These fucking kikes think outing a LEGAL source is fair game but the illegal intelligence community leaking info of illegal tapping is sacred. Absolute farce we are in.
And now the gloves finally come off. Thanks for the casus belli, journokikes.
This guy nailed it yesterday.
If this is true King Nigger is getting grabbed by SEAL Team 6 out of Polynesia. We're in for some serious shit. Leftists might even activate sleeper cells. Hope you've got enough ammo.
Someone spell it out for a retard in a hurry. Is Obongo going to prison?
Democrats have to go to jail. That is the only way to fix this country.
Cohen-Watnick is a Torah believing Jew, not the Kabbalah or Talmud kind. He still held Flynn's vision of destroying the CIA, (A Washington consultant told Politico that Cohen-Watnick and Flynn “saw eye to eye about the failings of the CIA human intelligence operations,” and that the “CIA saw him as a threat, so they tried to unseat him and replace him with an agency loyalist.”) McMaster blaster wanted him gone because he is a neocon shill that is under the care of his handler, John Bolton. Kushner wanted to get rid of him, Bannon wanted to keep him on and told him to seek Trump's council. He did and Trump kept him on for his loyalty and information. Though I would never fully trust him, he did nothing wrong in this case and appears to be a patriot.
This is their argument.
No. They can't be left alive.
Maybe. Depends on how much pressure can be applied to him
Can someone explain this shit? I'm so confused, is this a good thing or bad thing? Was Nunes getting fed false info by jew in the intel community or is this confirmation that the surveillance info is true?
this, OP is a shill.
He was briefed everyday (the PDB is the most top secret document in intelligence) the on goings of the Trump campaign using illegal surveillance while campaigning for hillary…so ya
He actually set everything up so that it was all legal. At least I think so. The unmasking of the names and the leaks are illegal, but King Nigger can say he dindu nuffin illegal. He's allowed to unmask and leak whatever I believe.
It's neither good nor bad really. Exposing Nunes' sources really means nothing as far as I can tell.
we'll be fine
Pretty sure both will have a heart attack soon. Or exploding car…
The jew in question is just a necessary evil we'll have to use against the (((shadow gov't))). Him getting his name aired out to the msm just means (((they))) are scared of it coming apart. If he get gets killed, it just strengthens our anti-cia narrative even more.
There is no such thing as a good jew.
But that doesn't preclude the strategic option of letting some jews falsely believe they can avoid the gas chambers by spilling the beans on other jews.
if this guy gave Trump access to Obongo PDBs this is very very good
This is fucked
This is the legal channel for whistleblowers and the NYT is outing people?
First of all the NYT times went out of business, its now just a propaganda arm for Carlos slim. which really should wake people up to what just happened
using the jew against jew to further our own methods is always welcomed, literally jewing the jews
Remember when NYT leaked stuff together with Wikileaks a few years back? Nowadays, when they don't get exclusive access before anyone else anymore, WL is suddenly evil and controlled by the Russians…
Well they are the NYT in name only now. They've lost half their readers in the last 8years, most of the owners took the sweetheart deal from carlos slim and got out, They've lost most of their staff from 6 years ago.
Its not the NYT's
Don't they now share an office with buzzfeed or something similarly humiliating?
from what I understand they sold their building and now they rent a couple floors
For all of the retards asking what this means
First, a brief summary.
Trump is currently at war with the deep state as far as we can tell. The deep state includes organizations such as the CIA, NY Times, Wash Post, DNC partisans and establishment neocons. When Trump appointed Micheal Flynn to his position in January, he was a direct threat to deep state activities across the planet, including wars in the middle east (Syria/Iraq through FSA/ISIS), drug running (Sinaloa Cartel), and human trafficking (Pizzagate/pedowood).
Using their intelligence publishing houses (NY Times and Wash Post), the other factions of the deep state, principally the CIA, unmasked and leaked info previously obtained through wiretap of Trump's transition that resulted in the firing of Micheal Flynn. Micheal Flynn still had some loyalists in place that he left behind, while McMaster (neocon) wanted to replace all of them, some were kept on by Trump.
This is where the new info comes in.
One of these Flynn loyalists was Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who obtained info about the wiretaps and the illegal unmasking of Micheal Flynn by the deep state. He told Trump, who then devised a plan to eliminate portions of the deep state through a mass controversy. The plan was to get the House and Senate intel committee to expose this illegal unmasking, and Cohen-Watnick reached out to Nunes with the same proof he showed Trump. Nunes, perhaps alarmed at the depth of the unmasking, went to the WH, who already knew. The CIA/deep state sensed this was happening and used their intelligence publishing house (NY Times) to publish Cohen-Watnick's identity, in order to discourage other leakers.
Now, what to expect.
1) Keep an eye on Cohen-Watnick. The deep state is ruthless and my try to destroy the man through their mass media. If that doesn't work, direct action is a possibility.
