I saw this this morning. Apparently it's a app that puts you in touch with the worst kind of human being… A leftist that drinks Starcucks coffee. Your reward is a cup of shit coffee.
The potential for lulz seems amazing.
I saw this this morning. Apparently it's a app that puts you in touch with the worst kind of human being… A leftist that drinks Starcucks coffee. Your reward is a cup of shit coffee.
The potential for lulz seems amazing.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds like a good way for leftists to create their own lists of who disagrees with them.
I guess you have to sign up with goybook. If you're from Holla Forums and are using goybook with your real name and information, you are wrong.
But I think it's a great way to at least practice your arguments against people who should be really easy to defeat. These are normies who have probably never investigated immigration or race outside a classroom.
Of course, practice good opsec. Its a good way to practice your arguments and find out what works and doesn't work. Or of course you could just troll them to death.
Why should i wanna talk to strangers?
To troll them for lulz.
no problem tbh
They will receive a lower base loyalty from their consumer base politically shifting, and expend lots of resources granting free coffee in which the recipient doesn't even drink so he isn't even inclined to purchase more.
They're committing suicide.
What kind of loser are you to be bought off by a cup of burnt coffee?
All apart of ending White genocide
After their backlash for being cucks it sounds like now they're trying to be civil, this will probably trigger libs more than it will the other side because they don't want civil discourse or to be nice, they'll blame starbucks for "normalizing fascism" or whatever marxist terminology they usually use.
Yes, seriously. Sign up as leftists, American posters. NOW.
All of their political posturing can't be good for their bottom line. What is their corporate leadership thinking? Why wouldn't they want to separate their political activism from their corporate brand?
But it's still current year! It says so on the old white board in the boss' conference room. Hillary will def be the next president, it's gonna be awesome.
Sounds like a good way to be recorded and framed for hate speech. Don't forget to take some honey with your pot of coffee.
No, pretend to be an anti-gay muslim, anti-freedom commie, or a subhuman (hispanic/nigger/jew/etc.) aggressively looking for quick free coffee that doesn't want to talk.
Smart blacks should meet up with leftists using stolen phones and mug them haha
yea, they don't make the rules anymore, not even for a shitty cup of overpriced coffee
I find it funny that Starcucks went from basically, "punch a Nazi in the face" to "hey, let's talk about this, you guise" in a matter of weeks. Shows you who is winning the culture war.
I assume they don't want to be the next Macy's.
The only race that would demand something as petty as a free coffee and then actually go online to do something for it would be a kike.
Never underestimate the cheapness of a kike. Niggers and spics would just demand it from the government or rob whites if they really wanted it.
That's a good way to get punched in the face.
Or atleast it used to be when men were men and minded their own business.
Might be a nice counter-campaign/hashtag to record pouring the free coffee out after you bury these cucks in debate. Imagine hundreds of people doing it.
Keep telling yourself that.
They took a big hit with conservatives with their pro refugee hiring statements so now they are trying to get conservatives back in the doors. Or something. I don't think they realized. There was actually quite a few conservatives that got Starbucks before they started getting all political in the first place. So going in with another political stunt probably isn't the best idea. But I guess the upper management is obsessed with politics or something.
You're a fucking faggot. You don't deserve to be white.
Might is Right
Even free Starbucks is still utter shit.
from another thread 8ch.net
nice compendium of arguments, but you will have to engineer your own rhetoric placement of them
and a good serie of articles explaining how to do so
Lets not forget they might also just think this kind of stunt is a good way to get a lot of free advertising. They were in the news a lot back in the current year for writing BlackLivesMatter on their cups and then they were in the news again a lot for the hiring refugees pledge (although that one really hurt the brand and the CEO had to step down to a lower ranked position) and I guess they figure they will be in the news again a lot this time again, but instead its like hey guiseee (conservatives, i guess) we just want to talk. We're cool, really!
Holla Forumsacks should all sign up as leftists and then go full cultural marxist on unwitting cuckservatives to push them further right. You can also pretend to be a jew and brag about jewish superiority.
Agreed. Obviously nobody would do it for the coffee. But it is important that you go get the free coffee and pour it out. I am not sure if it's just a regular coffee or if it's one of their specialty faggot coffees, but I would get the most expensive coffee and pour it out if they allow you to get the double mocha espresso with a pound of sugar topped with poz cum or whatever they do to their coffee to make it so expensive. Hurt their profits if possible.
This is going to go super badly for them.
Starbucks thinks the Left has the higher, more moral, more reasoned argument, when in fact they just have the more hysterically emotional one.
Don't touch the coffee or let it make contact with your skin. Always handle with proper safety gear when around such poison.
Reminder that hate speech is not a real crime.
Is it even written in the law in americuck countries?
Hatespeech is tricky. I don't see anyone being able to be arrested.
We do have HateCrime laws, but nothing we say here can get you prosecuted in America. Just don't make death threats and you should be good to go.
You can be arrested for what they call 'terroristic threats'. But most speech is fine.
Sounds good to me.
Starbucks tastes like cigarette ashes smell, I can't understand drinking it. Ignoring that they're leftist kikes, does anyone here like the taste?
Good chance they will use facial recognition and record the conversation.
