So are autists the new Übermensch?
Oh and I guess good news for Holla Forums, leftists are being bred out of the gene pool purposely as they are defective helping to explain why Gen Z is so unpozzed but that's for another thread
So are autists the new Übermensch?
Oh and I guess good news for Holla Forums, leftists are being bred out of the gene pool purposely as they are defective helping to explain why Gen Z is so unpozzed but that's for another thread
Yay Autism
Fuck off kike science tbh
I went on a sperg forum where they were all claiming that we were the next step in evolution. I called them a pack of retards and mentioned I'd trade one of my nuts for the chance to be normal. They were perturbed.
Or… OR… there's a bunch of shit dumped in the water and air by the jew corporations and it's making us all fucked up in the head, hence the surge in fags, trannies, and other degeneracies as well as the aspie explosion.
O.K., higher cognitive function, at the cost of what? Unless someone who is autistic is also pragmatic, able to "into" social cues (a least to the extent putting up a facade, i.e. using the system while not in the system), and not just one someone who can aggregate knowledge, but truly intelligent (i.e. true innovation), all the while being physically fit and attractive, then they are a step back for humanity.
Someone with B looks, B grades, B skils, etc. surpasses someone who has an A in one thing, but an F in everything else.
explains why autists do such a good job of contributing to society, with works such as the Sonic Fandom, the Brony Fandom, and the Undertale Fandom. good job guys, really nailed all the big points, thanks for all you've done.
I actually had this theory that culture/tradition was made and maintained to accomodate autists so they don't have to bother with finding a waifu and such.
This extends to not just autists, but the lower 80% of men. Imagine if Billy the beta didn't get a wife and two kids like he wanted. He would stop going to work, and society would eventually collapse.
No, that is why we have specialization. Even autists have a purpose. Where do you think proficient programmers, mathematicians, etc. come from?
Those people should remain exceptional though. To have a society made up of such types, I feel as if it would lead us down the path of China or Japan. Hyper specialization.
One needs the majority of their populace to be well rounded in all affairs. This way, the exceptional people can innovate and the rest can work on bringing their ideas to fruition all the while maintaining societal norm.
It's disgusting that kikes and even normietards are pushing autism as a benefit or intelligence superpower. Being autistic is a negative for everyone. Not being able to communicate or able to change habits is eventually going to hurt them and or others around them. Unless they are a genius,contribute to country or society, and able to create something revolutionary. Then it's just a waste.
I'm no scientist but as someone who exhibits autistic behavior, the way I rationalized it is that they are archaic, leftover genes from neathanderthals who were very intelligent but more socially autistic. Reason why it appears almost exclusively in whites too.
Here's the difference between being socially awkward, and autistic.
I could never understand an autistic mindset(my son is actually autistic). But I am socially awkward. I hate litterally everyone. There is not a single person above me. That is why I will die for the cause.
We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children.
Where does one draw the line to which part of the autism spectrum is actually good.
We managed to break reality because for many of us life was not easy and learned really important aspects of life as we were still young.
I just hope this doesn't get memed to the point every autists is considered a genius.
The autism spectrum is just the domestication spectrum in reverse. Autists are just "wild-type" humans, unlike overdomesticated normies who rely on mimicry and herd mentality to guide them, autists must invent their own way from scratch.
Its not even a metaphor but literal genetic reality, it explains the doughy physiognomies of shitlibs everywhere.
this meme needs to die.
Autists exist in a data overloaded environment, unable to filter. Because their data range is wider their comms are being jammed, making them grasping to focus on anything that threads coherently forward.
That attention can be herded and trained (if you manage to do it). They only need to learn how to package the data flows into channels, then into thread safe processes. Maybe their 'failure' is the lack of filter for the overwhelming data that surround us.
I suspect a lot of niche chan goers to have some sort of psychological/neurological disability, me included.
I just don't believe in the need for those meds and psychologist visits. Humans are infinitely malleable and adaptive. So, like the body, one only needs to control and make up for their shortcomings.
Yes, basically. Autists actually have a chance in today's society thanks to the Internet, depending on their degree of functioning.
Again, it depends on their degree of functioning. Some autists devote their entire lives to a certain cause, which makes them appear intelligent because autists love talking about their favorite topic. Key word: some
Are sociopaths just autists with better PR?
Gotta evolve fast!
alot of autistic geek types like to hate on steve jobs because they say he was mean to techies etc. but he was definitely an autist who knew who to to on the charisma when needed, but the way he obsessed over the tiniest shit, sometimes to the point of "bike shedding" crap like demanding to try 2000 different shades of tan for the original macintosh case etc. but also not caring about people's feelings and lashing out if someone wasn't up to his level of workaholicness, when he was younger and still working at atari he went through a phase where he would talk to people with out ever breaking eye contact and he would even snap at people if they looked away, it seems like during this time in his life he was training himself to pass as normie (despite not showering and eating weird diets at the time)
Yes, and what is the difference? I understand it but far from socially awkward, if anything I say dumb shit only to be reminded afterwards it was inappropriate or insensitive, for one.
