Latest on Seth Rich

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Seems legit.

We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white people.


Further proof that the establishment is the same regardless of a R or a D following your name

fucking lol the audacity of these kikes

Never ceases to amaze me how far they'll go to link it to the Russians. It's getting boring now.

Can't we just throw them from helicopters already?

> 'He didn't specify who or how. He just said he had knowledge it was arranged by the Russian government and stressed that it was at a high level.'

Did the Russians kill Vince Foster too?


………… Who the fuck says that?

> The faith-based organization bills itself as “a voice advancing Judeo-Christian values, addressing concerns and advocating for the marginalized,” and seeks to provide a platform that will “bring together the global networks of Christians and Jewish believers worldwide.”

Those fucking Russians!

Coffee I bought this morning was cold too. Wouldn't be surprised if they were behind this also.

Some CIAnigger already floated this retardation here some months ago. Small guys moved their fan fiction up the food chain.

Oh boy, watch the lib clowns try to paint the Seth Rich event in a Russian color to cover their ass. This article is about a month old though.

the guy is fucking paying for the investigation thou, personal investment

Dumping other shit that the Russians have done to subvert our great nation.

getting so goddamned sick of this bullshit


Russia needs to go lads.

The Russians paid off my student loans.


terrible answer

Was he telling her about the upcoming hay delivery?

Seth is in a better place now. Free of his N64 rendered Steven Tyler Ball & Chain.

That's a dick sucking jaw on that girl if i've ever seen one

Shadilay, user..!!!

He was on the phone explaining Putin's plan to recover the lost Faberge Eggs Huma was using as a butt-plug.

This nigga don't know 14/88.

There seems to be a lot of that going around. A suspicious amount of shit OPs, lately.

I intentionally use Russian, Czech, or Ukrainian VPNs and proxies everytime I commit an act of memetic warfare now because wtf why not

Assange needs to be all over this with Pedo-sta's emails about Seth Rich being the leaker inside the DNC. This ties right back to hillary and the clinton body count, why even mention this subject. Unless this guy is doing it because something is about to leak about who REALLY killed Rich, and they are panicking.

lmao what the fuck am I reading?

We're going to need bigger helicopters.

The assertion:
We already know that it wasn't only the Russians, and WL releases were not from state actors.
Their underlying premise supports no weight what-so-ever.

White people art. Have a cultural suppository. pic related are Faberge eggs, though not the lost ones.

I have overheard pinochet references in public at places like Wendy's and the mall since antifa showed themselves for what they were. And I have seen more and more talk of rotor blades and rotor blade enthusiasts in the last few weeks, all over social media.
I think Antifa may want to chill out because they may go too far one of these days, and it will be tragic for them, because even I was shocked at how absolutely causally these people were talking about throwing communists from helicopters in public.
There must really be a lot of built up anger bubbling up over the violence I think. I mean, they called everyone who supported Trump Nazi supporters (And I think they even said socialists get the bullet too at one point). Then they came out again, and had a punch a Nazi/bash a fash campaign.

But really, what the hell did they think was going to happen?

Christ, such a shit thread that the mods can't even fix it.

Checked those cute little toy eggs? You could buy a nuclear power plant with one.

Imagine killing someone then having the audacity to parade their body around to push whatever agenda suits you. It's exactly like the movie rope which was based on Yale Kikes btw.

Don't forget Poland!

Please make more of these russian debunk memes

So, in their minds:

They're not even trying to keep their story strait.
If he didn't tell anyone about the Russians, then the Russians couldn't have known that he knew.
If he did tell other people about the Russians, then it was already too late to silence him.

The story is intentionally implausible / lacks detail so the Russians will know this is just propaganda for the zombies in America, NOT a sincere accusation against Russia. All of the anti-Russia rhetoric is damage control aimed at American voters, has no connection to real politics.

Makes sense, Russia certainly doesn't seem concerned by it, publicly at least.

They aren't. They are the ones who withdrew from the uranium contracts to show they mean business, and the US has no response. Russia has successfully defended Syria and there's not much the US can do about it, and with Trump in office there's nothing they want to do about it anymore either. Trump wants to refocus the US to a more sane scale of operations instead of the Bond villain megalomania of previous governments that has lead to US power spreading thin everywhere. Most US plans these days fail. The US is everywhere and interfering with everything and abroad this behaviour creates the impression of great power (Eurofag here) but if you look at the bottom line the US' real, tactical position is not improving, quite on the contrary. US saber rattling is chaotic, without a concrete goal, no win state. Maybe it's because of the different governments of the US pulling in opposite directions, maybe it's because when you're on top there's nowhere left to go, who knows?

Based Spencer actually did some good after all. Generic cuckservative man has had 'Nazi' thrown at him for so long, he now assumes that when Antifa talks about punching Nazis (as in, actual Natsocs(i.e. us)), they're actually talking about him. Now his own personal safety is at stake, he is forced to take sides, and he'll side with the ones who aren't wanting to beat him in the streets.


The funny thing about anti-fa is that they are simply foot soldiers for the establishment. The establishment is already socialist, globalist and anti-white. So what more can they really accomplish? They are just helping us, more than anything. All they are doing is providing the optics necessary to justify their own extermination, even in the eyes of normies.

I already wanted to put bullets in the back of their heads and dump them into a giant hole, but now they have even made normalfags receptive to the idea. Ive had discussions with my friends and family, warming them up to the idea of purging these faggots. And literally every time they seemed to like the idea.

DM forgot they previously reported the source of the DNC hacks

top kek, these things you forget after not watching TV for years