There's people who have no taste in coffee. I don't drink it, but a friend of mine does. His comments on the coffee I drink are "Man, this is *really* coffee-ey" and "How do you drink that without the creamer" and so on and so forth.
I bet the coffee itself is shit, but the things they add in make it taste less bad. Since these are people who think coffee tastes bad anyway, they're not the type to worry, I would bet.
Pretty much this. Making threats of violence or inciting others to violence is a crime.
It's time for you to act.
Remember fake identity, VPN, no ID on you.
wew, reminds me of the commies that drink coca-cola and wear converse or any famous brand shoes.
i have never drank starshits coffee, wouldn't know, unlike some commies in my uni, you always see them with a starshits coffee on, kek
Don't forget Che shirts from GAP and H&M.
I only drink coffee from beans I grind myself and use a French press.
If your coffee needs cream and sugar and a scoop of ice cream on top, then you're either a faggot!who doesn't actually like how coffee tastes or you buy shitty coffee. In either case, you should stop drinking coffee. You should stop drinking it because now the entire coffee drinking world has to cater to your faggotry.
Ethiopian coffee is best, tbh fam.
It's genuinely awful.
You'd be better off getting the cheapest instant coffee you can find in the market on the poor side of town.
Liberals and conservatives are both on the opposite side of the Holla Forums political spectrum.
I went to a starbucks lately to use the wifi and all their ad and promo stuff is pro-military families right now. I think they realized how hard they fucked up, I heard that business fucking cratered for them after the "10,000 refugee hiring" bullshit.
Starbucks covers the ashy taste with loads of sugar and cream, so it's not like the quality of their coffee matters anyway.
Starting trolling them with basic facts, especially about race vs crime vs income, and Bernie. You can mention of Bernie gutted the audit the fed bill, giving allowing corporations to use the fed to control monetary policy in their favour.
You could also appeal to their love of sand niggers by pointing out how Israel fucks them over. Leftists are starting to hate Jews since they're "hu-wite" and reap massive amounts of Jewish privilege. When everyone hates the kikes, they lose. Leftists and Holla Forums unite to remove Juden? Step one. Step two: remove leftists and niggers. Step three: 4th Reich.
Sounds like a great thing to combine with the Dilbert Merchant's guide for removing anti-Trump brainwashing (written before the election, but still effective):
I'm autistic, but I also want free coffee
How should I go about this?
Just a reminder… Redpilling just one person is a great thing. I think most people forget that redpills beget redpills.
Knowing leftists, they can never shut up about something new they think they've discovered. They will go on to redpill more and more. Redpilling is more like a virus.
You might have just redpilled the next Hitler. Or he may go on to redpill 100 more people. It's viral and all it takes is one person to spread it like Ebola. Be the Ebola you wish to see in the world.
never drank their coffee by itself. i remember one time getting a steamed chai tea with like 4 shots of espresso in it, and that sent me through the fucking roof. tasted like battery acid, felt like meth. and it was probably like 10$ but i wasnt paying, so fuck it.
blogging aside, this is a terrible move for leftists. go ahead, give a bunch of national socialists some stimulants and a cuck-whipping-post to lash his tongue out at. im sure THAT wont backfire and lead to said cuck whipping boy crying and getting a bunch of hot coffee tossed on his face after he attempts to win an argument for 20 mins with circular logic.
the problem with "reaching out to the other side of the aisle" is that both sides of the aisle are so inherently divided, that no matter how correct any argument is, neither side will believe the others argument. our ideologies are so opposed that facts to one side is faux to the other. we really are MGS2 now
Pretty sure this is done online. Just don't spill any spaghetti. Stick to things they can digest. Once they understand that you have good points based in fact, they will embark on their own journey. Unless they're fucking retarded. In that case, just try not to go full RWDS and you'll probably get your free pisswater.
Trips of truth. Same here. I grind locally roated beans every morning and use a french press. I lean more towards Guatamalan and other light roasts.
I'm not a coffee purist though. I add a little grass fed Guernsey whole milk.
Women show their tits for 5 cent plastic beads.
I think lefties are almost at the "literally shaking" stage. They fear the nationalist and they are right to.
Good trigger questions: Is multiculturality also for Israel? In every OECD country men do more work than women, isn't it right men make more money? Since the beginning of islam, it has constantly attacked agains everybody else, christians, buddhists, hindus, jews, how is it religion of peace? Why only whites are not allowed to be proud of race, even if the whites are the only race ever fighting a war to end slavery, and have invented all (ridiculous) human rights? Why lesbian couple is the most violent family type? and so on..
How does Guatamalan and Ethiopian coffee compare to Columbian coffee in taste and strength?
We call that shit "coffee water" where I am from. It is term from WWII when coffee was rationed and hard to come by.
Ethiopian coffee is very "bright" tasting, for lack of a better word to describe it. You can taste citrus, lemony type undertones. And it's actually exaggerated enough for even coffee novices to taste it. It's simply wonderful.
Ethiopian is in the middle as far as strength goes.
Guatemalan is good, also a bit on the light side and good Colombian is strong to me.
The other coffee that I love is Jamaican Blue Mountain. You'll have to try it. It's my #2 after the Ethiopian.
Light roasts have more caffeine content. The darker roasts burn off some caffeine during roasting.