Normies loved him because the media made him out to be a genius, when he was only as smart as his engineers. Those geeks picked up on this, and resented him for it. Personally, I think that makes him even more intelligent. He knew how to assemble the right people and he knew exactly what teenage girls wanted, and as a result, Apple become one of the most valuable companies.
Also, bike shedding means people feel they must contribute since they have the ability to do so. In Steve Jobs' case, it was the difference between an Apple product vs. a shitty ching-chong clone. It's not quite the same as bike shedding.
inb4 anchor
No. Autistic people just didn't have a banner until now. They used to blend in perfectly with agricultural societies. Did you know Anglo-Saxons made the walls of their homes from shit? Actual shit. And they thought chickens were sacred so they wouldn't eat their eggs.
It only starts to become obvious when more people move away from the farms and into the cities and then the suburbs happened.
Trannies have always been around and have varying levels of stigmatization, we see more of them now because it's being normalized.
Homosexuality shows up as soon as the first cities, it's a result of a sedentary lifestyle, and since procreation was obligatory there are homosexual men that bred. It's also been noted homosexual men have siblings that are more fertile than average, so even if they themselves didn't breed their brothers and sisters would.
The only thing abnormal? Serial killers; which are historically speaking rather uncommon up until now. One could argue it's the population surges, or even the plentiful killing fields of history, but it's still abnormal.
Autistics, homosexuals, and trannies- all appropriate for any era, but serial killers are anomalous to say the least.
feels bad ungo bungo
The top theories I've heard that are most likely are:
The one I believe in the most now, however, is all the estrogen and estrogen-likes people are eating now. Since autism hits boys far more often than girls, I think it has to be liked to diet and mothers eating too much of this hormone in their diets while pregnant and feeding it to their kids within their first two years of life.
i chad…steal girl. believe in self. why you no kill mamooth like chad. lift rock.
t. /cavefit/
Serial killers are either government agents or mentally ill people on drugs like SSRIs or Ritalin.
best timeline tbh fam
You have the mindset of a baby boomer.
This has been known for quite a while in china
They're even researching into how to harness the autism, but they're calling it "finding a cure".
Properly cultivated autism can be molded into weaponized autism.
Weaponized autism is what won the election.
Whoever controls the weaponized autism, controls the world of normies. Because normies are easy to rule, have you ever tried to rule over someone autistic without them REEEE:ing?
Autism is a gift and a curse. It gives you expanded intellectual abilities while fucking up your social abilities.
Autism basically turns white people Asian while still retaining their souls.
Autism makes you incredibly literal which ruins the necessary component of being silly and instinctual when talking to normal people
Hence why autists on 4chan always poast "tfw no gf" and you see weird people at the gym trying to achieve a body in the hopes that women will overlook their awkwardness
However autism does make people extremely capable of private investigations.
Weaponized autism is no joke.
That's not a refutation.
Autistic behavior can be found in any era.
Trannies? Ancient Egyptians loved androgyny. And in some accounts after the death of king Philipous the 2nd of Macedon they placed the cause of the assassination on a jilted lover.
It was said he was Philipopus' lover, and was replaced by a younger man- whom he accused of being a tranny.
The archaic Greeks had an entire system of organized homosexuality (pederasty), and Dionysus is considered the god of homosexuals and crossdressers.
There are plenty of historic accounts of these behaviors, this doesn't even take into account sodomy as a form of corporal punishment, or slavery & prostitution.
I know the full potential of weaponized autism.
Autists are basically perfect slaves for the elite, why do you think that they hire so many in the intelligence community. They're extremely capable servants but don't have the social ability to organize and resist the elite. Why do you think that autism rates have spiked dramatically?
However autists came together in a space where social skills are irrelevant(imageboards) and hit back extremely hard with GamerGate, PizzaGate, the 2016 election, fucking over the CIA framing Assange, ect..
They gave birth to their worst enemy.
No Sociopaths are extremely charismatic and far more dangerous.
Autists are only extremely dangerous in groups like imageboards.
In the past, there were hermits, they often had autism, so they kept to themselves because they couldn't deal with the: at the time christian society.
But since people started to congregate into larger and larger cities, the autistic people who grew up in said cities had nowhere to go, so most of them just stays at home, like a true hermit trying to avoid the normies. This accelerated since the invention of computers/internet, now autists all over the world could be hermits while talking to other hermits without any of the normies interfering. This lead to massive "coming out of the closet" situations which prominent scientists took notice of and started to investigate/research, and now they're classifying an evolutionary trait as a mental disorder.
Naturally there will be autistic pretenders trying to false flag and do damage to the new species out of fear (the falseflaggers are almost always trannies and other failed mutations of homo sapiens). First they will try to subdue the autists by claiming diversity, but we all know they fear the weaponized autism.
