Oy Vey, Goy!
Don't you care about (((global warming)))?
You should be fighting against the current President then!
Save the planet! Impeach Trump!
Oy Vey, Goy!
Don't you care about (((global warming)))?
You should be fighting against the current President then!
Save the planet! Impeach Trump!
For all the liberal cries of impeachment I have yet to see a single one coherently articulate the specific reason impeachment would be appropriate. It always boils down to "it don't like him" or "my preferred media sources tell me he is evil and incompetent". There no real concrete thoughthe beyond those points
That's the only justification that's needed by Congress.
Honestly global warming is real so why arnt we going pro nuclear? Also the economy should have greater value before the envoirment to a degree.
Well, the kikes, with this trailer, is basically telling the libtards to kill Trump for the greater good.
Unfortunately, I know a lot of people who care about the environment to the extent that they have always used (((global warming) as a reason to dislike and not support Trump.
One of my friends who is currently studying to become an architect decided to focus on green architecture, because he believes that's the future.
Trump is pretty anti science.
Still better than Killary.
Nope, Trump needs to have committed a crime for Impeachment hearings to occur.
No, he is anti(((science))). He knows about bought and paid for (((studies))).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that because nuclear waste is extremely difficult to dispose of?
Green architecture looks cool faggot
Looking cool doesn't mean it's practical, nigger.
No they need to suspect a crime. Impeachment is the hearing and finding of evidence. Bill was impeached. It is a charge. You can be innocent and still impeached.
Why would billionaire globalist jews with money be pushing regulations that limit their abilities to earn more money?
Jews want to destroy the planet they dont give a fuck if they can make more shekels.
Liquid thorium reactors, if we actually funded RnD into nuclear fusion we'd be laughing energy wouldn't be a concern at all and essentially no waste.
LTR aren't nuclear fusion but thats something we could immediately switch to that would produce cleaner and more abundant energy. Fusion is a long term goal.
Fuck you he's pro space exploration.
I suppose that depends on whether you consider his raping Hillary a crime, or a civic duty
To deindustrialize the western world.
It's not about earning money. It's about maintaining the global power.
If the standards are implemented globally, a lot of countries that want to build factories to improve their economy will find themselves facing prohibitively expensive fees to start one up, due to having to meet those requirements and probably not having the amount of money required to purchase those requirement satisfying equipments.
It also means the companies that manufactures the equipments that meet the requirements will have a steady stream of income in the future.
Literally the only reason thorium reactors aren't a thing is that the (((US government))) considers thorium a nuke precursor with draconian (((regulation))) around handling it.
This is also the reason China has cornered the rare earth metal market; rare earth deposits in north america are (((contaminated))) with thorium, rendering them unusable, just because of some bullshit Red (((regulation)))
So which is it to deindustrialize the west or to exclude emerging economies from becoming relevant by being to costly to start up?
We could make arguments for either case doesn't prove or disprove either. The greediness of Jews is the only constant and they don't care what price it would cost.
oy vey we should be fracking and burning coal what are we a bunch of anti semites???
Well if I recall correctly, I think Russia came under fire when they were trying to build some new factory, and was criticized by global leaders for not being (((green))) enough.
Either way, right now we an user to post the winter-chan info as to why global warming isn't real. I lost all the infographs when I upgraded my PC.
Yeah his compromise with the pharmaceutical funding to research into cancer cure and and bill to re-ignite space exploration and settlement really proved he's a total neanderthal.
jesus christ dude, take the media poison out of your fucking head
You mean the opposite. Thorium reactors did not produce the plutonium isotope needed for the nuclear bomb, thus we went to U-235 fission reactors.
Al Gore's planning to run in 2020, isn't he? Tell me that trailer doesn't make it blatant as fuck. I can think of no other purpose it serves but to position Poodle Man for a presidential run.
Well I doubt the democrats are dumb enough to give Hillary a third try.
But didn't ManBearPig said he didn't want to run again?
Fucking write in English please.
Hence "considers"
You need a licence as if you were handling enriched uranium to deal with it, so now there's huge deposits of it just lying around. Fucking ridiculous. This is what happens when women and poor people have the vote.
Okay, idiot.
Thorium does not have the ability to be converted into a Nuclear bomb. Pea-brain.
global warming isn't science because climate "scientists" don't follow the scientific method. Its computer models and predictions (which every single one has been significantly wrong) and concensus, the scientific method, aka science, requires experiments and peer replication of results.
But now he has to for the sake of the Earth :^)
The only reason a politician ever says they don't want to run for president is because they don't think they have a clear path to the Whitehouse.
My city just had this award winning team asses the cities energy footprint blah blah blah.
Look at the head nigger and tell me what you think.
They presented the city council a little biased summary as to how we rank in the area and where we could improve and a pie in the sky plan on how all our energy savings will fund future energy requirements.
user…I'm so sorry you live there.
Guess the dems figured out that no one wants Joe Biden the pedo either.
No one lives in the city I prefer to think I live in Michigan but my point is these people are exactly the left wing radical greenies that Trump is btfo.
Your yarmukle is showing.
These people are such god damn hypocrites. You can't care about the environment and at the same time feed the third world and invite them all into Western countries to mass produce their offspring, creating brown hordes the world-over. The only environmentalists I respect are the ones who recognize the importance of staying the fuck out of the life of shithole countries and building quality (eugenic breeding) > quantity in one's own country.
You get lost on your way to reddit faggot?
Bill Clinton lied under oath, which is a crime. Nothing they claim about Trump will stick, particularly since republicans control Congress.
