russia has backed up this claim with military efforts. Naturally, the kikes are kvetching and can't take a no for a answer. The recent new FSA jihadis they trained in Israel and Jordan are already being pulverized.
The turkmenen jihadis from Turkey in Idlib province their frontline got bombed to shit by Russia completely halting their advance and now pushing them back with Iranian, Lebanese, Russian and Syrian troops.
If US doubles down and sends boots on the ground, Russia and Iran will make it a 1980's Afganistan proxy war as a long bloodied drawn out mess. There is no winning this fight, not even for Russia. Even if they do remove ISIS and the jihadi's western backed scum, the country has been knocked back to 1960s standards, while in 2010 it used to be near 2004 western standards.
The kurds are beeing attacked by Turkey, because they think their all PKK terrorists, Turkey has no right to intervene and has violated syrian soil.
Assad is a legitimately elected president, Hillary clinton destroyed half the middle east with her regime changes all at the behest of her (((masters))).
Wikileaks cables about Saudi internal cables proved they must destroy Assad or there will be revenge from the Syrians in the future!
We also know China paid Turkey to deport 400.000 pesky muslims from China and put them in the Euphrates shield area within Syria, basicly scaring away the kurds and replacing the kurdish people with turkmenen. Sunni's replacing Shia's, which is a form of genocide.
Syria is one powder keg waiting to escalate.
How white are Syrians?
What about arabs in general?
On average not very, Alawites and Assyrians are closer to being white but the average Sunni Arab or Kurd is probably a shitskin
Extremely varied, largely "the Arabs" are a cultural group rather than a monolithic ethnic group
Hail Dimebag
Kek will rise again
Alawites (the ruling class) are fairly Mediterranean looking, like Lebbos. The Arab tribalism is what stirred up this shit pot in the first place
That webm is amazing, that fucking bass part too. Assad's the coolest guy.
Is that Morsi in the bottom center of Assad Must Go Curse? Why would he want him to go? Muslim Brotherhood confirmed as Zionist controlled opposition
Love me mum.
The Muslim brotherhood has been the sworn enemy of the Assad family and Syrian Baath party since the early 60s
The Muslim Brotherhood actually has tried to overthrow the Syrian government several times now, most notably in 1982 when Hafez Al-Assad came down on them brutally
except Leafistan rules the north pole
suck it seppos
This makes me glad they were cracked down on in Egypt. I wonder where the Egyptian military and society stand on the Assad issue. Hopefully they've seen through the sectarian bullshit and realize they shouldn't support the rebels simply because their Sunni
Annex Canada, they're not even a real country anyways, lets go full-Fallout
Huh, that's real :
Still, it's vague and part of a corpus big enough that you can find "proof" of anything. Kek digit prophecies are superior, they actually predict the future rather than require the event to happen first so you can find something that sort of matches.
Actually they switched to supporting Assad several months ago and were invited to negotiations for Syria.
Egyptians are mostly Sunni many were converted and they were introduced to Sunni Islam after initially being introduced to Shiite Islam and many actually share a lot of Shiite traditions and holidays and tend to be less fundamentalist than most Sunnis as a result, although ISIS/Salafists are doing everything they can to change this.
You get deported last
In all seriousness, this is great news! Little by little we're winning, and soon enough we will expose our enemies for who (((they))) really are, bring true justice upon them, and save not only our brothers suffering now, but the future of our descendants as well!
It's good that we are putting more priority into figuring out the situation instead of going full Freetard backing up every resistance. Especially considering that's why we have this cluster fuck of a situation in the Middle East.
It's from a very poorly structured and translated phrase on a Japanese t-shirt (checked). Like pic related.
Alawites aren't really a Muslim sect. They've pretended to be through history in order to not get genocided, but their beliefs are secret and they don't take converts. You have to be born into it, which is how they became a distinct ethnic group to begin with. Their actual beliefs appear to have considerable Christian influence and who knows what else.
