Are we being raided by Holla Forums again?
Are we being raided by Holla Forums again?
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feels like it my man
my nazi senses are tingling
polite sage because i don't want Holla Forums to see this and think we're triggered, and increase their raid efforts
If you aren't used to this then you should probably lurk more.
Why do you hate your own people?
prove "my people" care about me in the first place
we're always being raided
Not an argument!
Cause i'm a negro
they're not your people user, you're their person
Communism; for jews, by jews.
thank you for proving your ideology is fucking dumb
Holla Forums not "raiding " is the exception not the rule, with their board being like 5-6 times bigger than this one, their literal one click proximity and their sole purpose being purging leftobrownnumales.
You can even have fun with it by analyzing amateurish COINTELPRO.
Communism is a meme
Literally all communism has done is destroy countries.
Communism started it fucking all
You know, there is a lot to say about the East block, but unironically GNP as an argument, come on son.
who are your people ?
Hey, lets just get our superior culture and put ALL NIGGERS JUST TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS
Your race.
We are in a permanently raided by the triggered Holla Forumsyp.
Oh come on…
i regret making this thread
Look at how prosperous Germany was under Hitler
I spotted a Ukrop.
Western culture is great.
Why do you want to ruin it?
Because I can and I want.
Forgot to sage.
Definitely not
Those pictures are probably impressive to the mind of the average Holla Forumstard, given that they are easily impressed by leather uniforms and geometric symbols or long meaningless speeches and attacking people who cant defend themselves
You forgot that immigration and the collapse of the family also create reduced manufacture which causes trade deficits which cause a need to borrow which causes increasing national debt, which leads to general poverty.
where nazism ended up
Okay this got me
You know, you could read a book, clean your room, go outside or something generally more entertaining than dumping pictures on Tibetan cave paintings forum.
This isn't really bothersome, just silly.
why did hitler look like such an autist
why do these girls look so frumpy
why is this from ww1
why did hitler do his moustache in such a fashion
remove germans from premises
define race ?
Post moar badass soviets pls
p qt tbh
political imageboards were a mistake
get memed cappies
actually purebred dogs are less healthy and don't live as long as mutts so that argument isn't really valid and you're comparing dogs which have a lot more genetic diversity than say human beings
also still haven't defined race yet
daily reminder berlin was burned and all the german leaders were shot or killed themselves like pussies
Genetics = Race.
and all their shit-tier flags got burned
Daily reminder that Communism is a meme invented by jews and only used by jews which resulted in its nations bankrupt and broken.
And not even by war.
Clearly, a reminder is not nearly enough. I say we do a historical reenactment.
Not an argument
Daily reminder that Nazi masturbation fantasy is a meme invented by a jew.
🍀🍀🍀They🍀🍀🍀 want to mix this, with us.
yeah man. fuck the irish
keep it up kameraden, these commies can't make OC, they have no defenses. Just like they have no defenses to the facts about their death cult.
They can't even admit the truth about the Hitler Stalin pact and the co invasion of Poland. They can't even admit the party in Brest.
[email protected]/* */ [email protected]/* */, got memefilter caught like a newfag…
But so did you.
It says "Can you name any African philosophers?"
Not if you can google any.
Yes. They've been anally annihilated all day because Assange didn't give them what they wanted. So now they're sperging out on this board.
I'm sure you can name Japanese philosophers without googling.
Pic related is literally everyone on this board
My race actually proved it though, just look at Europe then look at Africa.
Meant for
Wow, according to this pic the soviets were really weak. But they still beat the nazi's, so imagine how weak the nazi's must have been :^]}
Read I thread full entire the please death brain more no
Please plain death no please
jeez not much fun in stalingrad
Hitler was such a shit leader.
anything good or noble that happened in ww2 was from the hard work of the Wehrmacht. Hitler was incompetent as were all the Nazi leaders. Looking at it, I think von Seeckt is to blame for pushing hitler into power to aide his own goal of a powerful rearmed Germany.
But Hitler sucks ass.
you say that as if you had a hand in making europe great or something
My people did, and I'm proud of that
Why do you need to do that i wonder…
so you have no achievements of your own ?
Post moar soviets
why does a person feel the need to fantizise about murderously sieze the means of production and bloody their knives in the blood of bourrgousieseseseses? Cause when I hang out in gulags that is all I see. I offer them military tactics and communications and even line fighting tactics. they shrug. Commies only like to buttfinger themselves as they think about killing people they will never meet.
Why is that?
Also why do most commies not work prole jobs? most commies don't wear steel toes. besides pervasive effective pro cap propaganda, why is that?
I do, but I also have pride in my race.
Does that not make sense?
You're running out of meems, according to the title those are Poles, not Soviets.
That's a railroad gun. They've had them since WWI. They're inefficient boondoggles.
Read a book nigger
Nice one.
Agreed, the zerg rush meme comes from the Wehrmacht being outmaneuvered by the Soviet doctrine for most of 1943-1945, which gave them the impression that they were being flooded with endless hordes. Literally any book on the eastern front will clarify that meme.