Homo sapiens will die out,
Homo autistus will take their place
So im really just ten steps ahead of evolution, makes sense cos im autism but very attractive.
Honestly I think that autists are the next step in human evolution but are mal adapted to the modern era, in that way they're evolutionary failures.
Autists however are almost born for imageboards.
Ok, so you want to know why autists have trouble with social situations? It's the same reason that many of the best scientists, artists etc. have psychological problems.
The brain is a huge network of connected parts. As an infant, the brain grows many connections. Then, during early childhood, many of these connections are cut. In order for the brain to normally develop, many of the early connections have to be severed and many brain cells die. It's similar to how our hands start out as flipper-like things and then cells die in rows, causing the flippers to split into fingers.
In an autistic brain, this cutting of connections does not happen to the extent it does in normal people. This makes the brain more "powerful," in a sense, but it also allows "traffic jams" to happen. This is why autists are often repelled by certain sounds and smells, and have trouble with social interactions where the brain has to process lots of different signals coming from other people.
Who isn't mal adapted to the modern era though!? The only advancements we have are technological innovation, people have barely changed from serfs and you could argue the political class are just modern social networks. (corruption, tribalism, populism) could all be argued to be symptoms of 'normie' culture.
While autists are the hidden drivers of the world - science and logic are born of some hermit obsessing over something arguably.
Not that this isn't a lot more complicated and possibly all bullshit but hey.
Aren't the majority of autistic people near-retarded, with the rest being very good at very little?
Well put. It's also no coincidence that tranny brains and autist brains are similar in structure in terms of their defect.
Dumb, untalented people are "safer" to produce from an evolutionary standpoint. Their brain paths are heavily cut, so they don't have the abilities of people with more pathways, but they're less prone to have psychological problems because all the connections that could cause conflicting signals in the neural network are severed.
The stereotypical tortured artist is a person who has a more connected neural network than a normal person, which causes special talents as well as psychological problems, but not on the level of a truly autistic person.
A true autist can have a brain with so many connections that standard human abilities, like talking and walking normally, aren't even possible. So the number of connections in the brain has to be within a certain range for people to function at all.
For a lot of human history (and all of history in places like Africa) there was no need for people with heavily-connected brains, just basic cause-effect reasoning backed by instinct. Once humans started pursuing a more challenging and complex way of life, selective pressures started favoring autists.
For anecdotal proof of your post see: piano playing geniuses who can't tie their shoes without help
Pretty sure that autist who can't tie his shoes just has terrible coaches/parents or had an autistic reason to not want to learn tying his shoes. He's not too smart to tie his shoes, that's for sure. He probably prefers to have his shoes tied by someone else so he pretends he can't learn it. Meanwhile, he wants to play the piano so he does.
It doesn't expand your intellect by default per se, autists are creatures of chaos in comparison to orderly, metaphorically mentally autocratic, typical Whites you get: they live outside of the natural order thus can recognize it more like a normalfag can regonize an autist but the autist can't, the same applies in reverse.
For what normies are attached to the physical of life, negating the spirit (eg. mental gymnastics as to cloud being wrong on shitskins as to preserve the current, the physical) the autistic are enriched in the latter, often to neglect the first. As children, they need not crawl or babble, mimicry and sillyness to understanding; from childhood on they negate the natural law of development (order through chaos) supplanted with the "chaotic" human format - rampant categorization and its application, but without absorption as their special mark. To what people react through condition, residing in the physical, the autist disects and wonders, living in the spiritual, the information; understanding our mental complex (knowing how to react and why we do it but being incapable of it) which can evolve into understanding of structurally similar mechanics and technics of our world, giving birth to the idea of "autistic intellect". One can just as eaisly wonder too hard into the "spirit" and simply removes themselves completely from the physical and live inside their own head, or they can devolve into chaos completely and birth the "turbo autist".
You'd be surprised. They can't even figure out how to zip their jacket up, but for some reason the math part of music clicks for them.
It's autism nigga I ain't gotta explain shit.
Understanding music and being able to play music are two very different skills. I have no problem believing that musically inclined autists have an exact understanding of music in theory. But playing a piano (or other instrument) is a manual task not unlike tying your shoes or zipping up your jacket. And playing piano is more complicated, by far.
Just imagine how much more efficient the brain could work if it didn't have to adhere to the weird and illogical rules of modern society. "we should hang out sometimes" does not mean - contact me again, it's just something normies say.
Didn't get first post?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Autistic children.
I think you overlook some subtleties. The statement can be and imo usually is earnest, but it's only true in that moment. Later on the same person may no longer feel a need to contact you so they won't contact you. It's an expression of current sentiment, not a promise of future action. The person does not know (and is not concerned with) whether they will want to *actually* hang out with you again. They are having a good time right now and that's what is really being expressed.
