David Seaman has decided to discontinue his reporting and participation in the #pizzagate/#pedogate discussion. Perhaps it's for the best to end the divisions in the research community.
#Pizzagate/#Pedogate - David Seaman Drops Out of Research Community After Much Drama
Other urls found in this thread:
The latest developments in Obamagate as of 3/29 including commentary by Mike Rivero of What Really Happened and The MSNBC response regarding Chairman Devin Nunes.
Mike Rivero - WRH - 3/28/2017 - youtube.com
Devin Nunes' Presence At White House Before Revealing Surveillance Info Significant | MSNBC -
Seriously consider suicide.
Please keep this nonsense in your containment threads.
What the hell are people giving this joke patreon money for then? Gibs money plox, my valiant fight against pedos!!!
A Jewish scam artist and former contributor to such illustrious sites as jezebel and huffpost.
All we needed to know. Chances are his "research" was all just an elaborate ruse to write an article about all the evil alt-right KKK super racists and their hatred of fine upstanding liberal politicians and pizzeria owners.
Most likely Pizzagate is just one major misdirection to try and cover for international paedophile elite rings by making it seem stupid with pizza references and only accusing the left of this.
Pizzagate is something that the right-wing zog controlled puppets are using to attack the leftwing marxist controlled puppets.
When both Democrats and Republican politicians are both balls deep in these paedophile rings as are all the major celebrities.
They have a similar thing in Britain/France/Norway/Austria that's been going on for years like
A website exposing all the Labour paedophiles which the rightwing Tories like to talk about however they shut it all down when you demonstrate the same happening with their Tory politicians.
Remember that Jeffrey Epstein had blackmailed just as many Republicans as they had Democrats, yet Pizzagate is exclusively associated with Democractic MPs while we know the Republicans are equally involved.
Sounds like Pizzagate is a Roger Stone tier misdirection op, paedophilia is rife in all zog controlled political parties left and right, all across the zionist occupied governments in the world.
On the Soros payroll, too. Sure does love to make a spectacle of himself whilst loudly shouting "PIZZAGATE!"
There's a fucking sticky for is shit.
Not op, but I think the intention is to keep David Seaman drama out of research threads.
Lol told all you fags this would happen. This is second or third one now. He does this with everything. He's a well known drama queen in cryptocurrency communities.
He also bilked his lolberg supporters into donating to his non-existent congress campaign a few years ago.
A shame, but I doubt he's gone for good. He and his platform reached a good amount of people, managing to share pizzagate with thousands.
It's certainly not the first time they've tried dividing pizzag8ters. David was a being a bad jew, so (((they))) needed to assassinate his character.
Go back to your containment thread retard.
The intention of the pizzagate sticky is to keep this shit out of the catalog.
stop making shitty threads retards.
David Seaman strikes me as an opportunist and a muckraker. #Pizzagate was renamed #Pedogate in following the evidence that a place like Comet Ping Pong Pizza is just the tip of the iceberg. Jeffry Epstein was confirmed by former CIA case officer Robert David Steele to be a Mossad agent who set up a honey trap on his Orgy Island to ensnare unsuspecting political figures and well-known actors, media members etc. into falling into a human-compromise operation whereby intelligence agencies would have the ability to blackmail the visitors to his island to demand they do as they're told, support whichever policies The Deep State, Mossad and others tell them what to support as true.
AG Sessions has every intention of arresting these scumbags when he's able to do so, but something must be done. Whether you supported Trump or Clinton in 2016, how could someone not respect men, Trump and Sessions, who want to drain the swamp of dirt bags.
Whether you're on the left, right or you do not believe in political parties, I cannot see how one single person would not want to see the creeps and molesters have their day in court. David Seaman gave the open-source investigation a bad nameā¦ better he stepped aside.