My mom's bones have probably turned into ash at this point.
Here's another article about the history of the Alawites and their religious beliefs, the author is obviously somewhat biased toward the views of mainstream Islam
Let's help Assad go full Blain against ISIS
Interesting, thanks
If I didn't know this firsthand I wouldn't believe it. Now hoping for Assas-Iran-Hezbollah axis to push back on the eternal jew..
I know they aren't real refugees I just wanted an excuse to keep this in mind.
I want to secure a future, but I also really, really look forwards to DOTR for the people who let these people in
dumping dank assads from my assad folder
Kek celebrates with us!
Immunity cat cannot be negated. Newfags rejoice
do they protect from oaths broken?
Kinda sad how much America under Oblunder invested in ISIS for it amount to nothing except massive debt.
I see deluded idiots on twatter claim it's to avoid the fate of the people who got strucked with the 'Assad must go' curse, stupid excuse to justify their anti-Trump bullshit tbh
pretty much, the oathbreaker thingamajig is equally effective against the mystic jew and their wiccan goyim grunts (i.e. any jew/shabbos goyim who believes in superstitious crap)
that's some wicked photoshop shills u got there rabbi schlomo
step up your game man
my mom is Aryan, you sure you wanna go this route bud?
immunity cat, almost fifteen years later and going just as strong as ever. The alpha and omega, immunity cat.
You mean Kalki, the final avenger, the purger of filth. He comes at to end the Kali Yuga, which is the darkest period of a time cycle.
The muslim brotherhood is the predecessor of al-qaeda and isis, they're the mudslimes who do ALL the aloha snackbaring,takebeering,subhuman activity shit and pro-genocide of non ((muslim)) protests all over planet earth through their saudi/turkroach funded mosques where they secretly preach the saudi version of islam that is wahhabism using saudi-made (read: jewish made) qurans
talking about doing protests that does all the stuff mentioned btw just so to be clear
polite sage
stay woke
You would think that after the whole Afghanistan fiasco where the US funded the Taliban in order to kick the Ruskies out of Afghanistan that they wouldn't do these proxy wars anymore.
Just imagine what long term effects these jihad extremists who are now going underground is going to cause. Europe is going to bear the brunt of it i'm sure. Madrid and London bombings will pale in comparison, the truck attacks are out of desperation. They will organize and plan accordingly. Breivik level of explosions will reign in Europe, it is merely a self fulfilling prophecy. Those who do not protect their borders, do not deserve a nation
Trump can grab any pussy and do as he pleases, faggot.
Immunity cat is null and void next to the power of the God-Emperor
i was expecting something like this
commie bureaucrats like state dept don't care or actually want the repercussions. ak47s for everybody!
He was literally fighting ISIS the whole time. How are you supposed to politely fight them? Sadam did it and Ghadafi did it and the world was objectively more peaceful.
So can someone give me a quick run down of what all this hullaboo about Syria is? The only thing I understood before was that if we instituted a no-fly-zone, we'd be a war with Russia (which Clinton wanted).
Who are these rebels trying to overthrow Assad? Who the hell is Assad I don't know jack-shit about him beyond the fact he's in power in Syria
For investing in ISIS they got Libya and a lot of N Africa radicalized. They got a strong proxy army to fight off other Muslim groups in the ME. They took control of Iraq's oil supply. They almost toppled Syria.
What is this Oblunder shit? What he did with ISIS was intentional and worked to the point where the 2nd most powerful nation on the planet had to show its hand with some of its missile technology.
I dont live in a quality world
got it. Thanks user
Actually that man has been deboned.
We know what that will happen if he go. Look at Libya and niggers went to Europe because he isn't around to block them.
Are you some sort of faggot or something?
fuck you Mossad for making me choose but I can't let my mother sacrifice herself against her will
Let's say "knowing syrians" who say Assad is a tyrant would basically mean they're liberals\pro-FSA (cannibals, work with IS whenever it suits them, force kids to behead prisoners ect..) so yes, he is indeed some sort of faggot with no actual knowledge about Syria or Assad.
