


me in the middle tbh

Bit drew this for me

that you can

Looks good but the left side of the jaw looks a bit weird.


Hopefully they don't turn out to be assholes there are enough things to boycott right now

I forgot a comma

I should have gotten more sleep last night

i find it hilarious everyone just boycotting that one place in the states for their law about bathrooms

it is perfect because it was for me :]

go bard!

or anti gay law tbh i have not looked deeply into that issue, aside from the funny comment wars

Yeah, it's pretty pointless honestly

But whatever, people want to feel like they're making a change

How are you doing tonight Lackadaisical?

They're making trans people use the restrooms that correspond with their genitals

Kinda seems dumb when you consider they look like a man or woman walking into the wrong bathroom and are bound to cause problems

always wondering about things, wish i could turn my overthinking off occasionally

how are you?

lol that is such a stupid ordeal then, especially when you figure those that run the state shouldve expected such backlash too

Ah I hope you can put your mind at ease before too long darlin
I em alright, saw an old friend of mine, got off work early, set in motion the events to make a quick profit, saw an old friend
I am hungry though
enjoying some music tonight

Maybe it's a good thing to be a thinker
You may beblessed

Enough people agree with it so I mean


Just talked to some friends I haven't seen in like 7 years.

was p nice

ive come to find out that usually when its enough people it actually means a vocal minority and the government doesnt know well enough to tell the difference

Also is grim banned?

I dunno about that

But yeah, politicians just tend to listen to who will get them re-elected

My heart warms for you
You are lucky tonight

Or who they think will, I should say

What's my gender?
Did you just
ask me
what my gender
🏽 was
Oh my god, you are LITERALLY
🏻 the most IGNORANT
FUCK I have EVER seen
browsing before
What gives you the RIGHT βœ”βœ” to ask me what my
gender is?
THATS WHAT ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️Since you're SOOOOOOO curiousπŸ™‡πŸΌπŸ™‡πŸΌπŸ™‡πŸΌπŸ™‡πŸΌ I'll have you know ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 that I am a 🚺🚹 G E N D E R F L U I D 🚹🚺 I'm not gonna sit here ⬇️⬇️ and explain πŸ“’πŸ“’ what that is to someone as IGNORANT πŸ˜‚πŸ’©πŸ’© as you, but I'm gonna tell you anyways β˜πŸΌοΈπŸ™‡πŸΌβ˜πŸΌπŸ™‡πŸΌβ˜πŸΌπŸ™‡πŸΌ Being G 🚺 E 🚹 N 🚺 D 🚹 E 🚺 R 🚹 F 🚺 L 🚹 U 🚺 I 🚹 D means that I am both M A L E πŸ†πŸ’¦πŸ‘¦πŸ½ (cis scum😷😷😷😷😷) and F E M A L EπŸ‘§πŸ½πŸ‘ πŸ’„πŸ‘ ❗️❗️❗️❗️ I can swap β¬‡οΈβ¬†οΈβž‘οΈβ¬…οΈ between these genders πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‚ as I please❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ You're ignorance 😷 is literally OOZING πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ out πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜·πŸ˜·πŸ˜‚πŸ˜·πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ο»ΏGERMER

it depends on how you use it, i've been 'blessed' with everything from school being usually somewhat easy to random panic attacks and overcomplication of social interaction

hm, do you have anything to eat in your place?

wouldnt that just be hilarious

im doubting they are going to get re-elected this time, unless they want to lose all the cash that many things bring to their state and now plan not to

Don't talk to me or my gender ever again

I think the state will survive.

They kept telling me I sound exactly the same.

Shouldn't you know if he is or not though?

I had a FtM trans come thru my line at work today

That was a new experience

tbh i rather see them fall just so i can see it happen, they dont seem to care if theres a chance for it

should i?

i think i've only seen one transperson

he did not pass, unfortunately

I found some
Oyster crackers

Thats not so good you have issues with panic attacks?
how long has that been going on? :[


Trans people frighten and confuse me
but i guess that maeks me a bigot

I would think so.

