These are the same people dealing with the other videos they released some time ago. Lets ACORN these FUCKING PIGS
These are the same people dealing with the other videos they released some time ago. Lets ACORN these FUCKING PIGS
link nigger
Sorry too much anger
You're not from here, right?
When will you people fuck off back to The_Donald?
You should be more angry that the filmers got charged with felonies.
Banned from plebbit and cuckchan for speaking truth.
Can't tell if this place is any better, every time someone posts something its all about "you arent from here" "omg u dont know how 2 work the site loser faggot go back 2 reddit cuckchan cuck faggot"
Get over your autism
Go shill your white genocide somewhere else kosher conservicuck.
Can anyone remind me why are we against this? I really don't see any negative factor to it.
Planned Parenthood is the only reason blacks aren't reaching a majority in the US, while whites are significantly less likely to opt for abortion.
Thank God for Planned Parenthood
did you even look at the skin color of the person talking
And why should that matter?
Having them self regulate is the best possible thing aside from shipping them all to Liberia.
It promotes degeneracy, individualism, and is the cornerstone of feminist empowerment. If abortion didn't exist, it would go a long way in preventing the emergence of sluts, coal burners, beta cucks, and trannies. It's also literal fucking baby murder.
you aren't from here, learn to greentext it's not that fucking difficult, lurk moar.
No, abortion is not the cause of degeneracy, but because of it. Non-degenerate people don't abort their kids, you know.
I'm going to ask again, why do we want for feminists, coal burners, niggles, spics, shitlibs and low iq whites to reproduce?
what else can we pay for??
So much this
Destroys women and promotes feminism and degeneracy. Your daughters will grow up in the same world (not like you'll have kids anyways) Not to mention it's murdering babies when it gets to a certain point
How? By ensuring the Coal Burners crate more mulattos? By Ensuring liberals produce more betacuck tranny offspring?
Only mentally damaged people are using these institutions so in doing so they are weakening the numbers necessary to promulgate that behavior.
Meanwhile traditional minded people are given then chance in trying to have loads of kids to overtake the vacuum being created by the niggers and cuckolds.
Forcing degenerates to have more kids will only beget more degenerates outside of a few outliers who happen to be intelligent enough to take the opposite position of their parents.
I agree that the state subsidizing it is wrong, but living niggers are way more expensive than abortions. A nigger family can cost the state millions of dollars in a short span of time. Your argument is short sighted and is under the assumption that dead niggers are more expensive than living adult niggers that will create more state dependent niggers.
Having our tax dollars pay for their mistakes enables them to be degenerate. If you build it, they will come
You think if planned parenthood sticks around the fucking coal burners will go anywhere? You literally sound retarded
What if once your soul reaches a certain point of development you just spontaneously turn white.
Libtards, niggers and spics are the ones getting aborted. I'd say good riddance.
Less shitskins means less mongrels and coal burners.
You just just had to fuck up didn't you? We need less subhumans. Whether they are larva or not doesn't matter.
Do you know how much aborting a niglet saves?
Planned parenthood creates the atmosphere of degeneracy. Without planned parenthood, maybe people would think twice before they have a baby. Maybe not. But if you honestly think planned parenthood will just wipe out all degenerates you're fucking retarded. If a system allows something to happen, it will always happen.
Abortion is spiritual poison.
Christianity is shit.
If you deal with roaches by filling your home with poison, which does not kill all the roaches and poisons your children, you're a fucking idiot. But hey, at least you have fewer roaches, right? Totally worth poisoning of the spirit.
There is both eugenics and dysgenic effect via this particular form of application of this procedure.
Assuming at least a million annually, thats 300,000+ White children dead in 2014.
That Jews love abortion.
You lot realize that abortion works in such a way that a woman, a fundamentally narcissistic creature, can independently decide to abort a man's legacy without his consent, right? The weakness of our people is largely in the subversion of the family unit, not merely in being outbred by nonwhites. Women should not be empowered to make this decision, period. If you don't see how that proliferates degeneracy, I don't know what to say other than that you're short-sighted.
No you fucking moron. Did you pay any attention to anything we said?
By funding planned parenthood, we just make sure that the individuals susceptible to be corrupted by said culture don't reproduce.
And welfare doesn't you stupid nigger?
By allowing them to exist you are promulgating more behavior that is even more degenerate, like murdering and raping whites and being a general drain on the nations economy.
Planned Parenthood isn't forcing these niggers to kill their own, they are simply acting as a pressure valve that makes a ludicrous sum off of doing what niggers do illegally for free.
Coal burners don't exist because abortion is legal you fucking mong. They exist because they exist in a culture that is niggerfied which is the result of there being niggers, and then jews pushing that nigger culture onto whites.
The amount of money it costs to abort one nigger is a pittance to what it costs to keep that nigger alive to loot rape and murder and also produce more niggers to ensure the same behavior continues. You sound like a fucking moron. It SAVES more money than it costs by several orders of magnitude.
If you are taking the vedic perspective, than aborting them would put them on the fast track to a higher life-form and prevent them from being further lowered by niggerdom in life.
Hiya Schlomo.
Having my tax dollars pay for the extermination of degenerates' offspring is MONEY WELL SPENT
Holla Forums is not a social conservatives board. Holla Forums is a National Socialist board. Lurk more cuckservative faggot.
you guys need to think long term, see
You want a woman to be able to kill your baby no matter what you do or say?
Shills are getting better
Abortions prevent nigger spawn. Low nigger spawn means less crime, which means society gets to write of niggerdom as societal problems, not genetic.
Muslims and Jews rarely, if ever, use abortion, where as white women see it as on option.
If we do not force Roe v. Wade to be put through the process of an amendment, niggers will get worse and white women will continue to have less children.
Without abortions niggers would become more violent, cops would kill more niggers, and white people would stop fucking around with equality.
Niggers are flooding our prisons because cops and politicians are too pussy to pull the triggers on the streets.
You're really just grasping at straws now aren't you? You want to know what happens when a white country with a large shitskin population bans abortion? Just look at Brazil.
This is the future we avoided. And I don't care how many niglets had to die for that.
No they don't. Niggers in Africa are still shitting out more niglets even though they banned abortion.
You mean like allowing subhumans to proliferate unrestricted?
Abortion is a public service, but whites are already too priviledged so they shouldnt be able to use it, only non-whites should have the power to have abortions, for free, and at any time.
The sort of women who would abort her child is the sort of woman who has no business raising a child, and who would raise a criminal degenerate if forced to.
Every aborted baby is one less degenerate that we'll be forced to one day gas.
i understand you love the nigger word and it's impressive how much you use it but that doesn't change the simple facts
i think its worse having the government proliferate degeneracy and feminism through abortion.
"empowering women" by allowing them to kill your offspring.
> Having my tax dollars pay for the extermination of goyim offspring is MONEY WELL SPENT
You slimey kike.
> Aryan women could obtain an abortion simply by demonstrating that either parent had an hereditary defect or that the child would be born with a congenital defect.
> In 1943, providing an abortion to an "Aryan" woman became a capital offense.
> Abortion was permitted if the foetus was deformed or disabled.
I have no idea how you came to that conclusion.
Women follow the society as a whole, by enabling niggers and jews to exist in that society you are ensuring those women will be further corrupted.
In a society in which abortion wasn't necessary as their women weren't niggerfied, the majority of them voted for Hitler.
How so? Only in egalitarianism is every life automatically valuable. A violent retard is not automatically worth the same as a healthy child.
Okay, instead we let the home fill with roaches so all of the children will grow up sick and become dysgenic from all the health problems associated with living in squalor.
Let the pavement apes rape your kids goy.
Long term? Okay dipshit, how do we solve the nigger problem longterm if they breed without any means to cull their numbers?
That's fucking retarded, if that were true, than Zimbabwe would still be Rhodesia, allowing them to have greater numbers DOES NOT HELP YOU.
Attributing it to societal problems is a direct result of Jewish interpretation of the problem.
Kill yourself nigger lover.
Kill yourself degenerate scum.
Abortion is not necessary in a HEALTHY society. Nazi Germany was not flooded with NIGGERS.
Nazi Germany was majority white and so abortion was rightly banned.
Do you know why we use the word "nigger" that much? Because using it makes it easy to spot a nigger or Chuck like you.
I can't imagine how you could fail to understand this while claiming yourself a regular on this board.
Except they won't, and I've seen nothing to suggest that would be the case - and, if anything, an increase in roaches would undoubtedly be a strong(er) motivator to take REAL ACTION in dealing with the roach problem.
> Let your women murder their sons goy. Its convenient! Its their right!
If you honestly claim not to see how this is ideologically, spiritually, fucking poison, then you don't belong here lad - or you need to fucking lurk moar.
Get out of here, fucking faggot
If YOUR WOMAN aborts, then you have failed as a man. Abortion is for degenerate women and shitskin women. If you're fucking a degenerate woman, that is because YOU have failed.
I might agree to a point but unless sterilizations are also on the table then I object to tax dollars being spent this way.
Planned parenthood was founded by whites faggot. Margaret Sanger was a catholic.
Kikes trying to subvert eugenics has only led to to more shitskins and libtards getting aborted.
The fact that you don't actually post race statistics shows how much kikery is at play here.
Demographic displacement is existential poison.
If you kill your enemies they win!
Assuming they're not libtards, that's a tragedy. But the solution to that is better education, making sure white families have secure jobs, and removing the clinics kikes put in white neighborhoods.
The future of the white race is at stake here. Whether this "empowers" some nigger woman or not doesn't matter.
Banning abortion also does nothing to strengthen the family unit.
Nice strawman there Schlomo.
> Aryan women could obtain an abortion simply by demonstrating that either parent had an hereditary defect or that the child would be born with a congenital defect.
> In 1943, providing an abortion to an "Aryan" woman became a capital offense.
You won't get a HEALTHY society if you don't deal with the problem.
You aren't dealing with the problem, you're trying to keep the problem 'manageable' so that it remains a problem and generally keeps getting worse.