2) The dems will now try to uncover additional sources in an attempt to intimidate them. They will also try to destroy Nunes in order to stop the investigation.
3) If anything happens to either Nunes or his sources, Trump must interpret this as an act of war and fire back. We can help by IDing and doxing NY Times and Wash Post personnel, while feeding false info to deep state intel arms in order to slow them down.
Now due to the nature of this whole thing, I can't say any of this with certainty, but the above is what it looks like to me.
They both work for the deep state, so it isn't surprising.
Basicly they are now a company without any assets, owned primarily by one rich mexican billionaire
Ezra Cohen-Watnik is a friend of Michael Finn's, and had access to the presidential daily briefings. If anything contains actionable proof of Obama spying on Trump, it would be these. That means that these documents are almost certainly unique in that they contain evidence that can actually put Obama and a lot of his goons in prison.
H.R McMaster tried to fire him when it became clear that the democrats couldn't keep Trump's DNI appointee, Dan Coats, from assuming his position and allowing Nunes access to the briefs that Watnik told Nunes/Bannon/Trump about. Bannon and Jarod Kushner inform Trump of this and Trump overrules H.R McMaster. Nunes is finally able to look at the briefings and shares the information with President Trump. He has not yet shared this info with the House Intelligence Committee.
The Democrats were trying to pressure Nunes into revealing too much information about the briefs to the House Committee to torpedo his investigation for not following proper protocol; it didn't work. The briefs can only be viewed in a secure location in the West Wing, they cannot be viewed in a committee in Congress, that's how classified the documents are. They've also cancelled all meetings of the House Committee for this week so Nunes doesn't have a forum to reveal his findings while they run damage control. They're ramping up their Russia rhetoric and this is the likely reason why the shilling has gotten so bad around here in the past couple days. Nunes is currently trying to determine which agency was doing the spying. The NSA is cooperating while the CIA is not, which is quite telling.
Of course leave it the (((media))) to go out of their way to sabotage an investigation because they're afraid of the result. They'll call it liberty of the press.
sorry. i hate the show now but it's fully programmed my brain
We'll see, son. We'll see.
checked for being deeply informative
yay, surprise.
Trump wants to nail Comey so Nunes is not gonna reveal anything because he wants Comey on record withholding/manufacture evidence first.
Slate and the Washington Post share an office in NYC. Same address. For all your one stop PRANKS visit them there.
It's absolutely fucking ridiculous that the current president was not allowed to view PRESIDENTIAL BRIEFINGS. They were withholding information from Trump, but allowing King Nigger and Hillary and her fucking aides to see it.
I don't know what Trump is waiting for but it's time to start hanging people from lampposts.
checked. thanks for the info
The true beauty of this, is the fact that it is indeed a jew. Accusations of anti semetisism have a very hard impact in the jew stream media.
I think the gloves have been off for a long time, since before Trump took office. The MSM is doing everything it can to hurt Trump. Their goal is obviously to see him impeached.
Why is that faggot drinking while making a video? He drinks more than Red Letter Media does in a parody video.
I think user meant for normalfags on their way to being redpilled. The kikes have had their gloves off along with those who oppose them.
so in other words, its happening
Damn. Well said.
I am really hoping that once all this fake Russia shit blows over Trump rehires Flynn. The crying from the deep state would be epic.
It's also the Democrats and the GOPe's goal also.
even (((bloomberg))) can't shoot down the authenticity. trump is offering to show them to any lawmakers
The cognitive dissonance ITT is delicious.
I'm sure it is Holla Forums. how about you project some more you stupid nigger
really? how is that nigger?
So basically the house intelligence chairman is somehow a good guy and the Deep State is most likely fucked?
Those stopped existing when the Second Temple was destroyed. They either became Christians (and likely got murdered by the Pharisees) or signed up for (((Rabbinic Judaism))).
Don't Orthodox Jews really hate Israel because some prophecy?
This reads that the jew was on our side and against CIAniggers.
Take a step back from all this minutia and just process the fact that the last 50 years of kike government has created a modern parallel to the scheming and backstabbing of Rome. Historically there's only two ways out of this, irrelevance or empire. Hopefully Trump finds a third option, but I guess we can just sit back and enjoy the show for now.
I'd love to say "yes," but my cynical side won't allow me to. I know I'd love to see him and his blonde co-conspirator swing for treason, though.
Kek smiles upon this solid assessment.
There are too many loose ends and Trump has all the power to put pressure on certain people. The time right now is the calm before the storm, heads will roll 100%.
fuck yes!
Your digits of negation speak truth.
Israeli culture generally shits upon the highly-orthodox and portrays them as free-loaders and spongers because they refuse to work except for studying Torah, have massive families who think the same as them, and have negotiated exemption from military service. These people only see legitimacy for creating Israel in (as yet) unfulfilled prophecies, and some will argue that jews bought the Shoah on themselves.