So when Stirner is writing about owness he's referring to it predominantly through a self-liberation from ideology, and spooks? He believes a free slave is no more free than they were under chains, compared to an individual who rids themselves of spooks like humanity, and the state? Does he dislike the liberal view of freedom because it is enslaved to perpetual material consumption, and arbitrary concepts like morality?
Stirner thread
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Pretty much.
Thank you for this thread.
From "Max Stirner - His Life and His Works" By Mackay
Stirner was a literal cuckold. Explains a lot about leftypol to be honest.
Cuckoldry is putting something else before yourself. Egoism is the only philosophy for non-cuckolds.
I downloaded the pdf, the quote is real.
Stirner BTFO
The obsession continues.
not an argument
So he's an individualist then. Which goes against the idea of a collective, so why do you guys like him?
Loving the reaction btw
That doesn't mean sex, stormcuck.
have you considered cyanide
Meme philosopher tbh
Sorry famalam but stormfag is right on this
Stirner laid the foundations for a lot of anarchism, influenced Marx and Engels and said this:
Because you need to read a fucking book and learn that the idea of a "collective" it's nothing more than a union of "individualists" that realize their self interests rests on the well being of the "collective".
If porky is exploiting the workers and I am a worker then it is in best interest to fight against porky and for the collective.
Now seriously, read a book you fucking faggot.
He was an individualist m8, get over it.
So you understand the 3rd position then?
Who cares?
I don't see any problem here.
Marriage is a spook. Relationships are spooks.
People should be free to fuck whoever they want.
So what? There's nothing wrong with being a cuck. This is why you aren't intellectual.
when memes go to far
all me
Oooh boy I wonder why he divorced her.
What is non cuckoldry for a spouse cheating then, Gesualdo?
Non-Marxist Socialism and private ownership of property are not mutually exclusive. The chief guiding principles are a) That that industries should not work against the best interests of the state/people and closely related is b) The rejection of Internationalism.
Once pol cannot defile something and make it it's, it procedes to call it "Cuck"
The fun never ends.
then why did stirner get married anyway? if it dont matter how many other dudes fuck "your woman" whats the point of marriage for a guy like stirner?
why did stirner get married in the first place?
For the money obv.
well i guess leftists are all just base materialists.
And? What's your point? Marriage is a spook, though sometimes I wonder why he got married in the first place. Most anarchists are polyamorous. Stormfags have this weird obsession with cuckoldry; it's an artificial metaphysical attachment. You could take the same mode of thought and apply it to anything: you could say your computer is your own personal counterpart and letting someone else use it makes you a cuck, because it's yours and only you are ever allowed to use it, this sort of "logic" (read: baseless construct arbitraily assigned i.e. spook) is applied to relationships, and it's retarded. Humans are the only ones who do this. Animals fuck eachother's partners all the time, you think their partners give a shit? No. Lighten up.
So your argument is that people who follow an ideology have to fit the type of person who created that ideology? That's ridiculous. That's why everyone makes fun of you fags who say "marxism is a jewish ideology xDDDD"
And I wanna remind you that you people follow Nazi, created by hitler, a man who was later discovered to have jewish and african genetics, was vegetarian, missing a testicle, and killed himself. I would rather follow an ideology developed by a cuck than follow a Jewish-African Hypocrite Missing-a-testicle Suicidal Vegetarian ideology.
Yeah, cause fuck the historical definition of socialism. Muh big gubberment and nationalism gonna make everything right.
Holla Forums eternally BTFO
By the logic of alt right cuckoldry you are being cucked infinitely by the billions of men having sex with women that you will never have access to. You're also born a cuck because your father fucked your mother. It's ridiculous.
That's true. They are.
Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
Stirner is a meme
And don't reply to the underage poltards plox.
it is un-egoist to follow monogmy because the coolidge effect :^)
You still working through god emperor daddy's embarrassing self destruction. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find another strong man to dominate you soon enough.
Holla Forumsyps are a fucking joke.
The best part is that half the comments there are Holla Forums false-flagging.
Another way of saying 'I let my girl sleep with whoever she wants, she doesn't sleep with me, but that's fine cause sex is a spook'.
Enjoy your cave.
stawman and you know it
You need a grammar nazi, plus this which refutes your cuck claims.
itt: retarded stirnerites vs retarded stormfags
you can't own another human bean friend ;)
What are you then, enlightened one?
I own plenty of beans. Lima beans, baked beans, lots of beans.
Say that to the countless slave owners in the modern era
turns out that a political affiliation that doesn't insist on total obedience and uniformity has room for a wide spectrum of thought, often with little in common
Try again.
I'm not surprised.
Who spread stirner into this shithole?
Someone's butthurt is showing.
This is exactly why we need Stirner.
He really gets under their skin.
He shit on karl marx and BTFO'd him multiple times
Why do you think he's a commie?
Not really, in fact I like Stirnerposting because of the memes. :^)
I think you're referring to the German Ideology, which was actually a response to Stirner, despite him being dead already.