Also, all people today are rather passive socially. We've all known at least one person who got friend groups together, you made the plans, called everyone up and things actually happened. Everyone else is glad they didn't have to think or act, they could just say yes to a proposed plan and go along with a group. You can be that person who starts things, there's nothing special about that person.
And its why I always omitted you, s-sorry mom said too many people in the house.
So are you saying that Autists are born Kekite chaos worshipers?
Haha, I was never that guy as a kid. Only recently figured this stuff out myself and became that guy (to some extent) in uni.
Honestly I don't really have a theory of tying my shoes in my head, I can't tie my shoes in my head.
It's just instinct at this point.
Honestly I think that imageboards are the next evolution of mankind and the autists natural home.
We have no problem communicating with each other, we just have a problem communicating with fucking normalfags.
Yes, and so is playing the piano to a good pianist. A good pianist doesn't have all the notes in his head, he just memorizes how to move his fingers and then he can repeat that provided a piano, like you can only tie shoes if provided an actual shoe to demonstrate on.
If kek resides in chaos, is he autistic or a normie?
I have mild assburgers but its more concentrated in the social area. Combined with social anxiety, heavy introversion it becomes an unpleasant mix.
This could just be some "autism is good, goyim!" piece because the rates will continue to rise.
lol this is the reason the sciences have become a meme
Not all CHAN users are autistic you guys realize right?
Most aren't actually. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news autists, but not all of us are like you.
Yale you are drunk
Autists are the spiritual elite of Anons.
And the Finns are the most autistic of all.
The author of the article is obviously into that Yale thing.
is autism a badge of honor now?
The autistic Aryan awakening is upon us brother.
We are Hitlers coming man.
It was said he was Philipopus' lover, and was replaced by a younger man- whom he accused of being a tranny.
The archaic Greeks had an entire system of organized homosexuality (pederasty), and Dionysus is considered the god of homosexuals and crossdressers.
You don't even know what you're talking about, all this bs concentrated to 1 post is hilarious but ,really, you should go back to plebbit.
My two brothers and my dad are autistic as fuck. However we, for whatever reason, have always simply kept quiet and contained it and were able to learn how to adapt through autisticly precise observation of others. Sure, we tend to be much different than others, but we've all managed to condition it so that it's different in a way that generally interests people, rather than put them off. Of course it helps that we're all blond, blue eyed, and tall.
My dad isn't the greatest at it and still has some social awkwardness that has actually caused him quite a bit of trouble, and in my early days of middle school I was the wierd kid, but I learned amd adapted, and ended up always being that guy that was everyone's friend, in highschool, college, the Marines, and my work. It's doable, or at least with my particular genetic brand of tism. Sure, I havey awkward moments, and everyone knows I'm not your average person, but it's generally actually a very positive condition for me and my afflicted relatives.
The phrase "contain your autism" isnt just a meme. You have to contain it and let it help you adapt, until it's something that actually socially benefits you.
Yeah I made a mistake, fatigued.
Pausanias of Orestis, accused Phillop II's new lover (also named Pausanias) of being a hermaphrodite.
If you haven't read Arrianos, you are not allowed to have an opinion on Alexander. So don't spoonfeed me homosexual propaganda. I won't work. In theatres, male actors sometimes portrayed female characters, was this sexual crossdressing too? was this homosexuality? pffts
Now take this gay crap out of here and go back to plebit.
Weak attempt at rationalizing the growing number of autistic children being born as a result of ageing mothers and delayed childbirths. Autism is a developmental disorder, not a congenital one.
Do not be fooled, they are trying to counter the rationale of older mothers being inherently damaging (WHICH IT IS) and trying to cover tracks for their own bullshit manipulation of our reproductive cycle.
The less and less a human being runs around hunting for food, or going down into the coal mines, or commuting to their 9-5 job, the more time they have to think. And thinking creates ideas. Ideas that are memes. Memes that can affect reality. Autistic NEETs are the intelligentsia of modern society, thanks to the Internet.
We have more in common than you think brother.
Serial Killers existed before
It's just they were allowed
Eh, I don't know, user.
I know modern autism today is a huge spectrum of disorders which were not even mentioned several years ago. And with this in mind, the amount of autists increases because they're calling disorders which had no other name autism.
In modern (((psychology))), there are multiple layers and ways autism would work in a human being, and if you go deep enough, you'll see that (((they))) conflated mental potential (high IQ) with potential autism, which is nuts, but also explains why so many people are on opioids and medicines to correct "hyperactivity" in kids which are 100% healthy, thus killing their social/neural growth.
For what it is, very mild cases of autism in modern terms is "you are gifted to have a high-performing brain which can backfire in you being overly specific and concentrated at tasks while denying other layers and ways to make it work". Older moms tend to also give their share of experience in life to their children, which means a more stable home, which means less separations and single-mom whites (which should be brought up by adoptive parents, instead, thanks to the data provided by Mrs. Coulter). Though no woman past their 40's should reproduce for the sake of the health of their kids (and in most cases, not even past their 35's), there are also benefits involved.
