Cataclysm DDA

Cataclysm thread. Post your characters, adventures, deaths, etc. Apparently in the experimental version they just added some type of vitamin nutritional thing

Also if someone has that old anti-dildo/anti-overpowered BS mod we can figure out a way to update it

Other urls found in this thread:!75xkmZga!mlsQxDPM9jHMfFjMGx1mdEY1ovlcRYiKAFiYktvwatw starving the palistinians&rlz=1C1PQHB_enUS627US627&oq=israel starving the palistinians&aqs=chrome..69i57.12749j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=israel starving the palestinians

We need a whole clean branch. Its really sad that development stopped and they only add bullshit like this nowadays.

They've actually slowed down on the most blatent bullshit in the development and have been adding (or more like approving commits from third parties for) actual features to the game again

Also we've tried that. Only like two substantial things got added one of which by me, and then it was dead in a week. I believe I still have the code base for it somewhere on my computer

I still feel bad about Exodus, but it was doomed to failure, I fear. Imageboards aren't exactly a great format for organization.
I was the one who set up the google doc.

Nothing should be handled solely on 8chins.
If you guys didn't already communication should of be shared on a more formal basis like email or some shit.

I've tolerated the annoying shit, for example despite all religious texts being in game, I've never found a bible, always a torah, Buddhist, or Jehovah's witness.

So I just turned all religious references off.
It would be nice for some more focus on scenarios, buildings, and later game challenges.
Especially dungeons, labs are boring as shit after a shortwhile.

Killing a sport tower is difficult as hell, has little reward and takes a ton of resources.

I would really like a dungeon or building that is underground and is the insides of some abomination where you have a random chance to find a selection of final rooms.

Apparently there is some hueg secret underground city that is supposed to be a final dungeon but, its ultra rare, there is no way to determine which direction the closest one is, and its content can still be bulldozed by the superpowered abominations most players will create by the time they find one

Also bump


Those are implemented in the current stable release to some degree, but just eventually just stop. Look for bombed out cities with irradiated wanderers Apparently the development branches have them more fleshed out. I really can't wait for the next stable release.

that sounds pretty neat I had no idea despite 100+ hours I have never found one.

Also I would like something to be done with the factions, it would be nice if you can actually start to rebuild civilization.



Try it when they are 1 square away, sometimes enemies will follow you up in that case maybe same with allies.

It would be very easy to make a furry mod where enemy zombies have a large chance to be in a fur shit or outright make a furry zombie.
Purging with fire would be even more satisfying.

Hey, you're getting your dorf fortress in my cataclysm and I like it.

When you have a jackhammer and one of those prepper shelter the game starts resembling a one person dwarf fort.
I tried to get companions to guard and shit but their AI is awful and often very inconsistent.

Here you go.!75xkmZga!mlsQxDPM9jHMfFjMGx1mdEY1ovlcRYiKAFiYktvwatw
It's been a while since I made it, but IIRC it's easy to update. Just find the ID of the thing you want to remove and add it to the list. What stupid shit have they added now?

my current character is a ocotopod sneak dude worshipping the shadowy god, pretty op so far


fug, when you confuse cataclysm with dcss

What world settings do you guys use? Used to use wander spawns (hordes) but it makes a two-house town have an army of zombies. Also it makes the early game consists of setting a house on fire at night to bait the nearby horde to their deaths. The end game is just running them over with a supercar.


oh and I forgot to mention starving the palistinians&rlz=1C1PQHB_enUS627US627&oq=israel starving the palistinians&aqs=chrome..69i57.12749j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=israel starving the palestinians

Huh. Maybe this game might have finally gotten hard.

Yeah, all the zombies can now evolve to more advance versions as the game progresses and skill gain has been fucked with so running full-retard into town with nothing but a sharpened piece of wood and a reinforced t shirt will now only mostly result in success, instead of guaranteed success. Also they nerfed tailoring hard so now you need to now de-curtain every window in a house for strings to keep your tailoring supplies up.

Nothing I can think of so far, but I think some things in the mod have disappeared/changed names/become non-degenerate if I remember my last play through with it correctly.