I feel like Guatamalan is smooth, more subtle with a low acidity.
Ethiopian has a bite and strong good flavor.
Columbian is bold yet smooth.
Also, I just want to say that Seattle-style coffees are garbage. I believe they roast them a little too much and you end up with a cup of shit. I never understood how Seattle became the coffee capital of the US when Austin and even the Kentucky kettle coffee tastes much better.
What's the problem here?
Thanks for the rundown fam.
Both sound like they're worth trying.
lel, so that one time I bought a bag of Starbucks beans and thought the factory must have just fucked up and burned a batch, I was wrong and that's just how they always do it?
Does anyone know if there is a website that would do just that? By that I mean pair left-leaning people with right-leaning people and let them chat?
I know you can chat on omegle, but is there such a thing that would pair you with the opposite? I could make one tbh, would be a good challenge for my excess autismo.
Yes. That's just how they do it. I've tried many gourmet Seattle styles and it's always the fucking same burned asshair taste.
They burn the beans on purpose. Buy any decent espresso coffee and even the pre-ground stuff will taste tons better. Stove top coffee is god-tier, better than any other coffee I've had. The best part is you can make it over a campfire or woodstove.
Enjoy being fired, blacklisted and framed for arrest because you literally walked into an honeypot designed to root out the right wing.
If you're using a goybook with your real info on it, you deserve to be blacklisted.
t. Nathan Leibowitz
This won't end well. The country hasn't been this politically polarized in generations.
Someone is going to get punched or something. Watch antifa try to get a free coffee after punching a 70 year old lady in a MAGA hat for being a 'fascist'.
Are you really this big of a faggot?
Besides, in my state, if I had to meet one of these assholes and they tried to punch me, I would just ventilate them and be good, according to the law.
Every time anyone even hints at doing something away from this Siberian lite brite board, a faggot like you will jump in to concern troll.
Thanks for being so concerned about this very benign thing.
Friendly reminder that >>>/coffee/ exists.
Trips of truth
This guy knows what's up. I enjoy Costa Rican coffee, too.
This x100. If you want to turn a leftist, don't bother talking about gender wage gaps or racial IQ differences. Their emotional shields are usually too strong for any logic to penetrate there.
Remember how many antifa Twitters and FB groups have the Palestinian flag as a background. Leftists are very aware of what Israel's real values are and they do not like what they see one bit. There's only one thing that keeps leftists from banding together and screaming from the rooftops to break the US alliance with Israel.
That thing is the Jews who are everywhere in leftist institutions. Whenever the bad goy talk starts to go too far, they spring into action and start bleating "you aren't antisemitc, are you goy" and "muh 6 gorillion." This calms the herd down until the next story about a Palestinian kid getting shot. It's similar to how the control rods work in a nuklear reactor - they prevent the chain reaction from going too far.
If you have one-on-one time with a leftist, hammer them on this point. What other "alliance" has one of the partners act like this with the full support of the other? Why do you never hear about Israel's misdeeds the way you heard about South Africa? Why is muh Holocaust supposed to be the worst thing that ever happened when Stalin and Mao killed so many more?
They like to talk about white privilege as the product of institutional power, so ask them, who really has the most institutional power in this country? Why is foreign aid to Israel never questioned? Why is the entire media and financial sector clearly under the control of one ethnicity?
Hit multiple leftists with these questions and you may be able to start another chain reaction, one that grows too fast for the controllers to stop.
its like these morons STILL dont understand why right wing politics are on the rise. leftism caters to emotions and altruisms. the right however has facts, logic, history and common sense to back it up. this is why most "debates" these days end with leftists screeching. when confronted with the truth, their pathetic world view is shattered and they cant handle it.
thats a great idea. make it. one of the main problems with the modern world is that there is no real platform irl or on the internet that is a neutral ground for all ideologies. you could say imageboards, but that is undeniably our turf. we need a neutral ground site to go to. a digital DMZ where we can go and engage with masses. you talk to them enough, and eventually they will see the light. it might take months or years or decades, but like i said: right wing politics is on the rise because it IS "right"
I wanted to do a radio station for a long time. Only music by and for whites with an accompanying image board.
We know we can't broadcast actual television and we can't compete with kikes on film or TV because they have billions to spend.
But we absolutely can have a good radio station. Whites aren't represented in areas of media properly and that needs to change. Start with radio and give whites something to listen to that isn't kiked to shit.
Whites need to build white culture back. We need music, comedy and arts. We need it bad.
It actually is good for their bottom line. Something that lolbertarians often fail to see.
I'm guilty of not giving a fuck
Looks like a great place to talk about how getting used to terrorism wasn't so hard after all. More terrorism creates more fun solidarity get-togethers.
Well, you said it yourself, mate. They're emotional thinkers, not logical.
Agreed, promote what we have how we can (contribute and bump Holla Forums classical music and art threads, for example).
Already made a sketch. Recently I had a first actual website project in spare time which is all time, now I will have to learn javascript and hopefully results won't be too bad.
Neutrality is the key and could make it work.
They started something that they can't stop. Their brand image has taken a hit and they're attempting to fix this in a fucking asinine way. I look forward to them sinking further. All their execs deserve to starve in the streets like bums.
