The Saga continues
The Sims 3 Holla Forums house
Other urls found in this thread:
Guy Fieri gets older
The Garden produces Produce
Anyhow, i got things to do for the rest of the day, charmed as always
FAQ for people wanting to try the sims again and join in
Required (should have been in the base game)
-Late Night
EA can't optimize, so the more expansions you install the heavier the load on your game. Don't download every one and then complain that it runs like shit. Pick only what interests you.
This will fix most issues, plus it doubles as a crack for your game.
You need to download specific files to make the game recognize the mod folder:
A sex mod that adds a lot of features and will make your dick raw. You only need the base game and patch 1.67 to run this. It's not listed under required mods, but you'll need a skin
no. Stop being lazy. People end up unable to troubleshoot their own issues because they don't know what they downloaded and didn't read the instructions on the mod page.
Add the animation codes on the mod page into your ingame kinky settings and you're done.
Overwatch and Master Controller are the two you'll need. I'd recommend Decensor too, not for performance, but for kinkyworld.
If you want the npc sims in your town to act more independently, try
To the user who made the piercing at the end of the last thread. Thank you, it looks awesome. Have you uploaded it so we can download it yet?
Can we revert the pink now
Anyone got some comfy island/neighborhood mods?
I'll keep the thread going with futa house. My protagonist decided to watch some porn upstairs
He just can't get any privacy
Futa user tried to make him feel at home. Then realised he was watching porn.
To make the girls I randomly generated everything about them (besides hair). Turns out the futa who dresses like a librarian, with glass and tied back hair, who also happens to have the biggest cock, has the brave trait. She likes to salute people and keep things in order. I guess for our anime harem, she's the leader archetype of the group.
First night started with a burglar. major girlcock was on the scene ready to kick his ass. I'm not sure what would have gone through his mind to find her charging out of the house at him. After he got his ass kicked he ran into the house, screaming, and triggered the alarm.
The cop was useless. He ran right past her.
New Kinkyworld update. It's the futa update
+Fixed: Students can't be scoled more than once a day for inappropriate clothing.
+Fixed: Added 6 hours cooldown to customer when phone call is missed (or ignored).
+Fixed: Dogs can join woohoo again.
+Fixed: Mismatching woohoo moodlets effect value and description with notifications feedback.
+Fixed: Fixed bug in WooHooJoin.FindStage that was causing an exception error when the current stage has a compatible JoinStage.
+Added: New option to disable predefined woohoo next stage. A random stage is chosen instead if disabled.
+Added: New option to influence sims gender preferences.
+Added: New interaction to tease sims. Warning, teasing (and rejecting) "wrong" sims may have serious consequences.
+Added: Test interaction to transform female sims to shemale. This feature requires ALTERNATE bottom meshes from
+Added: Test interaction to transform any sim to and android (a plumbot that looks like human). I'll create a special skin later. If a human female sim is impreganted by a plumbot, the baby will automatically be an android.
WARNING: Android and Shemale features are WIP. I've added those interactions for testing purpose only. If you use it (especially the android tranformation), don't save your game (or make a backup first). If you create an android, make sure he/she doesn't age up.
Note: WooHoo flags have been changed and moved to WooHoo skill. As a result, all sims are considered as virgin after upgrading to build 309.
I hate how it's hard to make houseboats that actually resemble something like… boat.
How will the DL'd sims be introduced?
i'll make a town for them, probably like a village size, don't forget, you can always add yours, folks
Will they eventually meet and interact with the Holla Forumshouse sims?
I might move the Holla Forums house sims into the Holla Forums town, but that's when it's done
i'll probably stream making the Holla Forums world this weekend
Erika (the red-head) seems to be making the most moves on the protagonist. She was teasing him (the newest interaction) and then asked him for sex, which he rejected and got all awkward about. I unfortunately missed the sex request because I was watching futa-user get shot down hard
First nude exhibitionist of the house goes to futa user. I'm not sure if the protagonist is unfazed bu it, or is just trying hard not to stare. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is apparently terrified of hotdogs and Major girlcock is off for her first day in the army, complete with her camo cock sock
The new futa features are great. futas can now cum. The penis works with the erection script so you don't have to manually do it, and I can leave strap-on as auto and they don't wear it or default to female animations.
Well, I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend.
My fraps seems to be fucking up. Half of my screenshots didn't save, so missing some here.
The protagonist had his first day of school. He had to sit next to the janitor rather than some cuties. After school the Janitor beat him up and he ran home.
Meanwhile, at home everyone is getting sex except for him. The army girl and the bookworm started going at it
holy crap that's Holla Forums incarnate
he got put in timeout by one of the futas for 'fighting' too
This is cruel and unusual punishment. They're teasing him while he's in timeout.
they gonna rape him next?
he's really interested in that blender to ignore everything around him.
probably eventually. I set his attractiveness as high as it could go. They won't be able to resist him
day 2 of school. He made a friend. Some Steve Buschemi looking motherfucker. And he eats dirt. We're climbing the social ladder.