Also is it north carolina?

Fucking klansville

oh... well, uh, good on you?
well, i'm sure i've had it since i was a small child. though it's mostly just a symptom of generalized anxiety

in essence whenever i feel scared (and i do a lot) i start doing really stupid shit

just feelings
i'm not quite sure people have had the same experience but intervention based psychology is made to change those

i don't really care about transpeople tbh, it seems like a little bit of a fad now, but good on them for being what they want to be

Sure, you might not like queers and spices, but I bet you love that dollar dollar. Fucking white trash.

even if i did know i wouldnt share the knowledge, last time i shared information i had to deal with someone whining about how im supposed to not say things and they werent even another mod or the admin :^)

My phone doesn't even take kindly to pretend discrimination. Tbh though, white Americans do hate Cumin without papers

Yeah, I guess we'll see

The one I saw kinda did but not really. They were right on the cusp of too feminine




Hope so


guys, guys

it is not a good idea to get off of prescribed meds because you want to find your 'true self', right?

well, mine was more...
a man in a dress speaking in a girlish tone, it could've been a drag queen but i'm unsure

Grim - Today at 4:51 PM
@"her" I'm banned

I'm pretty sure he's banned i'm just asking for confirmation.

I dont suppose you've tried to see a doc about it have you? Does it make it hard to live your life day to day or is it managable?

I'll "ban" you

Representing the nation

Probably not a good idea, no.

LOL. Well I mean that's rude but LOL

im sure something will be said or done by trump and we will stop hearing about the law lol

and i do not know, i was simply citing how itd be funny if he was

I need to catch up on lost sleep



well, i mean i had to because of muh suicidal ideation

this is what started me on the meds

i miss my old self sometimes

also it was just odd, i didn't want to stare but i caught glances at him

As long as he stays banned.

Ah daisy I'm sorry
how long have you felt like that/
Helpiing at all?

sweet dreams


well, i mean, it wasn't traditional in the sense of 'my life sucks'

it was more 'oh my god i'm going to die i'm going to die i need to die right now so i don't have to face the fear of feeling like i'm going to die'

the meds help, they just kill my sex drive, make me sleepy, and make me wonder about my identity

Anxiety is a monster and I wish you the best
Let's talk about something morre cheerful :p

yes yes

uh, vidyagames and slep
also what are you listening to right now?

I can't promise anything.

What a difference a message makes. I'm fucking livid fam. Post memes to calm my rage.


A loveable dingus.


You're just lucky that character looks cool.

I don't think luck had anything to do with it.

good because luck is my dump-stat

[Anime girl meme goes here]

Kind of miffed that luck is a stat and not just based on humanity/equipment.

Its not luck if I picked the avatar/

You mean this gold horseshoe that the gypsy sold me is useless?

You're not real.

You got screwed, kid.

all the small things by blink 182 just came on
no judge pls

what about you?

No i'm pretty sure I keep it real.

Why did I give her my life savings.. I'm ruined.

You can't make real from fake.

Is that Nezi?

Your prospects were never high to begin with to be fair.

I hear he lost weight.

I'm gonna sleep now


I sleep in a cardboard box.

Darwin hasn't gotten you a proper dog bed?
What an awful owner he is.

Ive gained like 8 pounds
Im kinda getting spooked I will get fat
My stomach is still flat though so I ain't tripping but I still have nightmares of waking up with a huge belly

lol that filename

I preferred his bed instead.


I don't think 8 pounds is much to worry about.

I can see him sleeping in a box.


I should probably warn him that you're spying on him.

I know next to nothing about him.
I could not spy.

nighty night night

He's actually a she.

His voice is too faggy to be a girl.

Im just paranoid probs
Being fat is like one of my worst fears

I think it's cute.