Why are you protecting the roaches? You know as well as I do that a 50% increase in niggers is going to redpill a whole fucking lot of people. You know it.
Can you not read?
Abortion wasn't banned - abortion for Aryan women was first restricted (no convenience abortions) and then outlawed where there was no eugenic benefit.
GTFO cuck
Kill yourself jew lover.
This is a lie on your tongue, and you know it.
Men have no power, and modern women are fucked in the head. They should not be given LEGAL AUTHORITY BY THE STATE to believe that MURDERING THEIR OWN CHILDREN is a RIGHT.
If you still don't get this, YOU ARE RETARDED and should have been aborted for eugenics purposes.
That or you're just a fucking JEW.
You are kosher vermin and we will exterminate you all one day.
Nigger, I did. Reminder: KIKES ALWAYS LIE.
Hundreds of thousands of White children each year. You can't deny it. You know its true.
If you don't understand how this is poison, you are a retarded or a Jew.
Oh, NOW you're willing to admit it.
Hello Schlomo.
Or, here's a thought - just get rid of abortion out of convenience.
Its that simple.
I'm not scared of nigger numbers increasing.
Know why?
Being around niggers is the NUMBER ONE, GOLD STANDARD for redpilling people.
You have no argument against this - none of you ever do.
I'll gladly take 300k+ more White babies in exchange for a 50% increase in niggerdom - more Whites, and more Whites who know niggers are shit. Win-win on my behalf.
Not an argument, I asked you a question and you resort to attacking a notion of how long I've been here, which is something I NEVER brought up you dumbfuck.
Oh so you are saying the Nigger population wouldn't explode? Can you give a reason as to why it wouldn't? Can you give a reason as to why we'd be better off with more niggers to "confront the problem" with when the real problem is Jews convincing us to not get rid of the amount that already exists?
You've never given a reason as to exactly why it is. You can make the statement all you want but without any reasoning to back it up it's just baseless egalitarian folly.
Nature doesn't care if you live or die. And if you allow their demographics to go unimpeded than the niggers have a real chance of winning a race war. This happened in Rhodesia, and this is happening in South Africa. Wake the fuck up you dumb cuck. You see to be under the impression that it is only a population boom of niggers that will make people realize they are a problem. IT IS A PERCEPTUAL PROBLEM. WE DONT NEED MORE NIGGERS, WE NEED TO GET RID OF THE ONES WE ALREADY HAVE.
The problem are niggers and jews. We don't need abortion if there are no niggers. Get that through your fucking skull.
They literally didn't, and no, we shouldn't either.
You live in Weimerica faggot, shit won't change by magic.
This wasn't a mistake - and that you think it was shows how Jewish you are in spirit, if not blood.
Strawman, and not an argument.
Says the guy arguing for the practice of telling White women it is their RIGHT to MURDER THEIR BABIES out of convenience, a procedure most-commonly performed BY JEWS.
Seems legit Schlomo.
I'm perfectly fine with abortion as a method of pest control but are you seriously suggesting that niggers won't have abortions if they aren't subsidized?
She eats her salad like a retard, holy shit.
I'm not going to address this post, beyond the first point, because its a Jew posting.
How do I know?
Allow me to demonstrate.
The Jew asks.
My response?
The Jews' response:
This is how Jews work.
There's a reason Hitler came to hate them through argumentative engagement.
Like that's something a jew would say? What the fuck are you talking about? Slavery has nothing to do with opposing to the artificial empowerment of women.
My point is exactly that. Society should establish the impropriety of abortion so that women won't take that as a cue to degenerate into sluts who use it as a recreational means of birth control.
What does that have to do with the reality that we're currently facing?
I clearly said we need to churn back white abortions. Who are you trying to fool here shlomo?
And watch how the kike exposes himself. You really overdid yourself here.
Kek, so you won't even an offer a reasoning for your statements? You are a fucking moron who is advocating for white genocide by a population boom of niggers. And you call me the Kike?
Also you are talking to two different fucking people you stupid idiot, we have IDs here. How can you use what a completely different person is saying as an argument against what I am saying?
You won't even back up your own statements and instead keep repeating the same bullshit that you won't even backup logically.
You act like a kike by accusing others of doing what you yourself are doing.
Do you not understand how Abrahamism has worked? Do you not understand the perversion of nature that Jewish ideology has brought us?
Okay so what do we do about the Nigger woman who are producing more nigger babies?
Oh, I am going to address this bit, because its so comically Jewish:
So you want to maintain the nigger population at a controlled level, which employs thousands of Jews.
But you have niggers, and the process of abortion maintains the nigger population - you're basically arguing for giving more aid to Africa, thus holding off the die-off which is necessary.
So you're scared of US niggers 'winning the race war'?
You aren't, though, you're maintaining their population, while your population shrinks due to low birth rates - which abortion contributes to.
Yes, you percieve the appropriate means to deal with roaches in your home is to poison your children - paying a Jewish 'exterminator' to do it - in order to maintain the roach population at a level that you find acceptable.
You're an idiot.
Why would I argue with a Jew? It was demonstrated in the first line of commentary that this individual was not arguing in good faith, so why would I waste my time with them further?
Jews love abortion. You know it. They profit from it above all others.
I can't be assed to keep track of which kike I'm dealing with Schlomo - its just not worth my time in many cases.
I've already backed it up, you just don't like the answer, because you're a Jew, and Jews love to use this sort of argumentation.
This bit doesn't even make sense.
This is your daily reminder that Jews love abortion because it's the slow boil replacement strategy. Even with abortion, whites are still being ethnically replaced, just at a slower rate.
Without abortion, the Race War would have already happened and been resolved in our favor by now. With abortion, it may NEVER happen.
Legalizing the mass-slaughter of white infants just to strike a superficial blow against nonwhites is absurd. Anyone who hates niggers more than they love their own folk is not a White Nationalist.
Sterilize them? Why the fuck do we have to lose so many whites in order to overcome predictable nonwhite behavior? That's nigger-tier strategy.
Segregate and sterilize, agreed?
Your words speak for themselves Schlomo.
Nigger, WHAT?
20 million niggers in one year? AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, no.
Niggers often represent a smaller proportional share than Whites.
There's about 1 million abortions per year.
Niggers never exceed 40%, White often exceed niggers, and when they don't, they're still mid-30%.
That equates to, at most, 400k niggers per year, and 300k+ Whites per year.
I thought Jews were good with numbers?
The reason abortion has such a powerful effect on behalf of blacks is because they have a population that is like 1/5th the size of ours.
God you're stupid…
Abortion lovers getting btfo ITT.
Jew love using baby murder to power their Satanic magics.
Its really quite disturbing to see how bad these kikes are at shilling for their babby-parts conveyor belt.
And letting them have a population boom helps how? Rhodesia and South Africa are fucking GONE.
That's some serious double think there, so by offering them a means to cull their numbers, we somehow make them seem "less bad" when really they already commit a disproportionate amount of crime, and your solution is allow them to grow to such numbers where we'd have a real possibility of being wiped out? You are a fucking idiot.
Well that would be wonderful, but we aren't sterilizing them for the same reason we aren't shipping them to Liberia, because Holla Forumsacks aren't in charge of every occupancy of the government.
I agree it would be great, but allowing them to breed in massive numbers like that other user is advocating for is fucking retarded and suicidal.
Lots of sliding going on. Drop the useless, off-topic bickering - you know who you are. faggots But this does bring up another interesting topic for discussion - abortion. There are clearly pros and cons of legalized abortion, and rather than grandstanding and shilling for one view or the other, I'm proposing a pros and cons list from which we can work off of and add/subtract from. As far as I can see:
- prevents undesirables from having more children, who will inevitably grow up to be undesirables themselves
- keeps undesirable populations in (relative) check
- almost only used by commie/lefty whites, who shouldn't be raising children in the first place
- probably saves money in the long run for taxpayers
- it's degenerate as fuck to abort a baby just because you don't want it
- lots of white babies killed
- damaging, physically and psychologically, to women
- strangles equal parenting rights from males
- always pushed by kikes
- it costs taxpayers money
They're still 'allowed' to do it even with abortion. What you mean to say is you're betting 300k (or so) whites against the odds that any given nigger decides to get an abortion instead of winning big on the welfare lottery. Again, bad strategy.
Tell me, how did the race wars in Brazil and South Africa turn out?
Oh wait, that didn't happen.
Abortion prevented us from turning into a northern Brazil, you conniving disingenuous rat faced hebrew.
You forgot what you wrote? Here. Let's paste is again.
Don't lie shlomo. Everyone can see what you wrote.
Don't be this fucking obtuse, nobody wants abortion in a white society. But in the US isn't an all white society the fact is it is killing mostly nog babies and if not for abortion nogs would eventually overtake the white population. Do YOU want to live in south africa?
I agree whites getting abortions is bad, but people underestimate how quickly niggers breed.
Lmao fedorather tippers exposing themselves.
Stop making excuses for Satanistic Jewry.
Nice strawman, kike. Reported.
Forgot sage.
Eugenics was and always has been a white thing. Don't try to stop it now kike because shitskins are getting aborted faster than whites.
See, this is how I know you're either stupid or a Jew - I already answered this.
Yeah… Why? Why are they gone?
Do you even fucking know?
It was because they got ass-raped at the international level, not because of nigger numbers.
For fuck's sake, what are you even TALKING ABOUT when you bring this up? Rhodesia was a White minority fighting an established Black majority IN AFRICA, with hostility from the entire pozzed Western world.
The two situations are, quite simply, not related in the way you are attempting to imply they are. Whether you're being disingenuous or just retarded, I honestly can't tell at this point.
ANDS OURS… Continue…
Which is a huge source of redpilling… Continue…
With this last bit, your own follow-up commentary is the most appropriate:
You are a fucking idiot.
Who said anything about "allowing them to grow to such numbers where we'd have a real possibility of being wiped out"? No one, but you. You are such a Jew.