Plus he met the school bully who slapped him around and made him run away screaming. He then went to sit in the sandpit for a bit by himself.
meanwhile at home that day…
It's finally happening!
… oh
He's just creating his own misery at this point.
For fuck's sake Futa user, stop being such a fucking beta and take it in the ass.
He's on his way up. He didn't get beat up on his thrid day at school and the hot girl in class gave him a compliment.
That was only a test model, I'm still looking into making it look more metallic.
I also still need to make morphs, which I didn't know how to do until yesterday. I'll upload a small pack with some variations when it's done.
Oh cute.
It doesn't look like she is a futa but it is good enouth.
thank user
yeah, at the moment in the patch you have to use the debug menu to make girls futas since it's early testing. I doubt any npcs will have been generated as futa.
also, uh oh. they knocked each other up. I bought a bunch of condoms for the other girls
little Holla Forums ain't having your gay stuff and wants a real grill
Well… this kinda sucks.
abandon the haunted houseboat. Leave it as a legend for the neighbourhood kids
B-but i live there ;___;
I hope she goes away once i move to new hood and evict he family.
she's not even part of the household and when she goes back to the grave it's just… nothing, no gravestone anywhere on the location she goes to. Trust it to EA to keep games free of bugs.
you might be able to shift click on her and delete object once you have 'testingcheatsenabled true' activated
I tried that the first thing when i noticed her haunting around but it just removed her for that night only to return the next.
nraas has the anihhilate option. It obliderates a sim, removes it from existence.
Click on the mausoleum and select "Manage the dead". Might be under one of the NRAAS menus.
I'm back to playing some more of the futa house. They trapped him in his room when he had to pee. teasing him and complimenting him ruthlessly.
It was leisure day today. It's a shame there's no option to call house to the fire, but the protagonist and ariel (major girlcock) talked for a while by the fire. He's slowly getting more familiar with the girls. Maybe he won't reject sex as much then.
fourth day of school. One of the girls turned up in her underwear (or bikini bottoms, either way). I accidentally took the Janitor's seat. Probably not wise to annoy him any more. And lastly the underwear girl passed out in class.
This is like a real anime, where the boy is always rejecting sex while surrounded by horny bitches.
The preggo futas gave birth. I 'put their kids up for adoption'. I have the aging frozen so the guy stays as a teen. I don't want to have perma babies. That would ruin the sexy atmosphere of the house.
It's finally happening!
The previous sim day he got a wish to fuck Erika (the red head), given that she had the highest relationship stat with him. I was just waiting for her to ask again and see if he said yes.
But instead he manned up and went for it. Though he didn't seem to take her yes very well
Also, I found that you can expand the dicks past the slider max, so I gave Ariel some more inches
I'm convinced this is a dream he is having. He's not that cool
Oh, that was it. Just some teasing. He didn't even get second base. I won't count that as him conquering one of the girls yet.
You damn son of a bitch! just bend over and let them fuck you into stupidity!
haha, this futa storyline is hilarious. it's just like one of those harem animes except not boring and actually funny. please, do continue
Why not make some people immortal instead of freezing aging?
I've got tomorrow off so the Holla Forums house is gonna pull and all-nighter if i can handle it
I guess she wanted more too. Just a few hours later she proposed going again. This time he got a blowjob out of it. But still no penetration from either. He's still 0/6. Also, I think I'll edit a pic of all the girls to make it easier for you guys to keep track of his conquests.
He seems to be warming to the idea of fucking her.
good, I'll keep the thread lively until then.
I hate myself. I have so many ideas to play but then remember i have other tons of game i want to play
I had to write a god damn schedule to play vidya by, it is hell
I tried to do that and it was working until i had to work the afternoon too and fucked up.I'll probably try again.
However it's a good thread OP
Just don't uninstall it. I can go months without wanting to play the sims, but I leave it on my computer set up because I know I'll get the urge to fuck around in it one day.
Why are the sims 3 modding tools such cancer, making morphs is aids.
I'll try exporting it from blender in another way, otherwise I'll have to reposition everything in shillshape(milkshape) with it's cancerous UI. This will make the piercings take a bit longer.
Yeah, I'd love to learn to make my own mods, but it seems so daunting at first glance. You're work is appreciated, though.
I either get this, or I use the clean tool and change the vertex order, in turn making it impossible to renumber the morph verts.
I'm heading to bed. Be back tomorrow. I'll leave you with a pic of the harem, encircling him every chance they get.
I find it weirdly cute how their dicks peak out of night gowns or get covered up in a 'sock' that matches their outfit.
It's little shit like this that makes this game fucking magical.
I can't actually blame him for uninstalling it, the files take up so much fucking space that you practically need a dedicated drive for it.
That boy is gonna get rekt.
Fuck, well one more try once i've taken a nap and forcing myself to abandon my most autistic tendencies when it comes to playan.