Free coffee for gaming their stupid system.
no, if you were truly guilty of giving no fucks, you would burn your part of the password and post pics to your opponent.
I dont know if you burgers have tim hortons down there, but its what i fall back to for coffee on the go.
This is a beautiful chance for us to drop redpills. Make a fake Facebook, mail.com lets you make an email with no phone number - then get your ass on the app and start spreading our views.
dont forget to preload reference material on your phone and put together some talking points.
dont half-ass this lads
Until they start making real coffee and start putting bourbon in it, they can fuck off. I need my double dose to make it through the day.
what's stopping someone from using both gift cards? because it sounds like it's the same code and both parties use it.
so can i spend their starbucks money online to buy vpn access, then go buy coffee?
Dubs confirm. Do not waste this opportunity to turn leftists to our side.
Michigander here. We Whore-tons here. It's not bad. Neither is Dunkin Donuts coffee, actually. Plus everyone loves TimBits.
But Horton's donuts are always dry. I'm more of a Krispy Kreme kinda guy.
Do you drink KBS?
Kentucky Bourbon Stout with coffee added. It's probably the best beer in the world, if you ask me. Biased because FoundersFag, but the shit is pretty amazing.
this this this
pointing out the atrocities of the isreali government is one major breaking point. lefties HATE war, and if you can convince them that all of the wars and conflicts of the past couple decades are for isreali interests, then you have shifted them significantly to the right, without them even knowing it. point out that isreal is "friendly" with middle eastern countries that are sunni majority. also point out that shia muslims are a minority in the islamic world, and that all of the shia countries are the ones that get "freedomed to death". they hate it when minorities are subjugated, so explaining that the sunnis and isrealis are both cooperating to destroy any shia state, will make their heads spin.
after going through this, they will be much more receptive to hearing the truth about the syrian civil war, and all of the arab spring uprisings
this is exactly what i did to open my gfs eyes to the horrible reality of the modern world
i agree we need musicians and artists to stick their dick out on the line. im working on it myself. in a bunch of bands. people dont realize it, but after you play (if youre any good) you get a free pass to say some pretty outspoken things. for whatever reason, people listen to musicians when they talk about politics. take a look at frank zappa.
the one thing i AM wary of is celebrating the old too much. we need NEW music, because we are living in a NEW era. if there is any place where traditionalism has no place, its in the arts. im not advocating using the "modern art" method of breaking down literally everything, but our politics is about the future, and our art should reflect that. (see the italian futurist movement for example, talented young fascists who were trained artists in all the classical schools, but used abstraction to display forward motion and progress)
there are tons of great bands today, but no one ever hears them because even all of the independent music labels are puppeted by either disney or sony. if its not totally safe, predictable pop music with a tranny as the frontman, the A and R men wont give you the time of day. the conspiracy is literally infringing on my and many others right to rock. but not for long. keep your eyes peeled for a long haired aryan with bugout eyes to be dropping some subtle redpills on live television. infamy and fame are just two sides of the same coin, and ill take either.
Sadly, I live in Australia, so I've never heard of it. I do like coffee stouts, though, so it sounds like something I should check out. Thanks, user.
Even here in Michigan, it's hard to get. If you like Bourbon Barrel stouts, it's probably the #1 ranked BB stout ever. Even where it's brewed here, you have to know someone to get a six pack. Check out the reviews.
The Founder's Breakfast Stout is also consistently ranked #1 everywhere, too. And it's not hard to get this year, but it has been hard to get in the past. You owe it to yourself to try it. Get on a beer trading site. People want the real Aussie shit here. You could make some good trades and get some quality likker.
Also, this exists.
I am a DJ / artists with a few stations. I should have hid my power level cuz no one wants to work with me.
would anons give me a listen?
got caught up in my rant, but i forgot to mention, look into low-power radio stations. they are community run, and what they do is they give you a frequency that is right in between two other major stations, thus making it so the signal only reaches a limited area. however, by doing this and combining it with internet streaming and soundcloud (or any other site) for archives, you can basically set up your own pirate radio station. just make sure you have a little money saved for when the FCC inevitably comes by to fuck your day up for "hate speech" or "profanity" on live radio.
You have to go full 1488 if you want an audience.
You really have to throw it all out the window. You must be Holla Forums incarnate and forget about normies. Anything short of that already exists.
My idea, feel free to say it's shitty, was to do 3 hours of talk+music like a normie "morning show." Then do a few hours of Fashwave. Then some black metal and close out the day with classical.
But you can't go halfassed. There's already stuff like TRS and Fox radio, so there's no point in being a cuck and trying to appeal to normies. Come out swinging, never make apologies or back down. That's how anons will become interested.
Already did, m9. Unfortunately, the (((FCC))) limits your range to less than what you'd need. You could get a station in the 88ish frequency range for non-profit radio, but the (((FCC))) isn't issuing any licenses and they won't be for a long time, according to their website.
Your last option for actual FM broadcast radio is buying a station. And none are for sale for under $250k.
However, everything you need to broadcast long range is easily available online. You could probably overpower your local stations for very cheap. But then that's "Pirate Radio" and the FCC will come and arrest you.