I don't need it because my own work makes me proud. If i admire people, i'm not telling myself "I'm awesome because i'm like them!" but "I'll be awesome if i do stuff like them!"
what's your background buddy ?
Interesting, fellow Anonymous, can you tell me more about thoses?
bredy gud, saved.
woops forgot sage
yeah neo nazis have never done this
I did a bing search and posted what I found.
Yank Levy and Che and Trinquier and Mao and other guerilla theory and some basic roman and greek formations.
Nazis and commies are both idiots. dogmas that don't self correct are artificial.
why would anyone raid a dead board
No, no, you don't get it, see, humans were artificially selected over hundreds of generations through inbreeding and conscious decision in order to exaggeratedly emphasize certain traits, to the point where for certain races there's so little genetic variety that they're basically one individual.
Nigga do you think the means of production are going to be seized by a bunch of anarchists in hoodies in bandanas forming a motherfucking phalanx and invading India?
Could you reformulate that sentence to make sense?
German woman crave for soviet cock
By that definition there are as much races as DNA combinations. You have to come up with something less vague than "genetics".
dogmas that don't self correct cannot exist outside another stablizing domga.
both hitler and stalin had cults of personality over thier stated goals and made choices not based on efficency but loyalty and premption. and thus thier results. man.
use the spoiler you dumbass
not new at all.
use the spoilers, it isn't a meme.
Some people actually use this place during work. It's sfw
Are we ever not being raided by Holla Forums?
ok… So you mean a doctrine that is not modified by its followers need to be more dogmatic to keep running?
I understand cronyism is the plague for every system but i have a very hard time following your first point, but english isn't my first language, so maybe it's just me…
we should continue our raids on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums
we're winning this culture war and all we need to do is keep driving these idiots out of their safe spaces
Hi Holla Forums, nice false flag you jew
clearly a concern troll. I've been spamming Holla Forums for months, derailing threads and then blaming it on Holla Forums. I'll have that community turned against Holla Forums soon. What have you done for the cause?
That reversed image in the OP doesn't work, because Hitler lost the war and it's expected that the white race will die out now.
Totaly unrelated to the point but whatever.
not an argument
Okay fam. Go back to reading dusty books written by people with IQs under 160.
R a c e m i x i n g will happen whether it's pushed by the media or not.
Yeah, having loads of babies to turn into soldiers and preparing a massive war economy had absolutely nothing to do with such "growth"
This is probably TRS raiding, posing as Holla Forums
How do you know for sure, though?
Holla Forums won't even check these God-Emperor trips! Truly you are lost.
In very small amounts. The only time miscegenation exceeds 15% is when a country is invaded and native women are raped by conquering soldiers. Besides, why is okay to advocate for something as equally abhorrent as miscegenation like murder simply because it will always happen? What's wrong with keeping i at an absolute minimum?
I neither advocate nor condemn it, actually
Why do I fucking bother.
This is the Stalingrand of Holla Forums.
We are always being raided.
I'd rather be burned alive than be mixed.
moral of the story is that Austrians are the real jews
holy FUCK
That can be aranged.
Why though, user?
Yet here you are
you're a disgrace
pic related, you got 40 million mostly white aryans killed attacking other slightly-less white enemies
That's actually pretty profound, GG user.
Read a book, Holla Forumsnigger.
The only raiding here is done by people that browse lefty regularly.
I browse both. I'm still unconvinced with the right or the left. I just hope you guys don't fall for Clinton, she's a trap.
In fact, there is no right candidate this year, I hope some of you fuckers are trying to fix the corruption of the left.
The left has lost sense of any pragmatism.
I don't like stirner, he's like that pretentious cunt that thinks he knows everything, yet fucks everything up when he has his way
You have no fucking idea what the 2nd world war was really about.
Arnt they always?
How would you know what being mixed would be like? You Holla Forumstards are so dramatic
I agree.
t. mixed person
It's tormenting.
I agree with the Holla Forumsster that is.
I don't think there is a raid going on (at least I've seen no thread about you guys in Holla Forums catalog)
t. Creation of "German" Islam OP
(my intentions were very clear and I thank you for being honest and not just writing me off because I'm from Holla Forums)
But why is it tormenting? Is it because of the twats yer around, or you don't like the fact that yer visually a blend between yer parents?
Not to speak for the user you questioned, but mixed-race individuals suffer from a lack of concise identity, not only in their internal self-image, but in that they will never be fully accepted by either of their heritages. They are an outsider to literally everyone, even the parents that made them.
Is Holla Forums ever not raiding us?
any of those from before colonization besides al-hajj? the muslim that came up with an idea that minority muslims shouldnt kill non-muslims when its a non-muslim ruling class?
the rest seem to be all from post-colonization where they were forced to receive western educations. correct me if im wrong.
Ho shit mein neger, is it true? Hooooo yeah
Its time to shitpost everywhere,
>sometime in the last 80 years somebody has provided actual proofs of this
Daily reminder
We don't want you either.
got to /ancap/ seems like your bunch
If it was up to us you'd be forced into the goddamn gulag.