If the nigger population - already 1/5th the size of ours, remember that - increases by, at most, 400k, and our population simultaneously increases by between 300k and 400k, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT EQUATES TO THEIR POPULATION 'BOOMING' TO THE POINT WE'RE OUTNUMBERED IN THE VEIN OF SOUTH FUCKING AFRICA OR RHODESIA, YOU FUCKING IDIOT?
Can you do the math of the total number of niggers born each year + how many niglets are aborted each h year and compare it to whites? That would help clearing the reasoning of some people.
Please, do so.
Yep, that's what I wrote.
I didn't lie.
Here's what you wrote:
So, you're suggesting 20 million niggers will appear in one year.
I noted that's retarded.
And you came back to imply I tried to hide what I said.
You're a Jew.
30% of black pregnancies end in abortion, compared to 11% for white.
Then don't have it.
Its not TRUE. As I already said:
About 1 million abortions per year.
Blacks are max 40%.
Whites are often above Blacks, and never less than 30%.
That means, in many years, it is killing more Whites than Blacks, and even in 'good' years, its killing very-nearly the same number of Whites as Blacks.
But they won't, and there's nothing to suggest they would - and even if that WERE a potentiality, BEING AROUND NIGGERS IS THE NUMBER 1, GOLD STANDARD for REDPILLING ON NIGGERS.
So, yes, I will take another 400k niggers, in exchange for A) the absence of spiritual societal poison being present, B) an increase of 300-400k White babies, and C) more niggers to redpill Whites as to the nature of niggerdom (as opposed to keeping their numbers in check and avoiding the massive redpilling of Whites).
Nigger, WE DO LIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA, thanks to a nigger population being held in check while our own population slowly dies of the spiritual societal poison we've ingested, abortion being a major component thereof.
Lad, I live in Brazil,niggers literally kill more than 120000 people every year. That's murder alone, not even mentioning robbery and other petty crimes. Following your logic, brazilian whites would be super redpilled, right?
Well, they aren't. They are fucking cucks in their majority. The ones which opened their eyes to racial crime did so because of someone else informing them on the matter, not out of "having first hand experience".
Jews totally don't have an interest is slaughtering goyim children like cattle or anything lmao.
I'm sure suckling them stem cells out of goy fetuses and injecting them totally is no problem either, goy.
You fucking Christcucks need to fuck off to your board. >>>/christian/. If not for abortions there would have been 50 fucking million more niggers reproducing like rats in the U.S. since the 1960s. Can you imagine what this country would be like with 100,000,000 more niggers running around? Are you fucking retarded?
Abortion is the reason why niggers haven't increased as a share of the population.
We need the raw numbers, though.
Is the total black number of black births + abortions greater than the number of white births + abortion?
You are forgetting that niggers get pregnant 4 times more often, because they can't comprehend contraception.
And reaching the point to where they will be redpilled also means niggers have a chance to win the racewar. YOU DO NOT NEED THOSE NUMBERS TO REDPILL PEOPLE.
This is the age of the internet, we are already pushing people towards those truths, allowing niggers to breed unmitigated will make that fight harder to win.
Wrong, they settled in that area because there were very few blacks to begin with, but overtime their views towards blacks became softer so they allowed them to immigrate into the country for labor. Being around niggers did the opposite of red pilling them. until it was too late.
And who will be responsible to say, "okay now is time for the race war, theres enough niggers now."
That's not how it fucking works, everytime in history that could have happened, it DID NOT FUCKING HAPPEN.
Your hubris is amazing, you offer zero historical context for your reasoning and expect others to blindly believe you.
S-schlomo, I…
Got some stats to back that up?
I only ask in that I thought it was more like 50% of Black pregnancies.
Black population: ~42 million
White population: ~200 million
1 million abortions per year in the US.
On average, of those million, ~40% Black, 35% White. (Variable Hispanic, but we're not paying attention to that atm, and they're sub 30% anyway.)
~400k Black babies aborted.
~350k White babies aborted.
Black population is 1/5th the size of the White population, and has ~50k more abortions each year - clearly, this is going to have a more profound effect… But it says nothing as to the fact that 350k White babies are killed by their mothers each year.
The conceptual horror, the societal degeneration, espoused in that statistic is mind-boggling.
I don't need a statistic to know that you are a kike shill.
You openly support killing of gentile infants to prolong the lives of the jewish elite with their harvested organs and stem cells, because a bigger part of these infants happen to be black.
People like you will be lined up against the wall and shot very soon.
According to kek
According to the CDC:
For reference, there are about 10,829 births daily in the US. Assuming (very roughly) 55% of those are white babies, and 10% are black, we're looking at about 6,000 white babies born and 1,000 white babies aborted each day, and 1100 black babies born and 1,000 aborted each day.
It doesn't matter if Christianity is real or not.
Satan exists the same way Kek does, a group of people worship him as if he does exist and soon the idol begins to materialize in reality as a form of meme magic.
Does it matter if the Aztecs were full of shit about their gods if they were still slaughtering each other as sacrifices?
Does it matter if Jesus never existed when millions of people still go to Church and believe in him?
Be honest about the context.
Do you deny that exposure to Blacks makes people more redpilled about Blacks?
Yes or no?
Do you deny that hundreds of thousands of White babies die alongside those hundreds of thousands of nigger babies?
Yes or no?
I don't care about nigger babies in a moral context - they mean nothing to me.
What means something to me is A) the spiritual societal poison which is required at a societal level for them to be killed, B) the effect of that poison upon my own folk, and C) the Jews profiting from that poison and pushing it with greater fervency than any other group.
Until then, the degenerates will sacrifice their young at the temple of Moloch in an effort to maintain their eternal youth with its attendant lack of responsibility. Either way I support abortion until you solve the nigger problem. No sooner.
First off, AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAh, sucks to be you.
Second, I don't live in Brazil, I live in a White nation.
There's your problem right there fella.
Because they aren't White.
Because you're addressing a totally different societal context and trying to apply it as though its legitimate.
Well, that's not how it is here lad.
Here in the US, the White people who are the most aware and hostile toward Blacks? They're the ones who have to live by them.
So, whatever the fuck is going on in that big pile of miscegenation and failure you call a country? Its totally irrelevant to this conversation.
eugenics and sterilization > abortion. offer a cash incentive for sterilization and you'll see a sharp downard spike in the black birth rate
Their numbers were falling prior to 1916, when Planned Parenthood started.
It only redpills people who can make the connections, the majority of people are not logical and will attribute those problems to anything but race.
People are too inculcated now to suddenly decide to racewar, that will take years of reversing the programming done to them.
And you have the audacity to call everyone who disagrees with you a kike when you clearly haven't thought of any of this for any period of time as historically what you stipulate has never ever happened in favor of whites.
Whites are too emphatic to slaughter niggers en masse, only a small minority of whites are capable of that.
Meanwhile the majority of Niggers have no problem with murder.
Brazil used to be whiter than the US is today you fucking idiot. They had their own Nazi party you stupid shit.
This. Notice how the jew won't respond to this. He wants to stop eugenics because he knows it is a powerful tool in the hands of whites.
Seriously people need to lay off this infowars shit. The jews hide behind this theatricality and stage magic of supposed ritual, then some water filter salesman who never names the jew and was married to a jew just doubles down on the satanic angle so he doesn't ever have to mention the tribe.
I'm Brazilian, a better statistic would be:
Whites: 25%
Pardo (mixed ones, there's a lot of shades of them, maybe 30 different leves): 60%
Black: 14%
Amerindian: 1%
And why that? Because a lot of Pardos think they are Blacks/Whites, so they underrepresent themselves.
You have to go back to cuckchan.
I'm Brazilian, a better statistic would be:
Whites: 25%
Pardo (mixed ones, there's a lot of shades of them, maybe 30 different leves): 60%
Black: 14%
Amerindian: 1%
And why that? Because a lot of Pardos think they are Blacks/Whites, so they underrepresent themselves.
PS: My post was deleted for god knows why?
Jesus Christ you fucking Jew.
Nowhere have I suggested you'd need to create a nigger population boom by millions-upon-millions of births. We've been over this already, the math just ISN'T WITH YOU
1 mill per year. 400k nigs max. 300-400k whites. There's just no way elimination of that results in some sudden surge whereby niggers become anything approximating a thread in military terms, and it continues to be retarded of you to imply otherwise.
No, it really won't, and you've demonstrated nothing to suggest otherwise.
Expressly untrue. They were a White minority from the start, which is the polar opposite of what we're facing here - if you're worried about someone in the context of the race war, its not niggers you need to be worried about, but spics.
The same people who would otherwise be responsible to say that. If there is to be a point wherein people are going to say, "Okay, now is time for the race war", then more niggers = more Whites moving that direction = getting us there faster.
So, let me get this straight… In your view: Rhodesians settled where there were few niggers. More niggers came over time. This did not eventually lead to Rhodesians saying "Okay, its time for the race war now".
You're comparing the US to fucking Rhodesia, and you're talking to others of lacking historical context?
Fucking comedy lad.
To reiterate my statistics that got lost in the endless sliding, I'd like to propose a question:
Is losing 1 in 6 white babies acceptable if it means losing 1 in 2 black babies?
Again, maybe in Brazil, but not in the US - the people in the US who are the MOST AWARE of niggerdom are those who live around it. I'm sorry if its otherwise in your shitty miscegenation hole, but in the US, Whites who have to deal with niggers are the most aware and redpilled on niggerdom.
Actually, a few years of living around niggers seems to do the trick for us - maybe its all you mudblooded folk that can't handle that, and the fact that they live in a society that is basically just Miscegenation: The Country.
No, I have the wisdom to recognize those who would engage in spiritual poison for the sake of pest control ARE KIKES or are those who've imbibed kike propaganda.
Wow, what a totally empty statement.
No, we aren't.
Highly debatable, and really brings into question how you're going to talk about things 'historical' while making such a retarded fucking statement.
Yeah, no shit, and what happened?
Exactly, you fucking idiot.