Also, 4 has no unique model for teens. they're just thinner adults, so your sims go from baby to child to the body of a full grown sim.
Fuck that.
Trust me when I say that the TSR Workshop makes it a hell of a lot easier
I'mma download the world tool and then set up a stream to get all gomfy to
I guess i'mma have to wait
Alright cool, i'll set it up in a sec
Someone give me an image to use as a height map, it's gotta be a square and it's gotta be PNG
Good enough
Holy shit that's the entire west coast of north america
I put this in game and it really has to be seen to believe
I'mma stream the world buildan from here on out
Vote on the world type, The west coast map is way too fuckin huge
Here's the world i was working on, go to town if you want, i'm calling it a day for now
why not just post a screenshot?
I installed that mod, but I can't figure out how to set one of the girls to be a futa. I have the alternate body, but in CAS I can't see anything for it. What did I do wrong?
I'm back. He's off to school on monday of the first week of autumn. A new week for a new set of posts. I don't blame his expression. Leaving the horror of the home life facing an anime harem protagonist for his school life of being beaten up by the bully and the janitor. With gollum steve buscemi as his only friend.
You didn't do anything wrong, the dicks are under accessories
if you have the latest patreon build of kinkyworld (can be found on /hgg/) then enable debug in the kinky settings, then go kinky> debug > more > transform to shemale. The dick will be added to their nude outfit. If you want the dick to poke out under their dress, the you'll need the accessory dick and just add it to their outfiits.
I didn't install the accessory one, I installed the alternate one. I also can't find it under accessories, I looked there just in case.
I haven't updated kinkyworld before. Do I have to delete anything to update it, and will it delete all the configs?
Our protagonist seems to be growing some balls. He isn't taking the janitor's shit as much and tried hitting on elizabeth.
What mods are you using?
I'm not sure waht you mean. Do you mean the download from may 21st 2015 on oniki's patreon?
gollum steve buscemi has to be the least cool person in school. He's perfect for the protagonist's friend. Also, it appears that the student's clothes are randomized occasionally.
Just kinkyworld and some custom clothes and hair. If you're asking about the interactive school, that's in kinkyworld. I also have nraas overwatch, master controller and story progression, but those are more below the surface.
washing the dishes for the house while the others have sex
another perfect image for the anime harem
I invited gollum buscemi over for thanksgiving. He chatted to ariel, but nothing too eventful happened. Shame, I would have liked to see his reaction to seeing what goes on in the house.
Also, futas seem a bit bugged. Even with condoms they still get pregnant. Anyone know how to abort a pregnancy with master controller? I had a look over it but couldn't see anything
Just get cmar's pregnancy controller, and look for the end pregnancy function, though for master ocntroller look for pregnancy, then look for termiante
Oh shit. The hot girl in class is making the moves on him. If she gets too close she'll get dick slapped by the futas.
And she sits next to jason. Let's hope he's not jealous.
I managed to find it in mastercontroller. I'll just have to keep on top of pregnancies that bypass the condoms.
Is there any reason why my sim would be missing his dick?
I imported him from an old non modded save.
he can't miss something he didn't have ;^)
Oh shit. the protagonist decided to stargaze with the telescope. I think he summoned a UFO (which showed up hours after) and abducted bookworm-futa
unfortunately nothing happened with the aliens.
tfw trying to game by futa's are in the way.
Okay, well is there any reason why lord666's animations won't work with kinkyworld? I've tried registering it but it fails each time.
is that pol
I actually had a sim hook up with that same girl character. She's a celebrity, which gave my sim celebrity status.
That's making me wonder if the game purposefully arranges for teen sims to hook up with the same characters.
Ariel was the first to send him a dick pic
That fucking expression, jesus I'm dying.
another burglar. Let's see how he goes in round 2 with major girlcock.
as expected. Should I rape him?
What's your favorite world fellow je/v/s? That one cozy place you allways fall back to after trying dozens of other worlds be it EA or custom, the place you actually have some good memories about.
For me it's Winchester Farm custom world, it just seems to fucking work without being too much of a clusterfuck but still charming enough with neat country-side themes lacking crappy skycrappers and the ugly rabbit holes are neatly hidden in the basements.
For EA worlds, maybe Midnight Hollow though it does require that specific way to play it+being jEwA aint exactly free of bugs and performance issues.
why are you even asking? of course you should
The law won't help him now.
I tried, but she's too good to rape. She's the protector of the people, not a vigilante. And again, the cop let the burglar run right past her.
that world looks nice. The perfect mix of farming countryside and island living.
I haven't played it much, but I love the world that came with ambitions. Rich houses on an artificial lake on one side, and swamp land below the dam. Looks even better with the fog from seasons. Besides that, I do tend to play the default world a lot. It's just nostalgic and has lots of rolling hills that are fun to explore.
Ariel really wants that ass
The janitor is on a warpath. He beat up the headmaster and then bitch slapped the protagonist after school.