Stirner actually saw himself as a communist, but critical of the forms it took at the time. To be specific, he was against communism for its own sake, and claimed it should be for the sake of the individual.
Also, communism doesn't begin and end with Marx anyway.
Oh, user, i expected better of you, the only truth lies in DNA, history books are jewish lies…
Speaking off Marie…
>Many years later she was traced by Stirner's loyal biographer, the poet and novelist John Henry Mackay (1864–1933), in England. She refused to meet Mackay in person but wrote to him describing Stirner as a very sly man whom she had neither respected nor loved, and claiming that 'their relationship together had been more of a cohabitation than a marriage.'
Hmmm…I wonder who benefited more from their relationship.
Really makes you think…
Oh vey looks like the jews were scamming young innocent qt german girls into marriage to get their money and plant the seeds for germany its destruction in ww1 with milk shop tactics.
Milk Shops
The scourge of fascist everywhere.
Lets get one thing straight. The two philosophers that have most heavily influenced human thought in the 20th century were Marx and Nietzsche, and Stirner influenced them both.
Marx has literally shaped the political future of almost any country in the world (either by the people taking on his ideas or violently rejecting them) and had maximum influence on pleb thought.
Nietzsche has influenced every intellectual worth his salt after him (either for or against, again, this is not about the validity of their ideas), and Nazism flows most definitely from his ideas (whether lefties like it or not). He also pinpointed the idea of nihilism which is also one of the major shapers (even if it is subconsciously) of modern Western thought and action (and as such influences the whole world).
Stirner represents the first philosopher openly embracing (the conclusions of) nihilism, and every philosopher willing to convince people to adopt a certain model (as all philosophy in the end is forcing a model of reality on other people) after him had to tackle him first, either towards the readers or inwards to convince themselves.
See for example Marx, who wants to posit a mode of thought where people equally share resources and work for "the greater good" (aka force people to adapt spooks). Well then, in a world where the old religions have become untenable, you better disprove and dismantle nihilism first. So he spent HUNDREDS of pages to disprove (ALSO TO HIMSELF) Stirner, which in the end amounted to using emotion as communism is rife with illogicalities, and Stirner's idea can be posited in a few sentences and represents a hard problem (to anyone with half a brain and willing to lay emotions to the side for a bit).
To see the influence of Stirner on Nietzsche one just has to read his works. If you don't see it, I am sorry to say, you are blind.
So, disregarding the memes, Stirner has been largely influential.
I will now shortly expand on why he is also largely "ignored". The funny thing is, we can use Nietzsches idea of power perspectives to explain part of it. Every philosopher in the end wants to force his model of reality on others. So keeping this in mind, Stirners ideas are largely detrimental to this undertaking, as he spurs people to reject any model that others foist upon them. What is the best way then to deal with this? Don't talk about the guy at all and pretend he doesn't exist, of course. Nietzsche posits similar ideas to Stirner but they are part of such an extensive body of work full of distractions that people can ignore the excellent bits and incorporate things they like into their models.
Stirner can be called an anti-philosopher as he lays bare the inherent irrationality of philosophic models and this causes philosophers to approach him aggressively, let alone those with stakes in religious thought (which you could file democracy, humanism and communism under if you wanted to).
Cool copy pasta story.
Too bad he missed the point of Stirner.
Cuckholding is the act of breaking the taboo, if you dont believe in the taboo in the first place it cant be cuckholding.
Do you believe in the taboo of death? either you're a spooked cunt or kys
This. Why would people think that the le spooks man gave a fuck about fidelity?
You retarded dogs have no understanding of it at all
Read what he says about love, you can call it a spook but it can benefit you to believe in that spook, not every spook is necessarily something you have to dicard
You're so fucking stupid it hurts, you kids eat anything like gospel, no wonder you're fucking commies
I can sense your butthurt from here.
Stay triggered, my friend.
Someone is mad.
Butthurt is a spook.
Arguments are spooks.
Relationships are a spook.
Cuckoldry is a spook.
My wife's black son is a spook.
Ya, so why the conclusion immediately jumped to "CUCK!CUCK!CUCK!" instead of "Oh I guess he thought love(or actually fidelity" was a spook?
OP here again, I finished reading the book and I have to say I started off really liking egoism, and by the end it felt like I was reading an ancap's blog post, albeit much smarter and more eloquent than an ancap ever will be. He just lost me completely when he started referring to everything as my property.
Cuckoldry is literally something that happens to 4% of the married population, tops, and I'm being very generous in saying that:
Your entire newfag internet movement is based around apprehensions towards a thing that isn't nearly as prevalent as you think it is, and which I strongly doubt you ever bothered to look up real research about in the past. Realistically, if you're that apprehensive about this vanishingly rare phenomenon, that probably says a lot more about concerns that you have than anyone else.
Your my property fam
Yer at the bottom of my spookhole now get in
Wait how does it prevalence in society determine whether or not individual cases are note worthy?