President Trump needs to make an official truce with Assad. End Obama's illegal war against Syria once and for all. And if Assad demands that Obama be arrested and extradited to Syria for war crimes, then who are we to deny them justice? Sweet, sweet justice.
Fuk u
Are the replies to made by a bot?
(((1))) with random comments.
proof blessing posts are superior.
this sect has a long history of top-tier bants
holy shit I remember watching this during the weeklong celebration following the election.
Our heroes will never be forgotten. Our graves forever pristine. Our victory is eternal, all we need do is have the courage to claim it.
i still don't know why people from the west like assad. sure syria did nothing wrong, but idolizing assad? he fucking laughed at ghadafi's face when he warned him about everything
Now he knows that Ghaddafi did nothing wrong
They can't stop lying and embellishing for 5 minutes?
Keep in mind those are the Syrians that fled the country. USA has the traitors coming here not the Patriots. Same thing as all the Iranians.
It's like you have never seen pic related.
It was never their homeland to begin with there is no archeological evidence to back up the jew's fairy tales. That piece of land should rightfully belong to Europeans (Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire). jews and their cousins the arabs should be exterminated & removed from the lands they currently occupy.
Not to mention their "claim" the holocaust is horseshit as well.
You spelled "descendants" wrong.
Syrian moderate rebels = Christian murdering Muslim terrorists
Looks like the Saudis and the Jews are going to be steamed…there goes their oil & land grab.
Everyone seems to forget that Alaska is U.S. territory, and closer to Russia than anyplace in Cucknada.
Fucking finally i was tired of every leftard out there being like
Every goddamn time.If-no,WHEN Assad wins this war he will be apsolutely lionized by the Syrian people,there will be no Mossading.
Each time someone tries to Remove Assad he only grows stronger. Shame, I was hoping he would reach Godhood at this rate.
The very nature of Immunity Cat is it's immunity. If it were not immune, it wouldn't be Immunity Cat.
Immunity Dog is a lesser daemon, and it's level of protection from oath-breaking is unclear
Assad should really be アッサド
tbh the error makes it funnier.
Nope, the official transliteration is just that.
Semper Fidelis, gramps
Is that syrianfag still around here? I like his post.
Mom's already fucked to begin with, but i'm not taking any chances
burgers have nothing to do with the civil war.
He has a place in heaven.
Nikki Haley, what is her ancestry?
South Asian Aryan
I remember him, didn't he rip up his Colorado GOP registration after getting replaced as a delegate in the primaries?
god damnit
This, please Kek, THIS!!!
Let us send send our energy.
Thank you for stating what I have long thought, that Obama was using ISIS as a tool to destroy Assad. Obama was one of the most deceitful Presidents we have ever had. But hey, with a lying MSM and a dumbed down population of blue-pilled normies, its easy to be Deceitful. Trump is getting clobbered right now because he is trying to be honest. (((They))) have no respect for honesty and integrity.
Assad is a hero to his people, like Trump is a hero to us. His only sin is that he is not in bed with Israel. Trump should work with him. Fuck the Jews.
wtf i love zionism now
This is why the left cannot win. Seriously, they suck at having sex and having children. That's why they have to keep importing new foreigners.
It's be hilarious if he actually said this, though that kind of message would turn too many normies against him. He could meme in more mild ways.
fuck you nigger
Oh user, why?
You easily led sheep. Loving Zionism now, are we?
Zionists are good now? Jew brainwashing at it's finest.
They claim to want to kill all Jews. False flagging.
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
Skip to 2:38
I am so glad he got rid of that bitch by promoting her to a useless position. Our colors will fly again.
He's suffering to fight against the hordes of mud. If he listened, he wouldn't be in his situation now.