Feel free to correct me if I'm equivocating, but to me this all sounds similar to supporting the homicidal tendencies of blacks given that they happen to kill other blacks at a higher percentage rate than they do whites. As though them being violent savages as well as sexual deviants is in any way helpful to whites. I hope you can at least understand why I wouldn't subscribe to that theory.
Obviously, because it's clear you have no proof.
Oh look, when you can't win: twist the arguments. When will you admit that Margaret Sanger saved America and whites founded eugenics?
I guess she was a kike too?
Obviously. It's clear how racially aware whites are a threat to your goals of white genocide.
Many of these niggers are actually "black-hispanics".
Finding accurate race statistics on Brazil is hard. The same is happening in Europe and America. They've banned race censuses (Europe) or are trying to phase them out (America) because they clearly show demographic displacement.
If otherwise it would mean ending up like Brazil and South Africa? Yes.
But those aren't the only choices. We need to take back planned parenthood from the kikes that have subverted it. Remove clinics from white neighborhoods and make sure white families have secure jobs.
I guess that's why cities are filled with libtards and their shitskin pets?
Yes, she is a degenerate whore for getting one. She may have been perfect beside that. No, it isn't your fault. No amount of laws can change that.
Allow me to explain.
In some contexts, that may well be acceptable - but not in the modern US.
Because proportionality.
There are about 200 million Whites in the US.
There are about 42 million niggers in the US.
Each year, 1 million abortions, give or take.
Each year, 300-400k nigger babies dead.
Each year, 300-400k white babies dead.
Your statistic? Its misrepresentative - the reason it seems like there's such a disparity is not because of a variance in the number of babies killed, nigger or White, but because of the number of people in the population.
How is it that niggers and Whites have very-nearly the same loss to abortion, but in one case it equates to 10% of births, and in another it equates to 50% of births?
Population size.
But let's take a step back from all this pragmatism, and let's be idealists for just a moment.
Can anyone in this thread honestly say that the concept of a woman, white or black, being told, by the state, that it is her right to murder her unborn child in the womb, out of mere convenience, and to the profit of Jewish doctors, is not degenerate as fuck?
Look, I get the eugenics argument, and could even support that in other contexts. I get the pest-control argument, though I clearly disagree with its foundation.
But how is it that supposed Holla Forumsacks can look at the concept of the state telling women its their RIGHT to MURDER THEIR BABIES with the help of JEWS out of CONVENIENCE, and think that's acceptable, think that isn't demonstrable of societal degeneration, isn't representative of SOCIETAL SPIRITUAL POISON being laid upon our folk?
This shit is evil.
Yes, even when its niggers, because a nigger killing her own baby with the help of a Jew because she doesn't feel like raising IS EVIL, even if it pragmatically serves our cause, and that says NOTHING as to the even-greater (IMHO) evil of such being espoused by our women, who are supposed to know better, who are supposed to BE better.
It isn't if the mothers are niggers. It's a net benefit for society, I don't advocate abortion for whites unless the kid will develop without a brain or a serious physical condition that will make life too painful to live.
In every historical case, in which there was a race war between whites and blacks, niggers always outbred the white population.
You have no statistic to cite that would disprove this.
Niggers reproduce early and often, each subsequent generation will have a compounding effect resulting in more niggers, the rate is not static.
Okay so what's the solution? Because people have never been redpilled by Nigger populations enough to kill all the niggers, it has never happened, not once.
Maybe on the fucking continent of Africa, but within their own nation they were not, Niggers weren't citizens initially.
Has never ever happened before, and you will be unable to demonstrate a single instance in history for which it has happened, meanwhile there are countless instances that demonstrates the opposite to be true.
They did, but when it did happen it was too fucking late, the population was too high because there was no stipulation to prevent niggers from reaching critical mass.
So Rhodesia, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Sweden. Were not formerly majority white countries that were and are being overtaken by non-whites? There is no rubric for determining how many whites will be redpilled by being adjacent to niggers and how many of them will racewar in time. There is no historical context you can provide to support your idea.
Okay so why didn't whites wipe out niggers in the 1960s when they were openly having a revolution?
Prove it.
Okay so why aren't the majority of whites in Sweden or the UK going out in the street filling it with the blood of foreign invaders?
Thanks for proving my point.
Jewish dualistic thinking, there must be evil for there is good.
There was a time when kings would record the mass amount of peoples they killed and no one would have called them "evil" for it. Good and Evil is a Abrahamistic concept.
We don't need to consider Kikes and Nigs evil to know they aren't good for us. You cloud judgements with relativistic notions.
This ties back to the first point under "CONS" my first post . How do you balance those cons with the pros? What's the most ideal form of population control iyo?
Most city-dwelling libtards don't actually engage niggers all that often - US cities are heavily segregated.
And most city-dwelling non-libtards fucking hate niggers with a fiery passion that would make Moonman envious.
Why do you keep pushing this falsehood?
You aren't saving your people by allowing women to murder their children, you're maintaining a holding pattern within the context of which your people are disappearing.
You're a liar, and coward, and I don't like you.
wtf I'm a #EugenicsMissile now
I don't have an interest in seeing the 'undesireable' population 'kept in check'.
I don't think it benefits us.
You can certainly argue the contrary, perhaps quite effectively, but based on what I've seen, the pros of 'population control' do not outweigh the cons; specifically, as you noted in the post under discussion:
The taxpayer money thing doesn't even bother me that much - if it was more akin to that policy of National Socialist Germany, that is, legitimately and directly eugenically-motivated, I could get on board with tax-payer expenditure.
As it stands, however, its just a… Its a Carthaginian baby pit.
We're paying the devils so we can maintain our illusion of comfort, itself not even very comfortable and less so all the time, with Jews presiding over the whole thing.
Its evil.
There are few things I am willing to say are 'evil' in this world, for I am not usually a spiritual or religions sort, but this?
The State… Telling women… Its their Right… To murder… Their own babies… For convenience… With the help of Jews.
That's fucking evil, and I want it gone.
Oops, my bad, twas for
They have a baby body part side business going too user. Shumer's cousin owns the corp. that buys from them.
But killing them when they are adults is fine? Do you want a racewar or not? Do you want to wipe out the niggers or not?
This reeks of slave morality. Let me give you a better moral paradigm:
Anything that helps whites is good, and anything that hurts whites is bad
Stopping a white woman from killing her child? Good. Stopping a nonwhite from killing her child? Bad.
Back to >>/chistian/
This is genius. Simply offer $1000 in cash to niggers to get sterilized. They would take that in a heartbeat. I bet nigger birthrates would drop to almost nothing within 5 years.
I'm guessing this user is more of a "africa for africans" than a "gtfo my planet" type of user.
Depends. Raping and beating an old Black woman to death for lulz? No, that's really not 'fine'.
Depends. Neither of which relates in any appreciable sense to what we're talking about here - you're trying to go off on some tangent that simply is not applicable to the discussion at hand.
Implying I give a fuck about dead baby parts.
What is funny is that someone who is on the same side of this issue as you has indeed supported the homicidal tendencies of blacks as a means to redpill whites. Which I vehemently oppose. What I do support is the removal of niggers; abortion, much like the Day of the Rope, kills a lot degenerate whites too. They are acceptable causalities.
Now, let's assume you are against abortion for all the benevolent and pro-white reasons. I can accept that. What I also know is that if you wish to outlaw abortion in this current zeitgeist you have a hell of an uphill fight through fractured and (as we can all clearly see here) divisive battle lines. You will not find consensus here, and if you honestly read and absorb the posts that dissent from your view you will understand why.
0 white abortions. Complete sterilization of all shitskins.
But that doesn't mean we should abolish planned parenthood or ban abortion, because those are the best means we have right now (besides closing the borders) to keep niggers and spics in check.
And yet the chimpouts are visible for all to see. These aren't the 1950s anymore. Nigger nig everywhere. This should be obvious even to libtards "studying" at their beloved pozhouses. And yet they still exist.
And they do nothing about it, in contrast to your war predictions.
Why do you keep pushing the idea that niggers aborting their niglets spiritually poisons the white race? That's the falsehood here.
Niggers killing their own doesn't hurt us. There are more options than banning abortion or allowing white mothers to kill their children. Nigger and spic abortions need to be promoted, and white abortions - until the time it becomes politically acceptable to ban them completely - need to be discouraged.
In the meantime that means ending welfare, removing planned parenthood clinics from white areas, tax cuts for working families and bringing back jobs to white areas.
I am advocating FOR aborting niggers you fucking halfwit.
What we need is a breakdown of the race of the father for white women. The actual number of white babies is less than the statistics show, but to what degree?
Abortion isn't some new kike invention, the concept has been around for thousands of years, that we know of. I would bet it's as old as civilization. I would also bet it's an extension of our survival instinct. The one night stand pregnancy, that dad doesn't want, what are that kids chances to be a contributor to the species? How many oops babies in established families are getting aborted? Probably not many because the parents have the means to raise a productive member of society.
The only problem I see with abortion is the profit kikes make on the body parts.
throw in mandatory sterilization for sex offenders, murderers, and anyone HIV+ and you have a good shot at making america white again
I want africa for africans, but only if europe is for europeans. But these European nations that are being overrun by niggers and he seems to think it's fine because his Jewish dualism leads him to believe it is so.
So you don't want white nations for white people?
So how can you even say anything about people being redpilled enough to remove niggers?
The whole point for keeping Nigger populations from reaching a critical mass is so we can stave them off long enough to get rid of them. You don't care about white people, and just want to protect Nigger babies because they are simply babies. Admit it.
Bullshit, I've been talking to you the entire time about racewar, you said we need more niggers to redpill enough whites for a racewar. You are the one not arguing in good faith, you are the one using slave morality as a cornerstone for your reasoning.
I didn't say that, you did.
I said, any mother willingly killing their child out of convenience is evil.
And it is.
No strawman will change that, you fucking degenerate.
I don't think this helps Whites.
Wow, here's some fun double-think.