This is a two-way street. The enemy should be the definition of autism itself, which like every other term nowadays, keeps getting redefined for the sake of redefining things.
I disagree, the serial killers we see today were usually warriors who who satiated their rage and violent urges in combat. Their psychopathy was an advantage in the up-close and personal nature of warfare prior to the invention of the gun.
The blood and violence in European tribal warfare, for instance, likely pacified the serial killer until the next bloody battle against the Celts, Visigoths, Picts, Vikings, etc. There was a documentary on psychopaths and how many people with psychopathic traits become the best special forces operators (like Navy SEALs, Spetsnaz) because they keep their cool while simultaneously enjoying murdering someone with legal justification.
I'll take a jacked up Roman, Viking or Visigoth version of Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer or other serial killer to fight on my side with a sword and a shield rather than some pussy who would run away from death. The serial killer won't have issues killing, raping and pillaging.
Genghis Khan would likely be a psychopathic killer, instead he raped and murdered his way to amass a huge empire. Men weren't domesticated like bitches back then, the didn't have Talmudvision and the weak, like Jews, were slaughtered.
As for OP's (((study))), it's just kiketech science to spin the narrative that autism is an advantage because the Jews are poisoning the fuck out of our children with chemicals, vaccines and any other form of the Chemical Jew. I heard that 50% of boys in 30 years will be autists.
Imagine being a boy starting (((public school))) today. Chances are slim you won't have a shitty teacher try to get the kid addicted to (((Adderall))) or an SSRI because the boy (((acted out.))) That's what boys do when you make corporal punishment illegal. The kike criminalizes parents for physically disciplining their children. The Jew destroys the family unit so boys have no father figure. The Jew promotes (((gender fluidity))) asking children. Then you wonder why boys have the odds stacked against them.
Gas the kikes, race war now.
You do know there were URBAN, CITY-DWELLING serial killers in Rome which were never warriors, but cunning, coward men who wanted to satiate their thirst of the hunt his ancestors acquired by killing innocent men/women, right?
Genghis Khan was a conqueror. Every hugely successful conqueror in human history had psychopathic traits, but that didn't mean he resorted to kill to satiate his basic needs. For him, killing was one of the ways he used to archieve his personal goals, which were completely separated from his personal NEEDS.
Here's one of my favorite examples of a genuine medieval serial killer.
The diagnostics for "autism" is bullshit. If you are don't like to drink booze, fuck around and socializing with idiots who have nothing of value to say you fulfill 90 % of the criteria by default. If you are introverted you fulfill 90 % of the criteria by default. If you are depressed you fulfill 100% of the required criteria so if you didn't handle entering the shitshow that is public schooling too well pray someone noticed.
Now these dubs I'll check, aluminum and mercury in vaccines are almost certainly the culprit but this thread is full of casuals and sub-autists.
OK, better brain power at the cost of not being able to communicate
No, becasue psychopaths are by nature weak willed and cowardly. The only ones proclaiming psychopathy is ever useful to anyone are psychopaths. According to themselves they are always the best warriors and leaders despite them lacking every single quality a good leader and warrior have, becasue they are narcissistic fucking psychopaths.
A good leader seeks to make it better for those under him, not psychopaths
No, most of them just don't mesh with the degenerate kike consumer society and refuse to bend to it so kike psychology pathologizes them.
Yet psychopaths run governments, financial institutions, etc.? I get what you're saying fam, but aren't many billionaires technically psycho? I don't get it. You have to have no soul to ruthlessly be a successful capitalist.
Someone gas the fucking kikes and begin a race war.
Does Trump not have a soul?
He at least knows that you gotta keep your friends, close, and your (((enemies))) even closer.
That is mostly not because they have any leadership qualities but becasue they are completely ruthless cowards who will do whatever the kikes tell them to. If someone with an actual conscience shows up among them he is forced out immediately becasue he will object to grinding those below him to the bone to make more money available to plunder.
Basically it's analogues to how you can not climb the ladder in media unless you are a leftists degenerate. Anyone who would actually make an honest reporter is purged.
Their theory is bullshit. The cases of autism wouldn't have increased dramatically in the last few decades if it was just genetic. There's something epigenetic about it. And no it's not specifically vaccines, it's a compilation of multiple factors.
Yes. It's called jewish psychology.
Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females | Berkeley News
Is there a giant corn field sprayed with atrazine close to San Francisco?
Did 4/pol/ get nuked again?
Why don't you fuck off and not report back?
Silly idiots. Imageboards were always a magnet for the outcasts of society. Holla Forums was built on the foundations of autism. No normal person on this planet is able to shitpost with this kind of precision, repetitiveness, vigor and methodology like Holla Forums always did without actually losing their mind and going berserk.