There's a lot of confusion about this and this part of the video is often taken out of context to make Assad look bad
Assad was not laughing at Gaddafi but with him, Assad's speech was up next and he started off by thanking Gaddafi for his speech
This changes everything.
meant for
Yeah, such things can be hard for outsiders to pick up.
fuck you 35dcbc!
Who cares? That's how these countries work.
This was always how I interpreted Assad's laughter at that speech. It was like Assad was going "THE MADMAN" internally for calling out all the sheet wearing camel fuckers for being so etarded. This is mad even funnier as we cut to some retard saudi prince openly picking his nose in the middle of Gaddafi's speech.
y u do dis
Howabout ya go away ya prick
my immunities are negation proof faggot
Kill yourself, Zio-Cuck
Greek island.
In case you guys missed it, McCain and Graham are pissed.
semper fi
The six year Syrian proxy war to dethrone president Bashar al Assad quietly ended with a whimper yesterday when at a news conference in the Turkish capital, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggested the end of Bashar Assad’s presidency is no longer a prerequisite for a way out of the Syrian crisis, in a dramatic U-turn from Washington’s long-held policy.
>“I think the longer term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people,”
said Tillerson at a joint conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevut Cavusoglu on Thursday, AFP reported. Later, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley echoed Tillerson, saying
U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley told a small group of reporters.
U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley told a small group of reporters.
>"Do we think he's a hindrance? Yes. Are we going to sit there and focus on getting him out? No,"
she said.
Under President Barack Obama, the United States made Assad’s departure one of its key objectives. The Syrian armed opposition also insisted upon the longtime leader’s resignation as one of the conditions during the Astana peace talks.
For those unaware, allowing the people of Syria to decide the fate of President Assad has been Russia's stance since the conflict began. Moscow has repeatedly rebuffed any preconditions for Assad to step down before a political settlement of the crisis.
“The UN Security Council resolution and various decisions on Syria, adopted since 2012 with our proactive involvement, contain no demand or hint that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must resign. On the contrary, they say that the people of Syria alone have a right to decide their future, and that the political process should involve all forces of Syrian society without exception, including ethnic, political forces, religious denominations and all opposition groups,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a 2016 interview.
In other words, the entire proxy conflict, with thousands of lives lost, and millions of Syrian immigrants flooding Europe, has been for nothing.
Better yet, we have confirmation that Tillerson's pivot was indeed groundbreaking courtesy of John McCain's reaction. The Senate Armed Services Committee and prominent neocon said in a statement that
>"I am deeply disturbed by statements today by our Secretary of State and Ambassador to the United Nations regarding the future of Bashar al-Assad in Syria."
McCain then slammed Tillerson, saying
The angry neocon continued:
He was not alone: Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham says if reports were accurate,
“I fear it will be the biggest mistake since President Obama failed to act after drawing a red line against Assad’s use of chemical weapons."
He added that
With America's two biggest neocons slamming Trump's Syria reversal, it is safe to say that at least in this particular case, Trump made the right decision.
Fuck off cunt
U wot?
About fucking time, otherwise this would end upo just as another Afghanistan, hell it still might, but at least it could still be solvable with Assad, should everyone decide to leave the area.
Trips confirm.
I hope you get ass raped by a pack of Iranians
Does anyone else find Nikki Haley oddly attractive
Because who was phone
CIAnigger vs disconnected kike shill?
guys they're trying to pin another chlorine attack on Assad…. conveniently right after the Trump administration said that Assad can stay…
Sorry bout that
http ://archive.is/svfYX
Serious question, did Trump actually take a stand against the UN?
There's no a single week that go by without some terrorist group claiming Assad is using chemical weapons. It gets worse when they suffer important defeats (like right now with Northern Hama).
When you investigate you usually find it's one "IS doctor" on twitter making claims he can't back up.
There's not*
I just saw a real tearjerking item on the news. Narrative is, as expected, Assad and the regime used it before, some earlier attacks were mentioned, insinuating Assad was behind them. Russia can't be trusted.