Oh and, gollum buscemi invited himself over after school.
sounds about right
What's this school? university?
gollum buscemi tried to hit on Elizabeth while the protagonist and Ariel made a snowman together. Elizabeth didn't seem won over by his moves, but from his face, I think he thinks so. He then went to sleep outside.
a playable high school in kinkyworld. It does require university to work, though.
He walked in on something he shouldn't have seen
He's finally starting to get aroused. Maybe he'll stop rejecting advances now
here we go. She got a wish to fuck him, and now she's asking him. He said yes. Our little guy's becoming a man. After an awkward blowjob with Erika, maybe Ariel will be the first girl he actually has sex with. What do we think the first time will be? him penetrating her? or her penetrating him?
WEll, it won't be a success until he is assfucked.
I didn't get a screenshot of them doing it. The were having standing sex and I tried to change the position to something more photogenic, and he rejected the change of position and the sex ended. But he did penetrate her for a bit, so it kind of counts. His first time and sort of one girl conquered.
He's feeling all top shit now that he's had sex. He went for a midnight hot tub.
does anyone know how to get porn channels?
does the latest Kinkyworld do it or is there a separate mod that google has just completely never heard of?
Does it really take half an hour for something interesting to happen, i mean it's been two days nights already
Aare there any laxies
Kinky world does it by default. However, get teh video replacment files from Lovers Lab:
We're going to make this janitor go nuclear. The girl who likes to protagonist is joining in with the eye rolling at his shit.
you typed the name wrong. They register fine for me.
Depends on what you consider interesting.
Well i suppose any advance of lil Holla Forums on a girl or his bad luck at school.
This is like trying to fap at Camp Sherwood, i ve been fapping at that comic for like 2 years and it seems it will take another 2 to complete.
town hall ->nrass -> town ->total annihilation ->dead
That's what i did, but oh well i do hope she wont come the next night as i tried adding her to household, then kicking out and finally removing from the lot she got kicked out to into oblivion.
If not… well looks like i'm gonna need a new boat.
Sorry it takes so long. Part of it is me pausing every now and then to take screenshots in case something happens. Plus mostly running on 1 speed so I can be on top of everything that is happening. Also, the sims just takes longer than you would think. Days can last a while.
Not much has been happening because I want them to get to the end on their own autonomy. I haven't touched anything regarding their interactions (just some needs stuff like eating and sleeping). I don't know why he forgot about the redhead, or why he hasn't yet revisited the blonde, but hopefully he will soon. Also, this may be from the latest kinky update, but I swear they're getting horny slower than usual.
Either way, we have something happening. Elizabeth is making moves on the protagonist and kissing him. He is aroused and has a wish to fuck her, so we'll see how this turns out.
meanwhile, the protagonist's bed saw some action at least. The chocolate princess and bookworm-futa fucked on it while he was upstairs.
here we go. He even asked this time.
They only got to initial penetration again. He doesn't seem to like going for long fuck sessions. The info window tells me they're getting bad outputs from the sex, so I guess he just sucks and they decide to just leave it there.
Elizabeth also got enough nerd points from fucking him that she got a new trait. I randomly rolled it and got socially awkward. lil Holla Forums's dick has the power to spread his awkwardness.
What does it do to make it easier exactly? I'll still have to make the morphs myself right?
It make sit easier by using WSO files, which are much easier to work with and unlike GEOMS let you edit each morph group individually
Tell me more.
So I could just place the morphs correctly in blender and import them into TSRW?
What do you know, gollum buscemi got some nudes. I guess he did make an impression on her.
So valentines day is coming up in game. I want to try and prompt some shit to go down. What do you think would be best?
This will make it so if he gets asked for sex, he will do it no matter what. But this also depends on him being asked. The girls could just fuck each other and ignore him.
On valentines, your sims get special wishes to kiss or do something romantic with other sims. I could let them all have their way with him, which may prompt sex between them in future once they're more intimate.
What do you think is best?
Well Ariel just came up to him and showed her dick off
Go for B.
Have a source on that doujin?
Gollum buscemi is still getting nudes from Elizabeth. I should try and get him over to the house again.
Later that night, the protagonist got into the hot tub to join Ariel. The moment he got in it broke, ruining the moment.
yeah, I'm gravitating towards B too. The chance for A to go wrong is dissuading, and despite manually manipulating for B, it still has to come from the sims wish, which has some rng and autonomy to it.
Eeh… guess the game thinks the deck as "yard" in shipboats.
gollum buscemi is one hard motherfucker to just go and sleep outside in the snow in nothing but a sweater and some jeans. this guy just doesn't care
This guy has some of the weirdest expressions and gestures. But he's horny and seems to be getting close with Elizabeth again. Tomorrow is valentines day too.
Valentines is here.
First order: Futa-user wants to flirt. Immediately after flirting with the protagonist he asked her for sex. He didn't get any release last night
All he got was a handjob, though. On the plus side, it wasn't enough to satiate his horniness.