I'd kill to be husky, but not fat.

sweet dreams bard

Might aswell get swole
Thats better than being husky

I don't want to get muscular to the point I'm swole.

this shit is supposed to be a waterfall

barely realized we're in a drought

this ERASED anime looks pretty sweet so far

You look pretty sweet so far. But i'm just kidding because I don't know you.

Did they fix Holla Forums? It opened instantly.
I bet posting is still borked

Never broke for me.


Oh, hey Nezwizi, do you have the same name as ManaK?

It showed me some error messages now and then and was generally slow
Now it's like any other site. Neat.

It's actually worse than any other site because you're here.

Make it double, you're here as well.

That's pretty weak.

I'm still one up on you yesterday where all you responded with was 'you're rude'

LoodzxGoggles hate fucking doujins when

Well it's even now.

It's really just him hating me I think, I'm just playing along

Let's say it is


Be ready to lose, loodzer.

*pat pat* Good job.


I will now proceed to lewd and be on with my day.


Im not naked I swear


rate the nigger

you can use negative numbers btw

I'd have to talk to her. I like personality in with the mix.

shes pretty cool
pretty much a weeb who plays too much vidya


That's pretty cool. I wonder if she'd get along with people here.



a black skeletor?


a little it looks like.

lmao I never caught the incest there hahaha


Who actually talks like that? What kind of dialect are they going for?

bored. ded thread.

one could say he had quite the boner :^)


Haha, I love this.




nah, she actually survived to make this video a couple months ago.

Pussy gotta pussy, huh?

Seems like her brain took some damage from that cold.

how could you post that

With the power of the internet. You should try it ^w^

I'd best leave it to the professionals.


Where are they?

i'm the proest
.. sup goggles, hows the state i was born in?

I'm looking at you right now.

I am not that.

I am just trying to make you post more cat girls.

ignore me then fuckya coont

Sorry, ingame and missed that. I'm doing good. How about you?

You only have to ask, dear.

Could you post more catgirls?

whut game o:?

i'm alright, same ole stuff i guess, still surprised it's like april already

Playing fallout 4

oh, on pc?




What a darling kitten.

aw cool, i might borrow my sisters ps4 vers.. my peecee is pretty avg. is it fun?


Yeah pretty fun!

I want a cat so bad ;_;

Okay ~w~


How is Ossiland today?

i might try play it if my internet ever gets faster.

I's getting a little colder but it's alright.

#pray for daggy

Sounds like you're gonna have to cozy up, boo.

absolutely ^^

I am tired.

Get your blankets and your Darwins ready.

sleep silly

.. or drink coffee.. or dexedrine.. or meth

Done and done

is that you dardy?

I didn't say to do 'im, but whatever helps keep you tender and warm~




but if I sleep I'll be unconcious for a short while

Gay with life indeed.



hey sd! hows it goin?

thats a good thing


go nap

3 hours till going to gym, don't really have anything to do.
Probably will nap since sleeping at night went horribly wrong.
How about you?

Most likely will soon.

Why is this picture named beer.jpg

i forget, i saved it from wish years ago so i was probably drunk and stirring shit. kuds cute though d00d

Stay dags

about to head to sleep actually, just wanted to see how things were going for you you should nap though

Sup with you all this monday?

Sleep is temporary death.

Sleep well, that's my plan.

Embrace the sweet death.

Early morning programming

i don't know just where i'm goin, but i'm gonna try for the kingdom if i can because it makes me feel like a man when i put spike in my vein and i tellya things aren't the same when i'm rushing on my run and i feel like jesus's son and i guess i just don't know i just don't knooow

programma man


also scoots yo suck

I can't seem to face up to the facts
I'm tense and nervous and I
can't relax..
I can't sleep cause my beds on fire, don't touch me i'm a real live wiiiire

Ayyyyy monday feels

no u

you too!

:p hows it goin mang

not too bad, just chilling
how is best australia?


Time to nap.

