Souls players




Maybe just stay there.


Doing Dancer early is week-one stuff and not impressive


back to the shit hole you came from

Go back and stay there.


champion gundyr wasnt even hard. I found the first form more difficult

and after many tries i killed the trash mobs before the first bonfire

Champ Gundyr is the only boss I can't beat at SL15. Mostly due to the animations being weightless garbage that can randomly speed up. It's one of the worst designed enemies in the game by far.

damn, that assmad.

Let me stop you right here.
He's literally the best designed boss in the entire game and i might as well say it, the only boss in the game that doesn't suck ass.
There's nothing wrong with his animations and if you die to him, it's 100% your fault.

Havent played dark souls 3 yet but how are the SL1 runs? It was pretty shit in dark souls 2 but dark souls 3 doesnt have adaptability right?

There's a system in DaS3 where if you're not wearing a full set of clothing you'll have a massive malus to your defenses and take insane amounts of damage.
So you can't just run around naked, making base SL runs a little harder perhaps?
Or maybe it doesn't matter because past a certain point everything oneshots you anyway, i suppose.


I killed all those without glitching NPC's at SL 20 with +2 weapons because muh twinking. What a shitter, my effort isn't even worth bragging about because fucking anyone can do it if they know the boss movesets.
If you're gonna go for a challenge, try one of those "no hit runs" I've seen some streamers do. That actually requires dedication, autism and maybe even some skill.

Say what you like about Champ Gundy, but boss fights where you have a no-bullshit one on one grudge match with a more difficult version of a boss make my dick rock hard. except if you parry cheese it

Also, he's repeative and predictable as fuck. The only difficulty is getting the dodge right due to the fuck huge, unnatural windup and sudden lightning-speed attacks. This isn't an issue if you are properly leveled, but as SL15 you have to chip the fucker's health for ages.

It's a charge attack.
You know, that thing you can do and that all the other bosses can do and even normal enemy do in DaS3?

That thing that makes their attack patterns not always the same in terms of timing so it adds a very tiny layer of extra difficulty past "oh here's the hit, here's the frames where that hit will catch me, roll, ok done".

Well excuse the team for trying to make things SLIGHTLY more interesting after 4 goddamn fucking games, they sorta assumed you got good by now, fucking hell.
I don't even like DaS3, it's a shit game with a fuckload of problems, fucking charge attacks on bosses and enemies ISN'T one of them, took me a couple of minutes to adjust my timing and it was smooth sailing from there.

Charge attacks are okay. They did them fine with Artorias. But Champion's charge-attacks are just badly designed. It's intern-tier animation.