So, letting a White woman kill her child? Bad? Therefore, abortion bad.
Oh, but its a matter of weighing, yes? So, question then becomes, is letting White woman kill her child more or less bad than stopping a nonWhite women from killing her child?
I'm not looking at it that way.
I'm looking at it at a higher level.
I'll repeat myself again, because we've got many slow-pokes in here:
The state telling women it is their right to murder their babies out of convenience with the help of Jews is evil.
That's not a haphazard use of words - the words used have meanings, and the meaning are employed here with reason.
Please stop strawmanning at every opportunity.
There's something SPIRITUALLY EVIL about a mother killing her own child, with state sanction, and Jewish aid (to Jewish benefit), on the basis of killing her child out of convenience being a right which she posseses.
And no amount of strawmanning is going to change that.
You have nothing but strawmen.
Christianity is dogshit.
More kikery.
Yes, niggers won't have as many abortions if they cost thousands of dollars each. Are you fucking stupid or something?
Abortion is simple:
Illegal for Whites
Mandatory for non-Whites
Kill yourself yid.
Beautiful. They would wipe themselves out just by nigging like normal.
That's a relativist concept. Evil does not objectively exist, nether does good. They only exist in relation to those experiencing it.
As a white person, abortions for my people can be evil, but having niggers aborting is good.
Wouldn't surprise me.
More strawmen.
Nobody said otherwise. Doesn't change the fact that US Whites who experience niggerdom are the most redpilled as regards niggerdom.
You've offered nothing to counter this FACT.
Why would it be? The pozzhouses do everything in their power to avoid exactly what you're suggesting should transpire.
The pozzhouses, or the libtards who do everything in their power to avoid having to come into contact with the people they claim to believe are their equals?
Actually, they come here. Or they do stuff in their own commmunity.
I never predicted war… You did. Why do you just keep putting words in my mouth and thinking that's a strong argument?
I said exposure to niggers redpills Whites. You've offered nothing to suggest otherwise.
And we aren't talking about JUST niggers.
You're so false. Such a liar. Such a coward.
Yes! Yes there are!
Well, if we're going to engage in fantasizing, why not just go all the way and say "Why don't we just deport all the non-Whites?".
The notion that you'd be able to get a racially-biased policy on abortion is no more realistic in our present context than the notion that you'd be able to get a racially-biased citizenship policy.
Hahahaha, dude, what are we even doing here? I mean, Christ, this is just so much larp at this point.
You've a better shot - by a LONG ways - at banning abortion outright than you do of getting racially-biased policy in that context.
I'm talking about real shit, and the shit you're talking about is, at the moment, no more 'real' than the prospect of us waking up tomorrow morning to find Trump calling for a return to Africa for US blacks.
So you claim whites will be redpilled by more niggers, what good will that do if you don't whites to actually remove all the niggers? What benefit is there from ensuring that there will be more niggers, while stating that killing them is wrong?
Why can't we kill all the niggers?
Why does it matter if they are fully grown or not?
Also people keep calling you a christcuck because you are operating under the Abrahamistic notion of good and evil.
More strawmen and more words put in my mouth.
The two concepts you're attempting to link are linked only by the strawman you created.
But you aren't. Your population is falling and the niggers aren't going anywhere.
I'll admit that I'm getting real sick of your strawmanning every fucking time you make a post.
You are obsessed with nigger babies. You cannot see past it, and keep crafting this same strawman over and over and over again, unhappy that you can't burn it.
Admit it.
No, I don't think I did - more strawmanning.
I never said we NEED more niggers for anything, in fact.
I said, more niggers would generate more redpilled Whites in the context of niggers.
THAT is what I said, and you concocted a strawman you felt you could burn out of it, because you're kind of a cunt.
You are the one putting words in my mouth, misrepresenting my statements, in a vain attempt to create this strawman that you hope you can burn effectively.
Its very disingenuous on your behalf, but then, that's basically been your trademark since we started conversing.
Is this peak kikery?
Then why the fuck are you even arguing? Trump is pro Planned Parenthood you mong.
Well youre sure as hell thinking like a christian.
Youre looking at it from an objective standpoint, where you should always be subjective and biases for your own race.
A white woman killing her otherwise healthy child is bad because thats one less white. Aborting a defect, while still unfortunate, is not "evil." Its worse to let that child live a half-life than to put it out of its mercy
However, a nonwhite aborting any child is good because thats one less potential pair of hands the enemy has.
Good for you, now welcome to reality.
I'm not strawmanning anything, I'm pointing out the flaws in your own reasoning.
What is the point, of allowing niggers to breed to redpill whites, if whites aren't supposed to fight niggers?
You will not answer this, and keep calling it a strawman because you don't care about whites and are under the delusions of slave morality.
Read the rest of the commentary, because that strawman you made is worthless.
Powerful argument.
Wow. You should check out the Talmud. I think it'd be right up your alley.
Aborting niggers IS good, but abortions for your people CAN be evil.
Okay, well, we're back to the weighing again.
Which is worse: Whites getting abortions or Blacks not getting abortions?
Your answer is the latter. Mine is the former.
Moving on.
Trips of truth. Only an idiot wouldn't want blacks to get abortions.
Also, you don't even know what the fuck a strawman is, you changed from calling everyone a kike, to calling every argument against you a strawman. You argue exactly like a jew, and you accused everyone else of arguing like a kike when it is you who has been doing that this entire time.
I don't think that's up to either you or I, but so what? If consensus were the driver of my ideas, I'd still be a liberal. I'm more than happy to understand the practical sensibility of controlling nonwhite populations. What I don't understand is the basis of the assumption that aborted whites are would-be degenerates. If you're going to take the side of this issue that you're taking, you should at least be so upfront as to admit that a significant amount of the whites you're sacrificing, in what in my view is a defeatist strategy, are worth the consideration that if they had been born into a less sexually liberal society, they would have had a real chance of success.
Whites have always been the minority in the world. If we rely merely on also being the minority of the victims, then we never had a chance.
You stupid idiot, who the fuck do you think originated the notion of "Objective good and evil"?
We don't need whites to be having abortions, it is always good when blacks have abortions.
Whites simply need to be influenced to move away from having abortions.
No one is advocating for abortions for whites, he simply pointed out the fact that degenerate people tend to produce degenerate children.
the hiv should also be a castration, so as to reduce dramatically the sex drive of the patient. hiv+ gays still have a sex drive and seek out negative people, not just other men, to infect. a lacking sex drive might curb that tendency and almost eradicate hiv aids in one generation
Now that's why I like you user. Short and simple solution. Underrated
Yeah well you can't just advocate abortions for only nonwhites any more realistically than you can advocate for sterilizing them as I suggested earlier, and as one user pointed out to me, is not pertinent to the issue here.
Yes, you are peak kikery, because that is the most Jewish argumentative approach I've ever seen.
Except for maybe this.
No, lad, you keep trying to associate my with that mentality, because its a strawman you'd really like to burn.
I'm doing both. WOW! And, in both cases, I'm right.
The State… Telling women… It is their RIGHT… To murder their babies… OUT OF CONVENIENCE… with the aid of JEWISH DOCTORS… IS EVIL.
You just keep trying to change the meaning of these words so that you can make YOUR argument, instead of fucking LISTENING TO MY ARGUMENT.
Its very frustrating.
I would agree!
I would disagree! If only because of the context you purposefully - and tactically - ignoring: A non-White aborting any child, within the context of discussion, REQUIRES the allowance for Whites to do likewise!
That's the whole FUCKING POINT!
In the present context, you cannot have racially-biased policy on abortion, its basically impossible at our present state. So what now?
Do you just leave abortion, let it run rampant, because you can't racially-bias the policies that control it?
I say no. You say yes, apparently.
But that's beside the point, because I'm not addressing the individual cases, I'm addressing the VERY FUCKING CONCEPT OF THE THING.
Mmmhmmm, let me know when you get here.
hell that was you, wasn't it? :P
The important thing is making it so that their population is no longer sustainable. Anything beyond that is just a bonus.
B-but muh nigger babies!
Neither is advocating for a racewar in the current time. Neither is saying abortion should be legal or illegal. None of us are lawmakers so why have the conversation?
Who was what?
What if abortion of white babies could be considered as white privilege thereby ensuring more white babies being born
it's already unsustainable, just look at africa. the only reason their population has grown so large is because whites keep providing them with what the earth does not. The same in the US, without welfare in place blacks would decrease in size because natural selection would run it's course
t. you
No, you're strawmanning like a mother fucker lad.
Because it allows Whites to breed as well, and eliminates what is a societal evil in its mere conceptual form.
And besides, your engagement is most underhanded - you imply that, because Whites must eventually fight niggers to be rid of them, that any hostility levied upon niggers on behalf of Whites is not only acceptable, but beneficial, is GOOD.
I disagree.
Raping and beating a 75 year old nigger women for no reason other than 'lulz' is not good, in the overall - it may have aspects of good, in that it removes a nigger, but theres more to it, conceptually, and most of what else is there is not good, by any reasonable distinction.
All you have is this 'slave morality' shit, but I don't espouse it, so its an empty, toothless accusation, reliant upon acceptance of the strawmen you have repeatedly and incessantly attempted to create that you might burn them.
Checked, by the way.
That's true. I wish it were politically feasible to pull the plug on them.
Funny you mention this. I actually had the idea a while back to start a white privilege meme about how most PlannedParenthoods service minority neighborhoods and how white people, who can afford their baby and whose baby won't grow up to be discriminated against, should stop using up all the limited resources like this in minority communities.
You said this
I read as a similarly irrelevant analysis. I'd love for abortion to only apply to nonwhites, but obviously it has to go both ways.
Yeah sue me, I was embarrassed for not recognizing you.
I'm not putting on blinders for the sake of your limited capacity for reasoning, demonstrable by the fact that you still cant fucking grasp the very concept I am presenting to you.
