Check out around 15min to see what (((MKULTRA))) and what they did with the 60s revolution and psychedelics (real name psychotomimetics) Watch the whole thing . Also
Check out around 15min to see what (((MKULTRA))) and what they did with the 60s revolution and psychedelics (real name psychotomimetics) Watch the whole thing . Also
Good post.
The entire counter culture from drugs to bands to clothing was manufactured by the CIA. End of story.
Anyone that argues is an ignorant faggot.
Saw the title of the thread and thought of Timothy McVeigh, the canada mosque shooter, sandy hook shooter etc. meeting up in one room.
Anyway, pretty much all normies and bluepilled fags like the hippies, the hippies are even promoted in the school books, shilling for John LEMON and how hip and cool they are and all about love. I don't blame them, I used to have positive feelings towards hippies too… fighters of freedom and all that kind of stuff, but when I read more into them i just became disgusted, it wasn't about love; it was about injecting drugs up your dick and taking part in orgies everyday, full on pro polygamy and having as many sex partners as possible. Fuck the 60's
Recommended reading WEIRD SCENES INSIDE THE CANYON by the late Dave McGowan. Pretty good book on how the CIA created the hippie movement.
Yeah, it's the same shit as today. "Hey we just want people to be treated fairly" => androgynous pigs with neon hair turning education into a joke and cutting their kids' dicks off and taking them to AIDS parades
fuck social experiments
My parents were hippies and all their friends were hippies, so i can tell you from experience that hippies are THE MOST SELFISH PEOPLE ON EARTH. All thst love and acceptance crap was just virtue-signaling. All they vare about is getting what they want, when they want it, and everyone else in the world, from their pet fags and nogs to their children, are just accessories to try and convince the neighbors that they're good people (really) instead of the self-centered sacks of shot that they are.
So would I, psychedelics are fucking awesome.
Because they have no idea what hippies were actually about.
Sex appeal is marketable, so is free love because how can anyone be against love? The John Lennon adoration is because fucking plebs actually believe the Beatles are good because pure melody is the epitome of skill right? Lennon and Beatles adoration is simply plebs outing their pleb taste and sticking to the herd because they're so popular.
The only good thing about it was the music, tons of amazing psych rock bands came from it. Shame that the drug culture was simply about getting fucked up rather than solely pro-legalization.
It's a continuation of it even in the name. HIPpie, HIPster, gotta be hip and cool and on the right side of history.
Everyone is user, we are ruled by self-interest, virtue signalling is merely bullshit for the group which still serves in your interest. Don't wanna get kicked out after all.
It's funny you mention that because the hippy movement was so tolerant that speed hustling biker gangs were able to infiltrate and turn countless hippies into speed freaks who then turned to crime and were subjected to rampant violence and sexual abuse. Here we are today and the left is trying to do the exact same thing with mudshits.
hipsters are becoming despised more and more. it's a good sign.
Thanks for the recommendation, I shall read it.
Is there some kind of hidden meaning to "turn on, tune in, and drop out"?
On the surface I know it means do drugs and quit society (be a bum), but is there a deeper meaning to it?
yes! well worth the read
no, its pretty transparent
muh drugs can make you reach higher counciousness
society a shit, stop conforming/complying
hippies, hipsters, modern liberals, sjws, antifa, blm, it's all the same tactic
Weaponized Narcissism
And just like National Socialism is the only way to defeat communism, our weaponized autism is the only way to defeat weaponized narcissism.
(remember the nazis are evil too goy)
why don't you grow the fuck up
pol needs to learn that satanism is good because christianity is judaism for good goys and anything labelled satanist simply means opposer… opposer of jews
we're all satanists here you fucking retards
typical tricks schlomo
i aint a jew you stupid cunt
the noses on the guys in the vid sure make me wonder about them
if you're not a satanist you are a good goy
fucking kill yourself faggot
The left needs narcissists to virtue signaling their retarded asses off being idiotic enough to not need an actual argument. The culture war is exactly high functioning autism vs low functioning narcissism.
jews are satanists, you fucking imbecile.
Considering it was pushed by Leary who was a CIA asset, associated with MK Ultra, and a massive propagator of LSD it could have a spiritual/mind-control interpretation such as:
Turn on - activate/open connection with the spiritual/extra-dimensional/paranormal/etc.
Tune in - establish direct connection with the beings of these realms
Drop out - leave your body so the entities can take over
Seconded. Vid related is a good interview to get you started. He's also a lot more palatable than Jan Irvin.
That's enough. If nobody wants to read Leary.
The unmentioned part is how you can lose life long brothers to that. I thought it was going to be me. I'm here, they an heroed.
you are so goddamned retarded
'satan' is a jewish word
it literally means opposer
i dont give a fuck they worship saturn or baal or moloch, jews are jews and satanists are anyone that is against jews
you've been rused by their dusty thousand year old memes, fucking kill yourself already
They're all going to keep fighting even though we found God in a can of frozen orange juice.
I'm of the opinon LSD only works in small groups of high test active men. It's not a party drug. The whole tuuuuuubes thing is older than the boards. It comes from me and user who sat upon a beautiful area before it was developed and the pipes were still laying upon the field and we could see forever.
First of all this isn't even about Crowley but why are you so triggered about that disgusting MI6 agent and occultism is gay and unaryan go do something real and productive like permaculture manchild.