You may try to deny your autism, but consider this: what would a normal person do if they'd browse an imageboard where anime, gore, the worshipping of the chaos god, the hard cold truth and the wish for the extermination of specific races are not a paradoxon for those who "live" there who wish for a society of perfection, evolution and dominance? That's correct, a normal person would commit suicide or spin out of control and become deranged.
Just look at what Holla Forums did to unsuspecting normies browsing it. Tons of suicides, murders, gender changes and so on. Imageboards is nature's answer to the lack of biological selection due to corrupted societies.
The girl in video related has the same kind of autism we have. Just substitute peanutbutter for NatSoc. That's what we are. It's so normal and logical, because it's true.
Autist grills are such QTs.
no u
Why was she putting peanut butter on herself?
i want to lick her
This is why women can't resist the charms of an autist, those superior genes.
Stop projecting your mental issues onto others faggot, the reason why normalfags would freak out if they were browse this place is because they have never seen such a way of communication before because we are expected to be civil in real life. In a couple of months even the "normiest" Chad would get used to it.
Anyway, I hate this meme that everyone who dislikse other people and is anti-social is automatically an autist. First of all, most people that browse imageboards have a lot of self-awareness which prevents them from talking about shit like being an unironic nazi in real life, if an actual autist would start browsing this place he would be screaming "heil hitler" out loud when walking outside.
Another thing I've noticed when meeting people that are actually autistic is that they are not anti-social at all, it's actually quite the opposite: because of their lack of self-awareness they do nothing but talk and talk and just say the first shit that comes up in their mind. They seem to love talking about every single detail of their life to random people because they don't understand the concept of their public image or whatever you want to call it.
[The boy] was pampered and dressed in better clothes than he had ever known. The evening began with a large meal and heavy drinking, particularly hippocras, which acted as a stimulant. The boy was then taken to an upper room to which only Gilles and his immediate circle were admitted. There he was confronted with the true nature of his situation. The shock thus produced on the boy was an initial source of pleasure for Gilles
Fuck off faggitor, your gayness further exemplified by the fact that you invade spaces and instantly try to bend them to your will, just like reddit
Kill yourself plebbit cowardice scum, trying to hijack our culture once his faggot club turned worse. Your numale tendencies are radiating off your post like nuclear waste.
This. Earlier I thought somebody was going to do something they hadn't planned out at all. They explained to me that they knew what they were doing and I trusted them, so I said "if you say so." They proceeded to get all huffy with me because they think that, by saying I trust their capabilities to change my opinion on their baseless assurance alone, I'm being a passive aggressive and sarcastic dick. Fuck's sake.
I was diagnosed with a sort of pseudoaspergers called "Nonverbal Learning Disability" in grade school.
Most days I wish I didn't have it, but I've gotten used to it at this point.
Sure thing, Chaim.
What kind of social justice ganja have you been smoking? Faggotry is abnormal. Dressing like the opposite sex because of feels is abnormal. And, as much as it pains me to say it, not being able to look a pretty girl or an alpha male in the eyes is fucking abnormal as well.
I didn't know that, but I can believe it. The saddest fucking shit is how the tranny mob targets autistics to increase their numbers. I've met a gal IRL that's convinced she's a boy just because she's a little on the butch side (and is so proud of her hormone-grown beard that I want to burn it off her). Then there's that poor bastard, Chrischan. Also, this article an user posted months back at
Also the trauma of infant circumcision has been linked to it. Then again, every single one of my relatives on my mother's side of the family shows up somewhere on the spectrum, so I really can't say one way or the other. One thing I do know, however, is that the male cousins have been hit far harder than the female cousins. That, or they're more easily forgiven for social awkwardness due to the pussy pass.
I cannot honestly believe that "Zero Game With the Ladies" = "Next Step in Human Evolution." It's a dead end if you can't pass on your genes. The only way that could be true is if we're being prepared for contact with sperg aliens for the purpose of breeding like the grey alien abductees claim or if the Singularity is very close and we're all about to leave our bodies behind. I believe we're just a horrible byproduct of the industrial revolution and the pollution it's caused.
There are definite, 100% autists on here
There are many aspies as well
I would not be surprised if more than 30% of the userbase was on the spectrum
I hate doctors, so I don't have an official diagnosis, but I have 22 of the 23 traits that identify autism spectrum
I think a lot of us are just high functioning to the point where we can fake it as "almost normie"
Fucking this. I've never felt more at home than on an imageboard.
This is why any autistic genes keep getting passed around. There are very few women out there who won't get a fucking if they want it and don't have super high standards. Even that poor creature with her weird peanut butter fetish has a bod that, if even half-way groomed, will be used as a semen-receptacle by anyone who can crack her personal code. And it goes without saying that her personal code starts with "Reese's" and ends with "cups."