I'm not looking at an individual case, I'm looking at the societal level, and when you've got a society, wherien the state, tells women, its their right, to murder their babies, out of convenience, with the aid of Jews, that's never good.
Or we could just not let them do it, ya know?
Not have a society that says "Hey women - murdering your babies out of convenience is your right! Go see Dr. Silverbergstein!".
excellent idea, have a blast, be sure to link it to idiots representing the nigger posse, thereby ensuring it gets traction with the blacks
You are disingenuous and the redtexting of your strawmen doesn't make them any more burned my Jewish not-friend.
There is good, and there is evil.
A society which espouses a STATE which tells the FEMALE POPULATION (of any races) that it is their RIGHT to MURDER THEIR BABIES for the sake of CONVENIENCE and with the aid of JEWS is, expressly, EVIL.
You are very-likely Jewish if you disagree, statistically.
Sacrificing White babies at the altar of Moloch on the justification that it reduces the nigger babies produced is likewise both evil and very-like Jewish.
The concept of Evil is the ultimate strawman.
You argue like a jew and ironically accused everyone else of arguing like a jew.
You know what Kikes do? Accuse everyone else of doing exactly what they are doing.
Okay so how do we stop Niggers from overtaking white populations?
Every time I ask that question you call it a strawman. Which seems to imply you don't care about white demographics at all.
That's a strawman, we are advocating for racewar, not bestiality.
"Slave morality begins with the rejection of master morality. It does not and cannot stand
on its own. The traits of the noble
person are evil (not ‘bad’), and what is good is their absence. Its focus is the relief of suffering – whatever is useful or opposes oppression is morally good. So pity, altruism, and a lack of interest in oneself are good. In opposing
the noble morality, it also encourages humility and patience. It questions the apparent happiness of the noble person, rejects hierarchy, and argues that morality is the same for all. But it is pessimistic about the human condition, doubting the goodness of this life, and so it sees people as weak and pitiful. So it must look to the future and believe in
‘progress’, in things getting better. It lacks respect for the past, for traditions and
ancestors. Finally, when slave morality dominates, there is a tendency for ‘good’ people and ‘good’ actions to be thought of as ‘stupid’ or simple-minded."
You don't even know what it is, you are so deluded in Jewish dualism you can't see your feet from under your nose.
Objective good and evil is a Jewish concept they use to always be "Good" and justified in whatever they do as the Goyim are always "Evil" because they oppose the Jews who are "Good".
Ahhh okay.
No there isn't. Quantify good and evil if it exists.
You D&C shills are getting better at blending in.
You guys are fucking sick, there is no difference between you and the kikes.
Perhaps that is because you need more life experience. Next time you are in the maternity ward, put the phone away. This isn't some sterile and clean math problem, these are real people obliterating their offspring for material gain because of their high time preference. The child would be burdensome, it would affect their parents autonomy and individuality. What is the penultimate degeneracy if it is not high time preference? What do children have by virtue of being born? As a parent it is clear your child has a high time preference when they are born, and this must be trained out of them by a parent that recognizes this and is nurturing as well. Delaying gratification drives our higher self, it allows us to do the things that must be done even though we will have to suffer for it.
Persons that abort their children are mentally incapable of providing this key to developmental success. The adult couldn't be bothered with actual birth control because of time preference, they couldn't be bothered with the direct result of successful coitus, which is children because of time preference. Sure, all of this is no guarantee of future degeneracy on the part of the unborn. There are no guarantees in life.
Vikingfags are just another bunch of useful idiot puppets that will effectively only aid the left by fueling their victim complex while gaining sympathy from the normalfag masses.
Quit being such an autist. You're the only one bringing up nigger babies, you azn fucker.
The entire discussion is about black birthrates being kept down by Abortion and the pros and cons associated with it. Read the thread you idiot.
Great more non-sequiturs from christcuckolds and totally-not-abrahamists-but-I-believe-in-their-concepets-anyways.
The difference between the white man and the kike is that we care about human live. That is why white men need to be honest, friendly, and courteous to other races. If you believe that white people are the master race and we need to do anything possible to stop the other races, including killing unborn children, you are the same as a filthy kike
Do spare me the lecture. It happens to be my view that time preference, as you frequently mentioned, is integral to the logic that the long-term cultural decay of white society is sufficiently offset by contemporary abortion trends.
But sure, bad parenting, I get it.
Only Jews believe they are chosen to rule over all races.
Whites need their own nations in order to exist, and mindlessly advocating being "nice" to minorities simply because they exist, will eventually wipe out all white peoples as it is currently doing.
Whites advocating for their own existence is not the same as Kikes advocating rule over all non-kikes.
Well, hah, that kinda speaks for itself.
In the US, that's presently not at-all a threat.
The only way you could interpret that as a threat is with a poor grasp of the math at hand.
Remind me, because I can't be assed to check: Are you the guy who implied niggers would increase by 20 million in one year?
Well, because it kind of is, because the nigger population of the US is not presently at the numbers to represent a threat to us in that capacity.
If you want to, say, bring in Africa into the equation, that shifts the variables a bit, but if we're talking in the specific context of the US racial demographics and the racial demographic abortion rates, its pretty obvious that banning abortion would not contribute to niggers becoming a significantly-greater threat to us.
1 million aborted each year.
300-400k Blacks, 300-400k Whites.
There is no sane manner in which you come to the conclusion that elimination of that dichotomy results in Blacks booming in population such as to overtake Whites, when at present Whites have a population something like 5x that of Blacks in the same context.
Now that is a strawman, and its obvious, given my rhetoric this entire thread.
Well, in that specific context, you were advocating violence against, or at least, the death of, Blacks.
And the death of Blacks is not always 'good' - if only because of the negative behavioral traits on behalf of Whites which are sometimes expressed as the consequence of death of Blacks.
As I implied via the notation of a theoretical scenario in which an old nigger bitch gets raped and murdered - that's not 'good', aside from the fact that there would thereby be fewer niggers and perhaps a few similar contexts, which are laid in exchange for a White person engaging in that sort of behavior, which is not desirable (even if some of the consequences thereof might aid our interest).
I know enough to know that you're attempting to imply that I espouse even when I don't, because - given it Nietzsche and your obvious boner for it - you're likely about 14 and think that's a hugely powerful argument, and you've got a good grasp on this whole thing.
But you can't even grasp the concepts to which I'm arguing, you just continually revert back to your obsessive view on the issues under discussion; namely, you are obsessed with nigger babies, and their death.
You don't seem to give a shit about the White children. Nor your society, which is mostly White.
You continually fail to address the singular conceptual issue which I have laid before you, which is that it is evil - even if one acknowledges that evil is subjective in nature - for a society to espouse that which our society espouses, that being: a state telling women it is their right to murder their babies out of convenience and with the aid of Jewish doctors.
Even subjectively, that is evil. The fact that, as a consequence, some nigger babies may die, does not change that conceptual paradigm
Subjective evil is not a Jewish concept, iyo, I take it, and as described above, subjectively, a society which espouses the aforementioned paradigm is evil, that paradigm itself, is evil.
Yes, there is.
No, I'm not going to engage you in this context, because you're merely attempting deconstructionist kikery.
But, were I to choose to delve into your bullshit?
We could start here:
Objective existence is irrelevant, and you acknowledged already that subjective good and evil exist, and it is easily argued that, subjectively, this paradigm is evil, in that it harms us.
Simple question:
*Note: The wording here is employed VERY SPECIFICALLY.
A state which tells its female population that it is their right to murder their unborn children, with the assistance of Jewish doctors, out of mere convenience - is this good or evil?
We are operating under the assumption that good and evil are subjective, so feel free to address the question in that context.
I would argue that there is no way in which any individual who is a part of such a society could state that such is good without themselves espousing what would to most others (for good and evil are subjective) in that society be evil.
And you keep resorting to calling anyone who disagrees with you that. You're acting no different than the jews.
Blame imcuckpfy for replacing real Holla Forumsacks and /new/smen with LARPers and useful idiots who unironically think PP is some redpilled "eugenics" organization.
I only made the statement because you did it countless times ITT.
What about Sweden and the UK?
At what point do we start worrying about demographics if we aren't supposed to worry now? What exact percentage does it become a problem?
Are whites not allowed to have their own nations?
You don't care about whites, and are arguing in bad faith constantly.
You advocate for the only mechanism that is preventing them from reaching those numbers.
You clearly don't understand the maths, because blacks are a fraction of whites yet are having the same abortion rates? That means if blacks increase more than they are now then there population will spiral out of control.
Okay so you admit you don't care about white demographics, why do you think anything you say can convince anyone here?
That is the whole point.
Which does not exist and you cannot prove it exists and it only serves as a noose to allow whites to be further wiped out.
I never said I wanted abortions for whites, I said I want abortions for non-whites.
No shit, I said "OBJECTIVE EVIL" is a jewish concept.
Yes and through that, I can make the argument that killing Nigger babies is good.
You called me an "Azn Fucker" out of the blue, so you aren't making any argument either. Only Abrahamists believe in objective good and evil. If you aren't a christcuck than you are either a Muslim or a Jew.
about abortions I've got to say I don't like the means at all, but I like the end. I think there could be a complement to reduce abortions without increasing the population of undesirables. Like a money incentive to get sterilized, cutting the problem from root
Abortion is murder and this thread is cancer.
Kys yid
That is rather disingenuous to assume that I was lecturing you and not merely responding to a specific question you raised regarding the premise that aborted whites are would-be degenerates. Perhaps my language was a bit barbed and obviously you have not done anything to deserve that, but the trailing snark that I somehow believe current abortion trends are sufficient and solely adequate to defend white civilization is absolute non-sense.
Eureka. My attitude with you comes from the clear evidence that you are neither a parent or a father. If you are, you would know why. Bad parenting is better than no parenting, and these people are incapable of parenting if they are incapable of being an adult. An older friend is no more a parent than a school chum.