He then went and showed his dick off to Elizabeth
I can't get my morphs to work anymore
That looks really uncomfortable for both of them
Tenille got a new trait. RNG decides she is now athletic.
She also was next up for a valentines wish. She wants to kiss someone. The protagonist is up.
How do you get it that big?
For some reason my game likes to re-rest the dick to some crappy values
Maybe you should tell your chicks not to be ashamed of their size.
Next up: Elizabeth wants to flirt.
He proceeded to ask Tenille for sex after that, which she did not appreciate.
Third pic shows where.
Futa-user wanted to flirt again. I was hoping there would be another kinky followup, but instead she snubbed him to flirt with the chocolate princess.
It finally happened.
So he asked futa-user for sex, and then only got a handjob out of it. Eika was next up for a valentine wish, but as I was finding her, he went off to ask Elizabeth for sex by himself. He still retains his anal virginity, but he has officially conquered one of the girls.
If you own a retail copy of TS2 you can get pic related on origin through their live support, in case anyone's interested.
Valentines day is over. Only Ariel and bookworm-futa didn't have any wishes.
The protagonist got a new trait from being a nerd. I chose woohooer in the hopes that it would make him hornier more often and want sex more. Futa-user also got a new trait, and she got rapist randomly. This should be interesting.
How do you get so many perks?
ya, like, whatever
Gollum buscemi is still getting nude pics from Elizabeth. I wonder if I should tell him I fucked her.
He seems to be taking it well. But he looks like he's crying on the inside.
University expansion adds two more trait slots that you can unlock. 1 for climbing a social ladder (nerd, jock or hipster), and 1 for completing a university degree.
If you mean the woohooer or rapist traits, they're kinkyworld ones
Do you have Master Controller installed?
Transform Gollum into a cute trap.
Oh shit, guys. the girl from school rocked up at his house. He's been sending her at least 2 nude pics that I saw. She may have the wrong idea of how this story ends.
I do, but I don't know. I like him as the creepy friend hitting on one of the futas
I'll be honest, I did this manually. But with that new trait she didn't object like Ariel did ages ago with the burglar. This upstart girl from school needs to know who she's dealing with
Well, maybe when his soul is totally crushed?
If you allow Futa user to reach adulthood he could choose Trap Gollum as best girl.
Oh shit! She fought futa-user off. Maybe I under-estimated this girl.
I missed this, but I'm not sure. Erika was just raped by Futa-user. But I swear she was in the lounge room with me a moment ago.
What skin are you using and can you upload the school lot? I'm too lazy to make one that fits the requirements.
Did some indian write this?
A frenchie.
Scroll down till you find the download link, after that click the white download button on baidu
Place the package in your Mods/overrides folder
yeah, it's a bit rough. I think the creator is french. Also, there seems to be a bug where futas reset to virgin after sex. So that wasn't her first time.
or if you don't want it as default replacement
Well fuck it,i'm going to install it again but can someone make me a favor and upload their mod folder on mega or something else? I always fuck up that part
Thanks m80.
I can upload my school. Where do you find it in your documents? I know where to find saved sims, but not saved lots. I'll also have to try and fix something with it, but there's a chance that someone will get stuck in the garden. They can be unstuck with debugging, but I'm not sure how they're getting in there.
I can upload my mods folder if you don't mind some extra stuff besides kinkyworld. Just clothes and hair and crap.
You make my day with that user
I can't check right now, but some low effort googling suggested that you can go into edit town mode, select the lot and click share, which should put a package file into your export folder.
EDIT TOWN -> Share household/lot exports the family with/without house and lots
contains several households (with houses) and pretty sims and lots of extra stuff.
4 kitty outfit parts (ears, tail, collar, whiskers)
3 new hairs
eyes and eyeliners
a few accessories
cmars female penis accessory
extra modification for 1.67 (more tatoo locations, bigger sliders, snow naked when editing body hair), show naked outfit in CAS
Also, 2 school lots ready for KW.
The second one has a bigger classroom for more students.
Install hairs and other body parts before sims/households
The protagonist asked to fuck Ariel, but all he got to do was eat her ass before they stopped. Soon.
Also, My fraps screwed up(I think I hit the hotkey for benchmark mode and it didn't take any screenshots) so I didn't get anything, but I saw futa-user rape tenille. That's two already. We have a monster in the house now. It's only a matter of time before she sets her eyes on the protagonist's anal virginity.
Thanks. Sorry I know I could have googled it. I'll look into getting it fixed an uploaded
Nah m80, I just wanted to let you know that I don't know for sure. Thanks lad.
He finally conquered her! Ariel's checked off the list. Though I would of loved to see him take her cock.
Here you go
For the kinky downloads, if you have trouble, go to the loverslab link for kinkyworld and look at the recommended mods for it. Those are what I use so the instructions on those pages will help you.
I also have body sliders in that package for boobs and butts. They are found under mouth sliders in CAS.
There's also nraas decensor, overwatch, mastercontroller and story progression in there. Story progression is a heavy load, so remove it if your computer sucks.
