Sucks that Anjem finally got himself fucked over by Britain's "haet speech" lawls, we could have used him again like when we used him to get Steven Universe censored.
There were a lot of nice benefits to having an Imam that shitposted like the Don.
Fuckery Duckery wtf has she done to herself lately? Man, there must be a buncha niggers and wiggers hella pissed at this, she used to be one of those in that "even normie white think she's hot" category like Angela Bassett and Rachel True. Now she looks like any average Harlem vein-stabber, minus the two kids with slap marks all over them in pic #2.
Zoroasterism needs to come back. Islam hit its peak in 200 years and it's been all downhill since.
The original Purity Spiral. Also nice pic there Satan, I remember seeing that posted everywhere from pre-Iraq War feminists, lmao. Looks like they finally made their choice. and they have chosen….. poorly
I think this is why before Bush pro-islam whites fetishised the early crusader era so much, it was the last time those cultures were allowed to peek out from beneath the shawls and turbans. You look at any 'period pieces' and they'll still have that vaguely Indian-descent 'Sinbad' garb to go with their scimitars.
she used to be a bretty ok pianist before going all autotune.
I feel like there's a way to use this on the hoteps with more time in hollywood = erosion of talent but I didn't care to keep track of the de-evolution myself. if you ever see her concerts on TV, she no longer plays her original songs, unless she has a 'special guest' playing the piano for her. Totally fucking ==SAD==
Also (((Bob Dylan's))) kid mudsharked with her a few times in the late 90s, but knowing his fellow jews probably saw this coming long before anyone else. Dodging bullets there, friendo.
lol terrible picture, makes me think of him as an RL Stine carnie magician.
seems like she's dyking out in her old age Grace Jones style.
……also, wooooooow DO NOT SEARCH THAT SHIT
She's apparently started posing nude on Instagram to "showcase black beauty and strength" (Grace Jones that is, not Keys rofl what an old whore)
I thought instagram was supposed to be anti-nudity but there she is EXPOSING HER FUCKING CRACK LMAO
Divershitty really does let you get away with anything.
norly holy shit it looks like Eddie Murphy with barely-there tits, she going FtM or something? Goddamn degeneracy roller coaster out there in Hollywood.
lol Afghanistan being the only one with a different colour. Must be them poppy seeds.
Need a euro-headscarf-only version of this, showing how some are long and meant to go around the neck, some are short and hang off your shoulders like tablecloths, and some are put on ginormous Rita Repulsa-tier head decorations. (Think classic un-pozzed Robin Hood) fuck I used to know what those were called, too.