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who the fuck is that blue bear and why is he so fucking annoying





Um, guys… I think he's a got point here.

Dobby has a huge problem with making his character likeable. Look at those faces. Even if I agreed with him I'd still want to punch him in the cock.

do you think he drew all those doctors?

i want to punch him until my hands hurt

I only just realized


What do you recommend instead, you colossal hipster faggot?

I don't know if this is bait, but the second image clearly shows the burger guys as complete retards, they only draw straw in their arguments and don't even eat in the places recommended for fear of trivial reasons

ummm… so wait, let me get this straight,having 40 out of 104 characters being white males is a PRO-WHITE MALE political statement? Are you fucking serious?

64 out of 104

Why not just create a new fantastic character. Maybe a brown Muslim super bear that has terrible political views that everyone hates even if they agree with his terrible political views and can cause woman to inflate to six times their size.


Grow a pair.

There's a new comic about a Mexican space lesbian with two mommies called America Chavez

Not even subtle in their propaganda, the most well-known marrano surname and the one for 3 famous commie latinos


Why hasn't Knobson killed himself, yet?

I use to live near a bunch of chavez and martinez and rodriguez and nothing about them indicated to me they appreciated living in in the USA. In fact them seemed to pine for home with their mexican/cuban/PR flags everywhere.

Aside from that it looks like superman in drag right down to the front hair curl. How is DC not suing marvel over this?

Shitcanos are well-know to be US leeches, and their pride is mostly artificial, as their entire notion of homeland is distorted as fuck, hence why they never travel to their countries: they are dead scared that their imagined home is fake. Doesn't help U.S. residents are shunned in those places, except family that gets money aka the other leeches
It's a common syndrome, that's why they are always pissed and act tough, nobody really likes them for many reasons. The ones who were actually born and raised in those countries basically just shut up in the States because they damn well know it's better or they don't want to be associated with the Chicano community as they are seen as rude and gangbanging

There's a bunch of articles and books about it, check your latino section in the newspaper, they basically moan all the time in the columns about latino tourists bullying them and their "originary" privilege
Das rite, non-US resident latinos are privileged for being born outside the states and knowing spanish on native level. That's how it is for those commie aztlan shit-eaters

t. Arizona shitter who shamefully worked on SoCal

The only thing worse than 'cape shit' are the people who support the making of more 'cape shit' by attending screenings of all these politically correct remakes.

The entire point of the first image is making fun of Bendis's insanely excessive use of repetitive dialog.

He IS the 9 year old kid

Is Medieval Times supposed to represent Swordshit?

I like how dobby boy conveniently didn't mention their divergent sexuality though.

If I was a critic I would give ever single capeshit film a bad or mediocre score at best. It would need something better than the dark knight to get a good rating for me because those nolan films were pretty overrated garbage.

if normies read this they would sperg


Don't overanalyze my feelings

Don't make nonsensical strawmen then