europeans fish them out of the sea and bring them to the mainland, for no reason.
europeans fish them out of the sea and bring them to the mainland, for no reason.
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What's with shitskins and their blaming others for their problems?
it's "da racist whitey"'s fault for not providing with enough preparations for the future.
Except it's always niggerskin's fault as they're their problems they don't solve for themselves because they were born that way.
They're retarded in an individual, cultural, and sociological level. They are a doomed species who can't do nothing but be parasites.
Yes blame whitey, surely your own people aren't the problem.
… How about WE come to Africa, take over and give you jobs? We get to profit massively off of all your resources as well as enjoy your lands of endless bounty and beautiful animals; and you get to live decent lives where muslims cannot push you around and where niggers and authority are firmly kept away from one-another. Alternatively we could just wipe you out.
Imperialism really is the most altruistic option. It's win-win. As soon as people see through the lie of 'equality' this becomes obvious - really we need to start pushing Imperialism as a way to fix the rest of the world.
They are not wrong. It was French government, backed by CIA and Mossad. And half of these "rebels" weren't even Libyans. Never forget that Qaddafi was a saint and was killed because he fought the jewish banks.
is that coded speech for cocaine addict?
Good post actually. But as you know, we already tried that and that made them just as upset as they are now. Better to gas them all, or wall them off in their own lands.
Odd thing to focus on, idiotic shill
hello mahmoud
Ooooh so now niggers, world famous for their diligence and ambition, are coming to Europe because of jobs…That's a new one, I thought it was because of muh colonialism?
Nice fake quote. Confirmed for a kike.
He was a communist mudshit who supported the IRA. Might have been good for his own nation but calling him a 'saint' (which means Christian) is utterly retarded.
Why not put things in context?
"Gaddafi: Europe will 'turn black' unless EU pays Libya £4bn a year" news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/7973649/Gaddafi-Europe-will-turn-black-unless-EU-pays-Libya-4bn-a-year.html
1. He had direct democracy and always promoted freedom
2. He was an nationalist, that's why he supported nationalist movements like IRA
3. He fought against the Jewish world banking and globalism and was close to winning.
You didn't even read his "green book".
Remember, anyone disliking Qaddafi is a kike. That's the best kike detector there is.
Gaddafi probably cared more about the survival of whites than kikes and shitlibs though. He never advocated for white genocide, but our current leaders do.
he bribed tribal hajis not to start civil wars all the time.
this shows how nationalist they were.
libya is an artificial state drawn up by europeans.
what governs in libya is islam not nationalism.
it always has been this way.
he was a delusional sociopath punching way above his belt.
the nigger warning and al qaeda were not him trying to be a nice guy.
it was him threatening europeans.
he funded haji terror across the globe.
Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi[b][c] (/ˈmoʊ.əmɑːr ɡəˈdɑːfi/; About this sound audio (help·info); c. 1942 – 20 October 2011), commonly known as Colonel Gaddafi, was a Libyan revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He governed Libya as Revolutionary Chairman of the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 to 1977 and then as the "Brotherly Leader" of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1977 to 2011.
As we saw above Gadaffi became leader in Libya in 1969. At the exact same time the IRA had a split.
The Official IRA (OIRA), the remainder of the IRA after the 1969 split with the Provisionals; was primarily Marxist in its political orientation. It is now inactive in the military sense, while its political wing, Official Sinn Féin, became the Workers' Party of Ireland.
The Provisional IRA (PIRA) broke from the OIRA in 1969 over how to deal with the increasing violence in Northern Ireland. Although opposed to the OIRA's Marxism, it came to develop a left-wing orientation and increasing political activity.
I'm not sure if "I will only not do your bidding regarding flooding Europe with mudshits if you pay me" is exactly fighting them. Seems like he's actually making a point about NOT fighting them, and instead just blackmailing whitey? … Although yeah, he probably did hate jews. But lots of people hate jews. Believe it or not the saying; 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' is not a good way to see the world; especially when two of Europe's enemies dream of conquering the entire planet and either slaughtering us all or turning us into their slaves.