I finally caught her in the act. The protagonist is on borrowed time.
Fucking great,thanks user,i'll try it now and if i have problem i'm going to check loverslab
the main thing is you'll need to put the animation codes into the ingame kinky settings. There's instructions on how to do it on the animation pages.
Whew, good thing there was some cake to distract the zombie chick that came crashing the party.
I'll just do it without LODs, they give me a headache.
Wrong post,
got the extra 17 facial sliders
Are there physical sliders?
I'm off to bed. I'll be back tomorrow to continue the fun. Start of summer with 2/6 futas fucked.
Holla Forums house user here
I'll get back to playing, i'll work on the Holla Forumsirgin isles in bit by bit, so don't worry
Are the islands working well?
No, not really
Making a map takes a long as fuck time
Fuck, and I was thinking about making my own when I downloaded the game
if you want, you could help make the map
Here's the post and the link, basically put that in the sims world maker folder and go to town, i think you'll get the basic gist of what it should look like
You making totally custom lots, just bare-ass minimum custom lots, or is it all default/downloaded stuff?
default, basically
What would be a cool idea is to take the map, put down empty lots and then set up a list of lots to claim and so each person could claim a lot or two to make shit on. That way there's custom lots without one person spending so much time on it.
are there proper D and vag in sims 4 yet?
So I've got these in-game now but can't get the morphs to work properly. Does any user here know how that shit works?
he's a true bro. he's happy for you for getting your dick wet while suffocating his feelings of jealousy and frustration. he hopes to one day be a playa just like you and is proud of being your friend.
don't do that.
btw, Holla Forums house is gonna be on break for today
it's all good
Would it be possible to make the rings a bit bigger please? Especially for the degenerate one. A degenerate isn't going to settle for small rings. Unfortunately, I can't help you with how to get the morph to work. I have no experience with this.
Well, perfect time for futa house.
Eleanor (bookworm-futa) has unlocked her bonus trait. She rolled flirty.
So, the sex mod has like a failsafe or something? My little sister plays The Sims 3 on my computer and I'm not a fan of her watching my porn.
Specially when I like to keep my sodomite to myself
They rightfully fear her.
Not really, even if you disable it in game, the kinky menu will still be there on sims. The easiest way is to just copy the files out of the package folder when you're not using them. It will immediately detect them and work when you copy them back in (not during the game, of course).
Yeah I was thinking about doing something like that, but I'm affraid it'll fuck up my saves.
And right after finishing this sentence I realized it's fucking Sims so nevermind
Is that penis state menu option part of Kinkyworld? i don't seem to have it.
Well something big just went down. Futa-user decided to rape Erika. Tenille saw it and called the cops on her. Futa then beat up Tenille for calling them and was then arrested by the cops. She'll be in jail for a few hours.
I think it's from the cmars penis script
How do i give chicks dicks?
I didn't know you could make a neighborhood in saudi-arabia.
Erika and Ariel both unlocked their bonus traits. Ariel loves the cold and Erika is nurturing to teens.
If you have accessory dicks, then they're in accessories (around the middle of the list). If you got the alternate bottom, then go to kinky debug and transform to shemale).
Marche is that you?
didnt do anything. gonna guess i dont have alternate bottom apparently. looking into it, but thank you comrade.
We just had our first threesome in the house. The protagonist wanted to fuck Ariel (he seems to be favouring her) and Elizabeth wanted to join in. Meanwhile, Erika peed outside. I like how her dress glitch makes it look like she's tied a lace ribbon around her dick.
Get the accessory as well as the first download for the latest kinky futa update. The accessory can work with it and it much more customisable. But the alternate bottom is effected by the script that makes them get hard when they're horny.
There's no "more" option under debug
pics to come soon
it should look like this (except transform to shemale in place of revert to female). You can enable the debug menu from the settings > miscellaneous.
more pics are always welcome
god dammit. futa-user got home from jail and went straight to sleep. Once she got up, she went straight back to raping.
I don't have that option
oh, forgot to mention, you need the latest kinkyworld patch for it.
Is there a pastebin for lewdmoding? I downloaded a torrent and installed a while back but I've never played this shit.
what the fuck is wrong with the dick texture
also i dont have sliders for the dick for some reason
i feel retarded
yeah it looks like that in CAS, but it's fine in game. It just reflects more in there. The sliders are under face sliders (I think, it's the first in the list of customizing looks, the sliders under that first option)
its been a while since ive last done this shit. completely slipped my mind that i need to download new shit every other month to make shit work.
the user posted how to set dick size in the thread already. you do it in game. come on, at least read through the thread instead of bugging in for every little detail you can't work out immediatelly. i actually found the post to double check if i remembered correctly but i'm not linking it because fuck you, do your homework.
i fuckin lurk these threads during my hour long down time to set it up and eventually get my game going, thats why i cant scan the hundred post threads and figure this shit out. i hoped to only ask one question and not devolve into spoonfeeding, but apparently no one thought to just make a single pastebin answering literally every question that could possibly be asked by anyone and leave it at that.