Now for the fuck you:
You don't need a lecture but the fact that you think you can be lectured to on the internet certainly gives me an age range for you, you need to grow up and actually help the white race by having white children. Maybe when you start schooling your own children, or heaven forbid, stand amongst the other parents at the first day of kindergarten, you will have a more realistic assessment of the situation on the ground. You don't know how bad it is.
Meant this for (You)
Figures considering the current state of this place. Attacking each other left and right and we never even get anything done now because of petty viking LARPers' bullshit.
Look at this conceited motherfucker
Daily reminder that abortion is industrial human sacrifice to Moloch.
I honestly don't care. They just would have grown up to be mindless trash like their parents (or, more likely, single mother). And we'd have to foot the bill for 'em - from cradle to grave, same as any nigger.
You ever seen the type of white woman that gets an abortion? In any decent, eugenics-oriented society, these are the kind of people that wouldn't be allowed to breed, anyway.
Nobody cares. Take your 37 comment crazy train somewhere else. The fact of the matter is this: If it weren't for abortion over the last several decades, there's be twice as many niggers as there are right now. In NY City in 2012 (or was it '13?), more nigger babies got aborted than got born. The news tried to make a big deal about it for a few days. Nobody cared.
BUT user
Just to be clear as to why I'm mocking you
Sure thing, Mister Wilson.
Thousands of years ago, babies were sacrificed (usually by being thrown into fire) to gods in order to appease them and gain power. As of today, around 50 million babies have been aborted. Have we really “progressed” as a nation? If these are the “progressive” policies, why are they so reminiscent of activities that almost all religious condemned millennia ago?
I make the case that abortion is “empowering” to women because it is little more than a baby sacrifice to the ideology (god) of female empowerment–feminism. If you think that liberalism is not a fanatical religion, you haven’t attended a slutwalk, gay pride parade, or pro-choice rally. There is a reason these people assemble to praise their god of liberalism. It’s not to change political policy–it’s just as primitive as ancient pagan rituals to hear them scream at the top of their lungs about how killing babies is a great thing. This is why abortion is so key to them. If they lose that, all power is taken out of their religion.
What difference does it make how ornate their stupid beliefs and rituals were? Even the Romans were so disgusted by Ba’al worshipers that they holocausted them. They specifically pointed to the child sacrifice as justification for it. Fast forward a few hundred years and you have the Conquistadors doings the same thing to the Aztecs for the same reasons.
Human (and especially child) sacrifice is the hallmark of a primitive and barbaric society. Like it or not, Romans would be disgusted with us. Murdering millions of white children as a token offering to Moloch in order to keep the black population down is fucking retarded. “Why are there even any blacks living among white people in the first place?” is the real question people should be asking.
Here’s how you can keep their population in check: stop subsidizing them. Cut off the SNAP, EBT, welfare, and foreign aid. Watch how fast they tear each other apart and their numbers dwindle back down to mere hundreds of thousands as it was before whites started coddling them. All this can be done without shedding a single drop of white blood and without losing a single white life.
Abortion is sick and must be stopped.
A lifetime of gibs punctuated by stints in jail.
Well I have to admit you make a really good case against abortion that extends beyond "EEEVILLL".
The crux of the issue is the fact that they are being supported to breed with impunity by the state.
Grow up, bucko. Life is a hard place outside of your tendies and enlightenment philosophy fetishization.
This, it doesn't matter if "magic" or their God is real.
It's that they practice this sort of thing with religious fervor in the first place.
Dividing what? Whites from a morality that demands they accept nonwhites as equals if they believe in the same god?
Yeah, be sure to invoke 'time preference' and a few other obscure abstractions as you drive that point home.
Sage as downvote 'cause I'm a millenial.
Put down the fedora, son
Cry harder, intl.
Behavior is largely a result of genetics. Separated twins studies prove this. By allowing abortion, those with a disposition to fall into degeneracy don't pass on their genes. It's a new selective pressure in a modern era where we've eliminated the natural selective pressures. This falls neatly into adherence to natural law, and thus, is both physically and spiritually healthy.
What you will see over time is the resulting generations abandoning the practice of abortion as the genes favoring it are removed. It doesn't promote degeneracy, but in fact, gradually eliminates it.
But that wasn't simple enough for you, Mr. Tight-Pants MciPhone.
there are a lot of shills in this thread
abortion should be illegal for whites period, the myth that not a lot of whites use abortion services is a fallacy because in states where it is majority white its used obviously by majority whites. And then thats used as a means of replacement with spics. People advocating for keep abortion just because it kills niggers, but also helps kill white babies even if it kills more niggers is a kike.
Anyone who is saging this thread and supporting Planned Parenthood and the baby part selling is a kike.
Infanticide of the weak and sickly is a long established western custom. Better to let the tards die than be a drain on the family.
Most were classified as "stillbirths." If you want to raise tard babies, don't expect help from the rest of us.
butt thats not whats happening, abortion is just about killing babies you disingenuous fucktard.
Enjoy your massive explosion of potato babies. Have fun wiping their asses and feeding them instead of raising healthy children.
you argue like a kike. that's not at all what I said.
Wow, Margaret Sanger looked pretty qt in that photo. Redpilled, too. Why can't more feminists be like her?
(polite sage for muh-dick posting)
Enjoy your new child.
Babies that come from a specific type of mother and carry her genes. Ideally we would isolate the genes themselves that spring forth degenerate behaviors and sterilize those that have it, but we haven't quite reached that point in time just yet.
I'm sure glad we outlawed abortion and infanticide.
How many people at a pro choice rally do you think had an abortion? A Pro Choice rally is a group virtue signaling. Female empowerment is the cover for the virtue signaling and total larp. The people I've met in life that had an abortion don't want to talk about it and aren't proud of it. Those were white people. Of course there is a few that may rally about how great it is. The niggers don't care and look at it as birth control. I've never met niggers that had an abortion, just accounts from their behavior at the clinic.
Yeah it's great that we have to raise and feed this waste of resources because of anti-abortion histrionics
Cry harder, intl.
conflating my argument, "abortion" is not the same as getting rid of tard kids,
kill yourself
Looks like someone put a doll in the microwave.
Anti-abortion people, i.e. religious retards and the like, won't stop at banning abortions for healthy kids. EVERY LIFE IS SACRED, dontchaknow. Even that of a vegetable without arms, legs or brain.
So you have no real argument. Got it.
well I'm not arguing on the basis of a religious reason to ban child killing for healthy white kids
1mass noun The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks.
‘concerns such as abortion and euthanasia’
count noun ‘illegal abortions’
1.1 The expulsion of a fetus from the uterus by natural causes before it is able to survive independently.
1.2Biology The arrest of the development of a seed, fruit, or other organ.
2An object or undertaking that is unpleasant or badly made or carried out.
The slippery slope applies to things you are okay with too.
this thread got super raided by shills. The kikes hate it when you attack their baby killing machine.
They are out of their minds.
Individuals with an FASD are involved with the criminal justice system at an alarming rate. Youth and adults with an FASD have a form of brain damage that may make it difficult for them to stay out of trouble with the law. They do not know how to deal with police, attorneys, judges, social workers, psychiatrists, corrections and probation officers, and others they may encounter.
$6.0 Billion
The annual cost to the US of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome alone in direct and indirect costs.[9]
FASD by the Numbers:
94% of individuals with an FASD also have a mental illness [1]
50% of adolescents and adults displayed inappropriate sexual behavior [2]
60% of people with an FASD have a history of trouble with the law [3]
50% of individuals with an FASD have a history of confinement in a jail, prison, residential drug treatment facility, or psychiatric hospital [4]
73-80% of children with full-blown FAS are in foster or adoptive placement [5]
FASD is 10-15 times more prevalent in the foster care system than in the general population.[6]
61% of adolescents with an FASD experienced significant school disruptions[7]
It also applies to killing all non-whites. Fuck off, retard.
Go back to cuckchan. Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a shill you paranoid schizo, you fucking /x/ larper.
but no, let's keep every single one of these because of your feelings.
Ironically, this is one of the few points ultra libcucks and ultra fundies tend to agree on.
Did you hit your head, user? You seem to be typing nothing but nonsense.
Any time the anti-abortion faggots make retarded posts, just show all the abominations that society would be better off without.
That's the point at which abortion becomes murder. When the baby is white.
Did they cross-reference these numbers with ethnicity? Without even looking, I'm confident most tard babies belong to black mothers.
Potato Internet Defense Force detected
That's why Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a white catholic woman, supporter of eugenics and admirer of national socialism.
GTFO kike.
kinda makes you rage
Abortion is on of the few question where I'm in the minority here. I simply can't think of a single logical argument against abortion. It keeps the nog population down, and it keeps the population of degenerate whites down, which probably keeps our average IQ up. Why do we want shit tier people to create more shit tier people? It's probably the same reason why lefties support mass immigration; because they live if their own white gated communities. I'm sure that if all the pro-lifers here were forced to live around the shit tier people they love so much, that they'd change their opinion very fast.
>Other factors that increase ones susceptibility to FAS are black race', frequent beer drinking, lower maternal weight and weight gain, and low socioeconomic status (#Warren and Bast, 1980).
What a surprise.
Never think in terms of "minority." You're either right or you're not. The shills will exhaust millions of IPs in order to astroturf a narrative.
It's murder of the most innocent people in existence, you cocksucking kikelover. Reported.
You'd know, wouldn't you moishe?
There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt. :^)
Strawman is a misrepresentation of the argument. I used a direct quote, not a misrepresentation. Stay shitter shattered.
We have IDs on this board nigger loving faggot.
This is about unborn children, not their building blocks. Some people are born a month, two months early, and they grow into normal people with no abnormalities. Getting an abortion, especially in the second/third trimesters, is murder. You're killing a child. Perhaps abortion before there is brain activity would be okay.
You do realize that (((planned parenthood))) and pro-"choice" groups are jewish tools right?
I'm not the one using sockpuppets itt
Pro-lifers argue with their feelings instead of logic. Like women.
Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned, dipshit. What's your point?
and you argue like a kike
Found the kike.
