Again, this is not speculation. The successful execution of this plan has
been tested ion the real world - and it works. The scenario I have outlined
exactly fits with the documented record of the events.
Once the sheeple factor sets in, everyone is chanting "what about the
people who saw it ? " without ever bothering to check what those people
actually did report. And if they do check, the numbers of reports are not
high enough to inflict major damage on the official story. What little there is
overwhelmingly supports something other than a big jet, but there wasn't
enough time to gather enough numbers for this to be a significant evidence
factor. And as for the ordinary person on the street - most of them would be
easily convinced that they just didn't see it properly. Some might have
lingering doubts or suspicions, but would be quickly silenced by ridicule and
denial from the overwhelming pressure of the TV footage, and the whole
world trying to convince them that they just didn't see it properly. Most
would eventually come to believe that themselves.
So - that problem is easily dealt with. No cover story solves everything, and
doubtless there are still some mutterings of doubt and suspicion amongst
some people who were there, but it isn't enough to cause a serious
Now to the other problem.
Someone might look at the videos and see what's really there. Which is
exactly what Rosalee has done. And people just go into mind controlled
denial. The alternative media is flooded with endless debunkers. The perps
knew our collective psychology well. They certainly wouldn't be happy with
the groundswell of awareness which Rosalee has kick-started, but it looks
very manageable compared to the problems I'm about to outline with the
strategy of using real jets.
Again, this is not speculation. The way that both of these problems have
been handled has been tested in the real world, fits exactly with the
documented record, and the fact that I am even needing to write this, 3
years after Rosalee first busted the video evidence, is testimony to how
wisely the perps judged the choice of strategy.
Now lets look at the other choice - using real jets.
This immediately splits into two sub-choices 1) Pilot them with suicide pilots
2) Remote control them.
The problem with the first choice is obvious and I think most people on this
list have already accepted the absurdity and the monstrous difficulties of
such a scenario, so I won't go into them here.
Remote control.
Before addressing the problems with that, the scenario splits into more -
1) Hijack a real flight with real passengers aboard. 2) Launch a plane from
somewhere else and pass it off as a real flight.
Basically, the choices here split into the option of crashing a plane with
passengers aboard or with no passengers aboard. Both possibilities create
potentially insurmountable problems in the cover up - and a reduced
likelihood of the crash being successfully targeted to begin with.
Let's look at the latter problem. While it's certainly feasible to remote control
a large jet into the towers, it's a high precision targeting job for an aircraft
with very limited maneuverability. There's a significant risk that the plane
won't hit its target properly. That it will hit some other building, just clip its
wing on the tower and crash into the streets or cause a cascade of damage
on other non targeted buildings, miss altogether and finish up in the
Hudson, still reasonably intact - all kinds of risks.
Whatever the calculated likelyhood of a successfully targeted crash, it
would have to be significantly lower than that of a missile or blobs- thing,
which is specifically engineered for such precision strikes.
Even the smallest increase in risk of the target not being hit properly would
be completely unacceptable, given the easily manageable nature of any
problems associated with the alternative scenario.
And missing the target is only the beginning of the problem. What about the
aftermath ? Once it misses the target, there's a significant risk that the
aircraft may crash in such a manner that it's reasonably intact. Rescue
workers and emergency services who are completely innocent of the scam,
and ordinary people wanting to help out are going to reach the wreckage
before any perpsters, given that where it crashed couldn't be foreseen.