Internet radio is the way to go. Icecast or Shoutcast and get a free server with unlimited listeners and quality. Fuck the FCC. Internet belongs to the anons anyway. Internet radio should too.
sure. post it. we should be building up our own network of musicians and artists because, once were "outed" we will need to rely on each other for support.
i agree and disagree. too much, too fast and youre limiting your influence and sabotaging only yourself. like it or lump it, we DO need subtlety. the point isnt to give anons something to rally behind (they already are), its to get others to rally behind us.
re read what i posted. im saying that you should combine a low-power station with internet-radio. the FCC is a bunch of cocksuckers, and there is a bunch of hurdles to go through, but there are loopholes. i know. ive done it
We agree, we just disagree on the best way to do that. I think by being who we are and saying things the normies have never heard will lure them over. I think coming from an unapologetic place of strength, they will want to be us.
Other than that, I agree. What I'm proposing is a new and brash counter culture. Normies will flock to things that are edgy and different. And I think that will ultimately bring them over, to be "cool" and "unique."
take a listen yourself anons
PS my radio show on low powered FM
The low power that's legal isn't enough. Your range allowed by the FCC is a ridiculously low distance. You'd need a license to do actual low power radio with enough range so even a few city blocks can pick it up.
Honestly the actual fm broadcast radio isn't even worth it.
Hitler dubs indicate that I should check this out. I'll take a listen in a few.
They are just desperate because of the recent boycott!
What's needed is wifi connected fm transmitters of the legal maximum, that receive the broadcast stream and retransmit it. This would create pockets of varying densities around wherever you can find Holla Forumsacks to help.
Are you even trying?
If your goal is to dispense redpills, I could build a piratebox that operates on 2.4ghz that will go much farther than fm radio.
I could probably get a librarybox/piratebox to go a mile or more without breaking FCC regs.
The piratebox thing is a good idea and I will push it. I think more attention needs to be paid to it.
Ebola-chan approves of this post.
I'd get a free cup of Starbucks so I could pour it out in the trash.
That coffee is too shitty
I think it'd be better to sign up as a liberal, get paired with a cuckservative and then redpill them
Is there any proof of this? It's starcucks, yes, but I have to doubt that somehow a cup of coffee has estrogen in it.
You have to think like the average starcucks consumer. They don't drink coffee. They drink a couple ounces of coffee or a shot or four of espresso mixed in with a massive dump of cream, sugar, whipped cream, icing, flavoring, and even ice. I've had it plain before (a job had it in kcups as the only source of coffee) and it's about as good as folgers/maxwell house from a container that's been open for a few months for about quadruple the price. A.k.a. terrible.
Pick two. Can't say I'm surprised.
Shoot for internet radio instead. Licensing fees for actual radio is expensive as fuck. There's a mostly great 40s-era station around here that's something around 20 miles away and it can't be picked up at all on the normal radio waves because they're forced by their low budget license to only broadcast to a very small area. Unfortunately they play too much nigger music, too much nigger jazz, but at least it's the type that's listenable in between greats like Bob Crosby and Frank Sinatra, rather than worthy of smashing the radio. If you want to reach more people, you need something that can broadcast everywhere.
Hortons in the US seems to be mostly in the northeast.
b16709 is right on this. I follow a few normalfags on and off on youtube who vlog about audio setups, "pirate radio" shit, etc. and the best one of them could do with FM transmitting staying under the radar without paying for a license was maybe one mile around his house. That wouldn't even be worth setting up unless you want to listen to your own station outside of your "studio" and live innawoods/countryside where the concept of a yard exists.
Going full Holla Forums will just drive your audience away. Almost nobody goes straight from 0 to Holla Forums.
You can attract a lot of attention just by being an unapologetic nationalist, not mentioning any civnat vs. ethnonat distinction. And from that point, you can go a long way if you avoid using too many proper nouns. For instance, don't say anything about "Hitler," or "National Socialism." Just repeat the concepts and principles they espoused (and not the principles attributed to them by (((Hollywood)))) without mentioning whose ideas you're promoting. And use American/French/whatever nationality instead of "White."
The goal is for your audience to accept every ethnonationalist idea except for race realism, since that is the idea they have been trained to see as anathema. If you can get them to agree on everything else, then you'll have enough leverage with them to get them to see the truth about race.
I agree. The only fundamental issues that we disagree with cuckservatives on is the 14 words and Israel.
Cuckservatives are on board with everything until you mention white pride or Israel. I'm OP and my VPN keeps doing crazy shit, but you're right.
my ID changes even though I'm on the same VPN, wtf?
Sounds interesting, where's a place to find these unheard-of bands? Soundcloud?
I agree to an extent. Perhaps there's middleground? Maybe a few hours a day where you go full/pol/ and have the rest of your programming catered toward Stickman-tier civ/nat? I can't help but feel we need real representation, though.
I can think of some folkls who would beg to differ. It's all in how you word your argument. Study how Mosley and GLR spoke. Study how Hitler spoke, how they inspired crowds. Emulate, learn your own style, and put it into practice.
You can represent Holla Forums, there are just some volatile words and terms that you have to stay away from lest you get swarmed by shabbos goyim. You put out everything but that last puzzle piece that ties it all together.
