SHOTS HEARD NEAR WHITE HOUSE Gunshots heard on Capitol Hill ‘as security order everybody off the st


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The kikes must really be nervous now that the Fed audit is making its way through government.

panicking goyim

I bet Trump shot their guy.

Another car attack? (((They))) aren't even trying anymore.

It's a sand nigger.

The leftists did have a Rally where they showed off their guns in public.

This is probably a stunt by them

Has the friar sharted?

Not an Israeli Washington Post employee that moonlights for ICE?

They don't seem to understand these people hate each other.

Trump should have had antifa and commie orgs declared domestic terrorists when he had the chance.

rollan for happening

What? Do you want me to start calling them desert people?
They're niggers, and they love the sand.

Probably some faggot showing his friend a gun and hhe fannys around with it and fucked up.

Every media post mentions "maniac" "loon" or similar reference to mental insanity - almost as if they had been briefed beforehand. Expect this to be the perfect evil white racist posterboy.

Dubs for Trump kicking ass and taking names personally.

With an IMDB page and a recent brush with the law.

Nice trips, want to bring them to the bathhouse?


Digits for this being a Muslim woman.


Can these limp dicked parasites just declare civil war already instead of pussy footing around it?

If dubs, this thread has been blessed. If not, OP is a faggot.

In the spirit of Andrew Jackson, President Trump has dueled and killed Soros on the white house lawn.

well, not a woman then


And it's nothing

I really hope somebody finally got president cuck

You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.


The predicted, manufactured 'blue collar revolt' against Trump?
Later today police will hold a press conference at Bartholdi Park.

Ann Coulter's Law, gentlemen.

I support the destruction our posting if this one cuck never is allowed to post again.


Please let it happen

kys fgt

Boy where did you find those digits? Hummina hummina.

Seconding this.

His post was sorted under that number maybe? The post came after 9605887 but before 9605889? It's not exactly rocket surgery dude.
It was a 1 in 1000 chance.

Oooh, I'd have understood if you'd gotten dubs. Too bad.

Thats not how you garner repeating intergers you fucking moron. You have to take into account the current lurkers and posters, plus how popular current threads are. Not just that but the average posts per hour or if a random lurker is out for dubs or just decides to post. It really is a chaotic guess unless its a get that people are gunning for, the next one will be 9999999 for example

Denying Kek will only make your inevitable death by misadventure more hilarious, and likely to make headlines.

Soon to be drugged up to the eyeballs for every public/court appearance until he's forgotten

Praise Kek

You have to go back.

You don't seem to understand that's just theater for dumb goyim. ISIS is organized by Israel. The Saudis are crypto-kikes. Jews are organizing the flooding of Europe with Muslim rapefugees.

Islam is the sword of Judaism.

Do not blaspheme the frog god.

That's how it goes to be, praise Kek


First day at the CIA?

They aren't actually CIAniggers, they're temp contract hires. With neckbeards and cat ears.

Hello CREW

He's ITT

Lets look at the replay, Johnson.
Boy this post sure has everything.
Tor ID
Fag going on about his love for the dick
And lets not forget, the amazing "Post last edited" footnote

I don't know if a poster can get much more gay, Johnson.

He originally said "I really hope somebody finally got president cuck"

Their banner is a checklist of people that need to go.

Bait them into actually guarding "refugee centers" and shitty neighbourhoods :^)

Praise him

Crackhead/drunk dindu chick driving dirty.

Looks like some mo fuga dindu bix nood

Sad, I was really hoping for a happening.

Guess which three amendments where made that allowed for this to happen.

here's a hint, there was a war waged by the (((north))) immediately before their ratification

it says woman but she looks about 10 in negress years

Gettin real sick of these none happenings, I just want to hear someone declare war on Trump and his followers, simply and clear


Even a drunk negress knows damn well what it's doing when it plows a car through capitol hill and starts firing shots. I find it very hard to believe that she did not have terroristic intent.

a lot of other shit has also lead to the conditions where the capitol is filled with lawyers, faggots, and welfare whores of both the semite and erectine persuasions.

that's a pretty big plane

Fair enough, but my point is is that if these people declare war clear as day a LOT of people will wake up to what is going on


War was declared clearly and concisely on Trump and his supporters the day he ran for office.
What the fuck do you want? They aren't going to come on the electric Jew and tell you exactly what they're planning, nor would Holla Forums telegraph everything that gets planned here.
Are you asking for a formal invitation?

That kike was memoryholed pretty quickly.

basically yes, i know its wishful thinking, but im getting blue balled with this shit

This is the result of MKULTRA programming.
Series of manufactured incidents of lone wolves attempting to trespass, damage, and terrorize government headquarter, here and abroad.
Constant MSM coverage of these assaults and of terrorist tactics regarding vehicular attacks followed by gun/knife/club violence sprees.
Praise and support from sockpuppet social media influencers and astroturfed/brainwashed communities
Dindu driving passed White House fence, activated to mimic seemingly rewarding behavior.

think about this for a second, an obama aide just admitted to treason on msnbc, now this. NO news networks are talking about that, they needed a distraction. This is what they came up with.

This seems likely, i haven't heard a peep about this outside of here

We need to get #evelynfarkas trending on twitter.

I dont really know if it will work though. (((they))) are just passing it off as a drunk nog, i dont think most people will take it as a politically motivated crime

Possible. Couple hundred bucks to put some Baltimore crackhead in a D.C. motel overnight after Farkas' interview. By 8am she's paranoid as hell and driving around the district trying to avoid cops and get back to the hood. Instant headlines from a hasty cheap investment.

Just one possibility to throw out there, who knows. But there sure are a lot of distractions when the democrats could be damaged by coverage.

Who remembers the post about the serious of suspicious events around the White House?

First somebody climbed over the fence around the WH.
Then somebody trespassed into the territory.
Then somebody drove nearby and said, that he has a bomb.
And now this.

Do somebody has it archived or maybe it's still alive?

Did stuff like this happen with this kind of regularity while obongo was in office? i don't recall so, but i can't say i was paying attention that closely back then

*the series

The only one I can remember is a guy landing a gyrocopter on the White House lawn a couple years back.

yeah some dude even landed a small plane on the WH lawn. still given the serious nature of Trump's enemies we should be mindful

No doubt there was some jihadi shenanigans that got covered up, but this shit is happening every day around Trump. Of course, Barry didn't have a shadow government trying to oust him from office.

Quite a few cities would argue that statement.

There was a woman, Miriam Carey, shot and killed by capitol police while her kid was in the car she was driving. She thought King Nig was stalking her through electronic surveillance. Maybe she wasn't crazy after all.

This. A lot of lowkey incidents have had the same signature as well, there is a systematic operation in effect.

At least they can all agree on hating whites.

Why do these cunts love using the term folk? Seems strange considering it is a Saxon word to refer to your people and had the German form used by the NSDAP.

You mean pig ears of course.

Because everything old is new when a millennial does it. These fuckers invented language doncha know.

Is it Sasha Obama?

So one Tor poster can edit the post of another one?

Half white spics are not white. And 25% whites are especially not white.

they are trying to seem 'folksy' to tie into redneck theme, despite none of them being rednecks

I understand that saying "nigger terrorist" is a bit redundant, but come on. Niggers are terrorists by definition.
What the article meant was "no connection to Israeli proxy armies."