… I think both of them will remain my enemy, and I'll rely on good old Christians and the Men of the West to overcome the Dark Hordes and their demonic puppet-masters. Jump in a fire you saracen-sympathising rodent.
He didn't bribe them. He gave them the profit the government made from their native lands. As it should be.
The nigger warning was the truth. Libya had open borders with the whole Africa, so the only thing keeping them away from Europe were Qaddafi's border patrols. Now they are gone.
Never happened, Shlomo.
Yeah true, but "europeans" in this case are kikes, because the kikes are running the show. It's not like he would be pulling that shit if Hitler was in charge.
Nice logic lad.
Libyans aren't black, those darkies are Sub-Saharan Africans who are pretending to be Libyan refugees to get into Europe.
The Libyan and Syrian instigated wars pissed me off big time, then the rapefugee gates opened and now the constant shilling for more to come…
He didn't. Berlusconi was paying Gaddafi to keep the migrants in his country. And it worked.
He even said he was the last wall between millions of immigrants and the west. I guess they took his word for it.
He's threatening Europe because kikes are in charge. That's the only point.
Catch and release fishing is disgusting, you hook them, pull up, and hit to the head couple of times
You have to realize that ALL MUSLIMS WANT TO ESTABLISH A GLOBAL CALIPHATE. Qaddafi was trash because he was muslim, but at least he ran a semi civilized country.
How is it a threat against the kikes when he was doing exactly what the kikes wanted? You do realise they WANT to flood us with subhumans, right? Hence the whole 'diversity is strength' thing. Hence the whole shipping niggers into America thing. Hence the whole being a 'nomadic people' and thus wanting to be welcome everywhere and anywhere? Hence the whole 'America is a melting pot' thing? Hence the whole twisted relationship kikes have had with slavery for their entire existence?
Kikes don't care about preserving Europe in the slightest. To them a mixed people is easier to control. Have you even read the protocols?
We say blackmail but Gadaffi claimed he needed the money to hold back the hoards. Either way they should have paid the man. It would have been better than the alternative.
I don't know because that's not what I meant. I will re-type what I said so you can read it again.
He's threatening Europe because kikes are in charge.
He's threatening Europe
because kikes
Surely a better way to threaten kikes would be to threaten Israel? If you're trying to say that he was tell us Europeans to remove the kikes or else face subhuman invasion; how exactly is demanding we give him money whilst never mentioning kikes or their rulership, doing that?
the op video
are you illiterate?
So he is threatening Europe because kikes are in charge of Europe. Yes, I gathered that is what you are saying. Well done.
To make an effective threat you have to be able to do something to someone that they would rather you did not do. You threaten to do this thing they do not want unless they do something else that you want.
In this case he wants money and then he'll keep the subhumans out of Europe. There is a good reason for why Europeans do not want subhumans in Europe; damage to society, culture, blood, prosperity and so on. What are the reasons that the Kikes do not want the subhumans in Europe? … As far as I can tell Kikes WANT them here, so Gaddaffi is making an absolutely terrible 'threat' because his threat is actually the desire of the Kikes, which is likely why they never made an effort to pay him.
… Alternatively you want me to believe that he is threatening us Europeans BECAUSE we have kikes ruling over us. In other words he is trying to 'blackmail' Europeans into getting rid of the Kike rulers, because he does not like the Kike rulers. Now here's the important bit. How exactly is threatening to flood us with immigrants unless we pay him the same as threatening to flood us with immigrants unless we remove the jews in charge? It's illogical. It's even more illogical because he was in contact with the leaders who by your assumption he knows are all jews. So he's threatening Europeans by making demands of jews that the jews will never do because his 'threat' only actually causes damage to Europeans (which is something the jews want)?
This is mostly revisionism (not calling you out, just saying from the people who created this consensus). Many black people looked at white rule as positive, before they were encouraged to think otherwise. Arabs are a different story, but then there's that retarded religion of them.
They are from the tribe of Ham in my assumption. No matter where it is in the world, all the same. I feel sorry for gentleman such as Pastor Manning. Unlucky guy to be born in his skin.
Nigerians are the sketchiest nogs out of all of them. Trust anons when they say it.