The goal should be for your listeners to spread the last piece amongst themselves. For instance, you talk about "our culture" and "our unique drive to create and reach new frontiers". Talk about the venal, self-serving class of people who only seek to tear down what they could never build themselves. But you don't have to name these groups, instead, your viewers will tell each other through the grapevine that you're talking about White people and ((())), respectively.
You can get a lot of mileage just out of riffing on popular culture and the many fucked-up things that it promotes. And maybe add a subtle inflection to your voice when you mention the names of one of the (((power-brokers))) in the media. The people who need to understand will understand but it'll be hard to pin anything concrete on you.
Again, not really. You're going to be swarmed by shabbos goy simply by being on the right. Make your message strong with truth, and all attempts to attack it will fall on their own.
pick one m8
LOL, the leftists think that they are so advanced with their cuckening. But they have no idea how far one can go away from anything that resembles the "norm"
such a person cannot exist on the left side, truly.
I'm an American
The opposite of Holla Forums is antifa. Unfortunately, the opposite does exist. They are just pussies.
Not assimilated. You have to go back.
I was born in America
No I dont really think so, I have far surpassed them in the complexity of the approach towards right wing issues. To an almost scientific level. What they have are just jew ramblings and vague feelings. But the r/K selection, and the application of those principles to life? Jesus. They have no clue.
Nice try, Chaim. Go back to Bongistan.
Don't you have anything better to do, learningchode?
Trips indicate that Holla Forums is more complex than antifaggots.
Oh come on. lrn2shitpost.
ebin rxn picture fellow Redditor!!!! :):)
I did Nazi that coming!!
I am trying to evoke and strengthen the K selected mindset, sometimes deprive myself of food. Get into more stressful places, also love playing team building things, well vidya with faced paced actions online and with teams, voices, love that crap. Also am overtly social at work and elsewhere usually. Try to make an effort of it all. And then the test of my food, jesus, weight lifting but also cortisol decreasing…
what does the opposite spectrum get? new pronounces? Some new mental trick to make you appear not racist? cucking your wife with niggers?
Fucking lefties pls. Thats nothing.
Keep going, user. You are doing the right thing. Keep working out. Keep resisting degeneracy. By becoming who we want to be, that is what propels the white race.
The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people.
And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight!
And never slacken!
And never tire!
And never lose courage!
And never despair!
I gave some of your podcasts a listen. They're good, but they're a little too 4chan/TRS/kosher tier for my taste. For example, you said "i do acknowledge white privilege" and then moved on. That's playing by the lefts rules/boundaries - let your power level shine. Whites are superior intellectually, so naturally we're privileged. Naturally we do better. Naturally we're more civilized. White privilege is a fact and a mark of pride. Don't slink from the truth because sjw cucks and lolbergs will come after you. We need full 1488 radio. Anything else is too kosher at this point.
And there you have it.
www.rightwingradiosquads.com is available for 99 cents. Who will stand with Holla Forumsradio?
I am user, I am doing very much my best and I am trying to put into action all of those teachings around the K selection. I am also finding enjoyment on socialization, a lot, also helping people with problems, or just even just trying to be creative and also respectful. I wasnt so in the past, I was even mic shy but…the k selected organism has a large amygdala because he is capable of remembering more humans and the complex interactions that they have…so I am trying to go with that as well. And I am seeing the different lines interact, also helps me imagine how different political parties interact and what needs and wants that they have.
The sports, avoidance of bad things and the many healthy habits help me tremendously with all of that. Even through the chaos that are the boards I can almost see trends emerging. The K selected ether, I am seeing into it, almost touching it.
Once again, agreed. You're on the right. They're going to come after you no matter what you say. Stand tall and proud of what you are. Whites have no privilege, we have what we took through our sweat, blood and tears.
You're doing it right, user. Please don't give up. You need to know that there are people behind you. Perhaps I don't follow your regiment and maybe I'm more degenerate than you. But we stand with you. Those who aren't cucked cheer for you in silence while we are on the squat rack and competing our fifth mile on a run we started. Fuck yes.
Maybe, just maybe, that old motherfucker that looks like he's too old to be running that 10k run is me. Hoping you young cocksuckers are getting in shape for what is oldfuckers know what's coming.
I also went to an army thing once and got some K selected lore drilled into me as some form of basic training. Was pretty great and it gave me a good feeling of which route to take. Allowing me to get a perspective of what is actually possible from the other side. Probably gave me enough willpower to pull through the most "insane" things, for a lifetime.
and as long as I breathe I wont give up. Maybe my blood is not 100% as pure as it could be, but there is no shame in not trying your best to raise the potential that you may have to the maximum.
But to the earlier point, srsly lefties. I have no rival on their political spectrum anymore. I even managed to outpace their most elites, the jews and the jew heads recently. I dont think that there is anyone left on this planet that I could see as a natural enemy who is at least equal to me.
Former 4 year ZOGbot. I still do PT every day and will until leftists kill me or I die naturally. Fuck them.
If you build it, I will provide content. I know basically nothing about Web design or hosting, but I do a lot of music recording and have good equipment for recording, mixing, and editing. I'd love to at least do a weekly history/politics show, especially if we could do call ins. I have been interested in this for a while but it's hard to find a place that would let my content stand outside of the dark net
Are you 100% serious? Because I can do 3 hours in the morning and would need to pass the torch to someone uncucked that can do 2-3 hours without being a fucking autist. Can you provide 2-4 hours of good material and non-cucked music?
pic related is how this would go.
