Why do black women look like black men?
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Because they're not human.
Wait is this that Blacks are Egyptians, Jews and Kangs bs?
High test
Black women ARE men.
They're also white.
Lol Nah I don't smoke.
Oh so that's why their hair is kinky when their kids and then becomes straight when they're older. They evolve like pokemon?
How new are you?
They have higher testosterone than other races' women
Not very. I haven't used Holla Forums in a bit though.
I see but what about black women from the 80's they were feminine.
Niggers don't have enough cognitive function to appreciate beauty, so there was probably no selectivity for female beauty during their evolution in Africa.
I see but what about Halle Berry, Rhianna, Beyonce?
She really looks like a dude.
most black guys will fuck anything, they literally have no standards (and it's a big reason why ugly feminist and trans fags fight so hard to protect black criminals, otherwise they would never get laid)(the only time you see a black guy with a good looking chick, it's either gross cuck porn, or lib-tards virtue signaling and the relationship crumbles once the novelty wears off)
t. black guy
Don't the rich ones get hot chicks?
eh, they get gold diggers that slap on pounds of makeup. and they still have the same problems with the women just sticking around long enough to pop out a kid and fuck off with alimony/child support so they can fuck a guy they are actually attracted to, and not have to worry about money (most rich black guys got lots of kids and lots of ex's).
Yeah I don't get why everyone on Holla Forums thinks racemixing is our biggest problem, nearly every white woman I've seen racemixing is totally unfixable, trash quality genes.
I think white men fucking black women is more dangerous
That's sad. i know a black guy that bangs pretty hot chicks though but he's a modeling agent.
Lmao why more dangerous?
black chicks are so sweet tho, i can't help but be attracted to them, i know i should marry a white chick, but educated white women always seem so cold and dispassionate, starting a family with them feels like starting a business, which can be exciting and fulfilling don't get me wrong, but it doesn't do much for me romantically or sexually
A family is a business. If you're getting married for emotions then, you're contributing to the problem of poverty.
nah, that kind of cold calculating family arragenemtn is for orientals, europeans should be loving
Probably explains why Asian men are the top earners in our country now.
so being in any icy cold marriage where everybody hates everyone else increases your salary? or could it be some other reason…
The niggers are the ugliest race. It's not exactly science here.
So this is fine – but God forbid we have a homesteading thread…
Fucked if I know. Hormones in the chickens?
same as iq, environmental differences. What selection pressure would there be for more attractive women in africa?
doesn't deserve thread
check the log faggot