Sims 4 is probably better at this point tbh
Then again it doesn't have the huge variety of dick mods you guys love.
I'm just tired of 3 though.
here's the instructions from the animations page:
In game click on Kinky World settings inside of the Menu Animations Label click on Options Settings Menu Packages Label, add my animations pack ( in lower case): "kw_lady666_animations" / "kw_lady666_crazy_animations" / "kw_lady666_kinky_animations".
If you have done all that, try changing the name of the package to lord666, since he changed his name recently. I still have the old files, so it runs off lady666, but if you just downloaded them, try the other name in the animation code.
yeah i was following it. copy pasting the exact phrase and still denying it. i double checked to see if i have the packages and i still do.
look, i'm all up for helping out with the mods and whatnot, i know how annoying these things can get to set up properly but that was already the second question and you're not the only one asking. i'd rather not see this thread devolve into a Q&A thread since it was not made with that intention so (as nice as it would be if there was one) you have no business asking for a pastebin here. i'm sure many of the problems have been answered in the hgg thread as well. reading material has been posted in the op there too.
ctrl+f penis size menu
yeah im just gonna say fuck it to productivity and devote a bit more time to just flipping through since no one wants to be assed to do a pastebin and leave it at that
fuck off
She's growing more powerful. She's glowing red around her victims now (I think because so many people consider her an enemy)
i'll pass on that offer.
oh shit. i think we might be witnessing the birth of a villain
here's something that might work. I linked a mega of my package folder above . If you download that, it'll have the old lady666 files in it that will work with the codes I have in game. There's also the mike24 lesbian animations in it.
Summer day came and went. I had hoped to do the anime beach episode for it, but it rained until late afternoon. Maybe I'll do that on the weekend.
you're a god, thanks.
so it worked the animation played? output feedback is normal with the mod
yea. shes inexperienced.
Any mod that adds furries or other more monstrous things that aren't just funny ears and noses on a human?
It's the beach episode of the harem anime! Futa and Erika got into a fight immediately. Eleanor went to check out a lizard and Futa-user got hit on by some rich guys who have no idea what they're getting into.
Not that I've seen. The sims 2 had heaps of that stuff, but 3 doesn't for some reason. I'd love a mod that turns pets into monster girls. (horse into centaurs, dogs into kobolds and cats into catgirls.)
Those thumbnails, A+.
Are the last three thumbnails fucked up for anyone else?
Ariel and Tenille played some frisbee. Then Ariel encouraged futa-user to take her top off (she didn't). Eleanor masturbated in the bathroom and the protagonist clogged up the other one.
what about the thumbnails? They look normal to me
post pics. I can't see them and now I'm paranoid
Same here.
Futa-user was caught raping again. Although, this time she fought off the cops and escaped
Weird. Weirder that I can't see it either.
The protagonist and Ariel went to fuck again. Although this time he took on the receiving animations. He was so close to losing his anal virginity, but all she did was eat his ass. They then slept together
mine are fine as well
Had a bunch of potential good things turn out to be nothing. The protagonist was invited over to Richie's house, but nothing interesting came of that. Futa-user was invited to a party thrown by the guys from the beach, but hardly anyone showed up and she, for once, didn't feel like raping. She did scare a girl there. The protagonist had sex with Ariel when he came home, but she still didn't take his anal virginity.
Can you take the screenshots in JPG please?
these files are huge tbh i mean this for example is only 1/10 of your original filesize
Futa-user got caught raping again. There were two witnesses that called the cops this time. Ariel user beat her up and the cops arrested her.
I also got a maid since everyone keeps leaving so much mess around the house.
How subtle.
The teacher was strip dancing at school today. And the protagonist clogged up a toilet. He better make sure the janitor doesn't realise he was responsible or he'll get beaten again.
yeah I can do that. Most people complain about non-png images, so I was just going with that.
This motherfucker just won't let her shove her huge girl cock up his ass. Every time they go beyond just teasing and oral, he wimps out.
I held a costume party for halloween. Invited gollum buscemi, but he showed up with the former class bully and then bailed. The protagonist for some reason decided to strip naked before getting the pizza.
Buscemi, you traitor.
And sure boy, keep yourself naked, but you are going to get raped.
how prophetic.
When the protagonist woke up the next morning futa-user charged in to take what is hers. He's lost his anal virginity and futa-user has, as far as I can tell, raped everyone in the house.
And with that, I'll leave it for tonight. Hopefully Holla Forums house user will have his island ready soon.
To add more to
Change the 2GiB memory usage limit to 4GiB. It is a one line change in the .ini located in my Documents I belive.
That is the face of evil.
How many victims has cockzilla claimed so far?
Question, can you be mindbroken from constant rape? or would you just hate the one who raped you?