>>>Holla Forums
I'm serious, but I can't do daily too busy. I can do a weekly show, put together a few hours of talk, music, and other content once a week.
That's a start. I can do 3 hours a day. Maybe a morning show "zoo crew" type of thing. But who will do the remaining 9 hours a day that would be necessary to pull off a Holla Forums tier radio station?
What we need is a way to temporarily silence jewish controllers in leftwing circles at the opportune moment, so that the chain reaction can get out of control.
Perhaps somebody should formulate a left-wing argument about how the jews shouldn't "jewsplain" the Palestinian crisis. Some simple to understand argument in the form of a meme that allows non-jew leftists to stop listening to the opinions of jews when discussing the jews.
Nah. The holocaust never happened but it sure as fuck will.
I should add that it should be live. Person should read tweets live, respond to emails as they come in, take calls… basically in the format of your local talk radio shows, but you're full fucking Holla Forums.
Also, these internet radio stations are monetized. So listeners would get a say about where any profits go.
This could be the way Holla Forums gets into the masses' psyche.
sorry, wish i could do more I know it's not much content wise, but I'm very interested in the idea in general. I can lend help technically and promotion wise, etc.
I'm an artist who needs to get off his ass and create some OC for Holla Forums. Thanks for the motivation, mate.
1. Walk into Starcucks and meet "opponent"
2. Talk good naturedly until you've solved the free coffee puzzle
3. Get your coffees go back to the table
4. Wait for the fag to say something like "Anyway, back to that orange racist–"
5. Throw your piping-hot coffee in his face
6. ???
7. Skin grafts
I stopped drinking coffee, too much caffeine; but I always drank it greek. Boil water, add coffee grounds, simmer, drink, spit out grounds.
It's the only way to enjoy coffee tbh.
I can sing and play guitar/harmonica/trumpet with the best of them, and can do some sick solos but alas, cannot write a fucking song that doesn't seem to me like a pile of dogshit.
Need help/10
Then you need to do some good cover songs.
Do a cover of this song, which is actually about the JQ and how Jews control America.
Starbbucks it the worst fucking coffee. Disgusting bitter shit. The best is [spoiler]Dunkin'[spoiler]
Each person gets half of the code. The gift card is awarded through the app, I think.
I think you might be matched with people who live far away; you meet digitally.
8. Get charged with assault.
Throw a cup of hot as fuck coffee in some libshits face? Nice.
smh tbh fam
My nigga.
I have a Vesuvio stovetop that makes the most amazing coffee.
Drink the poisoned well water.
It's better to put them all on Jew Island to see what happens. No Christian wealth to gamble away. No niggers to do labor or dirty work for them. Will any of them survive?
Oh and do you understand how many unhinged homeless people this is going to attract? It's going to be magical.
Your descendants would curse you for not finishing them off when you had the chance.
If I think Starcults, can debase their brand no less, they prove me wrong, time again.
They are going to have to pay actors to play conservatives. Not because some conservatives would refuse to give this a try, heck mess with a liberal I do not have to share the holidays with, would uncap my evil scientific mode, Just how fast can I get them to the throwing poo stage..
They just can't find time before 8am that a snowflake would be awake, and conservatives are busy 9-5 elseware.
There's your answer, albeit indirectly.
>Estrogen production and action.
>Estradiol production is most commonly thought of as an endocrine product of the ovary; however, there are many tissues that have the capacity to synthesize estrogens from androgen and to use estrogen in a paracrine or intracrine fashion. In addition, other organs such as the adipose tissue can contribute significantly to the circulating pool of estrogens.
…which is one reason all those revolting male fat fucks seem so subtly feminine. That, and the bitch tits. So don't give your adipocytes a reason to multiply.
-t. physician
best comment i could find to show you guys pic related
trips confirm
You get to meet fellow redpillers and hurt their profit at the same time. What's not to love?
Totally not a way to get average, every-day conservatives fired or harassed. :^)
Literally burned to a crisp
So what do I use to make a fake number to give to faceberg and starcucks? I don't use social media for trolling, or at all for that matter.
He means in meatspace you fucking mongoloid.
Remember guys, humans pass down culture much like we pass down genes. R/selection doesn't necessarily mean that libs breed more, it means that their ideologies reproduce r/selection style as well.
A human need not physically reproduce in order to contribute to the future of the species. It is not Socrates' children and lineage that we celebrate, but his ideas. It is not Marx's offspring that we loathe and fight, but his ideas.
starbucks and cappuccino in general is fag tier.
using faceberg is aids level faggotry.
drink coffee like a man. drip brewed. black. nothing added.
you can grind your own beans if you want, but even that is kinda faggy.
But I cant user, coffee doesn't agree with my tummy anymore.
He said to drink it like a man. Painful gas and diarrhea puts hair on your chest.