Sounds like you're trying to say that because it doesn't happen too much that it doesn't matter?
Kinda autistic tbh
I'm saying that all these people you're calling "cucks" literally mathematically cannot be so. Naturally, that doesn't concern you in the least, because you're more interested in reassuring mental images of your ideological enemies in unflattering light than you are in objective reality.
When will it end?
So you are autistic. The whole reason to call people cucks is to make them feel ashamed of themselves for not caring about their society as a whole. Whether or not their wife fucks Tyrone is only a detail.
So it isn't a real insult, it's just an autistic retard making irrelevant mouth noises and expecting other people to be ashamed for not enabling his delusions.
So it isn't a real conversation, it's just an autistic retard making irrelevant tapping noises and expecting other people to be understanding for not enabling his delusions.
Difference being, under scrutiny, your ideas will fall apart and mine won't.
Your ideas are all spooks.
The notion that the sort of people you direct your inane buzzwords at "don't care about society as a whole" is literally the granddaddy of all spooks.
Okay, enjoy cuckolding your granddaddy you sick fuck.
I'll have a lot of time to do tons of cool shit after my ideas produce a meaningfully superior standard of living compared with yours.
Being unable to distinguish between objects and people is a sign of severe autism.
You'll look great hanging from your ivory tower after Cleetus and Jerome knock on your door to fulfill the revolution.
If they can find the time to do that in between enjoying an objectively better life, I guess.
Your world is a small one.
That's the thing I don't get.
Why do they suddenly think that Stirner was cucking her, considering he's the one that took her inheritance and used to buy a milk shop.
Grasping at straws, I guess.
At last I finally understand this image.
*Wasn't cucking her
You're just mad because no one wants to fuck you because you're no fun, "oh no people are having sex! duhgenewucy!" Marriage is an ancient and shitty construct. Enjoy your slavery.
Way to miss the point stormfag.
lolwut? We get truckloads of you faggots every week literally saying "marxism is a jewish ideology"
Into the trash it goes.
As I say again, it's an imaginary construct, people made it up, it has no basis in reality.
I know you're just being retarded, but really?
Thots are a spook and so are your for falling for the love spook.
This is leftypol in a nutshell. A bunch of impotent weirdos who've convinced themselves that if they embrace all their personal failings they're somehow transcending them. Hence:
In response to the realisation that its core morals are meaningless, it blocks out these heretics with laughter.
How is that even an argument?
Stirner really confuses me, he says this:
>Let us look back once more. The world belongs to the children of this world, the children of men; it is no longer God's world, but man;s. As much as every man can procure of it, let him call his; only the true man, the state, human society, or mankind, will look to it that each shall make nothing else his own than what he appropriates as man, in human fashion. Inhuman appropriation is that which is not consented to by man, that is, it is a 'criminal' appropriation, as the human, vice versa, is a rightful one, one acquired by 'way of law.'.
and then he starts going off about wanting to make everything his property.
People say cuck for the same reason they say fuck instead of sexual intercourse.
What you mean the one where it was implied that Stirner and his wife fucked other people during their """marriage""", and it was never fully stated that Stirner's wife cheated on him?
Or perhaps, if we're going on implications here, when Stirner was described as being "Sly" by his wife and was recorded to be teaching at a girls school. Thus this wouldn't reduce him to a cuck, but rather a """degenerate"""", which is also a spook, but is also hypocritical considering that Holla Forums worships a figure who
Historian Lothar Machtan argues in The Hidden Hitler (2001) that Hitler was homosexual. The book speculates about Hitler's experiences in Vienna with young friends, his adult relationships with (among others) Röhm, Hanfstaengl, and Emil Maurice, and includes a study of the Mend Protocol, a series of allegations made to the Munich Police in the early 1920s by Hans Mend, who served with Hitler during World War I.
According to Kubizek, Hitler never spoke to Stefanie, always saying he would do so "tomorrow".[2] He loathed those who flirted with her, especially the military officers, whom he called "conceited blockheads";[3] he came to feel an "uncompromising enmity towards the officer class as a whole, and everything military in general. It annoyed him that Stefanie mixed with such idlers who, he insisted, wore corsets and used scent".[3] Hitler insisted that Kubizek stalk Stefanie and delivered daily reports on her activity while he was away visiting his mother or family.[4] In one report, Kubizek wrote that Stefanie loved to dance and had taken lessons. Hitler disliked dancing and reportedly replied, "Stefanie only dances because she is forced to by society on which she unfortunately depends on. Once Stefanie is my wife, she won't have the slightest desire to dance!"[4] In June 1906, Stefanie gave Hitler a smile and a flower from her bouquet as she was passing him in her carriage.[5] Kubizek later described the scene:
“ Never again did I see Adolf as happy as he was at that moment. When the carriage had passed he dragged me aside and with emotion he gazed at the flower, this visible pledge of her love. I can still hear his voice, trembling with excitement, 'She loves me!'[5]
Really feeling the Alpha male """"genes"""" from you, stormfag