What are you watching Tonight?

What are you watching Tonight?

Finally gonna watch Boku Academia something or other that all the weebs have been telling me is good.

What is that?

Comedy anime about a highschool for superheroes in training.

Go fuck yourself OP, for letting me waste 2 minutes of my life with the gayest fight I have ever seen in my entire life. Even naming that file "ko" is an insult to every knockout in the history of losing consciousness .

I liked the bald guy's style

You clearly haven't seen this then

They are wrong.

Finishing up The Sopranos

I prefer the guy who look like kadhafi

Why are you so whiny and why do you have such shit taste.

Watching Gaki no tsukai ya arahende!! 2006, distilling some sugarwash, eating some Harlech cheese and a slice of prime rib left over from sunday with some bread I just baked.

to be honest this is a super comfy

Watch Boku no Pico next. Its kino.

Harmful opinion vids

watching The Mayor
basically the aftermath of that movie where will smith accidentally becomes president, but in this case mayor

So were they doing that for the hell of it?
He helped the guy up the first time he fell, implying sportsmanship of sorts, but just walked away after knocking him out.
pls help I'm autistic and can't figure it out

It was pretty solid, its the kind of movie that should perfectly appeal to me on paper since it's an action movie where almost every action scene is between developed characters that know each other rather than random mooks, and the plot is very focused, but the execution isn't as great as you'd hope. If it had the visuals, audio, choreography, and pacing of The Raid 1 but with Headshot's more character-focused structure it'd probably have been my favorite action movie.

Watch Hunter x Hunter first.

the latest chip chipperson ep.. may get some wine… or may go to sleep

The best cuckime that I've seen so far has been Death Note, but only the first 25 episodes. I always assumed it was generic high school drama with an edgy twist but I couldn't have been more wrong.

This is what it looks like when people with a little bit of fighting skills and a sense of honor street fight. Not everybody in the world is professional fighters you fucking faggot