Wanna test that in real-life? ;^)
I'm not too sure. She's been raping about once per day. She got the trait on valentines day and it's now the end of autumn (7 days per season).
Nah, they just make the rapist their enemy. Although, you can give your sim the masochist trait, and then they'll love being raped. That's about as close as you'll get to being mindbroken.
I'm currently remeshing them and I'll make them a bit thicker at least
It fuggen works! with morphs and everything
fucking gross
Well, it is meant to be degenerate
Yeah, that was it.
By the way, anybody got a link to Futa user's sweater? I can't find that shit anywhere.
that was his costume, dummy
I find rather funny that he keeps the hotdog mask, making him look like a penis man.
He was trying to assert his dominance as the alpha wiener.
Holla Forums house will start again soon, i had to sort some stuff this morning and afternoon
Looking good
I made a mega link with all futa-user's things last thread. The sweater is in there.
He's never gonna give you up, nor let you down, but he might sometimes frown since he smells like ass
Astley Yoshikage just wants a quiet bath
Thanks m8.
I think it's time the gang took a trip abroad
Where should we go, China, Paris, or Egypt?
i'd make a poal but the site is dead
egypt. gotta see those
d e s i g n a t e d s h i t t i n g s t r e e t s
Egypt. Maybe you'll meet a qt mummy girl.
(Jihads internally)
How long should we be staying?
Overstay your welcome
enough time for legal rape
Can't you only do 3 days for the first visit and you need to grind to get more days for future visits?
ah, yeah, just noticed
I've never tried world adventures. This will be interesting to see.
Enough for that pink-haired cuck to get lynched for being too haram.
And so, the gang sets out for their adventures
Writer and Fish have the same thing, so there's that
let's hope no one gets raped/cursed eternally
SJW user gets hit on by a mudslime and then sticks her hand into a dark hole
Get the mummys curse so you can become a cutie ghost
She finished it off and managed to not lose her arm or dignity
*rubs hands furiously*
SJW user is in over her head, she can't get past these first few traps
Anyway, Guy Fieri enters a mysterious tomb…
and that's where i leave you for today
Allways felt bit bummed that there wasnt actually any REAL danger in those tombs.
Even mummies were rare as fuck and unless you were pretty much rolling with unlucky cowardly loser they pose no threat at all.
bump limit is 300, we're going down with the ship
Yeah, we're past the bump limit.
I felt like jumping back into the futa house, but I'll save it for the next thread as this one wont be around much longer. but to , Tenille appeared to have just been mindbroken. She acquired the masochist trait from having been raped so much, and then her sex animation with futa-user turned into a more mutual sex animation rather than a rape one.
wow that is hot af
I've allways been interested in the psychological/scientific side of someone going "mindbroken".
Stockholm-syndrome i think was one sort of "mindbroken" state or shit.
I got tired of redoing all the piercings so I worked a bit on pics related
that looks good. Might need a little more bunched up around the front, it looks a bit small. Sorry that the clit piercing ended up being harder than it should have been I thought something like that would be easy.
Could I add something else to your list? Could you make some clothes that my futa's cocks can hang out of? I've found there isn't much that works. Mainly for swimsuits. Either with it pulled to one side, or with a hole around the crotch. Perhaps some gym short slike pic related too.
Also, a sweater with a boob window, too, please?
Don't worry, the piercings will come. I've managed to make them work but i needed a break from the monotonous work.
Bunching it up a bit more shouldn't be a problem either, I'll do that once I've completed the UV map.
As for the new suggestions, i might do it if i feel like it :P Modelling, sculpting and texturing is hard work. Especially with the annoying UV map restrictions set in place by TS3.
How did you manage to get to where you are with the body imported and modelling clothes around it? I have autodesk maya on my computer and I might try making some of my own things if it's not too difficult to import the body to work around.
You'll need to get the template models from here,
They come in .obj format there, when it comes to actually getting it ready to put in TS3 it gets alot more complex. There's a bunch of tutorials on that here,
You'll want to look under 'General CAS Tutorials', 'CTU Tutorials' and 'Icon-generalmodding.gif
Modding Tools'.
sweet, thank you
Don't forget to share screens :)
If I manage to get anything finished I will. I was never good at texturing, though. also, you mentioned sculpting before. Does blender have that? or did you use another program for it?
I sculpt in Blender, i find that the sculpt feature in blender is good enough for most things. Especially since they added dynamic topology at some point.
maybe I'll have to give blender a try. You need a separate program for maya (mudbox) to sculpt, and it gets finicky transferring your model between the two.
Also, I think I'll make a new thread when we hit page 13. E3 stuff will probably force it off the page, but it might survive through it.
I personally don't like mudbox at all, it forces you towork with the topology you have. the 3D app adding verts as you sculpt along is so much nicer.
Know that Blender tends to have a pretty steep learning curve though. because it has so much functionality the UI can feel cluttered, once you get comfortable with all the (configurable) hotkeys though it works really quick.
alright, I made a new thread since this one is about to fall off the page