It makes absolutely no sense to do these kind of attacks, but muh poor children will make any kind of rational discussion impossible.
Anybody have info about that one attack that they tried to pin on Assad. UN investigated and then was dropped from the news because rebels did it.
You mean Kali, or Kalki?
The Britam leaks are going to be the most use for that, turns out not only did the rebels use chemical weapons, we supplied them through mercenaries.
fuck liberal cucks
mixed messages:
"Today, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley dialed that change back quite a bit, insisting that “Assad is always a priority,” and that the US wants to see him changed as a war criminal. She also dismissed the idea of Assad participating in future elections, insisting that the Syrians “don’t want” Assad anymore.
This may result in the US policy change being a distinction without a difference, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s call to respect the will of the Syrian people doesn’t count for much if it is the Trump Administration themselves who get to decide what the Syrian people’s will is."
And now they're blaming Assad for the chemical attack. Mmmm.
Even all the normies on my kikebook are calling bullshit on the chemical attack, or they don't care. This thing stinks to high hell.
This entire attack has false flag written all over it.
Besides, why would Assad do this when he's winning?
Can't read terrorist.
Oh look at that
The famous Turkish/UK/US-backed White Helmets rescuers/part-time jihadist executioners are making a come back. They made it to the "site of the attack" and made a nice little photo shoot. They got plenty of gear and training on how to handle chemical attack victims but they're not wearing gloves to treat alleged Sarin victims?
Looks like they want another Oscar.
How stupid do these people think we are?
No, he didn't you fucking gullible moron. That one web, you found your judgment on is edited. The laughing is not during Ghadaffi's speech, but at a different time in the session.
Another? I hope this is a joke.
That's fucking rich coming from McCain the Insane. I think a lot of people working against the movement could be redirected towards other purposes, but someone like this? I see no use for him whatsoever.
link? it should be an habit to also post a link to the Tweet not just post a screencap
Exactly, Assad doesn't seem to have much, if anything to gain by doing a chemical weapons attacks now, even less so when Obongo chalked his red line on the ground in the rain. Conventional bombing has been incredibly effective so far, obviously since he's winning, why bother changing now?
Obongo's red line seemed more like theater, considering how soon after the chemical attack happened. He's a good actor, I'll give him that.
It is a joke and not a good one.
This guy's not even wearing a mask
>turkroaches prepare their greatest military invasion since Cyprus in order to remove kurds from Iraq for as long as ISIS still remains to scapegoat a wide scale ethnic cleansing
At least we now know who what the motive for the sarin gas attack.
I believe he was being ironic fam 😂
but it's not jan 20th
This is the litmus test for Trump.
We know what's really going on, but the question is - does he know?
Is the reason he attacked syria because he was told only info from (((government informants)))?
Then we need to show him this and ask "do you really trust the info they give you?"
I mean ffs, they literally condemned russian hackers when they were the CIA all along.
So this will test Trump's true nature.
Oh for god sake, now I think this is more chess.
It's like he's trying to confuse everyone again.
When did he attack Syria?
I meant verbally.
No more war in the middle east.
Go away dude
The thing is, if Trump does in fact know that it's a false flag (he has to, considering Don Jr. watches right wing social media), he would have nothing to gain from calling it out immediately. He's in a much stronger position if his opponents don't know that he knows, or if his opponents think they've successfully played him. Always appear to know less than you know. This strategy is what won him the election.
I'm hoping he goes into pic related mode, so the liberals start shouting "Stop the War", while he goes "But you wanted this!"
I don't give a fuck about Assad, I don't care what the fuck he's doing over there as long as he's not bothering the US. The fucking kikes don't like that though, they want the US to go to war with Syria on their behalf, just like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc etc. Same reason they're trying to push us into war with Iran.
Assad = A God
I personally refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of Canada
I fucking love Assad, basedness time tested