I make it at least 60%
Blacks and hispanics actually have higher rates of autism than whites. Difference is the "type" of autism, they have less social impairments (cultural differences partially explain this), and more generally lower cognitive functions than the respective populations but not as huge of a range as seen in whites.
Autism is much like schizophrenia: a collection of several illnesses with a common symptom or two. Think of how many different viruses cause a "cold"
Yeah, but I'd like to stress that we're talking about a specific form of autism here. Many important scientists and philosophers had it. All of them lead double-lifes. One face for the normies, one face to the truth and work.
On the other side, there are bad forms of autism which are hindering cognitive capacity and prevent "meta-cognitions". These are usually selected out of the gene pool like the article from OP states. We are blessed with the good form of it, while being able to smash good pussy and procreate if we want.
Agree to a point, but I'm pretty sure Einstein and Tesla only had the one face.
I'm not a redditor, the "le" was added because you seem like a redditor you stupid kike, you'd know that if you had been for longer than a week.
No, I never did.
I'm not saying there are no actual autists on here but they're not the majority, I knew a guy who had "high functioning" aspergers and even he just blurted out whatever the fuck he thought of, I was often embarrassed to be hanging out with him.
we've already established, that you don't belong here. Stop wasting space and go away.
Heh, who let this chump in? Everyone point and laugh!
Not a likely explanation. Women today have kids at a later age on average, but only get one or two kids max. Back in they days they continued to pop out kids until their tubes dried up in their 50s. If the mother's age is such a huge factor, then there would way more people with autism 100 years ago than today. This autism epidemic is a fairly new phenomenon.
autist detected
That might be me
tfw no autistic gf
Lol aspie I have mild synptoms of ASPD (psychopathy) thus i simply lurk and post a few gore pictures when the time comes.
It mostly has to do with the chemicals in our food and water (chemtrail particulates, fluoride, etc.). The only way to filter it out is through distillation.
Pfft, lightweights.
Those who are liberated by Holla Forums pay the price in raw feels. As encouraging as the truth is, part of that truth is the enormous task that awaits all anons now as we try to restore national socialism.
I've read accounts of gay Native Americans that were allowed to live their lives as trannies in the tribe. It's not really a result of a sedentary lifestyle, it's just an aberration that manifests because of the complexity of human psychology.
But Newtypes are supposed to have a lot of empathy, which is what autists lack.
You caught me. It's not like I said it way back in or anything.
It depends on the type of autism. We're getting to the point where nearly every human on this planet has some sort of personality, mental, or cognative disorder. I'm starting to think that certain types of people (by race, intelligence, societal role, social role, religion, personality types, etc) are better at specific roles, and worse at others. As people we have our own strengths and weaknesses, to claim when someone is weak in one category, they are usually branded as defecient and perscribed meds for the rest of their life. When in reality, maybe they just oriented for that purpose?
This is all a ploy by the pharma jew to get more people on a spectrum, and to get more people taking meds.
TLDR: all people are flawed, but have their own specific roles in this life. To judge them by their specific deficiencies is the wrong way to go about it all.
t. Autismo captain assburger.
He's right you know. A lot of people died.
Neurofag here.
I've suspected this for a while. Autism doesn't come from a single gene but there is evidence it comes from 'multi-gene clusters'.
Genetic mutations that on their own give an evolutionary advantage. Even some pairs of groups of these mutations might give an advantage. But, you get the wrong combination of mutations in this gene cluster and you end up arranging coloured blocks, drawing sonic fanfiction cartoons and posting on Holla Forums.
Don't ever say "TLDR" again.
someone made a post about how they thought high functioning autism disorder was really a CIAnigger program to make super soldiers before super computers, but then it was trashed after super computers were made and that we are the remnants of that said program.
Yeah but the man has genius level IQ, perhaps that helps him overcome the psychos.
He's the right man in the wrong moment and he's making all the difference in the world.
checked and kek'd
weaponized autistic warrior here
True autism is extreme focus of intelligence
A light saber of knowledge
Modern tech means autists can make millions of shekels
then surgically improve themselves
while having autistically high mating strandards
thereby creating super race
Society is degenerating, defectors (autists) are the saviors
Anyone else notice few shills in this thread?
I had to check and make sure this was Holla Forums
normies underestimate and accept true autists as superior
autists id fellow autists upon contact
but contact can be delayed due to social reclusion
88% of imageboard users are autistic
14% of imageboard users are autistic as fuck
dont get to mad its how they cope
you motherfucker, at least post both parts.
In other words "White men (intellectual achievement) get autism more often than muds."
White boys whose mothers are chasing "muh career" and leave them in daycare during crucial formative periods, then want "me time" after work.
tl;dr feminist acting mothers turn their boys autistic, the correlation with cognitive superiority is because White boys carry the genes for such superiority and White boys are the ones whose mothers most often choose careers or other material factors over raising a family, often waiting until middle-age then offloading the child to daycare or neglecting it in the home as a nuisance.