Spoiler that shit you faggot.
Ironic cuckporn posting is still cuckporn posting.
Yes, because Jews are heavily involved in manufacturing everywhere. It would have nothing to do with driving up the baseline operating costs for a company and exploiting people with predatory finance, would it?
So in other words, the retard is falling for the Dems own propaganda on how 'le ebil nadzee' Trump is, and how 'nobody lieks him' because (((polls))) say so? 2020 is going to be a very interesting year!
I wonder who got these quads
What boggles the mind is indoctrinated leftards complaining that MSM doesn't try to shove glowbull worming down everyone's throats 24/7 anymore.
The arse doesn't realise that the elbow is protecting them by not pushing the obvious, outright scam of climate change that turned so many off the democucks in the first place.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds spent 30 years, untold billions and cashed-in Christ-only-knows how many blackmail chips pushing this anti-human bullshit and all for fucking nothing.
High comedy.
Just dump it in kike neighborhoods, problem solved.
What boggles the mind is indoctrinated leftards complaining that MSM doesn't try to shove glowbull worming down everyone's throats 24/7 anymore.
The Discovery or National geographic channel released a 3 hour movie on Global warming not to a few months ago iirc. Make no mistake television is pushing global warming hard more until they get there way.
meant to quote
The Discovery or National geographic channel released a 3 hour movie on Global warming not to a few months ago iirc. Make no mistake television is pushing global warming hard more until they get there way.
Actually, now that you mentioned it. I'm actually getting worried for Trump, given that I fell for the global warming scam when I was younger.
This is one of those things that back in the day, if you fought against it, people will call you the scum of the earth.
99% of people didn't watch it and a sizeable majority of those who did only watched for shit and giggles.
I hope people retain enough common sense to know that if they push for fighting against global warming, it'll end up costing their jobs.
Then again, people for the most part are pants-on-head retarded.
ah, shills got here fast but not fast enough for the first comment.
Nuclear wouldn't contribute to greenhouse gasses, anyway- shows how educated you are on these matters.
How many times have these kikes flip-flopped on whether it's warming or cooling? they eventually said "fuck it" and just called it climate "change."
What pisses me off is that pollution, not changing weather is what will make our planet unlivable if left unmitigated.
Fucking retard
it's all about Tritium Batteries.
Global warming is real but there's not jack shit we can do about it. That's the redpill.So what, sea levels rise a few hundred feet and all the faggots get drowned? The Heartland will remain pure. Daily reminder that Aryan lands are fertile in warmer climates and that any attempt to stop global warming is implicitly anti-white. The Kikes want us Goyim to give up our jobs in crucial resources like natural gas and petroleum and get us to use (((solar power))) which is too expensive and destroys habitats worse than the much cheaper natural gas plants.
I think we should take a look at how a hotter world would enrich our ancestors - can you imagine if the Great North's interior was warmer by 3 degrees? You would be able to grow many more kinds of food products and raise livestock in better conditions for large herds.
Why are you anti-Sol goy? Don't you understand what your ancestors worshipped?
Green architecture is the pinnacle of a waste of resources.
Then again, unless you lived in a place like Hong Kong, you have no idea how valuable living space is.
That's a good point, we should just send it to shitskin countries where they will be happy to take it in exchange for a few coconuts.
The reason we're not going for nuclear is because normies are afraid of it. That's it. The costs of building nuclear plants are high right now, but that's only because we build so few of them, because the fucking normalfags think that nuclear plants and nuclear bombs are the same thing. Oil/gas and coal companies also encourage this kind of thinking - that's not some Alex Jones conspiracy theory, there is documented evidence of oil companies creating campaigns against nuclear for the supposed purpose of "safety." Nuclear is the future (at least until fusion) but, as usual, people are scared of the future.
Because Chink are just as Jewy and simply will ignore any "international regulations" that are forced at them by gunpoint
climate refugees
energy independence
that is what matters
Jews don't want to "earn" money. They want to steal money. Why work hard when you can tax the goy every time they exhale?
No it isn't. It's built on complete retardation and lies. Only an incompetent fool (or a kid which is the common factor here) would believe CO2 is bad for the planet, when it's one of the most important factors for plants to grow.
The only reason faggots believe it's real is because they teach this bullshit at school, without ANY critical thinking allowed. Without any other side of the argument presented.
For fuck sake, why are you on Holla Forums and still believe this bullshit? You don't know that fucking leading scientists for the so called global-warming got caught tempering with results in their research? Fucking newfag, learn the subject before you spout bullshit like this again.
Here's some quotes from said emails released in fucking 2009.
"I've just completed Mike's Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."
"I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"
No it's not
manmade climate change is a myth
Who wants to bet a rare one on the inclusion of rapefugees in the movie?
No it isn't. You actually need to level charges against the President, otherwise Clinton would have been gone
I still don't see why we don't just spend all of the money and resources on space travel instead of (((global warming)))
a fair amount of the scientists who say global warming is real also say that we are fucked regardless even if we take measures to prevent it, so if we are so fucked why don't we try and get off this planet instead of trying to save what is apparently a "dying planet"?
See you're thinking logically. You need to stop if you want to understand the left's mindet.
More that every normalfag is scared shitless of it because Chernobyl (commie incompetence), Fukashima (more incompetence), and Fallout (muh vidya has nuclear war and cars explode into mushroom clouds this is totally what nuclear power does guys) happened.
Are you illiterate? is in perfectly fine, readable English. Nigger.