It depends–if you have zero moral issues with murdering white babies, then I don't see a rational reason against abortion.
Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual–the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to curry Satan’s favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men. Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable–the unborn–being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm–their own mothers and medical doctors who’ve sworn oaths to do no harm.
These ritual murders–which society misnames abortions–are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a lifetime worth of a living, breathing human being’s consciousness. In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.
So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you’re seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you’re seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elites’ satanic karma.
Planned parenthood is the only thing stopping this whole corrupt system from collapsing under the weight of all the niggers. Seriously, if their population exploded it would've destroyed welfare and most of our issues would have come to a head decades ago. Planned parenthood is just pushing the burden onto the next generation.
This. We've aborted 50 million niggers that would have bred and at the rate they breed there would probably be more than 100 million more of them here now. They have more than two kids usually so you'd be looking at 150+ million more niggers in the U.S. We'd be quickly approaching South Africa's current problem, well on our way to Haiti. Look, quality white people don't get abortions. Its fine. Let the Nog Mulcher 9000™ do its thing.
I don't care about your feelings in the slightest. Potatoes go into the oven.
Oh shlomo. You aren't fooling us.
lol I bet you think courts of law exist to determine truth.
Reported for intl.
It isn't. You can't compare those two. Abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany and rightly so. Abortion is legal in USA and rightly so. Most of the clients are niggers. There would be a huge nigger baby boom if abortion was outlawed. You don't want a nigger baby boom do you?
Sage. You faggots have outed yourself beautifully.
I'm sure most niggers grow up to be productive members of society.
You're in the wrong neighborhood. This is about saving the white race.
You do realize that painting the primary reason that we haven't turned into Brazil as a kike tool is jewish right?
Cool, let's do more abortions then. Hail Shaytan.
Where does it exist then, in your bible perhaps?
All you needed to do was have a nuanced view but you are using blanket statements like a complete retard. Potato babies must be ovened.
Good job dodging the question.
fear not brothers, Shadilay.
We have discovered our most ancient temple.
It has been lost since 2013, but it has been unearthed once more.
The servants of Moloch, the long nosed mosquitoes, they will not destroy our swamp, they will not usurp the natural order.
Moral consistency is important. Murdering a healthy white baby is never okay in any circumstance.
Also, if blacks didn't abort at the rate they do, welfare would've exploded long ago, and people would've woken up to the black issue in the united states much earlier, realizing that our country simply cannot afford to support their kind. Back2Africa would've been a legitimate social movement.
Abortions keeps the blacks at just the right level for the burden of whites supporting them to stay socially acceptable, because the welfare system hasn't exploded under their weight.
Explicitly answered it, kike.
HAHAHHAHA Fuck off. Feel free to die with your principles. I'm here to win and I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
White blood is important. Not the antics and culture of a bunch of primitive and violent euro savages.
You're right. Good thing that niggers are always deformed though.
Except it didn't happen in South Africa and Rhodesia. Nor has it hasn't happened in Brazil. The answer to white genocide is not more shitskins. It's cutting off the gibsmedat life support, closing the borders and making sure they drive themselves to extinction.
Lots of disgusting kike shills who think killing white babies is morally permissible in this thread.
At the very least we could have a policy stating whites cant get abortions because they're privileged, blacks and minorities need abortions or else they'll struggle!
Killing healthy white babies is not permissible.
Supporting the murder of innocent white babies is not a NatSoc position AT ALL.
There wasn't a majority body of whites supporting the muds down there. The majority populace of South Africa wouldn't have said "hey, us niggers cant support ourselves, lets get us niggers out of here!"
It got buried under the sentimental trash.
You made a good point, have a (you).
I'm not for abortion, but I have no problem letting defective babies die peacefully after delivery.
there should be a small ceremony to celebrate and mourn.
Its against nature to artificially keep a human alive.
women will get over it, and can try again for a healthy one.
>implying the majority of abortions are potato babies and not perfectly healthy children killed by leftists cunts such as Ms. 20 Abortions
That's what midwives did for most of history anyway. Let the little potato baby alone for a few minutes and write it off as a miscarriage.
That comes later. As for the time being, you can't shut down Planned Parenthood or there will be a nigger baby boom.
So our fight against cultural marxist subversion is fruitless because it's genetics that effects behavior, not environment?
You have to understand there is a balance between nature and nurture.
A child of a traditional family raised on good morals and virtues can be indoctrinated by surrounding environments and end up a degenerate piece of shit.
No one is arguing against that.
Only the kikes in this thread are arguing that aborting niglets is the same as killing whites. Right now we need planned parenthood to keep the shitskin numbers in check. But we can discourage abortion among whites.
That doesn't mean we need to ban abortion.
Most people seem to have made up their mind. So let's move on to the toddlers. Take a sample of a million toddlers. Would you be willing to kill 78,000 white toddlers in order to kill 56,000 black toddlers? Should toddlers be the front line of the race war?
Think of it along the lines of disease resistance. In this case, it's a mental disease, so it's not too far off. Those resilient to the disease pass on their stronger genes. Those susceptible, fail to. Nature is a cruel mistress but unfortunately it's the one we are born to and governed by. While the loss of otherwise fine men and women is regrettable, it's ultimately beneficial to us as a people, as we become inoculated to one of our greatest weaknesses.
I will agree though that abortion should never be a substitute for other anti-shitskin and anti-degeneracy policies. This is both a short-term and long-term struggle.
You can't compare toddlers to fetuses.
A loaded question done with questionable data. Every other statistic shows that blacks abort the most out of all ethnicities but you somehow managed to find one that says otherwise. How fortunate.
No. Because this scenario is fictitious and a false dilemma , unlike abortion.
White women should never have been allowed to have abortions except in cases of rape, retards, etc.
However, that is the situation we're currently in. Far from optimal, but necessary.
Planned parenthood is the cap on a demographic shitskin explosion that would hit us the moment abortion were to be banned.
Once the demographics and political climate have changed (closed borders, less libtards, end of welfare) we can move to banning abortion for whites.
Under a favorable economic and social climate, abortions wouldn't even be necessary in the first place because even an average white family would be able to support an "accident". Whites also can be trusted to understand and use contraception properly.
70% are Whites.
39% are White abortions.
15% are Blacks.
29% are Black abortions.
Try to move away from percentages and see absolute quantities.
Realise we are being targeted.
This is why I suggested bringing jobs back to white areas.
Fuck the cities. Fuck Detroit, Chicago, LA, New York and the other pozholes.
Bringing back jobs and opportunities to rural areas will allow whites to have bigger families again.
Just so everyone is aware: in the black magic kikes love, babies (especially fetuses) are considered incredibly potent. That's why this thread is being shilled so hard in favor of it and why they're trying to convince us that it's for the greater good because muh niggers and libtards. We can just sterilize these undesirables, we don't need to help the kikes make offerings to Moloch ffs.
So say the jews.
Thx and goodbye.
Of course niggers need to be sterilized, but they also need to be prevented from creating more niglets.
Neither of the two are helped by abolishing planned parenthood.
This is why getting rid of abortion would make the problem with niggers so much worse. Without the option white women would be MUCH more careful about getting pregnant. Niggers don't care they would continue recklessly and have 10 niglets each.
Too bad the anti-abortion crowd has a large overlap with the anti-contraception crowd…
Yeah right. You can be an idealist later when you have the luxury. Right now we need a bit of realism and pragmatism. Having Planned Parenthood around in order to kill off large amounts of niggers and spics is the necessary evil.
Learn what Blood Libel is.
How is giving the kikes exactly what they want a "necessary evil"?
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that my post got shilled so quickly by people arguing in favor of kikes. :^)
Kikes are natural perverts nothing "magical" about that.
Here we go for another round of misrepresentation. Wanting to lower the shitskin population is not "pro-kike".
Exactly right, we're under assault and we can get back to ideals when we win.
So we should just cut off our nose to spite our face
As of right now and for the foreseeable future you won't get separate abortion law for separate races In America. I don't care how it should be or what would be best under a set of imaginary circumstances. Facts of legalized abortion in America right now are that for every 2 whites killed 3 non whites are killed. The kike doctors make shekels on the sale of fetus parts. Adult and youth whites aren't killing non whites at a rate of 2 to 3. The only thing that needs fixing is cutting off the shekels to the kikes.
Could someone post the source saying a fetilized egg cell is considered alive by scientific standards? Long, long ago we had a thread displaying how AIs called unborn babies humans and always refered to them as humans.
it's probably impossible to get rid of contraception like the pill, getting rid of abortion is something that could likely happen though. In fact I would think that to sell it overturning roe v wade to the masses you would have to guarantee every woman had access to contraception so they never need to have an abortion anyway. Of course we know they already have access but that is how it would need to be sold.
You're clearly not from around here.
The only way that sterilizing niggers and aborting niglets is different is that abortion offers human sacrifices. It'd be cheaper and much more effective to sterilize them all. It's retarded as fuck to do exactly what the kikes want us to do because muh realism.
Not to mention both those crowds are mostly Alex Jones controlled idiots, so they shudder at the thought of any possibility of eugenics.
This. We are going to have to kill their children one way or another. Better if they do it themselves and save us the trouble.
Running out of your own people and now your afraid you won't have the shocktroops to enslave the white race, eh Schlomo?
kys, including you sperg mod
planned parenthood talks women into getting abortions. Plenty of them are white women, even if the proportion is lower. Saying we need to keep funding this shit because it acts as a bandaid keeping niglets slightly in check is a waste of an argument.
Instead look at who profits from it. This is like modern art, a way to funnel money to jews and feminists. Why do you think they are such huge lobbyists?
fucking pathetic
You literally don't have an argument
Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, jack.
There's been no race war in SA. It's a one sided slaughter. Niggers kill whites because they're white, but it never gets mentioned on the news.
This is Human sacrifice to Moloch on a scale of millions. This is why (((they))) have so much power.
Fake quote you dumb nigger.
Kill them. Seriously.
There is no use for them in this world.