Will do.

pretty stoned and drunk, the normal.. thought i would make an effort to show up in a thread for once


I'm programming for my resume. So it's not even real work. Well, I guess it is in a sense that it might get me real work to do.

show everyone that you aint dead. Glad to hear nothing is negative mang

Its semi work

was never dead i guess, just around different places. threading gets 2hard4me i rather that instant messagin

aww kiiiiiillleeeed it



nah get you. nice to see ya sahn

RIP in padronism

lol, what a sickcunt


fuck yeah.






this might fuck up my nocturnalism, but...

-downs remaining XL coffee-

in fact, I'm pretty much average in mg of caffeine consumed per day, and I skip days.

and I workout on this stuff.

straight, black, liquid mana.

so this is okay. It's so okay I don't have to say it's okay.

This might fuck up my gaming journalism, but...

-downs remaining gamergate-

time for the nappening


scoot look its ur waifus


*Karate kick*




is that saliva?

I'd be pissed of someone named me Bon Jovi too.

I kinda like him but I wouldn't want to be named after him.


think so i know what you were thinking though, leeeeeeewd tokai

Good morning, threaders! ^~^

what would our kid be called

morning elma


waat I wasn't thinking

Willem Hendrik

Hi. *boops*


S-sabby~ .////.

How are you this morning?

wrong it's sufjan and thor

totally were, you cute yet lewd one!

lol how are you doing?

I'm wishing I was back in my warm bed listening to the rain and dozing, but I'll survive. How's your tongue doing?

Good. I think I just sold my tv. Some craigslist stranger has my address now :/

How have you been?

Aww, rainy day AND a Monday ;~;

It's.... actually good this morning. It doesn't feel too swollen and therefore didn't hurt to push out of the bottom, but I haven't gotten out of bet to check things out yet :p

What color should I get as my replacements you think?

god awful


sounds like you could use some RAPE.

sounds pretty darn spoopy elma, im doing alright about to head out though

its okay, i accept you and your lewdness

Hm...I bet silver would be cute. It's flashy, but tasteful. Plus it goes with everything.

I read all your posts in Gonzo's voice, just so ya know.

fuck you

Ah, have a nice day.

Hmm, I just have regular steel right now, but was probably gonna try some fun colored acrylic ones so I don't bust my teeth too bad.

Iunno, you're probably right though. Plus metal is, well, sooo metals :3c


you too

Well, I don't know much about piercings tbh, but some colorful ones could be flirty too. Pink would be redundant imo, and green would look infected. :P


Im juuust like this now

I'd even rather name it kid than go for retard stuff like that

I... I didn't think of that.

This is why I need more Sabs in my life.

how is sufjan retarded? it's a great name.

this is perfectly alright

This is how people get murdered!

people get murdered with knives

It's arabic

what are ya up to though?

and? don't be a racist

Iunno. He's driving up about an hour and a half so hopefully traffic isn't too frustrating lol

If I ever decide to get a tattoo or piercing, I'mmmm gonna need you there to hold my hand and keep me from chickening out!


Shower tiem.

Wanna be clean for my murderer ^~^

I think names should be region bound to preserve culture.

about to sleep actually but i missed saying hey to you, brightness! so i hung around

shall we gas the jews while we're at it

how sweet!

I support Israel


now that's fucked up

Is Loco a retard?


not as sweet as you but still i should head out now, have a good day bae



I knew it

The people of Nagorno-Karabach deserve freedom

ni ni

This shit is everytime I browse stuff its so gross

Loco you are a shitter.

i'm being bullied

Proceed to fucking void yourself with a broken bottle, you utter fuckwit.

the shittiest of shitters

grim did nothing wrong you CUCK

you don't like the porn?

i made it for you.

It is disgusting. You are disgusting. This whole situation is a diorama of disgust. This is a discourse of disgust.


i guess i'll go kill myself. bye guys.



About time.

bye felisha

Sure is mean today.





I approve those bourbons


I hate the bourbons

Vive Napoleon





Toki you fucking n00b