let's see
from right to left we have:
bullshit horseshit not real not yours not yours not real dog shit and not yours
boy i sure am not excited for Bethesda's e3 conference this year
let's see
from right to left we have:
bullshit horseshit not real not yours not yours not real dog shit and not yours
boy i sure am not excited for Bethesda's e3 conference this year
If they announce that they're putting Mod Tools for Doom 4 (or the very least they're unfucking the Snap Map and Multiplayer) I'll say they've won E3 honestly.
Like Doom 4's campaign is a literal 10/10 but then everything beside it is complete horseshit. It's like finding a perfect girl but she has ugly, disgusting friends that never rarely leave her alone.
i actually have reaction images prepared for all 3 possible outcomes of there conference
Bethesda is seriously the most artificially hyped company I've ever seen. I've never met a single living, breathing human being who actually likes their garbage.
What a retarded opinion.
If Wolfenstein: TNO 2 is confirmed to be handled by Machine Games then I MIGHT be a little bit hype, but other than that I'm probably going to play a drinking game for all the buzzwords said
the thing is that wolfenstein and doom aren't bethesda's things
they're id's
I don't see your point…
does anybody actually care about dishonored 2?
ID is just a puppet now, just look at doom 4.
Dunno. Bad guys did look pretty fucking cool.
No, they're Zenimax's things alright.
Not really, considering the first was pozzed to the point that it was just barely fun, I shudder to think what a sequel where Zenimax/Betehsda has complete control
nigger do you know where you are?
I have.
Trust me, your sanity wouldn't be able to handle it so be glad.
I've lost my damn mind.
i am so fucking sorry that you have witnessed that cancer
do you need help… like therapy wise?
I'm extremely excited for the modern day video game Tarkovsky to make an appearance. We might further see his genius in directing the future of game design.
You know for a game where you spend 60% of your time looking at people's faces they sure do have some fucking shitty teeth and eye textures.
even Ultima 7 had more believable character portraits. hell, the main town has more buildings in it than probably all of Skyrim combined.
how the fuck am i supposed to pick my characters eye color if the textures are too low res to even figure out what fucking color they are
(as far as i know)
neither of those are actually from anything
Wolfenstein and Evil Within
I havent even played those games but I remember them
I don't know why I read it as DISHONORED THE NEW ORDER
I almost forgot
Film has no resolution.
When 600K displays come around, we'll still be able to do a transfer from film that will look perfect at that res.
Directors who shoot digitally harm the film's future legacy.
These are some cute chibis, or chaibis depending on which part of the country you come from.
the last one is skyrim isn't it?
no, it's a PlayChoice10.
did anybody even play the evil within?
This is why some people shouldn't be allowed opinions