Put some baking soda into your coffee. The acidity wrecks your stomach with gastritis otherwise.
might as well drink Nescafe faggot, at least it uniformly tastes good
ive got an aeropress, i use it when im not drinking coffee professionally. if youve got the time to devote to an aeropress, you'd better have the day off work or your slacking off.
bunn gets you a full pot of coffee in less time than one cup from the aeropress.
roasting your own is another thing i dont have time for. i admit it's better, but your just paying the natural gas jew + actual niggers, instead of the folgers jew.
Holy moly Mosely is an amazing speaker.
There was at least a site where you could rent-a-kike and learn about how great isreal and the jewish race is and about how hollow coast is the greatest tragedy in history.
At least such a site existed in germany can't let amalek get away with anything now, can we? don't know if other countries had similar sites.
They must have noticed how msny people quit buying their crappy overpriced coffee after their refugee stunt. I told an old lady i know and she told some senior group she hangs out with and now none of tgem buy starbucks any more, they were outraged.
Probably wouldn't work though as its matched randomly I presume.
Holy shit guys, we've found Jew Tinder.
I developed a taste for espresso when I lived in Germany and visited France. The first time I had it, of course I hated it. By the third cup, I was addicted. The only downside is that espresso makers are so fucking retardedly expensive.
And I'm pretty much a recluse and I'm not going to a faggot hipster coffee house to get a cup every day for $6 around people so faggoty that I'm afraid of being pozzed just by looking at them.
/k/: a magical place!
Is Starcuck coffee good? I heard that it isn't good.
…which is precisely the sort of speech the First Amendment exists to protect…
nothing wrong with espresso
kek I might even go to one of these just to bring up acid attacks to feminists and high capacity assault cups to limp wrists
You are only an artist when you are creating. You are not an artist because in the past you had created. Drop the ego, faggot.
Mosley, Ian Smith, Enoch Powell, GLR, am i missing anyone who you can still look up and hear them speak?
Viral advertising piggybacking off Trumpophobia.
Also it won't work. Most of the people will be leftists.
George Wallace also.
An old-school stovetop espresso pot is only $15-$20, user. Stop being such a pansy and learn how to make coffee without using electricity or Jew accessories, it's easy. If you really cant bear to make coffee without electricity buy a stovetop espresso pot and a hotplate, its still gonna be cheaper than an espresso machine.
Negro, my ID keeps changing but I already said I only drink coffee from a French press. I actually had no idea that non-electric espresso makers for cheap exist. Now thanks to you, I'll be buying one.
Thanks user.
This was my first thought.
Is the risk worth it? A single genestealer can lead to the destruction of an entire human colony on a planet.
Ego dropped. I'm working, just not specifically on OC for Holla Forums ATM.
The normie is extremely susceptible to groupthink. In fact, ALL their thought is in groupthink. Your goal is to promote independent thought. Information is more than a means to an end, but it's not the ultimate goal. "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for life." Knowledge = fish, wisdom = ability to dive into a lake of disinformation and get the fish. Luckily for us, the best way to make someone wiser is to show them that they believe in bullshit i.e. by giving them knowledge that contradicts their current beliefs.
What you want to do is first figure out what conspiracy theories they believe in and then work from that. You're not going to tell a 9/11-blue-pilled tier normie that their ENTIRE LIFE is a lie. Just show them some tame shit like youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI or US president quotes like JFK's speech about a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy". If they are already truthers, start with showing them how corrupted news networks are. From there, it's easy for them to accept an "all I know is I know nothing" worldview, which means you can easily redpill them on race, islam, and, of course, jews (it's critical that you go all the way to jews otherwise you're just playing into the race D&C)
Finish it off with something more philosophical like:
Fear is the mechanism of control, don't let yourself be ruled by it. The same can be said of trust. Both are tools to obtain obedience
Remember, their ENTIRE LIFE is a lie. The news they watch every day are complete fabrication, their most deeply treasured beliefs (equality) are nothing short of religious. Imagine trying to convince a person out of their religion. Hard, right? Now imagine convincing a person whose entire world believes in that religion. You can't do that in one day. You can't undo a lifetime of brainwashing in one day.
Here's a dump of a bunch of thought-provoking famous quotes I've collected along the years: pastebin.com
let each person pick a topic they want to discuss and then they have to discuss both
Isn't that made with GMO ingredients?
Pretty much everything is GMO these days. We've been fuckin' with plant genes since the earliest days of agriculture.
I don't have to get to know you faggots.
How hard is it? It's hot water and coffee-powder and in case of espresso, little water and strong coffee-powder.
9. They'll have to catch me, first.
I refuse to associate myself with cuckbucks, as all the people that drink their coffee are cucks.
How do i sign up?
1917: You can get food from the Salvation Army after listening to a lecture by a teetotaler.
2017: You can get coffee from Starbucks after listening to a lecture by a communist.
It's not the genes that should be worrying but the roundup ready seeds. Roundup can easily bind to radioactive elements in the soil making the plant a sink for them, these are the same seeds used by Starbuck's products.
If you use these in a place which isn't very radioactive the roundup ready isn't a problem. California is naturally radioactive though so … I guess that's why they're all fucked up.
They never, ever think about consequences for their actions.
"They never, ever think about consequences for their actions."
Piss one of these fucks off and then pour your free cup of coffee on em.
Make sure you're wearing your traditional muslim attire, HIJAB and all while doing it
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