What track is in that gondola? Sounds like boc
This isn't about christianity or satan you shill. Who gives a fuck about those semantics satan as in they are actively degenerating the culture making everyone devolve into apelings that satan.
It's hard to admit you've been duped. You had what a schizophrenic has all the time a high only difference is they don't like the high because they don't know if it will ever end. Nothing profound nothing spiritual you could not see forever all gibberish PSYCHOTOMIMETIC
Before LSD we already had haunting synchronicity. It wasn't about a high, as it is with low test recreational drug takers.
Pls cite sources about test or this is just you talking out of your ass to make you feel better. It's the same as a quote by the agent Leary about it being for the 'elite' not the sheep bla bla
Well, it's anecdotal. But we boxed and knew eachother for a good 4 years before we dosed. LSD is a very personal matter for high test animals. Not for sluggish druggies. It all went downhill when I moved and he got stuck with them.
It's not for parties, it's not for anyone new to drugs and only for very close friends. Otherwise the effect is lost. May as well be some nigger taking fake marijuana on youtube. He lost me and got deep into mushrooms, while I found a house of acid heads with a freezer full of tabs. That's when it all went wrong.
– Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
Thats what someone quoted on cuckchan when they were all masturbating about dmt. It is obvious that they are making it taboo and dangerous on purpose to market it to youth.
There's no faking a shared LSD experience. It becomes its own language. I probably still have our book in a box somewhere.
It's like trying to comprehend what it was like to land on Moon. That's a true LSD experience.
I will say don't get into doing it on your own. I started doing that and there is no coming back. I simply don't care for anyone else any longer.
People who regularly uses and endorses psychadelics are almost always degenerates who has tuned out of society since it messes up your perception of reality. It's the best mind control as the users of it think they become wise and smart from it.
I stopped all drugs in 1997.
Being detached from society is very useful. Not being able to create new close brotherships is the problem.
I'm not sure that's the LSD or just up to life's love. On top of this my best girl had her body kill her with bone cancer.
There is no escape for me now. This timeline is what I can't fully explain still.
Confirmed, hippies are especially degenerate even for boomers.
Absolutely, hippies destroyed my best friend. Turned him into a Grateful Dead zombie.
I remember when Soundgarden was our base. And Bowie.
This bears repeating.
And what is the best way to fight narcissism?
Attacking their amygdala relentlessly.
Which is our natural, default behaviour.
And fantastic fun!
We are the natural antibodies to their poz virus.
We are the infection fighting white blood cells of society.
Could you stop that any time?
we caught the sniper
like a duck in a noose
They crated me, fucking cia niggers
I kno they play psyops, but everything in my portfolio, is CIA……
BTW pic related on your post is called a fly mushroom here. It's not the worst actually, you have the same one but it's white. You gas your self if you eat it. Sami shamans used to get high of that crap, they forced reindeer to eat it then drank their piss(not a meme)
Are they fucking up our heads?
Are we nothing but a product of (((CIA)))
Probably. I've been driving since I was 5 years old.
but seriously they have been trying to make these claims lately. I'm on and off when I have time. But this description on how to pic agents……
I lost my life in autum 2014, is all I have to say. My life is gone, fighting isis shits
yeah we are
They have been pushing that language on many boards here. So here I am. The man that still remains.
Today Holla Forums reveals it can't handle LSD
A lusty (1) that never had a true LSD experience. You never will, because you never had that connection with anyone. It's the most high test form of love men can have together.
Best we ever heard with females is they couldn't stop rubbing eachothers' legs.
We wrote a book.
Amanita Muscaria. Makes you sick because of other stuff it contains, most of the psychoactives are in the membrane/under the red skin.
Neck yourself, faggot.
Actually reindeer have been observed to eat the mushrooms on their own, and they drink eachothers piss as well. Ever wonder where the flying reindeer pulling a red and white santa came from?
To elaborate, the bad drugs that make you sick aren't filtered through urine, but the fun drugs were. Back in the day people used to take one for the team by eating the mushroom, and then they would be a living filter, pissing out the drugs into their friends mouth, so they could get high without the unpleasantness. That person could then piss into someone elses mouth and get them high, too. Hence, "the gift that keeps on giving"
There are also rumors that druids used to harvest amantia muscaria and give it out for free around the month of december when they cultivated it.
I'm not sure that wholesale, across the board, denunciation of 'the hippies' is such a useful approach. At this point in time the sixties, another meme, has been thoroughly packaged. When sitting down to a documentary on the topic you're rarely surprised. The salient points have been all mapped out for you, the key players and their roles brought to the front. Before this was set in stone(ed) though there were many threads and skeins. The sds and weathermen were a sharp contrast to the ed sanders hippies, and that's only the crudest example. There was a lot of turmoil during the 1960's. And they ended on a bad note. Disillusionment with prevailing power structures and mechanisms that lent fuel to some of that is still alive today more than ever, and well represented here on this board.
That's reasonable. It's too complex a thing to paint with black-and-white brushstrokes. Sure, there were various government subversion plots, some more successful than others, but on the other hand there were also things like Manson and Kaczynski. Examples like that don't come off as being 'part of the plan'.
Off yourself nigger
But you woke up with a stick up your ass after that.
Did somebody say druids?