Lack of maternal warmth stunts interpersonal development and leads to autism.
…and the existence of actual satanists doing satanist things, good for reference when someone starts talking about witch burnings as an attack on feminism. They where actually babykillers, there are historical records of satanists being arrested by the 100s in france for kidnapping, killing and eating babies.
That article is just one example.
I think there are different types of autists. Autism just means social impairment. As where one Holla Forums user might be a genius that only has the significant flaw of being a furry, another might be a completely awful dumbass (by normal Holla Forums standards) in pretty much every way but doesn't enjoy cancerous stuff. With autism, it might link a person to being able to do calculus at a young age and literally change the world that has social issues or likes abnormal things like Ween, while another might be too attached to fantasy/entertainment without any self-awareness or caring, and just be disgusting economic leeches.
Sometimes though, people who change the world won't just fit into society. Maybe those types will not be appreciated for who they are, but what they create, while there are some autists appreciated for who they are.
Normietards really don't contribute anything more than autists, and usually less, because autists usually make something interesting for somebody, while normietards usually only please themselves or their friendship rings and try too hard to "look good" instead of actually breaking the mold because it might "ruin their reputation". As for autism: it actually does (usually) give almost all of its' patients some sort of benefit, and even the insufferable autists provide entertainment for sociopaths, so they have their uses. Plus, where do Jews even play into this, antisemitic idiot? Top-class jews mostly care about money and keeping Citizens happy, they don't care too much about autism being "good", and so what? Autism isn't always bad anyways, and that's the message trying to be conveyed.
Great point, my dude. Autism has its pros and cons, but it's still better than being a hopeless sheep of society.
Agree with the medications part, but disagree with the psychologist part. A psychologist should be visited once in a blue moon; not never, not always. Therapists should provide the building blocks for research that needs to be taken, and diagnose any mental issues a person might have. People need to experience and learn from trial and error instead of just being expected to "act right" or "staying isolated until they are right". What people need to understand is that if somebody does something unethical, as long as it's not too harmful such as rape, it's not that awful and nobody should rely on society's opinion for things for what they need.
Oh really now? If autism makes people so "literal", then why am I crazy silly myself and more advanced to Kurt Cobain's level of wackiness as a child? If it's the converse, then why am I also an extremely dedicated and serious person to certain subjects and not a SJW?
Could you explain that in simple English? That's the second time today I had no clue what somebody on Holla Forums was talking about.
Also, conforming to society is forced eventually unless you're extremely lucky, but you do it one of the following ways: lie to normies, or lie to yourself. I post furshit hugely to bring up ad-hominem attacks dodging the actual points of my argument to weed out the poor debaters.
Most autists can communicate either through generated media or can communicate with just a degree of awkwardness.
No, he's just a narcissistic, money-loving idiot staged by alternative media to look like a great or funny person. He's not kind, racist, funny, or useful; the media has tricked us all just to get Trump into power.
Well user, i'm not a (((mental health professional)), but I believe you when you say you're autistic. Don't worry, you can vent later when Holla Forums and /furry/ are back up.
Already there is a poor debater that made no actual points and used only ad-hominems, which means you try to construct an argument based off of character or suspicions instead of actual estimates or evidence. I used "normietards" as it was the term used by the user I was quoting. As for saying "muh dude", it's just my character and adds no relevance to your argument. Even if I was autistic, that doesn't necessarily impair my judgment or make me "wrong" by default. Maybe you're about to say "u fell for teh bait XDDD autist" but realistically, so what I fell for the bait you didn't clearly set up and I wasn't going to waste my time putting a ton of brainpower in determining whether or not your comment was bait or not, but either way, I still felt it was necessary to address the points. Sure, my argument was kinda ad-hominem, but ad-hominem arguments are okay against ad-hominem arguments, since if they provide no coverage on the topic, then all there is to argue with is ad-hominems that aren't correlated to the topic, thus, one would have to go off topic.
Now this is autism.
Top kek, it only gets better. Thanks autfag.
What's wrong with autism in a debate anyways? It doesn't really point any direction away from my argument.
Oh fuck it, I'm essentially repeating myself right now. I honestly don't care if people judge me off of empty labels without any reasoning.
obviously not you fucking degenerate. Go back to Holla Forums
I'm an autist and it's critically disabled my life in many ways tbh. But I've always had a freakishly good ability to coldly pick apart systems and figure out how they work and get past all the bullshit to the truth. I redpilled myself basically on my own from the age of 15 by reading the interwebs (this around year 2000). Figured out WN was the way, the Jews must be gassed, liberalism and degeneracy is cultural Marxist propaganda etc etc. Redpilled myself on the future of humanity - resource wars, die off etc.
When everyone else my age was obsessed with grills I was figuring out the nature of civilisation and it's future.
Normies can never compete with my autistic analytical and logical skills although they are better at literally everything else.